HomeMy WebLinkAboutDR Full Code (missing Ch 1 & 2) A Title IV BUILDING REGULATIONS Subject Chapter Arterials And Street Plan 1 • -` Community Facilities Plan 2 Comprehensive Plan 3 Condominium Conversions 4 Dangerous Building Code 5 Environmental Ordinance(SEPA)Part One 6 Fire Hydrants 7 Hearing Examiner 8 Land Clearing And Tree Cutting Ordinance 9 Mining, Excavation And Grading Ordinance 10 Mobile Home Parks 11 National Building Code(Rep.by Ord. 4296, 11-19-1990) 12 Occupancy Permits 13 Parking And Loading Ordinance 14 Planned Unit Development(PUD) Ordinance 15 Public Works Construction Code(Rep.by Ord. 4280, 7-23-1990) 16 Railroad And Utility Line Construction Permit 17 Renton Developmental Guidelines Ordinance 18 Shoreline Master Program 19 Sign Code 20 Smoke Detectors 21 Storm And Surface Water Drainage 22 Underground Installation Of Utility Lines 23 Uniform Building Code 24 National Electrical Code 25 Uniform Housing Code 26 Uniform Mechanical Code 27 Un'-rorm Plumbing Code 28 Uniform Swimming Pool Code 29 Water Main Connections Prior To Street Paving 30 Zoning Code 31 Wetlands Management 32 Civil Penalties 33 Street Improvements 34 Master Site Plan Approvals 35 Renton Regulatory Reform Ordinance 36 Reserved 37 Wireless Communication Facilities 38 City of Renton 4-3-1 4-3-2 CHAPTER 3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SECTION: objectives which shall guide the establishment, development and implementation of definite 4-3-1: Adoption and precise plans, public and private; to 4-3-2: Purpose provide for the coordination of the many 4-3-3: Plan Elements separate plans which govern the development 4-3-4: Implementation of this community, to officially adopt a 4-3-5: Amendment program and guide which will enable the City of Renton to attain the principles and objectives set forth in Revised Code of Washington chapter 35.63 in the manner provided. 4-3-1: ADOPTION: B. The overriding consideration is to promote A. The Comprehensive Plan shall be adopted by public safety, welfare, and interest. Additional ordinance of the City Council after public factors to be considered (not in order of Nara' hearing by the Council, and all City programs priority) are preservation of property rights, materially affecting land use, including land protection of life and property, equal use regulatory codes, shall be consistent with opportunities, public interests prevailing over the Comprehensive Plan. private interests, and economic and social benefits. B. The Planning Commission is hereby vested with the following duties and responsibilities C. The plan is, of necessity, general in its related to the Comprehensive Plan: proposals. It must be flexible, since it is impossible to predict all future events which 1. To review and update the Comprehensive may affect the community. The plan is not a Plan and its elements as necessary, and if development ordinance, although it makes appropriate, recommend new goals and significant recommendations for future land policies. use. The plan is not precise. It does not present engineering accuracy, nor does it 2. To develop and prepare as necessary and claim to predict exactly the future use of appropriate, short range programs for imple- every parcel of property, or insure that growth mentation of the Comprehensive Plan. is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. It is not intended to retroactively impose loasool 3. To conduct periodic planning studies of compliance with goals, objectives, and policies homogeneous community units distinctive geo- upon existing developed property, but graphic areas, or other types of districts voluntary compliance is encouraged. having unified interests within the total area of the City which will amplify and augment D. The purposes of the Comprehensive Plan are: the Comprehensive Plan. 1. To improve the physical and social 4. To provide effective and efficient land use environment of the City as a setting for regulations and processes, based on the goals human activities; to make it more functional, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. beautiful, decent, healthful, interesting and efficient; 4-3-2: PURPOSE: 2. To insure acceptable levels of access, utilities and other public services to future A. The primary purpose of this Comprehensive growth and development; Plan is to define and establish the policy relating to the development of the community 3. To promote the public interest, and the as L, whole; to indicate the principles and interest of the City at large; f 4-3-2 4-3-3 D) 4. To facilitate the democratic determination and appropriate location for such services and and implementation of City policies and facilities; development; 2. A recreation and open space element 5. To effect coordination in development; indicating a comprehensive system of areas and public sites for recreation, natural 6. To inject long-range considerations into the reservations, parks, parkways, beaches, determination of short-range actions; and playgrounds, and other recreational and open space areas; 7. To provide professional and technical knowledge in the decisions affecting develop- 3. A shoreline element setting forth policies ment of the City. concerning economic development; public access and circulation; recreation; urban E. The Comprehensive Plan is intended to help design, conservation, restoration and natural resolve some of the dilemmas confronting environment; and historical, cultural, scientific Municipal officials and the people they repre- and educational values; sent. 4. An economic element utilizing an economic F. In order for the plan to remain effective, it base by standard industrial employment cate- should be reviewed periodically. Conditions gories and indicating employment levels and might change, and unforeseen events may trends, capital-employee ratios, and potential occur, which might necessitate a re-evaluation. sites for major economic expansion; Also, the document should be reviewed in its entirety, as many of the goals, objectives and 5. An environmental element indicating policies supplement and complement each environmental conditions and natural pro- other. cesses including climate, air quality, geology, hydrology, vegetation, wildlife, fisheries, and other natural factors that affect or would be 4-3-3: PLAN ELEMENTS: affected by development; A. The Comprehensive Plan shall be a policy 6. A land capacity element indicating suit- plan containing statements of goals and ability and capability of lands for uses such as statements of policies for implementation agriculture, residential, commercial, industrial, thereof, together with appropriate maps. The recreation, preservation, or multiple uses; Comprehensive Plan may include the following planning elements or portions thereof, and any 7. A population element indicating population additional planning elements the Commission characteristics such as distribution, age, or Council considers pertinent: education, income, race and other appropriate characteristics; 1. A land use element indicating generalized land use, including number of acres devoted to 8. A housing element identifying appropriate each category of use. housing characteristics including density, occupancy rates, price distribution, condition 2. A transportation element indicating the and current housing needs; general location of freeways, arterials, major public transit routes, and other major trans- 9. A disaster element identifying areas of portation facilities and indicating the need for potential disaster or hazard; and such facilities. 10. A unique site element identifying areas, B. The Comprehensive Plan may include any or sites or structures of historical, archaeological, all of the following optional elements: architectural, ecological or scenic significance. 1. A community services and facilities element C. The land use element map maintained on dis- indicating the general location of public ser- play in the City Council chambers, illustrates vices and facilities and indicating the need 4-3-3 4-3-5 C) in broad and general terms the foreseeable C. Area-wide zoning shall be recommended to development of the City of Renton. The use the Mayor and the City Council by the areas shown thereon indicate the principles Planning Commission after conducting a which are intended to guide implementation public hearing thereon and may be thereafter of this development program. The Policy adopted by the City Council upon completion Development Director is authorized and of at least one public hearing thereon. directed to make the necessary changes on said land use map to evidence future amendments. 4-3-5: AMENDMENT: A. It shall be the duty of the Planning 4-3-4: IMPLEMENTATION: Commission to continue to observe the development of the City and its environs in A. In order to fully accomplish the objectives and relation to the Plan and to prepare reports principles of this Comprehensive Plan, and as and submit same to the City Council from same may be amended from time to time, all time to time, and whenever necessary, after resolutions and ordinances of the City of proper study and deliberation, amendments Renton concerned with the development and may be recommended by the Commission to welfare of the community and its people shall the City Council of this Comprehensive Plan. be considered in the light of and related in Amendments to the City's Comprehensive principles, objectives and policies set forth Plan shall be made pursuant to the herein. To fulfill the requirements of RCW requirements set forth in the Municipal Code. 35.63, and in the interest of public safety, health, morals and the general welfare, the B. Applications by a private party to amend the following instruments of official implemen- Comprehensive Plan may be filed with the tation among others, will be developed in Policy Development Department, together with detail, to embody the necessary controls, an appropriate fee as specified by ordinance. regulations, standards and penalties, and (Ord. 3976, 3-3-86) upon adoption by the City Council will become implements of the Comprehensive Plan: 1. Zoning Ordinance; 2. Street and Arterial Plan; 3. Land Subdivision and Platting Plan; 4. Building Codes; 5. Capital Improvement Program. B. The Planning Commission, in conducting area land use analysis, may from time to time recommend to the City Council new short-range programs and area-wide zonings to implement the recommended amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. In formulating its recommendations to the City Council, the Planning Commission, and its advisory committees may conduct public hearings; however, in any event all meetings of the Commission or its advisory committees shall be open to the public pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Act of 1971. 490 4-4-1 4-4-2 CHAPTER 4 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS SECTION: COOPERATIVE: Any existing structure, including surrounding land and improvements, which 4-4-1: Title contains one or more dwelling units and which: (a) 4-4-2: Definitions is owned by an association organized pursuant to 4-4-3: Application of Ordinance the Cooperative Association Act (RCW Chapter 4-4-4: Tenant Protections 23.86); or (b) is owned by an association with 4-4-5: Consumer Protections resident shareholders who are granted renewable 4-4-6: Administration, Penalties, Severability leasehold interests in housing units in the building. COOPERATIVE UNIT: Any dwelling unit in a cooperative. 4-4-1: TITLE: This Ordinance may be cited as CONVERSION OF CONDOMINIUMS: The filing of the Condominium Conversion Ordinance. a declaration pursuant to the Horizontal Property Regimes Act or the sale by a developer of cirri+'" condominium units that were previously rental 4-4-2: DEFINITIONS: The following words units. and phrases used in this Ordinance shall have the meanings set forth below: CONVERSION OF COOPERATIVE: The execution of a lease agreement by a member of a cooperative ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF SALE: A written association. commitment for the purchase of a condominium unit or interest in a cooperative at a specific price CONVERTED BUILDING: Any condominium or and on specific terms. cooperative which formerly contained rental dwelling units. AGENT: Any person, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation or any other entity or DEVELOPER: Any person, firm, partnership, combination of entities who represents or acts for association, joint venture or corporation or any or on behalf of a developer in selling or offering to other entity or combination of entities or successors sell any condominium or cooperative unit or thereto who (a) undertakes to convert, sell, or offer interest in a cooperative. for sale condominium units, or (b) undertakes to convert rental units to cooperative units or sell BUILDING: Any existing structure containing one cooperative shares in an existing building which Nose" or more dwelling units and any grouping of such contains housing units or lease units to a structures which were operated as rental units as cooperative association's shareholders. The term converted buildings are the subject of a single developer shall include the developer's agent and declaration or simultaneous declarations filed any other person acting on behalf of the developer. pursuant to the Horizontal Property Regimes Act (RCW Chapter 64.32). EVICTION: Any effort by a developer to remove a tenant from the premises or terminate a tenancy CONDOMINIUM: Any existing structure containing by lawful or unlawful means. three (3) or more dwelling units as defined in the Housing Code: (a) which is the subject of a HOUSING CODE: The Renton Housing Code as declaration filed pursuant to the Horizontal codified in Title 4, Chapter 26, Code of General Property Regimes Act (RCW Chapter 64.32); or (b) Ordinances of the City of Renton, as amended. in which there is private ownership of individual units and common ownership of common areas. OFFER OF SALE TO TENANT: A written offer to sell a condominium or cooperative unit to the CONDOMINIUM UNITS: Any dwelling unit in a tenant in possession of that unit at a specific price condominium. and on specific terms. 4-4-2 4-4-4 OFFER FOR SALE TO PUBLIC: Any advertise- buildings at the time the notices, offers and ment, inducement solicitation, or attempt by a disclosures provided by this Ordinance are developer to encourage any person other than a required to be delivered. This Ordinance shall tenant to purchase a condominium or cooperative not apply to tenants who take possession of a unit. unit vacated by a tenant who has received the notices and other benefits provided by OWNER'S ASSOCIATION: The association formed this Ordinance; provided, that developers shall by owners of units in a condominium or cooperative disclose in writing to all tenants who take unit, possession after service of the notice required by Section 4-4-4 of this Ordinance, that the PERSON: Any individual, corporation, partnership, unit has been sold or will be offered for sale association, trustee or other legal entity. as a condominium or cooperative. This disclosure shall be made prior to the RENTAL UNIT: Any dwelling unit, other than a execution of any written rental agreement or detached single-family residential dwelling, which is prior to the tenant's taking possession, occupied pursuant to a lawful rental agreement, whichever occurs earlier. A developer's failure oral or written, express or implied, which was not to disclose, within the time specified above, owned as a condominium unit or cooperative unit that the unit has been sold or offered for sale on the effective date of this Ordinance. A dwelling shall entitle the tenant to all the protections unit in a converted building for which there has and benefits of this Ordinance. been no acceptance of an offer of sale on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be considered a rental unit. 4-4-4: TENANT PROTECTIONS: SUBTENANT: A person in possession of a rental A. Notice to Tenants of Filing of Conversion unit through the tenant with the knowledge and Declaration: Within seven (7) days of the consent, express or implied, of the owner. filing of a condominium conversion declaration as provided by the Horizontal Property TENANT: Any person who occupies or has a lease- Regimes Act (RCW Chapter 64.32) the hold interest in a rental unit under a lawful rental developer shall: agreement whether oral or written, express or implied. 1. Send to each tenant in the converted build- ing, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of the filing. 4-4-3: APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE: A tenant's refusal to accept delivery shall be deemed adequate service. A. Application to Conversion of Condominiums and Cooperatives: This Ordinance shall apply 2. File notice of the filing of such declaration only to the conversion and sale of rental units with the City Clerk, giving the date of filing, that have not yet been converted to condo- file or recording number, office where filed, ,rte minium or cooperative units, and to those location and address of the structure and units in converted buildings that are not number of dwelling units contained within the subject to a binding purchase commitment or structure, and the name, address and phone have not been sold on the effective date of numbers of the owner(s), managers and this Ordinance. This Ordinance shall not persons responsible for the management of apply to condominium or cooperative units the structure. that are vacant on October 24, 1979, and which have been offered for sale prior to that B. Notice to All Tenants Prior to Offering Any date; provided, that any tenant who takes Unit for Sale to the Public as a Condominium possession of the unit after October 24, 1979, or Cooperative Unit: At least one hundred shall be provided the disclosures required by twenty (120) days prior to offering any rental Section 4-4-4 of this Ordinance and shall be unit or units for sale to the public as a entitled to the benefits of that Section if the condominium unit or cooperative unit, the required disclosures are not given. developer shall deliver to each tenant in the building written notice of his intention to sell B. Application to Tenants: This Ordinance shall the unit or units. The notice shall specify the apply only to those tenants and subtenants individual units to be sold and the sale price who occupy rental units in converted 490 4-4-4 4-4-5 B) of each unit. This notice shall be in addition unit in the building by tenants and to and not in lieu of the notices required for subtenants shall extend to the end of the one eviction by RCW 59.12 and 59.18, and shall hundred twenty (120) day notice period be delivered as provided in Section 4-4-4A1 of provided the tenant is in possession of that this Ordinance. With the notice the developer unit under Section 4-4-4C. Whenever all shall also deliver to the tenant a statement, tenants and subtenants in a building have in a format to be provided by the Building indicated in writing their intention not to Department, of the tenant's rights under this purchase a unit or the one hundred twenty Ordinance. (120) daynotice period has expired and that unit is or becomes vacant then the developer C. Purchase Rights of Tenant in Possession: may offer for sale and sell the unit to the With the notice provided in Section 4-4-4 public. above, the developer shall deliver to each tenant whose unit is to be offered for sale, a G. No Subsequent Sale on Better Terms: For a firm offer of sale of the unit that the tenant period of one year following the date of the occupies. In the event that more than one offers provided in Section 4-4-4C, E and F, no tenant occupies a single unit, the developer offer shall be extended by the developer on shall deliver the offer to all tenants jointly or terms more favorable in any respect than the separately. For one hundred twenty (120) offer previously extended to the tenant and/or days from the date of delivery of the offer the subtenant unless the more favorable offer is tenant shall have the exclusive right to first extended to the tenant and/or subtenant purchase his or her unit on the terms offered. as required by Sections 4-4-4C, E and F for a period of not less than thirty (30) days. D. Purchase Rights of Tenants Whose Units are Offered for Sale Prior to Effective Date of H. Evictions Only for Good Cause During Notice Ordinance: Tenants of rental units which Period: No condominium or cooperative unit were offered for sale as condominium or shall be sold or offered for public sale if, in cooperative units prior to the effective date of the one hundred twenty (120) day period this Ordinance but for which offers there immediately preceding the sale or offer for have been no acceptances, shall be entitled to public sale, any tenant has been evicted the rights and benefits of this Ordinance without good cause. For the purposes of this except that those rights provided by Section Ordinance good cause shall mean: (1) failure 4-4-4F of this Ordinance shall terminate sixty to pay rent after service of a three (3) day (60) days from the offer of sale of the unit to notice to pay rent or vacate as provided in the tenant. RCW 59.12.030(3); (2) failure to comply with a term or terms of the tenancy after service E. Subtenant's Purchase Rights: Should a tenant of a ten (10) day notice to comply or vacate reject an offer of sale, the subtenant in as provided in RCW 59.12.030(4), and (3) the Ilitioe possession at the time the notice provided in commission or permission of a waste or the Section 4-4-4 is delivered, shall be offered the maintenance of a nuisance on the premises unit on the same terms as those offered the and failure to vacate after service of a three tenant. For thirty (30) days following that (3) day notice as provided in RCW offer or until the expiration of the tenants 59.12.030(5). one hundred twenty (120) day option period as provided in Section 4-4-4, whichever occurs I. Tenant's Right to Vacate: Tenants who receive later, the subtenant shall have the exclusive one hundred twenty (120) day notices of sale right to purchase the unit on the terms may terminate their tenancies at any time offered to the tenant. during such period in the manner provided by RCW 59.18.200 and RCW 59.18.220, but will F. Rights of Tenants in Converted Buildings to forfeit all rights to purchase a unit. Purchase Other Units in the Buildings: Should both the tenant and subtenant reject the offer or sale or fail to notify of the 4-4-5: CONSUMER PROTECTIONS: acceptance of the offer within the time periods set forth in Sections 4-4-4C and E or A. Mandatory Housing Code Inspection and Re- vacate, the unit shall be made available for pair; Notice to Buyers and Tenants: Prior to purchase to other tenants and subtenants in delivery of the one hundred twenty (120) day the building. The right to purchase another 490 4, vismormismossossk 4-4-5 4-4-5 A) notice described in Section 4-4-48 above, disclosures required by previous sections of developers shall, at their expense, request an this Ordinance, the developer shall make inspection of the entire building by the available at a place on the premises Building Department for compliance with the convenient to the tenants during normal housing and fire codes. The inspection shall working hours the following information to be completed within forty five (45) days of a prospective purchasers at least three (3) days developer's request unless the developer fails before any purchase commitment is signed, or, to provide or refuses access to Building and/or in the case of existing tenants, with the one Fire Department personnel. The developer hundred twenty (120) day notice provided in shall be required to install an approved fire Section 4-4-4B above: (1) copies of all alarm and smoke detector system in accord- documents filed with any governmental ance with Title 7 and Chapter 21 of Title 4, agency pursuant to the Horizontal Property of the Code of General Ordinances of the City Regimes Act (RCW Chapter 64.32); (2) an of Renton. The installation of the fire alarm itemization of the specific repairs and system and all violations of the housing code improvements made to the entire building revealed by the inspection must be completed during the six (6) months immediately and corrected at least seven (7) days prior to preceding the offer for sale; (3) an itemization the closing of the sale of the first unit or by of the repairs and improvements to be the compliance date on the inspection report, completed before close of sale; (4) a statement whichever is sooner. A follow-up inspection for of the services and expenses which are being compliance shall be completed within seven paid for by the developer but which will in (7) days of the developer's request. A copy of the future be terminated, or transferred to lop the building inspection report and certification the purchaser, or transferred to the owners' of repairs shall be provided by the developer association; (5) an accurate estimate of the to each prospective purchaser at least three useful life of the building's major components (3) days before the signing of an earnest and mechanical systems (foundation, exterior money agreement or other binding purchase walls, exterior wall coverings other than paint commitment. Copies of the inspection report or similar protective coating, exterior stairs, shall be delivered to tenants in the converted floors and floor supports, carpeting in common building by the developer with the notice of areas, roof cover, chimneys, plumbing system, sale as provided in Section 4-4-4B. An heating system, water heating appliances, inspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) mechanical ventilation system, and elevator for the first unit and fifteen dollars ($15.00) equipment) and an estimate of the cost of per unit thereafter shall be paid by the repairing any component whose useful life will developer whenever an inspection is requested terminate in less than five (5) years from the as required herein. date of this disclosure. For each system and component whose expected life cannot be B. Certification of Repairs: For the protection of accurately estimated, the developer shall the general public, the Building Department provide a detailed description of its present shall inspect the repairs of defective condition and an explanation of why no conditions identified in the inspection report estimate is possible. In addition, the developer and certify that the violations have been shall provide an itemized statement in budget corrected. The certification shall state that form of the monthly costs of owning the unit only those defects discovered by the housing that the purchaser intends to buy. The code inspection and listed on the inspection itemization shall include but shall not be report have been corrected and that the limited to: (a) payments on purchase load; (b) certification does not guarantee that all taxes; (c) insurance; (d) utilities (which shall housing code violations have been corrected. be listed individually); (e) homeowner's assess- Prior to the acceptance of any offer, the menta; (f) the projected monthly assessment developer shall deliver a copy of the needed for replacing building components and certificate to the purchaser. No developer, systems whose life expectancy is less than however, shall use the Building Official's five (5) years; and (g) a statement of the certification in any advertising for the purpose budget assumptions concerning occupancy and of inducing a person to purchase a condo- inflation factors. minium or cooperative unit. D. Warranty of Repairs; Set Aside for Repairs: C. Disclosure Requirements: In addition to the Each developer shall warrant for one year 4-4-5 4-4-6 D) from the date of completion all improvements a converted building at a meeting between and repairs disclosed pursuant to Section the developer and the tenants. The meeting 4-4-4C of this Ordinance. shall be arranged by the developer at a time and place convenient to the tenants. At the E. Unlawful Representations: It shall be meeting the developer shall discuss with the unlawful for any developer, agent or person to tenants the effect that the conversion will make or cause to be made in any disclosure have upon the tenants. Should any tenant or other document required by this Ordinance, refuse to acknowledge acceptance of the any statement or representation that is notice, offer and disclosures, the developer knowingly false or misleading. It shall also be shall deliver the documents in the manner unlawful for any developer, agent or other prescribed in this subsection. person, to make, or cause to be made, to any prospective purchaser, including a tenant, any H. Acceptance of Offers: Acceptance by tenants oral representation which differs from the or other beneficiaries of offers provided statements made in the disclosures and other pursuant to this Ordinance, shall be in documents required to be provided tenants writing and delivered to the developer by and purchasers by this Ordinance. registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postmarked on or before the F. Purchaser's Right to Rescind: Any purchaser expiration date of the offer. who does not receive the notices, disclosures and documents required by this Ordinance may, at any time prior to closing of the sale, 4-4-6: ADMINISTRATION, PENALTIES, Now rescind, in writing, any binding purchase SEVERABILITY: agreement without any liability on the purchaser's part and the purchaser shall A. Administration: The Building Department is thereupon be entitled to the return of any charged with the administration and enforce- deposits made on account of this agreement. ment of this Ordinance and is authorized and directed to adopt, promulgate, amend and G. Delivery of Notice and Other Documents: rescind administrative rules consistent with Unless otherwise provided, all notices, the provisions of this Ordinance and contracts, disclosures, documents and other necessary to carry out the duties of the writings required by this Ordinance shall be Building Official hereunder. delivered by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. The refusal of B. Complaints: Any person subjected to any registered or certified mail by the addressee unlawful practice as set forth in this shall be considered adequate delivery. All Ordinance may file a complaint in writing documents shall be delivered to tenants at the with the Building Department. The Building address specified on the lease or rental Department is hereby authorized and directed agreement between the tenant and the to receive complaints and conduct such developer or landlord. If there is no written investigations as are deemed necessary. lease or rental agreement then documents Whenever it is determined that there has shall be delivered to the tenants' address at been a violation of this Ordinance the the converted building or the last known Building Department is authorized, at its address of the tenant, if other than the discretion, to follow one or more of the address at the converted building. In any following procedures: sublet unit all documents shall be delivered to the tenant at his current address, if known, 1. Attempt to conciliate the matter by confer- and to the subtenant in possession. If the ence or otherwise and secure a written tenant's current address is unknown, then conciliation agreement. two (2) copies of all documents shall be delivered to the subtenant, one addressed to 2. Refer the matter to the City Attorney for the tenant and the other addressed to the appropriate civil remedies or criminal prose- subtenant. Delivery of the one hundred cution. twenty (120) day notice of intention to sell required by Section 4-4-4B of the Ordinance, C. Hardship Relief, Waiver: The City Council is the developer's offer to sell, and all disclosure authorized to waive strict compliance with this documents shall be delivered to the tenants in 490 4-4-6 4-4-6 C) Ordinance in specific individual instances where the developer can show with clear, cogent and convincing evidence that: (1) the financial burden required to comply would greatly outweigh the benefits and would create an unreasonable hardship upon the developer; or (2) the units have been offered for sale as condominium units prior to the effective date of this Ordinance and the developer has incurred significant financial obligations with the intention of meeting such obligations with the proceeds of the sale of such units, and the provisions of this Ordinance will prevent meeting such obligation. D. Penalties: Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance, fails to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, or who deliberately attempts to avoid the application of this Ordinance may, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. E. Severability: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and an independent provision and such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. (Ord. 3366, 10-15-79, eff. 10-24-79) Nose 490 4-5-1 4-5-2 CHAPTER 5 DANGEROUS BUILDING CODE SECTION: deterioration, or decay; (2) faulty construction; (3) the removal, movement or instability of 4-5- 1: Purpose; Title any portion of the ground necessary for the 4-5- 2: Definitions purpose of supporting such building; (4) the 4-5- 3: Standards For Repair, Vacation or deterioration, decay, or inadequacy of its Demolition foundation; or (5) any other cause, is subject 4-5- 4: Nuisance Declared to structural failure under its design usage. 4-5- 5: Duties of Building Official (Ord. 2698, 3-6-72) 4-5- 6: Complaint by Building Official 4-5- 7: Duties of City Attorney B. Whenever the building or structure has been 4-5- 8: Duties of Hearing Examiner so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, 4-5- 9: Report of Dangerous Buildings; Contents or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated 4-5-10: Findings of Fact and Order as to become (1) an attractive nuisance to 4-5-11: Enforcement children; (2) a harbor for vagrants, criminals 4-5-12: Abatement by City or immoral persons; or as to (3) enable per- 4-5-13: Interference With Work sons to resort thereto for the purpose of com- 4-5-14: Emergency Cases mitting unlawful or immoral acts. (Ord. 2520, 4-5-15: Act Not Exclusive 11-17-69) 4-5-16: Administrative Liability 4-5-17: Violations; Penalties C. Whenever a building or structure, because of 4-5-18: Severability inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or otherwise is determined by the City or County health officer to be unsanitary, unfit 4-5-1: PURPOSE; TITLE: It is the purpose of for human habitation or in such a condition the provisions of this Ordinance to that is likely to cause sickness or disease. provide a just, equitable and practicable method, to be cumulative with and in addition to, any other D. Whenever any building or structure, because remedy provided by any code or ordinance of the of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterior- City, whereby buildings and/or structures which ation, damage, inadequate exits, lack of suffi- from any cause endanger the life, limb, health, cient fire resistive construction, faulty electric morals, property, safety or welfare of the general wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, *sue public or their occupants, may be required to be or other cause is determined to be a fire repaired, vacated or demolished. hazard. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all E. Whenever any portion of a building or struc- dangerous buildings as herein defined, which are ture remains on a site after the demolition or now in existence, or which may hereafter be destruction or whenever any building or struc- constructed in the City. This Ordinance shall be ture is vacant and open to unauthorized entry designated and may be hereinafter referred to as for a period in excess of six (6) months so as the City of Renton Dangerous Building Code. to constitute such building or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public. (Ord. 2698, 3-6-72) 4-5-2: DEFINITIONS: All buildings or struc- tures which have any or all of the F. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical following defects shall be deemed dangerous structural members list, lean or buckle to buildings: (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69) such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall A. Whenever the building or structure, or any inside the middle one-third (1/3) of the base. portion thereof, because of (1) dilapidation, 490 I 4-5-2 4-5-6 G. Whenever the building or structures, exclusive A. Inspect or cause to be inspected all buildings of the foundation, shows thirty three percent including but not necessarily limited to (33%) or more damage or deterioration of its schools, halls, churches, theaters, hotels, all supporting member or members, or fifty per- family, commercial, manufacturing or loft cent (50%) damage or deterioration of its non- buildings, including those brought to his supporting members, enclosing or outside attention by the Fire Chief or any one of his walls or coverings. duly authorized representatives, the City or County Health Department or any of its duly H. Whenever any portion thereof has been authorized representatives, for the purpose of damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood or determining whether any conditions exist by any other cause, to such an extent that which render such places a dangerous the structural strength or stability thereof is building within the terms of Section 4-5-2 New materially less than it was before such hereof. catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of the City's Uniform Building B. Inspect any building, wall or structure about Code, as then in force or as same may be which complaints are filed by any person to amended from time to time, for new buildings the effect that a building, wall or structure is, of similar structure, purpose or location. or may be, existing in violation of this Ordinance. I. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is likely to fail, or to C. Post in a conspicuous place an order "Do Not become detached or dislodged, or to collapse Occupy" on vacant buildings having defects as and thereby injure persons or damage specified in Section 4-5-2 above and no person property. (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69) shall enter the building except for the purpose of making the required repairs or demolition after securing a permit. 4-5-3: STANDARDS FOR REPAIR, VACA- TION OR DEMOLITION: The D. Prepare, post, deliver and file with the following standard shall be followed in substance appropriate county offices a copy of the corn- by the Building Official, and the Hearing Examiner plaint in conformance with Section 4-5-6 of in ordering repair, vacation or demolition of said this Ordinance, and prepare, file and serve buildings: such additional notices or orders as may be required by law. (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69) A. Any building declared a dangerous building under this Ordinance shall either be repaired E. Appear at all hearings and give such in accordance with the current building code testimony and information as to the condition or shall be demolished at the option of the of any "dangerous building" as may be building owner. required by said body. B. If the building or structure is in such con- F. Post, deliver and file with the appropriate 44.0 dition as to make it immediately dangerous to County offices Finding of Fact and Order of the life, limb, property or safety of the the Hearing Examiner as provided for in this general public or its occupants, it shall be Ordinance. ordered to be vacated and closed to unauthorized entry. (Ord. 3809, 4-23-84) G. Report to the office of the City Attorney all cases of noncompliance with the Finding of Fact and Order of the Hearing Examiner, and 4-5-4: NUISANCE DECLARED: All dangerous prepare specifications, cost estimates and such buildings within the terms of Section other information and data as requested by 4-5-2 hereof are hereby declared to be public nui- the City Attorney to aid in the enforcement of lances, and shall be repaired, vacated or demo- the provisions of this Ordinance. (Ord. 3809, lished as hereinbefore and hereinafter provided. 4-23-84) (Ord. 2620, 11-17-69) 4-5-6: COMPLAINT BY BUILDING OFFI- 4-5-5: DUTIES OF BUILDING OFFICIAL: CIAL: The complaint issued by the The Building Official and/or his author- Building Official shall be in writing and shall be ized representative shall: (Ord. 2620, 11-17-69; posted on the building and served either personally amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) or by certified or registered mail upon all persons 490 4-5-6 4-5-9 having an interest in and to said property, as Examiner and as may be directed by the shown by the records of the King County Auditor's Mayor and City Council. office, regarding any building or structure found by the Director to be a "dangerous building" within B. Appear when requested to do so at hearings the standards set forth in Section 4-5-2; provided before the Hearing Examiner in regard to that if the whereabouts of such persons are "dangerous buildings". (Ord. 3809, 4-23-84) unknown and the same cannot be ascertained by the Building Official in the exercise of reasonable C. Bring suit to collect costs incurred by the City diligence, then said complaint shall be served by as provided in Section 4-5-12 as hereinbelow publishing the same once each week for three (3) set forth. (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69) consecutive weeks in the City's legal newspaper. Said complaint shall contain, among other things, D. Provide such additional legal services as may the following information: (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69; be requested by the Hearing Examiner and amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) the Mayor and City Council. (Ord. 3809, 4-23-84) A. Name of owner or other persons interested, as provided hereinabove. 4-5-8: DUTIES OF HEARING EXAMINER: B. Street address and legal description of the The Hearing Examiner shall hold a property on which said building is located. hearing at the time and place specified in the complaint of the Building Official, in which all C. General description of type of building or parties in interest shall be given the right to file structure deemed unsafe. an answer to the complaint, to appear in person or otherwise, and to give testimony; if after such D. A list of particulars which caused the building hearing the Hearing Examiner shall determine that or structure to be a "dangerous building" as such structure is, in fact, a dangerous building as defined in Section 4-5-2 hereinabove. herein defined, the examiner shall reduce such findings of fact to writing, in support of such E. Whether said building should be vacated by determination and shall issue or cause to be issued its occupants, and the date of such vacation. and to be served upon the owner or party in interest of any such "dangerous building" in the F. Whether or not the said building constitutes a manner provided herein for the service of the fire or health hazard. (Ord. 2520, 11-7-69) complaint, an order which shall require the owner or party in interest, within the time specified in G. A notice that a hearing shall be held before such order, to repair, alter or improve such the Hearing Examiner at the City Hall, dwelling, building or structure and to render it fit Renton, King County, Washington, not less for human habitation or other use, or to vacate than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) and close the dwelling, building or structure. if days after the serving of such complaint, or in such course of action is deemed proper, or to the event of publication or posting, not less require the owner or party in interest, within the Nosy than fifteen (15) days nor more than thirty time so specified, to remove or demolish such (30) days from the date of the first dwelling, building or structure, and if no appeal is publication and posting, and that all parties filed from such order in the manner herein in interest shall be given the right to file an provided for, then a copy of such order shall be answer to the complaint, to appear in person filed with the Auditor of King County. (Ord. 3809, or otherwise, and to give testimony at the 4-23-84) time and place fixed in said complaint. (Ord. 3809, 4-23-84) 4-5-9: REPORT OF DANGEROUS BUILD- INGS; CONTENTS: The Fire Chief, 4-5-7: DUTIES OF CITY ATTORNEY: The Police Chief and City and/or County Health Officer City Attorney shall: (Ord. 2520, shall make a report in writing to the Building 11-17-69) Official of all buildings or structures which are, may be, or are suspected to be dangerous buildings A. Prosecute all persons failing to comply with within the purview of this Ordinance. Such written the terms of the notices provided for herein reports, among other things, shall contain the and any final order issued by the Hearing following information: 490 4-5-9 4-5-11 A. Name of owner or other persons interested, as F. A statement as to whether or not the building provided hereinabove. or structure is a "dangerous building" as defined in Section 4-5-2 of this Ordinance, is B Street address and legal description of the therefore a public nuisance, and specifying the property on which said building is located. reasons therefor. C. General description of type of building or G. A statement as to whether or not it is structure deemed unsafe. reasonable to repair or remodel the building or structure within the standards established D. A list of particulars which caused the building in Section 4-5-3 of this Ordinance and or structure to be a "dangerous building" as whether or not the building should be vacated defined in Section 4-5-2 hereinabove. if occupied. E. Whether or not said building should be H. An order either dismissing the complaint of vacated by its occupants, and the date of such the Building Official or ordering the owner of vacation. record to abate the nuisance by repair, removal or demolition of the building or F. Whether or not the statement or list, of parti- structure. culars, as provided for in subsection D above, can be removed or repaired. I. A time specified in number of calendar days from the date of the action of the Hearing G. Whether or not the said building constitutes a Examiner in which the ordered work is to be fire or health menace. started and completed. H. Whether or not it is unreasonable to repair J. A notice to any person affected by an order the said building and whether or not the said issued by the Hearing Examiner that such building should be demolished. (Ord. 2520, person affected has the right to appeal to the 11-17-69; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. Superior Court of King County, within thirty 1-30-74) (30) days after the posting and service of the order, and as further provided by chapter 82 of the 1959 regular session laws. 4-5-10: FINDINGS OF FACT AND ORDER: All decisions of the Hearing Examiner shall be reduced to writing and be entitled 4-5-11: ENFORCEMENT: Findings of Fact and Order and same shall be served on the owner or interested person in the A. After any order of the Building Official or same manner as service of a complaint as herein Hearing Examiner shall have become final, provided, and shall contain, among others, the without any appeal therefrom by the person following: or persons affected thereby, no person to whom such order is directed shall fail, neglect . 41100 A. Date, time and place of the hearing. or refuse to obey any such order. (Ord. 3809, 4-23-84) B. Address and legal description of the property involved. B. If, after any order made pursuant to this Ordinance has become final, as herein set C. Names and addresses of the parties of forth, and the person to whom the order is interest as shown by the records of the King directed shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey County Auditor. such order, then the Building Official shall refer the case to the City Attorney, together D. Names and addresses of persons present re- with all correspondence, records, orders and presenting the owner or parties in interest. documents pertaining thereto, for appropriate legal action and to take such further action E. A statement as to whether or not the Hearing as provided by law to provide for the repair Examiner finds the complaint of the Building or demolition of said building. Official justified, and/or concur, modify or disallow the list of particulars contained in the complaint. 490 4-5-12 4-5-18 4-5-12: ABATEMENT BY CITY: 4-5-15: ACT NOT EXCLUSIVE: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to A. The City Council may, upon approval and abrogate or impair the power of the City or any passage of an appropriate resolution or department thereof to enforce any provision of its ordinance, direct the Building Official to abate Charter or its Ordinances or regulations, nor to a public nuisance as determined by the pro- prevent or punish violations thereof, and any visions of this Ordinance and such public nui- powers conferred by this Ordinance shall be in sance may be abated by City personnel or by addition to and supplemental to powers conferred private contractor under the direction and by other laws, nor shall this Ordinance be pursuant to the order of the Building Official. construed to impair or limit in any way the power (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, of the City to define and declare nuisance and to eff. 1-30-74) cause their removal or abatement by summary proceedings, or in any manner provided by law. B. The City Council shall appropriate sufficient funds to cover the cost of such repair or demolition work. The costs incurred by the 4-5-16: ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY: No City in any such abatement proceedings shall officer, agent or employee of the City be recovered by special assessment against shall render himself personally liable for any the real property involved and shall constitute damage that may accrue to persons or property as a lien as provided by law, and particular a result of any act required or permitted in the reference being made to chapter 82 of the discharge of his duties under this Ordinance. Any session laws of 1959. suit brought against any officer, agent or employee of the City, as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this 4-5-13: INTERFERENCE WITH WORK: No Section shall be defended by the City Attorney person shall obstruct, impede or until the final determination of the proceedings interfere with any officer, employee, contractor or therein. other authorized representative of the City, or with any person who owns or holds any estate or interest in any building which has been ordered 4-5-17: VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES: Every repaired, vacated or demolished under the person violating any of the provisions of provisions of this Ordinance, or with any person to this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fine not whom such building has been lawfully sold exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00), or by pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by whenever such officer, employee, contractor or other both such fine and imprisonment, and each day's authori.,ed representative of the City, person violation shall constitute a separate offense having an interest or estate in such building or punishable under this Ordinance. structure, or purchaser is engaged in the work of repairing, vacating or demolishing any such 11014 building, pursuant to the provisions of this 4-5-18: SEVERABILITY: If any provision of Ordinance, or in performing any necessary act this Ordinance or its application to any preliminary to or incidental to such work as person or circumstance shall be held invalid the authorized or directed pursuant to this Ordinance. remainder of this Ordinance or the application of (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69) the provision to other persons or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69) 4-5-14: EMERGENCY CASES: In cases where it reasonably appears that there is immediate danger to the life or safety of any person unless a "dangerous building" as defined herein is immediately repaired, vacated or demolished, the Building Official shall cause the immediate repair, vacation or demolition of such dangerous building. The costs of such emergency repair, vacation or demolition of such "dangerous building" shall be collected in the same manner as provided for hereinabove. (Ord. 2520, 11-17-69; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) 490 4-6-1 4-6-1 CHAPTER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (SEPA) SECTION: Part Six - Using Existing Environmental Documents Part One 4-6-20: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by 4-6- 1: Title Reference 4-6- 2: Intent 4-6- 3: Authority Part Seven - SEPA and Agency Decisions Part Two - General Requirements 4-6-21: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by Reference 4-6- 4: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by 4-6-22: Substantive Authority Reference 4-6-23: Appeals 4-6- 5: Additional Definitions 4-6-24: Notice, Statute of Limitations 4-6- 6: Designation of Responsible Official Authority 4-6- 7: Lead Agency Determination and Part Eight - Definitions Responsibilities 4-6- 8: Time Limits Applicable to the SEPA 4-6-25: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by Process Reference Part Three - Categorical Exemptions and Part Nine - Categorical Exemptions Threshold Determinations 4-6-26: Adoption by Reference 4-6- 9: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by Reference 4-6-10: Flexible Thresholds for Categorical Part Ten - Agency Compliance Exemptions 4-6-11: Use of Exemptions 4-6-27: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by 4-6-12: Environmental Checklist Reference 4-6-13: Mitigated DNS 4-6-28: Environmentally Sensitive Areas 4-6-29: Fees Ilowt Part Four - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Part Eleven - Forms 4-6-14: Purpose of This Part and Adoption by 4-6-30: Adoption by Reference Reference 4-6-31: Effective Date 4-6-15: Preparation of EIS; Additional 4-6-32: Severability Considerations 4-6-16: Additional Elements to be Covered in an EIS Part One Part Five - Commenting 4-6-1: TITLE: This Ordinance shall be 4-6-17: Adoption by Reference hereinafter known as the Renton 4-6-18: Public Notice Environmental Ordinance, may be cited as such, 4-6-19: Designation of Official to Perform, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance", Consulted Agency Responsibilities for and same shall be and constitute Chapter 6, Title the City 4-6-1 4-6-3 IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 health or safety, or other undesirable and known as the Code of General Ordinances of the unintended consequences; City of Renton. 4. Preserve important historic, cultural and natural aspects of our national heritage; 4-6-2: INTENT: The City of Renton adopts as its own the policies and objectives of the 5. Maintain, wherever possible, an State 19.2 Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as environment which supports diversity and amended (RCW 43.21C). variety of individual choice; A. The City, recognizing that man depends on 6. Achieve a balance between population and his biological and physical surroundings for resource use which will permit high standards food, shelter and other needs, and for cultural of living and a wide sharing of life's enrichment as well, and recognizing further amenities; and the profound impact of man's activity on the interrelations of all components of the natural 7. Enhance the quality of renewable resources environment, particularly the profound and approach the maximum attainable influences of population growth, high density recycling of depletable resources. urbanization, industrial expansions, resource utilization and exploitation and new and C. The City recognizes that each person has a expanding technological advances, and fundamental and inalienable right to a recognizing further the critical importance of healthful environment and that each person restoring and maintaining environmental has a responsibility to contribute to the INV quality to the overall welfare and preservation and enhancement of the development of man, declares that it is the environment. continuing policy of the City, in cooperation with Federal, State and other local D. To the fullest extent possible, the policies, governments and in cooperation with other regulations and laws of the State of concerned public and private organizations, to Washington and ordinances of the City shall use all practicable means and measures in a be interpreted and administered in accordance manner calculated to foster and promote the with the policies set forth in this Ordinance. general welfare, to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can E. To the fullest extent possible, the City will exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach social, economic and other requirements of which will insure the integrated use of the present and future generations of Washington natural and social sciences and the citizens. environmental design arts in planning and in decision making which may have an impact B. In order to carry out the policy set forth in on man's environment. this Ordinance, it is the continuing responsibility of the City to use all practicable F. This Ordinance sets forth methods and lige means, consistent with other essential procedures which will insure that presently considerations of State and City policies, to unquantified environmental amenities and improve and coordinate plans, functions, values will be given appropriate consideration programs and resources to the end that the in decision making along with economic and State and its citizens may: technical considerations. 1. Fulfill the responsibilities of each G. The policies and goals set forth in this generation as trustees of the environment for Ordinance are supplementary to those set succeeding generations; forth in existing authorizations of the State and City. 2. Assure for all people of Washington safe, healthful, productive and aesthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings; 4-6-3: AUTHORITY: The City of Renton adopts this Ordinance under the State 3. Attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation, risk to 4-6-3 4-6-7 Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21C.120, EIS: Environmental Impact Statement. and the SEPA rules, WAC 197-11-904. This Ordi- nance contains this City's SEPA procedures and ERC: The Environmental Review Committee of the policies. The SEPA rules, Chapter 197-11 WAC, City of Renton. must be used in conjunction with this Ordinance. The City of Renton possesses the authority to deny ORDINANCE: The ordinance, resolution, or other or condition actions in order to mitigate or prevent procedure used by the City to adopt regulatory probable significant adverse environmental impacts. requirements. This authority applies to all City activities includ- ing actions as defined in this Ordinance, whether SEPA RULES: Chapter 197-11 WAC adopted by or not such activities are considered to be minis- the Department of Ecology. terial in nature. 4-6-6: DESIGNATION OF RESPONSIBLE Part Two OFFICIAL AUTHORITY: General Requirements A. For those proposals for which the City is the lead agency, the responsible official shall be 4-6-4: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND the Environmental Review Committee (ERC). ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This The ERC shall consist of three (3) officials part contains the basic requirements that apply to designated by the Mayor with concurrence by the SEPA process. The City of Renton adopts the the City Council. following sections of chapter 197-11 of the Washington Administrative Code by reference: B. For all proposals for which the City is the lead agency, the ERC shall make the WAC threshold determination, supervise scoping 197-11-040 Definitions. and preparations of any required 197-11-050 Lead agency. environmental impact statement (EIS), and 197-11-055 Timing of the SEPA process. perform any other functions assigned to the 197-11-060 Content of environmental review. "lead agency" or "responsible official" by those 197-11-070 Limitations on actions during sections of the SEPA rules that were adopted SEPA process. by reference in WAC 173-806-020. 197-11-080 Incomplete or unavailable information. C. The ERC may develop further administrative 197-11-090 Supporting documents. and procedural guidelines for the administra- 197-11-100 Information required of tion by the responsible official of the applicants. provisions of this Chapter. D. The City shall retain all documents required 4-6-5: ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS: In addi- by the SEPA rules (chapter 197-11 WAC) and tion to those definitions contained within make them available in accordance with WAC 197-11-700 through 197-11-799, when used in chapter 42.17 RCW. this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise: 4-6-7: LEAD AGENCY DETERMINATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES: DNS: Determination of Nonsignificance. A. The department within the City receiving an DS: Determination of Significance. application for or initiating a proposal that involves a nonexempt action shall determine DEPARTMENT: Any division, subdivision or when the City is the lead agency for that organizational unit of the City established by proposal under WAC 197-11-050 and ordinance, rule, or order. 197-11-922 through 197-11-940; unless the lead agency has been previously determined EARLY NOTICE: The City's response to an the department is aware that another applicant stating whether it considers issuance of a department or agency is in the process of determination of significance likely for the determining the lead agency. applicant's proposal (mitigated determination of nonsignificance [DNS] procedures). 4-6-7 4-6-8 B. In those instances in which the City is the ten (10) days of submission of an adequate lead agency, the ERC shall supervise and complete application. compliance with the threshold determination and, if an EIS is necessary, shall supervise B. Threshold Determinations: preparation of the draft and final EIS. 1. Threshold determinations not requiring C. When the City is not the lead agency for a further information from the applicant or proposal, all departments of the City shall use consultation with agencies with jurisdiction and consider, as appropriate, either the DNS should be completed within fifteen (15) days or the final EIS of the lead agency in making of submission of an adequate application and decisions on the proposal. The ERC shall not the completed check list. prepare or require preparation of a DNS or EIS in addition to that prepared by the lead 2. Threshold determinations requiring further agency, unless required under WAC information from the applicant or consultation 197-11-600. In some cases, the City may with other agencies with jurisdiction should conduct supplemental environmental review be completed within twenty (20) days of under WAC 197-11-600. receiving the requested information from the applicant or the consulted agency; requests by D. If the City or any of its departments receives the City for such further information should a lead agency determination made by another be made within twenty (20) days of the agency that appears inconsistent with the submission of an adequate application and criteria of WAC 197-11-922 through completed check list; when a request for 197-11-940, it may object to the further information is submitted to a VW determination. Any objection must be made to consulted agency, the City shall wait a the agency originally making the maximum of thirty (30) days for the consulted determination and resolved within fifteen (15) agency to respond. days of receipt of the determination, or the City must petition the Department of Ecology 3. Threshold determinations which require for a lead agency determination under WAC that further studies including, but not limited 197-11-946 within the fifteen (15) day time to, field investigations, be initiated by the - period. Any such petition on behalf of the City should be completed within thirty (30) City may be initiated by the ERC. days of submission of an adequate application and the completed check list. E. The ERC is authorized to make agreements as to lead agency status or shared lead 4. Threshold determinations on actions where agency duties for a proposal under WAC the applicant recommends in writing that an 197-11-942 and 197-11-944; provided, that the EIS be prepared, because of the probable ERC and any department that will incur significant adverse environmental impacts responsibilities as the result of such described in the application, shall be agreement approved the agreement. completed within twenty (20) days of submission of an adequate application and the leo F. Any department making a lead agency completed check list. determination for a private project shall require sufficient information from the 5. When a threshold determination is applicant to identify which other agencies expected to require more than twenty (20) have jurisdiction over the proposal. days to complete and a private applicant requests notification of the date when a threshold determination will be made, the 4-6-8: TIME LIMITS APPLICABLE TO THE ERC or its agent shall transmit to the private SEPA PROCESS: The following time applicant a written statement as to the limits (expressed in calendar days) shall apply to expected date of decision. the processing of all private projects and to those governmental proposals submitted to this City by C. Additional Timing Considerations: other agencies: 1. For nonexempt proposals, the DNS or Final A. Categorical Exemptions: Identification of EIS for the proposal shall accompany the categorically exempt actions shall occur within 4-6-8 4-6-11 C1) City's staff recommendation to the Hearing B. Whenever the City establishes new exempt Examiner or other appropriate advisory body, levels under this Section, it shall send them to such as the Planning Commission. the Department of Ecology, Headquarters Office, Olympia, Washington, 98504 under 2. If the City's only action on a proposal is a WAC 197-11-800(1)(c). decision on a building permit or other license that requires detailed project plans and speci- fications, the applicant may request in writing 4-6-11: USE OF EXEMPTIONS: that the ERC conduct an environmental re- view prior to submission of detailed plans and A. Each department within the City that receives specification. A completed environmental an application for a license or, in the case of checklist shall be submitted along with the governmental proposals, the department appropriate environmental fees. The ERC may initiating the proposal, shall determine require specific detailed information at any whether the license and/or the proposal is time. exempt. The department's determination that a proposal is exempt shall be final and not Part Three subject to administrative review. If a proposal Categorical Exemptions and Threshold is exempt, none of the procedural require- Determinations ments of this Ordinance apply to the proposal. The City shall not require completion of an environmental checklist for an exempt Now 4-6-9: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND proposal. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This part contains the rules for deciding whether a B. In determining whether or not a proposal is proposal has a "probable significant, adverse exempt, the department shall make certain environmental impact" requiring an environmental the proposal is properly defined and shall impact statement (EIS) to be prepared. This part identify the governmental licenses required also contains rules for evaluating the impacts of (WAC 197-11-060). proposals not requiring an EIS. The City adopts the following sections by reference, as supplemented in C. A department which is determining whether this part: or not a proposal is exempt shall ascertain the total scope of the proposal and the govern- WAC mental licenses required. If a proposal 197-11-300 Purpose of this part. includes a series of actions, physically or 197-11-305 Categorical exemptions. functionally related to each other, some of 197-11-310 Threshold determination required. which are exempt and some which are not, 197-11-315 Environmental checklist. the proposal is not exempt. For any such 197-11-330 Threshold determination process. proposal, the lead agency shall be determined, 197-11-335 Additional information. even if the license application which triggers 197-11-340 Determination of nonsignificance the department's consideration is otherwise (DNS). exempt. If the lead agency is the City, then 197-11-350 Mitigated DNS. the responsible official shall be designated as 197-11-360 Determination of significance defined in Section 4-6-6. (DS)/initiation of scoping. 197-11-390 Effect of threshold determination. D. If a proposal includes both exempt and nonexempt actions, exempt actions may be authorized with respect to the proposal prior 4-6-10: FLEXIBLE THRESHOLDS FOR to the compliance with the procedural CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIONS: requirements of these guidelines except that: A. The City of Renton establishes the following 1. The City shall not give authorization for: exempt levels for minor new construction under WAC 197-11-800(AXb) based on local a. Any nonexempt action; conditions: b. Any action that would have an For landfills and excavations in WAC adverse environmental impact; 197-11-800(a)(b)(v): Up to five hundred (500) cubic yards. amok 46-11 4-6-13 D1) c. Any action that would limit the choice information on previous proposals or on of alternatives; or, proposals currently under consideration. d. Any action that will irrevocably commit the City to approve or authorize a 4-6-13: MITIGATED DNS: major action. A. As provided in this Section and in WAC 2. A department may withhold approval of an 197-11-350, the ERC may issue a DNS based exempt action that would lead to modification on changes to, or clarifications of, the proposal of the physical environment, when such made by the applicant. modification would serve no purpose if nonexempt action(s) were not approved; and B. An applicant may request in writing early notice of whether a DS is likely under WAC 3. A department may withhold approval of 197-11-350. The request must: exempt actions that would lead to substantial financial expenditures by a private applicant 1. Follow submission of an environmental when the expenditures would serve no purpose checklist for a nonexempt proposal for which if nonexempt action(s) were not approved. the City is lead agency; and 2. Precede the City's actual threshold 4-6-12: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: determination for the proposal. A. A completed environmental checklist (or a C. The ERC should respond to the request for copy), in the form provided in WAC early notice within fifteen (15) working days. 197-11-960, shall be filed at the same time as The response shall: an application for a permit, license, certificate, or other approval not specifically exempted in 1. Be written; this Ordinance; except, a checklist is not needed if the ERC and applicant agree an EIS 2. State whether the ERC currently considers is required, SEPA compliance has been issuance of a DS likely and, if so, indicate the - completed, or SEPA compliance has been general or specific area(s) of concern that initiated by another agency. The department is/are leading the ERC to consider a DS; and within the City receiving the application or initiating the action shall use the 3. State that the applicant may change or environmental checklist to determine the lead clarify the proposal to mitigate the indicated agency. If the City is the lead agency, the impacts, revising the environmental checklist ERC shall use the environmental checklist for and/or permit application as necessary to making the threshold determination. reflect the changes or clarifications. B. For private proposals, the department within D. As much as possible, the ERC should assist the City receiving the application will require the applicant with identification of impacts to `4110 the applicant to complete the environmental the extent necessary to formulate mitigation checklist, providing assistance as necessary. measures. For City proposals, the department initiating the proposal shall complete the environmental E. When an applicant submits a changed or checklist for that proposal. clarified proposal, along with a revised or amended environmental checklist, the ERC C. The ERC may require that it, and not the shall base its threshold determination on the private applicant, will complete all or part of changed or clarified proposal and should make the environmental checklist for a private the determination within twenty (20) days of proposal, if either of the following occurs: receiving the changed or clarified proposal: 1. The City has technical information on a 1. If the ERC indicated specific mitigation question or questions that is unavailable to measures in its response to the request for the private applicant; or early notice, and the applicant changed or clarified the proposal to include those specific 2. The applicant has provided inaccurate 4-6-13 4-6-15 El) mitigation measures, the ERC shall issue and 197-11-405 EIS types. circulate a DNS under WAC 197-11-340(2). 197-11-406 EIS timing. 197-11-408 Scoping. 2. If the ERC indicated areas of concern, but 197-11-410 Expanded scoping. (Optional) did not indicate specific mitigation measures 197-11-420 EIS preparation. that would allow it to issue a DNS, the ERC 197-11-425 Style and size. shall make the threshold determination, 197-11-430 Format. issuing a DNS or DS as appropriate. 197-11-440 EIS contents. 197-11-442 Contents of EIS on nonproject 3. The applicant's proposed mitigation proposal. measures (clarifications, changes or conditions) 197-11-443 EIS contents when prior must be in writing and must be specific. For nonproject EIS. example, proposals to "control noise" or 197-11-444 Elements of the environment. "prevent stormwater runoff' are inadequate, 197-11-448 Relationship of EIS to other whereas proposals to "muffle machinery to X considerations. decibel" or "construct two hundred foot (200') 197-11-450 Cost-benefit analysis. stormwater retention pond at Y location" are 197-11-455 Issuance of DEIS. adequate. 197-11-460 Issuance of FEIS. 4. Mitigation measures which justify issuance of a mitigated DNS may be incorporated in 4-6-15: PREPARATION OF EIS; ADDITION- the DNS by reference to agency staff reports, AL CONSIDERATIONS: Iiiisor studies or other documents. A. Preparation of draft and final EIS (DEIS and F. A mitigated DNS is issued under WAC FEIS) and draft and final supplemental EIS's 197-11-340(2), requiring a fifteen (15) day (SEIS) is the responsibility of the ERC. Before comment period and public notice. the City issues an EIS, the ERC shall be satisfied that it complies with this Ordinance G. Mitigation measures incorporated in the and Chapter 197-11 WAC. mitigated DNS shall be deemed conditions of ( approval of the permit decision and may be B. The DEIS and FEIS or draft and final SEIS enforced in the same manner as any term or shall be prepared by City staff, the applicant, condition of the permit, or enforced in any or by a consultant selected by the City manner specifically prescribed by the City. through its consultant selection process. If the ERC requires an EIS for a proposal and H. The ERC's written response under subsection determines that someone other than the City B of this Section shall not be construed as a will prepare the EIS, the ERC shall notify the determination of significance. In addition, applicant immediately after completion of the preliminary discussion of clarifications or threshold determination. The ERC shall also changes to a proposal, as opposed to a written notify the applicant of the City's procedure for 'r"` request for early notice, shall not bid the ERC EIS preparation, including approval of the to consider the clarifications or changes in its DEIS and FEIS prior to distribution. threshold determination. C. The City may require an applicant to provide information the City does not possess, Part Four including, but not limited to, specific Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) investigations. However, the applicant is not required to supply information that is not required under this Ordinance or that is being 4-6-14: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND requested from another agency. (This does not ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This apply to information the City may request part contains the rules for preparing environmental under another ordinance or statute.) impact statements. The City adopts the following sections by reference, as supplemented by this part: The ERC may refuse to process and consider a private application further if the applicant WAC fails or refuses to provide information required 197-11-400 Purpose of EIS. for the preparation of an adequate EIS. 197-11-402 General requirements. { k, 4-6-16 4-6-19 4-6-16: ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS TO BE DNS has been issued and when comments are COVERED IN AN EIS: The ERC may due. require the following additional elements as part of the environment for the purpose of EIS content, but 2. If no public notice is required for the these elements do not add to the criteria for permit or approval, the City shall give notice threshold determination or perform any other of the DNS or DS by: function or purpose under this Ordinance. a. Posting the property, for site-specific A. Economics, including the effects on both the proposals; and, public and private sector, b. Publishing notice in a newspaper of B. Cultural factors, general circulation in the county, city, or general area where the proposal is located. C. Quality of life, 3. Whenever the ERC issues a DS under WAC D. Neighborhood cohesion, 197-11-360(3), the ERC shall state the scoping procedure for the proposal in the DS as re- E. Sociological factors, and quired in WAC 197-11-408 and in the public notice. F. Image of the City. B. Whenever the ERC issues a DEIS under WAC 197-11-455(5) or a SEIS under WAC Part Five 197-11-620, notice of the availability of those Commenting documents shall be given by: 1. Indicating the availability of the DEIS in a 4-6-17: ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This public notice required for a nonexempt license; part contains rules for consulting, commenting, and responding on all environmental 2. Posting the property, for site-specific pro- documents under SEPA, including rules for public posals; and notice and hearings. The City adopts the following sections by reference, as supplemented in this part: 3. Publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, city, or general area WAC where the proposal is located. 197-11-500 Purpose of this part. 197-11-502 Inviting comment. C. Whenever possible, the ERC shall integrate 197-11-504 Availability and cost of the public notice required under this Section environmental documents. with existing notice procedures for the City's 197-11-508 SEPA register. nonexempt permits) or approval(s) required 197-11-535 Public hearings and meetings. for the proposal. 'Nor 197-11-545 Effect of no comment. 197-11-550 Specificity of comments. D. The ERC may require an applicant to 197-11-560 FEIS response to comments. complete the public notice requirements for 197-11-570 Consulted agency costs to assist the applicant's proposal at his or her expense. lead agency. 4-6-19: DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL TO 4-6-18: PUBLIC NOTICE: PERFORM, CONSULTED AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE CITY: A. Whenever the ERC of the City of Renton issues a DNS under WAC 197-11-340(2) or a A. The ERC, or its designate, shall be responsible DS under WAC 197-11-360(3) the ERC shall for preparation of written comments for the give public notice as follows: City in response to a consultation request prior to a threshold determination, partici- 1. If public notice is required for a nonexempt pation in scoping, and reviewing a DEIS. license, the notice shall state whether a DS or 4-6-19 4-6-22 B. The ERC, or its designate, shall be responsible 4-6-22: SUBSTANTIVE AUTHORITY: for the City compliance with WAC 197-11-550 whenever the City is a consulted agency and A. The policies and goals set forth in this is authorized to develop operating procedures Ordinance are supplementary to those in the that will ensure that responses consultation existing authorization of the City of Renton, requests are prepared in a timely fashion and King County. include data from all appropriate departments of the City. B. The City may attach conditions to a permit or approval for a proposal so long as: Part Six 1. Such conditions are necessary to mitigate Using Existing Environmental Documents specific probable adverse environmental impacts identified in environmental documents prepared pursuant to this Ordinance; and 4-6-20: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This 2. Such conditions are in writing; and part contains rules for using and supplementing existing environmental documents prepared under 3. The mitigation measures included in such SEPA or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) conditions are reasonable and capable of being for the City's own environmental compliance. The accomplished; and City adopts the following sections by reference: 4. The City has considered whether other WAC local, State, or Federal mitigation measures 197-11-600 When to use existing applied to the proposal are sufficient to environmental documents. mitigate the identified impacts; and 197-11-610 Use of NEPA documents. 197-11-620 Supplemental environmental 5. Such conditions are based on one or more impact statement - Procedures. policies in subsection E of this Section and 197-11-625 Addenda - Procedures. cited in the license or other decision 197-11-630 Adoption - Procedures. document. 197-11-635 Incorporation by reference - Procedures. C. The City may deny a permit or approval for a 197-11-640 Combining documents. proposal on the basis of SEPA so long as: 1. A finding is made that approving the Part Seven proposal would result in probable significant SEPA and Agency Decisions adverse environmental impacts that are identified in a FEIS or final SEIS prepared pursuant to this Ordinance; and 4-6-21: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This 2. A finding is made that there are no part contains rules (and policies) for SEPA's reasonable mitigation measures capable of substantive authority, such as decisions to mitigate being accomplished that are sufficient to or reject proposals as a result of SEPA. This part mitigate the identified impact; and also contains procedures for appealing SEPA determinations to agencies or the courts. The City 3. The denial is based on one or more policies adopts the following sections by reference: identified in subsection E of this Section and identified in writing in the decision document. WAC 197-11-650 Purpose of this part. D. Where a FEIS or DNS has been prepared, the 197-11-655 Implementation. ERC may recommend to the decision-maker 197-11-660 Substantive authority and those reasonable conditions necessary to mitigation. mitigate or avoid the adverse impacts of the 197-11-680 Appeals. proposal. Said recommendation shall be 4-6-22 4-6-23 D) adopted as a condition of approval, unless the 3. The City adopts by reference the policies in decision-maker identifies in writing a sub- the following City codes, ordinances, resolu- stantial error in fact or conclusion by the tions, and plans as they currently appear and ERC. Based upon such finding, the decision- as hereafter amended: maker may revise the recommended conditions or may remand the proposal to the ERC for 1976 - Planning Commission reconsideration. Nothing in this provision shall 1976 - Cedar River Master Plan be deemed to limit the authority of the 1978 - Airport Master Plan decision-maker to impose conditions under 1980 - Southeast Renton Plan SEPA beyond those recommended by ERC or 1981 - Northeast Renton Plan to condition or deny a proposal based upon 1981 - Policies Element/Comprehensive Plan other statutory authority. 1983 - Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan E. The City designates and adopts by reference 1983 - Shoreline Management Plan the following policies as the basis for the City 1983 - Central Renton Plan exercise of authority pursuant to this Section: 1984 - Comprehensive Water Plan 1984 - Comprehensive Sewer Plan 1. The City shall use all practicable means, 1984 - Comprehensive Park and Recreation consistent with other essential considerations Plan of State policy, to improve and coordinate 1984 - Green River Valley Plan plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the State and its citizens may: Six-year Street Plan City of Renton Zoning Code 110 a. Fulfill the responsibilities of each Uniform Building Code generation as trustee of the environment for Uniform Fire Code succeeding generations; Uniform Mechanical Code Street Arterial Plan b. Assure for all people of Washington Uniform Electrical Code safe, healthful, productive, and aesthetically State Energy Code and culturally pleasing surroundings; F. Except for permits and variances issued c. Attain the widest range of beneficial pursuant to Title N, Chapter 19 of the City uses of the environment without degradation, Code (Shoreline Master Program), when any risk to health or safety, or other undesirable proposal or action is granted, conditioned, or and unintended consequences; denied on the basis of SEPA by a nonelected official, the decision shall be appealable to the d. Preserve important historic, cultural, Hearing Examiner under the provisions of and natural aspects of our national heritage; Section 4-6-23B. e. Maintain, wherever possible, an en- vironment which supports diversity and 4-6-23: APPEALS: variety of individual choice; A. The City establishes the following administra- f. Achieve a balance between population tive appeal procedures under RCW 43.21C.075 and resource use which will permit high stan- and WAC 197-11-680: dards of living and a wide sharing of life's amenities; and 1. Any agency or person may appeal the City's compliance with Chapter 197-11 WAC for issu- g. Enhance the quality of renewable ance of the following: resources and approach the maximum attain- able recycling of depletable resources. a. A Final DNS: The appeal of the DNS must be made to the Hearing Examiner with- 2. The City recognizes that each person has a in fourteen (14) days of the date the DNS is fundamental and inalienable right to a health- final. ful environment and that each person has a responsibility to contribute to the preservation b. A DS: The appeal must be made to and enhancement of the environment. the Hearing Examiner within fourteen (14) 4-6-23 4-6-23 Alb) days of the publication date of the DS in the examiner may affirm the decision or remand official City newspaper. the case for further proceedings; or it may reverse the decision if the substantial rights of c. An EIS: The appeal of the FEIS must the applicant may have been prejudiced be- be made to the Hearing Examiner within cause the decision is: twenty (20) days of the date the permit or other approval is issued. a. In violation of constitutional provi- sions; or 2. For any appeal under this subsection, the City shall provide for a record that shall b. In excess of the authority or jurisdic- consist of the following: tion of the agency; or a. Findings and conclusions; c. Made upon unlawful procedure; or b. Testimony under oath; and d. Affected by other error of law; or c. A taped or written transcript. e. Clearly erroneous in view of the entire record as submitted; or 3. The City may require the appellant to provide an electronic transcript. f. Arbitrary or capricious. 4. The procedural determination by the ERC To that end, the Examiner shall have all of Vaw shall carry substantial weight in any appeal the powers of the office from whom the appeal proceeding. is taken insofar as the decision on the particular issue is concerned. B. Applications to Examiner: Appeals from environmental determinations as set forth in 5. Any appeal of the action of the Hearing this Ordinance may be taken to the Hearing Examiner in the case of appeals from environ- Examiner by any person aggrieved, or by any mental determinations shall be joined with an officer, department, board or bureau of the appeal of the substantive determination. If an City affected by such determination. appeal from an environmental determination is to be made, notice of intent to appeal the 1. Any such appeal shall be filed in writing. environmental determination must be given to the City within twenty (20) calendar days 2. Immediately upon receipt of the notice of from the date of procedural decision. Appeal to appeal, the Hearing Examiner shall forward to the Superior Court of the environmental de- the officer from whom the appeal is being cision and the substantive determination must taken a copy of the notice of appeal. Upon re- be made within twenty (20) days of the sub- ceiving such notice, the officer from whom the stantive determination and must be made by appeal is being taken shall transmit to the writ of review to the Superior Court of Wash- Hearing Examiner all of the records per- ington for King County. taming to the decision being appealed, to- gether with such additional written reports as 6. There shall be no more than one appeal on are deemed pertinent. The examiner may re- a procedural determination or environmental quest additional information from the determination such as the adequacy of a applicant. determination of significance/nonsignificance or of a final environmental impact statement. 3. A written notice of the time and place of the hearing at which the appeal shall be con- C. The City shall give official notice under WAC sidered by the examiner shall be mailed to the 197-11-680(5) whenever it issues a permit or applicant, all parties of record in the case, and approval for which a statute or ordinance to the officer from whom the appeal is taken establishes a time limit for commencing not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of judicial appeal. hearing. 4. The examiner may hear and consider any pertinent facts pertaining to the appeal. The I 4-6-24 4-6-25 4-6-24: NOTICE, STATUTE OF LIMITA- 197-11-758 Lead agency. TIONS: 197-11-760 License. 197-11-762 Local agency. A. 1. The City, applicant for, or proponent of any 197-11-764 Major action. action may publish a notice of action pursuant 197-11-766 Mitigated DNS. to RCW 43.21C.080 for any action. 197-11-768 Mitigation. 197-11-770 Natural environment. 2. The form of the notice shall be sub- 197-11-772 NEPA. stantially in the form provided in WAC 197-11-774 Nonproject. 197-11-990. The notice shall be published by 197-11-776 Phased review. the City Clerk or County Auditor, applicant or 197-11-778 Preparation. proponent pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080. 197-11-780 Private project. 197-11-782 Probable. 197-11-784 Proposal. Part Eight 197-11-786 Reasonable alternative. Definitions 197-11-788 Responsible official. 197-11-790 SEPA. 197-11-792 Scope. 4-6-25: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND 197-11-793 Scoping. ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This 197-11-794 Significant. part contains uniform usage and definitions of 197-11-796 State agency. terms under SEPA. The City adopts the following 197-11-797 Threshold determination. sections by reference, as supplemented by WAC 197-11-799 Underlying governmental action. 173-806-040. A. Unless the context clearing required otherwise: WAC 197-11-700 Definitions. 1. Use of the singular shall include the plural 197-11-702 Act. and conversely. 197-11-704 Action. 197-11-706 Addendum. 2. 'Preparation" of environmental documents 197-11-708 Adoption. refers to preparing or supervising the 197-11-710 Affected tribe. preparation of documents, including issuing, 197-11-712 Affecting. filing, printing, circulating, and related 197-11-714 Agency. requirements. 197-11-716 Applicant. 197-11-718 Built environment. 3. "Impact" refers to environmental impact. 197-11-720 Categorical exemption. 197-11-722 Consolidated appeal. 4. "Permit" means "license" (WAC 197-11-760). 197-11-724 Consulted agency. 197-11-726 Cost-benefit analysis. 5. "Commenting" includes but is not synony- ;,fir 197-11-728 County/city. mous with ';consultation". 197-11-730 Decision maker. 197-11-732 Department. 6. "Environmental cost" refers to adverse envi- 197-11-734 Determination of nonsignificance ronmental impact and may or may not be (DNS). quantified. 197-11-736 Determination of significance (DS). 7. "EIS" refers to draft, final, and supple- 197-11-738 EIS. mental EISs (WAC 197-11-405 and WAC 197-11-740 Environment. 197-11-738). 197-11-742 Environmental checklist. 197-11-744 Environmental document. 8. "Under" includes pursuant to, subject to, re- 197-11-746 Environmental review. quired by, established by, in accordance with, 197-11-748 Environmentally sensitive area. and similar expressions of legislative or ad- 197-11-750 Expanded scoping. ministrative authorization or direction. 197-11-752 Impacts. 197-11-754 Incorporation by reference. B. In these rules: 197-11-756 Lands covered by water. 4-6-25 4-6-25 B) 1. "Shall" is mandatory. owned land, whether or not the environment is directly modified. 2. "May" is optional and permissive and does not impose a requirement. 2. Nonproject Actions: Nonproject actions involve decisions on policies, plans, or 3. "Include" means "include but not limited programs. to". a. The adoption of amendment of legis- C. The following terms are synonymous: lation, ordinances, rules, or regulations that contain standards controlling use or modifi- 1. Effect and impact (WAC 197-11-752). cation of the environment; 2. Environment and environmental quality b. The adoption or amendment of com- (WAC 197-11-740). prehensive land use plans or zoning ordi- nances; 3. Major and significant (WAC 197-11-764 and WAC 197-11-794). c. The adoption of any policy, plan or program that will govern the development of a 4. Proposal and proposed action (WAC series of connected actions (WAC 197-11-060), 197-11-784). but not including any policy, plan, or program for which approval must be obtained from any Now 6. Probable and likely (WAC 197-11-782). Federal agency prior to implementation; ACT: The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, d. Creation of a district or annexations chapter 43.21 RCW, as amended, which is also to any city, town or district; referred to as "SEPA". e. Capital budgets; and ACTION: f. Road, street, and highway plans. A. "Actions" include, as further specified below: 3. "Actions" do not include the activities listed 1. New and continuing activities (including above when an agency is not involved. Actions project and programs) entirely or partly do not include bringing judicial or financed, assisted, conducted, regulated, administrative civil or criminal enforcement licensed, or approved by agencies; actions (certain categorical exemptions in Part Nine identify in more detail governmental 2. New or revised agency rules, regulations, activities that would not have any plans, policies, or procedures; and environmental impacts and for which SEPA review is not required). err 3. Legislative proposals. ADDENDUM: An environmental document used to B. Actions fall within one of two (2) categories: provide additional information or analysis that does not substantially change the analysis of significant 1. Project Actions: A project action involves a impacts and alternatives in the existing decision on a specific project, such as a environmental document. The term does not include construction or management activity located in supplemental EISs. An addendum may be used at a defined geographic area. Projects include any time during the SEPA process. and are limited to agency decisions to: ADOPTION: An agency's use of all or part of an a. License, fund, or undertake any existing environmental document to meet all or part activity that will directly modify the of the agency's responsibilities under SEPA to environment, whether the activity will be prepare an EIS or other environmental document. conducted by the agency, an applicant, or under contract. AFFECTED TRIBE: Affected tribe or "treaty tribe" means any Indian tribe, band, nation or community b. Purchase, sell, lease, transfer, or in the State of Washington, that is federally exchange natural resources, including publicly recognized by the United States Secretary of the 4-6-25 4-6-25 Interior and that will or may be affected by the the Department of Game and the Department proposal. of Fisheries shall be considered agencies with jurisdiction. AFFECTING: Having, or may be having, an effect on (see WAC 197-11-752 on impacts). For purposes APPLICANT: Any person or entity, including an of deciding whether an EIS is required and what agency, applying for a license from an agency. the EIS must cover, "affecting" refers to having Application means a request for a license. probable, significant adverse environmental impacts (RCW 43.21.C.031 and 43.21C.110[1][c]). BUILT ENVIRONMENT: The elements of the environment as specified by RCW 43.21C.110(1)(f) AGENCY: and 197-11-444(2), which are generally built or made by people as contrasted with natural A. "Agency" means any state or local processes. governmental body, board, commission, department, or officer authorized to make law, CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION: A type of action, hear contested cases, or otherwise take the specified in these rules, which does not significantly actions stated in WAC 197-11-704, except the affect the environment (RCW 43.21C.110[1][a]); judiciary and state legislature. An agency is categorical exemptions are found in Part Nine of any state agency (WAC 197-11-796) or local these rules. Neither a threshold determination nor agency (WAC 197-11-762). any environmental document, including an environmental checklist or environmental impact B. "Agency with environmental expertise" means statement, is required for any categorically exempt ` ie an agency with special expertise on the action (RCW 43.21C.031). These rules provide for environmental impacts involved in a proposal those circumstances in which a specific action that or alternative significantly affecting the would fit within a categorical exemption shall not environment. These agencies are listed in be considered categorically exempt (WAC WAC 197-11-920; the list may be expanded in 197-11-305). agency procedures (WAC 197-11-906). The appropriate agencies must be consulted in the CONSOLIDATED APPEAL: The procedure environmental impact statement process, as requiring a person to file an agency appeal required by WAC 197-11-502. challenging both procedural and substantive compliance with SEPA at the same time, as C. "Agency with jurisdiction" means an agency provided under RCW 43-21.00765(3)(b) and the with authority to approve, veto, or finance all exceptions therein. If any agency does not have an or part of a nonexempt proposal (or part of a appeal procedure for challenging either the agency's proposal). The term does not include an procedural or its substantive SEPA determinations, agency authorized to adopt rules or standards the appeal cannot be consolidated prior to any of general applicability and could apply to a judicial review. The requirement for a consolidated proposal, when no license or approval is appeal does not preclude agencies from bifurcating required from the agency for the specific appeal proceedings and allowing different agency +or proposal. The term also does not include a officials to hear different aspects of the appeal. local, state or Federal agency involved in (WAC 197-11-680). approving a grant or loan, that serves only as a conduit between the primary administering COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS: A quantified agency and the recipient of the grant or loan. comparison of costs and benefits generally expressed Federal agencies with jurisdiction are those in monetary or numerical terms. It is not from which a license or funding is sought or synonymous with the weighing or balancing of required. environmental and other impacts or benefits of a proposal. D. If a specific agency has been named in these rules, and the functions of that agency have COUNTY/CITY: A county, city, or town. In this changed or been transferred to another Chapter, duties and powers are assigned to a agency, the term shall mean any successor county, city, or town as a unit. The delegation of agency. responsibilities among the various departments of a county, city, or town is left to the legislative or E. For those proposals requiring a hydraulic charter authority of the individual counties, cities, project approval under RCW 75.20.100, both or towns. 4-6-25 4-6-25 DECISION MAKER: The agency official or officials appropriate consideration to the environment in who make the agency's decision on a proposal. The agency decision making. decision maker and responsible official are not necessarily synonymous, depending on the agency EA: An area and its SEPA procedures (WAC 197-11-906 and designated and mapped by the City under WAC WAC 197-11-910). 197-11-908. Certain categorical exemptions do not apply within environmentally sensitive areas (WAC DEPARTMENT: The Washington State Department 197-11-305, WAC 197-11-908, and Part Nine of of Ecology. these rules). DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE EXPANDED SCOPING: An optional process that (DNS): The written decision by the responsible may be used by agencies to go beyond minimum official of the lead agency that a proposal is not scoping requirements. likely to have a significant adverse environmental impact, and therefore an EIS is not required (WAC IMPACTS: The effects or consequences of actions. 197-11-310 and WAC 197-11-340). The DNS form is Environmental impacts are effects upon the in WAC 197-11-970. elements of the environment listed in WAC 197-11-444. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (DS): The written decision by the responsible official of the INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE: The inclusion lead agency that a proposal is likely to have a of all or part of any existing document in an `1'4a"'' significant adverse environmental impact, and agency's environmental documentation by reference therefore an EIS is required (WAC 197-11-310 and (WAC 197-11-600 and WAC 197-11-635). WAC 197-11-360). The DS form is in WAC 197-11-980 and must be used substantially in that Lands► underlying form. tFe wa �a s of the State below the ordinary high water mark, including salt waters, tidal EIS: Environmental impact statement. The term waters, estuarine waters, natural water courses, "detailed statement" in RCW 43.21C.030(2Xc) refers lakes, ponds, artificially impounded waters, to a final EIS. The term "EIS" as used in these marshes, and swamps. Certain categorical rules refers to draft, final, or supplemental EISs exemptions do not apply to lands covered by water, (WAC 197-11-405). as specified in Part Nine. ENVIRONMENT: Means, and is limited to, those LEAD AGENCY: The agency with the main respon- elements listed in WAC 197-11-444, as required by sibility for complying with SEPA's procedural RCW 43.21C.110(1Xf). Environment and environ- requirements (WAC 197-11-050 and WAC mental quality refer to the state of the 197-11-922). The procedures for determining lead environment and are synonymous as used in these agencies are in Part Ten of these rules. "Lead rules and refer basically to physical environmental agency" may be read as "responsible official" (WAC saw quality. 197-11-788 and WAC 197-11-910) unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Depending on ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK LIST: The form in the agency and the type of proposal, for example, WAC 197-11-960. Rules for its use are in WAC there may be a difference between the lead 197-11-315. agency's responsible official, who is at a minimum responsible for procedural determinations (such as ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Any written WAC 197-11-330, 197-11-455, 197-11-460) and its public document prepared under this Chapter. decision maker, who is at a minimum responsible Under SEPA, the terms environmental analysis, for substantive determinations (such as WAC environmental study, environmental report, and 197-11-448, WAC 197-11-655, and 197-11-660). environmental assessment do not have specialized meanings and do not refer to particular LICENSE: Any form of written permission given to environmental documents (unlike various other any person, organization, or agency to engage in state or Federal environmental impact procedures). any activity, as required by law or agency rule. A license includes all or part of an agency permit, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The consideration of certificate, approval, registration, charter, or plat environmental factors as required by SEPA. The approvals or rezones to facilitate a particular "environmental review process" is the procedure proposal. The term does not include a license used by agencies and others under SEPA for giving required solely for revenue purposes. 490 s. 4-6-25 4-6-25 LOCAL AGENCY: "Local agency" or "local govern- PHASED REVIEW: The coverage of general ment" means any political subdivision, regional matters in broader environmental documents, with governmental unit, district, municipal or public subsequent narrower documents concentrating corporation, including cities, towns, and counties solely on the issues specific to the later analysis and their legislative bodies. The term encompasses (WAC 197-11-060[5]). Phased review may be used but does not refer specifically to the departments for a single proposal or EIS (WAC 197-11-060). within a city or county. PREPARATION: "Preparation" of an environmental MAJOR ACTION: An action that is likely to have document means preparing or supervising the significant adverse environmental impacts. "Major" preparation of documents, including issuing, filing, reinforces but does not have a meaning printing, circulating, and related requirements (see independent of"significantly" (WAC 197-11-794). WAC 197-11-700[2]). MITIGATED DNS: A DNS that includes mitigation PRIVATE PROJECT: Any proposal primarily measures and is issued as a result of the process initiated or sponsored by an individual or entity specified in WAC 197-11-350. other than an agency. MITIGATION: PROBABLE: Likely or reasonably likely to occur, as in "a reasonable probability of more than a A. Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking moderate effect on the quality of the environment" a certain action or parts of an action; (see WAC 197-11-794). Probable is used to distin- guish likely impacts from those that merely have a B. Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or possibility of occurring, but are remote or specula- magnitude of the action and its implement- tive. This is not meant as a strict statistical ation, by using appropriate technology, or by probability test. taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; PROPOSAL: A proposed action. A proposal includes both actions and regulatory decisions of agencies as C. Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitat- well as any actions proposed by applicants. A ing, or restoring the affected environment; proposal exists at that stage in the development of an action when an agency is presented with an D. Reducing or eliminating the impact over time application, or has a goal and is actively preparing by preservation and maintenance operations to make a decision on one or more alternative during the life of the action; means of accomplishing that goal, and the environ- mental effects can be meaningfully evaluated. (See E. Compensating for the impact by replacing, WAC 197-11-055 and WAC 197-11-060[3]). A pro- enhancing, or providing substitute resources posal may therefore be a particular or preferred or environments; and/or course of action or several alternatives. For this reason, these rules use the phrase "alternatives F. Monitoring the impact and taking appropriate including the proposed action". The term "proposal" corrective measures. may therefore include "other reasonable courses of " action", if there is no preferred alternative and if it NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Those aspects of the is appropriate to do so in the particular context. environment contained in WAC 197-11-444(1), frequently referred to as natural elements, or REASONABLE ALTERNATIVE: An action that resources, such as earth, air, water, wildlife, and could feasibly attain or approximate a proposal's energy. objectives, but at a lower environmental cost or decreased level of environmental degradation. NEPA: The National Environmental Policy Act of Reasonable alternatives may be those over which 1969 (42 USCA 4321 et seq.; P.L. 91-190), that is an agency with jurisdiction has authority to control like SEPA at the Federal level. The Federal NEPA impacts, either directly, or indirectly through regulations are located at 40 CFR 1500 et seq. requirement of mitigation measures. (See WAC 197-11-440[5] and WAC 197-11-660.) Also see the NONPROJECT: Actions which are different or definition of "scope" for the three (3) types of broader than a single site specific project, such as alternatives to be analyzed in EISa (WAC plans, policies, and programs (WAC 197-11-704). 197-11-792). 490 4-6-25 4-6-25 RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: That officer or officers, specific rules for the content of EISs. The committee, department, or section of the lead scope of an individual statement may depend agency designated by agency SEPA procedures to on its relationship with other EISs or on undertake its procedural responsibilities as lead phased review. agency (WAC 197-11-910). SCOPING: Determining the range of proposed SEPA: The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 actions, alternatives, and impacts to be discussed in (Chapter 43.21C RCW), which is also referred to as an EIS. Because an EIS is required to analyze sig- the Act. The "SEPA process" means all measures nificant environmental impacts only, scoping is necessary for compliance with the act's require- intended to identify and narrow the EIS to the sig- ments. nificant issues. The required scoping process (WAC 197-11-408) provides interagency and public notice SCOPE: of a DS, or equivalent notification, and opportunity to comment. The lead agency has the option of ex- A. The range of proposed actions, alternatives, panding the scoping process (Wac 197-11-410), but and impacts to be analyzed in an environ- shall not be required to do so. Scoping is used to mental document (WAC 197-11-060[2]). encourage cooperation and early resolution of poten- tial conflicts, to improve decisions, and to reduce B. To determine the scope of environmental paperwork and delay. impact statements, agencies consider three (3) types of actions, three (3) types of impacts, SIGNIFICANT: *are and three (3) types of alternatives. A. As used in SEPA means a reasonable likeli- 1. Actions may be: hood of more than a moderate adverse impact on environmental quality. a. Single (a specific action which is not related to other proposals or parts of pro- B. Significance involves context and intensity posals); (WAC 197-11-330) and does not lend itself to a formula or quantifiable test. The context b. Connected (proposals or parts of pro- may vary with the physical setting. Intensity posals which are closely related under WAC depends on the magnitude and duration of an 197-11-060[3] or WAC 197-11-305[1)); or impact. c. Similar (proposals that have common The severity of an impact should be weighed aspects and may be analyzed together under along with the likelihood of ita occurrence. An WAC 197-11-060[3]). impact may be significant if its chance of oc- currence is not great, but the resulting envi- 2. Alternatives may be: ronmental impact would be severe if it occur- red. Vie a. No action; C. WAC 197-11-330 specifies a process, including b. Other reasonable courses of action; or criteria and procedures, for determining whether a proposal is likely to have a sig- c. Mitigation measures (not in the pro- nificant adverse environmental impact. posed action). STATE AGENCY: Any state board, commission, 3. Impacts may be: department, or officer, including state universities, colleges, and community colleges, that is author- a. Direct; ized by law to make rules, hear contested cases, or otherwise take the actions stated in WAC b. Indirect; or 197-11-704, except the judiciary and state legisla- ture. c. Cumulative. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: The decision by C. WAC 197-11-060 provides general rules for the the responsible official of the lead agency whether content of any environmental review under or not an EIS is required for a proposal that is not SEPA; Part Four and WAC 197-11-440 provide 4-6-25 categorically exempt (WAC 197-11-310 and WAC 197-11-932 Lead agency for private projects 197-11-330[11(bl). requiring licenses from more than one agency, when one of UNDERLYING GOVERNMENTAL ACTION: The the agencies is a county/city. governmental action, such as zoning or permit 197-11-934 Lead agency for private projects approvals, that is the subject of SEPA compliance. requiring licenses from a local agency, not a county/city, and one or more state agencies. Part Nine 197-11-936 Lead agency for private projects Categorical Exemptions requiring licenses from more than one state agency. 197-11-938 Lead agencies for specific 4-6-26: ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: The proposals. City adopts by reference the following 197-11-940 Transfer of lead agency status to rules for categorical exemptions, as supplemented in a state agency. this Ordinance, including WAC 173-806-070 197-11-942 Agreements on lead agency (Flexible Thresholds), WAC 173-806-080 (Use of ex- status. emptions), and WAC 173-806-190 (Environmentally 197-11-944 Agreements on division of lead sensitive areas): agency duties. 197-11-946 DOE resolution of lead agency WAC disputes. 197-11-800 Categorical exemptions. 197-11-948 Assumption of lead agency status. 197-11-880 Emergencies. Noe 197-11-890 Petitioning DOE to change exemptions. 4-6-28: ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: Part Ten A. The map(s) under Ordinance No. 3891 Agency Compliance designate the location of environmentally sensitive areas within the City and are adopted by reference. These include greenbelts 4-6-27: PURPOSE OF THIS PART AND designated in the Comprehensive Plan, conser- ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: This vancy and natural environments of the Shore- part contains rules for agency compliance with line Master Program, and the one hundred SEPA, including rules for charging fees under the (100) year floodway mapped under the Federal SEPA process, designating environmentally sen- Flood Insurance Program. For each environ- sitive areas, listing agencies with environmental mentally sensitive area, the exemptions within expertise, selecting the lead agency, and applying WAC 197-11-800 that are inapplicable for that these rules to current agency activities. The City area are: adopts the following sections by reference, as supplemented by WAC 173-806-050 and 173-806-053 197-11-800(1). and this part: 197-11-800(2Xd,e,g). 197-11-800(6Xa). WAC 197-11-800(24)(a,b,c,d,f,g). 197-11-900 Purpose of this part. 197-11-800(25)(f,h). 197-11-902 Agency SEPA policies. 197-11-916 Application to ongoing actions. Unidentified exemptions shall continue to 197-11-920 Agencies with environmental apply within environmentally sensitive areas expertise. of the City. 197-11-922 Lead agency rules. 197-11-924 Determining the lead agency. B. The City shall treat proposals located wholly 197-11-926 Lead agency for governmental or partially within an fillinfiaffliferhy proposals. ausawsommerliMININWIRVIS - 197-11-928 Lead agency for public and posals under this Ordinance, making a three- private proposals. hold determination for all such proposals. The 197-11-930 Lead agency for private projects City shall not automatically require an EIS with one agency with jurisdiction. for a proposal merely because it is 4-6-28 4-6-30 B) proposed for location in an environmentally public notice requirements of this Ordinance sensitive area. relating to the applicant's proposal. C. Certain exemptions do not apply on lands D. The City shall not collect a fee for performing covered by water, and this remains true its duties as a consulted agency. regardless of whether or not lands covered by water are mapped. E. The City may charge any person for copies of any document prepared under this Ordinance, and for mailing the document, in a manner 4-6-29: FEES: The City shall require the follow- provided by chapter 42.17 RCW. ing fees for its activities in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance: F. Specific fees for the activities described above are set forth in Title V, Chapter 1 (Fee A. Threshold determination. For every environ- Schedule) of the City Code. mental check list the City will review when it is lead agency, the City shall collect a fee from the proponent of the proposal prior to Part Eleven undertaking the threshold determination. The Forms time periods provided by this Ordinance for making a threshold determination shall not begin to run until payment of the fee. 4-6-30: ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: The *sr City adopts the following forms and B. Environmental impact statement. sections by reference: 1. When the City is the lead agency for a WAC proposal requiring an EIS and the ERC deter- 197-11-960 Environmental check list. mines that the EIS shall be prepared by 197-11-965 Adoption notice. employees of the City, the City may charge 197-11-970 Determination of nonsignificance and collect a reasonable fee from any appli- (DNS). cant to cover costs incurred by the City in 197-11-980 Determination of significance and preparing the EIS. The ERC shall advise the scoping notice (DS). applicant(s) of the projected costs for the EIS 197-11-985 Notice of assumption of lead prior to actual preparation; the applicant shall agency status. post bond or otherwise ensure payment of 197-11-990 Notice of action. such costs. 2. The ERC may determine that the City will 4-6-31: EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date contract directly with a consultant for pre- of this Ordinance is February 25, 1985. paration of an EIS, or a portion of the EIS, for activities initiated by some person or 4-6-32: SEVERABILITY: If any provision of entity other than the City and may bill such this Ordinance or its application to any costs and expenses directly to the applicant. person or circumstance is held invalid, the remain- The City may require the applicant to post der of this Ordinance, or the application of the bond or otherwise ensure payment of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall costs. Such consultants shall be selected by not be affected. (Ord. 3891, 2-25-85) mutual agreement of the City and applicant after a call for proposals. 3. If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required, the ERC shall refund any fees collected under B1 or B2 of this subsection which remain after incurred costs are paid. C. The City may collect a reasonable fee from an applicant to cover the cost of meeting the f 4-7-1 4-7-2 CHAPTER 7 FIRE HYDRANTS SECTION: subdivision or agency of the State of Washington. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-81) 4-7- 1: Definitions 4-7- 2: Fire Hydrants Required PRIVATE HYDRANT: A fire hydrant situated and 4-7- 3: Prohibited Installation maintained to provide water for fire fighting 4-7- 4: Installation Requirements purposes with restrictions as to use. The location 4-7- 5: Special Requirements may be such that it is not readily accessible for 4-7- 6: Hydrant Accessibility immediate use by the fire authority for other than 4-7- 7: Dead End Mains Prohibited certain private property. 4-7- 8: Fire Flow Requirement 4-7- 9: Building Permits PUBLIC HYDRANT: A fire hydrant situated and 4-7-10: Penalty maintained to provide water for fire fighting purposes without restriction as to use for that purpose. The location is such that it is accessible for immediate use of the fire authority at all times. 4-7-1: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this U.B.C.: The Uniform Building Code as adopted, Chapter, the following words, terms, including amendments, by the City of Renton. phrases and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein, unless the context otherwise U.L.: The Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. indicates. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, WATER AUTHORITY: The Renton Department of words in the plural number include the singular Utilities, or any other municipal or quasi-municipal number and words in the singular number include entity distributing water to fire hydrants within the the plural number. The word "shall" is always City of Renton. mandatory. A.P.W.A.: The American Public Work Associations. 4-7-2: FIRE HYDRANTS REQUIRED: All buildings constructed within the City of A.W.W.A.: The American Water Works Association. Renton shall be served by fire hydrants installed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter. APPROVING AUTHORITY: The Fire Chief of the In addition, presently existing fire hydrants which Renton Fire Department, or his appointee. do not conform with the requirements and stand- ards of this Chapter when replaced, shall be , FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Renton Fire replaced with hydrants which do conform to the Department. standards and requirements of this Chapter. All fire hydrants shall be served by a municipal or FIRE FLOW: The measure of the sustained flow of quasi-municipal water system, or as otherwise available water for fire fighting at a specific approved by the Fire Marshal. All hydrants shall be building or within a specific area at twenty (20) subject to testing, inspection and approval by the pounds per square inch residual pressure. Fire Control Division. FIRE MARSHAL The City of Renton Fire Marshal The number of fire hydrants that shall be required or his appointee. for the new construction or a defined risk, shall be based on the amount of fire flow that is required to FLUSH TYPE HYDRANT: A hydrant installed protect said risk. The requirement shall be one entirely below grade. hydrant per one thousand (1,000) g.p.m. fire flow. These fire hydrants shall be located no closer than MUNICIPALITY or QUASI-MUNICIPALITY: Any fifty feet (50') from the structure and no greater county, city, town, water district, sewer district, than three hundred (300') feet. The primary public utility district or other governmental hydrant shall be not further than one hundred fifty 4-7-2 4-7-4 feet (150') from the structure. All hydrants are to grade and have no less than thirty six inches be accessible to Fire Department pumpers over (36") in diameter of clear area about the roads capable of supporting such fire apparatus. hydrant for the clearance of hydrant wrenches The Fire Marshal shall have discretion to determine on both outlets and on the control valve. the location of the hydrants based upon a review of the location of the existing utilities, topography and G. The port shall face the most likely route of the characteristics of the building or structure; approach and location of the fire truck while minor deviations may be granted by Fire pumping, distance from pumper port to street Department approval of written requests. (Ord. curb shall be no further than twelve feet (12'), 4007, 7-14-86) all as determined by the Fire Marshall. H. The lead from the service main to the hydrant 4-7-3: PROHIBITED INSTALLATION: The shall be no less than six inches (6") in installation of flush type hydrants is diameter. Any hydrant leads over fifty feet prohibited unless approved by the Fire Marshal and (50') in length from water main in hydrant such approval shall be given only when permitted shall be no less than eight inches in diameter. fire hydrants would be dangerous or impractical. The showing of such danger or impracticability I. All hydrants newly installed in single family shall be the burden of the builder. (Ord. 3541, residential areas shall be supplied by not less 5-4-81) than six inch (6") mains, and shall be capable of delivering one thousand (1,000) g.p.m. fire %r flow over and above average maximum 4-7-4: INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: demands at the farthest point of the The installation of all fire hydrants shall installation. Hydrant leads up to fifty feet (50') be in accordance with sound engineering practices. long may be six inches (6") in diameter. In addition, the following requirements shall apply to all building construction projects: J. All hydrants shall have at least five inch (5") minimum valve opening, " 0 " ring stem seal, A. Two (2) copies of detailed plans or drawings, two (2) two and one-half inch (2 1/2") national accurately indicating the location of all valves standard thread hose nozzles, one four inch and fire hydrants to be installed shall be (4') steamer nozzle with City of Seattle submitted to the Fire Marshall prior to the standard threads. In addition, all hydrants commencement of any construction. shall meet A.W.W.A. standards for public hydrants and be Cory type. B. All fire hydrants must be approved by the City of Renton, Public Works Department as K. All pipe shall meet City of Renton standards per the requirements of City ordinance. per Code Section 8-4-43. C. All construction of the fire hydrant installation L. The maximum distance between fire hydrants likir+'' and its attendant water system connection in single family use district zones shall be six shall conform to the design standards and hundred feet (600'). specifications of the City of Renton. M. The maximum distance between fire hydrants D. Fire hydrant installation shall be adequately in commercial, industrial and apartment protected against vehicular damage in accord- (including duplex) use district zones shall be ance with Section 8-4-43 of the Renton City three hundred feet (300'). Code. • N. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall be E. An auxiliary gate valve shall be installed at predicated on hydrants being located at street the main line tee to permit the repair and intersections. replacement of the hydrant without disruption of water service. 0. The appropriate water authority and Fire Department shall be notified in writing of the F. All hydrants shall stand plumb, + or - 3°, to date the fire hydrant installation and its be set to the finished grade with the bottom attendant water connection system will be flange two inches (2") above ground or curb available for use. 47-4 4-7-10 P. The Fire Marshal shall be notified when all 4-7-7: DEAD END MAINS PROHIBITED: newly installed hydrants or mains are placed Provisions shall be made wherever in service. appropriate in any project for looping all dead end or temporarily dead end mains. A minimum fifteen Q. Where fire hydrants are not in service, they foot (15') easement shall be required. Construction shall be identified as being out of service by a plans must be approved by the Public Works method approved by the Fire Marshal. Department as per this Chapter and other applic- able City ordinances prior to commencement of construction. 4-7-5: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The requirements of this Section apply to all building construction projects in which buildings are 4-7-8: FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENT: The fire located or are to be located such that any portion is flow requirement applied by the Fire more than two hundred feet (200') in vehicular Marshal under the provisions of this Chapter shall travel from a street property line, except detached be based upon criteria established in the Guide for single family dwellings: Determination of Required Fire Flow as published by the Insurance Services Office of the Municipal A. Buildings have required fire flows of less than Survey Services, 160 Water Street, New York, New two thousand five hundred (2,500) g.p.m., may York 10036. The Guide for Determination of have fire hydrants on one side of the building Required Fire Flow, together with the standards of only. the American Water Works Association all as amended, added to or excepted herein are adopted 410 B. When the required fire flow is over two by the City of Renton. Three (3) copies of each such thousand five hundred (2,500) g.p.m., the fire collection shall be filed in the City Clerk's office hydrants shall be served by a main which and be available for use and examination by the loops around the building or complex of public. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-81) buildings and reconnects back into a distribution supply main. 4-7-9: BUILDING PERMITS: No building C. The number of fire hydrants that shall be permit shall be issued until plans required for the new construction or a defined required under this Chapter have been submitted risk, shall be based on the amount of fire flow and approved in accordance with the provisions that is required to protect said risk. The contained in this Chapter. No construction beyond requirement shall be one hydrant per one the foundation shall be allowed until hydrants and thousand (1,000) g.p.m. fire flow. These fire mains are in place, unless approved by the appro- hydrants shall be located no closer than fifty priate City authority, following appropriate applica- feet (50') from the structure and no greater tion and a finding that there is no life or safety than three hundred thirty feet (330'). All threats involved. hydrants are to be accessible to Fire Depart- ment pumpers over roads capable of support- Where the existing fire flow is not known or cannot **4110 ing such fire apparatus. The Fire Marshal be easily determined, it shall be required of the shall determine the location of the hydrants developer to compute the available fire flow using based upon a determination of utility, standards and criteria set forth at Renton City topography and building or structure; minor Ordinance No. 3056. (Ord. 4007, 7-14-86) deviations may be granted by Fire Department approval of written requests. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-81) 4-7-10: PENALTY: A violation of any section or provision of this Chapter is a mis- demeanor punishable by a fine of not less than five 4-7-6: HYDRANT ACCESSIBILITY: Hydrants hundred dollars for each offense or ninety days in shall not be obstructed by any structure jail or both such fine and such jail time. Each day or vegetation, or have the hydrant visibility upon which a violation occurs or continues con- impaired within a distance of one hundred fifty feet stitutes a separate offense. (Ord. 3541, 5-4-81) (150') in any direction of vehicular approach to the hydrant. 4-8-1 4-8-7 CHAPTER 8 HEARING EXAMINER SECTION: D. Separate the land use policy formulation and the land use policy administration processes. 4-8- 1: Title (Ord. 3071, 10-18-76) 4-8- 2: General Objectives 4-8- 3: Creation of Hearing Examiner 4-8- 4: Appointment and Term 4-8-3: CREATION OF HEARING EXAM- 4-8- 5: Removal INER: The office of Hearing Examiner, 4-8- 6: Qualifications hereinafter referred to as Examiner, is hereby 4-8- 7: Examiner Pro Tempore; Qualifications created. The Examiner shall interpret, review and and Duties implement land use regulations as provided in this 4-8- 8: Hearing Examiner; Conflict of Interest Ordinance and other ordinances. The term exa- and Freedom From Improper Influence miner shall likewise include the Examiner Pro 4-8- 9: Freedom From Improper Influence Tern. (Ord. 3876, 12-17-84) 4-8-10: Duties of the Examiner low 4-8-11: Applications 4-8-12: Report by Building Department 4-8-4: APPOINTMENT AND TERM: The 4-8-13: Public Hearing Mayor shall appoint with concurrence of 4-8-14: Examiner's Decision and Recommend- not less than four (4) members of the Renton City ation; Findings Required Council, the Examiner and the Examiner Pro Tern 4-8-15: Reconsideration to serve in said office for a term which shall expire 4-8-16: Appeal on January 31, 1983. The term shall thereafter ex- 4-8-17: Council Action pire on the last day of January of each odd num- 4-8-18: Severability bered years. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80) 4-8-19: Repealing Conflicting Ordinances 4-8-20: Effective Date 4-8-5: REMOVAL: The Examiner or the Examiner Pro Tem may be removed from office at any time by the affirmative vote of not less than five (5) members of the City Council 4-8-1: TITLE: This Ordinance shall be for just cause. hereinafter known as Hearing Examiner Ordinance or Hearing Examiner, may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this 4-8-6: QUALIFICATIONS: The Examiner and low Ordinance" and same shall he and constitute the Examiner Pro Tem shall be Chapter 8, Title IV (Building Regulations) of appointed solely with regard to their qualifications Ordinance No. 4260 known as the Code of General for the duties of the office which shall include, but Ordinances of the City of Renton. (Ord. 3876, not be limited to persons with appropriate educa- 12-17-84) tional experience, such as an urban planner, or public administrator, with at least five (5) years' experience, persons who have extensive experience 4-8-2: GENERAL OBJECTIVES: It is the in planning work in a responsible capacity, persons general objective of this Ordinance to: with legal experience, particularly where that experience is in the area of land use management A. Provide a single, efficient, integrated land use or administrative law. regulatory hearing system. B. Render land use regulatory decisions and 4-8-7: EXAMINER PRO TEMPORE; QUALI- recommendations to the City Council. FICATIONS AND DUTIES: The Exam- iner Pro Tern shall, in the event of the absence or C. Provide a greater degree of due process in the inability of the Examiner to act, have all the land use regulatory hearings. duties and powers of the Examiner. 4 4-8-8 4-8-10 4-8-8: HEARING EXAMINER; CONFLICT 6. Site approval permits (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80) OF INTEREST AND FREEDOM FROM IMPROPER INFLUENCE: The Examiner 7. Waivers and variances (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80; shall not conduct or participate in any hearing or amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80) decision in which the Examiner has a direct or indirect personal interest which might exert such 8. Appeals from administrative determination influence upon the Examiner that might interfere of the City's land use regulation codes with his decision making process. Any actual or potential conflict of interest shall be disclosed to 9. Fill permits the parties immediately upon discovery of such conflict. 10. Applications for any other land use regu- latory permits which may be required by ordi- Participants in the land use regulatory process nances. have the right, insofar as possible, to have the Examiner free from personal interest or pre-hearing 11. Appeal of environmental determinations contacts on land use regulatory matters considered required by the Renton environmental ordi- by him. It is recognized that there is a counter- nance. veiling public right to free access to public officials on any matter. If such personal or pre-hearing 12. Variances from the provisions of this interest contact impairs the Examiner's ability to Title, for any proposed development requiring act on the matter, such person shall so state and any permit or approval by the Examiner. shall abstain therefrom to the end that the pro- '446100 ceeding is fair and has the appearance of fairness, 13. Appeal from administration determination unless all parties agree in writing to have the mat- implementing a written land use decision of ter heard by said Examiner. the City Council or Hearing Examiner (Ord. 4168, 8-8-88) 4-8-9: FREEDOM FROM IMPROPER IN- B. Applications and Recommendations: The Exa- FLUENCE: No Council member,. City miner shall receive and examine available official, or any other person shall attempt to information, conduct public hearings, prepare interfere with, or improperly influence the Exa- a record thereof and enter findings of fact miner in the performance of his designated duties. and conclusions based upon those facts, to- (Ord. 3071, 10-18-76) gether with a recommendation to the City Council, for the following applications: 4-8-10: DUTIES OF THE EXAMINER: 1. Change of zone classification (rezones). A. Applications and Decisions: The Examiner 2. Preliminary plats. shall receive and examine available infor- mation, conduct public hearings, prepare a 3. Planned unit developments. loof record thereof, and enter findings of fact; conclusions based upon those facts and a deci- 4. Special permits requiring City Council ap- sion which shall represent the final action on proval. the application, unless appealed, as herein- below specified, for the following types of The City Council shall have final authority to applications: act on such applications. 1. Short plats C. Final Plat Applications: The Examiner shall receive and examine available information, 2. Special use permits prepare a record thereof and enter findings of fact and conclusions based upon those facts, 3. Conditional use permits together with a recommendation to the City Council, for final plat applications. The City 4. Temporary use permits Council shall have final authority to act on such applications. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80) 5. Shoreline variance and conditional permits 4-8-11 4-8-11 4-8-11: APPLICATIONS: Section shall not create an appeal right, but will be treated as a complaint of noncom- A. Applications to Building Department: Appli- pliance with the land use decision. (Ord. cations as specified in Section 4-8-10, except 4168, 8-8-88) appeals of administrative or environmental determinations shall be filed with the Build- B. Applications to Examiner: Appeals from ad- ing Department. ministrative determinations of the City's land use regulation codes and from environmental 1. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of an determinations required by the Renton envi- application the Building Department shall ronmental ordinance may be taken to the determine whether the application is corn- Hearing Examiner by any person aggrieved, plete. If complete, the application shall be or by any officer, department, board or accepted. If the application is not complete, bureau of the City affected by such deter- the Building Department shall request the mination. applicant to provide additional information as necessary to complete the application. Within 1. Any such appeal shall be filed in writing ten (10) days of receipt of new or additional with the Examiner within the following time information, the Building Department shall limits: accept or reject the application. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80, amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) a. Appeals of a final environmental determination under the Renton environ- r 2. The applicant shall be advised of the date mental ordinance shall be filed within four- of acceptance of the application and of the teen (14) days of publication of notice of such environmental determination. The applicant determination. shall be advised of the date of any public hearing at least ten (10) days prior to the b. Appeals from an administrative deci- hearing. sion pursuant to this Chapter shall be filed within fourteen (14) days of the date that the 3. The appeal from an administration decision action was taken. implementing a land use decision of the City Council or the Hearing Examiner pursuant to 2. Immediately upon receipt of the notice of this Chapter shall be filed with the Hearing appeal, the Hearing Examiner shall forward Examiner, along with the required fee, within to the officer from whom the appeal is being fourteen (14) days of the administrative deci- taken a copy of the notice of appeal. Upon sion or, if no date of administrative decision receiving such notice, the officer from whom can be determined, within fourteen (14) days the appeal is being taken shall transmit to of the issuance of any permit which requires the Hearing Examiner all of the records per- interpretation of that land use decision, such taining to the decision being appealed, to- administrative decision being an essential part gether with such additional written reports as ,r,W,, of the issuance of the permit, license, or other are deemed pertinent. The Examiner may re- City permission to proceed. Any later request quest additional information from the appli- to interpret, explain, modify, or retract the cant. decision shall not be deemed to be a new ad- ministrative determination creating a new 3. A written notice of the time and place of appeal period for any new third party to the the hearing at which the appeal shall be con- permit. As between the permit holder and the sidered by the Examiner shall be mailed to City, any decision to modify or retract the the applicant, all parties of record in the case, permit shall give the permit holder fourteen and to the officer from whom the appeal is (14) day appeal period from the date of the taken not less than ten (10) days prior to the action to modify or retract the permit. date of the hearing. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80) Any claim that an administrative decision 4. The Examiner may hear and consider any maker has failed to correctly interpret or pertinent facts pertaining to the appeal. The enforce a land use decision after the expira- Examiner may affirm the decision or remand tion of the appeal time established in this the case for further proceedings, or it may reverse the decision if the substantial rights 4-8-11 4-8-14 B4) of the applicant may have been prejudiced be given as provided in the ordinance govern- because the decision is: ing the application. If none is specifically set forth, such notice shall be given at least ten a. In violation of constitutional provi- (10) days prior to such hearing. sions; or B. On applications requiring approval by the b. In excess of the authority or jurisdic- City Council, the public hearing before the tion of the agency; or Examiner, if required, shall constitute the hearing by the City Council. c. Made upon unlawful procedure; or C. The Examiner shall have the power to pre- d. Affected by other error of law; or scribe rules and regulations for the conduct of hearings under this Ordinance subject to con- e. Clearly erroneous in view of the en- firmation by the City Council, and to admin- tire record as submitted; or ister oaths and preserve order. f. Arbitrary or capricious. (Ord. 3992, D. At the close of the testimony, the Examiner 5-19-86) may close the public hearing, continue the hearing to a time and date certain, or close 5. The action of the Hearing Examiner in the the public hearing pending the submission of case of appeals from administrative determin- additional information on or before a date ations and environmental determinations shall certain. 4460 be final and conclusive, unless within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of the deci- E. Until a final action on the application is sion an aggrieved party or person obtains a taken, the Examiner may dismiss the applica- writ of review from the Superior Court: of tion for failure to diligently pursue the Washington for King County, for purpose of application after notice is given to all parties review of the action taken. (Ord. 3454, of record. 7-28-80) 4-8-14: EXAMINER'S DECISION AND RE- COMMENDATION; FINDINGS RE- 4-8-12: REPORT BY BUILDING DEPART- QUIRED: MENT: When such application has been set for public hearing, if required, the Building A. Unless the time is extended pursuant to this Department shall coordinate and assemble the Section, within fourteen (14) days of the comments and recommendations of other City conclusion of a hearing, or the date set for departments and governmental agencies having an submission of additional information pursuant interest in the subject application and shall to this Chapter, the Examiner shall render a prepare a report summarizing the factors involved written decision, including findings from the and the Building Department findings and sup- record and conclusions therefrom, and shall portive recommendations. At least seven (7) ca- transmit a copy of such decision by regular lendar days prior to the scheduled hearing, the mail, postage prepaid, to the applicant and report shall be filed with the Examiner and copies other parties of record in the case requesting thereof shall be mailed to the applicant and shall notice of the decision. The person mailing the be made available for use by any interested party decision, together with the supporting for the cost of reproduction. (Ord. 3830, 3-19-79; documents, shall prepare an affidavit of amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) mailing, in standard form, and the affidavit shall become a part of the record of the proceedings. In the case of applications 4-8-13: PUBLIC HEARING: requiring City Council approval, the Examiner shall file his decision with the City Council A. Before rendering a decision or recommend- members individually at the expiration of the ation on any application for which a public appeal period for the decision. hearing is required, the Examiner shall hold at least one public hearing thereon. Notice of B. In extraordinary cases, the time for filing of the time and place of the public hearing shall the recommendation or decision of the 4-8-14 4-8-15 B) Examiner may be extended for not more than the applicant such conditions, modifications thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the and restrictions as the Examiner finds hearing if the Examiner finds that the necessary to make the application compatible amount and nature of the evidence to he con- with its environment and carry out the sidered, or receipt of additional information objectives and goals of the Comprehensive which cannot be made available within the Plan, the zoning ordinance, the subdivision normal decision period, requires the extension. ordinance, the codes and ordinances of the Notice of the extension, stating the reasons City of Renton, and the approved preliminary therefor, shall be forwarded to all parties of plat, if applicable. Conditions, modifications record in the manner set forth in this Section and restrictions which may be imposed are, for notification of the Examiner's decision. but are not limited to, additional set backs, screenings in the form of landscaping and C. Change of Zone Classification (Rezone): fencing, covenants, easements and dedications of additional road rights of way. Performance 1. In any case where a change of the zone bonds may be required to insure compliance classification of property is recommended, at with the conditions, modifications and least one of the following circumstances shall restrictions. be found to apply: E. Termination of Decision: The City declares a. That substantial evidence was pre- that circumstances surrounding land use sented demonstrating the subject reclassi- decisions change rapidly over a period of time. fication appears not to have been specifically In order to assure the compatibility of a considered at the time of the last area land decision with current needs and concerns, any use analysis and area zoning; or such decision must be limited in duration, unless the action or improvements authorized b. That the property is potentially by the decision is implemented promptly. Any classified for the proposed zone being request- application or permit approved pursuant to ed pursuant to the polices set forth in the this Chapter with the exception of rezones Comprehensive Plan and conditions have been shall be implemented within two (2) years of met which would indicate the change is such approval unless other time limits are appropriate; or prescribed elsewhere in the Renton Municipal Code. Any application or permit which is not • c. That since the last previous land use so implemented shall terminate the conclusion analysis of the area zoning of the subject of that period of time and become null and property, authorized public improvements, per- void. The Examiner may grant one extension mitted private development or other circum- of time for a maximum of one year for good stances affecting the subject property have cause shown. The burden of justification shall undergone significant and material change. rest with the applicant. For large scale or phased development projects, the alomowe 2. If the Hearing Examiner further deter- may at the time of approval or recommend- mines that the change of the zone classifi- ation set forth time limits for expiration cation is advisable, in the public interest, which exceed those prescribed in this Section tends to further the preservation and enjoy- for such extended time limits as are justified ment of any substantial property rights of the by the record of the action. petitioner, is not materially detrimental to the public welfare or the properties of other persons located in the vicinity thereof, and is 4-8-16: RECONSIDERATION: Any interested in harmony with the purposes and effect of person feeling that the decision of the the Comprehensive Plan, then in such event, Examiner is based on an erroneous procedure, the Hearing Examiner may recommend that errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the the City Council approve the change of the discovery of new evidence which could not be zone classification. reasonably available at the prior hearing, may make a written application for review by the D. Conditions: The Examiner's recommendation Examiner within fourteen (14) days after the or decision may be to grant or deny the written decision of the Examiner has been application, or the Examiner may require of rendered. The application shall set forth the 4-8-15 4-8-17 specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the matter to the Examiner for reconsider- the Examiner may, after review of the record, take ation. The cost of transcription of the hearing further action as the Examiner deems proper. The record shall be borne by the appellant. In the Examiner may request further information which absence of an entry upon the record of an shall be provided within ten (10) days of the re- order by the City Council authorizing new or quest. The Examiner's written decision on the re- additional evidence or testimony, it shall be quest for consideration shall be transmitted to all presumed that no new or additional evidence parties of record within ten (10) days of receipt of or testimony has been accepted by the City the application for reconsideration or receipt of the Council, and that the record before the City additional information requested, whichever is Council is identical to the hearing record later. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80) before the Hearing Examiner. E. The consideration by the City Council shall be 4-8-16: APPEAL: Unless an ordinance providing based solely upon the record, the Hearing for review of decision of the Examiner Examiner's report, the notice of appeal and requires review thereof by the Superior Court, any additional submissions by parties. interested party aggrieved by the Examiner's written decision or recommendation may submit a F. If, upon appeal of a decision of the Hearing notice of appeal to the City Clerk upon a form Examiner on an application submitted pursu- furnished by the City Clerk, within fourteen (14) ant to Section 4-8-10A and after examination calendar days from the date of the Examiner's of the record, the Council determines that a written report. The notice of appeal shall be substantial error in fact or law exists in the accompanied by a fee in accordance with the fee record, it may remand the proceeding to Exa- schedule of the City. miner for reconsideration, or modify, or reverse the decision of the Examiner accord- A. The written notice of appeal shall fully, ingly. clearly and thoroughly specify the substantial error(s) in fact or law which exist in the G. If, upon appeal from a recommendation of the record of the proceedings from which the Hearing Examiner upon an application sub- appellant seeks relief. witted pursuant to Section 4-8-1OB or C, and after examination of the record, the Council B. Within five (6) days of receipt of the notice of determines that a substantial error in fact or appeal, the City Clerk shall notify all parties law exists in the record, or that a recom- of record of the receipt of the appeal. Other mendation of the Hearing Examiner should be parties of record may submit letters in sup- disregarded or modified, the City Council may port of their positions within ten (10) days of remand the proceeding to the Examiner for the dates of mailing of the notification of the reconsideration, or enter its own decision filing of the notice of appeal. upon the application pursuant to Section 4-8-10B or C. C. Thereupon the Clerk shall forward to the wows members of the City Council all of the H. In any event, the decision of the City Council pertinent documents, including the written shall be in writing and shall specify any decision or recommendation, findings and modified or amended findings and conclusions conclusions contained in the Examiner's other than those set forth in the report of the report, the notice of appeal, and additional Hearing Examiner. Each material finding letters submitted by the parties. shall be supported by substantial evidence in the record. The burden of proof shall rest D. No public hearing shall be held by the City with the appellant. (Ord. 3658, 9-13-82) Council. No new or additional evidence or testimony shall be accepted by the City Council unless a showing is made by the 4-8-17: COUNCIL ACTION: Any application party offering the evidence that the evidence requiring action by the City Council could not reasonably have been available at shall be evidenced by minute entry unless other- the time of the hearing before the Examiner. wise required by law. When taking any such final If the Council determines that additional action, the Council shall make and enter findings evidence is required, the Council may remand of fact from the record and conclusions therefrom 4-8-17 4-8-20 which support its action. Unless otherwise specified, the City Council shall be presumed to have adopted the Examiner's findings and con- clusions. A. In the case of a change of the zone classifi- cation of property (rezone), the City Clerk shall place the ordinance on the Council's agenda for first reading. Final reading of the ordinance shall not occur until all conditions, restrictions or modifications which may have been required by the Council have been ac- complished or provisions for compliance made • to the satisfaction of the Legal Department. B. All other applications requiring Council action shall be placed on the Council's agenda for consideration. (Ord. 3454, 7-28-80) C. The action of the Council approving, modify- ing or rejecting a decision of the Examiner, shall be final and conclusive, unless within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the action an aggrieved party or person obtains a writ of review from the Superior Court of Washington for King County, for purposes of review of the action taken. (Ord. 3725, 5-9-83) 4-8-18: SEVERABILITY: The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part in or of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or cir- cumstance, is declared invalid, the remaining pro- visions and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain in full force and effect, the Mayor and City Council hereby declaring that low they would have ordained the remaining provisions of this Ordinance without the word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part or the appli- cation thereof, so held invalid. 4-8-19: REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDIN- ANCES: Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4-8-20: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its pas- sage, approval and five (5) days after its public- ation, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. (Ord. 3071, 10-18-76) 9 4-9-1 4-9-2 CHAPTER 9 LAND CLEARING AND TREE CUTTING ORDINANCE SECTION: C. To preserve and enhance the City's physical and aesthetic character by preventing indis- 4-9- 1: Title criminate removal or destruction of trees and 4-9- 2: Purpose ground cover; 4-9- 3: Definitions 4-9- 4: Administering Authority D. To implement and further the goals and 4-9- 5: General Provisions policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan for 4-9- 6: Regulations for the Land Clearing and the environment, open space, wildlife habitat, Tree Cutting and the Development of vegetation, resources, surface drainage, Property watersheds, and economics; 4-9- 7: Exemptions 4-9- 8: Routine Vegetation Management Permit E. To ensure prompt development, restoration Review Process and replanting, and effective erosion control of 4-9- 9: Application for Routine Vegetation property during and after land clearing; Management Permit 4-9-10: Regulations for Routine Vegetation F. To promote land development practices that Management result in a minimal adverse disturbance to 4-9-11: Routine Vegetation Management Permit existing vegetation and soils within the City; Conditions 4-9-12: Time Limits for Permits G. To minimize surface water and groundwater 4-9-13: Performance Standards for Land runoff and diversion; Development Permits 4-9-14: Variance Procedures H. To aid in the stabilization of soil, and to 4-9-15: Violations and Penalties minimize erosion and sedimentation; 4-9-16: Public and Private Redress I. To minimize the need for additional storm drainage facilities caused by the destabi- lization of soils; J. To retain clusters of trees for the abatement 4-9-1: TITLE: This Chapter shall be here- of noise and wind protection; inafter known as the "Renton Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance," may be cited K. To acknowledge that trees and ground cover as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this reduce air pollution by producing pure oxygen Chapter," and shall constitute Chapter 9, Title IV. from carbon dioxide; "gem L. To preserve and enhance wildlife and habitat 4-9-2: PURPOSE: This Chapter provides regu- including streams, Vaawetlands lations for the clearing of land and the and groves of trees; protection and preservation of trees and associated significant vegetation for the following purposes: M. To promote building and site planning practices that are consistent with the City's A. To promote the public health, safety and natural topographical and vegetational general welfare of the citizens of Renton; features while at the same time recognizing that certain factors such as condition (e.g. B. To implement the policies of the State disease, danger of falling, etc.), proximity to Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as revised in existing and proposed structures and 1984; improvements, interference with utility 4-9-2 4-9-3 M) services, protection of scenic views, and the do not disturb the root structures of the plants. realization of a reasonable enjoyment of Ground cover management shall include the property may require the removal of certain removal of vegetative debris from the property. trees and ground cover; LAND CLEARING: The act of removing or N. To promote the reasonable development of destroying trees or ground cover including grubbing land in the City. of stumps and root mat from any undeveloped lot, partially developed lot, developed lot, public lands or public right of way. 4-9-3: DEFINITIONS: LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: A preliminary or CALIPER: The diameter of any tree truck as final plat for a single family residential project: a measured at a height of four and one-half feet building permit; site plan; or preliminary or final (4'4') above the ground on the upslope side of the planned unit development plan. tree. LAKES: Natural or artificial bodies of water of two (2) or more acres and/or where the deepest part of CREEK: Those areas where surface waters flow the basin at low water exceeds two (2) meters (6.6 sufficiently to produce a defined channel or bed. A feet). Artificial bodies of water with a recirculation defined channel or bed is indicated by hydraulically system approved by the Public Works Department sorted sediments or the removal of vegetative litter are not included in this definition. %ow or loosely rooted vegetation by the action of moving water. The channel or bed need not contain water MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Includes all year-round. This definition is not meant to include motorized equipment used for earth moving, storm water runoff devices or other entirely trenching, excavation, gardening, landscaping, and artificial watercourses unless they are used to store general property maintenance exceeding twelve (12) and/or convey pass-through stream flows naturally horsepower in size. occurring prior to construction of such devices. NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT: A DEVELOPED LOT: A lot or parcel of land upon restrictive area where all native, predevelopment which a structure(s) is located, which cannot be vegetation shall not be disturbed or removed except more intensively developed pursuant to the City for removal pursuant to an enhancement program Zoning Code, and which cannot be further approved pursuant to this Chapter. The purpose of subdivided pursuant to City Subdivision Ordinance. an easement is to protect steep slopes, slopes with erosion, landslide and seismic hazards, creeks, DRIP LINE: A tree's drip line shall be described by wetlands and/or riparian corridors. This easement a line projected to the ground delineating the shall be defined during the review process outermost extent of foliage in all directions. pursuant to Section 4-9-13, and shown on the recorded plat or short plat. ,fir' ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES: Removal of noxious or intrusive species, plantings of appropriate native PARTIALLY DEVELOPED: A lot or parcel of land species and/or removal of diseased or decaying upon which a structure is located and which is of trees which pose a clear and imminent threat to sufficient area so as to be capable of life or property. Enhancement activities shall not accommodating increased development pursuant to involve the use of mechanical equipment. the Renton Zoning Code; or which may be Enhancement activities may include the removal of subdivided in accordance with the City Subdivision pests which pose a clear danger to public health Ordinance. provided that such danger is certified by the King County Department of Public Health. PERSON: Any person, individual, public or private corporation, firm, association, joint venture, GROUND COVER: Small plants such as salal, ivy, partnership, owner, lessee, tenant, or any other ferns, mosses, grasses or other types of vegetation entity whatsoever or any combination of such, which normally cover the ground and includes trees jointly or severally. of less than six inches (6") caliper. REMOVAL: The actual removal or causing the GROUND COVER MANAGEMENT: The mowing or effective removal through damaging, poisoning, root cutting of ground cover in order to create an destruction or other direct or indirect actions orderly appearing property so long as such resulting in the death of a tree or ground cover. activities 4-9-3 4-9-6 ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT: Tree 2. On a partially developed or undeveloped lot trimming, tree topping and ground cover provided that: management which is undertaken by a person in connection with the normal maintenance and repair a. No more than three (3) trees are of property. removed in any twelve (12) month period from a property under thirty five thousand (35,000) TREE: Any living woody plant characterized by one square feet in size; and main stem or trunk and many branches and having a caliper of six inches (6") or greater, or a b. No more than six (6) trees are multi-stemmed trunk system with a definitely removed in any twelve (12) month period from formed crown. an property over thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet in size. TREE CUTTING: The actual removal of the above ground plant material of a tree through chemical, C. Land clearing in conformance with the manual or mechanical methods. provisions of subsections (B) and (D) is permitted on a developed, partially developed TREE TRIMMING: The pruning or removal of or undeveloped lot for purposes of landscaping limbs provided that the main stem is not severed or gardening provided that no mechanical and no more than forty percent (40%) of the live equipment is used. crown shall be removed during any topping. D. No tree cutting or land clearing is permitted TREE TOPPING: The severing of the main stem of within twenty five feet (25') of any shoreline the tree in order to reduce the overall height of the area, within twenty five feet (25') of the tree provided that no more than forty percent (40%) ordinary high water mark of creeks, in a of the live crown shall be removed during any wetland area, or on parcels where the topping. predominant slope or individual slope is in excess of forty percent (40%) except UNDEVELOPED LOT: A platted lot or parcel of enhancement activities. land upon which no structure exists. E. Any person who performs routine vegetation WETLANDS: Those areas that are inundated or management on undeveloped property in the saturated by surface or ground water at a City must obtain a routine vegetation frequency and duration sufficient to support and management permit prior to performing such that under normal circumstances do support, a work. prevalence of vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally F. Any person who uses mechanical equipment include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. for routine vegetation management, land clearing, tree cutting, landscaping, or gardening on developed, partially developed or 4-9-4: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: The undeveloped property must obtain a routine *440 City's Director of Community vegetation management permit prior to Development, or his duly authorized representative, performing such work. is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this Chapter. G. No provision of this Chapter shall be construed to eliminate the requirement of permits for the purpose of developing the 4-9-5: GENERAL PROVISIONS: property with substantial permanent improvements such as roads, driveways, A. There shall be no tree cutting or land clearing utilities, or buildings. on any site for the sake of preparing that site for future development unless a land develop- ment permit for the site has been approved by 4-9-6: REGULATIONS FOR TILE LAND the City. CLEARING AND TREE CUTTING AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF B. Tree cutting is permitted as follows except as PROPERTY: provided in subsection (D) below: A. When a development permit is submitted to 1. On a developed lot; the City it shall be accompanied by a land 4-9-6 4-9-9 A) clearing and tree cutting plan. This plan shall B. Removal of dead or terminally diseased or be reviewed as part of the environmental damaged ground cover or trees which have review process pursuant to the State been certified as such by a forester, landscape Environmental Policy Act and Title IV, architect or the City prior to their removal. Chapter 6 of the City Code. C. Maintenance activities including routine B. All land clearing and tree cutting activities vegetation management and essential tree shall conform to the performance standards removal for public and private utilities, road set forth in Section 4-9-13 unless otherwise rights of way and easements, and parks. recommended in an approved soil engineering, engineering geology, hydrology or forest D. Installation of distribution lines by public and management plan and where the alternate private utilities provided that such activities procedures will be equal to or superior in are categorically exempt from the provisions achieving the policies of this Chapter. of the State Environmental Policy and Title IV, Chapter 6 of the City Code. C. All land clearing and tree cutting activities shall be conditioned by the City to ensure that the following performance standards are 4-9-8: ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGE- met. MENT PERMIT REVIEW PROCESS: Permits for routine vegetation management shall 1. The land clearing and tree cutting will not be processed in accordance with the purposes and ___ create or contribute to landslides, accelerated criteria of this Section as follows: soil creep, settlement and subsidence or hazards associated with strong ground motion A. An application for a routine vegetation and soil liquefaction. management permit shall be submitted to the Community Development Department together 2. The land clearing and tree cutting will not with any necessary fees. create or significantly contribute to flooding, erosion, or increased turbidity, siltation or B. The permit shall be reviewed administratively other form of pollution in a watercourse. within a reasonable period of time. 3. Land clearing and tree cutting will be C. Any individual or party of record who is undertaken in such a manner as to preserve adversely affected by such a decision may. and enhance the City's aesthetic character appeal the decision to the City's Hearing and maintain visual screening and buffering. Examiner pursuant to the procedures established in Title N, Chapter 8. 4. Land clearing and tree cutting shall be conducted so as to expose the smallest practical area of soil to erosion for the least 4-9-9: APPLICATION FOR ROUTINE possible time, consistent with an approved VEGETATION MANAGEMENT vow build-out schedule. PERMIT: A routine vegetation managementPe rmit application shall set forth the following information: 5. Land clearing and tree cutting shall be conducted so as to preserve habitat consistent A. Name, address and telephone number of the with reasonable use of the property. applicant; name and telephone number of the contact person, if any. 4-9-7: EXEMPTIONS: The following shall be B. A time schedule for all mechanical equipment exempt from the provisions of this activities or routine vegetation management Chapter. activities. A. Removal of trees and/or ground cover by the C. A plan for the specific work to be performed. Public Works Department, Parks, Department, Fire Department and/or public or private D. For routine vegetation management on utility in emergency situations involving undeveloped properties, the application shall immediate danger to life or property, include: substantial fire hazards, or interruption of services provided by a utility. 490 : rrrrs mr 4-9-9 4-9-13 D) 1. Standards and criteria to be used for of twenty five feet (25'), riparian corridors routine tree trimming and tree topping; including a minimum buffer area of twenty five feet (25') from the high water mark of 2. Standards and criteria to be used for the creek or stream, and in the two hundred ground cover management; and foot (200') State shoreline area. 3. Standards and criteria to be used in determining the location for use of chemicals 4-9-11: ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGE- including insecticides and herbicides. MENT PERMIT CONDITIONS: The routine vegetation management permit may be E. For use of mechanical equipment the denied or conditioned by the City to restrict the application shall include: timing and extent of activities in order to further the intent of this Chapter including: 1. The type of equipment to be used. A. Preserve and enhance the City's aesthetic 2. A description of the specific work to be character and maintain visual screening and accomplished using the equipment. buffering. 3. The measures proposed to protect the site B. Preserve habitat to the greatest extent and adjacent properties from the potential feasible. adverse impacts of the proposed work and equipment operation. C. Prevent landslides, accelerated soil creep, ,fir settlement and subsidence hazards. 4-9-10: REGULATIONS FOR ROUTINE D. Minimize the potential for flooding, erosion, or VEGETATION MANAGEMENT: increased turbidity, siltation or other form of `-y pollution in a watercourse. """ A. Any routine vegetation management on undeveloped property requires a permit pursuant to this Chapter. Permitted activities 4-9-12: TIME LIMITS FOR PERMITS: Any may include the use of mechanized equipment permit for routine vegetation except as provided in subsections C and D management shall be valid for one year from the below. date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Community Development Department for a B. The use of mechanical equipment for routine period of one year upon application by the property vegetation management, land clearing, tree owner or manager. Application for such an cutting, landscaping, or gardening on extension must be made at least thirty (30) days in developed, partially developed or undeveloped advance of the expiration of the original permit property requires a permit pursuant to this and shall include a statement of justification for Chapter. the extension. C. For all properties, no land clearing, tree cutting, or ground cover management 4-9-13: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR activities except enhancement activities are LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS: permitted in areas with slopes over forty percent (40%); slopes over twenty five percent A. There shall be no clear cutting of trees on a (25%) with class II or class III landslide site for the sake of preparing that site for hazards, and slopes over twenty five percent future development. Trees may be removed (25%) with class II or class III erosion pursuant to a development permit which has hazards, as identified by the King County been approved by the City. Soils Survey, King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio or the City Environmentally B. Trees shall be retained to the maximum Sensitive Areas Maps. extent feasible on the property where they are growing. D. For all properties, no land clearing, tree cutting or ground cover management activities 1. Where it is not practicable to retain all except enhancement activities are permitted trees on site due to a proposed development, in wetlands including a minimum buffer area 490 4-9-13 4-9-13 B1) a plot plan shall be submitted identifying fifteen feet (15') of the top of the bank of those trees which are proposed for removal. same should be removed, nor should any The City may require a modification of the mechanical equipment operate in such areas land clearing and tree cutting plan or the except for the development of public parks associated land development plan to ensure and trail systems, and enhancement activities. the retention of the maximum number of trees. F. The City may require and/or allow the applicant to relocate or replace trees, provide 2. The plot plan shall identify the location of interim erosion control, hydroseed exposed all areas proposed to be cleared including soils, or other similar conditions which would building sites, rights of way, utility lines, and implement the intent of this Chapter. easements. Clearing should not occur outside of these areas or more than fifteen feet (15') G. No land clearing, ground cover management from the foundation line of proposed or tree cutting activities except enhancement buildings. activities shall be conducted in a wetland, except for the installation of roads and 3. No land clearing, ground cover utilities where no feasible alternative exists management or tree cutting activities are pursuant to an approved development plan. permitted in a native growth protection easement except enhancement activities or the H. Where tree cutting or land clearing will occur installation of essential roads and utilities pursuant to a building permit, protection where no other feasible alternative exists measures should apply for all trees which are pursuant to an approved development plan. to be retained in areas immediately subject to construction. These requirements may be C. The City may restrict the timing of the land waived individually or severally by the City if clearing and tree cutting activities to specific the developer demonstrates them to be dates and/or seasons when such restrictions inapplicable to the specific on-site conditions are necessary for the public health, safety and or if the intent of the regulations will be welfare, or for the protection of the implemented by another means with the same environment, or to further the purposes of result. this Chapter. I. Where the drip line of a tree overlaps a D. Native growth protection easements may be construction, this shall be indicated on the established through the subdivision process in survey and the following tree protection environmentally sensitive areas including but measures should be employed: not limited to the following areas: 1. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack 1. A buffer area from the annual high water or store any equipment, or compact the earth mark of creeks, streams, lakes and other in any way within the area defined by the shoreline areas or from the top of the bank of drip line of any tree to be retained. lik"' same, whichever provides good resource protection. 2. The applicant shall erect and maintain rope barriers or place bales of hay on the drip 2. Areas in which the average slope is greater line to protect roots. In addition, the applicant than forty percent (40%). shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 3. Wetlands. 3. If the grade level adjoining to a tree to be 4. Any other area which is determined retained is to be raised, the applicant shall through the environmental review process to construct a dry rock wall or rock well around include significant vegetation or other the tree. The diameter of this wall or well valuable resources and which should be must be equal to the tree's drip line. protected. 4. The applicant may not install impervious E. No ground cover or trees which are within a surface material within the area defined by minimum of twenty five feet (25') of the the drip line of any tree to be retained. annual high water mark of creeks, streams, lakes, and other shoreline areas or within 4-9-13 4-9-16 I) 5. The grade level around any tree to be C. For each tree which was improperly cut and/or retained may not be lowered within the removed, replacement planting of a tree of greater of the following areas: (1) the area equal size, quality and species or up to three defined by the drip line of the tree, or (2) an (3) trees of the same species in the immediate area around the tree equal to one foot (1') in vicinity of the tree(s) which was removed. The diameter for each one inch (1") of tree caliper. replacement trees will be of sufficient caliper to adequately replace the lost tree(s) or a 6. The applicant shall prune branches and minimum of three inches (3") in caliper. roots, fertilize, and water as appropriate for any trees and ground cover which are to be D. Restoration shall include installation and retained. maintenance of interim and emergency erosion control measures until such time as the restored ground cover and trees reach 4-9-14: VARIANCE PROCEDURES: The sufficient maturation to function in compliance Hearing Examiner shall have the author- with the performance standards identified in ity to grant variances from the provisions of this Section 4-9-6. Chapter pursuant to Title W, Section 4-31-19F, and Title IV, Chapter 8. E. For any parcel on which trees and/or ground cover are improperly removed and subject to penalties under this Chapter, the City shall 4-9-15: VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: stop work on any existing permits and halt the issuance of any or all future permits or MOO A. A violation of any of the provisions of this. approvals until the property is fully restored Chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor. It in compliance with this Chapter and all shall be a separate offense for each and every penalties are paid. (Ord. 4219, 6-5-89) day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter is committed. B. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this Chapter shall be subject, upon conviction in court, to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day and/or five hundred dollars ($500.00) per tree. In a prosecution under this Chapter, each tree removed, damaged or destroyed will constitute a separate offense. 4-9-16: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE REDRESS: A. Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter or of a permit issued pursuant there- to shall be liable for all damages to public or private property arising from such violation, including the cost of restoring the affected area to its condition prior to such violation. B. Restoration shall include the replacement of all improperly removed ground cover with species similar to those which were removed or other approved species such that the biological and habitat values will be replaced; and 4-10-1 4-10-2 CHAPTER 10 MINING, EXCAVATION AND GRADING ORDINANCE SECTION: 2. Promote the progressive rehabilitation of mining, excavation and grading sites to a 4-10- 1: Title, Purpose and Scope suitable new use. 4-10- 2: Definitions 4-10- 3: Procedures, Administering Authority, 3. Protect those areas and uses in the vicinity Appeal of mining, excavation and grading activities 4-10- 4: Existing Site against detrimental effects. 4-10- 5: Permits Required 4-10- 6: Rehabilitation 4. Promote safe, economic, systematic and 4-10- 7: Applications uninterrupted mining, excavation and grading 4-10- 8: License Fees activities within the City of Renton. 4-10- 9: Bonds 4-10-10: Inspection C. Scope: 4-10-11: Fencing, Setbacks, Landscaping and Screening 1. All mining, excavation and grading 4-10-12: Work in Progress activities within the City of Renton shall be 4-10-13: Surface Water subject to the terms and conditions of this 4-10-14: Top and Toe Setbacks Ordinance. All such activities shall be further 4-10-15: Cuts in compliance with chapter 78.44 of the 4-10-16: Fills Revised Code of Washington and subject to 4-10-17: Solid Waste Fills the terms of this Ordinance. The owner or 4-10-18: Drainage operator of such activities in the City at the 4-10-19: Slopes time of the adoption of this Ordinance shall 4-10-20: Final Reports make the initial application within thirty 4-10-21: Administrative Liability (30)days and the entire application within 4-10-22: Violations and Penalties ninety (90) days of the effective date of this 4-10-23: Severability Ordinance. The owner or operator of such 4-10-24: Repealing Conflicting Ordinances activities annexed subsequent to the adoption 4-10-25: Effective Date of this Ordinance shall make the initial application within thirty (30) days and the entire application within ninety (90) days from the date of annexation. All such existing activities shall comply fully with all provisions Iwo" 4-10-1: TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: of this Ordinance within the period of time established by this Ordinance except such A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter activities which are not existing at the date of known as the Renton Mining, Excavation and the adoption of this Ordinance shall conform Grading Ordinance, may be cited as such, will to all provisions of this Ordinance prior to the be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance", beginning of their operation. and same shall be and constitute Chapter 10, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 2. This Ordinance conforms to the 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of requirements of chapter 78.44 of the Revised the City of Renton. Code of Washington which regulates surface mining in the State of Washington. B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Ordinance to: 4-10-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this 1. Provide a means of regulating mining, exca- Ordinance certain terms, phrases, words vation and grading to promote the health, and their derivatives shall be construed as specified safety, morals, general welfare and esthetics in this Section. Words used in the singular include in the City of Renton. m 4-10-2 4-10-2 the plural, and the plural the singular. The word 1. Existing Grade: The grade prior to grading. "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. 2. Finish Grade: The final grade of the site AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION: The which conforms to the approved plan. adopted edition of the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association. 3. Rough Grade: The stage at which the grade approximately conforms to the approved plan. AS-GRADED: The surface conditions existent on completion of grading. GRADING: An excavating or filling or combination thereof. BEDROCK: The in-place solid rock. 1. Regular Grading. Any grading that involves BENCH: A relatively level step excavated into earth five thousand (5,000) cubic yards or less of material on which fill is to be placed. material. BORROW: Earth material acquired from an off-site 2. Engineered Grading: Any grading that location for use in grading on a site. involves more than five thousand (5,000) cubic yards of material. CERTIFICATION: A written engineering or geological opinion concerning the progress and KEY: A designed compacted fill placed in a trench completion of the work. excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a proposed fill slope. CIVIL ENGINEER: A professional engineer registered in the State to practice in the field of SITE: Any lot or parcel of land or contiguous civil works. combination thereof, under the same ownership, where grading is performed or permitted. CIVIL ENGINEERING: The application of the knowledge of the forces of nature, principles of SLOPE: An inclined ground surface the inclination mechanics and the properties of materials to the of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal evaluation, design and construction of civil works distance to vertical distance. for the beneficial uses of mankind. SOIL: A naturally occurring surface deposit COMPACTION: The densification of a fill by overlying bed rock. mechanical means. SOIL ENGINEER: A licensed civil engineer EARTH MATERIAL: Any rock, natural soil or fill experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of and/or any combination thereof. soil engineering. ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST: A geologist exper- SOIL ENGINEERING: The application of the ienced and knowledgeable in engineering geology. principles of soil mechanics in the investigation, lame evaluation and design of civil works involving the ENGINEERING GEOLOGY: The application of geo- use of earth or other materials and the inspection logic knowledge and principles in the investigation and testing of the construction thereof. and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil for use in the design of civil works. TERRACE: A relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope surface for drainage-and EROSION: The wearing away of the ground surface maintenance purposes. as a result of the movement of wind, water and/or ice. TOE OF SLOPE: A point or line of a slope in an excavation or cut where the lower surface changes EXCAVATION: The mechanical removal of earth to horizontal or meets the existing ground slope. material. TOP OF SLOPE: A point or line on the upper FILL: A deposit of earth material placed by surface of a slope where it changes to horizontal or artificial means. meets the original surface. GRADE: The vertical location of the ground surface. 4-10-2 4-10-3 1. Top of Excavation or Cut: The upper approve with conditions the location of the site surface point where the excavation meets the and its effect on the surrounding area. The original ground surface. Building Department, which is the administer- ing authority, shall enforce the requirements 2. Top of Embankment: The upper surface of the Hearing Examiner and the standards point or line to which side slope changes to established by this Ordinance. (Ord. 2820, horizontal or meets original ground surface. 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3098, 12-17-76, (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) eff. 1-2.- I • • -14-81) Hearing Examiner: 4-10-3: PROCEDURES, ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY, APPEAL: 1. Special Permit Required: As provided in the zoning ordinance, the Hearing Examiner may A. Procedures and Responsibility: grant a special permit to allow the drilling, quarrying, mining or depositing of minerals or 1. Preliminary Procedures: For advice and materials, including but not limited to assistance before the application for a special petroleum, coal, sand, gravel, rock, clay, peat permit from the Hearing Examiner and an and topsoil. A special permit shall be granted annual license to operate under this prior to the Public Works Department issuing Ordinance from the Building and Public any annual license as concurred with by the Works Departments, the applicant should Building�eparnt and authorized by this consult early and informally with the Building Ordinance. and Public Works Departments. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, Eff. 1-19-74, amd. Ord. 3098, 2. Compatibility of Proposed Use: To grant a 12-17-76, eff: 1-26-77; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) special permit, the Hearing Examiner shall make a determination that the activity would 2. Responsibility: not be unreasonably detrimental to the surrounding area. The Hearing Examiner shall a. Minor Activity: it order to expedite consider, but is not limited to, the following: small projects, any mining, excavation or 1 grading of five hundred (500) cubic yards or a. Size and location of the activity. less shall be reviewed by the Building Department. The Department may accept, b. Traffic volume and patterns. reject, modify or impose reasonable conditions which shall include but are not limited to c. Screening, landscaping, fencing and posting of bonds; installation of landscaping; setbacks. limitation of work hours; control of dust and mud rehabilitation and reuse of the site. d. Unsightliness, noise and dust. Proper application fin.: : be made to the yew' Building Department. (Ord. 2820, 1-17-74, eff: e. Surface drainage. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) f. The length of time the application of The Department may issue a license for the an existing operation has to comply with work. All work is to be completed within nonsafety provisions of this Ordinance. (Ord. ninety (90) days from the date of issuance or 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3098, the license shall be null and void. If the 12-17-76, eff. 1-26-77) applicant does not concur with the require- ments of the Building Department, he has the _ 3. Reuse of Site: In addition to the a•. - prerogative of appealing to the Hearing plan review as established in Sectio, 4-37-.3 Examiner and abiding by Section 4-10-3 shall be required of the applicant's •.,-d below. use of the site after termination of the fill/ grade activity and the phasing of the progres- b. Major Activity: For any mining, sive rehabilitation of the site to the proposed excavation • in excess of five use of the site. The new use shall be consis- hundred (500) cubic yards, the Hearing tent with the Comprehensive Plan and Examiner shall review, approve, disapprove, or compatible with the surrounding area. 4-10-3 4-10-5 B) 4. Change of Site Reuse: If the applicant revoke any annual license issued pursuant to wishes to change the proposed reuse of the the terms of this Ordinance if after due site, the applicant will need to submit a new investigation they determine that the permit- application for site plan review, as specified tee has violated any of the provisions of this above in Section 4-10-3B3. The review body Ordinance. Notice of revocation shall be in may approve the new use provided the writing and shall advise the licensee of the proposed use is consistent with the violations found. The permittee shall have a Comprehensive Plan, is compatible with the reasonable period of time not to exceed forty surrounding area and is feasible with the five (45) days in which to remedy the defects physical characteristics of the site. (Ord. 4008, or omissions specified. In the event the 7-14-86) licensee fails or neglects to do so within the time period, the order of revocation shall be 5. Transferability of Special Permit: The final. A total or partial stop work order may special permit is transferable to other persons, be issued for good reason. (Ord. 2820, 1-17-74, firms and corporations, and the special permit eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) shall continue with the activity on the site unless a new special permit is granted. (Ord. D. Board of Appeals: In order to provide for a 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74) system of appeals from the administrative decisions in the reasonable interpretation of 6. Permit Expiration: The special permit shall the provisions of this Ordinance, the Hearing be null and void it.. the, applicant has not Examiner, provided in Section 4-8-10A8 of the begun activity within six (6) months after the Code of General Ordinances of the City of granting of the permit, unless the Hearing Renton, shall upon proper application render a Examiner grants an extension of time. decision consistent with the provisions of Section 4-8-11B. (Ord. 3592, 12-1481) 7. Revocation of Permit: If the annual license has been revoked; if the annual license has not been issued for a three (3) year period; or 4-10-4: EXISTING SITE: if the applicant has not complied with the conditions of the special permit, the Hearing A. Permits: All existing mining, grading, fill or Examiner may revoke the special permit. pit operations at time of passage of this (Ord. 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. Ordinance shall have thirty (30) days in which 3098, 12-17-76, eff. 1-26-77) to apply for a special permit under this Ordinance. C. Building and Engineering Departments: B. Safety Provisions: Within one year from the 1. Authority: The Building and Public Works date of adoption of this Ordinance or of Departments shall have jurisdiction of the annexation, the applicant shall conform to the activities regulated in this Ordinance after a safety provisions of this Ordinance. (Ord. special permit has been granted by the Hear- 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74) NNW ing Examiner. For inspection purposes, any duly authorized member of these Departments shall have the right and is empowered to 4-10-5: PERMITS REQUIRED: enter upon any premises at reasonable hours where activities regulated by this Ordinance A. City Requirements: No person shall do any are occurring. These Departments are em- mining, excavation or grading without first powered to issue orders, grant, renew and having obtained a special permit from the revoke such licenses as are provided for-in Hearing Examiner and an annual license accordance with this Ordinance. Application issued by the Building Department with the for the annual license shall be made to the concurrence of the Building Department, Public Works Department. (Ord. 2820, 1-17-74, except for the following: (Ord. 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3098, 12-17-76, ,eff. eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3098, 12-17-76, eff. 1-26-77; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 1-26-77, Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 2. Revocation of Permit: The Building and 1. An excavation below finished grade for Public Works Department are authorized to basements and footings of a building, I 4-10-5 I 4-10-7 Al) retaining wall or other structure authorized shall be done in stages compatible with by a valid building permit. This shall not continuing operations. The Hearing Examiner exempt any fill made with the material from may require the drafting of rehabilitation such excavation nor exempt any excavation plans by a licensed landscape architect. (Ord. having an unsupported height greater than 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3098, five feet (5) after the completion of such 12-17-76, eff. 1-26-77) structure. C. Final Approval: After the applicant has 2. Cemetery graves. completed the approved amount of excavation, fill or other activity, the final grading of the 3. Excavations for water wells or tunnels or site, and the applicant or another developer installation of service utilities by public and begins to develop or construct the new use of private utilities. the site, the Building and Public Works Departments shall relinquish their jurisdiction 4. An excavation which (a) is less than two of this Ordinance provided they are satisfied feet (2') in depth, or (b) which does not create that reasonable progress is occurring on the a cut slope greater than five feet (5') in new use. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; height and steeper than one and one-half amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) horizontal to one vertical (11/2:1), or which does not exceed fifty (50) cubic yards on any one lot and does not obstruct a drainage 4-10-7: APPLICATIONS: course. A. Permits Required: Except as exempted in 5. A fill less than one foot (1') in depth, and Section 4-10-5 of this Ordinance, no person placed on natural terrain with a slope flatter shall do any work without first obtaining the than five horizontal to one vertical (5:1) or required special permit and license. Separate less than three feet (3') in depth, not intended special permits and licenses shall be required to support structures, which does not exceed for each site and may cover both excavations fifty (50) cubic yards on any one lot and does and fills. Licenses granted by the Public not obstruct a drainage course. Works Department shall be issued for not f more than one year and may be renewed if 6. The construction or maintenance of on-site the operation is progressing according to the roads in remote areas; or excavation or approved plans. Special permits are valid grading for farming purposes; or on-site until the approved plans have been construction. In cases of on-site construction, satisfactorily completed. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, the plans for such activities shall require the eff. 1-19-74) prior written approval of the City. B. Number of Applications: law B. Other Requirements: Issuing a permit under this Ordinance does not relieve the holder 1. Special Permit: At least five (5) copies of from requirements of other government the application plus plans and specifications agencies. (Ord. 2820, 1-17-74, eff. 1-19-74) shall be submitted to the Building Department. Additional copies may be required for good reason. The Public Works 4-10-6: REHABILITATION: Department, the Building Department and the City Clerk shall retain a set of plans. One set A. Approval: The Hearing Examiner shall shall be returned to the applicant and one set approve the reuse of the site and the phasing shall be forwarded to the Department of to achieve the reuse. Natural Resources. B. Progressive Rehabilitation: In the event that a 2. Annual License: At least four (4) copies of permit is granted, excavation, removal or fill the application plus plans and specifications shall be permitted only in accordance with shall be submitted to the Public Works the plan approved by the Hearing Examiner. Department. The Public Works Department Rehabilitation shall take place in accordance and the Building Department shall retain a with the approved plan and in a logical set of plans. A set shall be returned to the sequence so that satisfactory conditions shall applicant, and a set shall be forwarded to the be maintained on the premises. Rehabilitation 490 4-10-7 4-10-7 B2) Department of Natural Resources. (Ord. 2820, contours shall be referenced to the United 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, States Coast and Geodetic Survey Datum. 12-14-81) 3. Finished Contours: Limiting dimensions, C. Quantity and Time: The application shall elevations and finished contours of at least state the estimated quantities of material ten foot (10') intervals to be achieved by the involved and the time of completion. (Ord. grading, and proposed drainage channels and 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) related construction. Such contours shall be referenced to the United States Coast and D. Application Preparation: The Public Works Geodetic Survey Datum. Department or the Building Department may require the plans and specifications be 4. Existing Natural Drainage System: Existing prepared and signed by a licensed civil natural drainage systems including both engineer. Such special reports by experts may perennial and intermittent streams and the be required in cases where such project is of presence of bordering vegetation. substantial size, or contains unusual topo- graphic conditions, or involves matters of 5. Drainage Control: Detailed plans of all public safety, or contains one or more of said surface and subsurface drainage devices, or similar conditions. A soil engineering walls, cribbing, dams and other protective report and an engineering geology report may devices to be constructed with, or as a part be required. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; of, the proposed work, together with a map amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) showing the drainage area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains, and 1. Special Permit: Adequate information shall measures to be taken to control erosion and be submitted for the entire project which may the estimated time of planting or installation include work over several years. of controls. 2. Annual License: Adequate information shall 6. Location of Structures: Location of any be submitted for the activities proposed for no buildings or structures on the property where longer than one year. the work is to be performed and the location of any buildings or structures on land of E. Map Scale, Information on Plans and Specific- adjacent owners which are within fifteen feet ations: Plans shall be drawn on twenty two (15') of the property or which may be affected by thirty four inch (22" x 34") sheets with a by the proposed grading operations. vertical scale of one inch representing forty horizontal feet (1" = 40') and one inch repre- 7. Rehabilitation Plan: A plan shall be senting ten vertical feet (1" = 10'). All plans submitted setting forth the proposed shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the rehabilitation of the tract to the approved nature and intent of the work proposed and new use. A rehabilitation contour plan shall show in detail that they will conform to the be included indicating the general grades and „fir provisions of this Ordinance and all relevant slopes to which excavated areas are to be laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The graded. A description of the methods and first sheet of each set of plans shall give the materials proposed for restoration of top soil location of the work and the name and shall be provided. The rehabilitation plan address of the owner and the person(s) by shall also include a schedule indicating how whom they were prepared and approved. The and when restoration will occur before, plans shall include the following information: during, and after excavation operations. Rehabilitation shall be planned in stages 1. Vicinity Map: General vicinity of the compatible with continuing operations. The proposed site showing adjacent land uses on a rehabilitation schedule shall include specific one inch representing six hundred or eight information relating to regrading, drainage, hundred foot (1" = 600' or 800') scale map. landscaping, erosion, sediment control, backfilling, removal of machinery and 2. Property and Contour Lines: Property buildings, and closing of access roads. Also, limits and accurate contours of at least ten the proposed use or uses shall be included. foot (10') intervals of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. Such 490 4-10-7 4-10-8 E) 8. Setbacks: Setbacks and those areas that volume of the excavation and fill. Before are not to be disturbed. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, accepting a set of plans and specifications for eff. 1-19-74) checking, the Building Department shall collect o 9. Landscaping and Screening: Landscape and planplan checking fee. The amount of the checkingp e screening plans for both around office (if any) as set forth in then table below: (Ord. 2820, and along the periphery of the site. The 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, landscaping plan shall conform to the 12-14-81) requirements of the Building Department. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. PLAN CHECKING FEES 3592, 12-14-81) 50 cubic yards or less $ 5.00 10. Work Methods: Measures to be imple- 51 to 100 cubic yards 10.00 mented to minimize dust, mud, noise and 101 to 1,000 cubic yards 15.00 other noxious characteristics. 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards 20.00 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards - $20.00 for the F. Construction and Material Requirements: first 10,000 cubic yards plus $10.00 for each Specifications shall contain information additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof covering construction and material 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards - $110.00 for the requirements. first 100,000 cubic yards plus $6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof law G. Soil Engineering Report: The soil engineering 200,001 cubic yards or more - $170.00 for the report, if required by Section 4-10-71), shall first 200,000 cubic yards plus $3.00 for each include data regarding the nature, distribution additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof and strength of existing soils, conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures and The plan checking fee for solid waste fills design criteria for corrective measures when shall be one and one-half(1'/,) times the plan necessary, and opinions and recommendations checking fee listed above. The fee for a grad- covering adequacy of sites to be developed by ing license authorizing additional work to that # the proposed grading. under a valid license shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original license H. Engineering Geology Report: The engineering and the fee shown for the entire project. (Ord. geology report, if required by Section 4-10-7]), 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) shall include an adequate description of the geology of the site, conclusions and recommen- B. Grading Fees: A fee for each grading license dations regarding the effect of geologic shall be paid to the Building Department as conditions on the proposed development. set forth in the table below: I. Non-City Review: In addition to the GRADING LICENSE FEES story requirements of the State Surface Mined Reclamation Act, review by other interested 60 cubic yards or less $10.00 City, County, State and Federal organizations 51 to 100 cubic yards 15.00 may be requested. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 101 to 1,000 cubic yards - $15.00 for the first 1-19-74) 100 cubic yards, plus $7.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof J. Issuance of License: The plans and reports 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards - $78.00 for the shall be approved by both the Public Works first 1,000 cubic yards plus $6.00 for each Department and Building Department before additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof a license is issued. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards - $132.00 for the 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) first 10,000 cubic yards plus $27.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof 100,001 cubic yards or more - $375.00 for the 4-10-8: LICENSE FEES: first 100,000 cubic yards plus $15.00 for each additional 100,000 cubic yards or A. Plan Checking Fee: For excavation and fill on fraction thereof the same site, the fee shall be based on the i 490 r 4-10-10 4-las B) The fee for annual licenses of solid waste fills drainage facilities and structures, and be shall be one and one-half (1'/,) times the competent to recommend and obtain special grading license fee listed above. The fee for a tests, survey data, and geological or hydraulic grading license authorizing additional work to reports should they be necessary. The civil that under a valid license shall be the differ- engineer shall provide an acceptable plan and ence between the fee paid for the original report based on good engineering ices license and the fee shown for the entire pro- and the requirements designated by the ject. Any unused fee may be carried forward Public Works Department. e scall, uons tn o the next year. If any work is done before return of his plans, p y the license is issued, the grading license fee necessary and corrected copies work.or use a oof civil shall be doubled. City in reviewing the grading engineer shall be responsible for reporting monthly or more frequently on forms provided 410-9: BONDS: by the Public Works Department: A. The Public Works Department and Building a. Extent and location of grading. Department shall require bonds amounting to one and one-half (1'/,) times the estimated b. All tests made or taken in conjunction cost of rehabilitation to assure that the work with the grading operation. if not completed or proceeding in accordance c. Extent of drainage, structure, and with the approved plans and specifications safetyactivity report on.the project. shall be corrected. Such a bond shall be 100. approved by the City Attorney and filed with d. Any special testing, as-built plans or the City Clerk. In lieu of a surety bond, the applicant may file a cash bond or instrument revised requests necessary. of credit with the City Clerk in an amount equal to that which would be required in the In addition, he shall certify to the safety and surety bond. The bond shall be conditioned stability of the slopes, safety earthwork opera- upon the faithful performance of the tion, and special problems which might occur. requirements as set forth in this Ordinance. Any reclamation bonds posted with the State 2. Reports: Sols eng gineeribe rng g and engineering nec ring Department of Natural Resources for surface geology mining permits may be applied on the bond in Section 4-10-7. During grading all requirements, insofar as they pertain to the necessary reports, compaction data and soil reclamation provisions of this Ordinance. engineering and engineering geology recommendations shall be submitted to the civil engineer and the Public Works 4-10-10: INSPECTION: Department by the soil engineer and the engineering geologist. The Public Works A. General: All operations regulated by this Department may waive reports for minorvats Ordinance shall be subject to inspection by grading operations. authorized Public Works Department and Building Department inspection personnel. 3. Soil Engineer: The soil engineer's area of When extraordinary or special problems or responsibility shall include but need not be conditions are involved, extra inspection of limited to the professional inspection and grading operations and special tests may be certification concerning the preparation of ordered by the City. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. ground to receive fills, testing for required 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) compaction, stability of all finish slopes and the design of buttress fills, where required, B. Engineering Grading Requirements: incorporating data supplied by the engineering geologist. 1. Civil Engineer: For purposes of preparing and/or approving engineered grading plans, 4. Engineering Geologist: The engineering the civil engineer shall meet the requirements geologist's area of responsibility shall include specified in Section 410-2. The civil engineer but need not be limited to professional shall be responsible for the plans, any special inspection and certification of the adequacy of soil engineering and testing reports, design of 490 1 4-10-10 4-10-11 B4) natural ground for receiving fills and the grading operation by virtue of changing stability of cut slopes with respect to engineering advisors. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. geological matters, and the need for subdrains 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) or other ground water drainage devices. He shall report his findings to the soil engineer and the civil engineer for engineering analysis. 4-10-11: FENCING, SETBACKS, LAND- (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) SCAPING AND SCREENING: 5. Building Department: The Building A. Specifications: A fence six feet (6') in height Department shall inspect the project at with openings no larger than two inches (2") frequent intervals to determine that adequate (other than gates) may be •.uired for safe y control is being exercised by the operator and re�,Qns completely aroun• any area worked the civil engineer. Should hazardous conditions upon for which a permit is issued for occur, the Building Department inspector shall engineered grading prior to commencing any have the responsibility and authority to issue other work. All gates shall be locked when not a partial or total stop work order. in use and shall bear a sign denoting danger. C. Regular Grading Requirements: Inspection and B. Setbacks: testing by an approved testing agency includ- ing certification of the excavated or filled 1. General: Engineered grading sites may be areas may be required by the Building required to have a peripheral area a ' ✓ Department at any time the City's authorized maximum of seventy five feet (75'1 in width inspectors believe problems may occur. Should which shall be retained in its natural special problems be indicated in regular topographic condition. The setback area shall grading, the Building Department may require be used for, but is not limited to, access roads, the owner or operator to submit engineering planting, fencing, landscaped berms for reports similar to engineered grading and may screening purposes, employee and visitor specify a time period for compliance to prevent parking, offices, directional signs and business undue hazard. Should hazardous conditions signs identifying the occupant. occur in either engineered grading or regular E grading, the Building Department inspector 2. Landscaping: Existing vegetation in any shall have the responsibility and authority to required setback shall be preserved or issue a partial or total stop work order. landscaping shall be planted to prevent erosion and reduce the dust, mud and noise D. Notification of Noncompliance: It shall be the generated on the proposed reuse of the site. responsibility of the certifying engineer on any Around the periphery of the site, except where grading project to advise immediately any the proposed reuse of the site requires the discrepancies, hazardous conditions or lack of vegetation, the applicant shall problems affecting safety and stability of the landscape in such a manner as to result in sow project to the person in charge of the grading reasonable screening. Trees planted shall be At work and subsequently in writing to the least four feet (4') in height. In those areas grading operator and to the Building Depart- that have been rehabilitated and are desig- ment. Recommendations for corrective nated to be planted according to the proposed measures, if necessary, shall be provided in reuse of the site, the appropriate plantings the correction notices. shall be done as soon as possible to provide mature plants for the new use. E. Transfer of Responsibility for Work: If at any time the grading operator changes the certify- C. Screening: With the exception of offices, every ing engineer or a different ownership or effort shall be made to screen effectively all responsible party occurs, the operator shall structures and activities to minimize notify the Building Department in writing detrimental effects on adjacent property. within ten (10) days and shall specify the new Screening may include but is not limited to civil engineer or owner. The owner or grading landscaping, berms with landscaping, and a operator shall not be relieved of any respon- screening fence. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. sibility relative to the safety and conduct of a 1-19-74) 4-10-12 4-10-12 4-10-12: WORK IN PROGRESS: F. Permitted Work Hours: All work done in residential areas shall be between the hours of A. Slopes: No slopes greater than one horizontal seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and eight o'clock to one vertical will be permitted during (8:00) P.M., Monday through Saturday, except excavations thai, exceed ten feet (10') in height repairs to machinery. The Building Official is without physical restraint by timbering or authorized to grant an extension of working approval by the Building Department of an time during an emergency. An emergency engineering or geologist report assuring slope shall include but is not limited to natural and will maintain its shape without undue risk of manmade disasters. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) failing. (3rd. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) G. Pollution Control Agencies: Discharge of materials into the air or water shall be B. Safety: Workmen shall be allowed in the subject to the requirements of the appropriate vicinity of the toe or top of slope only after governing agency. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. close visual inspection of slope to assure safety 1-19-74) against breakage or sliding. H. Control of Dust and Mud: Activities shall be • C. Tops of Slopes: All trees, timber, stumps, operated so as to reduce dust and mud to a brush or debris shall be cleared to a point at minimum. Unless otherwise specified by the least ten feet (10') back from the top of any Public Works and Building Departments, slope involving cuts greater than ten feet (10'). operations shall be conducted in accordance After excavation, the top of all slopes shall be with the following standards: (Ord. 2820, • rounded to prevent a sheer breaking point. 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74, amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) D. Property and Setback Location: Property 1. Access Roads: Access roads shall be location and approved setbacks must be maintained in a condition that confines the established and stakes set under the super- mud and dust to the site. Such roads shall be vision of a registered land surveyor. These improved to a width sufficient to permit the stakes must be maintained in place until final unhindered movement of emergency vehicles. inspection of work so that the inspector can One-way roads shall have by-pass routes to determine at any time if the excavation is permit the movement of emergency vehicles. properly located as related to the property lines. 2. Work Procedures: Dozing, digging, scraping and loading of excavated materials shall be E. Allowable Noise: Noise levels at all operations done in a manner which reduces to the shall be controlled to prevent undue nuisance minimum level possible the producing of dust to the public. Maximum allowable daytime and mud. sound pressure as measured in any residential zone shall not exceed the following at least I. Appearance: All activities under the ninety percent (90%) of the time between the jurisdiction of this Ordinance shall be operated rdM hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and eight and maintained in a neat and orderly manner, o'clock (8:00) P.M. free from junk, trash, or unnecessary debris. Buildings shall be maintained in a sound SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS conditions, in good repair and appearance. Salvageable equipment stored in a SOUND PRESSURE non-operating condition shall be suitably FREQUENCY LEVEL IN screened or garaged. Landscaping adjacent to BAND DECIBELS and around the main entrance(s) and office IN re. 0.0002 shall be sufficiently watered and cared for to CYCLES/SECOND MICROBAR insure its health and well-being. 25 - 300 80 J. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation: Soil erosion 300 - 2400 70 and sedimentation shall be confined to the site Above 2400 60 by such means as a temporary cover of vege- (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) tation, mulches, diversions, sedimentation 4-10-12 4-10-16 J) pounds or other acceptable methods. No toxic damage as a result of water runoff or erosion materials shall be allowed to wash from the of the slopes. site or be discharged into receiving watercourses. B. Minimum Setbacks: Setbacks shall be no less than the following: 4-10-13: SURFACE WATER: 1. Tops of Slopes: Distance to the setback line for the top of slopes shall be a minimum of A. Prohibited Conditions: Under no circumstances ten feet (10'). shall stagnant or polluted waters be permitted • in any site. Should these waters accumulate, • 2. Structures: Distance 'to structures; if any remedial measures such as draining or structures or the site shall be as follows: backfilling shall be taken as corrective action. Backfill material shall be placed to a point Slope Height Top Toe one foot (1') above the water table. Less than 11' 5' 3' B. Lakes: Lakes formed in areas which may be 11 - 30.9' 7' Height/2' used for recreational purposes shall be of such 31' and over 10' 15' depth that shall inhibit the growth of vege- tative matter in the water. A minimum two foot (2') depth of water shall be maintained in 4-10-15: CUTS: these areas. The restoration of any site which results in the formation of a lake shall be the A. General: Unless otherwise recommended in result of careful planning and shall take into the approved soil engineering and/or engineer- consideration all factors which contribute to ing geology report, cuts shall conform to the the ultimate ecology of the site. provisions of this Ordinance. C. Bank Slopes: All banks, adjacent to any body B. Slope: The slope of cut surfaces shall be no of water created, shall be sloped or stepped as steeper than is safe for the intended use. Cut follows to permit a person to escape from the slopes shall be no steeper than a ratio of two water: horizontal to one vertical (2:1). 1. Unconsolidated Material: Soil, sand, gravel C. Drainage and Terracing: Drainage and and other unconsolidated materials shall be terracing shall be provided as required by sloped to two feet (2') below the low ground Section 4-10-18. water line at a slope no steeper than one and one-half feet horizontal to one foot vertical (1 i'4-10-16: FILLS: sow 2. Consolidated Material: Solid rock or other A. Gener . nless otherwise recommended in consolidated materials shall be stepped or .--tfi'e approved soil engineering report, fills shall otherwise constructed to maintain a safe conform to the provisions of this Section. In condition. the absence of an approved soil engineering report these provisions may be waived for D. Natural Stream Courses: Every effort shall be minor fills not intended to support structures. made to preserve perennial and intermittent For minor fills or waste areas, humps, hollows streams and their surrounding vegetation. or water pockets shall be graded smooth with acceptable slopes. 4-10-14: TOP AND TOE SETBACKS: B. Fill Location: Fill slopes shall not be constructed on natural slopes steeper than two A. General: The tops and toes of cut and fill horizontal to one vertical (2:1) or where the slopes shall be set back from setback lines as fill slope toes out within twelve feet (12') far as necessary to preserve the setback for horizontally of the top of existing or planned the safety and benefit of adjacent properties, cut slopes. the adequacy of foundations, and to prevent 4-10-16 4-10-17 C. Preparation of Ground: The ground surface emergency permit must provide a disposal shall be prepared to receive fill by removing plan of the materials satisfactory to the vegetation, noncomplying fill, topsoil and other Director, including routing of any vehicles unsuitable materials as determined by the soil transporting any contaminated, dangerous or engineer, and where the slopes are five to one toxic materials. Any fill to be installed must (5:1) or steeper, by benching into sound comply with the requirements of this Ordi- bedrock or other competent material. nance concerning the contents of the fill. An emergency fill and grading permit shall be for D. Fill Material: Earth materials shall have no the minimum time and minimum volume ne- ore than minor amounts of organic sub- cessary to avoid the emergency. (Ord. 4102, stances an shall have no rock or similar 12-14-87, eff. 12-19-87) irreducible material wit a mum dimension greater than eight inches (8"). ' 4-10-17: SOLID WASTE FILLS: E. Compaction: All fills shall be compacted to a minimum of ninety five percent (95%) of A. General: Reports by an engineer qualified in maximum density as determined by American solid and sanitary waste fills shall be Public Works Association (APWA) speci- required. Such reports shall include but are fications. Field density shall be determined in not limited to design; insect and vermin accordance with APWA standards. control, physiological considerations; sight, noise and odor control of material; special F. Slope: The slope of fill surfaces shall be no ingress and egress control for equipment; and steeper than is safe for the intended use. Fill special drainage requirements. These reports slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal shall be in addition to those required else- to one vertical (2:1). where in this Ordinance. The engineering reports submitted shall include plans, and G. Drainage and Terracing: Drainage and terrac- means of preventing and eliminating any ing shall be provided and the area above fill health hazards and visual problems. All slopes and the surfaces of terraces shall be as phases of sanitary landfill operations and solid required by Section 4-10-18. (Ord. 2820, waste fills shall be provided in the engineer- 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) ing report, including type, nature, and amount of equipment, manpower, special precautions, H. Emergencies: Upon application to the Building chemical usage and availability of granular and Zoning Department, supported by those material for the coverage of the cell material. plans adequate for the Director of the Bonding requirements, restrictions on noise, Building and Zoning Department to make a dust and mud, special fencing requirements, decision, there may be declared an emergency special precautions required and availability of and the Director may issue an emergency fill twenty four (24) hour inspection and correc- and grade permit. In order for there to be tion of hazards shall be provided by operator declared an emergency, there must be a agreement with the City prior to any consid- -,,_ declaration from a State or Federal regulatory eration for either a sanitary landfill or solid agency that an emergency condition exists waste fill. Unless specific requirements are that threatens public safety, health or welfare, mentioned in this Section, the requirements of or the Building and Zoning Director must be Section 4-10-16 shall be followed. presented with independent evidence that there exists an emergency that imminently B. Location: Special attention shall be given to threatens public safety, health or welfare, and solid waste and/or sanitary fill location to further that there exists inadequate time to prevent undue hazard. obtain a fill and grade permit. Before the emergency permit can be issued, the Director C. Cell Cover: Cell construction on any solid must ensure that environmental review has waste fill shall consist of at least a six inch been completed by the Environmental Review (6") noncontaminated uniformly graded granu- Committee or is under the supervision of a lar cover material covering the entire area of Federal or state agency that has conducted the cell construction. Each cell shall be environmental review. As part of any covered the same day it is constructed. emergency grading the applicant for an 4-10-17 4-10-17 D. Compaction: Compaction of the solid waste or substances, industrial waste, and silage type sanitary fill material and mixture of the material may need special treatment before material shall be such as to provide a rela- utilization in a solid waste or sanitary landfill. tively uniform density with no extreme soft Special request and reports shall be made on spots. Density of compacted cellular solid waste materials of the foregoing types prior to waste material shall be as high as possible in placement in landfills. accordance with good mixing compacting standards and shall at no time be less than 6. Prohibited Fill: No materials of appreciable forty percent (40%) of the density of a similar volume of an extremely harmful nature to sample of material compacted under ideal environment shall be placed in any solid conditions by providing a fifty (50) pound per waste or sanitary landfill. This includes, but is square foot surcharge on a one cubic foot not limited to, any form of demolition material sample of the material. of an explosive nature, any volatile or liquid petroleum product any cTiemical salts Zr 1. Bulk Items: Solid waste materials of bulk soluble materia which would contaminate items involving metallic units similar to storm water, surface water or air, and any refrigerators, stoves, car bodies, water tanks, animal meat or semi.solid fruit or grain heavy timber items and similar items shall be products which might become rancid, placed in the lower portion of a cell with putrescible or harmful. No provisions of the sufficient cover and compaction of cover to sanita landfill or --an waste ti preclude any dangerous voids. renes ircmanta Q),fllt,p pclude t e use of nonha native clay, sand rock, or normal *so 2. Building Debris and Flammable Material: i type materia s in ing operations covered Broken wood, building material and related under other sections of this Ordinance. debris from structure removal (exclusive of brick and concrete) shall be satisfactorily E. Drainage: Special attention shall be provided broken and crushed to provide a reasonable drainage in any solid waste or sanitary compacted cell when covered by granular landfill to prevent leaching of noxious or material. Protection shall be provided for any putrescible materials, decaying nuisance, any wood or burnable material to prevent fire contamination of normal water courses. Where f either on the surface or subsurface. The earth water might leach through the construction cover on any cell containing flammable cells, subdrains, lateral collectors and storage material including paper, wood, or vegetable ponds shall be provided. Leach water from products shall be sufficiently covered to solid waste shall not be permitted to percolate prevent spread of flames should combustion downward into the water table. Leach water occur in any cell due to spontaneous corn- shall be collected and conveyed to a sewage bustion. treatment plant. 3. Stabilization: Brick, broken concrete, F. Water Disposal: Any leach water coming from crushed building materials, not including covered sanitary or solid waste fill cells shall Niae extensive wooden or flammable matter, may be collected, stored and decontaminated by be utilized in embankment where they may be suitable chemical or other means and then of assistance in preventing undue sliding, disposed of in a sanitary sewer. Should water scouring or voids which might harbor suitable collection facilities, sand filters and vermin. This material shall be sufficiently chemical-cleaning be provided to prevent any mixed or covered with suitable granular toxicity and reduce the leach water to an material to prevent unsightly effects. equivalent of normal storm flow, the Public Works Department may permit disposal 4. Animal Waste: Animal waste shall be through normal storm water facilities. provided with suitable cover and sterilization Frequent samples of all water collected shall to prevent decay odors, build up of flammable be taken, and flow conditions shall be gasses, or possible leaching of putrescible controlled to prevent contamination or material. Chemical treatment shall be overloading of either the sanitary or storm provided to prevent insect habitation. water facilities. Surface runoff in any sanitary pit or solid waste landfill shall be maintained 5. _ eated Fill: aterials such as hay, straw, separately to prevent contamination by tree hm as an. brush, vegetable farm waste, leaching. feathers, rubber tires, wood pulp, chemical A 4-10-17 4-10-18 G. Special Considerations: Special paving, surface as to avoid water transporting colloidal silts in protection, and related health requirements the stream. Should request be made for varia- may be imposed on sanitary landfill and solid tion from the twenty four (24) hour, twenty waste operations. five (25) year storm by the engineering designer, sufficient data shall be submitted in H. Prohibited Activities: No junk picking or field an engineering report to analyze the requested salvaging of any solid waste or sanitary variation. When accumulated flows are such landfill items shall be allowed in the vicinity that the water is capable of transporting of the landfill. Any separation of materials for colloidal silts or other particles in suspension salvage shall be provided at the collection down drains, pipe or lined ditches shall be point or an approved transfer site prior to incorporated to dispose of the runoff safely. disposal at the landfill site. Energy dispersing structures shall be used to prevent erosion. ' 4-10-18: DRAINAGE: 4. Settling Ponds: Where storm water and ground conditions appear to warrant, special A. General: Unless otherwise indicated on the holding and settling ponds, storm water approved grading plan, drainage facilities and storage reservoirs, or other means may be terracing shall conform to the provisions of required to prevent overload or unusual ' this Section. Special drainage protection work by.pass of storm flow water to areas off the may be ordered in case of emergency or owner's site and control. serious potential flooding conditions, and the grading operator required to have available an C. Subsurface Drainage: Cut and fill slopes shall 41110 employee to be called in times of potential be provided with subsurface drainage as serious emergency hazards. necessary for stability. B. Terrace: Terraces at least eight feet (8') in D. Disposal: All drainage facilities shall be width shall be established at no more than designed to carry waters to the nearest twenty five foot (25') intervals to control practicable drainage way approved by the City surface runoff. Suitable access shall be and/or other appropriate jurisdiction as a safe . provided to permit cleaning and maintenance. place to deposit such waters. Silt and other debris shall be removed prior to the disposal 1. Swales: Swales or ditches on the back side of such water. If drainage facilities discharge of the terrace shall have a maximum longi- onto natural ground, riprap may be required. tudinal gradient of two percent (2%) unless (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) protected by special paving, use of corrugated metal or other scour prevention devices. 1. Grade: At least two percent (2%) gradient Drainage shall be designed to minimize toward approved drainage facilities from trapping of excessive water which might en- building pads will be required unless waived danger the terrace, Terraces shall slope by the Building Department for nonhilly toward the back or cut face at a minimum of terrain. Exception: The gradient from the 'N ten percent (10%) slope to keep water from building pad may be one percent (1%) where overtopping. building construction, and erosion control will be completed before hazardous conditions can 2. Scouring: Single run of swale or ditch shall occur. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. not collect runoff from a tributary area exceed- Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) ing thirteen thousand five hundred (13,500) square feet of the area of the face of the slope 2. Drainage Releases: The property owner or without discharging into a down drain. Down his authorized agent shall submit acceptable drains shall terminate into a catch basin or copies of drainage releases from downstream other approved receiver to prevent scouring at owners or other government agencies the outfall. concerned whenever drainage is interrupted, diverted or changed from natural surface or 3. Capacity: Designed capacity for terraces subsurface drainage patterns. shall be a twenty four (24) hour, twenty five (25) year storm as published by the U.S. 3. Stream Acceptance: The volume and rate of Weather Bureau. Design velocity shall be such water released shall nof"exceed the receiving 4-10-18 4-10-22 D3) stream's or watercourse's ability to accept the summaries of field and laboratory tests and water without erosion. other substantiating data and comments on any changes made E. Overland Runoff: Runoff from areas of higher the recommendationg made ading nditheirffec e so l elevation shall be safely routed around or engineering investigation report. The soil through the extraction or fill area. (Ord. 2820, engineer shall provide certification as to the 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) adequacy of the site for the intended use. 3. Geologic Grading Report: A geologic grading 4-10-19: SLOPES: report prepared by the engineering geologist including a final description of the geology of A. General: The faces of cut and fill slopes shall the site including any new information disclosed be provided and maintained to control against during the grading and the effect of same on erosion. This control may consist of effective recommendations incorporated in the approved planting. The protection for the slopes shall be grading plan. The engineering geologist shall installed as soon as practicable and prior to provide certification as to the adequacy of the calling for final approval. Where cut slopes are site for the intended use as affected by geologic not subject to erosion due to the erosion- factors. (Ord. 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74) resistant character of the materials, such protection may be omitted with the permission B. Notification of Completion: The permittee or his of the Building Department, provided that this agent shall notify the Building Department protection is not required by the rehabilitation when the grading operation is ready for final plan.(Ord.2820, 1-14-74,eff. 1-19-74;amd.Ord. inspection. Final approval shall not be given 3592, 12-14-81) until all work including installation of all drainage facilities and their protective devices B. Other Devices: Where necessary check dams, and all erosion control measures have been cribbing, riprap or other devices or methods completed in accordance with the final approved shall be employed to control erosion and grading plan and the required reports have been sediment, provide safety, and control the rate submitted.(Ord.2820, 1-14-74,eff. 1-19-74.amd. of water runoff.(Ord.2820, 1-14-74,eff. 1-19-74) Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 4-10-20: FINAL REPORTS: 4-10-21: ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY: No officer, agent or employee of the City shall A. Upon completion of tue rough grading work and render himself personally liable for any damage that at the final completion of the work, the Building may & rue to persons or property as a result of any Department may require the following reports act required or permitted in the discharge of his and drawings and supplements thereto: (Ord. duties under this Ordinance.Any suit brought against 2820, 1-14-74, eff. 1-19-74; amd. Ord. 3592, any officer, agent or employee of the City as a result 4 12-14-81) of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this Ordinance shall be defended by 1. As-Graded Grading Plan: An as-graded the City Attorney until the final determination of the grading plan prepared by the civil engineer proceedings therein. including original ground surface elevations, as- graded ground surface installations,lot drainage patterns and locations and elevations of all 4-10-22: VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Every surface and subsurface drainage facilities. The person violating any of the provisions of this civil engineer shall provide certification that the Ordinance shall be punishable upon conviction by a work was done in accordance with the final fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), or approved grading plan. by imprisonment not exceeding ninety(90) days or by both such fine and imprisonment, and each day's 2. Soil Grading Report A soil grading report violation shall constitute a separate offense prepared by the soil engineer including locations punishable under this Ordinance. and elevations by field density tests, �.y r 4-10-25 4-10-23 4-10-23: SEVERABILITY: If any section, subsec- tion,paragraph,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity or unconstitution- ality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, it being herein expressly declared that this Ordinance and each section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase thereof would have been adopted irre- spective of the fact that any one or more other Sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 4-10-24: REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDI- NANCES:Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4-10-25: EFFECTIVE DATE:This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and legal pubNutiO - lication. (Ord. 2820; 1-14-74, Eff. 1-19-74) 4-11-1 4-11-2 CHAPTER 11 MOBILE HOME PARKS SECTION: by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment for not 4-11-1: Title, Purpose, Penalty and Appeal more than ninety (90) days, or by both such 4-11-2: Definitions fine and imprisonment. 4-11-3: Procedures and Administering Authorities D. Board of Appeals: In order to provide for a 4-11-4: Preliminary Plan Requirements system of appeals from administrative deci- 4-11-5: Design, Location, Construction Standards sions in the reasonable interpretation of the and Completion Certificate provisions of this Chapter, the Hearing Exa- 4-11-6: Installation Permit miner, provided in Section 4-8-10A8 of this 4-11-7: Maintenance Code, shall, upon proper application, render a 4-11-8: Liability; City Not Liable decision consistent with the provisions of 4-11-9: Severability Section 4-8-11B. iturr 4-11-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Chapter certain terms, phrases, words 4-11-1: TITLE, PURPOSE, PENALTY AND and their derivatives shall be construed as specified APPEAL: in this Section. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular. The words A. Title: This Chapter shall be hereinafter "shall" and "will" are mandatory; the word "may" is known as the Renton Mobile Home Park permissive. Chapter, may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Chapter", and DEPENDENT TRAILER: A trailer which does not • same shall be and constitute Chapter 11, have a private toilet and bathtub or shower. Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of' General DEVELOPER: The person, firm or corporation Ordinances of the City of'Renton. developing a mobile home park or a trailer park. B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Chapter to INDEPENDENT TRAILER: A trailer that has a provide a means of regulating mobile home toilet and a bathtub or shower. parks so as to promote the health, safety, morals, general welfare and esthetics of the MOBILE HOME: An independent trailer designed City of Renton. Mobile home parks should for year-round occupancy. vow provide a pleasant residential environment which will be an enjoyable place to live and a MOBILE HOME LOT or SPACE: A trailer space residential asset to the City. Development of designed for a mobile home in a mobile home park. mobile home parks shall conform to the regu- lations established herein. MOBILE HOME PARK: A trailer park under one ownership designed for mobile homes on a non- C. Penalty: In addition to Section 4-11-3B2 transient basis. below, any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Chapter PERMIT: A written building permit issued by the shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Building and Zoning Department permitting the misdemeanor, and each such person, firm or trailer park to be constructed or operated under corporation shall be deemed guilty of a this Chapter and the regulations promulgated separate offense for each and every day or thereunder. portion thereof during which any violation of any of' the provisions of this Chapter is HEARING EXAMINER: The Hearing Examiner committed, continues or permitted; and upon established by the Mayor and City Council of the conviction of such violation, such person, firm or corporation shall be punishable $ v . 4-11-2 4-11-4 City as provided in Title IV, Chapter 8 of the City public hearings thereon. The Hearing Examin- Code. er may make any such changes or modifica- tions he deems necessary in the design or SERVICE BUILDING: A building housing separate layout of a mobile home park to optimize the toilet, lavatory and bath or shower accommodations development and use of the site, to protect for men and women, with separate service sink and adjoining and/or surrounding properties, laundry facilities. developments, traffic patterns and/or accessibility. TRAILER: Any vehicle or structure so designed and constructed in such manner as will permit occu- 3. Responsible Department: The Building and pancy thereof, with sleeping quarters for one or Zoning Department shall be responsible for more persons, and constructed in such a manner as administering the review, design and to permit its being used as a conveyance upon the construction provisions of this Chapter. public streets or highways and duly licensable as such, propelled or drawn by its own or other B. Operation and Maintenance: power, excepting a device used exclusively upon 1. It shall be the duty of the Building Official stationery rails or tracks. to enforce all provisions of this Chapter. For TRAILER PARK: Any site, lot, parcel or tract of inspection purposes, any of the members of land designed, maintained or intended for the the Building and Zoning Department or their purpose of supplying a location or accommodations duly authorized representatives and agents for trailers, and shall include all buildings used or shall have the right and are hereby Is intended for use as a part of the equipment thereof empowered to enter upon any premises at any whether a charge is made for the use of the trailer reasonable time on which any trailers or park and its facilities or not. Trailer parks shall mobile homes, as above defined are located. not include commercial automobile or trailer sales The Building and Zoning Department is areas on which unoccupied trailers are parked for empowered to issue orders, grant, renew and purposes of inspection and sale only. revoke such permits and licenses as are provided for in accordance with the provisions TRAILER SPACE or LOT: A parcel of ground of this Chapter. within a trailer park designed for the accommodation of any trailer. 2. Revocation of License: The Building Official is hereby authorized to revoke any license TRAVEL TRAILER: A dependent or independent issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter trailer designed to be towed by a passenger car or if after due investigation it is determined that a light truck and not intended for year-round the owner thereof has violated any of the occupancy. provisions of this Chapter or that any mobile home or mobile home park is being maintained in an unsanitary or unsafe 4-11-3: PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTER- manner or is a nuisance. Such notice of INC AUTHORITIES: revocation shall be in writing and shall advise the licensee of the violations found. The A. Review and Construction: licensee shall have a period of ten (10) days in which to remedy the defects or omissions 1. Submission and Filing of Mobile Home therein specified. In the event that the Park Applications: The procedure for review licensee fails or neglects to do so within the and approval of a mobile home park consists said ten (10) day period, the order of of the preparation and submission to the revocation shall be final. Hearing Examiner of a mobile home park plan of the proposed mobile home park. The plans shall be filed with the Building and 4-11-4: PRELIMINARY PLAN REQUIRE- Zoning Department. MENTS: 2. Official Agency: The Hearing Examiner is A. Proposed Mobile Home Park Plan Application designated as the official agency of the City and Fees: The application and plan shall be for the review and approval of the design of a submitted in at least eight (8) copies to the proposed mobile home park and the conduct Building and Zoning Department who shall of 4-11-4 4-11-5 A) affix thereto a file number and the date it is cause by the Hearing Examiner upon received. Application forms are available from properwritten application by the developer for the Building and Zoning Department. Such a period not to exceed one year. Only one application shall be accompanied by a fee as such extension shall be granted. set forth in the fee schedule of the City. F. Application Requirements: The application for B. Referrals, Recommendations of Department: approval of a mobile home park plan of a The Building and Zoning Department shall mobile home park shall include but not be transmit copies of the proposed mobile home limited to the following: park plan to the Department of Public Works, the health agency, Fire Department and copies 1. Vicinity Map: A vicinity map of the area, to other department heads and agencies as dimensions, acres and zoning of the tract of necessary for their review and recommenda- land, and the land use and zoning of the tion. Two (2) copies shall be retained by the surrounding property, at a scale of not less Hearing Examiner. These departments and than one inch representing two hundred feet agencies shall make, within the scope of their (1" = 200'). municipal functions, their respective recommendations regarding the mobile home 2. Site Map: A site map at a scale of not less park plan to the Building and Zoning than one inch representing one hundred feet Department, in writing, not less than fifteen (1" = 100') showing the individual lots, (15) days prior to the date of hearing. structures, roadways, parking spaces, tia'' sidewalks, screening, recreation areas, C. Date and Notice of Hearing: The mobile home contours at not less than two foot (2') park plan shall be considered at the first intervals, landscaping and other permanent regular hearing of the Hearing Examiner to be physical features. set twenty one (21) days or more after submission to and acceptance by the Building 3. Landscape Plan: A detailed landscape plan. and Zoning Department. The Building and Zoning Department shall cause a notice of 4. Mobile Home Lots: The number, location public hearing to be published once in the and size and dimensions of all mobile home City's legal newspaper, giving time and place lots. thereof, and such notice shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous places within the City 5. Parking Spaces: the number, location and and on or adjacent to the land to be developed size of all automobile and recreation vehicular at least ten (10) days prior to any such parking spaces. hearing. The Hearing Examiner may request the Building and Zoning Department to give 6. Streets and Sidewalks: The location and additional notice, as it deems reasonably width of roadways and walkways. necessary, to adjacent landowners and other ,, parties directly involved in such development. 7. Buildings: The location of service buildings and other existing and proposed structures. D. Recommendations to Hearing Examiner: The Building and Zoning Department shall trans- 8. Public Rights of Way: Public rights of way, mit the application, the proposed mobile home easements and other factors limiting develop- park plan and the respective recommendations ment. of City departments and other public agencies, together with the Building and Zoning Depart- 9. Any other pertinent information deemed ment recommendations to the Hearing Exa- necessary by the Hearing Examiner. miner for study at least seven (7) days prior to any such hearing. 4-11-5: DESIGN, LOCATION, CONSTRUC- E. Approval Period and Expiration: The approval TION STANDARDS AND COMPLE- of the mobile home park plan shall lapse TION CERTIFICATE: unless a building permit based thereon is submitted within three (3) years from the date A. Design and Location: Mobile home parks shall of such approval unless extended for good have the following minimum standards: s 4-11-5 4-11-5 A) 1. Site: The minimum site shall be two (2) concrete curbings shall be provided to each lot. developable and usable acres. The minimum width of streets shall be thirty feet (30'). Concrete sidewalks of at least five 2. Access: There shall be at least two (2) feet (5') in width shall be placed along at least places of access of which at least one public one side of each street or located in the back access must be on a major or secondary street or side of each lot so that there is sidewalk as defined by the City comprehensive arterial access to all lots. and street plan. 10. Parking: Each mobile home lot shall have 3. Screening: A solid wall or view-obscuring a minimum of two (2) off-street automobile fence, hedge or equivalent barrier not less parking spaces. Mobile home parks shall than five feet (5') in height shall be estab- provide screened parking for boats, campers, lished and maintained around the entire travel trailers and related devices on a ratio of periphery of the park except for openings for one space per ten (10) lots, in a secluded driveway and walkway purposes. portion of the park. 4. Permanent Dwelling: The only permanent 11. Recreation Area: A minimum of ten dwelling allowed on the mobile home park percent (10%) of the total area of the park shall be the single family dwelling of the shall be reserved and shall be used solely and owner or manager. exclusively for a playground-recreation area. 5. Lot Size: Each mobile home lot shall 12. Illumination: The Public Works Depart- contain a minimum of three thousand (3,000) ment shall approve a street lighting plan square feet, with the length of not less than providing sufficient illumination between seventy five feet (75') and the width not less sunset and sunrise to illuminate adequately than forty feet (40'). Each lot shall be laid out the roadways and walkways within a mobile so as to optimize view, privacy and other home park. amenities. 13, Landscaping: Landscaping shall be 6. Density: There shall be not more than eight provided on both the individual lots and the (8) lots per gross acre of the mobile home remainder of the mobile home park site park. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-83) according to a landscape plan approved by the Hearing Examiner. 7. Setbacks: Each lot shall be clearly defined and landscaped. Mobile homes together with a. Installation: A surety bond of not less any accessory structures, including patios, than four hundred dollars ($400.00) per acre awnings and related devices shall be located a of the mobile home for a maximum of two (2) minimum of ten feet (10') from the front lot year period guaranteeing to the City the line; five feet (5') from side or rear lot lines; installation according to the approved and ten feet (10') from another mobile home landscape plan of walls, fences and land 1400 - measured closer than twenty feet (20') to any scaping required herein shall be posted prior public street or highway. It shall be illegal to to the issuance of any permits to construct the allow or permit any mobile home to remain in park. the mobile home park unless a proper space is available for it. (Ord. 3902, 4-22-85) 14. Public Street Improvements: On or off-site public street improvements shall conform to 8. Lot Coverage: No more than forty percent the provisions and requirements of the (40%) of any lot shall be covered by a mobile subdivision ordinance, Title 9, Chapter 12. home and enclosed accessory structures. In addition accessory structures such as carport 15. Patio: A concrete patio on each mobile canopies or patio covers having less than fifty home lot of not less than one hundred twenty percent (50%) perimeter wall enclosure shall five (125) square feet with a minimum width not exceed twenty percent (20%) coverage of of eight feet (8') shall be provided. any lot. B. Construction Standards: Mobile home park 9. On-Site Private Streets, Curbs and Side- construction standards shall be as listed walks: Asphaltic or concrete streets and below; 4-11-5 4-11-7 B) 1. No grading, construction or similar activi- hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated ties, except the clearing of land, shall be cost of the installation of the required permitted until the Hearing Examiner has improvements. Such bond shall list the exact given approval to the final plan. work that shall be completed and shall be subject to the condition that the improvements 2. In the construction of mobile home parks, shall be completed within one year. The Board the developer shall obtain a building permit may defer improvements for periods of one consistent with all applicable State, County year, but not exceeding five (5) years. The and City codes for electrical, plumbing, developer may substitute a certified check in sanitary sewer, storm sewer, fire, street, lieu of a performance bond. Such check shall building and all other applicable codes. A be made payable to the City and shall be in building permit for a mobile home park shall the same amount as the bond it is include but is not necessarily limited to the substituting. The City reserves the right, in site, its grading and preparation, private addition to all other remedies available to it utilities and services, private on-site streets, by law, to proceed against such bond or other driveways, walkways and landscaping the payment, without notice to the developer. In dimensions of the individual mobile home sites case of suit, the developer agrees to pay unto and the design and construction of the the City all costs incidental to such litigation individual mobile home pads and their utility including reasonable attorney's fees. (Ord. connections. Public utilities and on or off-site 3746, 9-19-83) public street improvements as defined in ` '' subdivision ordinance and public or private sewer, water and storm drainage systems will 4-11-6: INSTALLATION PERMIT: require a permit from the Public Works Department. A. An installation permit from the Building and Zoning Department shall be required for 3. All utilities serving the mobile home park installation of each mobile home and to shall be underground. connect to utilities. Setbacks, lot coverage and related requirements shall be completed and 4. Mobile home parks shall have City sanitary approved and issued prior to the occupation of sewer and water service. each mobile home. A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid at the time of 5. A safe, sanitary and adequate supply of application for said permit. (Ord. 3770, water shall be supplied to every mobile home 12-19-83) lot and service building. B. All mobile home installations shall comply 6. Any gas supply from a central L.P. gas or with WAC 296-150B-200 et seq. entitled natural gas facility shall require a gas General Installation Requirements for Mobile connection permit and shall comply with the Homes. +fir► City Mechanical and Plumbing Codes. C. An installation permit shall not be issued for 7. Facilities for firefighting and prevention the location of any mobile home unless the shall comply with City Fire Codes. mobile home park has been issued an occu- pancy certificate and a license from the C. Certificate of Occupancy: A signed certificate Building Official. of occupancy shall signify that the mobile home park has been satisfactorily completed = D. Mobile homes constructed after July 1, 1968 according to the approved final plan and the shall bear the insignia of approval for requirements of this Chapter. plumbing, heating and electrical installation according to chapter 43.22 of RCW. D. Deferred Improvements: If a developer wishes to defer certain improvements, then written application shall be made to the Board of 4-11-7: MAINTENANCE: Public Works stating the reasons why such delay is necessary or advisable. Upon approval A. General: The mobile home park shall be kept by the Board of Public Works, the developer in good repair to insure that said park shall shall furnish a performance bond to the City be a pleasant, safe and sanitary living in an amount equal to a minimum of one environment for present and future 4-11-9 4-11-7 A) inhabitants. Minimum standards are set forth in this Chapter. B. Landscaping: Landscaped areas will be subject to periodic inspection by the Building and Zoning Department. Landscaping shall be kept neat and orderly. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-83) 4-11-8: LIABILITY; CITY NOT LIABLE: This Chapter shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning any land or buildings and/or constructing any mobile home parks in the City for damages either to person or property; nor shall the City, or any agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability by reason of preliminary or final approval authorized herein or a license issued by the City or any of its agents. 4-11-9: SEVERABILITY: If any part or portion Vie of this Chapter is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdic- tion, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Chapter. (Ord. 3746, 9-19-83) 4-13-1 4-13-2 CHAPTER 13 OCCUPANCY PERMITS SECTION: 4-13-1: Construction of Improvements Required 4-13-2: Temporary Occupancy Permit Conditions 4-13-1: CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVE- MENTS REQUIRED: There is hereby added an additional condition to the issuance of any permanent occupancy permit. No permanent occupancy permit shall be granted until all on and Nov offsite improvements required of the project shall be constructed and approved by the City or alter- natively, deferred or waived. 4-13-2: TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY PERMIT CONDITIONS: A temporary occupancy permit may be granted by the Building Official, when the required improvements have not been deferred or installed and in the opinion of the Building Official are not necessary for life, safety or health, or structural integrity of the buildings on the site, and the improvements are to be installed and completed within ninety (90) days from the date of issuance of temporary occupancy permit. In all such cases, a bond, certified or cashier's check, letter of credit or set aside letter must be posted to the extent of one hundred fifty rrs,rnr percent (150%) of the estimated cost of the improvements not installed and accepted. The amount of said bond shall be provided by an estimate of the applicant together with supporting data from a reputable contractor or subcontractor and based upon full engineering plans. Such estimates shall be approved by the Building Official of the City, however, should the amount of the estimate be unacceptable to the City, the applicant shall be required to provide further estimates acceptable to the City. No temporary occupancy permit shall be granted until the bond amount has been established following acceptable estimates. Said temporary occupancy permit shall be good for a period of not more than ninety (90) days. After improvements have been installed and approved by the City the bond herein shall be released and the applicant may make application for a permanent occupancy permit. (Ord. 3483, 11-10-80) 291 4-14-1 4-14-1 CHAPTER 14 PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE SECTION: the provisions of this Ordinance. For such purpose, the Building Official or his duly 4-14- 1: Title, Intent and Enforcement authorized representative shall have the 4-14- 2: Definitions authority of a police officer. 4-14- 3: Uses and Conditions 4-14- 4: General Provisions 2. Board of Appeals: The Hearing Examiner 4-14- 5: Loading Space shall hear appeals from administrative 4-14- 6: Parking Requirements decisions in the reasonable interpretation of 4-14- 7: Drive-In Business the provisions of this Ordinance. The 4-14- 8: Parking Standards Examiner shall, upon proper application, 4-14- 9: Submission of Plans render a decision consistent with the 4-14-10: Illustrations provisions of Section 4-8-11B. 4-14-11: Liability 4-14-12: Severability 3. Building Permits: 4-14-13: Penalty 4-14-14: Repeal of Prior Ordinances a. No construction, alteration or changes 4-14-15: Effective Date in uses are permitted until all the information in Section 4-14-9 has been submitted and approved by the appropriate City departments and building permit has been issued. 4-14-1: TITLE, INTENT AND ENFORCE- b. The Building and Zoning Department MENT: may issue a conditional or temporary permit only for good cause shown, if any of the A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter specified plans and construction are to be known as the Renton Parking and Loading deferred for a reasonable period of time as set Ordinance, may be cited as such, will be forth in Section 414-4L. hereinafter referred to as this Ordinance, and same shall be and constitute Chapter 14, Title Any such conditional or temporary building IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. permit shall clearly specify any improvements 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of to be deferred (i.e., plans for landscaping, the City of Renton. signs and lighting) and shall be permitted only if the City has received adequate security B. Intent: It is the purpose of this Ordinance to from any such applicant or owner, as provide a means of regulating parking to hereinbelow stated. Deferred improvement will promote the health, safety, morals, general be completed as set forth in such permit, and welfare and aesthetics of the City of Renton if not cited therein, then as specified in by specifying the off-street parking and Section 4-14-4L3 hereinbelow. loading requirements for all uses permitted in this Code and to describe design standards 4. Occupancy Permits: The premises shall not and other required improvements. All new be occupied until the parking lot is paved, developments and alterations to, or expansion marked, landscaped and lighted (if the lot is of existing developments per Section 4-14-3A2 to be illuminated) and an occupancy permit shall comply with the applicable requirements has been issued, unless a deferment has been of this Chapter. granted. C. Administration/Enforcement: 5. Business Licenses: A business license shall not be issued until an occupancy permit has 1. The Building and Zoning Department is been issued. hereby authorized and directed to enforce all A 4-14-1 4-14-2 C) 6. Maintenance: agreement. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, bonds or covenants running with the land a. Landscaped areas will be subject to upon which the building is located to cause the periodic inspection by the Building and Zoning termination of the occupancy of the building upon Department to ensure maintenance. termination of the leased parking. b. Said Department shall advise enforcing LANDSCAPING: The addition to land of natural authority of noncompliance with ordinance lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, rockeries and similar requirements. items to enhance its attractiveness. c. Landscaping shall be kept neat, orderly LOADING AREA:A specially designed off-street place and of attractive appearance at all times. intended to be used by vehicles for depositing and/or receiving passengers and goods. d. In the event that such landscaping is not maintained in a reasonable manner, the OUTDOOR RETAIL SALES AREAS: Specially City shall have the right to demand a proper designed areas for the retail sale of automobiles, performance or similar bond from the owner or small trucks, vans or other similar type motor occupant of the premises to assure proper and vehicles. It does not generally include commercially continuous maintenance, or alternately, the licensed motor vehicles such as buses or trucks. City reserves the right to cause such maintenance to be done and to charge the full PARKING LOT or PARKING AREA: A specially cost thereof unto the owner. designed off-street place intended to be used primarily for the temporary storage of vehicles for durations of less than seventy two (72) hours. Included in this 4-14-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this definition is the permanent surface, striping, Ordinance, certain terms and their landscaping and other features required by this derivations shall be construed as specified in this Section. Section. Words in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular. The words "shall" and PARKING SPACE or PARKING STALL: A parking "will" are mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. space is any off-street space intended for the use of vehicular parking with ingress and egress to the DOCK HIGH LOADING DOOR: Any loading door space easily identifiable. over forty inches (40") in height measured from the adjacent pavement area where the truck is parked SHOPPING CENTER: A group of buildings, to the floor elevation of the building. structures and/or uncovered commercial areas planned, developed and managed as a unit related GROSS FLOOR AREA: For the purpose of computing in location and type of shops to the trade area that required parking space, gross floor area shall be the unit serves. defined as the main areas of the building that are occupied. It does not include accessory areas STACKING SPACE:The space specifically designated ordinarily used by the occupant such as: rest rooms, as a waiting area for vehicles whose occupants will "- stairs, shafts, wall thickness, corridors, lobbies and be patronizing a drive-in business. Such space is mechanical rooms. considered to be located directly alongside a drive-in window, facility or entrance used by patrons and in LEASED PARKING: Parking for a particular land lanes leading up to and away from the business use on land which is subject to a lease or other establishment. agreement allowing the owners of the building to use the property for parking for the use. Leased parking STORAGE LOT:A specially designed area for parking shall be a permanent parking arrangement. The or holding, of operable motor vehicles or wheeled permanency of the parking shall be determined upon equipment for more than seventy two(72)hours. (See consideration of the remaining economic life of the bulk storage regulations for lots exceeding one acre building for which the parking is provided, and of the in area.) provision of the applicant of appropriate measures to protect against conditions which may cause forfeiture TANDEM PARKING: The parking of one motor of the lease or other land use vehicle behind another, where one does not have • direct access to a parking aisle without the moving 4-14-2 4-14-4 of the other vehicle. Tandem parking is allowed parking and loading purposes, but may be only in single-family and duplex residential zones. used for maneuvering space. UNCOVERED COMMERCIAL AREA: An area used B. Ingress/Egress: for display purposes or for commercial transactions not combined within a structure. 1. Driveway Location: a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shopping 4-14-3: USES AND CONDITIONS: Center Uses: A. New Buildings and Building Additions: (1) The location of ingress and egress Off-street parking shall be provided in driveways shall be subject to approval of accordance with the provisions of this the Public Works Department under curb Ordinance in the following cases: cut permit procedures. 1. The construction of new buildings or (2) There shall be a minimum of forty structures; feet (40') between driveway curb returns where there is more than one driveway 2. The enlargement or remodeling of an on property under unified ownership or existing building/structure or land use by more control and used as one premises. than one-third (1/3) of the area of building/structure or area of land use; or (3) Driveways shall not be closer than five feet (5') to any property line (except 3. Paving of a parking lot with a permanent as allowed under Section 4-14-4B1c Joint surface. Use Driveways). B. Change in Use: When the occupancy of any b. All Other Uses: land use, structure and/or building or any part of a building, structure, and/or land use is (1) The location of ingress and egress changed to another use requiring increased driveways shall be subject to approval of parking stalls, parking shall be provided to the Public Works Department under curb meet the parking requirements of the new cut permit procedures. use, as specified in Section 4-14-8. (Ord. 3988, 4-28-86) (2) Driveways shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the street frontage. C. Exemption for the Downtown Core Area: The downtown core area which is described as that (3) There shall be a minimum of area bounded by the center lines of Smithers eighteen feet (18') between driveway curb Avenue South from South Fourth Place to returns where there is more than one `Nr" South Third Avenue and Logan Avenue south driveway on property under single from South Third Street to the Cedar River, ownership or control and used as one bounded on the north by Cedar River, east to premises. Mill Avenue South, south to South Fourth Street and west to Smithers Avenue South (4) Driveways shall not be closer than shall be exempt from the provisions of this five feet (5') to any property line (except Ordinance. (Ord. 4124, 2-1-88) as allowed under Section 4-14-4B1c Joint Use Driveways). 4-14-4: GENERAL PROVISIONS: c. Joint Use Driveways: A. Use of Public Right of Way: Maneuvering (1) Adjoining uses fronting on a street space shall be completely off the right of way may utilize a joint use driveway where of any public street except for parking spaces such joint use driveway reduces the total provided for single-family dwellings and number of driveways entering the street. duplexes. Alleys shall not be used for off-street 490 awsr 4-14-4 4-14-4 B1c) (2) Joint use driveways must be created such case there shall not be more than two upon the common property line. (2) driveways for each unit of operation. (3) Joint use access to the driveway 4. Driveway Radius: The radius for any shall be assured by easement or other driveway return shall be five feet (5'), as legal form acceptable to the City. specified in the American Public Works Association Standard Plans and Specifications, 2. Driveway Width: unless otherwise directed by the Public Works Department. a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shopping Center Uses: 5. Driveway Angle: The angle between any driveway and the street roadway or curb line (1) The width of any driveway shall not shall not be less than forty five degrees (45°). exceed fifty feet (50') exclusive of the radii of the returns or taper section, the 6. Hazardous Driveways: measurement being made parallel to the center line of the street roadway. a. No driveway shall be constructed in such a manner as to be a hazard to any (2) Driveways shall not exceed forty existing street lighting standard, utility pole, percent (40%) of the street frontage. traffic regulating device, fire hydrant, adjacent street traffic, or similar devices or conditions. (3) The Board of Public Works may 440 grant an exception upon proper b. The cost of relocating any such street application in writing and for good cause structure when necessary to do so shall be shown, which shall include, but not be borne by the abutting property owner. limited to the absence of any reasonable alternative. c. Said relocation of any street structure shall be performed only through the b. Single-Family and Duplex Uses: The department and person holding authority for width of any driveway shall not exceed the particular structure involved. twenty feet (20') exclusive of the radii of the returns or taper section, the measurement 7. Driveway Grades: being made parallel to the center line of the street roadway. a. Single-Family and Two-Family Uses: Maximum driveway slopes shall not exceed c. All Other Uses: The width of any fifteen percent (15%), provided that driveways driveway shall not exceed thirty feet (30') exceeding eight percent (8%) shall provide exclusive of the radii of the returns or the slotted drains at the lower end with positive taper section, the measurement being made drainage discharge to restrict runoff from parallel to the centerline of the street entering the garage/residence or crossing any „viii roadway. public sidewalk. 3. Number of Driveways: b. All Other Uses: Maximum driveway slope shall not exceed eight percent (8%). The a. Industrial, Warehouse and Shopping Board of Public Works may allow a driveway Center Uses: There shall not be more than to exceed eight percent (8%) slope but not two (2) driveways for each three hundred more than fifteen percent (15%) slope, upon thirty feet (330') of street frontage on property proper application in writing and for good under unified ownership or control. cause shown, which shall include, but not be limited to the absence of any reasonable b. All Other Uses: There shall not be alternative. more than two (2) driveways for each three hundred thirty feet (330') of street frontage C. Location of Parking Facilities: for a single ownership, except where a single ownership is developed into more than one 1. Distance: unit of operation, each sufficient in itself to meet the requirements of this Ordinance. In 490 4-14-4 4-14-4 C1) a. Required parking as specified herein only to space requirements of the principal shall be provided upon property in the same use which it is intended to serve. ownership as the property upon which the building or use requiring the specified parking 3. Off-Site Parking: is located or upon leased parking. a. If sufficient parking is not available b. Where a distance is specified, such on the premises of the use, excepting single distance shall be the walking distance and two family dwellings, a private parking measured from the nearest point of the lot may be provided on a noncommercial basis parking facility to the nearest point of the subject to the approval of the Building and building that such facility is required to serve. Zoning Department. The Building and Zoning Department shall review the following as part c. Off-street parking facilities shall be of the building permit process: located as hereinafter specified. (1) A letter of justification addressing the (1) Single-Family and Duplexes: On the need and neighborhood compatibility. same lot with the building they are required to serve. (2) A site plan showing all dimensions of: (2) Multi-Family: May be on contiguous - Parking spaces lot with the building they are required to - Aisles Nis" serve, provided the provisions of Section - Landscaping areas 4-14-4C3 (Off-Site Parking) below are - Adjacent street improvements complied with. - Curb cuts across public streets - On-site and adjacent use and building (3) Boat Moorages: May have parking locations areas located not more than six hundred feet (600') from such moorage facility nor (3) An environmental checklist unless it closer than one hundred feet (100') to the is exempt under SEPA. shoreline. (See Section 4-14-8D6 and 7). Handicapped parking can be allowed b. The Building and Zoning Department within the one hundred feet (100') per shall apply the following conditions in the Section 4-14-6A6. review process: (4) Other Uses: On the same lot with the (1) Off-site parking for required parking principal use except when the conditions spaces shall be contained in a parking as mentioned in Section 4-14-4C3 (Off- lot within five hundred feet (500') of the Site Parking) below are complied with. building or other use it is intended to serve. vow 2. Use of Paved Recreation Space for Parking: The Building Department may authorize the (2) The parking lot shall be subject to all use of space designated and primarily used for applicable provisions of this Ordinance. recreation purposes for a portion of the required parking space provided the space (3) Except for emergencies, no automobile conforms to the following conditions: repair or service of any kind shall be conducted on any such parking area. a. Such parking areas shall be subject to all locational and developmental provisions of (4) No charge for use of such parking this Ordinance. area shall be made in any residential zone except on a weekly or monthly b. Such portions of the recreation area to basis. be used for parking shall be paved with a durable, dustless surface of a permanent D. Units of Measurement: nature. 1. Benches: In stadiums, sports arenas, c. Such parking space may be credited churches and other places of assembly in >�r 4-14-4 4-14-4 D1) which patrons, or spectators occupy benches, a. Landscaping shall not conflict with pews or other similar seating facilities, each the safety of those using adjacent sidewalks eighteen inches (18') of length of such seating or with traffic safety. facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off- b. Where possible existing mature trees street parking facilities under this Ordinance. and shrubs shall be preserved and incorporated in the landscape layout. 2. Fractions: When a unit of measurement determining the number of required parking c. All landscaping under this Section is spaces results in the requirement of a subject to approval by the Building/Zoning fractional space, any fraction up to but not Department. including one-half ('/2) shall be disregarded and fractions one-half ('/2) and over shall 2. Required Landscaping and Screening. require one parking space. a. Screening Residential Uses: E. Joint Use: (1) A planting area or berm with 1. The joint use of parking facilities may be landscaping shall be provided on those authorized only for: sides of a parking lot that is adjacent to properties used and/or zoned for a. Those uses which have dissimilar residential purposes. (See specific zoning peak-hour demands during the nonpeak hours classification.) of the lessor. (2) Such planting shall be subject to the b. The parking facilities of the lessor are requirements of the zoning ordinance in excess of parking requirements under this and shall be of a sufficient height to Ordinance. serve as a buffer. 2. To qualify as a joint-use parking facility, (3) Any landscaping area shall be a __ the facility must be located within a radius minimum of five feet (5') in width. of five hundred feet (500') from the buildings or use areas it is intended to serve. (4) The Building/Zoning Department may allow a minimum of a forty two inch 3. A joint-use contract, covering a minimum of (42") screening fence in lieu of five (5) years, shall be approved by the landscaping upon proper application for Building Department and by the City good cause shown, which shall include Attorney for such a parking arrangement to but not be limited to a narrow parking be allowed. lot. 4. Shopping centers are prohibited from b. Small Parking Lot: Parking lots less `S leasing parking area to adjacent uses. than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area shall have landscaped areas as follows: 5. Parking areas in shopping centers operate as common parking for all uses. If a shopping (1) A minimum width of five feet (5') for center is subdivided, the easements and/or right angle and ninety degree (90°) restrictive covenants must grant use and parking stalls along the abutting public maintenance of common parking access. right of way except for areas of ingress and egress. F. Landscaping: All parking lots, loading areas and drive-in businesses, vehicle sales lots and (2) Angled parking layouts, forming a storage lots except those used for detached sawtooth pattern shall maintain a single-family dwelling units, duplexes and minimum of two foot (2') landscaping those in enclosed buildings, shall be strip in the narrowest part of the landscaped to the standard set forth in sawtooth pattern abutting a public right Section 4-31-34. of way. 1. Safety and Approval: 4-14-4 4-14-4 F2) c. ;e Parking Lots: In addition to 1) Such landscaping shall be maintained Section 4 i4-4F2a and b above, parking lots by the owner and/or occupant and shall ten thousand (10,000) square feet or greater be subject to periodic inspection by the in area shall have is 'minimum of five percent Building Department. (5%) of area wit.i: the parking lot land- scaped in a pattern that reduces the barren (2) In the event that such landscaping is appearance of the parking lot. not maintained in a reasonable, neat and clean manner, then the City shall d. Storage Lot: Perimeters of the lot have the right to proceed as set forth in must be effectively screened by a combination Section 4-14-106. of landscaping and fencing. G. Paving, Markings and Wheel Stops: (1) A minim-«•-. of' ten foot (10') land- scaped strip is required between the pro- 1. Paving: perty lines along public rights of way and the fence. The landscaping shall be a. All off-street parking areas shall be of' a size and variety so as to provide an paved with asphaltic concrete, cement or equi- eighty percent (80%) opaque screen. valent material of a permanent nature as ap- proved by the Public Works Department. (2) The entire perimeter must be fenced by a sight obscuring fence, a minimum b. Storage lots may be surfaced with *ow of eight feet (8') in height. Gates may be crushed rock or similar material approved by left unscreened for security purposes. the Public Works Department. 3. Underground Sprinkling System: Under- 2. Marking: All parking areas other than ground sprinkling systems shall be required those for single-family residential and duplex to be installed and maintained for all land- dwellings shall have stalls marked and access scaped areas. The sprinkler system shall pro- lanes clearly defined, including directional vide full water coverage of the planted areas arrows to guide internal circulation. as specified on the plan. a. All entrances and exits shall be 4. Installation and Maintenance: designated as such by markings on the parking lot pavement in addition to any signs a. Installation: which may be used as entrance and exit guides. (1) All landscaping and sprinkler sys- tems shall be installed in accordance b. All markings are to be of commercial with the landscaping and sprinkler plan traffic paint or equal material and are to be submitted by the applicant and approved maintained in a legible condition. — by the Building Department (see Section 4-14-9). c. All handicapped, compact and guest parking spaces shall be marked. (2) Whenever there is a deferral of im- provements as set forth in Section 3. Wheel Stops: 4-14-4L, or as otherwise specified in this Ordinance,the applicant shall furnish to a. Wheel stops shall be required on the the City a bond in an amount equal to a periphery of the parking lot so the cars shall minimum of one hundred fifty percent not protrude into the public right of way of (150%) of the cost of the installation of the parking lot, or strike buildings. the approved landscaping. b. Wheel stops shall be two feet (2') (3) The requirement of a bond may be from the end of the stall for head-in parking. waived upon approval of the Building Department, and upon written appli- c. Parallel stalls shall be designed so cation by the applicant. that doors of vehicles do not open onto the public right of way. b. Maintenance: agemommumuimmim 4-14-4 4-14-4 H. Lighting: b. Should the Board of Public Works grant the deferral of part or all of the 1. Any lighting on a parking lot shall illu- necessary on-site improvements, then full and minate only the parking lot and shall be des- complete engineering drawings of the on-site igned and located so as to avoid undue glare improvements shall be submitted as a or reflection of light. condition precedent to the granting of any deferral. 2. Light standards shall not be located so as to interfere with parking stalls, stacking areas 2. Bonds: Upon approval by the Board of and ingress and egress areas. Public Works for such deferment, for good cause shown by the applicant, the applicant I. Drainage: Drainage shall meet City require- shall thereupon furnish a performance bond to ments, including the location of the drains the City in an amount equal to a minimum of and the disposal of water. one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of the installation of the J. Parking Lots and Structures: Maximum slopes required improvements. The decision of the for parking lots shall not exceed eight percent Board of Public Works as to the amount of (8%) slope. such bond shall be conclusive. The Board of Public Works may allow a 3. Time Limit: driveway to exceed eight percent (8%) slope but not more than fifteen percent (15%) slope, a. The bond shall list the exact work upon proper application in writing and for that shall be performed by the applicant and good cause shown, which shall include, but shall specify that all of the deferred not be limited to the absence of any reason- improvements shall be completed within the able alternative. time specified by the Board of Public Works and if no time is so specified, then not later The ingress and egress of all parking lots and than one year. structures shall be approved by the Public Works Department. b. The Board of Public Works shall annually review the deferred improvements K. Customer Parking: The Building and Zoning and the amount of the bond. Department may require areas be set aside exclusively for customer or guest parking and c. Should the Board of Public Works shall specify one of the following methods be determine that any improvement need not be used: installed immediately, then the Board of Public Works may extend the deferral for an 1. A maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the additional period of time up to an additional required parking stalls clearly designated as year. "customer parking" or "guest parking". Park- ing stalls with said designations shall be used d. The Board of Public Works, at the only for said purposes. end of five (5) years, shall either require the deferred improvements to be installed or shall 2. A separate parking lot with its own ingress waive the improvements permanently. and egress, landscaping and screening exclu- sively for customer parking and adequately e. At the same time as the granting of signed as such. any additional deferral, the bond for such deferral shall be reviewed and increased or L. Deferred Improvements: decreased as the Board of Public Works shall deem necessary, but shall remain in an 1. Application: amount equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of a. If there is a demonstrated need to the installation of the deferred improvement. defer certain on-site improvements for more than ninety (90) days after obtaining a certi- 4. Check or Letters of Credit in Lieu of Bond: ficate of occupancy, then written application The developer may substitute in lieu of a shall be made to the Department of Public performance bond: Works not later than fifteen (15) days prior to occupancy. 4-14-4 4-14-4 L4) a. A certified or cashier's check. Such 1. Standards: check shall be made payable to the City of Renton and shall be in the same amount as a. Location: the bond for which it is substituting. (1) As required by the Fire Codes and b. A letter of credit from a financial the Fire Department, fire lanes shall be institution guaranteeing payment upon installed surrounding facilities which by demand by the City. The legal form of the their size, location, design or contents letter of credit shall be approved by the City warrant access which exceeds that Attorney. normally provided by the proximity of City streets. 5. Proceed Against Bond: (2) Additional fire lanes may be required a. The City reserves the right, in in order to provide access for addition to all other remedies available to it firefighting or rescue operations at by law, to proceed against such bond or other building entrances or exits, fire hydrants payment in lieu thereof without notice to the and fire protection system service developer. connection or control devices. b. In case of any suit or action to enforce b. Design: Lanes shall provide a 'Sow developer provisions of this subsection, the minimum unobstructed continuous width of developer shall pay unto the City all costs twenty feet (20') and provide a minimum incidental to such litigation including vertical clearance of thirteen feet six inches reasonable attorney's fees. (13'6"). 6. Binding Upon Applicant: The requirement c. Identification: (Ord. 3988, 4-28-86) of the posting of any performance bond or other security therefor shall be binding on the (1) Lanes shall be identified by a four applicant, his heirs, successors and assigns. inch (4") wide line and curb painted bright red. The block letters shall state, 7. Transfer of Responsibility: "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING", be eighteen inches (18") high, painted white, a. Once a bond has been accepted by the located not less than one foot (1') from Board of Public Works, there shall be no the curb face, at fifty foot (50') intervals. release of the owner or developer for their (Ord. 4130, 2-15-88) obligations unless a new party agrees in writing to be responsible under the bond, and (2) Signs shall be twelve inches by has provided a new bond. eighteen inches (12" x 18") and shall have letters and background of *ow b. In the instance where a new bond contrasting colors, readily readable from would be provided by a condominium owners' at least a fifty foot (50') distance. (Ord. association or property owners' association, 3988, 4-28-66) then it shall be necessary for the owners' association to have voted to assume the (3) Signs shall be spaced not further obligation before the City may accept the new than fifty feet (50') apart nor shall they bond, and a copy of the minutes of the be placed less than five feet (5'), or more meeting of the owners' association duly than seven feet (7') from the ground. The certified shall be filed along with the bond. installation and use of fire lane signs will preclude the requirement for c. The City shall not be required to painting "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING", permit a substitution of one party for another in the lane only. The area shall be on any bond if the Board of Public Works, identified by painting the curb red or in after full review, finds that the new owner the absence of a curb, a four inch (4") does not provide sufficient security to the red line shall be used. (Ord. 4130, City that the improvements will be installed 2-15-88) when required. d. Construction: M. Fire Lanes: 4-14-4 4-14-5 Mid) (1) Fire lanes shall be an all weather D. Loading space shall be in addition to required surface constructed of asphalt or off-street parking spaces. reinforced concrete certified to be capable of supporting a twenty (20) ton vehicle, E. Buildings which utilize dock-high loading or when specifically authorized by the doors shall provide a minimum one hundred Fire Department, crushed rock may be feet (100') of clear maneuvering area in front used; provided, written certification is of each door. (See following diagram.) provided from a soils engineer, that the roadway will support the weight of operating fire apparatus. Rz'-i•H leil4 (2) Where fire lanes connect to City Lt 7 streets or parking lots, adequate A� 41b clearances and turning radii shall be gy. ►,0 ►46 'V' 'r provided. 2. Driveways and/or Parking Areas: The Fire Department may require that areas specified 1L for use as driveways or private thoroughfares {G:›' shall be designated as fire lanes and be marked or identified as required by this Section. 1; 71 `wll 3. Existing Buildings: a. When the Fire Chief, or his j4 µh authorized designee, determines that a hazard due to inaccessibility of fire apparatus exists around existing buildings, he may require fire lanes to be constructed and maintained as provided by this Section. b. EXCEPTION. When the required F. Buildings which utilize ground level service or clearances outlined in paragraph N1 cannot be loading doors shall provide a minimum of physically provided, modification may be forty five feet (45') of clear maneuvering area allowed upon written application and approval in front of each door. (See following diagram.) of the Fire Chief. 4-14-5: LOADING SPACE: 'Rv1 — to vrimit L4 p�rss \I/ z A. For all buildings hereafter erected, recon- structed or enlarged, adequate permanent off-street loading space shall be provided if the 45' activity carried on in such building requires 45, Ig I P NS I Li P deliveries to it or shipments from it of people 1 1 eN s or merchandise. 1 Atz1 1 ttJc1 � B. Such space shall be shown on a plan and 1 • t t 4 submitted for approval by the Building and Zoning Department and Department of Public Works. C. No portion of a vehicle taking part in loading or unloading activities shall project into a G. Ingress and egress points from public rights of public street or alley. way at designated driveways shall be designed 414-5 4-14-7 G) and located in such a manner as to preclude (1) For one row and two (2) rows of off-site or on-street maneuvering of vehicles. ninety degree (90°) head-in parking using the same aisle in a one way or two (2) way circulation pattern, the minimum 4146: PARKING REQUIREMENTS: width of the aisle shall be twenty four feet (24'). A. Parking Stall and Aisle Size: c. Sixty Degree Head-In Parking: 1. Standard Parking Space: (1) For one row and two (2) rows of a. A normal parking stall shall be sixty degree (60°) head-in parking using twenty feet (20') in length, except for parallel a one way circulation pattern, the stalls, measured along both sides of the minimum width of the aisle shall be usable portion of the stall. seventeen feet (17'). b. A parking stall shall be nine feet (9') (2) For two (2) rows of sixty degree (60°) in width measured from a right angle to the head-in parking using a two (2) way stall sides. circulation pattern, the minimum width of the aisle shall be twenty feet (20'). 2. Attendant Parking: When cars are parked by an attendant, the stall shall not be less d. Forty Five Degree Head-In Parking: than eighteen feet long by eight feet wide (18' x 8'). (1) For one and two (2) rows of forty five degree (45°) head-in parking using a 3. Parallel Parking: Each stall shall be twenty one way circulation pattern, the three feet by nine feet (23' x 9') in size. minimum width of the aisle shall be twelve feet (12'). 4. Compact Parking Spaces: (2) For two (2) rows of forty five degree a. Stall Size: Each stall shall be eight (45°) head-in parking using a two (2) • and one-half feet in width and sixteen feet in way circulation pattern, the width of the length (8'/3' x 16'). aisle shall be twenty feet (20'). b. Percentage of Total Parking: Compact 6. Handicapped Parking: Handicapped parking parking spaces shall not account for more shall be provided per the requirements of the than: Washington State Barrier Free Standards as adopted by the City of Renton. (1) Designated employee parking - not to exceed forty percent (40%). 4-14-7: DRIVE-IN BUSINESS: All banks, (2) All other uses - not to exceed thirty savings and loan associations, cleaning percent (30%). establishments, food dispensing establishments, and other businesses which maintain drive-in facilities 5. Aisle Width: which are intended.to serve customers who remain in their motor vehicles during the business trans- a. Parallel Parking: actions, or are designed in such a manner that customers must leave their automobiles temporarily (1) For one way circulation, the in a driving lane located adjacent to the facility, minimum width of the aisle shall be ten shall provide stacking space for the stacking of feet (10'). motor vehicles as follows: (2) For two (2) way circulation, the A. Stacking Space: The drive-in facility shall be minimum width of the aisle shall be so located that sufficient stacking space is eighteen feet (18'). provided for the handling of motor vehicles using such facility during peak business hours b. Ninety Degree Head-In Parking: of such a facility. 490 4-14-8 4-14-7 B. Driveway Location: Entrances and exits shall prohibited by the re- be located so as not to cause congestion in strictive covenants ap- any public right of way. proved by the City and recorded with King C. Shopping Centers: When located in a County. shopping center, drive-in facilities shall provide sufficient stacking space to handle f. Multiple dwell- One parking space for peak business demands and shall not in any ing for low income each four (4) dwelling way obstruct the normal circulation pattern of elderly units. the shopping center. 2. Boarding and lodg- One parking space for the ing houses proprietor plus one space 4-14-8: PARKING STANDARDS: for each sleeping room for boarders and/or lodging NUMBER OF PARKING use plus one additional ACTIVITY SPACES space for each four (4) persons employed on the A. Living Activities: premises. 1. Dwellings: 3. Mobile homes Two (2) parking spaces for each trailer site plus a. Single-family Two (2) parking spaces one screened space for vtio per single-family dwelling. each ten (10) lots for Tandem parking is allow- recreational vehicles. ed. 4. Travel trailers One parking space for b. Two-family Two (2) parking spaces each trailer site. per dwelling unit. Tandem parking is allowed. 5. Hotels One parking space for each guest room plus two c. Multi-family and One and one-half (11/9) (2) parking spaces for apartment houses parking spaces for each each three (3) employees. dwelling unit. 6. Motels and cabins One parking space for d. Guest parking One guest parking space each sleeping or dwelling shall be required for unit plus two (2) parking every four (4) dwelling spaces for each three (3) units required in employees. apartments or planned development with five (5) B.Commercial Activities. units or more. 1. Banks One parking space for e. Recreational Provisions of parking each two hundred (200) parking space for recreational square feet of gross floor vehicles shall be optional area except when part of and as follows: a shopping center. Complexes less than fifty Drive-up windows Drive-up windows must (60) units: none. have five (6) spaces for stacking each station and Complexes more than fifty separate from the parking (60) units: one for every area. fifteen (15) units. Queuing from drive-up All recreational vehicle windows cannot extend parking spaces shall be into the public right of screened. way. Provided, that such park- ing areas are not 490 moommi 4-14-8 4-14-8 NUMBER OF PARKING The sales area is not a ACTIVITY SPACES .parking lot and does not have to comply with di- mensional requirements, B)2. Professional One parking space for landscaping or the bulk offices and storage ordinance require- each two hundred (200) ments for setbacks and businesses square feet of gross floor area except when part of screening. a shopping center. Any arrangement of motor 3. Shopping centers Five and one-half (5'/,) vehicles is allowed as long parking spaces per each as (1) a minimum five foot (5') perimeter land- one thousandces (1,000) scaping area is provided, square feet of gross (2) they are not displayed leasable area. in required landscape 4. Restaurants, night Oneareas, and (3) adequate g parking space for fire access is provided per clubs taverns and each one hundred (100) Fire Department approval. lounges square feet of gross floor area except when part of 10. Motor vehicle re- One parking space for ''°r" a shopping center. pair and service each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor 5. Retail stores, One parking space for two area except when part of supermarkets, de- hundred (200) square feet a shopping center. partment stores of gross floor area except pp g and personal when located in a shop- 11. Combination sit- One parking space for service shops ping center. down—drive-in each seventy five (75) parking restaurant square feet of gross floor 6. Other retail este- One p ng space for area except when part of blishment: service each five hundred (500) a shopping center. shops, clothing or square feet of gross floor shoe repair shops, area except when located 12. Public post office Three (3) parking spaces furniture, appli- in a shopping center. for every one thousand ance, hardware (1,000) square feet. stores, household equipment C.Industrial Activities. 7. Drive-in business One parking space for 1. Manufacturing, One parking space for +r++ each fifty (50) square feet research and test- each one thousand (1,000) of gross floor area except ing laboratories, square feet of gross floor when located in a shop- creameries, bot- area. ping center. ling establish- ments, bakeries, 8. Uncovered corn- One parking space for canneries, print- mercial area, each two thousand (2,000) ing, and engrav- outdoor nur- square feet of retail sales ing shops series area in addition to any parking requirements for 2. Warehouses and One parking space for buildings, except when 10- storage buildings each one thousand five cated in a shopping cen- hundred (1,500) square fir' feet of gross floor area. 9. Outdoor retail One parking space for 3. Uncovered storage One five thousand area wanking space for sales areas, new every each two thousand (2,000) used car lots (5,000) square feet. square feet of area. 490 4-14-8 4-14-8 NUMBER OF PARKING percent (50%) of the max- ACTIVITY SPACES imum occupant load as established by the adopted Building and Fire C)4. Airplane hangars, Parking is not required. Codes of the City of tie-down areas Hangar space or tie-down Renton. areas are to be utilized for necessary parking. E.Educational Activities. Parking for offices shall 1. Senior high One space for each em- be required to be provided schools: public, ployee plus one space for at one parking space per parochial and each ten (10) students en- two hundred (200) square private rolled. In addition, if feet. buses for the transporta- tion of children are kept D.Recreation - Amuse- at the school, one off- ment Activities. street parking space shall be provided for each bus 1. Auditoriums, thea- One parking space for of a size sufficient to park ters, places of pub- each four (4) fixed seats each bus. lic assembly, sta- or one parking space for diums and outdoor each one hundred (100) 2. Colleges and uni- One space for each em- „fir sports areas square feet of floor area versities ployee plus one space for of main auditorium or of each three (3) students principal place of assem- residing on campus, plus bly not containing fixed one space for each five (5) seats, whichever is day students not residing greater. on campus. In addition, if buses for transportation of 2. Bowling alleys Five (5) spaces for each students are kept at the alley except when located school, one off-street park- in a shopping center. ing space shall be pro- vided for each bus of a 3. Dance halls, skat- One parking space for size sufficient to park ing rinks each forty (40) square feet each bus. of gross floor area except when located in a shop- 3. Elementary and One parking space for ping center. Junior high each employee. In addi- tion, if buses for the 4. Golf driving ranges One parking space for transportation of students each driving station. are kept at the school, one off-street parking 5. Miniature golf One parking space for space shall be provided courses each hole. for each bus of a size sufficient to park each 6. Marinas Two (2) or three (3) slips. bus. A private marina asso- ciated with a residential 4. Libraries and One parking space for complex, then one per museums each two hundred fifty three (3) slips. (250) square feet in office and public use. 7. Loading areas for One per twenty five (25) marinas slips. These shall be 5. Day care Require one parking space located near the piers. for each employee, and 8. Other recreational One parking space for each Provide two (2) loading occupant based upon fifty spaces within one hundred feet (100') of the main 490 4-14-8 4-14-8 NUMBER OF PARKING (1,500) square feet of floor ACTIVITY SPACES area. E5) entrance for every twenty I.Other uses not speci- For uses not specifically five (25) children enrolled fled identified in this Section in the school. Building and Zoning Department staff shall F. Medical Activities. determine which of the abovedescribed uses is 1. Medical and dental One parking space for each most similar based upon offices two hundred (200) square staff experience with vari- feet of gross floor area ous uses and information except when located in a provided by the applicant. shopping center. The amount of required parking for uses not listed 2. Convalescent, nurs- One parking space for each above shall be the same as ing and health two (2) employees plus one for the most similar use institutions parking space for each listed above. three (3) beds. A minimum of ten (10) parking spaces J. Mixed Occupancies In the case of two (2) or shall be required. more uses in the same building, the total require- 3. Hospitals One parking space for each merits for off-street parking three (3) beds plus one facilities shall be the sum parking space for each of the requirements for the staff doctor, plus one several uses computed parking space for each separately. Off-street park- three (3) employees. ing facilities for one use shall not be considered as G.Religious Activities. providing required parking facilities for any other use. 1. Churches One space for each five (5) seats in the main auditor- K Overhang The Building and Zoning ium, provided that spaces Department may permit for any church shall not be the parking stall length to less than ten (10). For all be reduced by two feet (2'), existing churches enlarging provided there is sufficient the seating capacity of area to safely allow the their auditoriums, one overhang of a vehicle and *ay additional parking space that the area of vehicle shall be provided for each overhang does not intrude five (5) additional seats into required landscaping provided by the new areas. construction. For all churches making strut- L. Delay in Installation of Parking Lot Improve- tural alterations or menta: additions which do not increase the seating 1. The Building Official may approve a delay in capacity of the auditorium, the installation of up to fifty percent (50%) of the see Section 4-14-8D1. minimum number of parking spaces otherwise re- quired to be installed, provided: 2. Mortuaries or One parking space for funeral homes each one hundred (100) a. The applicant provides data which sub- square feet of floor area of stantiates the reduced need for parking, and assembly rooms. H.Dead storage space One parking space for each inside buildings one thousand five hundred 490 A 4-14-8 4-14-9 L1) b. The applicant reserves on-site area so C. Design: that the minimum number of parking spaces can be provided. Any reserved space must be 1. Size of stalls and angles. clearly designated on a site plan recorded with the City Clerk, and must be described on the 2. Location of curb cuts. certificate of occupancy for the use. 3. Traffic flow within the parking, loading, 2. No space reserved for parking may be and maneuvering areas and ingress and utilized to fulfill the minimum landscaping egress. development of open space requirements of this Code. However, all reserved space must 4. Location of wheel stops. be landscaped or developed as open space. 5. Number of stalls required, by use; number 3. The Building Official may review the of stalls provided, by use. parking situation at any time to evaluate the parking demand on the subject property. If 6. Loading space. the Building Official, after such review, reasonably determines that additional parking 7. Stacking space. is needed, the Building Official shall require that reserved space be developed for parking, D. Signs and Lighting: Plan to be submitted or that necessary parking be secured by some within sixty (60) days after building permit is other means. issued. , ► 4. A delay in the installation of required 1. Exact location and size of signs. parking may be approved only for a specific use and automatically lapses upon the 2. Exact location and direction of lighting. cessation of that use. E. Landscaping: 4-14-9: SUBMISSION OF PLANS: Where off- 1. Landscape Planting Plans: street parking is required, except for single-family dwellings, a plan shall be submitted a. Location and size of planting areas. for approval by the Building Department accom- panied by sufficient proof of ownership that b. Location, size, spacing and names of indicates the spaces contemplated will be proposed and existing plants, trees and/or permarent. Any future changes in parking arrange- other vegetation; decorative rocks or like menta must be approved by the Building Depart- landscape improvements. mens. All such plans must contain a plot plan, which shall be of sufficient scale to show details of c. Planting details - soil mix, planting the proposed parking area indicating the following depth and width, staking, bark mulch depth. information: d. Scale — 1" = 20'0" unless larger scale A. Location: (1' - 10') is required to show greater detail. 1. Name and width of abutting streets. e. Plans must be submitted at time of building permit application. 2. Size, uses and zones of abutting properties. 2. Underground Sprinkling System: 3. North arrow and scale. a. Location and size of sprinklers. B. Size and Shape: b. Scale — 1" = 20'0". 1. Dimensions of the perimeter of the parking area. c. Submit with planting plan. 2. Area in square feet of parking lot. 490 4-14-9 4-14-15 F. Drainage: provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon con- viction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each 1. Drainage system plan. such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof G. Customer Parking: during which any violation of any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance is committed, con- 1. Customer or guest parking stalls. tinued or permitted. Upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punishable H. Paving: by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than 1. Paving material. ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 414-10: ILLUSTRATIONS: The following illus- trations shall be applicable to parking 4-14-14: REPEAL OF PRIOR ORDINANCES: regulations of this Chapter. Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby (See following page for beginning of Illustrations) repealed. 4-14-11: LIABILITY: 4-14-15: EFFECTIVE DATE:This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and A. City Not Liable: This Ordinance shall not be thirty(30) days after publication.(Ord. 3988, 4-28-86) construed to relieve from or lessen the respon- sibility of any person owning, building, altering, constructing or maintaining any parking lot or parking structure in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City, or any agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability by reason of permit or inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by the City or any of its agents. 4-14-12: SEVERABILITY: A. If any part or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 4-14-13: PENALTY: A. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation hereafter to erect,construct,enlarge, move or convert any parking lot or parking structure in the City or cause or permit the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the 44. 4-14-10 4-14-10 90 DEGREE AND PARALLEL PARKING .... 1--2,011-1—24'-- I-20,—1-24' •...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•....... ............ .... ....•. -..................... ................ . .:.:-:.:.:.:-..•:-:.:..-:.:•:•:.:.:. •.::::::::::::::....:.:::.......::::::: ........... ............ -''''''''''".•.'-'.' otqe_. cirz._ .•..:••••••.2...........:•:::.:::•:::::.::::::: , .. ................. , .... ...... .•.•...••••.•••.• . . .:::::::•::::::::::::1 -•-•:-..:1 -:::::::i.......•:-..: ::. •• -two ... ....... .. 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E.r) I 01R-COLAcil. 4 1" = 20' —> Dieza-r1c4.4 ("F -n2.4.vr.L._ ik 4-14-10 4-14-10 45 DEGREE PARKING______________ 1-24'-I-IZI-1 I--- Zs—I— 122— I\ . . . . . .:.4 . ....:.......:: :::/.. ..1..N. :::.. ..,J 4g4r ) I \ / \......: 11\ ...J.::: ...... .1 \ .• :: .::::.:..:.. ..•::.• . .:. .. : • . : .: .*:::* . • .. . .. ...:: .'...-......::... '...........:: :: . . : 14110 14F-04%. IN 1:34.12.g4t-lei v-IeN) It-1 PAP-el-el 2_ecw ONe- NiNag.-f C-11241)LATIGts-1 GINE, VslAI C.M.C.L)LATIf-i 1--21,---1.---2,00---1-241-1 / . -.. . . / • . . . \ \ . :....... . \ imiir 4-1rAID IN PX-JN(-1 Z. leckni Tv,r, WAY 04244-1,ecriept4 LEA e-H TD [......i. ] I I (31e.e.4.)LA-nit--1 1" .:-. 20' -) P112-EG-T1ef-4 aF 11203,\X-L_ 414-10 4-14-10 PARKING PLAN LAYOUT - 141 I i } •.,,,,;,., "7"' \.:. F:-.., di 2_ I .tt. ® 4-- I I I I8 lo t l . 13 • . Zit ..� .. 1 • DFlai✓ eu11_D►t- .:: 1,1 `- '' _ • I �- i ® 13 12v1rs4 i I low I i —I5i �._._._._.—. —._._. . _. _. �. 2. D.V�! td� A 06.‘ o f PAP V it--vi L-.cl7- = s,sn4- nci .f-4- LF-‘1F-4-417) C..N.1-F-- 'i" -2,c)k -ii � - 1-i6 HT F22L-F--- --- 1...-I N .41- . v--1 H g c c ta.- 4a-real-+ tr--1 45; ptt2 noNAL- I-kt4+11H — WI-FP-F-1- • Te 4-15-1 4-15-2 CHAPTER 15 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ORDINANCE SECTION: use of new concepts and technology of land development and building construction, and to 4-15- 1: Title carry out the objective and spirit of the Renton 4-15- 2: Purpose Comprehensive Plan by allowing development that 4-15- 3: Definitions will provide particular public benefits. In order to 4-15- 4: Administering Authority accomplish these purposes, this Ordinance permits 4-15- 5: Review Criteria new development which is not limited by the strict 4-15- 6: Permitted Locations application of the City's zoning and subdivision 4-15- 7: Permitted Uses regulations when it is demonstrated that such new 4-15- 8: Minimum Site Area development will be superior to traditional 4-15- 9: Permitted Number of Dwelling Units lot-by-lot development. 4-15-10: Development Standards 4-15-11: Procedure for Approval of Planned Unit In pursuing the first purpose, the specific objectives Developments of this Ordinance are to: 4-15-12: Building and Occupancy Permits 4-15-13: Expiration or Abandonment of a PUD A. Preserve as much as possible the natural 4-15-14: Relationship of This Ordinance to Other characteristics of the land, including Ordinances topography, native vegetation and views; 4-15-15: Liability 4-15-16: Severability B. Reduce the risks of construction in hazardous 4-15-17: Penalty or environmentally sensitive areas; C. Preserve and/or create wildlife habitat; and D. Encourage and permit flexibility in design, 4-15-1: TITLE: There is hereby established and placement and configuration of buildings, use created a Planned Unit Development of open space, circulation facilities, and Ordinance to be hereinafter known and designated parking areas in order to best utilize the as the Renton Planned Unit Development Ordi- potential of sites characterized by special nance and may be cited as such. Hereinafter the features of geography, topography, size or Ordinance will be referred to as "this Ordinance" shape, while at the same time, maintaining and the same shall be and constitute Chapter 15, substantially the same population density and Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. area coverage permitted in the zone in which 4000 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of the the project is located. City of Renton. Other objectives of this Ordinance are to: 4-15-2: PURPOSE: There are two (2) principal E. Encourage development of housing types that purposes of the Planned Unit Develop- will be compatible with adjacent existing and ment Ordinance. First, it is the purpose of this proposed uses and that will be beneficial to Ordinance to preserve and protect natural features the community; of the land, especially where steep slopes or other environmentally sensitive areas exist, and to take F. Encourage the development of a viable hous- into account special conditions of topography and ing stock that enhances the image of the soil stability. Second, it is also the purpose of this City; Ordinance to encourage innovation and creativity in the development of new residential areas in the G. Create and/or preserve usable open space for City of Renton, to create desirable neighborhoods recreation and aesthetic enjoyment of resi- for family and community life, to make maximum dents; ssism, 4-15-2 4-15-3 H. Encourage creativity in design; - Slopes 40% and Over I. Provide for maximum efficiency in the layout - Slopes 25% to 40%, with Class Landslide of streets, utility networks, and other public Hazard and Severe Erosion Hazard improvements; - Lands Within the 100 Year Floodway J. Provide a guide for property owners, the public and City officials in reviewing and ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS MAP approving new developments proposed under FOLIO: These maps and applicable definitions are this Ordinance. available in the Clerk's office and in the Policy Development Department. The purpose of these maps is to alert the public and responsible officials 4-15-3: DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of this to the potential presence of environmentally Ordinance, certain terms, phrases, words sensitive areas on the sites of development and their derivatives shall be construed as specified proposals. In cases of mapping error, the actual in this Section. Words used in the singular include presence or absence of the features defined in this the plural, and the plural the singular. The word Ordinance as environmentally sensitive, as "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. determined by qualified professional and technical persons, shall govern the treatment of an individual COMMON AREAS: A parcel or parcels of land or building site or parcel of land as environmentally an area of water or a combination of land and sensitive. ` w water within the site designated for a planned unit development and designed and intended for the use LAND OWNER: The legal or beneficial owner or or enjoyment of residents of a planned unit develop- owners of all the land proposed to be included in a went. Common areas may contain such complemen- planned unit development; a contract purchaser or tary structures and improvements as are necessary any other person having an enforceable proprietary and appropriate for the benefit and enjoyment of interest in such land shall be deemed to be a land residents of the planned unit development. owner for the purpose of this Ordinance. DEVELOPER: A person, partnership, joint venture, LEGAL OWNERSHIP: The proprietary interest of a or corporation who proposes to develop or has land owner as defined above. developed a planned unit development, pursuant to this Ordinance. OPEN SPACE: A parcel or parcels of land or an area of water or a combination of land and water ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (Severe): within the site designated for a planned unit An area or portion of a site which is shown to development, which are without above ground contain one or more of the following natural parking or vehicle circulation areas, structures, or features: as mapped and defined in the Environ- buildings, except purely recreational facilities, and mentally Sensitive Areas map folio available in the which shall include but not be limited to Policy Development Department. undeveloped areas, landscaped areas, garden areas, lawns, walkways, patios, and gazebos. - Slopes 15-25%, with Class 3 Landslide Hazard and Severe Erosion Hazard PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD): Any development approved and developed in accordance - Slopes 25-40%, with Class 3 Landslide with the terms of this Ordinance, including a Hazard or Severe Erosion Hazard subdivision of such land, which development may occur at one time or in phases. - Wetlands and Class 3 Earthquake Hazard PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION: An ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA (Very incorporated, nonprofit organization formed or Severe): An area or portion of a site which is shown qualified under the laws of the State of to contain one or more of the following natural Washington, operating under recorded land features: as mapped and defined in the Environ- agreements through which: mentally Sensitive Areas map folio available in the Policy Development Department. A. Each land owner is automatically a member, dor 4-15-3 4-15-5 B. Each land owner is automatically subject to a Ordinance and with the Comprehensive Plan, charge for a proportionate share of the that the proposed development will be expenses for the organization's activities, such superior to that which would result without a as maintaining common areas and facilities, PUD, and that the development will not be and unduly detrimental to surrounding properties. C. Such charge, if unpaid, becomes a lien against C. Public Benefit: In addition, an applicant for the property of the land owner. planned unit development shall have the burden of demonstrating that a proposed development will provide specifically identified 4-15-4: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: benefits to the residents of the City that clearly outweigh any adverse impacts or A. Hearing Examiner The Hearing Examiner is undesirable effects of the proposed PUD, designated as the official agency of the City particularly those adverse and undesirable for the conduct of public hearings and for impacts to surrounding properties; and that recommendation to the City Council. the proposed development will provide one or more of the following benefits to the City as B. Administration: The Building and Zoning part of the proposed PUD: Department shall be responsible for the general administration and coordination of this 1. Protect environmentally sensitive areas. Ordinance. 2. Preservation, enhancement, or rehabilitation Nue C. Reviewing Agencies: The Building and Zoning of natural features of the subject property Department, the Public Works Department, such as significant woodlands, wildlife habitats the Fire Department, the Policy Development or streams that the City could not require the Department, the Police Department, the Parks applicant to preserve, enhance or rehabilitate and Recreation Department, and the Seattle- through development of the subject property King County Health Department shall review without a PUD. each proposed planned unit development. 3. Public facilities that could not be required D. Approving Agency: The City Council, upon by the City for development of the subject recommendation by the Hearing Examiner and property without a PUD. the other agencies detailed in the paragraph above, shall be the final approving agency 4. Design of the proposed PUD that is under this Ordinance. superior in one or more of the following ways to the design that would result from development of the subject property without a 4-15-5: REVIEW CRITERIA: PUD: A. Scope of Review: In consideration of the a. Increased provision of open space or Noy latitude given and the absence of conventional recreational facilities. restrictions, the reviewing agencies, Hearing Examiner, and City Council shall have wide b. Superior circulation patterns or discretionary authority in judging and location or screening of parking facilities. approving or disapproving the innovations which may be incorporated into planned unit c. Superior landscaping, buffering, or developments proposed under this Ordinance. screening in or around the proposed PUD. The City may approve a PUD only if it finds that the requirements of subsections 4-15-5B d. Superior architectural design, through 4-15-5D have been met. placement, relationship or orientation of structures, or use of solar energy. B. Burden Required: Any applicant for planned unit development approval shall have the D. Specific Review Criteria: A proposed PUD burden of demonstrating that a development shall also be reviewed for consistency with the is in compliance with the purposes of this following criteria: 4-15-5 4-15-7 D) 1. Compatibility with present and potential transit, public walkways, schools, and com- surrounding land uses. (Compatibility mercial activities. includes, but is not limited to, size, scale, mass, character and architectural design.) 11. Design of parking areas that are complemented by landscaping and not 2. Provision of streets and pedestrian facilities designed in long rows. The size of parking which are suitable and adequate to carry areas should be minimized and each area anticipated traffic within the proposed project related to the group of buildings served. and in the vicinity of the proposed project. 12. Promotion of safety through adequate 3. Provision of utility services, emergency sight distance, separation of vehicles from services, and other improvements, existing pedestrians, limited driveways on busy and proposed, which are adequate to serve streets, avoidance of difficult turning patterns, the development. and minimization of steep gradients. 4. An appearance of openness created by 13. Provision of safe, efficient access for clustering, separation of building groups, and emergency vehicles. use of well-designed open space and land- scaping. 14. Design of each phase of the proposed development, so that as it is planned to be 5. Creation of a quality environment through completed, it will contain the required lav the provision of either passive or active parking spaces, open space, recreation spaces, recreation facilities and attractive common landscaping and utilities necessary for areas, including accessibility to buildings from creating and sustaining a desirable and stable parking areas and public walkways. environment, and so that each phase, together with previous phases can stand alone. 6. Provision of internal privacy between dwelling units, and external privacy for adjacent dwelling units. Creation of a sense of 4-15-6: PERMITTED LOCATIONS: Planned privacy and separation from adjacent units unit developments may be permitted in through careful location of building entrances, any residential zoning district, except the R-1-5 windows, and by the use of fences, walls and District, when processed and approved as provided landscaping. in this Ordinance. 7. Orientation of buildings to enhance views from within the site by taking advantage of 4-15-7: PERMITTED USES: In an approved topography, building location and style. planned unit development, only the following uses may be permitted on a property, or 8. Promotion of variety and innovation in site any portion thereof; with the respective underlying law and building design. Buildings in groups zoning classification. If a site contains more than should be related by coordinated materials one zoning classification, then only the uses and roof styles, but contract should be allowed below shall be permitted in each provided throughout a site by the use of correspondingly zoned area. varied materials, architectural detailing, building orientation or housing type; i.e. A. G-1 and R-1 Residence Districts: single-family, detached, attached, townhouses, etc. 1. Single-family detached dwellings, and attached dwelling units provided that no 9. Design of the perimeter of a project to structure shall contain more than four (4) enhance adjacent uses and not create a dwelling units and that each unit shall have "walled corridor" of buildings, heavily traveled its own ground floor access and no unit shall streets, or light and glare. Perimeter buildings be located above another unit. should be similar in scale and bulk to buildings on adjacent sites. 2. Accessory uses customarily incidental to such allowed uses. 10. Provision of a system of walkways which tie residential areas to recreational areas, 490 4-15-7 4-15-9 B. R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residence Districts: 2. R-1 Zone: Four (4) dwelling units per acre. 1. Single-family detached dwellings, single- 3. R-2 Zone: Eight (8) dwelling units per acre. family attached dwellings, duplexes, town- houses, and multiple family dwellings. 4. R-3 Zone: Seventeen (17) dwelling units per acre. 2. Accessory uses customarily incidental to such allowed uses. 5. R-4 Zone: Twenty four (24) dwelling units per acre. 3. Public and quasi-public uses which are compatible with surrounding uses or are an These base densities shall apply to the gross integral part of the PUD. acreage of all lands within a PUD, provided that the base density of any portion of a site that is identified as containing Very Severe 4-15-8: MINIMUM SITE AREA: No minimum Environmentally Sensitive Areas is reduced by site area shall be required for a PUD. seventy five percent (75%) and the base density of any portion of a site identified as containing Severe Environmentally Sensitive 4-15-9 PERMITTED NUMBER OF DWEL- Areas is reduced by fifty percent (50%). LING UNITS: The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a planned unit B. Bonus Densities: One or more of the following development shall be determined by multiplying density bonuses may be earned in addition to ' the gross site area times the allowed base units the base units per acre allowed in a PUD. per acre of the underlying zoning times the total of The bonus percentages shall be added the percentage increases of each earned density together before being multiplied by the bonus. Gross site areas shall mean the total site permitted base density. area before allowing for improvements, such as streets, utility easements, and circulation areas. In 1. Open Space: A five percent (5%) density no case shall the number of dwelling units permit- bonus if at least twenty five percent (25%) or ted on a site exceed the maximum permitted den- one-half (U2) acre, whichever is less, of the sity of the underlying zoning of the site, as open space has a slope of ten percent (10%) specified in Section 4-15-9C below. or less. Such open space shall be concentrated areas and shall not be covered by standing The general formulas for determining the permitted water except occasionally during the year. number of dwelling units in a PUD are as follows: 2. Active Recreation Areas: A five percent # of dwelling units permitted = the smaller of: (5%) density bonus if two (2) or more active recreational features, such as jogging/walking (Gross site area in acres x base density, or trails, pools, recreation building, children's modified base density for environmentally play areas, tennis courts and sports courts sensitive areas, of the respective underlying are provided for each one hundred (100) NisW zoning) x (100% + sum of percentages of all residential units. bonuses earned); or 3. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A five (Gross site area in acres x maximum percent (5%) bonus for each ten percent (10%) permitted residential densities, or modified of the site identified as having Very Severe or maximum density for environmentally Severe Environmentally Sensitive features sensitive areas, of respective underlying that are left undisturbed. zoning.) 4. Public Access: A ten percent (10%) density A. Base Units Per Acre: The base residential bonus if public access which is acceptable to density permitted in a PUD shall be: the City is granted to lakes, rivers, and other unusual site features (e.g. unique open space, 1. G-1 Zone: One dwelling unit per acre. recreation areas, etc.). 490 4-15-9 4-15-10 B) 5. Parking Lots: A five percent (5%) density 4. R-3 Zone: Twenty five (25) dwelling units bonus if off-street parking is grouped in areas per acre. of sixteen (16) stalls or less and separated from other parking areas by significant 5. R-4 Zone: Thirty five (35) dwelling units per landscaping. acre. 6. Enclosed Parking: A five percent (5%) These maximum densities shall apply to all density bonus if at least fifty percent (50%) of lands within a PUD, provided that the the parking stalls are placed underground or maximum density of any portion of a site that enclosed by walls on three (3) sides, such as is identified as containing Very Severe in garages. Environmentally Sensitive Areas is reduced by fifty percent (50%) and the maximum density 7. Arterial Access. A five percent (5%) density of any portion of a site identified as bonus if the principal vehicular access point containing Severe Environmentally Sensitive opens directly onto a primary or secondary areas is reduced by twenty five percent (25%). arterial. 8. Public Transit: A five percent (5%) density 4-15-10: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: bonus if public transit is available within five hundred feet (500') walking distance from the A. Code Provisions That May Be Modified. In PUD. approving a planned unit development, the City may modify any of the standards of the 9. Security. A five percent (5%) density bonus Zoning, Parking and Loading, and Subdivision if the PUD provides a crime prevention plan, Codes except the following: including locks, security lighting, appropriate doors, windows and alarms approved by the 1. The City may not modify any of the pro- Renton Police Department. visions of this Ordinance; 10. Perimeter Setback and Buffer: A ten 2. The City may not modify any provision of 1 percent (10%) density bonus if the landscaped the above codes that specifically state that its '• setback from adjacent R-1 Residential Districts requirements are not subject to modifications required in Section 4-15-10C1 is increased to under a PUD; fifty feet (501, unless such increased setback would be required anyway due to topography, 3. The City may not modify any of the easements or other limitations of the property. procedural provisions of these codes; and 11. Private Open Space: A five percent (5%) 4. The City may not modify any provision that density bonus for usable private open space in specifically applies to development on a excess of minimum requirements (Section wetland, flood plain, or regulated slope. `o' 4-15-10C) and, specifically, when the private open space for a ground floor unit exceeds B. Common Open Space Standard: Each PUD three hundred (300) square feet or eighty (80) shall provide not less than thirty five percent square feet for an upper story unit. (35%) of the total site area for common open space. Open space shall be concentrated in C. Maximum Residential Densities: The maxi- large usable areas and may be designed pro- mum residential densities that may be vide either active or passive recreation or to achieved in a PUD shall not exceed: provide a wildlife habitat. 1. G1 Zone: One and one-fourth (1.25) C. Private Open Space: Each unit in a PUD shall dwelling units per acre. have usable private open space (in addition to parking, storage space, lobbies, and corridors) 2. R-1 Zone: Six (6) dwelling units per acre, for the exclusive use of the occupants of that unit. Each ground floor unit, whether attached 3. R-2 Zone: Twelve (12) dwelling units per or detached, shall have private open space acre. which is contiguous to the unit and shall be 4-15-10amok 4-15-10 C) an area of at least twenty percent (20%) of 2. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: PUD's in the gross square footage of the dwelling units. areas identified as Very Severe or Severe The private open space shall be well demar- Environmentally Sensitive Areas shall be cated and at least ten feet (10') in every subject to special review by the City to assure dimension. Decks on upper floors can sub- stable building conditions, safe and convenient stitute for some of this required private open access, and minimum disruption of the natural space. For dwelling units which are exclusively physical features of the land. Special upper story units, there shall be deck areas engineering, soils, hydrologic or geologic totalling at least sixty (60) square feet in size studies may be required to assure public with no dimension less than five feet (5'). safety and welfare. D. Setback and Height Standards: F. Access, Circulation and Parking: 1. Setback From R-1 Zones: Whenever a PUD 1. General: The planned unit development shall abut a R-1 zoned parcel, whether shall have adequate pedestrian and vehicle developed or undeveloped, then any building access and parking commensurate with the or structure in the PUD shall be set back at location, size and density of the proposed least twenty five feet (25') from such parcel. development. Vehicle access shall not be Such twenty five foot (25') setback shall be unduly detrimental to adjacent areas and shall open space, and shall not be utilized for take into consideration the anticipated traffic parking, streets, driveways, playgrounds or which the development may generate. other intensive uses, but such twenty five foot Ili (25') setback shall be landscaped as 2. Streets: All streets within a PUD shall be hereinabove described and maintained as a dedicated to the City for public use. Such common area and open space. streets shall be developed to the full minimum standards specified in Section 9-12-8 of the 2. Setback and Height Limitations Adjacent to Subdivision Code, including curbs, gutters and R-1 Zones. Any structure within one hundred sidewalks. feet (100') of an R-1 Zone shall be comprised of detached single family housing no more 3. Parking: Adequate vehicular parking areas than thirty five feet (35') in height. shall be provided. Vehicular parking may be provided either on-street or off-street within 3. Spacing Between Buildings: No minimum the PUD, provided that the total number of spacing between buildings within a PUD is available spaces is at least equal to the required provided that each development shall resident and guest parking requirements provide reasonable visual and acoustical specified in the Parking and Loading Code privacy for dwelling units and surrounding (Title IV, Chapter 14). properties; fences, insulation, walks, barriers, and landscaping are used, as appropriate, for 4. Pedestrian Circulation: Adequate pedestrian the protection and aesthetic enhancement of circulation facilities shall be provided. These the property and the privacy of its occupants facilities shall be durable, serviceable, safe, and surrounding properties, screening of convenient to the dwelling units, and objectionable view or uses, and reduction of separated by curb or other means from the noise; windows are placed at such a height or vehicle traffic facilities. location. or screened to provide adequate privacy; and adequate light and air is G. Formation of a Property Owners' Association: provided to each dwelling unit. The developer or owner(s) of a PUD shall be required to form a legally incorporated E. Special Areas: property owners' association prior to the occupancy of any portion of a PUD. If there is 1. Water: Planned unit developments which only one owner of the PUD, either a property include any shore line of natural lakes, rivers owners' association shall be formed or a and other waterways shall be governed by the covenant running with the land shall be filed requirements of Section 9-12-7 of the City requiring the formation of such an association Code entitled Residential Subdivision of First prior to the first subsequent sale of the Class Shorelands and Shore Line Master property, or portion thereof. Program. 4-15-10 4-15-11 H. Installation and Maintenance of Common intended to serve both the present and future Facilities and Open Space: phases of a PUD shall be installed or bonded as specified above before occupancy of the 1. Common Open Space: earliest phase that will be served. At the time of such bonding and deferral, the City shall a. Installation: All common area and determine what portion of the costs of open space shall be landscaped in accordance improvements is attributable to each phase of with the landscaping plan submitted by the a PUD. applicant and approved by the City, provided that common open space containing natural b. Maintenance: All common facilities not features worthy of preservation may be left dedicated to the City shall be permanently unimproved. Prior to the issuance of any maintained by the PUD owner, if there is only occupancy permit, the developer shall furnish one owner, or by the property owners' a performance bond to the City in an amount association, or the agent(s) thereof. In the equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty event that such facilities are not maintained percent (150%) of the cost of the installation in a responsible manner, as determined by the of the approved landscaping, which shall be City, the City shall have the right to provide planted within one year of the date of final for the maintenance thereof, and bill the approval of the PUD, and the maintenance of owner or property owners' association such landscaping for a period of two (2) years accordingly. Such bill, if unpaid, shall become thereafter. A bond for providing maintenance a lien against each individual property. of landscaping may be waived if a landscaping maintenance contract with a reputable land- scaping firm licensed to do business in the 4-15-11: PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL OF City of Renton is executed and kept active for PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS: a two (2) year period. A copy of such contract The approval of a planned unit development shall shall be kept on file with the Building and be by the City Council, upon recommendation by Zoning Department. the Hearing Examiner, and shall be processed in accordance with the following procedures: b. Maintenance: Landscaping and unimproved common open space shall be A. Who May Apply: Any owner, group of owners maintained permanently by the property of contiguous property acting jointly, owners' association or the owner of the PUD, developer, or authorized agent may submit an or the agent or agents thereof and shall be application for a PUD. subject to periodic inspection by the City. In the event that such landscaping or open space B. Filing of Application: The application for is not maintained in a responsible manner, preliminary approval of a PUD shall be filed the City shall have the right to provide for with the Building and Zoning Department the maintenance thereof, and bill the property accompanied by a filing fee as established by %eV owners' association accordingly. Such bill, if the filing fee ordinance. unpaid, shall become a lien against each individual property. C. Informal Review: Prior to making application for preliminary approval, the developer shall 2. Common Facilities: meet with the reviewing departments to study and review the proposed PUD. The developer a. Installation: Prior to the issuance of shall prepare and submit to the Building and any occupancy permits, all common facilities, Zoning Department eight (8) copies of a including but not limited to, utilities, storm tentative application with vicinity and site drainage, streets, recreation facilities, et maps containing the information required in cetera, shall be completed by the developer or, Section 4-15-11D below, together with other if deferred by the Board of Public Works, pertinent information required by the assured through a performance bond to the reviewing departments. The maps may be City in an amount equal to a minimum of one reasonably accurate sketches. A fee as hundred fifty percent (150%) of the cost of established by the Filing Fee Ordinance for a installation, except for such common facilities tentative PUD shall be paid by the petitioner that are intended to serve only future phases prior to this informal review. of a PUD. Any common facilities that are 4-15-11 4-15-11 D. Preliminary Plan: describing the relationship of the major elements and uses within the PUD to each 1. Application: A preliminary development other, and the relationship of the major PUD plan shall be submitted to the Building and elements and structures to the surrounding Zoning Department and shall include the properties and uses. general intent of the development, apportionment of land for buildings and land 3. Public Notice: Whenever a completed use, proposed phases, if any, and such other preliminary plan application is received, the information or documentation which the Building and Zoning Department shall be Building and Zoning Department shall require. responsible for providing public notice of the pending application. This public notice shall 2. Documents Required With Preliminary Plan be in the form of three (3) signs placed on or and Application: A preliminary PUD plan near the subject property and clearly visible application shall consist of: from the largest public street serving the property and a public notice mailed to all a. Vicinity map. property owners within three hundred feet (300') at the applicant's expense. The applicant b. Site maps of an appropriate scale shall be responsible for providing completed including: mailing labels and postage. The Building and Zoning Department shall also make a - Names and dimensions of bounding streets. reasonable effort to notify by mail all known homeowners' associations, community clubs or ,S - Proposed pedestrian and circulation patterns. similar organizations in the neighborhood of a proposed PUD. Failure to receive such mailed - Identification of building type and typical notification shall have no effect upon the numbers of dwelling units or floor area by proposed action or application. The notices type shall state the nature and location of the proposed development, the public approvals - Type and general design of off-street parking that are required, and the opportunities for facilities. public comment. A twenty one (21) day public comment period shall be provided prior to any - Typical locations and area specifications for public hearing by the City on a preliminary common and private open space. plan application. c. Illustrative landscaping treatments for 4. Phasing: Planned Unit Developments may key locations. be proposed to be developed in one or more phases. If developed in phases, each phase of d. Building standards: Height, bulk, lot the PUD shall contain adequate parking, open coverage and setback provisions. space, recreation space, public benefits, landscaping, buffering, circulation, utilities and e. Written information, including: other improvements necessary so that each NS phase, together with any earlier phases, may - Program for development, including phasing stand alone and satisfy the purposes of this and timing. Ordinance. Further, each phase must meet the requirements of Section 4-15-5C, unless the - Proposed ownership patterns. public benefits have been met by previously approved phases. - Tabulations of dwelling unit densities, building floor area, lot coverage and/or 5. Review and Approval: The preliminary plan anticipated employees. shall be circulated to all reviewing departments for comments. The Building and - Statement describing the relationship of the Zoning Department shall determine that the proposed PUD to the City's Comprehensive plans comply with the development policies of Plan. the Renton Comprehensive Plan and this Section and shall make a recommendation to - A detailed narrative, illustrative perspective the Hearing Examiner accordingly. drawings, or appropriate cross-sections 4-15-11 4-15-11 D5) After public -'raring, the Hearing Examiner 8. Zoning Map Revised: Upon the authority of shall recom: und approval, approval with thea al ordinance of a approval preliminary plan conditions, or denial of the preliminary plan. PUD, the City shall place the PUD The City Council, upon recommendation of designation as an overlay on the subject the Hearing examiner, shall approve, modify property on the City of Renton zoning map. or Y preliminary plan PUD. City Council action to approve a preliminary plan 9. Sale of Planned Unit Development: If a PUD shall be by ordinance and shall include developer sells the site or a an accurate description of the boundaries, portionof the land uses and number of units of the PUD, site after preliminary approval, such sale shall not prevent final approval of the and any phases thereof, as well as the planned unit development, providing that any effective date of approval and the date of succeeding owner agrees to comply with the expiration of such approval. requirements of this Section, and any and all conditions or covenants that have been The preliminary plan shall be approved or established for the approved PUD. denied within twelve (12) months of the date of filing of the application, or within eighteen E. Merger of Review Stages: The applicant may (18) months of the date of filing of the request that review and decision on the application when an environmental impact preliminary plan and final plan be merged in statement or other permit or approval one decision. The merged decision shall follow required by another public agency is required the procedural steps required of It preliminary in order to approve the preliminary plan. plan. However, the applicant shall submit all plans and information in the detail required 6. Appeal: The action, by ordinance, of the for a final plan and shall comply with all City Council to approve, modify or deny a other requirements and standards for a final PUD shall be final and conclusive, unless plan. within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the ordinance an aggrieved party obtains a F. Final Plan: writ of review from Superior Court. If Council acts in appeal to approve a preliminary PUD, 1. Time Limits: The developer shall, within the decision will include an effective date of two (2) years of the effective date of action by approval consistent with Section 4-15-11D5. the City Council to approve the preliminary plan, submit to the Building and Zoning 7. Effect of an Approved Preliminary Plan: Department a final development plan showing The approval of a preliminary plan constitutes the ultimate design and specific details of the the City's acceptance of the general project, proposed planned unit development or the including its density, intensity, arrangement final phase or phases thereof. and design. Approval authorizes the applicant or subsequent owner to apply for final plan Upon application by the developer, the approval of the PUD or phase(s) thereof. Pre- Hearing Examiner may grant an extension of law liminary plan approval does not authorize any the approved preliminary plan for a maximum building permits or any site work except that of twelve (12) months. Application for such required for surveying and engineering of the extension shall be made at least thirty (30) final plan or that required by the City for days prior to the expiration date of improvements that are necessary for a partic- preliminary plan approval. Only one such ular phase of the PUD for which final plan extension may be granted for a PUD. If a approval has been granted. An approved final development plan is not filed within preliminary plan binds the future PUD site such two (2) years or within the extended and all subsequent owners to the uses, time period, if any, the PUD preliminary plan densities, and standards of the preliminary she!: be deemed to have expired or been plan until such time as a final plan is abandoned and shall be subject to the approved for the entire site or all phases of provisions of Section 4-15-13. the site, or a new preliminary plan is approved, or the preliminary plan is 2. Application: A final plan application shall be abandoned or expires subject to the provisions submitted for a PUD, or a phase thereof, to of Section 4-15-13. 490 4-15-11 4-15-11 F2) the Building and Zoning Department. The twenty feet (1" = 10'/20') indicating planting proposed final plan shall be in substantial bed dimensions, north arrow, plant layout and conformance with the approved preliminary identification plant list, size and spacing of plans, including phasing, subject to the plants and irrigation. provisions of Section 4-15-11F4. The application shall be accompanied by an d. Building Elevations: Elevation or appropriate fee as specified in the fee perspective drawings to scale to illustrate the ordinance and shall include the following: architectural character of structures. a. Vicinity Map: A vicinity map drawn to e. Written Information: In addition to an appropriate scale which shall show all the information noted above, the developer adjacent subdivisions, true north arrow, type shall submit a written statement with the of existing land use, zoning, streets and tract necessary illustrations providing the following lines of acreage parcels with the names of information: owners of record. The map shall show the streets in the proposed PUD and their - Program for development, including staging relationship with existing and proposed streets or timing of development. in adjacent subdivisions or undivided properties. - Proposed ownership pattern upon completion of development. b. Site Maps: A map or maps of the site drawn to a scale of not less than one inch - Basic content of restrictive covenants. , ; representing forty feet (1" = 40') showing the following proposals: - Provisions to assure permanence and main- tenance of common open space through home- - Names and dimensions of streets bounding owners association formation, condominium or touching the site. development or other means acceptable to the City. - Pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns. - Statement or tabulation of dwelling unit densities proposed. - Buildings including identification of types and number of dwelling units in each or use 3. Public Notice: Public notice shall be of building. provided in the manner prescribed for preliminary plans. - Dimensions between buildings. 4. Major and Minor Modifications: - Off-street parking facilities. a. Minor Modification: As part of the - Areas to be landscaped. approval of a final plan, the City may require or approve a minor deviation from the pre- - Existing surface drainage system. liminary plan if: - Locations, dimensions and area of common (1) The change is necessary because of and private open space. natural features of the subject property not foreseen by the applicant or the City - The information listed in Sections 9-12-6B9b prior to the approval of the preliminary through 9-12-6B9j of the City Code entitled development plan; or Tentative, Preliminary and Final Plat Requirements. (2) The change will not have the effect of' significantly reducing any area of - Any other pertinent information required to landscaping, open space, natural area or review the PUD. parking; or c. Landscaping Plan: A landscaping plan (3) The change will not have the effect of at a scale of one inch representing ten feet or increasing the density or significantly 490 1 4-15-11 4-15-11 F4a3) increasing the total amount of floor area Ordinance. Further, each phase must meet the of the PUD; or requirements of Section 4-15-5C, unless the public benefits have been met by previously (4) The change will not result in any approved phases. structure, circulation or parking area being moved significantly in any 7. Appeal: The Hearing Examiner's decision on direction; or a final plan PUD may be appealed to the City Council within fourteen (14) days from the (5) The change will not reduce any date of the decision, pursuant to Section setback approved as part of the 4-8-16. If the Hearing Examiner acts on preliminary plan by more than ten appeal to approve a final PUD, the decision percent (10%) and the required minimum will include an effective date of approval setback is met; or consistent with Section 4-15-11F5. (6) The change will not result in a 8. Effect of an Approved Final Plan: significant increase in the height of any structure as approved in the preliminary a. Standards Superimposed: The final plan; or approval of a planned unit development, under the procedures detailed in this Ordinance, (7) The change will not increase or shall superimpose the requirements of that Now create any adverse impacts or specific approved planned unit development on undesirable effects on the surrounding the underlying zone regulations as an neighborhood. exception thereto, to the extent that the requirements of the planned unit development b. Major Modification: Major modifica- modifies or supersedes the regulations of the tions are those which substantially change the underlying zone. Final plan approval shall be basic design, density, circulation, or open binding upon property or the respective space requirements of the PUD. Major modifi- phase(s) with regards to density, open space, cations to a preliminary plan PUD shall be uses, and other standards until such time as a E processed as a new preliminary plan. new final plan PUD is approved or the final plan expires 5. Review and Approval: The final plan shall Section 4-15-13 or is abandoned subject to be reviewed by the departments and the Hear- ing Examiner, in the manner prescribed for b. Covenants Required: As a condition of preliminary plans, to determine if the final final plan PUD approval, covenants shall be plan is in substantial conformance with the executed that run with the land, and with all approved preliminary plan and is consistent subdivided portions thereof, stating that such with the purposes and review criteria of this property is part of an approved PUD, and Ordinance. After a public hearing thereon, the including the file number thereof and a Hearing Examiner shall make a decision to description of the uses, densities and phases approve, approve with conditions or deny the of the approved PUD. Such covenant shall final plan. The decision shall include a also be recorded for each rvoperty created description of the elements of the approved through any subsequent subdivisions. PUD, including land uses, number of units, phasing, the effective date of approval and of c. Extension of Time Limits for expiration, time limits, required improvements Remaining Phases: Approval of a final plan for and the schedule for implementation, and any any phase of the approved pieliminary plan conditions that may apply to the PUD. shall constitute an extension for two (2) years of the remainder f the preliminary plan, 6. Phasing: If developed in phases, each phase the effective dateoof Hearing Examiner act on of the PUD shall contain adequate parking, on the final plan. open space, recreation space, public benefits, landscaping, buffering, circulation, utilities and d. Construction of the PUD: Approval of other improvements necessary so that each a final plan PUD is authorization to apply for phase, together with any earlier phases, may building permits to construct the PUD. The stand alone and satisfy the purposes of this developer shall prepare and submit building 4 4-15-11 4-15-12 F8d) permit applications which are accepted as intended to be subdivided into smaller parcels, substantially complete to the Building and an application for preliminary plat approval Zoning Department within six (6) months of may be submitted together with the applica- the effective date of approval. The developer tion for final plan PUD approval. In such shall complete the approved planned unit case, the preliminary plat and the final plan development or any phase thereof included in PUD shall be processed and reviewed concur- the approved final plan within two (2) years rently. Subsequent to final plan PUD appro- from the date of the decision to approve the val, a PUD may also be subdivided by the final plan by the Hearing Examiner, unless building site plan process as provided in the examiner designates a shorter time. Section 9-12-6D. Failure to complete the PUD, or any phase thereof, within this time limit, will require the submittal of a new preliminary and final plan 4-15-12: BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PER- application in order to continue construction of MITS: the PUD. Failure to submit a new application or to complete the PUD once construction has A. Building permits shall be issued for begun shall constitute abandonment of the construction in planned unit developments PUD subject to Section 4-15-13. Expiration of only in accordance with the final plan and any building permit issued for a PUD shall be program elements of the final plan as governed by the provisions of the applicable approved by the Hearing Examiner. Minor building Code. Construction of any portion of adjustments to the final plan which involve the PUD requires a current approved PUD only insignificant revisions to the exact Issior and a current building permit. (Ord. 4039, location and configuration of buildings, 1-19-87) roadways, open space or other features and do not involve any changes in density, relative e. Public Notification Signage: Prior to density within the site, intensity, architectural issuance of any building permits for a final style, housing type or other significant PUD, the applicant will erect and maintain in characteristics of the PUD, may be approved a legible manner a sign which is sufficiently by the Building and Zoning Department when large and prominently sited, and which gra- issuing building permits. Adjustments that are phically portrays all phases of the preliminary determined by the Building and Zoning De- PUD including dwelling unit types, number of partment to not be minor adjustments shall units, parking, open space, and recreational require the submittal of a new final plan or facilities. The purpose of this temporary sign preliminary plan application, according to is to inform neighbors and future residents Section 4-15-11F4. about future phases of development plans, their content and configuration. If a B. The Building and Zoning Director may issue a preliminary PUD is modified and has any temporary or final occupancy permit subject to major modifications permitted to it, then this any conditions appropriate to insure the public sign shall similarly be modified to comply with health, safety and general welfare, and to ..— so any approved changes to the modified PUD. insure the timely execution of the remainder Any sign erected pursuant to this Code section of the planned unit development. Prior to shall be exempt from the provisions of the issuance of the permit the Director shall find: Sign Code. All such public notification signs proposed subject to this Section shall be 1. That the developer is engaged in the reviewed and approved by the Building and continuation of the construction of the re- Zoning Department to insure that the mainder of the PUD application. information to be displayed is clearly legible and that the size of the sign is no larger than 2. That all requirements of the PUD approval, what is needed to convey the required infor- and required health and safety ordinances of mation. The sign is to be removed at such the City have been satisfied. time as the final phase of the PUD has been approved and constructed. (Ord. 4060, 4-20-87) 3. That the partial occupancy has been granted deferrals of on-site or off-site G. Consolidation of PUD and Subdivision Appro- improvements not yet completed pursuant to val: Wherever a planned unit development is provisions of the Renton Municipal Code. 4-15-12 4-15-17 B) 4. That partial occupancy will be in the gen- a conditional use permit by the Hearing eral public interest, and not detrimental to the Examiner together with such conditions, public health, safety and welfare, covenants or other terms in order to assure compliance with the requirements of Section 4-15-13: EXPIRATION OR ABANDONMENT 4-15-10 and/or any other applicable provision of this Ordinance and the City's Zoning Code. OF A PUD: A. Expiration: Expiration of an approved pre- 4-15-14: RELATIONSHIP OF THIS ORDI- liminary plan shall be defined as failure to NANCE TO OTHER ORDINANCES: satisfy the time limits or other requirements Where provisions of this Ordinance are in conflict of submitting a final plan application. Expira- with provisions of the zoning ordinance or the tion of an approved final plan PUD shall be subdivision ordinance, the requirements of this defined as failure to initiate construction of a Ordinance shall prevail. PUD. Expiration can only occur if no on-site construction has begun. Upon expiration of a preliminary or final plan, the undeveloped site 4-16-15: LIABILITY: City Not Liable. This may only be developed if a new preliminary Ordinance shall not be construed to and final plan PUD is approved or if the City relieve or lessen the responsibility of any person Council, by ordinance, removes the PUD owning, building, altering or constructing any 'Noe designation and revokes the original approval. planned unit development in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or B. Abandonment: property by any defect therein; nor shall the City, or any agent thereof', be held as assuming such 1. Abandonment Defined: Abandonment of a liability by reason of permit or inspection preliminary and/or final plan for the purpose authorized herein or a certificate of inspection of this Section shall mean the failure and issued by the City or any of its agents. neglect of the developer to meet the require- ments of Section 4-15-11F8d or to diligently pursue the project and the improvements 4-15-16: SEVERABILITY: If any part or portion incidental thereto for a period of six (6) of this Ordinance is determined to be months, after beginning or completing con- unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdic- struction of any of the residential units, tion, such determination shall not affect the re- utilities, streets or other improvements of any mainder of this Ordinance. phase of a PUD. 2. Resuming Development of an Abandoned 4-15-17: PENALTY: It shall be unlawful for any PUD Site: In order to resume development of person, firm or corporation to construct, iimmw an abandoned PUD site, a new final plan enlarge or change any land or planned unit application shall be submitted for any development in the City or cause or permit the partially completed phase of the PUD and a same to be done contrary to or in violation of any new preliminary plan application shall be of the provisions of this Ordinance. Any person, submitted for all remaining portions of the firm or corporation violating any of the provisions site. In any case, all subsequent preliminary of this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be deemed or final plans shall adhere to the Renton City guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person Code provisions in force at the time of shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for resubmission including open space, dwelling each and every day or portion thereof during which unit density and setback requirements. No any violation of any of the provisions of this building permits shall be issued renewed or Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted; extended until such new preliminary or final and upon conviction of any such violation such plans are approved. person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by 3. Occupation of Structures: Any finished imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, structures, short of full implementation of an or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 4039, approved final plan for a PUD or those phases 1-19-87) thereof, may be occupied upon the issuance of s 890 4-17-1 4-17-4 CHAPTER 17 RAILROAD AND UTILITY LINE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SECTION: portion of such street, avenue, alley or public place shall, as far as possible, be open for public use for 4-17-1: Obtain Permit the purposes of traffic, and in all cases, any work of 4-17-2: Valid Franchise or Permission for the City or its contractors or employees shall have Structure precedence over all other work of any kind. 4-17-3: Public Nuisance 4-17-4: No Permit for Ordinary Repair 4-17-3: PUBLIC NUISANCE: All street rail- ways, telegraph lines, telephone lines, electric light lines, gas mains or underground con- duits for use of any public utility company and all 4-17-1: OBTAIN PERMIT: No person or corpor- rails, ties, planks, posts, wires or other structures, ation shall build or construct any apparatus or material built, constructed or placed railroad of any kind or any street railway, tele- in any street, avenue or alley of the City without a 14w graph line, telephone line, electric light line, gas permit having first been issued therefor in compli- main or underground conduit for use of any public ance with the provisions of this Chapter, shall utility company in any street, avenue or alley of the constitute a public nuisance and shall be abated in City without first obtaining a permit therefor from the manner provided by the City law of the City the Council and no person shall make any excava- and the person responsible for the placing or con- tion of any kind or deposit any material or thing in struction thereof shall be punished as provided in any street, avenue or alley of this City for the the Penal Code of the City. purpose or with the intention of building, construe- ( ting or extending any such street railway, telegraph line, telephone line, electric light line, gas main or 4-17-4: NO PERMIT FOR ORDINARY RE- underground conduit for use of any public utility PAIR: It shall be no defense of any company without first obtaining such permit from prosecution or proceeding under this Chapter, that the Council. a franchise to build or construct any such street railway, telegraph line, telephone line, electric light line, gas main or underground conduit for use of 4-17-2: VALID FRANCHISE OR PERMIS- any public utility company that has been granted SION FOR STRUCTURE: If the person by any law of this City,but this Chapter shall not applying to the Council for any such permit shall be so construed as to require a permit for the have a valid and existing franchise or permission construction of ordinary repairs to any such Inv for the structure desired under any valid law of the structure where such repairs are made in good faith City, the Council may grant such permit provided and not for the purpose of construction of such that said Council shall defer or temporarily refuse structure. (Ord. 1065, 9-5-39) the granting thereof until such time as it deems proper or in its discretion in all cases where the street, avenue or alley in or on which the work desired to be done is occupied or about to be occupied in any work by the City in improving or repairing such street, avenue, alley or public place, or in repairing other property of the City, or in cases where such street, avenue, alley or public place is occupied or about to be occupied by any other persons having the right to use the same in such manner as to render it inconvenient to the public to permit any further obstruction thereof at said time, and provided, further, that a sufficient 4-18-1 4-18-2 CHAFFER 18 RENTON DEVELOPMENTAL GUIDELINES ORDINANCE SECTION: by reference and shall be considered as if fully set forth herein: 4-18-1: Title and Intent 4-18-2: Adoption by Reference A. Comprehensive Plan, including policy state- 4-18-3: Effective Date ment, Ordinance No. 2142, as amended. B. Land Use Report, including map, Ordinance No. 2153, as amended. 4-18-1: TITLE AND INTENT: C. Community Facilities Plan, Ordinance No. 2196, as amended. A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the Renton Developmental Guide- D. Arterial and Streets, Ordinance No. 2203. lines Ordinance, may be cited as such, and will be hereinafter referred to as the Develop- E. Utilities Report of Comprehensive Plan. vii00 mental Guidelines Ordinance or "this Ordi- nance" and same shall be and constitute F. Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan, Ordi- Chapter 18, Title IV (Building Regulations) of nance No. 3037. Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton (Ord. 3106, G. Cedar River Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 1-24-77) No. 3038. B. Intent: It is the intent of this Ordinance to H. Shoreline Master Program, Title N, Chapter provide the City, especially the Building and 19. Policy Development Department and the Hear- ing Examiner with criteria to make consistent I. Housing Assistance Plan, Resolution No. 2074. and rational land use recommendations and decisions that (1) place the public health, J. Community Development Plan, Resolution No. safety and welfare paramount; (2) recognize 2073. property rights; (3) promote aesthetics, amenities and good design; (4) minimize K. A Comprehensive Plan for Urban Beauti- incompatibility or adjacent uses; (5) minimize fication, Resolution No. 1450. pollution; (6) contain adverse impacts on-site; (7) make consistent and rational decisions and L. Subdivision Ordinance, Title IX, Chapter 12. recommendations. Furthermore it is the intent of this Ordinance to comply with the various M. Zoning Ordinance, Title IV, Chapter 31. resolutions, codes and ordinances of the City and the State Environmental Policy Act, as N. Mobile Home Park Ordinance, Title N, Chap- amended. This Ordinance shall be considered ter 10. as an interim ordinance and shall be employed only until the Planning Commission recom- O. Parking and Loading Ordinance, Title N, mends and the City Council adopts more Chapter 14. detailed guidelines. (Ord. 3106, 1-24-77; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) P. Planned Unit Development Ordinance, Title IV, Chapter 15. 4-18-2: ADOPTION BY REFERENCE: The Q. Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance, goals, objectives and policies as set forth Title N, Chapter 10. in the following are hereby incorporated 4-18-2 4-18-3 R. Environmental Ordinance, Title IV, Chapter 6. 4-18-3: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its pas- sage, approval and five (5) days after its public- ation, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. (Ord. 3106, 1-24-77) 4-19-1 4-19-3 CHAPTER 19 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM SECTION: 4-19-1: Program Adopted, Copy Kept by Clerk, Inspection 4-19-2: Amendments 4-19-3: Authentication, Record of Program 4-19-1: PROGRAM ADOPTED, COPY KEPT BY CLERK, INSPECTION: The Shore- line Master Program, as issued and prepared by City of Renton Planning Commission, of which one printed copy in book form has heretofore been filed and is now on file in the office of the City Clerkl and made available for examination by the general public, is hereby adopted as the Shoreline Master Program by the City of Renton. 4-19-2: AMENDMENTS: Any and all amendments, additions or modifications to said master program, when printed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton by authorization of the City Council from time to time, shall be considered and accepted and constitute a part of such master program without the necessity of further adoption of such amendments, modifi- cations or additions by the legislative authority of the City of Renton or by ordinance. (Ord. 3758, 12-5-83) *4400 4-19-3: AUTHENTICATION, RECORD OF PROGRAM: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to duly authenticate and record a copy of the abovementioned Shoreline Master Program together with any amendments or additions thereto, together with an authenticated copy of this Chapter. (Ord. 3094, 1-10-77, eff. 1-19-77) 4-20-1 4-20-1 CHAPTER 20 SIGN CODE SECTION: of this Code are not intended to permit any violations of any other lawful ordinance. This 4-20- 1: Title, Scope and Enforcement Code does not apply to any signs or sign 4-20- 2: Definitions and Abbreviations structures located within a building. 4-20- 3: Permits, Bonds, Applications, Fees and Inspections C. Enforcement: 4-20- 4: Design and Construction 4-20- 5: Projecting Signs 1. Authority: The Building Official is hereby 4-20- 6: Marquees authorized and directed to enforce all the 4-20- 7: Electric Signs provisions of this Code. (Ord. 2877, 9-9-74) 4-20- 8: Prohibited Signs and Devices 4-20- 9: Temporary Signs 2. Appeals and Variances: Appeals from 4-20-10: Special Permit Signs and Displays administrative decisions in the interpretation 4-20-11: Signs on Public Right of Way of the provisions of this Code, shall be heard 4-20-12: Land Use Zones by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to 4-20-13: Liability Chapter 8, Title IV, of this Code. Applications 4-20-14: Severability for variances from the provisions of this 4-20-15: Repealed Ordinances Chapter shall be heard by the Board of 4-20-16: Effective Date Adjustment provided in Section 4-31-26A, Chapter 31, Title IV (Building Regulations) of the Code of General Ordinances of the City, consistent with the provisions of Section 4-31- 26B. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) 4-20-1: TITLE, SCOPE AND ENFORCE- MENT: 3. Violation and Penalties: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, known as the Renton Sign Code, may be cited move, improve, convert, equip, use or as such, will be hereafter referred to as this maintain any sign or structure in the City or Code and same shall be and constitute Chap- cause or permit the same to be done contrary ter 20, Title IV (Building Regulations) of to or in violation of any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of this Code. Any person, firm, corporation General Ordinances of the City of Renton. violating any of the provisions of this Code 1011, shall upon conviction be guilty of a B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Code to misdemeanor, and each such person shall be provide a means of regulating signs so as to deemed guilty of a separate offense for each promote the health, safety, morals, general and every day or portion thereof during which welfare, social and economic welfare and any violation of any of the provisions of this esthetics of the City of Renton. Signs are Code is committed, continued or permitted; erected to provide information for the benefit and upon conviction of any such violation and convenience of pedestrians and motorists such person shall be punishable by a fine of and should not detract from the quality of not more than three hundred dollars 'urban environment by being competitive or ($300.00), or by imprisonment for not more garish. Signs should complement and than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine characterize the environment which they and imprisonment. serve to give their respective areas a unique and pleasing quality. No sign shall be erected 4. Alternate Provisions: The provisions of this in such a manner as to confine or obstruct Code are not intended to prevent the use of the view or interpretation of any official any material, method of construction or traffic sign, signal or device. The regulations design not specifically prescribed by this Code. ammisisimommosmossosor 4-20-1 4-20-2 C4) The Building Official may approve such COMBINATION SIGN: Any sign incorporating any alternates provided that he finds the proposed combination of the features of pole, projecting and sign is satisfactory for the purpose intended roof signs. and is the equivalent of that prescribed in this Code in quality, strength, effectiveness, CURB LINE: The line at the face of the curb fire resistance, durability and safety. nearest to the street or roadway. In the absence of a curb, the curb line shall be established by the The Building Official shall require that City Engineer. (See Legal Setback.) sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made DISPLAY SURFACE: The area made available by regarding its use. (Ord. 2877, 9-9-74) the sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising message. 4-20-2: DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIA- ELECTRIC SIGN: Any sign containing or utilizing TIONS: For the purpose of this Code, electrical wiring, but not including signs certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and illuminated by an exterior light source. their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this Section. Words used in the singular include FREE STANDING SIGN: A sign wholly supported the plural, and the plural the singular. Words used by a sign structure in the ground. (Ord. 3719, in the masculine gender include the feminine, and 4-11-83) the feminine the masculine. GROUND SIGN: A free standing sign not over six ANIMATED SIGN: A sign with action or motion, feet (6') in height. (Ord. 4172, 9-12-88) flashing or color changes requiring electrical energy, electronic or manufactured source of supply, HEIGHT: The distance measured from grade, but not including revolving signs or wind actuated unless otherwise designated, to the top of the sign elements such as flags or banners. or sign structure. APPROVED PLASTIC MATERIALS: Approved INCOMBUSTIBLE AND NONCOMBUSTIBLE plastic materials shall be those having a MATERIAL: Incombustible and noncombustible as self-ignition temperature of six hundred fifty applied to building construction material means a degrees (650") F. or greater when tested in material which, in the form in which it is used, is accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 52-3 and a either one of the following: smoke-density rating not greater than 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. A. Material of which no part will ignite and 42-1, in the way intended for use; or a burn when subjected to fire. Any material smoke-density rating no greater than 75 when conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 4-1 shall tested in the thickness intended for use by U.B.C. be considered noncombustible within the Standard No. 52-2. Approved plastics shall be meaning of this section. classified as either CC1 or CC2 in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 52-4. B. Material having a structural base of noncombustible material as defined in BACKGROUND AREA: The entire face upon which subparagraph a above, with a surfacing copy could be placed. material not over one-eighth inch (1/8") thick which has a flame-spread rating of 50 or less. BUILDING FACADE: That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending from the grade to "Noncombustible" does not apply to surface the top of the parapet wall or eaves, and the entire finish materials. Materials required to be width of the building elevation. noncombustible for reduced clearances to flues, heating appliances, or other sources of BUILDING CODE: Building Code is the Uniform high temperature shall refer to material Building Code, promulgated by the International conforming to subparagraph a. No material Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by this shall be classed as noncombustible which is jurisdiction. subject to increase in combustibility or flame-spread rating beyond the limits herein BUILDING OFFICIAL: The officer or other person established, through the effects of age, charged with the administration and enforcement of moisture or other atmospheric condition. this Code, or his duly authorized deputy. 4-20-2 4-20-3 "Flame-spread rating' as used herein refers to ROOF SIGN: A sign erected upon or above a roof rating obtained according to tests conducted or parapet of a building or structure. as specified in U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1. SIGN: Any medium, including merchandise, its LEGAL SETBACK LINE: The line established by structure and component parts, which is used or ordinance beyond which no building may be built. intended to be used to attract attention to the A legal setback line may be a property line. subject matter for advertising purposes. MARQUEE: A permanent roofed structure attached SIGN STRUCTURE: Any structure which supports to and supported by the building and projecting or is capable of supporting any sign as defined in over public property. this Code. A sign structure may be a single pole and may or may not be an integral part of the NONSTRUCTURAL TRIM: The molding, battens, building. caps, nailing strips, latticing, cutouts or letters and walkways which are attached to the sign structure. STREET FRONTAGE: Business directly abutting a public right of way affording direct access to the ON-PREMISE SIGN: A sign which displays only business, or having a parking lot used by one advertising copy strictly incidental to the lawful business which fronts directly on and gaining use of the premise on which it is located, including vehicular access from the public right of way. signs or sign devices indicating the business transacted at, services rendered, goods sold or STRUCTURE: That which is built or constructed, ' r•P produced on the immediate premises, name of' the an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of business, person, firm or corporation occupying the work artificially built up or composed of parts premises. joined together in some definite manner. OFF-PREMISE SIGN: Any sign which cannot be TEMPORARY SIGN: Any sign, banner, pennant, classified as an on-premise sign as described above. valance or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other PLASTIC MATERIALS: Materials made wholly or light materials, with or without frames, intended to principally from standardized plastics listed and be displayed for a limited period of time only. described in Uniform Building Code Standards. (See Approved Plastics, Section 4-20-4). UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: The adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code, published by the POLITICAL SIGNS: Signs advertising a candidate International Conference of Building Officials. or candidates for public, elective office or a political party, or signs urging a particular vote or action U.B.C. STANDARDS: The adopted edition of the on a public issue decided by ballot, whether Uniform Building Code Standards, published by the partisan or nonpartisan. International Conference of Building Officials. PORTABLE DISPLAY SURFACE: A display surface UNDER MARQUEE SIGN: A lighted or unlighted temporarily affixed to a standardized advertising display attached to the underside of a marquee structure which is regularly moved from structure protruding over public or private sidewalks. to structure at periodic intervals. WALL SIGN: Any sign painted, attached or erected PORTABLE SIGN: A sign which is not against the wall of a building or structure, with permanently affixed and designed for or capable of the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to movement, except those signs explicitly designed for the plane of said wall. Shall not extend above any people to carry on their persons or which are adjacent parapet or roof of supporting building. permanently affixed to motor vehicles. PROJECTING SIGN: A sign other than a wall sign 4-20-3: PERMITS, BONDS, APPLICATIONS, which projects from and is supported by a wall of FEES AND INSPECTIONS: a building or structure. A. Permits and Bonds; Liability Insurance: PROJECTION: The distance by which a sign extends over public property or beyond the building 1. Permits Required: No sign shall hereafter line. be erected, re-erected, constructed or altered, 4-20-3 4-20-3 Al) except as provided by this Code and a permit Official may waive any of the aforementioned for the same has been issued by the Building requirements when he determines same to be Official. A separate permit shall be required unnecessary in relation to the sign permit for a sign or signs for each business entity applied for, its size and location. and/or a separate permit for each group of signs on a single supporting structure. In C. Exceptions: The following shall not require a addition, electrical permits shall be obtained permit. These exceptions shall not be for electric signs. construed as relieving the owner of any sign from the responsibility of its erection and 2. Liability Insurance: The owner of any sign maintenance and its compliance with any projecting over a public right of way shall file other law or ordinance regulating the same. with the Building Official a public liability insurance policy issued by an insurance 1. The changing of the advertising copy or company authorized to do business in the message on a painted or printed sign, theater State of Washington, appropriately conditioned marquee and similar signs specifically in conformity with the objectives of this designed for the use of replaceable copy. section, with limits of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) - three hundred thousand 2. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an dollars ($300,000.00) public liability coverage advertising structure or the changing of the and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) advertising copy or message thereon shall not property damage coverage. be considered an erection or alteration which requires sign permit unless a structural or IWO B. Application Procedure: electrical change is made. 1. Application for a sign permit shall be made 3. Temporary signs and decorations customary in writing upon forms furnished by the for special holidays such as Independence Day Building Official. Such application shall and Christmas erected entirely on private contain the location by street and number of property. the proposed sign structures as well as the name and address of the owner and the sign 4. Real estate signs offering the immediately contractor or erector. The Building Official adjacent premises for sale, lease or rent and may require the filing of additional plans or not exceeding six (6) square feet in area on other pertinent information when in his one face or less in area for lots thirty five opinion such information is necessary to thousand (35,000) square feet or less in area, insure compliance with this Code. Standard and not exceeding thirty two (32) square feet plans may be filed with the Building Official. in area on one face for lots over thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet in area. 2. When applying for a permanent sign, a drawing, sketch or photograph with a 5. Signs of not over two (2) square feet superimposed drawing, accurate as to scale, advertising that credit is available to members shall be submitted showing how the proposed of monetary institutions. sign shall look in the environment. A vicinity map at a scale of one inch representing two 6. One on-premise sign, not electrical or hundred feet (200') shall be required showing illuminated, two (2) square feet or less on one the property on which the proposed sign is to face which is affixed permanently on a plane be located, the street and the nearest parallel to the wall on the wall located intersection, together with a site map of one entirely on private property. inch (1") representing twenty feet (20'), or a larger scale showing the location of the sign, 7. Parking and traffic control signs two (2) structures, rights of way, easements and square feet or less on private property. property lines. Elevation projections of the proposed sign shall also be submitted with the 8. Bulletin board not over twelve (12) square application and shall include, but not be feet in area on one face for each public, limited to the following The sign's charitable or religious institution when the relationship to the property lines, easements, same is located on the premises of said setback lines and structures. The Building institution. 4-20-3 4-20-3 applicant fails to remove the sign when the C) 9. Temporary signs denoting the architect, permit expires. engineer or contractor when placed upon work under construction and not exceeding thirty 4. For the purpose of computing the maximum two (32) square feet in area on one face. permitted size and permit fee, free standing letters or characters, where no background is 10. Memorial signs or tables, names of specially provided, the area shall be buildings and dates of erection, when cut into considered as that encompassed by drawing any masonry surface or when constructed of straight lines at the extremities of the shapes bronze or other incombustible materials. to be used. 11. Signs of public service companies 5. Permits for real estate directional signs of a indicating danger and/or service or safety temporary nature on the public right of way information. shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per sign for a six (6) month period with a renewal fee of ten 12. Political signs less than twelve (12) square dollars ($10.00) for a three (3) month period feet on one face as hereinabove defined. with only one renewal allowed. A twenty five dollar ($25.00) deposit per sign shall also be 13. Open house signs. paid to the Building Official, which shall be forfeited if the applicant fails to remove the D. Permit Fees: At the time of issuing a permit sign when the permit expires. Upon to erect or install a sign or device controlled demonstration that a sign has been removed, Now by this Code, the Building Official shall collect the deposit for the sign shall be returned. All a fee computed on the basis of the following: confiscated signs shall become the property of the City. 1. For permanent signs, compute the total area of all faces upon which copy may be 6. In addition to the above fees, the Building placed and use Table 4-20-3A below: Official may collect a plan check fee equal to one-half (1/2) the sign permit fee if special TABLE 4-20-3A engineering checks are required. Such fees shall be paid at the time of application. Fee for Signs on Private Property 7. Where work for which the permit is Less than fifty (50) square feet $15.00 required by this Code is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees Fifty (50) square feet or more above specified shall be doubled; but the but less than one hundred fifty payment of such double fee shall not relieve (150) square feet $20.00 any persons from complying with the requirements of this Code in the execution of One hundred fifty (150) square the work nor from any other penalties feet or more but less than three prescribed herein. hundred (300) square feet $30.00 8. There shall be no permit fees for any Three hundred (300) square political signs. feet or more $50.00 E. Maintenance: All signs, together with all of 2. For the temporary installation of signs, their supports, braces, guys and anchors, shall banners, streamers, etc. on special permit as be kept in repair and in proper state of provided in Section 4-20-10, the permit fee preservation. The surfaces of all signs shall be shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00). Except: kept neatly painted or posted at all times. The The fee shall be five dollars ($5.00) for ground area shall be neat and orderly. businesses with less than five (5) employees. F. Inspections: 3. For temporary signs as provided in Section 4-20-9, the permit fee shall be fifteen dollars 1. All signs controlled by this Code shall be ($15.00) plus a deposit of one hundred dollars subject to inspection and periodic reinspection ($100.00) which shall be forfeited if' the by the Building Official. 4-20-3 4-20-4 F) 2. Footing inspections shall be made by the need not be combined in design of signs or Building Official for all signs having footings. sign structures; only that loading producing the larger stresses may be used. 3. All welding on signs or sign structures shall be done by certified welders holding a Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, valid certification from King County or other shall be assumed to be acting simultaneously governmental jurisdiction acceptable to the with the wind or seismic loads. Building Official. 5. Allowable Stresses: The design of wood, 4. All signs containing electrical wiring shall concrete or steel members shall conform to be subject to the governing electrical code and the requirements of the adopted edition of the shall bear the label of an approved testing Uniform Building Code. Loads, both vertical agency. and horizontal, exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in 5. The Building Official may order the the adopted edition of the Uniform Building removal of any sign that is not maintained in Code. accordance with the provisions of Section 4-20-3E. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the ultimate strength of the 4-20-4: DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: rope or fasteners. 44400 A. Design: Working stresses for wind or seismic loads combined with dead-loads may be increased as 1. General: Signs and sign structures shall be specified in the adopted edition of the designed and constructed to resist wind and Uniform Building Code. seismic forces as specified in this Section. All bracing systems shall be designed and con- B. Construction: structed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on buildings, the dead 1. General: The supports for all signs or sign and lateral loads shall be transmitted through structures shall be placed in or upon private the structural frame of' the building to the property and shall be securely built, ground in such manner as not to overstress constructed and erected in conformance with any of the elements thereof. The overturning the requirements of this Code. moment produced from lateral forces shall in no case exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the dead-load 2. Materials: Materials of construction for resisting moment. Uplift due to overturning signs and sign structures shall be of the shall be adequately resisted by proper quality and grade as specified for buildings in anchorage to the ground or to the structural the adopted edition of the Uniform Building frame of the building. The weight of earth Code. superimposed over footings may be used in determining the dead-load resisting moment. In all signs and sign structures the materials Such earth shall be thoroughly compacted. and details of construction shall, in the absence of specified requirements, conform 2. Wind Loads: Signs and sign structures with the following: (Ord. 2504, 9-23-69) shall be designed to resist wind forces as specified in the adopted edition of the a. Structural steel shall be of such Uniform Building Code. quality as to conform with U.B.C. Standard No. 27-1. Secondary members in contact with 3. Seismic Loads: Signs and sign structures or directly supporting the display surface may shall be designed and constructed to resist be formed of light gauge steel, provided such seismic forces as specified in the adopted members are designed in accordance with the edition of the Uniform Building Code. specifications of the design of light gauge steel as specified in U.B.C. Standard No. 27-9 4. Combined Loads: Wind and seismic loads and in addition shall be galvanized. Secondary members, when formed integrally with the 4-20-4 4-20-4 B2a) display surface, shall be not less than No. 24 expansion screws of sufficient size and an- gauge in thickness. When not formed chorage to support safely the loads applied. integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with shall be No. 12 gauge. The minimum thick- wood used in connection with screws or nails ness of hot-rolled steel members furnishing shall be considered proper anchorage, except structural support for signs shall be in the case of signs attached to wood framing. one-fourth inch ('/4"), except that, if galvanized, such members shall be not less No anchor or support of any sign shall be than one-eighth inch 0/5') thick. Steel pipes connected to, or supported by, an unbraced shall be of such quality as to conform with parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in U.B.C. Standard No. 27-1. Steel members may accordance with the requirements for parapet be connected with one galvanized bolt, walls specified in the adopted edition of the provided the connection is adequate to Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-69) transfer the stresses in the members. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) 6. Display Surfaces: Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of metal, glass or b. Anchors and supports when of wood approved plastics, or other approved and embedded in the soil, or within six inches noncombustible material, or wood for wood (6") of the soil, shall be of all heartwood of a signs. durable species or shall be pressure-treated N'' with an approved preservative. Such members Sections of approved plastics on wall signs shall be marked or branded by an approved shall not exceed two hundred twenty five agency. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-69) (225) square feet in area. 3. Restrictions on Combustible Materials: Free EXCEPTION: Sections of approved plastics on standing and wall signs may be constructed of signs other than wall signs may be of any material meeting the requirements of this unlimited area if approved by the Building Code. Combination signs, roof signs and signs Official. on marquees shall be constructed of incom- bustible materials, except as provided in Sections of approved plastics on wall signs paragraph 4 below. No combustible materials shall be separated three feet (3') laterally and other than approved plastics shall be used in six feet (6') vertically by the required exterior the construction of electric signs. (Ord. 3719, wall construction. 4-11-83) EXCEPTION: Sections of approved plastics on 4. Nonstructural Trim: Nonstructural trim signs other than wall signs may not be and portable display surfaces may be of wood, required to be separated if approved by the metal, approved plastics or any combination Building Official. thereof. Glass thickness and area limitations shall be 5. Anchorage: Members supporting unbraced as set forth in Table No. 4-20-4A below: signs shall be so proportioned that the bear- ing loads imposed on the soil in either direc- TABLE NO. 4-20-4A tion, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values. Braced ground signs shall be Size, Thickness and Type of anchored to resist the specified wind or seis- Glass Panels in Signa mic load acting in any direction. Anchors and MAXIMUM SIZE OF supports shall be designed for safe bearing EXPOSED GLASS PANEL loads on the soil and for an effective resist- ance to pull-out amounting to a force twenty Minimum five percent (25%) greater than the required Any Areaof Thickness Dimension (Square Glass resistance to overturning. Anchors and sup- (Inches) Inches) (Inches) Type of Glass porta shall penetrate to a depth below ground greater than that of the frost line. Signs S0 500 V, Plain, Plate or Wired 45 700 PlainPlate or Wired attached to masonry, concrete or steel shall 144 3600 '/,� Plain, Plate or Wired be safely and securely fastened thereto by 144+ 3600+ 14 Wired Glass means of metal anchors, bolts or approved (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) 480 4-20-4 4-20-6 B) 7. Approved Plastics: The Building Official areas are given a finished and pleasing shall require that sufficient technical data be appearance with the display surfaces visible submitted to substantiate the proposed use of only from the directions that they are any plastic material and, if it is determined intended to be seen. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-69) that the evidence submitted is satisfactory for the use intended, he may approve its use. 4-20-5: PROJECTING SIGNS: C. Clearance: A. Projecting signs shall be designed in 1. General: All types of signs shall conform to accordance with the requirements specified in the clearance and projection requirements of Section 4-20-4. this Section. B. Projection and Clearance: 2. Clearance from High Voltage Power Lines: Signs shall be located not less than ten feet 1. Signs may project within a legal setback a (10') horizontally or twelve feet (12') vertically maximum of six feet (6'). from overhead electrical conductors which are energized in excess of seven hundred fifty 2. Where a legally constructed marquee exists (750) volts. The term "overhead conductors" as which in itself complies with the provisions of used in this Section means any electrical the Renton Building Code, an "under conductor, either bare or insulated, installed marquee" sign, no larger than twelve inches above the ground except such conductors as (12") high by seventy two inches (72") long by are enclosed in iron pipe or other material ten inches (10") thick, may be suspended vie covering of equal strength. below the marquee, provided the bottom of the sign is at least eight feet (8') above the 3. Clearance from Fire Escapes, Exits or surface of the sidewalk and the sign does not Standpipes: No sign or sign structure shall be extend beyond the marquee. Under marquee erected in such a manner that any portion of signs shall be limited to one such sign per its surface or supports will interfere in any entrance for each business establishment. way with the free use of any fire escape, exit or standpipe. 3. All projecting signs shall have painted thereon the name of the sign erector and the 4. Obstruction of Openings: No sign shall date of the erection. obstruct any opening to such an extent that light or ventilation is reduced to a point 4. All signs erected above or below a marquee below that required by the applicable City which do not meet the requirements of building codes. Signs erected within five feet Section 4-20-6A shall comply with the (5') of an exterior wall in which there are requirements of this Section. openings within the area of the sign shall be constructed of incombustible material or 5. Signs shall not project within the public approved plastics. right of way, other than signs on marquees .,moi and wall signs which may project as follows: 5. Supporting Members: The supporting members of a sign shall be free of any a. The thickness of that portion of a unnecessary bracing, angle iron, guy wires, wall sign which projects over public right of cables and similar devices. way shall not exceed twelve inches (12"). (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) 6. Glare from Signs: All illuminated signs shall be designed and located in such a manner as to avoid undue glare or reflection 4-20-6: MARQUEES: of light. A. Signs may be placed on, attached to or con- 7. View from Rear If a sign is visible from structed in a marquee. Such signs, over public more than one direction, all areas not or private property, shall, for the purpose of intended as display surfaces including the determining projection, clearance, height and back and sides shall be designed so that such material, be considered a part of and shall meet the requirements for a marquee as 490 4-20-6 4-20-8 A) specified in the adopted edition of the 4. Strings of pennants, banners or streamers, Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 4172, 9-12-88) festoons of lights, clusters of flags, wind-animated objects, balloons and similar devices of a carnival nature except as 4-20-7: ELECTRIC SIGNS: specifically provided in Sections 4-20-9 and 4-20-10. Not prohibited are national, State A. Electric signs shall be constructed of and institutional flags properly displayed or incombustible materials, except as specified in temporary signs and decorations customary Section 4-20-4. The enclosed shell of electric for special holidays, such as Independence signs shall be watertight, excepting that Day, Christmas and similar events of a public service holes fitted with covers shall be nature. provided into each compartment of such signs. 5. Portable signs or any sign which is not B. Installation: permanently mounted. 1. Installation: Electrical equipment used in 6. There shall be no signs allowed within connection with display signs shall be twenty feet (20') of intersections or driveways installed in accordance with local ordinances which shall obscure vision between the height regulating electrical installation. of three feet (3') and ten feet (10') of the street or driveway grade. 2. Erector's Name: Every electric sign projecting over any street or alley or public 7. Stationary motor vehicles, trailers and place shall have the name of the sign erector related devices to circumvent the intent of and date of erection. Such name and date this Code. shall be of sufficient size and contrast to be readable from a reasonable distance. Failure 8. Signs over public right of way other than to provide such name and date shall be wall signs per Section 4-20-9B and signs on grounds for rejection of the sign by the marquees. Building Official. (Ord. 2504, 9-23-69) 9. Signs on public right of way other than 3. Label Required: All electric signs shall bear signs allowed by Section 4-20-9 and 4-20-11. the label of an approved testing agency. (Ord. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) 3719, 4-11-83) 10. Off Premises Signs. Except: 4-20-8: PROHIBITED SIGNS AND DEVICES: a. Signs allowed by Section 4-20-9, 4-20-10 and 4-20-11. A. The following signs or devices are specifically prohibited: b. Off-premises advertising may be allowed as an accessory use of an 1. All signs not complying with the identification sign or other structure if the Washington State Highway Department following conditions are met: Regulations adjacent to State roads. (1) The maximum size of the off- 2. Any sign using the words "stop", "look", premises advertising is six (6) square "danger" or any other word, symbol or feet. character which might confuse traffic or detract from any legal traffic control device. (2) No more than twenty five percent (25%) of the principal structure is 3. All of the following signs within seventy covered by the off-premises advertising five feet (76') of the public right of way with sign. any of the following features: animated, revolving more than eight (8) revolutions per (3) The off-premises advertising sign is minute, blinking and flashing. Exceptions are designed to be viewed by users of the fa- public service signs, such as those which give cility rather than street traffic. the time, temperature and/or humidity. 490 4-20-8 4-20-9 A10) c. Off-premises signs in existence upon hundred (100) square feet in area. Temporary passage of this Section may be maintained signs of rigid material shall not exceed thirty but not expanded, moved or structurally two (32) square feet on one face or six feet altered. (Ord. 4172, 9-12-88) (6') in height. B. Unauthorized signs or other advertising B. Specifications: devices either wholly or partially supported on or projecting over the public right of way may 1. Support: Every temporary cloth sign shall be removed by the Building Official or his be supported and attached with wire rope of representative without notice to the owner. three-eighths inch ('/;") minimum diameter, or Such signs or devices shall be stored at the other material of equivalent breaking City garage for a period not to exceed thirty strength. No strings, fiber ropes or wood slats (30) days, during which time the owner may shall be permitted for support or anchorage redeem such sign or device by payment to the purposes. Cloth signs and panels shall be City Treasurer an amount equal to the City perforated over at least ten percent (10%) of cost for the removal and storage, but in no their area to reduce wind resistance. event shall the fee be less than twenty dollars ($20.00). After expiration of the thirty a. Exception: Temporary cloth signs over (30) day storage period, the sign not having private property not exceeding sixty (60) been redeemed, it shall be destroyed or square feet shall be supported and attached otherwise disposed of. with wire rope which will meet the require- ments of Section 4-20-4. Nei C. Closure of Business: Upon the closure and vacation of a business or activity, the owner 2. Projection: Cloth signs may extend over of said business or activity shall have ninety public property. Such signs, when extended (90) days from the date of closure to remove over a public street, shall maintain a min- all signs relating to said business and imum vertical clearance of twenty feet (20'). activity. If the owner of said business or activity fails to remove said signs within the 3. Clearance: Cloth signs may extend across a designated time period, then the owner of the public right of way only by permission of the property upon which said signs are located Mayor's office or his/her designated repre- shall remove said signs within one hundred sentative, and shall be subject to all related twenty (120) days of said closure and vacation laws and ordinances. Temporary signs, other of premises. than cloth, when eight feet (8') or more above the ground, may project not more than six inches (6") over public property or beyond the 4-20-9: TEMPORARY SIGNS: legal setback line. A. Temporary Signs: C. Real Estate Directional Signs on the Public Right of Way: vieaw 1. Temporary signs are allowed for a max- imum of thirty (30) days per permit per sign. 1. Real estate directional signs shall have a Only two (2) such permits may be granted in maximum size of twelve (12) square feet on any one calendar year to any one applicant. one face. Such directional signs shall not be placed closer than four feet (4') to the edge of EXCEPTION: Real estate directional signs an improved roadway and shall not be placed may remain for six (6) months and subject to in such a manner as to constitute a public one renewal for a three (3) month period. The safety hazard. Board of Adjustment may grant a variance for a longer time if the applicant can show the 2. No more than two (2) such signs shall be circumstances beyond his control prevented allowed at any one intersection and only one the development to be more than seventy five sign per development is allowed at each percent (75%) occupied or sold within the intersection. time allowed. 3. Between intersections, real estate direc- 2. No temporary sign shall exceed one tional signs for the same development shall 490 4-20-9 4-20-12 C3) be placed no closer than five hundred feet A. Strings of pennants, banners or streamers, (500') to signs for the same development. festoons of lights, clusters of flags, balloons and similar devices of a carnival nature, or a group of temporary signs, may be displayed D. All temporary signs shall have the sign per- on private property only by special permit. mit number placed in the upper left-hand Such a permit shall be issued for a period not corner by the permittee. to exceed ten (10) days and shall be issued only to a new business opening, or to an E. Political Signs: existing business moving to an entirely new location. (Ord. 2877, 9-9-74) 1. Political signs may be displayed on private property with the consent of the property B. Cloth signs may be extended over a public owner or the lawful occupant thereof. right of way in accordance with the provisions of this Code for a period to be established by 2. Political signs shall not be greater than the Mayor or his designated representative thirty two (32) square feet if single faced or but not to exceed thirty (30) days. (Ord. 3273, sixty four (64) square feet if multi-faced, 12-11-78) except if such signs are on an off-premises sign structure regulated by Section 4-20-12C6. 4-20-11: SIGNS ON PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY: 3. Each political sign shall be removed within ten (10) days following an election, except A. Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted as that the successful candidates of a primary controlling public and informational signs election may keep their signs on display until placed on the public right of way by any ten (10) days after the general election, at governmental agency or public utility having which time they shall be promptly removed. underground or overhead installations. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to B. Public service directional signs for public erect, paint, paste, affix or otherwise mount a buildings such as public schools, libraries, political sign on any utility pole or on the hospitals and other similar public service public right of way or property. facilities, may be placed entirely on the public right of way. Such signs are limited to one of F. Residential Open House Signs. Signs adver- the following at sites approved by the tieing "open house" and the direction to a Building Official. residence for sale shall be limited to one sign on the premises for sale and three (3) off- 1. Sign must be of size, height, color, design premises signs. However, if a real estate and mounting and so located as to comply in company has more than one house open for all respects with the City street sign inspection in a single development or subdivi- standards. sion, they shall be limited to four (4) off premises "open house" signs in the entire 2. Sign shall not be over twelve (12) square development or subdivision. Such signs are feet in total background area for any one permitted only during daylight hours and face, no portion of the sign closer than four when the real estate company representative feet (4') to any curb line or improved roadway or seller or an agent is in attendance at the surface and not illuminated. (Ord. 2877, property for sale. No such sign shall exceed 9-9-74) four (4) square feet in surface area for each surface of the sign. The sign may be placed only along the periphery of a public right of 4-20-12: LAND USE ZONES: way in a manner so as not to obstruct the vision or pathway of vehicular or pedestrian A. General: All signs are further limited and traffic. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) restricted as to height, clearance, size, type, copy, design and location in the land use zones as such land use zones are defined and 4-20-10: SPECIAL PERMIT SIGNS AND established by Chapter 31, Zoning, Title IV DISPLAYS: (Building Regulations), Code of General 490 Ass 4-20-12 4-20-12 A) Ordinances of the City of Renton, as amend- 1. Under marquee signs shall be limited to ed, or any other ordinance pertaining to or one such sign per entrance for each business regulating zoning. Only those signs specifi- establishment. (Ord. 3719, 411-83) tally designated are permitted; all others are prohibited. In those zones which do not have 2. Each individual business establishment a height limitation, the height limitation for may have only one sign for each street, free standing, projecting and combination frontage of any one of the following types: signs shall be forty feet (40'); wall signs may Free standing, roof, ground, projecting or exceed this limitation and roof signs may combination. Each sign shall not exceed an extend twenty feet (20') above the parapet area greater than one and one-half (11/2) wall. square feet for each lineal foot of property frontage which the business occupies up to a B. In all residential, commercial and industrial maximum of three hundred (300) square feet; zones the following shall apply: or if such sign is multi-faced, the maximum allowance shall not be more than three 1. Home Occupation: Only one home occupa- hundred (300) square feet. However, a tion sign, not illuminated, not exceeding two maximum of one-half (11/2) of the allowed (2) square feet in area, attached to the wall square footage is allowed on each face. of the building with the face of the sign in a Businesses with less than twenty five (25) plane parallel to the plane of the wall is per- lineal front feet may have a sign of a mitted. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) maximum of twenty (20) square feet per face. Ground signs may be installed within the 1810" 2. Churches, schools, apartment buildings, front yard setback in the landscape strip; subdivision developments and similar occupan- provided, that the area described in Section cies located in residential zones may have two 4-20-8A6 is kept clear. (Ord. 4172, 9-12-88) (2) on-premises identifying signs of not over thirty two (32) square feet in area on one 3. In addition to the signs in paragraphs 1 face. The signs may be illuminated but not and 2 above, wall signs are permitted with a animated, shall be for location identification total copy area not exceeding twenty percent only and shall display no copy, symbol or (20%) of the building facade to which it is device other than that in keeping with the applied. development. Free standing signs shall be not higher than six feet (6') above any established 4. Special permit signs as provided in Section grade and shall be no closer than ten feet 4-20-10 are permitted. (10') to any street right of way or five feet (5') to any side property line. Commercial and/or 5. Signs on marquees conforming to Section industrial subdivisions may have two (2) 4-20-6 are permitted. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) on-premises identifying signs not over seventy five (75) square feet on one face. These signs 6. Motor Vehicle Dealership Over 1 Acre of must be no higher than six feet (6'), or no Contiguous Ownership or Control: Each *sow closer to the street right of way than ten feet dealership is allowed its appropriate wall or (10') or five feet (5') to any side property line. under marquee sign as stated in the Sign However, public facilities may have one free- Code. Each dealership is allowed one primary standing sign with a maximum height of free standing sign per street frontage not to twenty five feet (25'). (Ord. 4172, 9-12-88) exceed an area greater than one and one-half (11/,) square feet for each lineal foot of property 3. Real estate signs not over six (6) square frontage which the business occupies up to a feet in area offering the immediate premises maximum of two hundred (200) square feet, or for sale or lease. if such sign is multi-faced, the maximum allowance shall be not more than two hundred 4. Real estate directional signs are allowed. (200) square feet. In addition to the above, each dealership is allowed one accessory free 5. Temporary signs per Section 4-20-9 are standing sign for each separate business allowed except for cloth signs over public activity located on the property which can right of way. reasonably be related to the primary business. These signs shall not exceed a height of ten C. In all commercial and industrial zones the feet (10') and a total sign area of twenty following shall apply: 490 4-20-12 4-20-13 C6) five (25) square feet if single faced or fifty the off-premise advertising sign. (50) square feet if doubled faced. They must also maintain a minimum twenty foot (20') c. The off-premise advertising sign is setback and be no closer than one hundred designed to be viewed by users of the facility fifty feet (150') to any other accessory free rather than street traffic. (Ord. 3921, 7-1-85) standing. Maximum shall be three (3) per street frontage. 2. Only wall and free standing signs are allowed. 7. Temporary signs per Section 4-20-9 are allowed. 3. No wall sign shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the building facade to which it is affixed. D. B-P (Business Parking) District: (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) 1. Off-premise signs are prohibited. 4. Free standing signs are limited to six feet (6') above grade and ten feet (10') to any 2. Subject to the limitations of this Section, public right of way. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) any sign permitted in Section 4-20-12C is permitted in this District. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) G. Design Requirements, Shoreline Areas: E. M-P (Manufacturing Park) District and 0-P 1. Visual access to water and shoreline from -rn (Office Park) District: vistas and viewpoints shall not be impaired by the placement of signs. Where feasible, 1. Signs shall be located no closer than signs are to be constructed against existing twenty feet (20') to any property line, with buildings or structures to minimize visual the exception of entrance, exit and directional obstruction of the water and shoreline. signs, and ground signs. Ground signs may be installed within the front yard setback in the 2. Outdoor advertising signs are to be limited landscape strip; provided, that the area to areas of high intensity industrial and described in Section 4-20-8A6 is kept clear. commercial use, are to be stationary, (Ord. 4172, 9-12-88) nonblinking, and of a size commensurate with the structure to which they are fixed. 2. Special permit signs as provided in Section 4-20-10 and off-premise signs are prohibited. 3. Of premises and nonappurtenant signs are prohibited on the shoreline. 3. Subject to the limitations of this Section, any sign permitted in Section 4-20-12C is 4. Illuminated or free standing signs, or any permitted in this District. (Ord. 3719, 4-11-83) signs extending above rooflines, are prohibited on the shoreline except for required naviga- F. P-1 (Public Use) District: tional aids. (Ord. 3858, 11-5-84) •.ter 1. Signs may be illuminated and shall be for location identification only and shall display 4-20-13: LIABILITY: no copy, symbol or device other than that in keeping with the principal occupant. A. City Not Liable: This Code shall not be con- strued to relieve from or lessen the respon- Exception: off-premise advertising may be sibility of any person owning, building, alter- allowed as an accessory use of an identifica- ing, constructing or moving any sign in the tion sign or other structure if the following City for damages to anyone injured or dam- conditions are met: aged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City, or any a. The maximum size of the off-premise agent thereof, be held as assuming such advertising is six (6) square feet. liability by reason of permit or inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection b. No more than twenty five percent issued by the City or any of its agents. (25%) of the principal structure is covered by magssostrassrairmsissaimitimar 4-20-13 4-20-16 4-20-14: SEVERABILITY: A. If any part or portion of this Chapter is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Chapter. 4-20-15: REPEALED ORDINANCES: A. Any and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4-20-16: EFFECTIVE DATE: A. This Chapter shall be in full force and effective from and after its passage, approval and five (5) days after its legal publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. (Ord. 2877, 9-9-74) 4-21-1 4-21-7 CHAPTER 21 SMOKE DETECTORS SECTION: A. The building owner or agent shall be responsible for the installation. 4-21-1: Placement Requirements 4-21-2: Types Installed B. The building owner or agent shall provide or 4-21-3: Method of Installation post within each guest room or dwelling unit, 4-21-4: Maintenance of Detectors written operating instructions and 4-21-5: Deadline for Installation maintenance instructions for the smoke 4-21-6: Violation, Penalty detector installed therein. 4-21-7: Effective Date 4-21-4: MAINTENANCE OF DETECTORS: Maintenance of smoke detectors shall be the responsibility of the tenant who shall maintain 4-21-1: PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS: the device in accordance with the instructions of ""fin Smoke detectors shall be installed and the manufacturer. When an occupancy is vacated, maintained in accordance with the provisions of this the building owner or agent shall insure that smoke Ordinance in the following occupancies that are detectors are operational prior to reoccupancy. rented, leased or let to a person or persons. A. Guest rooms and dwellings in hotels, motels, 4-21-5: DEADLINE FOR INSTALLATION: apartments and condominiums and similar or Smoke detectors required by this other uses as defined in Group R, Division 1, Ordinance shall be installed in all occupancies Occupancies, of the Uniform Building Code, listed in Section 4-21-1 but not later than eighteen 1976 edition, as amended. (18) months after adoption of this Ordinance. B. Dwelling units in duplexes, single family dwellings and lodging houses or other uses as 4-21-6: VIOLATION, PENALTY: Any person more particularly defined in Group R, Division violating any provision of this Ordinance 3, Occupancies, of the Uniform Building Code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- 1976 edition, as amended. tion thereof be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment C. Mobile home dwelling units. for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such swvir+ fine and imprisonment. 4-21-2: TYPES INSTALLED: Smoke detectors installed in accordance with the pro- 4-21-7: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance visions of this Ordinance shall be of a type shall be effective upon its passage, conforming to Uniform Building Code standard 43-6 approval and five (5) days after its publication. or of a type approved by a nationally recognized (Ord. 3222, 5-22-78, eff. 5-31-78) testing laboratory. 4-21-3: METHOD OF INSTALLATION: The method of installation of smoke detectors shall be in accordance with the provisions of the 1976 edition of the Uniform Building Code, as amended, Section 1310 for hotels, motels, apart- ments and condominiums and Section 1413 for duplexes, single family dwellings, lodging houses and mobile homes. 890 4-22-1 4-22-3 CHAPTER 22 STORM AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SECTION: specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this Section shall be as follows: 4-22- 1: Title 4-22- 2: Purpose COMPUTATION: Calculations, including coefficient 4-22- 3: Definitions and other pertinent data, made to determine the 4-22- 4: Administering and Enforcing Authority drainage plan with rate of flow of water given in 4-22- 5: Submission of Drainage Plans Required cubic feet per second (cfs). 4-22- 6: Plans Not Required 4-22- 7: Development in Critical Flood, Drainage DEPARTMENT: The Public Works Department of and/or Erosion Areas the City of Renton. 4-22- 8: Drainage Plan Requirements and Methods of Analysis DETENTION/RETENTION FACILITIES: Facilities 4-22- 9: Drainage Plan Design Criteria, Drafting designed either to hold runoff for a short period of Standards and Contents time and then releasing it to the point of discharge 4-22-10: Review and Approval of the Plan at a controlled rate or to hold water for a 41109 4-22-11: Fees and Permits considerable length of time and then consuming it 4-22-12: Bonds and Liability Insurance Required by evaporation, plants or infiltration into the 4-22-13: City Assumption of Maintenance ground. 4-22-14: Retroactivity Relating to City Maintenance of Subdivision Facilities DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE: All developed 4-22-15: Drainage Plan Review Procedures surface areas within the subject property including 4-22-16: Variances but not limited to roof tops, concrete or asphalt 4-22-17: Violations and Penalties paved driveways, carports, accessory buildings and 4-22-18: Severability parking areas. DIRECTOR: The Director of the Department of 4-22-1: TITLE: This Ordinance shall be herein- Public Works. after known as the RENTON STORM AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE ORDI- DRAINAGE AREA: The total area whose drainage NANCE, may be cited as such and will hereinafter water flows to and across the subject property. be referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 22, Title IV (Building DRAINAGE PLAN: The plan for receiving, Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled Code handling, transporting surface water within the air' General Ordinances of the City of Renton. subject property. PEAK DISCHARGE: The maximum surface water 4-22-2: PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this runoff rate (cfs) at point of discharge, determined Ordinance to promote and develop from the design storm frequency. policies with respect to, and to preserve the City's watercourses and to minimize water quality degra- RECEIVING BODIES OF WATER: Creeks, dation by previous siltation, sedimentation and streams, rivers, lakes, storm sewers and other pollution of creeks, streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water into which surface waters are bodies of water to protect property owners directed, either naturally or in manmade ditches or tributary to developed and undeveloped land from open and closed system. increased runoff rates and to insure the safety of roads and rights of way. STORM SEWER and STORM DRAIN: A sewer which carries storm surface water, subsurface water and drainage. 4-22-3: DEFINITIONS: Unless the context 890 4-22-3 4-22-8 SUBJECT PROPERTY: The tract of land which is B. The plan submitted during one permit the subject of the permit and/or approval action. approval process may be subsequently submitted with further required applications. The plan shall be supplemented with 4-22-4: ADMINISTERING AND ENFORCING additional information at the request of the AUTHORITY: The Director of Public Department of Public Works. Works is designated as the administrator and is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. All provisions of 4-22-6: PLANS NOT REQUIRED: The plan this Ordinance shall be enforced by the Director requirement established in Section and/or his designated representatives. For such 4-22-5 shall not apply when the department purposes the Director or his duly authorized determines that the proposed permit and/or representative shall have the power of a police activity: officer. A. Will not seriously and adversely impact the water quality conditions of any affected 4-22-5: SUBMISSION OF DRAINAGE PLANS receiving bodies of water and/or REQUIRED: B. Will not substantially alter the drainage A. All persons applying for any of the following pattern, increase the peak discharge and permits and/or approvals shall submit for cause any other adverse effects in the approval, unless expressly exempted under drainage area. Section 4-22-6 hereinbelow, a drainage plan with their application and/or request. Additionally, the plan requirement established in Section 4-22-5 shall not apply to single family 1. Mining, excavation and grading permit; residences when such structures are less than five thousand (5,000) square feet, unless the subject 2. Shoreline management substantial develop- property is in a critical area as determined under ment permit; Section 4-22-7. 3. Flood control zone permit; 4-22-7: DEVELOPMENT IN CRITICAL 4. Major plat; FLOOD, DRAINAGE AND/OR EROSION AREAS: Development which would 5. Short plat approval, except where each lot increase the peak flow and/or the volume of contains thirty five thousand (35,000) square discharge from the existing flooding, drainage feet or more; and/or erosion conditions present an imminent likelihood of harm to the welfare and safety of the 6. Special permits; surrounding community until such a time as the community hazard is alleviated. Where applications 7. Temporary permits; of the provisions of this Section will deny all reasonable uses of the property, the restriction on 8. Building permits. Where the permit relates development contained in this Section may be to a single family residential structure of less waived for the subject property; provided, that the than five thousand (5,000) square feet, the resulting development shall be subject to all of the Director may waive the plan requirement remaining terms and conditions of this Ordinance. except where the subject property is in a (Ord. 3174, 11-21-77) critical area, as determined under Section 4-22-7. 4-22-8: DRAINAGE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 9. Planned unit development; AND METHODS OF ANALYSIS: All persons applying for any of the permits and/or 10. Site plan approvals; approvals contained in Section 4-22-5 of this Ordinance shall provide a drainage plan for surface 11. Any other development or permit applica- water flows entering, flowing within and leaving tion which will affect the drainage in any the subject property. The drainage plan and way. supportive calculation report(s) shall be stamped by 890 4-22-8 4-22-12 a professional civil engineer registered in the State of the Director or his duly authorized repro- of Washington. The drainage plan shall be sentative. prepared in conformance with the Core and Special Requirements contained in section 1.2 and 1.3 of C. Storm drainage connection permit fees shall chapter 1, the hydrologic analysis methods be as follows: contained in chapter 3, the hydraulic analysis and design criteria in chapter 4, and the Residential $ 20.00 erosion/sedimentation control plan and practices Commercial 50.00 contained in chapter 5 of the current King County Industrial 100.00 Surface Water Design Manual, except where Repair permit 10.00 amended or appended by the Department. D. All such fees shall be paid to the Director of Finance or the duly designated representative 4-22-9: DRAINAGE PLAN DESIGN CRI- at the time the application for such permit is TERIA, DRAFTING STANDARDS filed. AND CONTENTS: The drainage plan shall be prepared in conformance with the Department's E. Whenever development fees have included fees construction plan drafting standards and contents, for drainage plan review, the above fee the City's Standard Specifications for Municipal structure shall not apply. Construction and Standard Detail documents, and the design criteria, construction materials, F. In addition to other permits and fees, there practices, and standard details contained in shall be an inspection approval fee for on-site chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the current King County replacement and improvements which shall be Surface Water Design Manual; provided, that the identical to that specified in Chapter 8, Title Department's standards and design criteria will IX of Ordinance No. 1628 and any subsequent take precedent and prevail in any interpretation of amendments thereto. (Ord. 3832, 8-13-84) conflicting or contradictory standards and design criteria. (Ord. 4269, 5-21-90) 4-22-12: BONDS AND LIABILITY INSUR- ANCE REQUIRED: The Department of 4-22-10: REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE Public Works shall require all persons constructing PLAN: All storm drainage plans retention/detention facilities to post with the prepared in connection with any of the permits Director of the Department surety and cash bonds and/or approvals listed in Section 4-22-5 shall be or certified check in the amount of one and one- submitted for review and approval to the Depart- half (11/2) times the estimated cost of construction. ment of Public Works. If no action is taken by the Where such persons have previously posted, or are City after submission of final drainage plans within required to post, other such bonds with the forty five (45) days, then such plan is deemed Director, either on the facility itself or on other approved. (Ord. 3174, 11-21-77) construction related to the facility, such person lose may, with the permission of the Director and to the extent allowable by law, combine all such 4-22-11: FEES AND PERMITS: bonds into a single bond, provided that at no time shall the amount thus bonded be less than the A. A minimum fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall total amount which would have been required in be paid to the City to cover the cost of this the form of separate bonds, and provided further, review and approval. In case of commercial, that such bond shall on its face clearly delineate industrial or critical areas, as defined in those separate bonds which it is intended to Section 4-22-7, a minimum fee of fifty dollars replace. ($50.00) plus one dollar ($1.00) for every ten thousand (10,000) square feet of gross area A. Construction Bond: Prior to commencing shall be charged. construction the person constructing the facility shall post a construction bond in an B. The permit application shall be supplemented amount sufficient to cover the cost of by any plans, specifications or other infor- conforming said construction with the mation considered pertinent in the judgment 890 4-22-12 4-22-14 A) approved drainage plans. In lieu of a bond, of the facility, omission or any other liability the applicant may elect to establish a cash whatsoever relating to the construction or escrow account with his bank in an amount maintenance of the facility. Said liability deemed by the Director of Public Works to be policy shall be maintained for the duration of sufficient to reimburse the City if it should the facility by the owner of the facility, become necessary for the City to enter the provided that in the case of facilities assumed property for the purpose of correcting and/or by the City of Renton for maintenance pur- eliminating hazardous conditions relating to suant to Section 4-22-7 of this Ordinance, soil stability and/or erosion. The instructions said liability policy shall be terminated when to the escrowee shall specifically provide that said City maintenance responsibility after prior written notice unto the owner and commences. his failure to correct and/or eliminate existing or potential hazardous conditions and his failure to timely remedy same, the escrowee 4-22-13: CITY ASSUMPTION OF MAINTEN- shall be authorized without any further notice ANCE: The City of Renton is authorized to the owner or his consent to disburse the to assume the maintenance of retention/detention necessary funds unto the City of Renton for facilities after the expiration of the three (3) year the purpose of correcting and/or eliminating maintenance period in connection with the subdivi- such conditions complained of. After cion of land if: determination by the Department that all facilities are constructed in compliance with A. All of the requirements of Section 4-22-9 have VOO the approved plans, the construction bond been fully complied with; shall be released. B. The facilities have been inspected and B. Maintenance Bond: After satisfactory approved by the Department after their first completion of the facilities and release of the year of operation; construction bond by the City, the person constructing the facility shall commence a C. The surety bond required in Section 4-22-12 three (3) year period of satisfactory herein has been extended for one year cover- maintenance of the facility. A cash bond, ing the City's first year of maintenance; surety bond or bona fide contract for maintenance with a third party for the D. All necessary easements entitling the City to duration of this three (3) year period, to be properly maintain the facility have been approved by the Director and to be used at conveyed to the City; the discretion of the Director to correct deficiencies in said maintenance affecting E. It is recommended by the Public Works Direc- public health, safety and welfare, must be tor and concurred in by the City Council that posted and maintained throughout the three said assumption of maintenance would be in (3) year maintenance period. The amount of the best interests of the City. the cash bond or surety bond shall be in the NaSO amount of one and one-half (11/2) times the The owner of said property shall throughout the estimated cost of maintenance for a three (3) maintenance period notify the City in writing if year period. any defect or improper working of the drainage system has come to his notice. Failure to so notify C. Liability Policy: The person constructing the the City shall give the City cause to reject facility shall maintain a liability policy during assumption of the maintenance of the facility at such private ownership with policy limits of the expiration of the three (3) year maintenance not less than one hundred thousand dollars period, or within one year of the discovery of the ($100,000.00) per individual, three hundred defect or improper working, whichever period is the thousand dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence latest in time. and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) property damage, which shall name the City of Renton as an additional insured without 4-22-14: RETROACTIVITY RELATING TO cost to the City and which shall protect the CITY MAINTENANCE OF SUBDTVI- City of Renton from any liability, cost or SION FACILITIES: If any person constructing expenses for any accident, negligence, failure retention/detention facilities and/or receiving 890 4-22-14 4-22-18 approval of drainage plans prior to the effective shall include, but is not limited to, the following date of this Ordinance re-assesses the facilities criteria: and/or plans so constructed and/or approved and demonstrates, to the Director's satisfaction, total 1. Capacity of downstream facilities; compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance the City may, after inspection, approval and 2. Acceptability of receiving bodies of water, acknowledgment of the proper posting of the required bonds as specified in Section 4-22-12, 3. Possibility of adverse effects of retention; assume maintenance of the facilities. (Ord. 3174, 11-21-77) 4. Utility of regional retention facilities; and 5. Capability of maintaining. 4-22-15: DRAINAGE PLAN REVIEW PROCE- DURES: The drainage plan and C. Applications Required: Application for any supportive calculations shall be reviewed by the variance shall be submitted in writing by the Department using the Department's construction applicant with the application that is plan review procedures in coordination with all submitted to the Department. The application other applicable City permit review procedures. shall state fully all substantiating facts and (Ord. 4269, 5-21-90) evidence pertinent to the request. Nay D. Appeals to Court: The action of the Examiner 4-22-16: VARIANCES: shall be final and conclusive unless within twenty (20) days from the date of such action A. Variance Requirements: The Director or his an aggrieved party or person obtains a writ of representative may recommend to the Hearing certiorari from the Superior Court in and for Examiner a variance from the requirements of King County, State of Washington, for the this Ordinance when, in his opinion, undue purpose of review of the action taken. (Ord. hardship may be created as a result of strict 3174, 11-21-77; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80) compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Examiner shall comply with the appropriate public notification, rules and 4-22-17: VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Any time requirements of Chapter 4-8. The person, firm or corporation, whether as Hearing Examiner may prescribe conditions principal, agent, employee or otherwise, violating or that he deems necessary to be desirable for causing the violation of any of the provisions of the public interest. No variance shall be this Ordinance upon conviction shall be guilty of a granted unless the Examiner finds: misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred 1. That there are special physical dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for a term not view circumstances or conditions affecting said to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and property such that the strict application of imprisonment. Such person, firm or corporation the provisions of this Ordinance would shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for deprive the applicant of the reasonable use or each and every day during any portion of which development of his land; any violation of this Ordinance is committed or continued by such person, firm or corporation and 2. That the variance is necessary to insure shall be punishable as herein provided. such property the rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances; and 4-22-18: SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any 3. That the granting of the variance will not person or property is held invalid by a court of be detrimental to the public welfare or competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the injurious to other property in the vicinity. Ordinance or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be B. Criteria: Before the Examiner grants a affected. (Ord. 3174, 11-21-77) variance, he shall make a determination that 890 asssomemesste 4-23-1 4-23-1 CHAPTER 23 UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF UTILITY LINES SECTION: 1. Electric utility substations, pad-mounted transformers and switching facilities not 4-23-1: Compliance; Purpose; Scope located on the public right of way where site 4-23-2: Cost screening is or will be provided in accordance 4-23-3: Underground Requirements with Section 4-23-5C2. 4-23-4: Permits and Fees 4-23-5: Design Standards 2. Electric transmission systems of a voltage 4-23-6: Variance Procedures of fifty five (65) kv or more, (including poles 4-23-7: Joint Trenches and wires) and equivalent communication 4-23-8: Enforcement facilities where the utility providing electrical energy is willing to provide at its expense an underground street lighting circuit including all conductor and conduit to a point on the poles at least forty feet (40') above ground 4-23-1: COMPLIANCE; PURPOSE; SCOPE: level to serve utility owned street lighting fixtures to be mounted on the poles at said A. It shall be and it is hereby made the policy of location. the City to require compliance with the following orderly program pertaining to the 3. Ornamental street lighting standards. underground relocation of all existing overhead wires carrying any electrical energy, 4. Telephone pedestals and other equivalent including, but not limited to, telephone, communication facilities. telegraph, cable television and electrical power, and to require the underground 5. Police and fire sirens, or any similar installation of all new electrical municipal equipment, including traffic-control communication facilities, subject to certain equipment. (Ord. 2432, 9-23-68) exceptions noted hereafter. It is especially found and determined by the City that the 6. When undergrounding is required due to health, safety, especially the safety of the extensions, duplications, relocations or traveling public, and general welfare of the rebuilds to existing overhead electrical and residents of the community require that all communication facilities but the poles to be such existing overhead facilities be relocated removed following undergrounding would not underground as soon as practicable in accord- be removed because of continuing ance with the requirements specified herein requirements for such poles, such as services vatof and that all new facilities specified herein be to residences of King County v.hen those installed underground. residences are not required to be undergrounded. However, if there is a B. The purpose of this Chapter, among others, is reasonable likelihood that undergrounding to establish minimum requirements and proce- would occur in the foreseeable future, conduit dures for the underground installation and for underground crossings should be installed relocation of electrical and communication whenever feasible as part of any ongoing facilities within the City. street construction, reconstruction or overlayment project. C. Scope: Subject to the excepted facilities listed in subsection D of this Section, this Chapter 7. When undergrounding is required due to shall apply to all electric facilities and to all extensions, duplications, relocations or communication facilities, including but not rebuilds to existing overhead electrical and limited to telephone, telegraph and cable communication facilities and there are television facilities. existing overhead electrical or communication facilities that will not be removed, such as D. Excepted Facilities From Underground high tension wires, and the electrical and Requirements: This Chapter shall not apply to communication facilities to be removed by the following facilities: 890 4-23-1 4-23-3 D7) undergrounding parallel the facilities that will widening projects, shall constitute a not be removed and are on the same street relocation. right of way or are immediately adjacent thereto, either on the same side of the right B. Services: All new electric or communication of way or on the opposite side of the right of services from an overhead or underground way. However, the owners of the property facility to service connections of structures that would be required to underground under shall be installed underground from and after Section 4-23-3H will be given the option to the effective date of this Chapter. All rebuilt request such undergrounding and if the or relocated electric or communication services majority of them agree, then the under- from an overhead or underground facility to grounding shall occur. service connections of structures shall be installed underground from and after the effective date of this Chapter, excepting those 4-23-2: COST: The cost and expense of con- which only involve a change in the overhead verting existing overhead facilities to service line without a change in the underground, or installing new facilities under- corresponding service entrance facilities. ground, shall be borne by the serving utilities, or the owners or occupants of the real property C. Business Centers and Industrial Areas: served, or persons applying for such underground service. 1. The following requirements apply to all areas of the City which are outlined on the i" A. However, whenever the City determines that map referred to herein. the public health, welfare, convenience and pedestrian. and vehicular traffic safety in any 2. All existing overhead electric and street or road widening or relocation project communication facilities, with the exceptions requires conversion of existing overhead facili- previously noted in Section 4-23-1D, shall be ties to an underground installation, then in converted to underground facilities within any such event, the utility or utilities affected fifteen (15) years from the effective date of shall provide such work at its own cost and this Chapter, subject to a ten (10) year expense. extension by the City whereby in the City's judgment, their financial situation prohibits B. The requirement of Section 4-23-2A shall the City from participating to the degree apply to all major or arterial streets or implied by the provisions of this Chapter. roadways carrying an average of five thousand (5,000) vehicles or more per day and 3. All extension, rebuilds, relocations, or shall be limited to two (2) miles of such duplications of existing overhead electric and street or roadway per annum. (Ord. 3951, communication facilities shall be installed 10-21-85) underground from and after the effective date of this Chapter. 4-23-3: UNDERGROUND REQUIREMENTS: 4. All areas rezoned for commercial or industrial use after the effective date of this A. Definitions: The following terms when used in Chapter shall be converted to underground in this Chapter shall have the meanings given the same manner as provided herein in below: subsection C2 for existing facilities within fifteen (15) years from the effective date of 1. Rebuilds: A replacement of overhead facili- such rezoning, subject to a ten (10) year ties for a distance of three (3) or more spans extension by the City, provided that the (four [4) poles) or five hundred feet (500') Board of Public Works elects to add such exclusive of replacements due to casualty rezoned areas to those outlined on the map as damage. designated in subsection Cl herein. 2. Services: Facilities located on private D. Residential Areas: property and/or for the specific purpose of servicing one customer. 1. The following requirements apply to all areas zoned by the comprehensive zoning 3. Relocations: Removal of existing facilities ordinance of the City as single family and with subsequent reinstallation at an adjacent multi-family residential. location, generally necessitated by roadway 4-23-3 4-23-3 D) 2. All extensions, duplications, relocations, or mail a notice to the owners of all structures rebuilds of existing overhead electric and of improvements served from the existing communication facilities shall be installed overhead facilities in the area, which notice underground from and after the effective date shall state that: of this Chapter. 1. Service from the underground facilities is E. Retail Business and Public Facilities: available; 1. The following requirements apply to all 2. All electric and communication service lines areas not included in subsection C herein and from the existing overhead facilities within zoned by the zoning ordinance of the City as the area to any structure or improvement retail business and public facilities. must be disconnected and removed within ninety (90) days after the date of the mailing 2. The underground requirements respecting of the notice; all electric or communication facilities in these areas shall conform to the requirements of 3. Should such owner fail to convert such the immediately surrounding areas as deter- service lines from overhead to underground mined by the zoning classifications, provided, within ninety (90) days after the date of the that where the surrounding areas have mailing of the notice, the City will order the varying requirements in accordance with the electric and communication utilities to provisions of Sections 4-23-3C and D the disconnect and remove the service lines; underground requirements shall be those applicable to the predominantly surrounding 4. Should the owner object to the area. disconnection and removal of the service lines he may file his written objections thereto with F. Street Lighting; Street lighting facilities or the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after systems conforming to the current standards the date of the mailing of the notice and of the City Traffic Engineer shall be installed failure to so object within such time will as an integral part of all undergrounding constitute a waiver of his right thereafter to projects. object to such disconnection and removal. G. All rights of way proposed to be dedicated to If the owner of any structure or improvement the City and/or easements for public facilities served from the existing overhead electric and shall be subject to the provisions of this communication facilities within a conversion Chapter. (Ord. 2432,; 9-23-68) area shall fail to convert to underground the service lines from such overhead facilities to H. The owner or owners of real property such structure or improvement within ninety abutting an underground project shall be (90) days after the mailing to him of the responsible, at his or their expense, for notice, the City shall order the electric and converting to such underground service within communication utilities to disconnect and ninety (90) days after the date of the mailing remove all such service lines; provided, that if of the notice as hereinbelow set forth. Time in the owner has filed his written objections to consummating such connection and such disconnection and removal with the City disconnection of overhead service is of' the Clerk within thirty (30) days after the essence and such notice to the property owner mailing of the notice then the City shall not or occupant of the affected premises may be order such disconnection and removal until mailed, postage prepaid, or delivered in after the hearing on such objections. person. All of such conversion of electric and communication facilities to underground Upon the timely filing by the owner of facilities may be undertaken by local objections to the disconnection and removal of improvement district or as otherwise the service lines, the legislative authority of permitted by law and as further authorized such City or a committee thereof, shall by RCW 35.96.030-040. conduct a hearing to determine whether the removal of all or any part of the service lines When service from the underground electric is in the public benefit. The hearing shall be and communication facilities is available in all held at such time as the legislative authority or part of a conversion area, the City shall 4-23-3 4-23-5 H4) of such City may establish for hearings on Department prior to the proceeding with con- the objections and shall be held in accordance struction of facilities in the public right of with the regularly established procedure set way, easements for public facilities, and/or by the legislative authority of the City. If the public property. The fee for and terms for hearing is before a committee, the committee such permit for any undergrounding as here- shall, following the hearing, report its inabove defined, shall be identical and in lieu recommendation to the legislative authority of of that specified in Chapter 10 Title IX of the City for final action. The determination Ordinance No. 4260 entitled Code of General reached by the legislative authority shall be Ordinances of the City of Renton and/or any final in the absence of an abuse of discretion. future amendments thereto. (Ord. 3832, 8-13-84) Unless otherwise provided for in RCW 35.96 et seq., all the general provisions relating to B. Overhead Permit: Where abovegrade pole line local improvements of cities and towns shall installations are permitted under the variance likewise apply to local improvements for the procedures of Section 4-23-6, a permit shall be conversion of overhead electric and communi- acquired by the serving utility from the office cation facilities to underground facilities. (Ord. of the City Traffic Engineer prior to proceed- 2496, 8-25-69) ing with construction of such facilities in the public right of way and/or public property. I. Where abovegrade pole line installations are The fee for and terms of such permit shall be permitted under the variance procedures identical to and in lieu of that specified in 4iso, outlined in Section 4-23-6, conductors shall be Chapter 8, Title IX of Ordinance No. 4260 placed in vertical alignment or any other and any subsequent amendments thereto. approved alignment as subsequently desig- nated by the City Traffic Engineer. (Ord. C. Amendment to Chapter 10, Title IX of Ordi- 2432, 9-23-68) nance No. 4260: Chapter 10, Title IX of Ordi- nance No. 4260 is hereby amended to exclude J. Plans for all aboveground installations, overhead pole lines for which jurisdiction shall including those excepted under Section henceforth be placed under the office of the 4-23-1D1, shall be submitted to the Building City Traffic Engineer and for which the per- Department for approval of site screening and mit provisions of subsection B herein shall setbacks prior to the issuance of a service apply. permit by the Building Department. (Ord. 2432, 9-23-68; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-82) D. The terms of the above permits create a liability on the serving utility for excess K. As-built, project drawings in a form and scale inspection fees as provided for in Chapter 8, conforming to generally accepted engineering Title IX of Ordinance No. 4260 and/or any practice shall be submitted in duplicate to the amendments thereto. office of the City Traffic Engineer within %rrr thirty (30) days of the completion of any underground project within the City. In 4-23-5: DESIGN STANDARDS: addition, each utility shall submit in duplicate as-built drawings of all of its underground A. All conductors, switches, transformers, and facilities within the City on an annual basis, regulating devices shall be installed in commencing on January 1, following the accordance with the applicable national, State, effective date of this Chapter, provided that if and local safety standards. All structural said drawings are not available at the time of devices shall be designed in accordance with the effective date of this Chapter, each utility the provisions of the latest edition of the shall be given a reasonable time to prepare Uniform Building Code, subject to the such drawings. (Ord. 2432, 9-23-68) provisions of the immediately following sub- section. 4-23-4: PERMITS AND FEES: 1. All underground facilities provided for herein shall be installed in such manner as to A. An underground permit shall be acquired by coordinate with other underground facilities, the serving utility from the Public Works 490 4-23-5 4-23-7 Al) i.e. water, sewer and gas pipelines, traffic 4-23-6: VARIANCE PROCEDURES: All appli- control and other signal systems. Whenever cations for variances from the foregoing such coordination requires installation underground requirements shall first be filed with 1 practices more restrictive or demanding than the City Board of Public Works. The Board shall the minimum standards required by applic- promulgate rules and regulations governing applica- able national, state and local codes and safety tion for, hearings pertaining to, and the granting of standards, the requirements of such coordin- variances from the foregoing underground require- ation shall be governing and controlling. ments. Underground requirements shall be waived by a variance only if the utility owner or user or any B. All vaults, handholes, ventilation gratings, other affected party can demonstrate that it would and access covers and conduit in public rights work an undue hardship to place the facilities of way shall be strong enough to withstand a concerned underground. By an undue hardship is ten thousand (10,000) pound wheel load. The meant a technological difficulty associated with the serving utility may, at their option, elect to particular facility, or with the particular real restrict a ten thousand (10,000) pound wheel property involved, or a cost of undergrounding such a load requirement to traveled street areas facility which, in the Board's discretion, is deemed to while assuming the responsibility for outweigh the general welfare consideration implicit in up-grading facilities beyond the original underground installation, or an area where the traveled street areas should subsequent growth pattern has not been sufficiently established widening occur. to permit the determination of ultimate service requirements or major service routes. C. Any equipment excepted from those under- VI!10 ground requirements or otherwise permitted to be installed aboveground shall be: 4-23-7: JOINT TRENCHES: 1. Placed within an enclosure or part of the A. In the undergrounding of facilities, as building being served, or contemplated by this Chapter, it is the City's intent to authorize the establishment of joint or 2. Suitably screened with masonry or other common trenches; that is, the utilization of a decorative panels and/or evergreen trees, single trench where feasible by all utilities shrubs, and landscaping planted in sufficient and/or franchise holders involved in the j depth and height, within a period of five (5) relocation of overhead facilities. Upon years, to form an effective sight barrier. application for an underground permit, the City Traffic Engineer shall determine what utilities The utility shall be responsible for the and franchise holders shall use the proposed installation, maintenance, repair, or trench and the issuance date of the applicable replacement of the aforementioned screening underground permit. If at the time of materials when the real property on which application for an underground permit it does the aboveground facility is located is owned not appear that all utilities involved in the by the utility. undergrounding project have made appropriate arrangements for the use of common trenches, When said aboveground facility is located on the City Traffic Engineer may delay the non-utility owned real property, the owner(s) issuance of such permit until all utilities shall bear the expense of installation involved in such relocation shall have been maintenance, repair or replacement of given the opportunity to be heard upon two (2) screening materials outlined hereinabove. weeks' notice. (Ord. 2432, 9-23-68) D. Space frames and structural arrangements for B. Joint Services Crossing Public Right of Way: holding equipment shall be designed to have Where new structures require underground ser- an uncluttered and neat appearance. vices extending into or across the public right of way to existing overhead distribution systems E. Streets shall be graded to subgrade prior to for connection, it shall be the responsibility of the installation of underground facilities. 490 4-23-7 4-23-8 B) the property owner, owner's agent or other B. Enforcement Officer: The City Traffic persons applying for such underground Engineer or his designated representative services from an electrical or communication shall be responsible for investigation of utility (power, telephone and TV cable) to violations and citation of the violating parties. provide adequate provisions and capacity for (Ord. 2432, 9-23-68) joint service usage in a trench with conduit or other required facilities for present and future service extensions to the structure. The principal utility to initiate the street crossing by owners, owner's agent or other persons request, shall notify the remaining electrical or communication utility when the common trench is available. When arrangements do not appear to involve all the abovementioned utilities in a joint trench, the Traffic Engineer shall notify the utilities and property owner or owner's agent to provide appropriate arrangements. fire The issuance of a permit may be delayed until all utilities involved in a street crossing for underground service connection to a structure have been given the opportunity to be heard upon two (2) weeks' notice. (Ord. 3318, 5-14-79, off. 5-23-79) C. Whenever an electrical communication facility, including but not limited to electrical power, telephone, telegraph and cable TV, is required to be placed underground according to the terms of this Chapter, then that utility shall bear the cost of such undergrounding, includ- ing the conduit, cable, vaults and a propor- tionate share of the trenching or other preparatory work or necessary work of restoration. (Ord. 3763, 12-12-83) 4-23-8: ENFORCEMENT: A. Any violation of the provisions of this Chapter or any amendments thereto by any entity or individual affected thereby shall be and constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each day of such violation; provided, however, that any violation of Section 4-23-4 hereinabove be governed by Chapter 8, Title X and Chapter 3, Title I (General Penalty) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. 40, 4-24-1 4-24-3 CHAPTER 24 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION: reason of inspection authorized herein or a certif- icate of inspection by the City or any of its agencies. (Ord. 3214, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) 4-24-1: Adoption 4-24-2: Acceptance of Code, Clerk's Duty 4-24-3: Amendments 4-24-3: AMENDMENTS: 4-24-4: Definition 4-24-5: Extra Fees A. Section 302 of the City of Renton Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Off-site improvements. 4-24-1: ADOPTION: The Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition, together with Uni- 1. Whenever a building permit is applied for form Building Code Standards, 1988 Edition, as under the provisions of this Code for new issued by the International Conference of Building construction of a multiple dwelling consisting vailf Officials, of which one copy in book form has here- of three (3) or more units, public assembly, tofore been filed and is now on file in the office of commercial or industrial structure or the City Clerk and made available for examination alteration of an existing structure of said by the public, are hereby adopted as the Uniform type, in excess of twenty five thousand dollars Building Code and the Uniform Building Code ($25,000.00), then the person applying for Standards by the City of Renton, and said Codes such building permit shall simultaneously may be hereafter designated as the City of Renton make application for a permit, as an integral Uniform Building Code and City of Renton Uniform part of such new construction or alteration Building Code Standards. (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) thereof, for the building and installation of certain off-site improvements, including, but not limited to sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street 4-24-2: ACCEPTANCE OF CODE, CLERK'S paving, water mains, drainage, sanitary DUTY: Any and all amendments, sewer, all improvements required by the additions or modifications to said Codes, when Subdivision Ordinance and all necessary printed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of appurtenances. Such off-site improvements Renton by authorization of the City Council from (except traffic signalization systems) shall time to time, shall be considered and accepted and extend the full distance of such property to be constitute a part of such Codes without the improved upon and sought to be occupied as a necessity of further adoption of such amendments, building site or parking area for the aforesaid modifications or additions by the legislative building purposes and which may adjoin authority of the City of Renton or by ordinance. property dedicated as a public street. Traffic signalization off-site improvements shall be The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed installed pursuant to the provisions of the to duly authenticate and record a copy of the Subdivision Ordinance. abovementioned Codes, together with any amend- ments or additions thereto, together with an 2. All such sidewalks shall be constructed to authenticated copy of this Ordinance. the City standards and conform to standard specifications for municipal public works This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve constructions, commonly known as APWA from or lessen the responsibility of any person Standards. Street width and standards for owning, building, altering, constructing or moving construction shall be specified by the Director any building or structure as defined in the afore- of Public Works or his duly authorized said Codes; nor shall the City of Renton or any representative. All plans and specifications for agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by such improvements are to be submitted at time such application for a permit is made. 4-24-3 4-24-3 A) 3. All permits required for the construction of 1. Chapter 7, Uniform Building Code, 1988 these improvements shall be applied for and Edition, entitled "Aviation Control Towers." obtained in the same manner, fees and condi- tions as specified in Chapter 8, Title IX 2. Chapter 32, Uniform Building Code, 1988 (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. Edition, entitled "Re-roofing". 1628 entitled Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton relating to excavating or 3. Chapter 49, Uniform Building Code, 1988 disturbing streets, alleys, pavement or Edition, entitled "Patio Covers". improvements. 4. 1986 Washington State Energy Code as 4. Deferral of improvements required by this adopted by the State of Washington (51-12 Section shall comply with the City of Renton's W.A.C.). Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-12-8V, Defer- red Improvements. (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89). 5. Chapter 55, Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition, entitled "Membrane Structures". (Ord. B. Section 202(f) of the City of Renton Uniform 4235, 8-28-89) Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: F. Chapter 53 of the Uniform Building Code is hereby amended by deleting the section Liability Claims. The Administrative entitled "Energy Conservation in New Nere Authority or any employee performing duties Building Construction". (Ord. 3214, 4-10-78, in connection with the enforcement of this eff. 4-19-78) Code and acting in good faith and without malice in the performance of such duties shall G. Section 205 of the City Building Code is be relieved from any personal liability for any hereby amended to read as follows: damage to persons or property as a result of any act or omission in the discharge of such Violations and Penalties. It shall be unlawful duties, and in the event of claims and/or for any person, firm or corporation to erect, litigation arising from any such act or construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, omission, the City Attorney shall, at the improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, request of and on behalf of said use, occupy or maintain any building or administrative authority or employee, structure in the City, or cause or permit the investigate and defend such claims and/or same to be done, contrary to or in violation of litigation and if the claim be deemed by the any of the provisions of this Code. City Attorney a proper one or if judgment be rendered against such administrative Any person, firm or corporation violating any authority or employee, said claim or judgment of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed shall be paid by the City. guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate C. Section 203 of the City of Renton Uniform offense for each and every day or portion Building Code is hereby repealed and in its thereof during which any violation of any of place the City has previously adopted Chapter the provisions of this Code is committed, 5 of Title IV. continued or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be D. The Appeals Board for purposes of Section punishable by a fine of not more than five 204 of the City of Renton Uniform Building hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment Code shall hereafter be the Board of for not more than ninety (90) days, or by Adjustment. (Ord. 3214, 4-10-78, eff. both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 3625, 4-19-78) 4-19-82) E. The following chapters from the Appendix of H. The following sections of chapter 38 of the the Uniform Building Code and the 1986 1988 Uniform Building Code are amended to Washington State Energy Code, of which one read as follows: printed copy in book form has heretofore been filed and is now on file in the office of the 1. Section 3802,C,3, Exhibition and Display City Clerk and made available for Rooms. examination by the public, are hereby adopted as the Uniform Building Code: 591 4-24-3 4-24-3 H1) a. An automatic sprinkler system shall be b. Division 3: Dwellings, when proposed installed in Group A occupancies which have within a R-1-5 Zone, clustered or constructed more than twelve thousand (12,000) square so that when attached, the total square foot feet of floor area, or more than forty feet (40') floor area of all dwelling units exceed twelve in height. thousand (12,000) square feet. 2. Section 3802,(d), Group B, Division 2 5. Section 3802 is amended by adding section Occupancies. 3802(i) to read as follows: a. When the occupancy has over twelve i. Sprinklers. thousand (12,000) square feet of floor area or more than forty feet (40') in height. (a) A fully automatic fire protection sprinkler system is to be installed in all new b. In buildings used for high-piled buildings in excess of twelve thousand combustible storage, fire protection shall be in (12,000) square feet total floor area, accordance with Article 81 of the Fire Code. regardless of vertical or horizontal occupancy separations, such sprinkler system shall be 3. Section 3802,(e), Group E Occupancies. designed, installed and tested as per Uniform Building Code Standard 38-1 which is hereby a. When the occupancy has over twelve incorporated by reference as if fully set forth, thousand (12,000) square feet of floor area or one copy being on file with the City Clerk for Ise more than forty feet (40') in height. public inspection. b. Basements: An automatic sprinkler (b) A fully automatic fire protection system shall be installed in basements sprinkler may be required by the Chief of the classified as a Group E occupancy when the Fire Department or the Fire Marshall for basement is larger than fifteen hundred buildings less than twelve thousand (12,000) (1,500) square feet in floor area. square feet total floor area when, in their judgment, supported by written documentation c. Stairs: An automatic sprinkler system be from a professional organization (such as installed in enclosed usable space below or NFPA, ICBO, U.L., ISO, etc.) verify that over a stairway in Group E occupancies. hazardous operations, hazardous contents, critical exposure problems, limited accessibility 4. Section 3802,(h), Group R-1, Division 1 to the building, or other items may contribute Occupancies. to a definite hazard. a. Division 1: (c) When existing buildings with full sprinkler systems are remodeled or added (1) When the occupancy has over twelve onto, the remodeled or added on portion shall lesso thousand (12,000) square feet of floor be fully sprinklered. area or more than forty feet (40') in height. (d) When an existing building is added onto or remodeled, and the resulting total foot (2) An automatic sprinkler system shall floor area exceeds twelve thousand (12,000) be installed throughout buildings square feet, the entire structure shall be fully containing Group R, Division 1 sprinklered. Occupancies that are two stories in height and contain five (5) or more 6. Table 38A, Standpipe Requirements. Line 2 dwelling units or guest rooms or are of of Table No. 38A, standpipe requirements, three (3) or more stories in height shall read as follows: regardless of the number of dwelling units or guest rooms. For the purposes "Occupancies three stories or more, but less of this subsection, portions of buildings than 150' in height, except Group R, Division separated by one or more area separa- 3." (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) tion walls will not be considered a separate building. 691 4-244 4-24-5 4-24-4: DEFINITION: Whenever the term "administrative authority" is used in this Code, it shall be construed to mean the Building Official of the City of Renton, or his duly authorized representative or agent. One copy of said Code shall be duly authenticated and recorded by the City Clerk along with the adopting ordinance. (Ord. 3214, 4-10-78, elF. 4-19-78) 4-24-5: EXTRA FEES: Whenever an application is to be handled under the terms of any portion of the City's land use codes, adopted codes, or the Uniform Building Code, and that application is so large, complicated, or technically complex that it cannot be handled with existing City staff, then an additional fee can be charged which is equivalent to the extra costs incurred by the City of Renton to pay: Noe A. Overtime costs, B. The pro rata costs of additional employees necessary to handle the application, C. The costs expended to retain qualified consultants to handle the project, and D. Any general administrative costs when directly attributable to the project. Such extra fees shall be charged only to the extent incurred beyond that normally incurred for pro- cessing an application. (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) 4-25-1 4-25-5 CHAPTER 25 UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE SECTION: as defined in the aforesaid Code; nor shall the City of Renton or any of its agents thereof be held as 4-25-1: Adoption assuming such liability by reason of inspection 4-25-2: Reference authorized herein or a certificate of occupancy 4-25-3: Responsibility; City Not Liable issued by the City or any of its agents. (Ord. 2915, 4-25-4: Additions and Amendments 3-3-75) 4-25-5: Fees 4-25-4: ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS: 4-25-1: ADOPTION: The National Electrical A. The Washington State Department of Labor Code, 1987 Edition, issued by the and Industries Rules and Regulations for National Fire Protection Association, of which not Installing Electrical Wires and Equipment and less than one printed copy in book form has here- Administrative Rules are hereby adopted by tofore been filed in the office of the City Clerk and reference and as same may be amended from made available for examination by the public, is time to time. , hereby adopted as the National Electrical Code for the City of Renton, which Code may be hereafter B. All occupancies other than residential designated as City of Renton Electrical Code; and occupancies shall be wired only with busways any and all amendments, additions or modifications or raceways or cable trays, or types A.L.S., thereto when printed and filed with the City Clerk M.I. or M.C. (metalclad interlocked armored) of the City of Renton by authorization of the City cables; subject to National Electrical Code. Council from time to time shall be considered and accepted and constitute a part of such Code without C. Existing Buildings: A change of occupancy, the necessity of further adoption of such amend- minor remodeling or additions under two ments, modifications or additions by the legislative hundred (200) square feet may be wired in . authority of the City of Renton or by ordinance. In like manner as existing, provided existing addition to the National Electrical Code, a City wiring has been maintained in a safe manner electrical permit is required before any electrical and is in accordance with the National work commences. (Ord. 4073, 6-8-87) Electrical Code and A above. (Ord. 3217, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) 4-25-2: REFERENCE: By the reference thereto made hereinabove, said National 4-25-5: FEES: The following permit fees are Electrical Code, together with any and all hereby established and fixed: 'l' Ow amendments, modifications or additions thereto hereafter printed and filed with the City Clerk as A. Electrical Permit Fees: hereinabove specified, are incorporated in and made a part of this Ordinance as fully and with the same 1. Residential Single Family and Duplex, New effect as if set out herein in full, or as if adopted Service: by subsequent ordinances amendatory hereof. (Ord. 3217, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) 100 AMP service $30.00 Over 100 AMP to 200 AMP 40.00 Over 200 AMP to 600 AMP 50.00 4-25-3: RESPONSIBILITY; CITY NOT LIABLE: This Ordinance shall not be 2. Residential Service Changes: construed to relieve from or lessen the respon- sibility of any person owning, building, altering, Change 100 AMP to 200 AMP $20.00 constructing or moving any building or structure Change 200 AMP to 600 AMP 30.00 Any new circuits added to above 5.00 4-25-5 4-25-5 A) 3. Minimum fee for remodel or C. Temporary Wiring. The permit fee for a addition of new circuits not temporary electrical installation, which is one including a service change $20.00 that is to remain in place for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, shall be one-half 4. Temporary Services: (1/2) the amount fixed by the electrical permit fee for an installation which is not herein Size: classed as temporary, except that in no case Up to 100 AMP $20.00 shall such fee be less than the minimum Over 100 AMP 25.00 established by this Chapter. (Ord. 2915, 3-3-75) 5. Swimming Pools $20.00 D. Reinspections and reinspection fees shall be as 6. Signs $15.00 specified in the adopted addition of the Uniform Building Code. 7. Mobile Homes $20.00 E. Investigation fees shall be as specified in the 8. Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial: adopted addition of the Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 4073, 6-8-87) a. The minimum fee for any electrical permit shall be $20.00 when total cost is up to $250.00. b. When cost is over $250.00 up to $1,000, the fee shall be $20.00 plus 2.3% of cost. c. When cost is over $1,000 and up to $5,000, the fee shall be $43.00 plus 1.5% of cost. d. When cost is over $5,000 and up to $50,000 the fee shall be $118.00 plus 1% of cost. e. When cost is over $50,000 and up to $250,000, the fee shall be $618.00 plus .6% of cost. f. When cost is over $250,000 and above, the fee shall be $2,118.00 plus .5% of cost. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-83) B. Time and Material Jobs: Whenever the cost of a job is not known at the time plans and/or specifications are submitted for checking by the City, a minimum of twenty dollars ($20.00) of the permit fee shall be applied. The balance of the permit fee shall be due when the work is completed and the total cost of the job has been ascertained. Whenever the duration of the electrical work is more than one year the permit fee shall be paid on that portion of the work which has been completed in each year. 4-26-1 4-26-4 CHAPTER 26 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE SECTION: 4-26-4: LIABILITY: This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen 4-26-1: Uniform Housing Code Adopted the responsibility of any person owning, building, 4-26-2: Amendments altering, constructing or moving any building or 4-26-3: Clerk's Duty structure as defined in the aforesaid Code; nor 4-264 Liability shall the City of Renton or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by the City or any of its agencies. (Ord. 3216, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) 4-26-1: UNIFORM HOUSING CODE ADOPTED: The Uniform Housing Code, 1988 Edition, as issued by the International Con- ference of Building Officials, of which one copy printed in book form has heretofore been filed and is now on file in the office of the City Clerk and Nall ` made available for examination by the public, is hereby adopted as the Uniform Housing Code by the City of Renton, and said Code may be hereafter designated as the City of Renton Uniform Housing Code. (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) 4-26-2: AMENDMENTS: A. Any and all amendments, additions or modi- fications to said Code, when printed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton by authorization of the City Council from time to time, shall be considered and accepted and constitute a part of such Code without the necessity of further adoption of such amendments, modifications or additions by the legislative authority of the City of Renton or ,fir► by ordinance. B. The Dangerous Building Code, Chapter 5 of Code of General Ordinances shall be used for procedures in Chapters 9 through 14. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-83) 4-9-3: CLERK'S DUTY: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to duly authenticate and record a copy of the abovemen- tioned Code, together with any amendments or additions thereto, together with an authenticated copy of this Ordinance. 4-27-1 4-27-2 CHAPTER 27 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE SECTION: 4-27-2: REFERENCE: By the reference thereto made hereinabove, said Uniform 4-27-1: Adoption, Fee Mechanical Code, together with any and all 4-27-2: Reference amendments, modifications or additions thereto hereafter printed and filed with the City Clerk as hereinabove specified, are incorporated in and made a part of this Ordinance as fully and with the same effect as if set out herein in full, or as if adopted 4-27-1: ADOPTION, FEE: by subsequent ordinances amendatory hereof. (Ord. 3218, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) A. Adoption: The Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition, as issued by the International Conference of Building Officials, of which one printed copy in book form has heretofore been filed and is now on file in the office of the City Clerk and made available for examination by the public, is hereby adopted as the Uniform Mechanical Code for the City of Renton, which Code may hereafter be desig- nated as City of Renton Uniform Mechanical Code; and any and all amendments, additions or modifications thereto when printed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton by authorization of the City Council from time to time shall be considered and accepted and constitute a part of such Code without the necessity of further adoption of such amend- ments, modifications or additions by the legislative authority of the City of Renton or by ordinance. (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) B. The Board of Appeals of section 203 shall be the Board of Adjustment. lokisse C. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to duly authenticate and record a copy of the abovementioned Code, together with any amendments or additions thereto, together with an authenticated copy of this Ordinance. D. This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning, building, altering, constructing or moving any building or structure as defined in the aforesaid Code; nor shall the City of Renton or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by the City or any of its agencies. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-83) 4-28-1 4-28-4 CHAPTER 28 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE SECTION: Gas piping system 1 to 5 outlets 5.00 4-28-1: Uniform Plumbing Code Adopted Additional outlets, each 1.00 4-28-2: Section 20.7 U.P.C. Schedule of Fees (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) 4-28-3: Amendments 4-28-4: Clerk's Duty 4-28-5: Liability 4-28-3: AMENDMENTS: A. Any and all amendments, additions or modifications to said Code, when printed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of 4-28-1: UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE Renton by authorization of the City Council ADOPTED: The Uniform Plumbing from time to time, shall be considered and Code, 1988 Edition, as issued by the International accepted and constitute a part of such Code, Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, as amended, without the necessity of further of which one printed copy in book form has adoption of such amendments, modifications lie heretofore been filed and is now on file in the or additions by the legislative authority of the office of the City Clerk and made available for City of Renton or by ordinance. examination by the public, is hereby adopted as the Uniform Plumbing Code by the City of Renton, and B. Violations and Penalties: Amend first para- said Code may be hereafter designated as the City graph of Section 20.3 to read: of Renton Uniform Plumbing Code. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Code shall be deemed guilty 4-28-2: SECTION 20.7 U.P.C. SCHEDULE OF of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction FEES: thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by Minimum fee, for each permit issued . . . $10.00 imprisonment in the City jail for not to exceed three (3) months, or both fine and Each plumbing fixture or trap or set imprisonment. Each separate day or any of fixtures on one trap 5.00 portion thereof, during which any violation of this Code occurs or continues, shall be Rainwater systems per drain 5.00 deemed to constitute a separate offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable „fir► Each industrial waste pretreatment as herein provided. The issuance or granting interceptor 5.00 of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed or Installation, alteration or repair of construed to be a permit for, or an approval water piping 5.00 of, any violation of the provisions of this Code. No permit presuming to give authority Repair or alteration of drainage or to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code vent piping 5.00 shall be valid except insofar as the work or use which it authorized is lawful. Lawn sprinkler system 5.00 C. The Board of Appeals of Section 20.14 shall Vacuum breakers or backflow protective be the Board of Adjustment. (Ord. 3760, devices on tanks, vats, etc. 12-5-83) l to 5 5.00 Over 5, each 1.00 4-28-4: CLERK'S DUTY: The City Clerk is Private sewage disposal system hereby authorized and directed to duly (septic tank) $10.00 4-28-4 4-28-5 authenticate and record a copy of the abovementioned Code, together with any amendments or additions thereto, together with an authenticated copy of this Ordinance. 4-28-5: LIABILITY: This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning, building, altering, constructing or moving any building or structure as defined in the aforesaid Code; nor shall the City of Renton or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection i sued by the City or any of its agencies. (Ord. 3 15, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) MOW 4-29-1 4-29-3 CHAPTER 29 UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL CODE 1 SECTION: The Building Department may make modification in individual cases upon showing of good cause, with 4-29-1: Uniform Code Adopted respect to the height, nature or location of the 4-29-2: Fences fence, wall, gates or latches or the necessity 4-29-3: Amendments therefor provided the protection as sought 4-29-4: Clerk's Duty hereunder is not reduced thereby. The Building 4-29-5: Liability Department may permit other protective devices or structures to be used as long as the degree of the protection afforded by substitute devices or structure is not less than the protection afforded by the wall, fence, gate and latch described herein. 4-29-1: UNIFORM CODE ADOPTED: Said Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot All private swimming pools shall be constructed or Tub Code, 1988 Edition, as issued by the placed so as to have a side yard of not less than six International Association of Plumbing and feet (6') in width on each side, a rear yard of not Mechanical Officials, of which one printed copy in less than six feet (6') in width and a front setback book form has heretofore been filed and is now on of not less than thirty feet (30'). file in the office of the City Clerk and made available for examination by the public, is hereby No person shall maintain an outdoor swimming adopted as the Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and pool on his premises without providing adequate Hot Tub Code, 1988 Edition, by the City of Renton supervision at all times when the swimming pool is and said Code may be hereafter designated as the in use so that no person may be injured or drowned City of Renton Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and therein. (Ord. 3538, 5-4-81) Hot Tub Code, 1988 Edition. (Ord. 4235, 8-28-89) 5. 0 4-29-3: AMENDMENTS: 4-29-2: FENCES: For the protection of the citizens and general public, all swimming A. Any and all amendments, additions or pools constructed shall be completely enclosed by a modifications to said Code, when printed and substantial wall or fence of not less than six feet filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton (6') in height and such wall or fence and the by authorization of the City Council from time swimming pool shall be under the same ownership to time, shall be considered and accepted and or control. Any wall or fence shall be so constructed constitute a part of such Code without the as not to have openings, holes or gaps larger than necessity of further adoption of such two inches (2") in any dimension, except for doors amendments, modifications or additions by the 14.00 and gates. legislative authority of the City of Renton or by ordinance. All openings in such wall or fence shall be equipped with gates having a self-latching, self-closing device B. Amend first paragraph Section 1.7, Violations with the latch on the inside of the gate not readily of penalties to read: Any person, firm or accessible for children to operate, and such gate corporation violating any provision of this shall be securely locked when the swimming pool is Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor unattended or uncovered; provided, however, if the and upon conviction thereof shall be premises of the residence in which said pool is punishable by a fine not to exceed five located is enclosed, then this provision may be hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment waived by the Building Department upon inspection in the City jail for not to exceed three (3) and approval of the residence enclosure; provided months, or both fine and imprisonment. Each further that swimming pools already constructed separate day or any portion thereof during and in operation shall comply with this Section which any violation of this Code occurs or within ninety (90) days after the adoption of this continues shall be deemed to constitute a Chapter. separate offense, and upon conviction thereof 4-29-3 4-29-5 B) shall be punishable as herein provided. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Code. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid except insofar as the work or use which it authorized is lawful. C. The Board of Appeals of Section 1.18 shall be the Board of Adjustment. (Ord. 3760, 12-5-83) 4-294: CLERK'S DUTY: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to duly authenticate and record a copy of the above- mentioned Code, together with any amendments or additions thereto, together with an authenticated copy of this Chapter. "NNW 4-29-5: LIABILITY: This Chapter shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning, building, altering, constructing or moving any building or structure as defined in the aforesaid Code; nor shall the City of Renton or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of inspection authorized herein or a certificate of inspection issued by the City or any of its agencies. (Ord. 3212, 4-10-78, eff. 4-19-78) usessossimrignalussisse 4-30-1 4-30-3 CHAPTER 30 WATER MAIN CONNECTIONS PRIOR TO STREET PAVING SECTION: 4-30-1: Duty of Owner 4-30-2: Duty of Designated Official; Notice 4-30-3: Failure to Comply 4-30-1: DUTY OF OWNER: Whenever any public street or avenue is about to be improved by the laying of a permanent pavement thereon, it shall be the duty of each and every owner of real property fronting or abutting thereon, to cause his property to be connected with water mains located in the street in front thereof, at least one water connection for each lot fronting or abutting upon said street. The connection shall be galvanized iron pipe of such size as shall be designated by the proper official, the connection to be brought to the property line in front of each lot affronting on such street. (Ord. 1090, 12-5-39) 4-30-2: DUTY OF DESIGNATED OFFICIAL; NOTICE: Whenever the City is about to improve any street with a permanent paving, it shall be the duty of the designated official to report to the Director of Public Works the lot and block number of each lot or parcel of real estate abutting on such street to be paved and the name of the owner or agent thereof, together with the post office address of such person, which is not loom suitably connected to the water main as herein provided within ten (10) days of service of notice. Such notice to specify the kind and size of pipe to be used. 4-30-3: FAILURE TO COMPLY: Whenever the owner or agent of any property shall have been served with such notice and shall fail, refuse or neglect to comply therewith, the City may make or cause to be made, the connection and the Director of Public Works shall in addition to the cost and expenses of the street improvement to be assessed against the lot or lots of the owner so, neglecting, add the cost of making the connection which amount shall be the actual cost of making such connection. (Ord. 1090, 12-5-39; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) - 4-31-1 4-31-2 CHAPTER 31 ZONING CODE SECTION: A. This Chapter shall be known as the Zoning Act of the City of Renton. This Act shall 4-31- 1: Zoning Map Adopted consist of the text hereof as well as that 4-31- 2: Definitions certain map marked and designated as the 4-31- 3: Classification for Use Districts Map of the Zoning Act of the City, which map 4-31- 4: G-1 General Zone is now on file in the office of the Clerk. Said 4-31- 5: R-1 Residential Zone Act, and each and all of the terms, are to be 4-31- 6: R-1-5 Residential Zone read and interpreted in the light of the 4-31- 7: R-2 Residential Zone contents of said map. If any conflict between 4-31- 8k R-3 Residence District the map and the text of this Chapter is 4-31- 8B: R-4 Residence District deemed to arise, the text of the Act will 4-31- 9: Public Zone (P-1) prevail. 4-31-10: B-1 Business District 4-31-11: Light Industry District (L-1) B. The Zoning Map of the City of Renton shall °1r'`1r ' 4-31-12: Heavy Industry District (H-1) be updated and presented to the Council on a 4-31-13: T Trailer Parks yearly basis for adoption by the Council as 4-31-14: Freeway/Arterial Street Setback the formal and legal zoning classification for Restrictions the properties within the corporate limits of 4-31-15: Front, Side and Rear Yards the City. Properties having a zoning category 4-31-16: Office Park District (O-P) subject to a time limitation, such as a PUD 4-31-17: Airport Zoning approval or reversionary zoning, and those 4-31-18: Courts properties under contract rezone shall be 4-31-19: Administration; Interpretation and specially designated on the map to indicate Permits their special nature and give notice to the 4-31-20: Boundaries and Districts public that further inquiry into their zoning 4-31-21: Enforcement status is necessary. If any conflict exists 4-31-22: Amendments between the adopting zoning map of the City 4-31-23: Completion and Restoration of Existing and the text of any rezone ordinance for any Buildings particular parcel of property, then the adopted 4-31-24: Certificate of Occupancy zoning map will govern. Once any conflict is 4-31-25: Manufacturing Park (M-P) District shown to exist, then the Council shall ask the 4-31-26: Board of Adjustment administration to determine the source of the 4-31-27: Mining, Excavation and Grading conflict and to make a recommendation for 4-31-28: Open Space, Agricultural and Timber any future action by the Council. The Council Lands; Current Use Assessment will then hold a public hearing to determine 4-31-29: Bulk Storage Facilities if it wishes to take any future action to 4-31-30: Adult Motion Picture Studios, Peep resolve the conflict or permit the zoning map Shows, Panorams and Places of Adult designate to continue to control. Notification Entertainment of the public hearing will be given to the 4-31-31: Flood Hazards property owners and parties of record to the 4-31-32: Outside Storage Facilities rezone. (Ord. 4302, 12-17-90) 4-31-33: Site Plan Review 4-31-34: Landscaping 4-31-35: Greenbelt Regulations 4-31-2: DEFINITIONS: The following words 4-31-36: Conditional Use Permit shall, for the purpose of this Code, be 4-31-37: Standards and Review Criteria for defined as follows. Words not defined herein shall Keeping Animals be construed as defined in the building codes or subdivision regulations (Chapter 12, Title 9 of the City) if defined therein. ACCESSORY USE or BUILDING: A subordinate 4-31-1: ZONING MAP ADOPTED: use or building customarily incident to and located 291 ssss, 4-31-2 4-31-2 upon the same lot occupied by the main use or as an explosive, provided that the finished product, building. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) as mixed and packaged for use or shipment, cannot be detonated when confined by means of a No. 8 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL: The individual(s) in test blasting cap. the Development Services Division of the Public Works Department, or his designee, so designated BUILDING LINE: The line between which the to administer the various performance standards as street line or lot line, no building or other set forth by ordinance. structure or portion thereof, except as provided in this Code, may be erected above the grade level. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT: Any exhibition or The building line is considered a vertical surface dance of any type conducted in premises where intersecting the ground on such line. (Ord. 3543, such exhibition or dance involves a person that is 54-81) unclothed or in such attire, costume, or clothing as to expose to view any portion of the breast below BULK STORAGE: The holding or stockpiling on the top of the areola, or any portion of the pubic land of materials and/or products where such region, anus, buttocks, vulva, or genitals. (Ord. storage constitutes forty percent (40%) of the 4261, 2-26-90) developed site area and the storage area is at least one acre, and where at least three (3) of the follow- ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An ing criteria are met by the storage activity: 1) in a enclosed building used for presenting motion bulk form or in bulk containers; 2) under protective picture films, video cassettes, cable television, or cover to the essential exclusion of other uses of the any other such visual media, distinguished or same space due to special fixtures or exposed to characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, the elements; 3) in sufficient numbers, quantities describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or spatial allocation of the site to determine and or "specified anatomical areas" as hereafter defined rank such uses as the principal use of the site; 4) for observation by patrons therein. (Ord. 3526, the major fbnction is the collection and/or 4-13-81) distribution of the materials and/or products rather than processing; and 5) the presence of fixed bulk AIRPORT: The Renton Municipal Airport. containers or visible stockpiles for a substantial ,- 3 period of a year. ' AIRPORT HAZARD: Any structure or tree or use of land which obstructs the air space required for A. Bulk storage facilities include, but are not the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the limited to: airport or is otherwise hazardous to such landing or taking off of aircraft. 1. Automobile holding and transfer depots. ALERT: The lowest stage of an air pollution 2. Brick or tile storage and manufacturing. episode and declared by the Department of Ecology. 3. Concrete block and products storage and " ALLEY: A vehicular right of way not over thirty manufacturing. feet (30') wide. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) 4. Contractor equipment yards. AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA (APA): The portion of an aquifer within the zone of capture and 5. Equipment or machinery of the stationary recharge area for a well or well-field owned or type not in use, not mounted on necessary operated by the City or the recharge-discharge area foundations or connected as required when of a spring used for water supply by the City as during use, not designated and used as defined in Section 4-31-4 of this Code. (Ord. 4186, portable, and not stored in a warehouse. This 11-14-88) includes operable motor vehicles or wheeled equipment used only periodically where ARTERIAL: A major or secondary arterial as storage durations exceed those provided for specified in the City's Arterial Street Plan. (Ord. parking lots as defined in Chapter 14, Title 3641, 6-28-82) IV. BLASTING AGENT: Any material or mixture 6. Foundries. consisting of a fuel or oxidizer, intended for blasting, not otherwise classified as an explosive 7. Fuel yards, wholesale. and in which none of the ingredients are classified 291 4-31-2 4-31-2 A) 8. Grain or feed silos, elevators or the open storage of grain and feed. 9. Log, random cut and chipped wood by-products storage. 10. Lumber mills and wholesalers. 11. Sand and gravel yards including sizing, transfer and loading equipment when present. 12. Scrap or junk yards and wrecking yards. 13. Solid waste holding and disposal areas. 14. Tank farms including distribution and loading systems. B. Bulk storage facilities excluded: 1. Land banks, greenbelts, watersheds or public water reservoirs. 2. Parking lots or structures for private licensed automobiles. 3. Ship yards. 4. Warehouses alone or in conjunction with manufacturing on the site and when not stmor (See following page for continuation of Section 4-31-2B4) 291 4-31-2 4-31-2 B4) including any of the uses in Section 4-31-2B3a. CAPACITY: The volume of a liquid which could be retained within the dyked area without a breach of 5. Facilities for storage of petroleum or any of the dyke at any point. its by-products,for use incidental to the primary use of the property (e.g. heating, boiler or CEILING 'C' LIMIT VALUE: A maximum vehicular fuel or lubricants). concentration of certain airborne materials which apply to the conditions started in threshold limit 6. Retail service stations. value and adopted by ACGIH. 7.Retail sales lots for new or used automobiles. CERTIFIED: A facility and staff qualified and able (Ord. 3659, 8-23-82) to provide certain tests and measurements relating to specific tasks and traceable to established BOARDING or LODGING HOUSE: A dwelling or standards. part thereof, other than a motel or hotel, where lodging with or without meals is provided for COMMISSION: Planning Commission of the City. compensation. Sleeping rooms do not contain kitchen Whenever the term "this Chapter" is used herein, it facilities. shall be deemed to include, where the context permits, all amendments thereto as the same may BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distance above a hereafter from time to time be adopted. referenced datum measured to the highest point of y,,,,, the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a CONDUIT: A tube for pneumatic shuttles, a pipe for mansard roof or to the average height of the highest coaxial cables, a waveguide, a closed path for laser gable of a pitched or hipped roof. The reference transmission, fiber optics or similar function. datum shall be selected by either of the following whichever yields a greater height of building: CONTAINER: A structure of any size made or used solely to hold or enclose a specific substance. A. The elevation of the highest adjoining sidewalk or ground surface within a five foot (5') COURT: An open, unoccupied space other than a horizontal distance of the exterior wall of the yard on the lot on which a building is erected or building when such sidewalk or ground surface situated. A court, one entire side or end of which is is not more than ten feet (10') above lowest bounded by a front yard, a rear yard or a side yard, grade. or by the front of a lot, by a street or public alley, is an "outer court". Every court which is not an "outer B. An elevation ten feet (10') higher than the court" is an "inner court". lowest grade when the sidewalk or ground surface described in paragraph 1 above is more COURT HEIGHT:The court height shall be measured than ten feet (10') above lowest grade. (Ord. from the floor level of the lowest story in the building 3641, 6-28-82) in which there are windows served by the said court, to the highest point of the enclosing walls of the said BUILDING ENVELOPE:The allowable building area court. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) permissible for the construction of one single family dwelling unit in a residential cluster. (Ord. 3922, CLUB: An incorporated or unincorporated association 7-1-85) of persons organized for social, education, literary or charitable purposes. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) BUILDABLE AREA: The portion of a lot or site, exclusive of required yard areas,setbacks,landscaping CLUSTER(Residential): The placement of more than or open space, within which a structure may be built. one building envelope on a single lot or parcel of land for the purpose of constructing single family BUILDING FOOTPRINT: The area of a lot or site residential dwelling units in either attached or included within the surrounding exterior walls of a detached construction arrangement, and where the building, or portion thereof, exclusive of courtyards. property ownership outside the building envelopes is In the absence of surrounding exterior walls, the commonly held by all single family dwellings on that building footprint shall be the area under the lot or parcel of land (Ord. 3922, 7-1-85) horizontal projection of the roof. (Ord. 3935, 9-16-85) DAILY TRAFFIC: An average of at least one motor vehicle crossing in one direction per working day for any continuous thirty (30) day period. 441-2 4-31-2 DAY CARE: Any person or facility which regularly by the Federal Department of Transportation; provides temporary care for a group of persons for provided that for the purposes of this definition,small periods less than twenty four (24) hours, provided arms ammunition and small arms ammunition such establishment is licensed by the State and primers shall not be defined as explosives.(Ord. 3543, conducted in accordance with State requirements. 5-4-81) DISTRICT LINE:A boundary designating the various FAMILY: A number of related individuals or not use districts or zones.Where the boundary is between more than four (4) unrelated individuals living use districts of a similar character such that the together as a single housekeeping unit and doing proposed facility could be located in either use district their cooking on the premises. then the next outer district boundary from the facility is to be considered the "district line" for the purpose FENCE: A barrier erected to enclose or screen areas of these standards. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) of land.A fence may be constructed of wood,masonry or any other material including vegetation. DESIGNATED ZONE FACILITY: Any hazardous waste treatment and storage facility that requires an FRONT PROPERTY LINE: The front property line interim or final status permit under rules adopted shall be the front line as shown upon the official under RCW 70.105 and that is not a "preempted plats of the property. facility" as defined in RCW 70.105.010. In the case of a site subject to more than one zoning district FRONT YARD: An open, unoccupied space on the designation, the requirements of this Code applicable same lot with a building between the front line of to a designated zone facility shall be determined by the building (exclusive of steps) and the front reference to the specific zoning district within which property line. (Ord. 3899, 3-18-85) such designated zone facility is to be located. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) GARAGE SALE:All general sales, open to the public, conducted from or on a residential premises in any DWELLING: A building or portion thereof designed residential zone, as defined by the zoning ordinance, exclusively for residential occupancy, including for the purpose of disposing of personal property single-family, two-family and multiple-family including, but not limited to, all sales entitled dwellings, but not including hotels, boarding and "garage", "lawn", "yard", "attic", "porch", "room", lodging houses. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) "backyard", "patio", "flea market", or"rummage" sale. This definition shall not include a situation where no DWELLING UNIT: A single unit providing complete more than five(5) specific items are held out for sale independent living facilities for one or more persons and all advertisement of such sale specifically names including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, those items to be sold. eating,sanitation and containing kitchen facilities for use solely by one family. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) GREENBELT: An area designated on the Land Use Element of the comprehensive plan intended for open ESTABLISHED GRADE: The curb line grade at the space, recreation, very low density residential uses, front lot line as established by the CounciL agriculture, geographic relief between uses, or other compatible low intensity use. (Ord. 3931, 8-12-85) 4100 EXPLOSIVE: Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that is commonly used or intended for the HAZARDOUS: See "recognized higher risk". (Ord. purpose of producing an explosion, that contains any 3927, 7-15-85) oxidizing and combustible units or other ingredients in such proportions, quantities or packing that an HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: Any liquid, solid,gas or ignition by fire, by friction, by concussion, by sludge, including any material, substance, product, percussion or by detonation of any part of the commodity or waste, regardless of quantity, that compound or mixture may cause such a sudden exhibits any of the characteristics or criteria of generation of highly heated gases that the resultant hazardous waste as described in rules adopted under gaseous pressures are capable of producing RCW 70.105. destructing effects on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. In addition, the term HAZARDOUS WASTE: All dangerous and extremely "explosives" shall include all material which is hazardous waste except for moderate-risk waste as classified as Class A, Class B and Class C explosives defined in RCW 70.105.010. 4-31-2 4-31-2 HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE: The holding of the Western Fire Chiefs Association. dangerous and extremely hazardous wastes as defined in RCW 70.105.010 (except for moderate-risk waste) HOME OCCUPATION: Any use conducted entirely for a temporary period as regulated by the State. within a dwelling and carried on by persons residing in that dwelling unit, of which the use is clearly HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT: The physical, incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling chemical or biological processing of dangerous and for dwelling purposes. (Ord. 3910, 5-13-85) extremely hazardous wastes as defined in RCW 70.104.010 to make such wastes nondangerous or less HOUSEHOLD PETS: Household pets shall include dangerous, safer for transport, amenable for energy animals such as dogs, cats, ferrets, and other or material resource recovery, amenable for storage similar-sized animals totalling three (3) or less and or reduced in volume. one unweaned litter produced by any of the sets which are kept primarily for companionship, affection HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND STORAGE and protection. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) FACILITY, OFF-SITE: A designated zone facility which treats or stores wastes generated on properties IMPULSIVE SOUND: A sound of less than one other than those on which the off-site facility is second duration, with an abrupt onset and rapid located. decay and with a peak intensity of at least ten (10) decibels, on the A-weighing network, greater than HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND STORAGE the background sound level. The background sound FACILITY,ON-SITE:A designated zone facility which level is the average of the range observed for a five treats or stores wastes generated on the same site. (5) minute period no more than one hour prior to For purposes of this definition, the term "same site" the measurement of the impulsive sound. shall include properties that are bordering or in close geographic proximity, are under common ownership INDUSTRIAL ACCESS: A type or class of street or control, and are functionally integrated by means specified in the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, of use, access or development. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) Section 9-12-8A7, Table 1 (Minimum Standards for Development). (Ord. 3543, 5-4-82) HEARING EXAMINER: A person appointed to con- duct public hearings on applications outlined in the KENNEL: A structure or facility where nine (9) or City ordinance creating the position of Hearing more adult dogs or cats or any combination thereof Examiner. See Chapter 4-8 for duties and respon- are kept, whether by the owners or others and sibilities. whether or not for compensation. This does not include small animal hospitals, clinics, or pet shops HEDGE: A row of closely planted shrubs or which are covered in other portions of the Zoning low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary. Code. An adult dog or cat is one which has reached the age of four (4) months. HEIGHT OF BUILDING: The height of a building is a vertical distance at the center of a building's KENNEL, HOBBY: A structure at or adjoining a isse principal front measured from the level of the first private residence where four (4) to eight (8) adult floor above grade to the highest point of the roof dogs or cats are kept. An adult dog or cat is one beams in the case of flat roofs, to the deck line of which has reached the age of four (4) months. mansard roofs, or to the center height between eaves and ridges for gable, hip or gambrel roofs. For LANDING AREA: The area of the Airport used for buildings set back from the street line, the height the landing, taking off or taxiing of aircraft. may be measured from the average elevation of the finished grade, along the front of the building. First LANDSCAPING: The addition, modification, and/or floor above grade means the floor which is not more retention of trees, shrubs, ground cover, rockeries, than four feet six inches (4'G") above grade. land-forms, and similar items designed to achieve desired effects, which shall include, but is not limited HIGHLY FLAMMABLE LIQUID: Any liquid of Class to, enhancing aesthetics or amenities, screening, I or II as specified under flammable liquid in the providing wildlife habitat, and controlling surface latest edition of the Uniform Fire Code published by water. the International Conference of Building Officials and 490 4-31-2 4-31-2 LARGE FARM ANIMALS: Large farm animals in- NEIGHBORING FACILITIES: Those facilities which elude horses, cattle, sheep, goats, ponies, hogs, and share same common regional element of the natural other similar-sized animals. environment and include more than adjacent or nearby facilities. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) LICENSED: An engineer holding a valid Washington State professional engineering license or a pro- NET ACRE: An acre equal to forty three thousand fessional person holding an appropriate and valid five hundred sixty (43,660) square feet, excluding Washington State license. public streets or alleys or other public rights of way, abutting on, running through or within that area. LOT: Legally subdivided lands having fixed bound- (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) arias, being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area, ODOR THRESHOLD: The concentration of an and having a legal access to a public right of way. odorant in clean ambient air which is said to produce an olfactory response in most people. LOT AREA: The total surface area of the horizontal plane within the lot lines of a lot OUTSIDE STORAGE: Exterior storage which would be classified as bulk storage, but is less than the LOT, CORNER.: A lot abutting upon two (2) or more minimum area requirement. (Ord. 3553, 8-23-82) streets at their intersection or upon two (2) parts of the same street forming an interior angle of less PANORAMS AND PEEP SHOWS: A device operated than one hundred thirty five degrees (135°) within manually, mechanically, magnetically, electrically or the lot lines. electronically which exhibits, displays, projects, or illuminates photographed, videotaped, or magnetically vitif LOT COVERAGE: That portion of a lot occupied by reproduced images, or exposes live entertainment to the principal structure and its accessory buildings. the viewer while the viewer is in a booth or stall, distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on LOT DEPTH: The mean horizontal distance between matter depicting, describing, or relating to "specified the front and rear lot lines. sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as hereinafter defined, for observation by patrons LOT-DISTRICT LINES: The lot line of property thereof. (Ord. 4261, 2-26-90) when it is congruent with the district line or when the lot line and district line are so situated that the PERSONAL PROPERTY: Property which is owned, lot line acts as the limit of development for the utilized and maintained by an individual or members zoned use, such as a street right of way between the of his or her residence and does not include lot line and district line. Where the district line is merchandise which was purchased for resale or congruent with the City limits the zoning and use obtained on consignment beyond the City limits shall be given the same consideration as the City's zones. PUBLIC GARAGE: Any premises used for the storage or housing of more than three (3) towable or LOT, INTERIOR: A lot fronting on one street. motor-driven vehicles, or where such vehicles are repaired or kept for hire or sale. (Ord. 3931, 8-12-85) LOT WIDTH: The mean horizontal distance between **4110 side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot QUALIFIED: A person who, by possession of a depth. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) recognized degree, certificate or professional standing or who by extensive knowledge, training and MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCES: A building experience has successfully demonstrated his ability arranged to be occupied by more than one family to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject living independently of each other and having matter, the work or the project (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) separate baths and kitchens. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) QUASI-PUBLIC: A use owned or operated by a non- MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING: Three (3) or more profit, religious or eleemosynary institution, and dwelling units. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) providing educational, recreational, religious or similar type of public program. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) NATURAL WATER SYSTEM: Any and all parts of the hydrologic cycle independent of size and REAR YARDS: An open unoccupied space on the residence time. The meaning includes "waters of the same lot with a building between the rear line of the state" as defined in RCW 90.48.020. building (exclusive of steps, porches and accessory building) and the rear line of the lot NEAR ZERO DISCHARGE: The closest currently possible approach to the ideal "zero discharge". 490 4-31-2 4-31-2 RECOGNIZED HIGHER RISK The handling, pro- SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING: A building arranged ceasing or storage of flammable, explosive, blasting or or designed to be occupied by not more than one toxic agents and their related processes and/or family. activities which are generally considered as high hazard occupancy by agencies and/or publications, SMALL FARM ANIMALS: Small farm animals which include but are not limited to, the Washington include animals such as rabbits, mink, ducks, geese, Surveying and Rating Bureau, the American swans, chickens, and other similar-sized mammals Insurance Association as per its Fire Prevention Code and fowl. and National Building Code as the same may be amended from time to time as posing a higher risk SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS (Adult Motion on its neighbors and/or adjacent or nearby properties Picture Theaters): natural or man-made waterways or which may tend to endanger environmental qualities before special A. Less than completely and opaquely covered actions are taken to mitigate adverse characteristics. human genitals, pubic region, buttock and female breast below a point immediately above ROOF: Any cover made of a material or type of the top of the areola; and construction so as to be impervious to water and erected so as to delineate a fixed volume over a B. Human male genitals in a discernible turgid permanently defined location for shielding the space state, even if completely and opaquely covered. underneath from the natural elements. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES (Adult Motion "1141W Picture Theaters): RETIREMENT HOME: Dwellings designed to meet the needs of and occupied exclusively by senior A. Human genitals in a state of sexual stimu- citizens, if each unit contains a cooking facility, then lation or arousal; it shall be considered a multiple family dwelling. If the retirement facility includes a common kitchen B. Acts of human masturbation, sexual inter- and dining room and not individualized cooking course or sodomy; facilities, then the retirement home shall be considered a boarding and lodging house. (Ord. 3641, C. Fondling or other erotic touching of human 6-28-82) genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast. (Ord. 3935, 9-16-85) RECYCLING, COLLECTION STATION: A container or containers for the collection of secondhand goods STATE SITING CRITERIA Those criteria which are and recyclable materials. applicable to hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as may be promulgated and amended, from RECYCLING, COLLECTION CENTER: A collection time to time, by the Washington State Department point for small recyclable items, such as cans, of Ecology pursuant to RCW 70.105.210. (Ord. 4186, bottles, newspapers, and secondhand goods. Activities 11-14-88) shall be limited to sorting, compaction and transferring. STORY: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor RECYCLING, PROCESSING CENTER: A facility next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then where collected recyclable items are brought for the space between such floor and the ceiling next processing including changing the form of materials. above it. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) STREET: A dedicated area for public use for vehi- SETBACK The minimum required distance between cular and/or pedestrian use with a paved or other- the building footprint and the property line. wise improved surface. SETBACK AREA: The portion of a lot or site be- STRUCTURE: Any object constructed or installed by tween the building footprint and the lot line within man, including but without limitation, buildings, which no building or other structure or portion towers, smokestacks and overhead transmission lines. thereof may be erected above grade level, except as (Ord. 3935, 9-16-85) provided in this Code. THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE (TLV): The concentra- SIDE YARD: An open unoccupied space of the same tion of certain airborne materials representing lot with a building between the side wall line of the conditions under which it is believed and adopted by building and the side of the same lot. the American Conference of Governmental Industrial 490 4-31-2 4-31-3 Hygienists (ACGIH) that nearly all workers may be USED: The word "used" in the definition of "Adult repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse Motion Picture Theater" herein, describes a con- effects. tinuing course of conduct of exhibiting "specific sexual activities" and "specified anatomical areas" in TREE: Any object of natural growth a manner which appeals to a prurient interest. (Ord. 3637, 6-14-82) TOXIC SUBSTANCE: Those materials listed and documented by the American Conference of VISIBLE LEAKAGE: The leakage of a liquid in Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). (Ord. sufficient quantity to form beads, rivulets or trickles, 3543, 5-4-81) but more than just a moistening of the surface. TRUCK TERMINAL An area and/or building where WAREHOUSE: A building entirely enclosed by a roof cargo is stored and where common carriers load and and solid walls, except for windows and doors, and unload cargo on a regular basis. To come within the used to enclose and protect materials and goods. The definition of a truck terminal, the use must include walls of such a building are not used to hold or all of the following criteria: restrain goods in a bulk form. A. Receipt, pick-up or delivery of orders placed by WASTE: Any material, other than products not customers. having an immediate market and/or values, and/or no further use or resource to the industry creating B. A dispatcher must direct the activities of the such material. truck drivers. WILDLIFE HABITAT: An area officially recognized ' C. Use by a common carrier to receive shipments and/or dedicated by the City, the State or Federal for transloading, transshipping, and/or government for the propagation and benefit of consolidation or from which transportation wildlife. (OH. 3543, 5-4-81) ensues after transloading, transshipment, or deconsolidation. ZONING DISTRICT: An area accurately defined as to boundaries and location on an official zoning map. D. Storage of rolling stock of the common carrier (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) when not in use. (Ord. 3572, 8-24-81) TOWNHOUSE: A one-family dwelling in a row of at 4-31-3: CLASSIFICATION FOR USE DIS- least three (3) such units in which each unit has its TRICTS: The City is hereby divided into own front and rear access to the outside; no unit is the following types of use districts: located over another unit; and each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more common fire SR-1 Suburban Residence No. 1; SR-1 is symbol on resistant walls. maps. TRAILER, TRAVEL: A dependent or independent SR-2 Suburban Residence No. 2; SR-2 is symbol on trailer designed to be towed by a passenger car or a maps. light truck. R-1 Residence Single Family District; R-1 is symbol TWO-FAMILY DWELLING: Two (2) dwelling units on maps. contained in two (2) separate structures on a single lot or two (2) dwelling units contained in one S-1 Suburban Residence District; S-1 is symbol on structure on a single lot. maps. USE, ACCESSORY: A subordinate use or building R-2 Residence District; R-2 is symbol on maps. customarily incident to and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use or building. R-3 Residence District; R-3 is symbol on maps. USE, CONDITIONAL: An unusual and/or unique R-4 Residence District; R-4 is symbol on maps. type of land use which, due to its nature, requires special consideration of its impacts on the P-1 Public (Medical, Health, Fire and Education) neighborhood and land uses in the vicinity. District; P-1 is symbol on maps. USE, PRINCIPAL The primary or predominant use B-1 Business District; B-1 is symbol on maps. to which the property is or may be devoted and to which all other uses on the premises are accessory. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) 490 4-31-3 431-4 L-1 Light Industrial District; L-1 is symbol on (2) Large farm animals: A maximum of maps. four (4) goats, sheep, and similar-sized animals may be permitted outright on one H-1 Heavy Industrial District; H-1 is symbol on acre.A maximum of two(2)horses may be maps. permitted outright on one acre. A maximum of one cow may be permitted T Trailer Parks; T is symbol on maps. outright on one acre. (Note: Only one of these options together with the allotment B-P Business Parking (off-street parking); B-P is of small farm animals may be permitted symbol on maps. (Ord. 1542, 4-17-56) outright on one acre.) G General Classification District; "G" is symbol on (3) Hobby kennel: A maximum of eight(8) maps. (Ord. 1869, 2-7-61) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after satisfaction of the requirements in Section M-P Manufacturing Park District; M-P is symbol on 4-31-37Cia. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) maps. (Ord. 2188,10-25-65) 2. Accessory Uses: 4-31-4: Gl GENERAL ZONE: a. The following accessory buildings are permitted in G-1 General Zones as supports for Noe A. Purpose: neral Zone (G-1) is established the residential activity: to provide and protect suitable environments for low density single family residential dwellings. (1) A maximum of two (2) detached It is further intended to prohibit the buildings and/or structures, up to a development of incompatible uses that are maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) detrimental to the residential environment.This square feet for each building, such as are zoning classification may be permitted in an ordinarily associated with single-family area designated as single family residential in dwelling; or the comprehensive plan. (2) One detached building or structure up B. Uses: In the General Zone (G-1) the following to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) uses are permitted and prohibited: (Ord. 3599, square feet for each building, such as is 1-11-82) ordinarily associated with single-family dwellings; or 1. Principal Uses: (3) The total floor area of all accessory a. One single family dwelling. buildings shall not be greater than the floor area of the primary residential use. b. Farming, truck gardening or other uses normally associated with these uses. (4) The lot coverage of the residential structure along with all accessory build- c. Agriculture,gardening and fruit raising. ings shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage of this zoning district.(Ord. 3941, d. Neighborhood paarks. 9-16-85) e. Animals:The following types of animals b. One barn or stable up to a maximum shall be permitted in this zone provided: 1) the of two thousand (2,000) square feet provided, animal owner either lives on the property where the lot is a minimum of one acre, and the lot an animal is kept or has arranged with a te- width is a minimum of one hundred forty feet nant to care for the animal(s); and 2) that the (140'). keeping of animals must meet the conditions of Section 4-31-37B. c. Home occupations when approved by the Board of Public Works. (1) Small farm animals: A maximum of twenty (20) small farm animals may be d. Day care for a maximum of' six (6) permitted outright on one acre. persons. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) ami. 4-314 4-31-4 B2) e. Recycling collection stations, provided five (5) acres. A minimum of one acre per the following conditions have been complied animal for the first five (5)horses or ponies and with: one-half(1/2) for each additional animal. (1) The collection station is accessory to j. Horses or cows on less than one acre a public or quasi-public use. provided there is a minimum of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of property. (2) The collection station is portable and temporary (not to exceed ninety [90] k. More than twenty (20) small farm calendar days out of each year). animals on one acre. (3) The collection station is not located on 1. More than four (4) goats, sheep and any public right of way unless a similar-sized animals on one acre. (Ord. 3927, right-of-way use permit is granted by the 7-15-85) Board of Public Works. 4. Prohibited Uses: In the General Zone (G-1) (4)The property owners or managers shall the following uses are prohibited: keep the area surrounding the recycling collection station maintained and clean of a. Travel trailers, recreational vehicles or debris. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) mobile homes used for habitation. 3. Conditional Uses: In the General Zone (G-1) C. Development Standards: In the General Zone ' the following uses and their accessory uses may (G-1) the following development standards shall be allowed by conditional use permits as apply: provided in Section 4-31-36 of this Code: 1. Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: The a. Dairying and stock raising. dwelling unit density in the G-1 Zone shall not exceed one dwelling unit per acre (including b. Schools, both private and public. area dedicated for public purposes).The lot area shall not be less than thirty five thousand c. Group homes. (35,000) square feet. d. Public and quasi-public buildings 2. Lot Width: essential to the physical and economic welfare of an area, such as fire stations, electrical a. A minimum of seventy five feet (75') substations,telephone exchanges and community for an interior lot and eighty five feet (85') for and regional parks. Buildings shall conform to corner lots. and harmonize with the surrounding buildings as to the type of architecture, setback and b. A minimum of one hundred forty feet landscaping. (140') for lots used for farming, truck gardening 4.0 or the raising of animals. e. Day care for seven (7) or more persons. 3. Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty five feet f. Churches. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) (85'). g. Recycling collection station in 4. Setbacks: conjunction with an approved public or quasi-public use when the collection station is a.Front Yard:A minimum depth of twenty utilized for more than ninety (90) days per feet (20'). calendar year. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) b. Rear Yard: A minimum of twenty five h. Kennels as provided in Section feet (25'). 4-31-37C2. c. Side Yards: (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) i. Commercial horse and pony boarding, riding stables, and schools on a minimum of 4-31-4 4-31-5 C4c) (1) Interior Lots: A minimum of five feet area than herein required.Such structures shall (5'). (Ord. 3904, 422-85) comply with the setback requirements of this Chapter. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a street shall not be less than twenty feet D. Those areas heretofore or hereafter annexed to (20')in width,except on previously platted the City for which no zoning classification has lots which are fifty feet (50') or less in been fixed or determined by ordinances shall be width in which case the side yard shall be zoned General Zone (G-1). (Ord. 3645, 7-19-82) not less than ten feet(10'). If a corner lot is less than the minimum width required by this Section,then for each foot in width 4-31-5: R-1 RESIDENTIAL ZONE: in excess of fifty feet (50'), the required yard shall be increased from a minimum - A. Purpose: The Residential Zone (R-1) is of ten feet (10') by one foot (1') up to a established for low density single family maximum of twenty feet (20'). residential dwellings. It is further intended to prohibit the development of incompatible uses 5. Special Setbacks: that are detrimental to the residential environ- ment. This zoning classification may be a.Detached accessory buildings shall have permitted in an area designated as single family a minimum of three feet(3') side and rear yard residential in the comprehensive plan. Noe setback, a minimum of six feet(6') setback from residences and shall not be allowed within B. Uses: In the Residential Zone(R-1)the following required front or side yards along streets. uses are permitted and prohibited: b. Barns and stables must be located a 1. Principal Uses: minimum of fifty feet (50') from any property line. a. One single family dwelling. 6. Height: b. Gardening or fruit raising, noncommercial. a. The height of a dwelling or structure shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). c.Neighborhood parks.(Ord.3599, 1-11-82) b. Accessory buildings and/or structures d. Animals:The following types of animals shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height. shall be permitted in this zone provided: 1) the animal owner either lives on the property where c. Barns shall not exceed thirty five feet an animal is kept or has arranged with a (35') in height. tenant to care for the animal(s); and 2) that the keeping of animals must meet the conditions of 7. Lot Coverage: The maximum area covered Section 4-31-37B: by buildings shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total area, except that in the case (1) Small farm animals [See Section of a preexisting platted lot the maximum lot 4-31-4Ble(1)]. coverage shall not exceed thirty five percent (35%) of the total area. (2) Large farm animals [See Section 4-31-4B1e(2)]. 8. Parking. See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code. (3) Hobby kennel [See Section 4-31-4Ble(3)]. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) 9. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. 2. Accessory Uses: 10.Pre-Existing Plats:Nothing herein contained a. The following accessory buildings are shall be deemed to prohibit the construction of permitted in R-1 Residential Zones as supports ' a single family dwelling and its accessory for the residential activity: I buildings on a pre-existing platted lot with less 431-5 4-31-5 B2a) (1) A maximum of two(2) detached build- b. Schools, both public and private. ings and/or structures, up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty(720) square feet c. Public and quasi-public uses essential for each building, such as are ordinarily to the physical and economic welfare of an area, associated with single family dwellings;or such as fire stations, electrical substations, telephone exchanges and community and (2) One detached building or structure up regional parks. Buildings shall conform to and to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) harmonize with the surrounding buildings as to square feet for each building, such as is type of architecture, setback and landscaping. ordinarily associated with single-family (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) dwellings; or d. Recycling collection station in (3) The total floor area of all accessory conjunction with an approved public or buildings shall not be greater than the quasi-public use when the collection station is floor area of the primary residential use. utilized for more than ninety (90) days per calendar year. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) (4) The lot coverage of the residential structure along with all accessory buildings e. Horses or cows on less than one acre shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage provided there is a minimum of fifteen thousand of this zoning district.(Ord.3941, 9-16-85) (15,000) square feet of property. b. Home occupations when approved by f. More than twenty (20) small farm ville the Board of Public Works. animals on one acre. c. Day care for a maximum of six (6) g. More than four (4) goats, sheep, and persons. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) similar-sized animals on one acre. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) d. Recycling collection stations, provided the following conditions have been complied 4.Prohibited Uses:In the Residential Zone(R-1) with: the following uses are prohibited: �i: i (1) The 'collection station is accessory to a. Travel trailers, recreational vehicles or a public or quasi-public use. p mobile homes used for habitation. (2) The collection station is portable and C. Developmental Standards: In the Residential temporary(not to exceed 90 calendar days Zone (R-1) the following developmental out of each year). standards shall apply: (3)The collection station is not located on 1. Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: The any public right of way unless a dwelling unit density i th R-1 Zone shall not e right-of-way use permit is granted by the exceed 6.0 dwelling •nits per acre (including Board of Public Works. area dedicated for p is purposes).The lot area shall not be less th�l7,2.# square feet for any (4)The property owners or managers shall single family dwelll.: _ e . 3904, 4-22-85) keep the area surrounding the recycling collection station maintained and clean of 2. Lot Width: A minimum of sixty feet(60') for debris. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) an interior lot and seventy feet(70')for a corner lot. (Ord. 3940, 9-16-85) 3. Conditional Uses: In the Residential Zone (R-1)the following uses and their accessory uses 3. Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty five feet may be allowed by conditional use permit as (85'). provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code: 4. Setbacks: a. Churches. 4-31-5 4-31-6 C4) a.Front Yard:A minimum depth of twenty A. Purpose: The Residential Zone (R-1-6) is estab- feet (20'). lished for medium density,single-family residen- tial dwellings. It is designed to protect b. Rear Yard:A minimum depth of twenty established single-family areas and to encourage five feet (25'). better use of common and private open space, more privacy,more energy and resource efficient c. Side Yards: (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) homes,and protection of sensitive natural areas. The R-1-5 Zone is intended for areas which are (1) Interior Lots: A minimum of five feet designated single family on the comprehensive (5'). (Ord. 3904, 4-22-85) plan and are directly adjacent to higher density zoning or for areas which are designated Low (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a Density Multiple Family on the Comprehensive street shall not be less than twenty feet Plan. (20')in width,except on previously existing platted lots which are fifty feet(50')or less B. Uses: In the Residential Zone (R-1-5), the in width in which case the side yard shall following uses are permitted and prohibited: be no less than ten feet (10'). If a corner lot is less than the minimum width re- 1. Principal Uses: quired by this Section, then for each foot in width in excess of fifty feet (50'), the a. Detached or attached single-family rr required yard shall be increased from a dwellings. minimum of ten feet (10') by one foot (1') up to a maximum of twenty feet (20'). b. Gardening or fruit raising, noncom- mercial. 5. Special Setbacks: c.Neighborhood parks.(Ord.3922, 7-1-85) a.Detached accessory buildings shall have a minimum of three feet(3') side and rear yard 2. Accessory Uses: setback, a minimum of six feet(6') setback from residences, and shall not be allowed within re- a. The following accessory buildings are quired front or side yards along streets. permitted in R-1-5 Residential Zones as supports for the residential activity: 6. Height: (1) A maximum of two (2) detached build- a. The height of a dwelling or structure ings and/or structures, up to a maximum shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). of seven hundred twenty(720) square feet for each building, such as are ordinarily b. Accessory buildings and/or structures associated with single-family dwellings; or shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height. (2) One detached building or structure up 7. Lot Coverage: The maximum area to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) covered by buildings shall not exceed thirty five square feet for each building, such as is percent (35%) of the total lot area. ordinarily associated with single-family dwellings; or 8. Parking. See Chapter 14, Title N of the City Code. (3) The total floor area of all accessory buildings shall not be greater than the 9. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title N of the floor area of the primary residential use. City Code. (4) The lot coverage of the residential 10. Pre-Existing Plats: Nothing herein structure along with all accessory build- shall be deemed to prohibit the construction of ings shall not exceed the maximum lot a single family dwelling and its accessory build- coverage of this zoning district.(Ord.3941, ings on a pre-existing platted lot with less area 9-16-85) than herein required. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) b. Home occupations when approved by the Board of Public Works. 4-31-6: R-1-6 RESIDENTIAL ZONE: 4-31-6 4-31-6 B2) c. Day care for a maximum of six (6) per- 2. Platted Lot Dimensions and Setbacks: sons. a. Lot Width: A minimum of fifty feet(50') 3. Conditional Uses: In the Residential Zone for an interior lot and sixty feet(60') for corner (R-1-5), the following uses and their accessory lots. uses may be allowed by conditional use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code. b. Lot Depth. A minimum of eighty five feet (85'). a. Churches. c. Setbacks: b. Schools, both public and private. (1) Front Yard: A minimum depth of c. Public end quasi-public uses essential twenty feet(20'). to the physical and economic welfare of an area, such as fire stations, electrical substations, (2)Rear Yard:A minimum depth of twenty telephone exchanges,and community and region- five feet (25'). See exception below. al parks. Buildings shall conform to and har- monize with the surrounding buildings as to (3) Side Yards: type of architecture, setback and landscaping. (A)Interior Lots:A total of both side 4. Prohibited Uses: In the Residential Zone yards equal to a minimum of ten feet(10'). (R-1-5), the following uses are prohibited: If a detached structure is proposed to be located within five feet (5') of a side a. Travel trailers, recreational vehicles, or property line, the adjacent property shall mobile homes used for habitation. be required to have a ten foot (10') side yard setback free of structures and, in C. Developmental Standards: In the Residential addition,a permanent legally recorded plat Zone (R-1-5), the following developmental stan- covenant or easement must be provided for dards shall apply: necessary access to the adjacent lot to allow painting,reroofing and other normal f 1. Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: The repair and maintenance, and for the dwelling unit density in the R-1-5 Zone shall encroachment of eaves upon the adjacent not exceed 8.0 dwelling units per acre (includ- property. When structures are proposed to ing area dedicated for public purposes). share a common wall on a lot boundary line, a legally recorded plat covenant or a.Platted Single Family Lots:The lot area easement must be provided for necessary shall not be less than five thousand (5,000) access to each adjacent lot to allow square feet for any single-family dwelling. painting,reroofing and other normal repair and maintenance of each structure's b. Clustered Dwelling Units: The total exterior. number of dwelling units permitted in a cluster shall be the net area divided by five thousand (B)Corner Lots: The side yard along (5,000) after allowing for the newly platted a street shall not be less than twenty feet streets. (20')in width,except on previously existing platted lots which are forty feet (40') or c. Minimum Site Area: The contiguous less in width in which case the side yard area that may be zoned R-1-5 shall not be less shall be not less than ten feet (10'). If a than three (3) lots or fifteen thousand (15,000) corner lot is less than the minimum width square feet. required by this Section, then for each foot in width in excess of forty feet (40'), the d. Maximum Site Area: The depth of an required yard shall be increased from a area that may be zoned R-1-5 shall not exceed minimum of ten feet(10') by one foot (1') four hundred feet (400'). The width shall not up to a maximum of twenty feet (20'). exceed one thousand three hundred feet(1,300'). The contiguous area that may be zoned R-1-5 (4) Special Setbacks: shall not be greater than eight(8) acres. 1 4-31-6 4-31-7 C2c4) (A)A maximum of a twelve foot(12') 5. Height: reduction in the rear yard setback may be permitted in the rear yard where the side a. The height of a dwelling or structure yard on one side is increased by two feet shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). (2') for each three feet (3') of reduction of the rear yard setback. b. Accessory buildings and/or structures shall not exceed twelve feet (12') in height. (B) Accessory buildings shall have a minimum side yard and rear yard setback 6. Driveways: Maximum length of one hundred of three feet (3'). In addition, accessory fifty feet (150') with a maximum of two (2) lots buildings shall provide a minimum of six per driveway, except that in clustered dwelling feet(6')setback from residences, and shall units a maximum of four(4) dwelling units may not be allowed within required front or utilize one driveway having a minimum width side yards along streets. of twenty feet (20'). (C) The standard setbacks from the 7. Parking. See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City boundaries of a subdivision as set forth in Code. the R-1 Zone (Section 4-31-5) shall apply in the R-1-5 Zone. 8. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. NSW (D) In order to preserve privacy between adjacent lots, in the event that 9. Special Conditions: the side yard setback is less than five feet (5'), there shall be no windows, doors, or a. The preliminary and final plat or short mechanical vents in the wall facing the plat must illustrate the approximate size and nearest lot line except when such wall location of all structures (including building faces permanent open space or a public or envelopes)proposed to be placed in an otherwise private right-of-way. required yard or open space. Building and Zoning Department officials shall determine at (E)Eaves may protrude no more than the time of submission if setback requirements eighteen inches (18") across a lot line. have been met. 3. Lot Coverage: The maximum area covered b. Nothing herein shall be deemed to by buildings shall not exceed thirty five percent prohibit the construction of a single family (35%) of the total lot area. dwelling and its accessory buildings on a pre-existing platted lot with less area than 4. Clustered Single Family Dwellings: herein required. a. One or more building envelopes of at 10. Site Plan Review: Site plan review in Iiiiev least two thousand two hundred (2,200) square accordance with the City Code shall be required feet meeting all setback requirements of for all development of more than four(4) lots or subsection 4-31-6C from the boundaries of the more than four (4) clustered dwelling units in lot may be established to accommodate clustered the R-1-5 Zone. (Ord. 3922, 7-1-85) single family dwellings. b. The remaining lot area outside of the 4-31-7: R.2 RESIDENTIAL ZONE: building envelopes shall be retained as common open space. A. Purpose: The Residential Zone (R-2) is established to provide and protect suitable c. Building envelopes shall be platted to environments for low to medium density, multi- provide a permanent legal record of their size, family residential dwellings. It is further shape and location. The building envelope is intended to prohibit the development of only required for clustered single family incompatible uses that are detrimental to the development. residential environment. This zoning classification may be permitted in an area d. No more than four (4) building en- designated as low density, multi-family velopes may be contiguous in any one cluster. residential in the comprehensive plan. Assrommossismomassemssmossor 4-31-7 4-31-7 B. Uses:In the Residential Zone(R-2)the following of this zoning district. (Ord. 3941, 9-16-85) uses are permitted and prohibited: b. Home occupations when approved by 1. Principal Uses: the Board of Public Works. a. One single-family dwelling. c. Day care for a maximum of six (6) persons. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) b. Two (2) dwelling units. d. Recycling collection stations: provided, c. Gardening and fruit raising, noncom- the following conditions have been complied mercial. with: d.Neighborhood parks.(Ord.3599,1-11-82) (1) The collection station is accessory to a public or quasi-public use. e. Animals:The following types of animals shall be permitted in this zone provided: 1) the (2) The collection station is portable and animal owner either lives on the property where temporary(not to exceed ninety[90]calen- an animal is kept or has arranged with a dar days out of each year). tenant to care for the animal(s); and 2) that the keeping of animals must meet the conditions of (3) The collection station is not located on Section 4-31-36B: any public right of way unless a right- of-way use permit is granted by the Board (1) Small farm animals. See Section of Public Works. 4-31-4Ble(1). (4)The property owners or managers shall (2) Large farm animals. See Section keep the area surrounding the recycling 4-31-4Ble(2). collection station maintained and clean of debris. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) (3) Hobby kennels. See Section 4-31-4Ble(3). (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) 3. Conditional Uses: In the Residential Zone T (R-2)the following uses and their accessory uses 2. Accessory Uses: may be allowed by conditional use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code. a. The following accessory buildings are permitted in the R-2 Residential Zone as a.Townhouses containing three(3)or more supports for the residential activity: dwelling units but less than twelve(12)dwelling units per acre, may be allowed together with (1) A maximum of two (2) detached normally associated accessory uses. buildings and/or structures, up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) b. Schools, both private and public. square feet for each building, such as are 160* ordinarily associated with single-family c. Public and quasi-public buildings and duplex dwellings; or essential to the physical and economic welfare of an area such as fire stations, electrical (2) One detached building or structure up substations, telephone exchanges, community to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) and regional parks and similar uses of public square feet for each building, such as is services. Buildings shall conform to and ordinarily associated with single-family and harmonize with the surrounding buildings as duplex dwellings; or to type of architecture, setback and landscape. (3) The total floor area of all accessory d. Churches. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) buildings shall not be greater than the floor area of the primary residential use. e. Recycling collection station in conjunction with an approved public or (4) The lot coverage of the residential quasi-public use when the collection station is structure along with all accessory buildings utilized for more than ninety (90) days per shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage calendar year. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) 4-31-7 4-31-8A B3) f. Horses or cows on less than one acre platted lots which are fifty feet(50')or less provided there is a minimum of fifteen thousand in width in which case the side yard shall (15,000) square feet of property. be ten feet (10'). If a corner lot is less than the minimum width required by this g. More than twenty (20) small farm section, then for each foot in width in animals on one acre. excess of fifty feet (50') the required yard shall be increased from a minimum of ten h. More than four (4) goats, sheep, and feet(10') by one foot(1')up to twenty feet similar-sized animals on one acre. (Ord. 3927, (20'). 7-15-85) 5. Special Setbacks: t4.Prohibited Uses:In the Residential Zone(R-2) the following uses are prohibited: a.Detached accessory buildings shall have a minimum of three feet(3') side and rear yard a. Travel trailers, recreational vehicles or setback, a minimum of six feet(6') setback from mobile homes used for habitation. residences, and shall not be allowed within re- quired front or side yards along streets. C. Development Standards:In the Residential Zone (R-2) the following development standards shall 6. Height: The height of a dwelling or structure apply: shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). Now 1. Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: 7. Lot Coverage: The maximum area covered by buildings shall not exceed thirty five percent a. Single Family Dwellings: Shall not (35%) of the total area. exceed 6.0 dwelling units per acre (including area dedicated for public purpose). The lot area 8. Parking: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City shall not be less than seven thousand two Code. hundred (7,200) square feet. 9. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City b. Two Dwelling Units: Shall not exceed Code. 12.1 dwelling units per acre (including area dedicated for public purposes).The lot area shall 10.Pre-Existing Plats:Nothing herein contained not be less than seven thousand two hundred shall be deemed to prohibit the construction of (7,200) square feet. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) single family dwelling or two (2) dwelling units and associated accessory buildings on a pre- 2. Lot Width: A minimum of sixty feet (60') for existing platted lot with less area than herein an interior lot and seventy feet(70')for a corner required. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) lot. (Ord. 3940, 9-16-85) a_, 3. Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty five feet 4-31-8A: R-3 RESIDENCE DISTRICT: (85'). A. Purpose: The Residential Zone (R-3) is estab- 4. Setbacks: fished to provide and protect suitable environ- ments for medium density multi-family dwel- a.Front Yard:A minimum depth of twenty lings. It is further intended to prohibit the feet (20'). development of incompatible uses that are detri- mental to the residential environment.This zon- b. Rear Yard:A minimum depth of twenty ing classification may be permitted in an area five feet (25'). designated as medium density multi-family resi- dential in the comprehensive plan. , c. Side Yards: (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) B. Uses: In the Residential Zone(R-3)the following (1) Interior Lots: A minimum of five feet uses and similar uses are permitted: (5'). (Ord. 3904, 4-22-85) 1. Principal Uses: (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a street shall not be less than twenty feet a. Single family, two family and multiple (20')in width,except on previously existing family dwellings up to four (4) dwelling units 4-31-8A 4-31-8A Bla) and their accessory buildings on a pre-existing such as fire stations, electrical substations, platted lot with less area than herein required. telephone exchanges and regional parks. Build- The structure must comply with lot coverage ings shall conform to and harmonize with the and setback requirements. surrounding buildings as to type of architecture, setback and landscaping. b. Multiple family dwelling units. g.Schools and colleges,public and private. c. Gardening or fruit raising, noncom- mercial. h. The provision of care for seven (7) or more persons. (Ord. 3689, 12-20-82) d. Neighborhood and community parks. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) i.Parking lots which are accessory to other uses which are allowed in more intensive zones; e. Hobby kennel.See Section 4-31-4B1e(3). provided, that the parking lot is not adjacent to (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) a parcel zoned G-1, R-1 or R-2 Zoning Districts. (Ord. 3745, 8-22-83) 2. Accessory Uses: j.Recycling collection stations,provided the a. Detached buildings and/or structures, following conditions have been complied with: and recreational facilities, such as are ordinarily associated with single or multi-family dwellings. (1) The collection station is accessory to a public or quasi-public use. Igoe b.Home occupations when approved by the Board of Public Works. (2) The collection station is portable and temporary(not to exceed 90 calendar days c. Day care for a maximum of six (6) per- out of each year). sons. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) (3) The collection station is not located on 3. Conditional Uses: In the Residential Zone any public right-of-way unless a right- (R-3) the following uses in a separate building of-way use permit is granted by the Board and their accessory uses may be allowed by of Public Works. conditional use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code. (4)The property owners or managers shall keep the area surrounding the recycling a. Multiple family dwelling units with collection station maintained and clean of dwelling unit densities greater than twenty five debris. (25)dwelling units per acre and less than thirty five (35) units per acre, provided parking is k. Recycling collection station in conjunc- placed underground or totally within the tion with an approved public or quasi-public structure. use when the collection station is utilized for more than ninety (90) days per calendar year. `wr'' b. Art galleries, libraries, museums. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) c. Boarding and lodging houses, convale- C. Developmental Standards: In the Residential scent homes/nursing homes, group homes and Zone (R-3) the following developmental stan- retirement homes with a maximum resident dards shall apply: population of fifty (50) persons per acre. 1. Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: d. Churches. a. Multiple Family Dwelling Units: Shall e. Clubs or fraternity societies, community not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per club houses, memorial buildings, except those net acre. The lot area shall not be less than the chief activity of which is a service cus- seven thousand two hundred(7,200)square feet. tomarily carried on as a business. (Ord. 3689, 12-20-82) 2. Lot Width: A minimum of sixty feet (60'). f. Public and quasi-public uses essential to 3. Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty five feet the physical and economic welfare of an area, (85') 4-31-8A 4-31-8B C) 4. Setbacks: b. The height of an accessory building shall be a maximum of thirty feet (30'). a. Front Yards: Minimum yards on the following types of streets as defined by the 7. Lot Coverage: six-year road plan shall be: Street Type Front Yard Setbacka. Interior Lots: The maximum area covered by buildings shall not exceed thirty five Arterial (Major and Secondary) 30' percent (35%) of the total area. Arterial (Collector) 25' b.Corner Lots:The maximum area covered All Others 20' by buildings shall not exceed thirty percent b.Rear and Side Yards:Minimum setbacks (30%) of the total lot area. for rear and side yards are based on twenty 8. Parking. See Chapter 14, Title N of the City percent (20%) of the lot width, as generally Code. follows: (1) 9. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title-IV of the City Rear and Side Code. Lot Width Yard Setbacks 30' 6' 4-31-8B: R-4 RESIDENCE DISTRICT: Now 40' 8' ' 45' g� 45' 19A. Purpose: The Residential Zone (R-4) is 50' established to provide and protect suitable 55' 11' environments for high density multi-family 60+' 12' dwellings. It is further intended to prohibit the development of incompatible uses that are (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a detrimental to the residential environment.This street shall not be less than twenty feet zoning classification may be permitted in an (20')in width,except on previously existing area designated as high density multi-family platted lots which are fifty feet(50')or less residential in the comprehensive plan. in width in which case the side yard shall be no less than ten feet (10'). If a corner B. Uses: In the Residential Zone(R-4)the following lot is less than the minimum width re- uses and similar uses are permitted: quired by this Section, then for each foot in width in excess of fifty feet (50'), the 1. Principal Uses: required yard shall be increased from a minimum of ten feet (10') by one foot (1') a. Single family, two family and multiple up to a maximum of twenty feet (20'). family dwellings up to four (4) dwelling units " ►° and their accessory buildings on a pre-existing 5. Special Setbacks: platted lot with less area than herein required. The structure must com a.Where an R-3 zone abuts a single family and setback requirem nt$ly with lot coverage residence located on a lot which is designated single family on the City comprehensive plan b. Multiple family dwelling units. and R-1 on the City zoning map, there shall be a landscaped minimum setback of twenty feet c. Gardeningor fruit raising, noncom- (20') from the single family lot line. mercial. b. The above special setback requirement d. Neighborhood and community parks. does not apply if the property owner voluntarily (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) develops this property to the density and development standards of the R-2 District. e. Hobby kennel. See Section 4-31-4Ble(3). 6. Height: (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) a. The height of a dwelling shall be a maximum of fifty feet (50'). 4-31-8B 4-31-8B B) 2. Accessory Uses: e. Clubs or fraternity societies, community club houses, memorial buildings, except those a. Detached buildings and/or structures, the chief activity of which is a service and recreational facilities, such as are ordinarily customarily carried on as a business.(Ord. 3689, associated with single or multi-family dwellings. 12-20-82) b. Home occupations when approved by f. Public and quasi-public uses essential the Board of Public Works. to the physical and economic welfare of an area such as fire stations, electrical substations, c. Day care for a maximum of six (6) telephone exchanges, and regional parks. persons. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) Buildings shall conform to and harmonize with the surrounding buildings as to type of d. Recycling collection stations, provided architecture, setback and landscaping. the following conditions have been complied with: g.Schools and colleges, public and private. (1) The collection station is accessory to h. The provision of care for seven (7) or a public or quasi-public use. more persons. (Ord. 3689, 12-20-82) (2) The collection station is portable and i.Parking lots which are accessory to other temporary(not to exceed 90 calendar days uses which are allowed in more intensive zones, out of each year). provided that the parking lot is not adjacent to a parcel zoned G1, R-1 or R-2 Zoning Districts. (3) The collection station is not located on (Ord. 3745, 8-22-83) any public right of way unless a right- of-way use permit is granted by the Board j.Recycling collection station in conjunction of Public Works. with an approved public or quasi-public use when the collection station is utilized for more (4)The property owners or managers shall than ninety (90) days per calendar year. (Ord. keep the area surrounding the recycling 3905, 4-22-85) ` collection station maintained and clean of debris. (Ord. 3905, 4-22-85) C. Development Standards:In the Residential Zone (R-4) the following developmental standards 3. Conditional Uses: In the Residential Zone shall apply: (R-4) the following uses (in a separate building) and their accessory uses may be allowed by 1. Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: conditional use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code: a. Multiple Family Dwelling Units: Shall not exceed thirty five (35) dwelling units per a. Multiple family dwelling units with net acre. The lot area shall not be less than , dwelling unit densities greater than thirty five seven thousand two hundred(7,200)square feet. (35) dwelling units per acre, provided parking is placed underground or totally within the 2. Lot Width: A minimum of sixty feet (60'). structure. 3. Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty five feet b. Art galleries, libraries, museums. (85'). c. Boarding and lodging houses, con- 4. Setbacks: valescent homes/nursing homes, group homes and retirement homes with a maximum resident a. Front Yards: Minimum yards on population of seventy (70) persons per acre. following types of streets as defined by the six- year road plan shall be: d. Churches. 4-31-8B 4-31-9 C4a) Front Yard develops the property to the density and Street Type Setback development standards of the R-3 District. Arterial (Major and Secondary) 30' 6. Height: Arterial (Collector) 25' All Others 20' a. A maximum of ninety five feet (95'). b.Rear and Side Yards:Minimum setbacks b. Accessory buildings shall have a for rear and side yards are based on twenty maximum height of thirty feet (30'). percent (20%) of the lot width, as generally follows: 7. Lot Coverage: (1) Rear and Side a. Interior Lots: The maximum area Lot Width Yard Setbacks covered by buildings shall not exceed thirty five percent (35%) of the total lot area. 30' 6' 40' 8' b.Corner Lots:The maximum area covered 45' 9' by buildings shall not exceed thirty percent 50' 10' (30%) of the total lot area. 55' 11' 60+'Nov 12' 8. Parking: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code. (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a street shall not be less than twenty feet 9. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City (20')in width,except on previously existing Code. (Ord. 3641, 6-28-82) platted lots which are, fifty feet (50') or less in width in which case the side yard shall be no less than ten feet (10'). If a 4-31-9: PUBLIC ZONE (P-1): corner lot is less than the minimum width required by this Section, then for each foot A. Purpose and Intent: The Public Zone (P-1) is in width in excess of fifty feet (50'), the established to provide and protect suitable required yard shall be increased from a environments for social and physical services minimum of ten feet (10') by one foot (1') and facilities. This zoning classification is up to a maximum of twenty feet (20'). generally limited to areas designated as public/quasi-public in the comprehensive plan. 5. Special Setbacks: (Ord. 3722, 4-25-83) a.Where an R-4 Zone abuts a single-family B. Permitted Uses: All projects in the Public Zone residence located on a lot which is designated (P-1)require site plan review.Plans and general single family on the City comprehensive plan specifications for all projects shall be submitted and R-1 on the City zoning map, there shall be as specified in Section 4-31-33 of this Code. The a landscaped minimum setback of fifty feet(50') approving body shall then ascertain and from the single family lot line. determine that the general design and development conform with the adjacent b. Where an R-4 zone abuts two (2) surroundings, meet applicable building and dwelling units located on a lot which is zoning code requirements, comply with the designated low density multi-family on the City comprehensive plan, and has adequate and safe comprehensive plan and R-2 on the City zoning traffic circulation and access. The following map, there shall be a minimum landscaped principal and accessory uses are permitted: setback of thirty feet(30') from the adjacent lot line. 1. Principal: c. The above special setback requirements a. Governmental buildings such as do not apply if the property owner voluntarily hospitals, libraries, museums and schools. 490 4-31-9iii 441-9 Bi) b. Municipal parks, playgrounds, golf j. Parks, playgrounds and similar uses. courses and similar recreational uses. k. Hospitals. (Ord. 4008, 7-14-86) c. Park and ride lots. 1. On-site hazardous waste treatment and d. Police and fire stations. storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) e. Municipal utility facilities. C. Prohibited Uses: In the Public Zone (P-1) the following uses are prohibited: f. Municipal airports. 1. All exterior merchandise or products display. g. Hobby kennel. 2. All advertising devices except as provided by 2. Accessory Uses: In the Public Zone (P-1) Title IV, Chapter 20, Sign Code. the following uses are allowed where incidental to a permitted use: 3. All residential uses. a. Services such as food, pharmacies, gift 4. All other uses. (Ord. 3722, 4-25-83) shops,.newsstands and similar uses usually associated with a permitted use may be 5. Off-site hazardous waste treatment and stor- allowed within the principal building. age facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) b. Facilities for caretakers or on-duty D. Development Standards: In the Public Zone w public employees. (Ord. 4008, 7-14-86) (P-1) the following development standards shall apply, except as otherwise provided by this Sec- c. Retail services such as concessions.. tion. and rental facilities which are""''"'usually associated with public parks and as 1. Setbacks: - recommended by the Renton Park Board. (Ord. 4124, 2-1-88) a. Front Yards: Minimum requirements on the following types of streets shall be: 3. Conditional Uses: In the Public Zone (P-1) r the following private uses and their accessory Front Yard uses may be allowed by conditional use Street Twee Setback permit as provided in Section 4-31-36: Arterial (Major and Secondary) 30' a. Accessory uses in separate buildings. Arterial (Collector) 25' All Others 20' b. Facilities to 1) sell, service and store airplanes, 2) service airport patrons, and 3) b. Rear Yard (Interior): A minimum of ten those ordinarily incidental and essential to feet (10') except if the property is contiguous to ,fir the operation of a municipal airport. a zone with a more restrictive rear yard re- quirement in which case the rear yard shall be c. Airport and aircraft parts, the the minimum of the more restrictive zone. manufacture of aircraft, aircraft parts and hydrofoils at the Renton Municipal Airport. c. Side Yards (Interior): A minimum of five feet (5'). d. Heliports. 2. Special Setbacks: e. Public utility facilities. a. Any yard abutting a public right of f. Buildings over fifty feet (50') in height way shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20'). but not exceeding ninety five feet (95'). b. Where a P-1 zone abuts a lot which is g. Churches. zoned C-i, R-1 or R-2 on the City of Renton zoning map and designated single-family or h. Medical offices (i.e. doctor, dentist). low density multiple family on the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, there shall be a i. Schools. voimanummiummminim 4-31-9 4-31-10 D2b) minimum setback from the common lot line of 4-31-10: B-1 BUSINESS DISTRIC • fifty feet (50') with a minimum of the first twenty feet (20') from the common lot line A. P ••; : he purpose of the Business landscaped. District Zone (B-1) is to provide for retail sales of products of every type and description, a wide c. Where a P-1 Zone abuts lots zoned G-1, variety of personal and professional services to R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 on the City of Renton clients and/or customers at the business location, zoning map and designated medium density and all manner of recreation or entertainment multi-family or high density multi-family on the uses. The B-1 Business District provides for City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, there shall conditional approval, after public hearing, of be a minimum landscaped setback of twenty feet retail or entertainment uses involving storage (20') from the common lot line. and recreation outside of an enclosed structure. 3. Height: Prohibited from the B-1 Business District are uses which involve the bulk storage of products, or the exterior storage of products in a manner a. The height of a building shall not which would be construed as bulk storage except exceed fifty feet (50') except as a conditional that the minimum area requirements are not use. exceeded, manufacturing uses or activities as a b. Public and private utility facilities principal use. (except buildings) shall be allowed to exceed B. Uses: In the Business District Zone (B-1), the fifty feet (50'). following and similar uses are permitted. The Building and Zoning Department may determine 4. Parking/Circulation: Parking and circulation that any other use is similar in general standards required shall be as follows: character to the following specific uses and is in keeping with the intent of this zone. Upon such a. Access: The principal access shall be administrative determination the subject use from an arterial or collector street. shall become a principal,accessory or conditional use whichever is appropriate. b. Parking/Circulation: Parking and circulation along the common lot line with a 1. Principal Uses: residential lot designated as such on both of the City of Renton comprehensive plan and a. Retail Sales: zoning map shall be allowed only if ten feet (10') of sight-obscuring landscaping and a six (1) Apparel and accessories. foot (6') solid masonry fence are used along the common boundary. (2) Automotive and marine accessories. c. Parking Requirements: See Chapter 14, (3) Auto, boat and motorcycle sales. Title IV of the City Code. (4) Department and variety stores. 5. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. (5) Dry goods. 6. Noise: Truck traffic and other noise normally (6) Eating and drinking establishments. associated with an operation shall be limited to the hours between seven o'clock(7:00)A.M. and (7) Furniture and home furnishings. seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. unless the hearing examiner shall find that due to the specific (8) Garden supplies: small trees, shrubs, circumstances of the particular application,other flowers and light supplies and tools within hours of operation should be established in order an enclosed building. to protect the public health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 3722, 4-25-83) (9) Grocery stores. 4-31-10 4-31-10 B1) b. Offices: (18) Rental services not involving exterior storage. (1) All types of business offices. (19) Repair service facilities without 12) Personal offices such as real estate, outside storage: watch, TV, electrical, insurance and architects. upholstery. (3) Professional offices such as lawyers, (20)Veterinary offices.(Ord.3750,9-26-83) doctors and dentists. (21) Recycling collection centers. (Ord. c. Services: 3905, 4-22-83) (1) Auto repair. (22) Private elementary and secondary schools. (Ord. 4124, 2-1-88) (2) Boarding and lodging houses. d. Residential: Residential dwelling units (3) Bus terminals, taxi headquarters, not when located in a mixed use building of including exterior parking of commercial commercial and residential uses. No residential vehicles. uses are allowed on the first floor. (4) Business services: Duplicating and e. Hobby kennel.See Section 4-31-4B1e(3). blueprinting, steno and employment. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) (5) Car washes. 2.Accessory Uses:In the Business District(B-1), the following uses are allowed where incidental (6) Churches. to a permitted use and shall not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area: (7) Commercial day care. a. Apparel, fabric and leather goods (8) Funeral homes. fabrication. (9) Governmental services and facilities, b. Food preparation. excluding utility facilities. c. Handcrafting products. (10) Hotels and motels. d. Storage of products in conjunction with (11)Indoor public assembly:Motion picture retail sales. (Ord. 3750. 9-26-83) theaters and theatrical production theaters, sports arenas, auditoriums and exhibition e. Recycling collection stations, provided halls (except school facilities). the structure is not located within any required` setback and/or landscaped area. (Ord. 3905, (12) Libraries, museums, art galleries. 4-22-85) (13) Parking lots and garages. 3. Conditional Uses: In the Business District (B-1), the following uses and their accessory (14) Parks and open space. uses may be allowed by conditional use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36: (15)Personal services such as barber shop, a. Aircraft transportation: heliports beauty parlor. (16) Pet shop and grooming. b. Communications broadcast and relay towers. (17) Professional and business schools. 4-31-10 4-31-10 B3) c. Convalescent and nursing homes. standards shall apply, except as otherwise provided in this Section: d. Gasoline service stations. 1. Setbacks: Setbacks in the B-1 zone shall be e. Group homes. required as follows except for the downtown area, described as that area bounded by the f. Heights exceeding ninety five feet center lines of Smithers Avenue South from (95'). See Section 4-31-10E, Special South Fourth Place to South Third Avenue Conditional Use Requirements. and Logan Avenue South from South Third Street to the Cedar River, bounded on the g. Horticultural nurseries: Trees, shrubs, north by Cedar River, east to Mill Avenue ground cover, flowers and related supplies. South, south to South Fourth Street and west to Smithers Avenue South:' h. Hospitals. a. Front Yard: A minimum of ten feet i. Outdoor recreation or entertainment (10'). uses. b. Street Setback: j. Park'n ride lots. Maximum k. Private utilities. Building Height Setback Noe 1. Recycling centers and drop or collec- Less than 40' 10' tion centers. 40' - 80' 20' Over 80' 30' m. Rental service facilities with outside storage. c. Rear and Side Yards: None shall be required except in the landscaping section n. Self service storage facilities contained below. entirely within one building. 2. Height: o. Special schools: technical and industrial processes. (Ord. 3750, 9-26-83) a. General: p. On-site hazardous waste treatment (1) A maximum of ninety five feet (95'). and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) b. Special Height Allowances: C. Prohibited Uses: In the Business District (B-1) Zone, the following uses are prohibited: (1) Heights may exceed the maximum 841ar height under conditional use permit. 1. Bulk storage of products, or the exterior storage of products in a manner which would (2) When a building is adjacent to a be construed as bulk storage except for the residential lot zoned G-1, R-1 or R-2 on fact they do not exceed the minimum area the City of Renton zoning map and requirements of Section 4-31-29. designated as single family or low den- sity multiple family on the City of 2. Manufacturing activities. Renton comprehensive plan, the building may exceed the height allowed in the 3. Travel trailers or recreational vehicles for adjacent residential zone by a maximum habitation. of twenty feet (20'). 4. All other uses. (Ord. 3750, 9-26-83) 3. Lot Coverage: Lot coverage for buildings are listed below, but do not pertain to the 5. Off-site hazardous waste treatment and downtown area as defined in Section 4-31-10D1: storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) a. Lot coverage for buildings shall not ex- D. Development Standards: In the Business ceed sixty five percent (65%) of the total lot District (B-1) the following development area. 1. Per letter from the City dated December 4, 1989. 290 4-31-10 4-31-11 (See following page for Section 4-31-10 continued.) 290 4-31-10 4-31-11 D3) b. Lot coverage may be increased up to permit for a building height in excess of ninety seventy five percent (75%) of the total lot area five feet (95') the hearing examiner shall if parking is provided within the building or consider the following factors in addition to the within a parking garage. criteria in Section 4-31-36, among all other relevant information. 4. Parking: See Chapter 14, Title N of the City Code. 1.Location Criteria:Proximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to accommodate 5. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City traffic generated by the development. Code. Developments are encouraged to locate in areas served by transit. 6. Landscaping: Landscaping along areas abutting public streets shall have a minimum 2. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall landscaping strip of ten feet (10'), except for be compatible with the general purpose, goals, the downtown area as defined in Section 4-31- objectives and standards of the comprehensive 10D1 plan, the zoning ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of a. Lot Line Requirements: Renton. (1) Fronting Public Streets: A minimum 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties: Buildings in New of ten feet (10'). excess of ninety five feet (95') in height at the proposed location shall not result in substantial (2) Special Requirements: If the B-i lot is or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. adjacent to a residential lot designated When a building in excess of ninety five feet residential on the City of Renton compre- (95') in height is adjacent to a multiple family hensive plan and zoning map, then there lot zoned R-3 or R-4 on the City of Renton shall be a fifteen foot(15')landscaped strip zoning map and Medium Density Multi-Family or a five foot (5') wide sight obscuring or High Density Multi-Family on the City of landscaped strip and a solid six foot (6') Renton comprehensive plan, then setbacks shall high barrier used along the common be equivalent to the requirements of the beundm'y adjacent residential zone. 7.All on-site utility surface mounted equipment 4. Building Height and Bulk: shall be screened from public view. a.Buildings near public open spaces should 8.Roof-Top Equipment:All operating equipment permit visual access and, where feasible, located on the roof of any building shall be physical access to the public open space. enclosed so as to be shielded from view, except 'low for telecommunication equipment. b. Whenever practicable, buildings should be oriented to minimize the shadows they cause 9. Outdoor Storage: on publicly accessible open spaces. a. Permitted outdoor storage must be 5. Light and Glare: Due consideration shall be screened from adjacent properties and public given to mitigation of light and glare impacts rights of way. upon streets, major public facilities, and major public open spaces. (Ord. 3750, 9-26-83) b. Materials covered by buildings with roofs but without sides shall be considered outside storage and subject to the screening 4-31-11: LIGHT INDUSTRY DISTRICT (L-1): provisions of this Section. A. Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the Light 10. Refuse: All garbage, refuse or dumpsters Industry Zone (L-1) is to provide areas for low contained within specified areas shall be intensity, non-nuisance generating in terms of screened, except for access points, by a fence odor, air and water pollution, noise, vibration or landscaping or some combination thereof. and glare industrial activities. The permitted uses are similar to those of the Manufacturing E. Conditional Use Permit for Excess Height: In Park (M-P) Zone, but with less restrictive consideration of a request for conditional use development standards. 4-31-11 4-31-11 B. Uses: In the Light Industry Zone (L-1), the provided storage areas are screened as following and similar uses are permitted. The required by Section 4-31-32. Building and Zoning Department may deter- mine that any other use is similar in general (7) Express delivery and hauling activi- character to the following specific uses and is ties with limited cargo handling at a in keeping with the intent of this Zone. Upon central terminal. such administrative determination, the subject use shall become a principal, accessory or (8) Gasoline service stations. conditional use, whichever is appropriate. Un- less indicated by the text, definitions of the (9) Lumberyards, provided storage areas uses listed in this Zone are consistent with are screened as required by Section the descriptions in the Standard Industrial 4-31-32. Classification Manual. (10) Mobile home, trailer and recreation- 1. Principal Uses: al vehicle sales, rental and repair estab- lishments. a. Manufacturing of and product servic- ing uses as follows: (11) Printing, publishing and allied industries. (1) Distilleries and wineries. (12) Rental services. (2) Electronics manufacturing and Nal assembly. (13) Research and development labor- atories. t3) Food and kindred products. (14) Theaters. (4) Manufacturing, processing, assem- bling and packaging of articles, products (15) Tow truck operations and auto or merchandise from previously prepared impoundment yards, provided yard areas natural or synthetic materials. are screened as required by Section '; 4-31-32. (5) Manufacturing, processing, treating and assembling and packaging of arti- (16) Veterinary facilities and/or kennels. des, products or merchandise from previously prepared ferrous or alloyed (17) Warehousing and storage. metals. (18) Wholesale outlets and stores. (6) Signs and advertising. (19) Recycling collection stations or b. Service uses as follows: centers, provided that they are locatedvoilOh` outside any required landscaping area. (1) Automobile and truck sales, rentals, and repair establishments and body (20) Offices of less than twenty five shops. thousand (25,000) square feet. (Ord. 3938, 9-16-85) (2) Car washes. (21) Hobby Kennels: A maximum of (3) Churches. eight (8) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after satisfaction of the (4) Commercial laundries and/or dry- requirements in Section 4-31-37C1a. cleaning. (22) Kennels: See Section 4-31-2K1 and (5) Contractors' and manufacturers' Section 4-31-37C2. Ord. 3955, 11-4-85) representatives. 2. Accessory Uses: In the Light Industry Zone (6) Contractors' construction office and (L-1) the following uses are allowed where storage of materials and equipment, incidental to a permitted use: 4-31-11 4-31-11 B2) a. Buildings or structures which are b. Height limits to exceed fifty feet (50'). ordinarily associated with the permitted uses. c. Coal and fuel yards and self-service b. Outside storage of materials, products storage provided that: and containers is permitted within the build- able area, provided the storage area is screen- (1) When not entirely contained within a ed from all adjacent property sharing a com- building, the area is surrounded by a mon boundary line and designated any real- sight-obscuring screen consisting of a dential, public, commercial, office park or solid fence and landscaping. manufacturing park use. These properties must be designated as one of the categories (2) Coal and fuel yards shall be located both on the City of Renton comprehensive a minimum of one hundred feet (100') plan and zoning map. Screening shall consist from the side lines of any residential of an existing structure, a solid wall or zoning district. sight-obscuring fence a minimum of six feet (6') in height up to a maximum of ten feet d. Truck terminals and associated ware- (10') or as required by the bulk storage house facilities. - ordinance,'Section 4.31-29. e. Additional uses as identified in c. Retail and office uses where ordinarily Section 4-31-36D1. (Ord. 3938, 9-16-85) associated with the permitted use. " rrr f. Off-site hazardous waste treatment d. A security building may be allowed in and/or storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) the nonlandscaped portion of the required open space provided the building does not 4. Prohibited Uses: In the Light Industry contain more than one hundred fifty (160) Zone (L-1) the following uses are prohibited: square feet. a. Residential uses, except for one e. A restaurant or cafeteria, recreational security or maintenance personnel residence and day care facilities (for employees use as provided in Section 4-31-11B2f. only) may be operated in conjunction with a principal use. b. Refining, manufacture, or bulk storage of petroleum, or any of its by-products, except f. One residence per establishment for as provided above in Section 4-31-11B. security or maintenance personnel. c. All other uses, except as provided in g. Storage of petroleum or natural gas Section 4-31-11B above. or any of their by-products, when the total storage capacity is less than fifty thousand C. Development Standards: In the Light Indus- (50,000) gallons, or other applicable unit of trial Zone (L-1) the following development measure. (Ord. 3938, 9-16-85) standards shall apply, except as otherwise provided by this Ordinance: h. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, subject to Section 1. Setbacks: 4-31-33. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) a. Building Setback Abutting Public 3. Conditional Uses: In the Light Industry Streets: Minimum setback on the following Zone (L-1) the following uses and their types of streets as defined by the six-year accessory uses may be allowed by conditional plan shall be: use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code. Street Type Yard Setback a. Any principally permitted use whose Arterials 20' operations are predominantly conducted out of All others 10' doors rather than completely enclosed within a building. 490 4-31-11 4-31-12 Cl) b. Adjacent to Residential Lots: A 4-31-12: HEAVY INDUSTRY DISTRICT (H-1): twenty foot (20') wide setback, including either a five foot (5') wide sight-obscuring A. Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the landscaping strip or a solid six foot (6') high Heavy Industrial Zone (H-1) is to provide barrier, shall be required along the common areas for industrial activities involving property line if a Irl lot is adjacent to a lot fabrication, processing, bulk handling and with a residential designation on both the storage, construction and heavy transporta- City of Renton comprehensive plan and zoning tion. In addition, other;compatible uses which map. directly serve the needs of such industrial uses may be allowed. 2. Landscaping: B. Uses: In the Heavy Industry Zone (H-1), the a. All areas of a site not covered by following and similar uses are permitted. The buildings, structures, paved or crushed rock Building and Zoning Department may deter- surfaces shall be landscaped. Areas set aside mine that any other use is similar in general for future development on a lot may be hydro- character to the following specific uses and is seeded. An adequate means of irrigation shall in keeping with the intent of this Zone. Upon also be provided• such administrative determination, the subject use shall become a principal, accessory or b. All garbage, refuse or dumpster areas conditional use, whichever is appropriate. Un- shall be screened, except for access points, by less indicated by the text, definitions of the a fence or landscaping or some combination uses listed in this Zone are consistent with Nuil thereof as determined by the Building and the descriptions in the Standard Industrial Zoning Department. Classification Manual. 3. Lot Coverage: The maximum area covered 1. Principal Uses: by buildings shall not exceed sixty five percent (65%) of the lot. a. Manufacturing of and product servic- 4. Height: A maximum height of fifty feet ing of uses as follows: (50), except as provided above in Section (1) Abrasive products. 1 4-31-11B3b. (2) Airplanes. 5. Parking: See Chapter 14, Title N of the City Code. (3) Automobiles. 6. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City (4) Boats. Code. (Ord. 3938, 9-16-85) (5) Breweries and distilleries. D. Aquifer Protection Area: Prior to the issuance ,O of any permit in an Aquifer Protection Area, (6) Electric powered metal recycling a finding must be made that the proposal will plant. not impact the quantity or quality of water in the aquifer on a short-term basis, long-term (7) Electronic and electrical products. basis, or cumulatively in conjunction with other existing or proposed uses. (8) Fabricated metal products. 1. The required finding shall be made by the (9) Food and kindred products. Hearing Examiner for all proposals which are subject to approval by the Hearing Examiner (10) Forging. pursuant to Section 4-8-10. All other findings shall be made by the Water Utility Engineer. (11) Heavy machine shops. 2. The required finding shall be based on the (12) Machinery for general industry, and activities to be conducted, substances that will mining, agriculture, construction or ser- be stored, handled, transported, treated, used, vice industries. or produced, and the potential for these activities or substances to degrade the (13) Military vehicles. groundwater quality. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) 490 4-31-12 4-31-12 Bla) (14) Miscellaneous manufacturing estab- (10) Railroad yards. lishments. (11) Rental services: Heavy equipment, (15) Paint. construction equipment, heavy hauling vehicles, trailers and recreational (16) Printing ink. vehicles. (17) Rubber and miscellaneous plastic (12) Research and development labor- products. atonies. (18) Stone, clay and glass products, con- (13) Theaters. crete products, pre-cast building com- ponents, gypsum products, and (14) Tow truck operations and auto structural clay products. impoundment yards, provided storage areas are screened with a solid wall or (19) Stone cutting and engraving. sight-obscuring fences not less than six feet (6') and not more than ten feet (10') (20) Transportation equipment manufac- in height. tuning and/or assembly. (15) Warehousing. (21) Utilities, private and public. Igoe (16) Wholesale activities. (22) Forest products. (17) Lumber, coal and fuel yards. (23) Truck terminals and associated warehousing facilities. (18) Self-service storage. (24) Recycling processing centers. (19) Recycling collection stations or centers, provided that they are located (25) Foundries. outside any required landscaping area. (Ord. 3939, 9-16-85) b. Service uses as follows: (20) Hobby Kennels: A maximum of (1) Airplane, automobile, boat, and eight (8) adult dogs or cats may be motorcycle sales and repair. permitted after satisfaction of the requirements in Section 4-31-37C1a. (2) Service stations and car washes. (21) Kennels: See Section 4-31-2K1 and (3) Churches. Section 4-31-37C2. Ord. 3955, 11-4-85) Now (4) Coating, engraving and allied 2. Accessory Uses: In the Heavy Industry services. Zone (H-1) the following uses are allowed where incidental to principal uses: (5) Commercial stables. a. Buildings or structures which are (6) Contractors' construction services: ordinarily associated with the permitted in- office and storage of materials and dustrial use. equipment. b. Gatehouse or guardhouse may be (7) Heavy equipment wholesale sales, allowed in the nonlandscaped portion of the storage, and repair. required setback, provided the building does not contain more than one hundred fifty (150) (8) Mobile home, trailer and recreational square feet. vehicle sale/rental and repair estab- lishments. c. Outside storage of materials, products and containers is permitted within the build- (9) Printing, publishing and allied indus- able area provided the storage area is tries. 4-31-12 4-31-12 B2c) screened from all adjacent property sharing a f. Salvage, wrecking and disposal common boundary line and designated any activities, such as auto wrecking yards, sewage residential, public, commercial, office park, or disposal and treatment plants, dump and solid manufacturing park use. These properties industrial waste materials. must be so designated both on the City of Renton comprehensive plan and zoning map. g. Storage of petroleum or natural gas, or Screening shall consist of an existing struc- any of their by-products as an accessory use, ture, a solid wall or sight-obscuring fence or when the total storage capacity is greater than landscaping a minimum of six feet (6') in fifty thousand (50,000) gallons, or other height up to a maximum of ten feet (10') or applicable unit of measure. as required by the bulk storage ordinance, Section 4-31-29. h. Office uses which serve the needs of industrial uses. d. One dwelling unit for security or maintenance personnel located on the pre- i. Soap and compound manufacture. mises where they are employed, provided there is only one residence per permitted j. Storage of explosives, except where establishment. incidental to a principally permitted use. e. Restaurant or cafeteria, recreation k. Tanning, curing or storage of rawhides and day care facilities only for employees may or skins. be operated in conjunction with a principal 44010 use. 1. Additional uses as identified in Section 4-31-36D1. (Ord. 3939, 9-16-85) f. Storage of petroleum or natural gas, or any of their by-products, when the total m. Off-site hazardous waste treatment storage capacity is less than fifty thousand and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) (50,000) gallons, or other applicable unit of measure. 4. Prohibited Uses: In the Heavy Industry Zone (H-1) the following uses are prohibited: g. Temporary buildings used for construction purposes for a period not to a. Oil, shellac, varnish or turpentine exceed the duration of construction. manufacturing. h. Retail uses which are incidental to a b. Paper and pulp manufacturing. principal use. (Ord. 3939, 9-16-85) c. Refining, manufacture or bulk storage i. On-site hazardous waste treatment of petroleum, or any of' its by-products except and storage facilities, subject to Section as provided above in Section 4-31-12B. 4-31-33. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) ,,fir d. Rubber manufacture from crude 3. Conditional Uses: In the Heavy Industry material. Zone (H-1) the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by conditional e. All other uses not included in Section use permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of 4-31-12B. the City Code: C. Development Standards: In the Heavy Industry a. Brick, tile or terra cotta manufacture Zone (H-1) the following development stand- and storage. ards shall apply, except as otherwise provided by this Ordinance: b. Cement, lime, gypsum manufacture. 1. Setbacks: c. Concrete batching plant. a. Yards Abutting Public Streets: d. Disinfectant manufacture. Minimum yards on the following types of streets as defined by the six-year street plan e. Gas (illuminating and heating) storage. shall be: 4-31-12 4-31-14 Cla) Street Type Setbacks subject to approval by the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-8-10. All other findings Arterials 20' shall be made by the Water Utility Engineer. All others 10' 2. The required finding shall be based on the b. Special Setback Requirement: A fifty activities to be conducted, substances that will foot (50') wide setback, including a ten foot be stored, handled, transported, treated, used, (10') wide sight-obscuring landscaping strip or or produced, and the potential for these a six foot (6') high solid fence, shall be activities or substances to degrade the required along the common property line if an groundwater quality. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) H-1 lot is adjacent to a lot designated residential on both the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and zoning map. A 4-31-13: T TRAILER PARKS: A Zone desig- fifteen foot (15') setback, including either a nated solely for mobile home parks. five foot (5') wide landscaping strip or a solid Such Zone may be allowed in low, medium and six foot (6') highbarrier, shall be required high density multi-family residential and commer- along the property line if an H-1 lot is cial areas as designated by the City's compre- adjacent to a lot designated for commercial, hensive land use plan. Development plans shall manufacturing park, office park, or comply with City ordinance requirements and shall public/quasi-public use on both the City of be subject to approval by the Hearing Examiner Renton Comprehensive Plan and zoning map. after public hearing thereon and the acceptance of *Ow the design and an examination of the location with 2. Lot Area: No lot less than twenty thousand a finding by the Hearing Examiner that such (20,000) square feet shall be created in the proposed use is in compliance with all provisions of H-1 Zone after September 1, 1985. mobile home park regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and 3. Parking: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. City Code. (Ord. 2522, 11-24-69; amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, eff. 1-1-77) 4. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. 4-31-14: FREEWAY/ARTERIAL STREET 5. Landscaping: SETBACK RESTRICTIONS: a. All areas of a site not covered by A. In addition to the building and landscaping buildings, structures, paved or crushed rock setback requirements specified elsewhere in surfaces shall be landscaped. Areas set aside this Title, all buildings, structures and/or uses for future development on a lot may be hydro- of every type and description abutting or seeded. An adequate means of irrigation shall fronting on a freeway or major or secondary also be provided. arterial as defined in the arterial street map of the six (6) year street improvement plan of b. All garbage, refuse or dumpster areas the City of Renton shall maintain a ten foot shall be screened, except for access points, by (10') landscaped setback from the street a fence or landscaping or some combination property line or a twenty foot (20') landscaped thereof as determined by the Building and setback from the back of the sidewalk, Zoning Department. (Ord. 3939, 9-16-85) whichever is less. Where no sidewalk exists, a minimum of a ten foot (10') landscaped D. Aquifer Protection Area: Prior to the issuance setback shall be maintained from the street of any permit in an Aquifer Protection Area, property line. a finding must be made that the proposal will not impact the quantity or quality of water in 1. Signs may be allowed within the setback the aquifer on a short-term basis, long-term specified above by revocable permit which basis, or cumulatively in conjunction with shall be issued by the Board of Public Works other existing or proposed uses. upon a finding that the sign lends itself to the general character of the street, adjoining 1. The required finding shall be made by the land uses, and maintains the public interest, Hearing Examiner for all proposals which are safety and welfare. 490 4-31-14 4-31-15 A) 2. Arterial streets within the Central not more than two feet (2'). Accessory Business District bounded by the Cedar River, buildings when erected so that the entire FM 405 Freeway, South 4th Street, Shattuck building is within a distance of thirty feet Avenue South, South Second and Logan (30') from the rear lot line may also occupy Avenue South shall be exempt from the the side yard of an inside lot line. (Ord. 1905, setback requirement specified above. 8-16-61) B. As a part of the off-site street improvements, C. Fences and Hedges: landscape planting shall be installed and maintained by the property owner between 1. Purpose: the sidewalk and the landscape setback specified in the public street subsection A a. These regulations are intended to above. (Ord. 3543, 5-4-81) regulate the material and height of fences and hedges, particularly in front yards and in yards abutting public rights of way, in order 4-31-15: FRONT, SIDE AND REAR YARDS: to promote traffic and public safety and to maintain aesthetically pleasing.neighborhoods. A. Front Yard: Where any front yard is required, The following regulations are intended to no building shall be hereafter erected or provide and maintain adequate site distance altered so that any portion thereof shall be along public rights of way at intersections and nearer the front property line than the to encourage safe ingress and egress from distance indicated by the depth of the individual properties. These regulations also required front yard. encourage the feeling of spaciousness along neighborhood streets and minimize the closed 1. Exceptions: Eaves, cornices, steps, terraces, city atmosphere which tall fences along public platforms and porches having no roof rights of way can create. covering, and being not over forty two inches (42") high may be built within a front yard. b. A property owner wishing to vary the When forty percent (40%) or more, on front height restrictions or placement of a fence or foot basis, of all property on one side of a hedge on a lot may make written application street between two (2) intersecting streets at to the Building and Zoning Department for an the time of the passage of this Code has been administrative review of the situation. The built up with buildings having a minimum Department's staff shall review the front yard of more or less depth than that application and prepare a written established by the Code, and provided, that determination based upon criteria listed in the majority of such front yards do not vary these regulations. more than six feet (6') in depth, no building shall be built within or shall any portion, c. The provisions and conditions of this save as above excepted, project into such Section regulating height are not applicable to minimum front yard; provided, further, that fences or barriers required by State law or by no new buildings be required to set back the zoning provisions of this Code to surround more than thirty five feet (35') from the street and enclose public safety installations, school line in the R-2 or R-3 Residential Districts, grounds, public playgrounds, private or public nor more than two feet (2') farther than any swimming pools and similar installations and building on an adjoining lot and that this improvements. regulation shall not be so interpreted as to reduce a required front yard to less than ten 2. Definitions: feet (10') in depth. (Ord. 1472, 2-18-53) CLEAR VISION AREA: The area bounded by B. Side Yard: Where any specified side yard is the street property lines of corner lots and a required no building shall be hereafter erected line joining points along said street lines or altered so that any portion thereof shall be twenty feet (20') from their point of nearer to the side lot line than the distance intersection. indicated by the width of the required side yard. CORNER LOT: A lot that generally abuts two (2) or more streets except it may abut one 1. Exceptions: Eaves and cornices may extend street if such street changes its axis more over the required side yard for a distance of 490 4-31-15 4-31-15 C2) than forty five degrees (45°) along that portion iii. Rear Lot Line: A fence or hedge of the lot which it abuts. ( a maximum of seventy two inches INTERIOR LOT: A lot that generally abuts or (72") may be located on the rearlot line. has frontage on only one street, although on through lots that run from one block face to iv. Fences, walls or hedges along another, such lots could abut two (2) streets. rear lot lines of interior lots abutting alleys shall contain an 3. General Requirements: access gate to the alley. a. Measurement to Fence Height: (B) Corner Lots: (1) The height shall be measured from i. Front Yard Setbacks: Fences, the top elevation of the top board rail or v walls or hedges a maximum of wire to the ground. In cases where a - ,,.5forty two inches (42") in height wall is used instead a fence, height shall may be allowed on any part of the be measured from the top surface of the clear vision area. Fences, walls, or wall to the ground on the high side of A hedges a maximum of forty eight the wall. A berm may not be constructed I inches (48") in height, may be with a fence on it unless the total allowed within any part of the height of the berm plus the fence is less front yard setback when located ''sir+ than the maximum height allowable for outside of any clear vision area on the fence if the berm were not present. said lot. (2) Where the finished grade is a ii. Interior Side Lot Line: Fences, different elevation on either side of a walls or hedges a maximum of fence the height may be measured from seventy two inches (72") in height the side having the highest elevation. may be located on interior side lot lines to the point where they (3) Where a traffic vision hazard is intersect the required front yard created, the City may require a modifi- setback, in which case they shall cation to the height limitations and be governed by b.1 above. location of fences, hedges or walls to the degree necessary to eliminate the iii. Side Lot Line Abutting Street: hazard. Fences, walls or hedges a maximum of forty two inches (42") b. Height Limitations: in height within any clear vision area and forty eight inches (48") in (1) Residential Uses: height elsewhere. Now (A) Interior Lots: iv. Rear Lot Line: Fences, walls, or hedges a maximum of seventy two i. Front Yard Setbacks: Fences, .-• inches (72") in height may be walls or hedges a maximum of ,r-0 located along the rear lot line forty eight inches (48") in height except the fence shall be limited to 1 may be allowed within the required 1 forty eight inches (48") in height front yard subject to these where they intersect the width of provisions. the required side yard setback of the side street and where the fence ii. Side Lot Lines: Fences, walls orabuts the front yard of an interior hedges on interior lot lines of re- I lot. quired front yards shall not exceed forty eight inches (48") in height. (' v. Fences, walls, or hedges along Fences, walls or hedges on interior �. rear lot lines of interior lots side lot lines not within required abutting alleys shall contain an front yards may be a maximum of V I access gate to the alley. seventy two inches (72") in height. scan. 4-31-15 4-31-16 C3b) (2) Commercial, Industrial and Other (1) Fences exceeding forty eight inches Uses: A maximum of eight feet (8') (48") within front yard setbacks but not " anywhere on the lot provided the fence within a clear vision area. ) does not stand in or in front of any required landscaping or pose a traffic (2) Solid fences along side property lines vision hazard. abutting arterial streets. (3) Fence Types: (3) Electric fences. (A) Electric Fences: b. The Building and Zoning Department shall approve the issuance of special fence i. Electric fences are permitted by permits provided that: special review in all residential zones in cases where large domes- (1) Fences, walls and hedges above forty tic animals are being kept provided eight inches (48") when all setback from additional fencing or other barrier the street property line four inches (4") is erected along the property lines. from every one inch of increased height sought (over 48", up to a maximum of ii. All electric fences shall be 72"). posted with permanent signs a minimum of thirty six (36) square (2) Fences along property lines abutting inches in area at intervals of a side street which is an arterial may be *41110.4 fifteen feet (15') stating that the a maximum of seventy two inches (72") fence is electrified. in height. This fence must be located to the rear of the required front yard. In iii. Electric fences and any related addition, driveways will not be allowed equipment and appliances must be to access through this fence. The installed in accordance with the location of the fence exceeding forty two manufacturer's specifications and in inches (42") in height along property compliance with the National lines, particularly the front and side lot /' Electrical Code. lines along flanking arterial streets, does not obstruct views of on-coming traffic at (B) Barbed Wire Fences: Barbed intersections or driveways. wire may only be used on top of fences at least six feet (6') high for commercial, 5. Compliance: Fences which do not comply industrial, utility and public uses. with these regulations must be brought into compliance within six (6) months from the (C) Other: date of notice of fence violation from the City. (Ord. 4056, 4-13-87) i. Bulk Storage Fences: See Section 4-31-29. 4-31-16: OFFICE PARK DISTRICT (O-P): ii. Fences for mobile home parks, subdivisions or planned unit A. Purpose and Intent: The Office Park Zone development and for sites which (O-P) is established to provide areas are mined, graded or excavated appropriate for professional, administrative, may vary from these regulations as and business offices, certain manufacturing provided in the respective code activities, and supportive services in a sections. campus-like setting. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) 4. Special Review Process: B. Uses: In the Office Park Zone (O-P), the following and similar uses are permitted. The a. Persons wishing to have one of the Building and Zoning Department may deter- following types of fences may submit a letter mine that any other use is similar in general of justification, site plan and typical elevation character to the following specific uses and is together with the permit fee to the Building in keeping with the intent of this Zone. Upon and Zoning Department: such administrative determination, the subject 4-31-16 4-31-16 B) use shall become a principal, accessory or d. Repair activities ordinarily associated conditional use, whichever is appropriate. with a permitted use. Unless indicated by the text, definitions of the uses listed in this Zone are consistent with e. Storage of petroleum or natural gas the descriptions in the Standard Industrial or any of their by-products, provided that the Classification Manual. total storage capacity is less than ten thousand (10,000) gallons or other applicable 1. Principal Uses: In the 0-P Zone the unit of measure, and that storage of such following principal uses are permitted: products is placed underground. a. Administrative and professional 3. Conditional Uses: In the 0-P Zone the offices. following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by conditional use permit as b. Medical and dental offices and clinics. provided in Section 4-31-36 of the City Code: c. Financial offices such as banks, a. Churches. savings and loan institutions. b. Heliports. d. Schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance and music. c. Personal, recreational and repair services and retail uses, subject to the e. Business and professional services. standards of Section 4-31-16C2. f. Research and development. d. Additional uses as identified in Section 4-31-36D1. (Ord. 3937, 9-16-85) g. Educational, cultural, and social activities. (Ord. 3937, 9-16-85) e. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) h. Product servicing, wholesaling, warehousing and storage of articles, products or merchandise from previously prepared 4. Prohibited Uses: In the 0-P Zone the natural or synthetic materials, or ferrous or following uses are prohibited: alloyed metals. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) a. Residential uses. i. Day care facilities. (Ord. 3937, 9-16- 85) b. Automobile, motorcycle, truck, boat, mobile home, trailer, and recreational vehicle j. Hobby Kennels: A maximum of eight sales, rental, repair, service and storage (8) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after activities, except repair and maintenance may satisfaction of the requirements in Section be permitted if incidental to a permitted use. 4-31-37C1a. (Ord. 3955, 11-4-85) c. Any outdoor storage or display of k. Motion picture theaters and similar materials or products. recreational and entertainment facilities, subject to the provisions of Section 4-31-25C2. d. All other uses not included in Section (Ord. 3980, 3-24-86) 4-31-16B1 through 4-31-16B3. (Ord. 3937, 9-16-85) 2. Accessory Uses: In the O-P Zone the following uses are allowed where incidental to e. Off-site hazardous waste treatment a permitted use: and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) a. Parking garages. C. Development Standards: In the 0-P Zone the following development standards shall apply, b. Recreational facilities. except as otherwise provided by this Section. c. Retail sales of products or merchan- 1. Site Plan Approval: Site plan approval dise produced as a permitted use. shall be required for all developments within 4-31-16 4-31-16 Cl) the 0-P Zone. A building site plan shall be b. Other Yards: All buildings and filed and approved in accordance with the structures shall be located a minimum of r City Code prior to issuance of any building twenty feet (20') or fifteen percent (15%) of permits. Each building or other development the lot width, whichever is less, from any permit issued shall be in conformance with property line which does not abut a public the approved site plan. street or highway. 2. Standards for Retail and Selected Service c. Adjacent to Large Structures: The Uses: For those service and retail uses required yard setbacks adjacent to any build- identified in Section 4-31-16B3c, the following ing or structure with a building footprint standards shall apply: greater than twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet shall be increased one foot<1') for a. The design of structures, including each additional two thousand (2,000) square signs, shall be generally consistent in feet of building footprint, up to a maximum of character with surrounding uses. No drive-up one hundred feet (100') abutting public windows or outside automobile service shall streets, and sixty feet (60') in other yards. be permitted. d. Adjacent to Residential Lots: b. No exterior display of merchandise Whenever a proposed use in the 0-P Zone shall be permitted. shares a common property line with a lot that is designated any residential use on both the c. In order to avoid the negative impacts City of Renton comprehensive plan and zoning ,, 10* of strip commercial development: map, the minimum setback contiguous to the common property line shall be fifty feet (50'). (1) Retail or selected service uses shall Whenever an adjacent lot contains a be developed as part of larger, planned residential use and either the comprehensive commercial, office or industrial plan or zoning designation or both is complexes having common architectural something other than residential, then the or landscaping themes. Such retail or appropriate setback and landscaping adjacent service uses shall not stand alone and to the residential lot shall be determined by shall not occupy more than fifty percent site plan approval. A site plan decision to (50%) of a jointly developed building require more than the minimum setback and complex. landscaping shall consider the long term viability of the residential use, the presence of (2) Direct arterial access to individual other residential uses in the surrounding uses shall occur only when alternative area, and such other indications of stability as access to local or collector streets or owner-occupancy and housing condition. consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. e. Use of Setback Areas: All required setback areas shall be unoccupied and Vie (3) Roof signs shall be prohibited. unobstructed except for off-street parking and Free-standing signs shall not exceed ten loading, driveways, entrance roads, lawn feet (10') in height and shall be located sprinklers, walkways, landscaping, ordinary at least twenty feet (20') from any and necessary utility service facilities, utility property line, except for entrance and poles, lighting fixtures, identifying and exit signs. direction signs and underground installations accessory to any permitted use. 3. Setbacks: f. Flexible Setbacks: With site plan a. Streets: All buildings and_structurep approval and subject to applicable building shall be located a minimum of sixty feet (60') and fire codes, one of the side setbacks (not or twenty percent (20%) of the lot depth, adjacent to a public street or residential use, whichever is less, from any public street or as defined in Section 4-31-16C3d may be highway property line. In any case, if the reduced or eliminated if the total width of adjacent public street is a major or secondary both side setbacks is at least twice the width arterial, the setback shall be at least thirty of the minimum setback specified in Section feet (30'). 4-31-16 4-31-16 C3f) 4-31-16C3b above; and the rear setback not landscaping. The twenty percent (20%) adjacent to a public street may be reduced or minimum landscaping requirement may not eliminated if the front setback is increased be reduced if a site is developed as a PUD. accordingly. The site plan decision shall be based on a finding that, with reduced set- d. All areas not covered by buildings, backs, the architectural design, building mien- structures or paved surfaces shall be land- tation, circulation, noise and glare of the scaped. Areas set aside for future develop- proposed project will be compatible with adja- ment on a lot may be hydroseeded. cent uses and with the purpose and intent of the 0-P Zone. e. Where parking lots are adjacent to one another, perimeter landscaping shall not 4. Height: Building heights in the 0-P Zone be required. shall be established with consideration to adjacent land uses and shall be determined as f. Any wall surface greater than thirty follows: feet (30') in width lacking windows or doors shall be softened by landscaping or archi- a. Adjacent to Single Family/Low tectural features, such as change of texture or Density Multi-Family Uses: No height limit wall modulation. Such landscaping shall shall be required provided that for each one include trees over six feet (6') in height placed foot (1') of building height there shall be no more than thirty feet (30') on center or in provided one foot (1') of yard setback on the clusters. `tiro' periphery of the site where the office park use is adjacent to a single family or low With site plan approval, the perimeter density multiple family use located on a lot land aping setbacks required by Section 4-31- designated single family or low density 16C5a and b above may be reduced in width multi-family on the City of Renton up to fifty percent (50%) if the equivalent comprehensive plan and zoning map. square footage of landscaping is provided elsewhere within the site. Site plan approval b, Adjacent to All Other Uses: No height shall be based on a finding that the limit shall be required provided that all re- alternative landscaping arrangement provides quired yard setbacks adjacent to such other buffering and site amenities equal to or better uses shall be increased one foot (1') for each than that which would be achieved by strict additional one foot (1') of height above forty application of the Code. The relocated land- five feet (45'). scaping shall not be located within the rear setback of the site. c. These setback/height requirements cannot be modified by application under the 6. Refuse: No refuse, trash, rubbish or other PUD process. waste material shall be dumped, placed or allowed to remain outside a permanent build- . *tow 5. Landscaping. ing, except in nonflammable, covered contain- ers or dumpsters, which shall be screened by a. There shall be a minimum landscaped fences or landscaping. No refuse shall be setback of twenty feet (20') from all public stacked higher than the screening fence or street or highway rights of way., landscaping. b. There shall be a minimum landscaped 7. Parking/Circulation: Parking and circulation setback of ten feet (10') or one-half (1/2) the, standards required shall be as follows: required setback, whichever is less, from all other property fines_ — a. Access: The principal access shall be from an arterial or collector street and shall c. A minimum of twenty percent (20%%) be oriented to the least traveled street when- of the site shall be retained in Iandsc vd ever two (2) or more such arterials or collec- open__space. A maximum of one-half (1/2) of tors abut the site. this requirement may be on the roofs of structures, provided employees and the public b. Parking/Circulation: Parking and have access to the area. A maximum of circulation areas along a common lot line with seventy five percent (75%) of this requirement a residential use located on a lot designated may be within the required perimeter as a residential use on both the City of 4-31-16 4-31-17 C7b) Renton comprehensive plan and zoning map of toxic gases or matter shall be permitted. shall be allowed only if a ten foot (10') wide sight-obscuring landscaping strip and a six f. Vibration: No vibration shall be foot (6') high solid fence are provided along permitted to exceed 0.003 of one inch dis- the common boundary line. placement or 0.03 (g) peak acceleration, whichever is greater, as measured at any c. Parking and Loading: point outside the property lines of the lot or site. This shall apply in the frequency range (1) See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City of zero to five thousand (0 - 5,000) cycles per Code. second. Shock absorbers or similar mounting shall be allowed to permit compliance with (2) All loading docks and roll-up doors this specification. shall be located at the rear of buildings or screened so that they are not visible g. Glare and Heat: from any point along the abutting public right of way. (1) No glare and heat from any source shall be permitted to be unreasonably (3) At no time shall any part of a objectionable beyond the exterior pro- vehicle be allowed to extend into a perty lines of a lot or site. public right of way while the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded. All loading (2) All exterior or wall mounted lighting and unloading maneuvers shall be fixtures shall be directed away from vsattl conducted on private property. public streets or rights of way. Exterior lighting fixtures shall be equipped with 8. Environmental Performance Standards: The hoods or reflectors such that direct light following minimum standards shall be met by rays extend no more than ten feet (10') all activities within the 0-P Zone. For all beyond the nearest property line. activities which may produce objectionable or otherwise prohibited conditions, the property 9. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City owner or lessee shall furnish design specifica- Code. (Ord. 3937, 9-16-85) tions or other scientific evidence of compliance _ with these standards. 4-31-17: AIRPORT ZONING: a. Noise: See Title VIII, Chapter 7, Noise Level Regulations. A. Zones: In order to regulate the use of property in the vicinity of the airport, all of b. Smoke: the land within two (2) miles south and one mile east and west of, or that part of the (1) Visible grey smoke shall not be emit- area that is within the City limits of Renton, ted from any source in a greater density Washington, whichever is nearest the of grey than that described as No. 1 on boundaries of the airport, is hereby divided Ringelmann Chart. into airport approach, transition and turning zones. The boundaries thereof are shown on (2) The provisions applicable to visible the Renton Airport Approach Plan numbered grey smoke shall also apply to visible No. 1, dated March 1, 1956, which plan is smoke of a different color but with an made a part hereof. equivalent apparent opacity. B. Height Limits: Except as otherwise provided c. Dust, Dirt, Fly Ash or Airborne in this Code, no structure or tree shall be Solids: No observable dust, dirt, fly ash or erected, altered, allowed to grow or be main- airborne solids shall be emitted. tained in any airport approach zone or airport turning zone to a height in excess of the d. Odorous Gases and Matter: No height limit herein established for such zone. odorous gases or matter in a quantity suf- For the purposes of this regulation, the ficient to evoke a response from the average following height limits are hereby established person beyond the exterior property lines for each of the zones in question: (Ord. 1542, shall be emitted. 4-17-56) e. Toxic Gases and Matter: No emissions 4-31-17 4-31-19 B1) 1. Approach Zones (Shaded Dark Red on the said court, except that a cornice, belt Plan): Height limitation to be one foot (1') in course or similar projection on the building height for each forty feet (40') lateral separ- may extend into an "outer court" two inches ation from a line which is two hundred feet (2") for each foot in width of such court, and (200') south from the "Displaced Threshold" at may extend into an "inner court" one inch (1") Station No. 10+00 as shown on revised for each such foot in width of such court. Renton Airport Approach Plan, No. 1-R, dated May 17, 1960, which approach plan is filed A. Inner Court: An inner court shall be of a herewith and by this reference is made a part width of not less than four feet (4'), nor less hereof. (Ord. 1829, 5-17-60) than sixteen percent (16%) of the court height; provided further, that in no case shall 2. Approach Transition Zone (Shaded Light a width of more than twenty feet (20') be Red on Plan): Height limit to be one foot (1') required. A minimum court length of one and in height for each seven feet (7') of lateral one-half (1 1/2) times the court width is separation from the Renton airport boundary. required. 3. Airport Turning Zone: Any object over one B. Outer Court: An outer court shall be of width hundred fifty feet (150') in height is an of not less than four feet (4'), nor less than obstruction. ten percent (10%) of the court height, provided further that in no case shall width C. Use Restrictions: Notwithstanding any other of more than ten feet (10') be required. provisions of this Code, no use may be made of land within any airport approach zone or C. Ventilation and Light: Every room used for airport turning zone in such a manner as to habitation shall have openings to the exterior create electrical interference with radio with an area through which light may pass of communication between the airport and air- not less than one-eighth (118) of the floor craft, making it difficult for fliers to area. Exterior doors and windows shall open distinguish between airport lights and others, to the extent of not less. than five percent result in glare in the eyes of fliers using the (5%) of the floor area. airport, impair visibility in the vicinity thereof, or otherwise endanger the landing, Windows shall face unobstructed, uncovered, taking off, or maneuvering of aircraft. horizontal areas of at least the extent of the glass area of all the windows opening thereon, D. Hazard Marking and Lighting: Any permit or but no dimension of which is less than five variance granted as provided in this Chapter feet (5'). (Ord. 1472, 12-18-53) and affecting the airport approach, transition or turning zone shall be so conditioned as to require the owner of the structure or tree in 4-31-19: ADMINISTRATION; INTERPRE- question to permit the City, at its own TATION AND PERMITS: low expense, to install, operate and maintain thereon such markers and lights as may be A. Minimum Requirements: In interpreting and necessary to give adequate notice to aircraft applying the provisions of this Chapter, the of the presence of such airport hazard. (Ord. requirements herein shall be considered the 1542, 4-17-56) minimum for the promotion of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare; therefore, where this Chapter imposes a 4-31-18: COURTS: In all buildings hereafter greater restriction upon the use of the erected or structurally altered, all buildings or premises, or upon the height of windows shall open upon a yard, court, street or buildings, or requires larger open spaces than alley as hereafter provided. In no event shall any are imposed or required by other laws, yard or court be made to serve two (2) buildings ordinances, rules or regulations, tic provisions hereafter erected, or any existing building and a of this Chapter shall control. (Ord. 2630, building hereafter erected. 4-26-71) Every court shall be open and unobstructed to the B. Special Permits: Recognizing that there are sky from the floor level of the lowest story in a certain uses of property that may be building in which there are windows from rooms or detrimental to the public health, safety, apartments abutting the said court and served by morals, and general welfare, and not 4-31-19 4-31-19 B) permitted by right in the zone where or approval as set forth in Chapter 8 of Title proposed, depending upon the facts, of each IV. The Board of Adjustment shall have particular case, a limited power to issue authority to grant variances from the pro- permits for such uses is vested in the visions of this Title upon application to the Hearing Examiner following recommendation Building Department where no approval or by the Building Department. The standards of permit is required for the proposed develop- review and procedural requirements shall be ment which must be granted by the Examiner the same as a conditional use permit. (Ord. pursuant to Chapter 8, Title IV. The Board of 3592, 12-14-81) Adjustment shall have no authority to vary the terms or conditions of any permit, C. Steep Topography (Garage Location): The recommendation or decision issued by the Building Department may, in specific cases Hearing Examiner. where the topography of the premises or the location of buildings existing prior to the 2. A property owner, or his duly authorized passage of this Code make compliance with agent, may file an application for a variance the provisions governing the location of which application shall set forth fully the private garages impossible, grant a special grounds therefor and the facts deemed to permit for a private garage to be located justify the granting of such variance. Notice nearer to the street line than the main of the application shall be given in the structure, but in any case where such location following manner: is within a required front or side yard, the highest point of a building so located shall a. In the case of a variance application vie not be more than thirty inches (30") above to the Hearing Examiner the provisions of the average level of the ground on the side Chapter 8, Title N shall apply. In the case of farthest from the street line. Likewise, the, an application for variance to the Board of Building Department may, upon proper Adjustment, the application shall be application, grant a special permit for the considered at a public hearing, the date of location of a garage on the low side of the which shall be not more than forty five (45) street nearer to the street line than the main days from the date of filing and acceptance of building. (Ord. 2630, 4-26-71, amd. Ord. 3592, such application. 12-14.81) b. Notice of time and place of public D. Interpretation: It shall be the duty of the hearing shall be given in at least one Hearing Examiner to interpret the provisions publication in the City's legal newspaper of this Chapter in such a way as to carry out which publication shall be not less than ten the intent and purpose of the plan thereof, as (10) days prior to the date of said public shown by the maps fixing districts, accom- hearing, in addition thereto three (3) written panying and made part of this Code, in cases notices of such public hearing shall be posted, where the street layout actually on the at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing, ground varies from the street layout as shown within, on or about the subject premises and on the maps aforesaid. if such premises contain any structures or building, then at least one of such notices E. Temporary Permits: The Hearing Examiner shall be posted on such structure or building. may approve the granting of temporary permits for structures and uses that do not c. If for any reason testimony in any conform with the regulations herein pre- manner set for public hearing, or being heard, scribed. A temporary permit shall be granted cannot be completed on date set for such • for a maximum period up to two (2) years hearing, the person presiding at such public and may include any conditions imposed by hearing or meeting may, before adjournment the Hearing Examiner. (Ord. 2630, 4-6-71; or recess of such matters under consideration, amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, eff. 1-1-77) publicly announce the time and place to and at which said meeting will be continued, and F. Variance: no further notice of any kind shall be required. 1. The Hearing Examiner shall have the authority to grant variance is from the d. Any notice of hearing pertaining to provisions of this Title where the proposed any variance shall set forth with reasonable development requires or required any permit certainty the description of the property under 441-19 4-31-19 F2d) consideration, the nature of the proposed variance granted by the Hearing Examiner change or use, and the time and place of such shall expire pursuant to the provisions of public hearing. Chapter 8, Title IV. (Ord. 3463, 8-11-80) 3. The Hearing Examiner or Board of G. Home Occupations: Customary, incidental Adjustment, as the case may be, shall have home occupations conducted within a dwelling authority to grant a variance upon making a and not in an accessory building may be determination in writing that the conditions permitted in all residential districts by the specified below have been found to exist: Building and Zoning Department following a review by the Fire Department, provided: a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary 1. That no retail or personal services to because of special circumstances applicable to customers on site or sale to customers on site subject property, including size, shape, of any sort is involved; no stock or trade is topography, location or surroundings of the kept or commodities sold, except such as are subject property, and the strict application of made on the premises. the zoning code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges 2. That there shall be no exterior display, no enjoyed by other property owners in the exterior alteration of the property including vicinity and under identical zone expansion of parking, no exterior storage of classification; materials and no other external indication of New a home occupation or variation from the b. That the granting of the variance will residential character of the premises. not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or 3. That no persons not residents on the - improvements in the vicinity and zone in premises are employed. which subject property is situated; 4. That no mechanical equipment is used c. That approval shall not constitute a except such as is permissible for purely grant of special privilege inconsistent with the domestic purposes. The use of electrical limitation upon uses of other properties in the equipment that would change the fire rating vicinity and zone in which the subject of the structure or create visible or audible property is situated; interference in radio or television receivers or cause fluctuations in line voltage outside the d. That the approval as determined by dwelling unit is prohibited. the Examiner or Board of Adjustment is a minimum variance that will accomplish the 5. That do not occupy more than twenty five desired purpose. percent (25%) of the floor space of the main floor of the residence and in no event, more 441400, 4. The Hearing Examiner or Board of than three hundred (300) square feet. Adjustment may prescribe any conditions upon the variance deemed to be necessary 6. That the home occupation shall not involve and required. Any variance granted by the the use of commercial vehicles, other than Board of Adjustment, unless otherwise those owned by the applicant and not for specified in writing, shall become null and delivery of products or materials to and from void and in the event that the applicant or the premises. owner of the subject property for which a variance has been requested has failed to 7. That no window displays made or signs commence construction or otherwise shown are permitted other than signs in implement effectively the variance granted compliance with the provisions of the Renton within a period of two (2) years after such Sign Code, also known as Chapter 20 of Title variance has been issued. For proper cause IV (Building Regulations). shown, an applicant may petition the Board of Adjustment for an extension of the two (2) 8. That no merchandise shall be stored within year period, specifying the reasons therefor. the dwelling or appurtenant premises except The Board of Adjustment may extend the that amount and type which is reasonably time limit, but such extension shall not required for a home hobby and not a busi- exceed one additional year in any event. Any ness. 4-31-19 4-31-20 G) 9. That the occupations listed below shall not passage of traffic on any roads or streets in be considered incidental and secondary to the the area of the person's property. use of a residence for dwelling purposes, be- cause they do change the residential character c. Goods are not to be displayed in thereof, and are thereby prohibited: public rights of way. a. Barber and beauty shops or similar d. Signs advertising such sales shall not cosmetology establishments at applicant's be attached to any public structures, signs, or residential site. traffic control devices nor to any utility poles. Signs may only be placed on property owned b. Kennels and other boarding for pets. by person conducting the sale or on property where an owner gives consent to post such c. Mechanical repair shops at applicant's sign. All such signs shall be removed twenty residential lot. four (24) hours after the sale is completed. d. Medical offices. e. A garage sale which violates one or more of the above conditions shall be 10. A person shall obtain a permit for considered a business and must be brought storage, handling or use of Class I flammable into compliance with all requirements for liquids in excess of one gallon in any dwelling business uses, including compliance with the or other place of human habitation. zoning code. vizie 11. Minimum rated 2-A 10 BC fire extin- f. Any person found in violation of this guisher is required. Section shall be informed in writing by the Building and Zoning Department of the 12. Premises shall be open for inspection violation and shall be given fourteen (14) days during normal work hours for the purpose of to comply with this Section. Following this ascertaining and causing to be corrected, any action, if a subsequent garage sale is condition which would reasonably tend to conducted in violation of this Section, each cause fire or contribute to its spread as per day the sale is conducted shall be considered Uniform Fire Code. a separate violation and shall be subject to the following penalty. 13. Must meet all Uniform Fire Code requirements for type of business being g. Penalty: Any person conducting any conducted. garage sale as defined herein in Section 4-31-2 without being properly licensed therefor 14. Any alterations to building, either interior or who shall violate any of the other terms or exterior, shall be under permit of City of and regulations of this Ordinance, shall upon Renton Building Department. (Ord. 3810, conviction, be fined not less than twenty five 5-7-84) dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred Nozie dollars ($100.00) or to be imprisoned for a 15. Garage sales as defined in Section 4-31-2 period of not to exceed ten (10) days for each shall not be considered as an allowable home violation. (Ord. 3931, 8-12-85) occupation. Exemptions and conditions for garage sales shall include: 4-31-20: BOUNDARIES AND DISTRICTS: The a. Incidental garage sales consisting of boundaries of the various districts shall no more than one such sale per calendar be shown on the use and area maps accompanying quarter, and no more than three (3) within and hereby made a part of this Code. the same calendar year and with no such sale continuing for more than two (2) days, shall A. The said district boundaries are, unless be exempt from this Section. otherwise indicated, the center lines of streets, alleys or lot lines as shown on the b. Garage sales shall be supervised and said maps. Where the location of the bound- are the responsibility of the occupant or the aries in such districts, as indicated on these tenant who occupies the dwelling unit. This maps, are shown to be other than street, person shall not permit vehicles to impede the alley or lot lines, then such boundary shall be 4-31-20 431-23 A) construed to be distance one hundred twenty Examiner for hearing as required by Chapter feet (120') from and parallel with the frontage 8, Title IV. All petitions for a rezone shall be street line, unless shown to be otherwise by a accompanied by a plat in duplicate, drawn to distance in figures. scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and B. Where the street layout actually on the location of existing buildings and buildings to ground varies from that shown on the Use be erected and such other pertinent informa- District maps, the designations shown on the tion as may be required by the Building maps shall be applied by the Planning Corn- Department. (Ord. 3463, 8-11-80; amd. Ord. mission to the street as actually laid out so 3592, 12-14-81) as to carry out the intent and purpose of the zoning plan of that district D. A petition for a change of zoning classifi- cation, seeking the same or substantially same relief as a prior petition, cannot be 4-31-21: ENFORCEMENT: It shall be the duty refiled or resubmitted with the Hearing of the Building Inspector (or official) in Examiner or the City Council, for a period of charge of issuing building permits and inspection of twelve (12) months from the date of final buildings to see that this Chapter is enforced disapproval or rejection of such prior petition. through the proper legal channels. He shall issue (OH. 3463, 8-11-80) no permit for the construction or alteration of any New building or part thereof unless the plans, specifications and intended use of such building 4-31-23: COMPLETION AND RESTORATION conform in all respects with the provisions of this OF EXISTING BUILDINGS: Chapter. A. Pending Permits Valid: Nothing herein Plats: All specifications for building permits shall contained shall require any change in the be accompanied by a plat in duplicate drawn to plans, construction, designated or intended scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to use of a building, for which a building permit be built upon the size, the use and location of has heretofore been issued, or plans for which existing buildings and buildings to be erected, and are now on file in with the Building Inspec- such other information as may be necessary to tor, a permit for the erection of which is provide for the enforcement of this Chapter. A issued within one month after the adoption of careful record of such application and plats shall be this Code, and the construction of which in kept in the office of the Building Inspector or either case: proper enforcement official. (Ord. 1472, 12-18-53; amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, eff. 1-1-77) 1. Shall have begun and been diligently prosecuted within one month from the adoption of this Code; and 4-31-22: AMENDMENTS: 2. Be entirely completed according to such A. The Council may upon proper petition or plans as filed within one year from the upon its own motion, after a public hearing adoption of this Code. thereon and referral to and report from the City Hearing Examiner, change by ordinance B. Nonconforming Uses: The lawful use of any the zoning classifications as shown on the building, structure or land existing at the district maps. time of enactment of this Code may be continued, although such use does not B. The Council may upon its own motion after conform with the provisions of this Code, public hearing and referral to and report from provided the following conditions are met: the City Planning Commission, amend, supplement or change by ordinance the 1. Unsafe structures: Nothing in this Chapter regulations herein established. (Ord. 2188, shall prevent the strengthening or restoring 10-25-65) to a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a C. An application for a rezone of property may proper authority. be made by the property owner, or somebody authorized on his behalf on forms provided by 2. Alterations: A nonconforming building or and filed with the Building Department. Such structure may be altered, improved or application shall be referred to the Hearing reconstructed in compliance with the 4-31-23 4-31-25 B2) requirements of the City Code, provided such for any building shall be issued before the work is not to an extent exceeding an application has been made for certificate of aggregate cost of fifty percent (50%) of the occupancy.' value of the building or structure, unless the building or structure is changed to a Land: Certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant conforming use. lands or the change in the use of land as herein provided, shall be applied for before any such land 3. Extension: A nonconforming use shall not shall be occupied or used, and a certificate of be extended, but the extension of a lawful use occupancy shall be issued within ten (10) days to any portion of a nonconforming building or after the application has been made, providing such structure which existed prior to the use is in conformity with the provisions of these enactment of this Code shall not be deemed regulations. the extension of such nonconforming use. Nonconforming Uses: Upon a written request of the 4. Changes: No nonconforming building, owner, the Building Inspector shall issue a structure or use shall be changed to another certificate of occupancy for any building or land nonconforming use. existing at the time this Code takes effect, certifying, after inspection, the use of the building 5. Restoration: Nothing in this Chapter shall or land and whether such use conforms to the prevent the reconstruction, repairing, provisions of the Code. Where a plat as above rebuilding and continued use of any noncon- provided is not already on file, an application for a forming building or structure damaged by fire, certificate of occupancy shall be accompanied by a collapse, explosion, or act of God, subsequent survey in duplicate form such as is required for a to the date of this Code, wherein the expense permit. (Ord. 1472, 12-18-53) of such work does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the value of the building or structure at the time such damage occurred; otherwise 4-31-25: MANUFACTURING PARR (M-P) any restoration or reconstruction shall DISTRICT: conform to the regulations and uses specified in this Chapter. A. Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the M-P ! " Zone is to provide for a wide variety of 6. Abandonment: A nonconforming use (of a industrial, transportation, service and office building or premises) which has been aban- activities which meet high operational, doned shall not thereafter be resumed, A development and environmental standards. nonconforming use shall be considered aban- Compatible personal service and retail uses doned: which are supportive of industrial areas are also permitted. Standards for scale, buffers, a. When the intent of the owner to outdoor activities and external impacts are set discontinue the use is apparent, and discon- forth to ensure high quality air, water, light, tinuance for a period of one year or more and sound environments, adequate traffic Name shall be prima facie evidence that the circulation, and compatible lane. uses. The nonconforming use has been abandoned, or M-P Zone is intended to implement the manufacturing park/multiple option, manufac- b. When it has been replaced by a turing park/multiple option - office/light conforming use, or industry, and manufacturing park/multiple option - industry designations of the Compre- c. When it has been changed to another hensive Plan. The principal zoning category use under permit from the City or its for areas so designated on the comprehensive authorized representative. (Ord. 1542, 4-17-56) plan should be M-P. B. Uses: In the Manufacturing Park Zone (M-P), 4-31-24: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: No the following and similar uses are permitted. vacant land shall be occupied or used The Building and Zoning Department may and no building hereafter erected shall be occupied determine that any other use is similar in or used, nor shall the use of a building be changed general character to the following specific uses from a use limited to one district to that of any and is in keeping with the intent of this other district as defined by this Chapter until a Zone. Upon such administrative determine- certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by tion, the subject use shall become a principal, the Building Inspector. No permit for excavation 1. See also Title IV, Chapter 22 of this Code. yowl 431-25 4-81-25 B) accessory or conditional use, whichever is h. Hobby Kennels: A maximum of eight appropriate. Unless indicated by the text, (8) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after definitions of the uses listed in this Zone are satisfaction of the requirements in Section consistent with the descriptions in the Stan- 4-31-37C1a. (Ord. 3955, 11-4-85) dard Industrial Classification Manual. 2. Accessory Uses: In the M-P Zone the 1. Principal Uses: In the M-P Zone, the following uses are allowed where subordinate following principal uses are permitted: and incidental to a permitted use: a. Manufacturing, processing, assembling a. Detached buildings or structures and product servicing of: which are ordinarily associated with a per- mitted use. (1) Articles, products or merchandise from previously prepared natural or syn- b. Outside storage of materials, products thetic materials; or containers subject to the limitations and screening provisions of Section 4-31-25C7. (2) Articles, products or merchandise from previously prepared ferrous or c. A security building of less than one alloyed metals; hundred (100) square feet located within a re- quired yard but outside of required landscaped (8) Food and kindred products. areas. Nosy b. Transportation, communication and d. One residence per establishment for utility services: Warehousing and storage, security or maintenance personnel and family, express delivery and hauling activities with provided that mobile homes and travel trailers limited cargo handling at a central terminal, are not permitted. utility distribution activities and support facilities, and communication services. e. Retail sales incidental to a permitted use. c. Services: f. Repair services ordinarily associated (1) All manner of business, professional, with a permitted use. research and development, health, legal, educational, social, cultural and other g. Drive-up "will call" windows. (Ord. services; 3463, 8-11-80) (2) Personal, recreational, and repair h. Storage of petroleum or natural gas services, motion picture theaters, and or any of their by-products, provided that the similar recreational and entertainment total storage capacity is less than fifty thou- N" facilities, subject to the provisions of sand (50,000) gallons or other applicable unit Section 4-31-25C2; of measure, and that storage of such products is placed underground. (Ord. 3984, 41486) (3) Day care facilities. i. Recycling collection stations, provided d. Offices: All manner of administrative, that they are located outside of any required professional, medical, financial and business setback or landscaping area. (Ord. 3463, offices. 8-11-80) e. Wholesale trade. j. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) f. Retail trade subject to the provisions of Section 4-31-25C2. 3. Conditional Uses: In the M-P Zone the fol- lowing uses may be allowed by conditional use g. Recycling collection centers; provided, permit as provided in Section 4-31-36 of the that they are located outside of any required zoning code. setback or landscaping area. (Ord. 3936, 9-16-85) 1090 4-31-25 4-31-25 B3) a. Gasoline service stations, provided shall be required for all developments within that all activities except fuel sales are con- the M-P Zone. A building site plan shall be ducted entirely within an enclosed building. filed and approved in accordance with the City Code prior to issuance of any building b. Truck terminals and associated ware- permits. Each building or other development housing facilities. permit issued shall be in conformance with the approved site plan. c. Outdoor storage exceeding twenty feet (20') in height. 2. Standards for Retail and Selected Service Uses: For those service and retail uses d. Outdoor aboveground storage of up to identified in Sections 4-31-25B1c(2) and ten thousand (10,000) gallons of the accessory 4-31-25B1f, the following standards shall storage of petroleum or natural gas or any of apply: their by-products permitted in Section 4-31-25B2h above. a. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in e. Any permitted use whose activities, character with surrounding uses. No drive-up including manufacturing and storage, are windows shall be permitted. predominantly conducted out-of-doors rather than completely enclosed within a building. b. No exterior display of merchandise designed to be viewed from the public right of f. Additional uses as identified in Section way shall be permitted. vie 4-31-36D1. (Ord. 3463, 8-11-80) c. In order to avoid the negative impacts g. Off-site hazardous waste treatment of strip commercial development: (Ord. 3463, and storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) 8-11-80) 4. Prohibited Uses: In the M-P Zone the (1) Retail or service uses shall be following uses are prohibited: developed as part of larger, planned commercial, office or industrial a. Residential uses except for a security complexes having common architectural or maintenance personnel residence as or landscaping themes. A retail or -- provided in Section 4-31-25B2d. service use shall not stand alone, unless such use has a gross floor area greater b. Automobile, motorcycle, truck, boat, than twenty five thousand (25,000) mobile home, trailer, and recreational vehicle square feet. Any stand alone retail or sales and rental establishments. service use, smaller than twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet, in c. Automobile, motorcycle, truck, boat, existence prior to the effective date of mobile home, trailer, and recreational vehicle this Ordinance shall be permitted to , repair, service and storage activities, except expand, subject to all other provisions of gasoline service stations or as incidental to a City Code. (Ord. 3984, 4-14-86) permitted use. (2) Direct arterial access to individual d. Refining, manufacture or bulk storage uses shall occur only when alternative of petroleum, or any of its by-products. access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is a. Salvage, wrecking and disposal not feasible. activities conducted out-of-doors. (3) Roof signs shall be prohibited. (Ord. f. All other uses not included in Sections 3463, 8-11-80) 4-31-25B1 through 4-31-25B3. 3. Lot Area: The minimum lot area permitted C. Development Standards: In the M-P Zone the • - ="Tlille thirty we ousand following development standards shall apply, (35,000) square feet excep for lots existing as except as otherwise provided in Section __4,_198. ich are smaller than 4-31-25. thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet or less than three hundred feet (300') in depth 1. Site Plan Approval: Site plan approval as measured perpendicular to an adjacent Imo 4-31-25 4-31-25 C3) street. For purposes of this Ordinance, such lines, provided that the total coverage shall pre-existing lots with less than the minimum not exceed sixty five percent (65%) of the lot area are known as "small lot M-P". Certain area on these small lots. (Ord. 4035, 12-22-86) small lot M-P setbacks and landscaping pro- visions may apply. See Sections 4-31-25C4a c. Railroad Spur Track: The required and b and 4-31-25C6a. When properties which setbacks shall not apply along the portion of satisfy the criteria for small lot M-P are a building or structure contiguous to a rail- contiguous and held in the same ownership, road spur track. then those lots must be developed as a single development to the greatest extent possible. d. Adjacent to Residential Lots: When- Before taking advantage of the small lot M-P ever a proposed use in the M-P Zone shares a provisions, a property owner must exhaust all common property line with a lot designated available administrative or legal processes to residential on both the comprehensive plan aggregate the small lot M-P parcels to the and zoning map, the minimum setback minimum lot size of thirty five thousand contiguous to the common property line shall (35,000) square feet, if possible. For example, be fifty feet (50'). Whenever an adjacent lot . if parcels of property within the same owner- contains a residential use and either the ship are separated by an alley or street, the comprehensive plan or zoning designation or property owner must first apply for an alley both is something other than residential, then or street vacation in an attempt to aggregate the appropriate setback and landscaping the parcels. In no event will a piece of pro- adjacent to the residential lot shall be perty be subdivided to create lots to qualify determined by site plan approval. A site plan for the small lot M-P criteria. The public in- decision to require more than the minimum terest is served by taking all steps necessary setback and landscaping shall consider the and legally permissible to encourage the fur- long term viability of the residential use, the ther aggregation of lots that qualify as small presence of other residential uses in the lot M-P lots such that the lots qualify for the surrounding area, and such other indications regular minimum M-P zoning areas of thirty of stability as owner-occupancy and housing five thousand (35,000) square feet. condition. 4. Setbacks: e. Use of Setback Areas: All required setback areas shall be unoccupied and unob- a. Streets: All buildings or structures strutted except for off-street parking and shall be located a minimum of sixty feet (60') loading, driveways, entrance roads, a gate- from any street or highway property line, house or guardhouse, water pits, lawn except from limited access highways where sprinklers, walkways, landscaping, ordinary there shall be a minimum twenty foot (20') and necessary utility service facilities, utility setback. However, when any portion of a lot poles, lighting fixtures, identifying and Noe is shallow (three hundred feet [3007 or less in direction signs, underground installations depth measured perpendicular to an adjacent accessory to any permitted use, and railroads. street), the above setback standard shall not apply. Within such shallow portions of a lot, f. Flexible Setbacks: With site plan the setback from the street shall vary, so that approval and subject to applicable building at each point along the street, the required and fire codes, one of the side setbacks (not setback shall be twenty percent (20%) of the adjacent to a public street or residential use, lot dimension measured perpendicular to the as defined in Section 4-31-25C4d above) may street at that point, provided that the mini- be reduced or eliminated if the total of both mum setback is at least twenty feet (20') side setbacks is at least forty feet (40'); and,L,_ adjacent to arterial streets and ten feet (10') the r:: not ad'acent to a public;,; l adjacent to all other streets. street ma •:1,..s-•uced elimina_• if the front se •ack is '. =:sed accordingly The, b. Other Yards: All buildings or struc- site plan decision s -, .- based on a finding] tures shall be located a minimum of twenty that, with reduced,6etba0the architectural, feet (20') from all other property lines, design, building 9fientation, c • ation, noise including limited access highways. However, and glare of the proposed project will be' for pre-existing platted lots smaller than the compatible wit,$' adjacent uses. minimum lot area in the M-P Zone, no set- , I backs are required from such other property 5. Height: 4-31-25 4-31-25 C5) a. In the M-P Zone, no height limit is a. Outside storage or display of mater- established, provided that all required setback ials, products and containers is permitted areas on the periphery of the lot shall be in- within the buildable area of a site; provided, creased one additional foot in building height that the storage area is screened from all above forty five feet (45'). adjacent property lines by an existing struc- ture, a wall or view-obscuring fence at least b. Gate houses or guardhouses shall not six feet (6') but not more than ten feet (10') in exceed twelve feet (12') in height. height, or as required by the bulk storage ordinance, Section 4-31-29. 6. Landscaping: (Ord. 3463, 8-11-80) b. Whenever outside storage exceeds fifty a. Setback Areas: A landscaped strip a percent (50%) of the buildable area of a site, minimum of twenty feet (20') in width or one- storage shall be considered the principal use half (1/2) the required setback, whichever is of the site and shall be subject to the condit- less, shall be provided adjacent to all street or ional use requirements of Section 4-31-25B3e. highway right-of--way lines, except limited access highways; and a landscaped strip a 8. Refuse: No refuse, trash, rubbish or other minimum of ten feet (10') in width or one-half waste material shall be dumped, placed or (1/2) the required setback, whichever is less, allowed to remain outside a permanent build- shall be provided adjacent to interior side lot ing, except in nonflammable, covered or lines within the required front setback. (Ord. enclosed containers, which shall be screened 4035, 12-22-86) by fence or landscaping. No refuse shall be stacked higher than the screening fence or b. Adjacent to Residential Lots: When- landscaping. ever a proposed use in the M-P Zone shares a common property line with a lot that is desig- 9. Parking and Loading: nated residential on both the comprehensive plan and zoning map, a landscaped strip a a. See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City minimum of ten feet (10') in width consisting Code. of evergreen shrubs or trees a minimum of five feet (5') in height shall be provided b. All uses requiring deliveries or ship- adjacent to the common property line and ments shall provide a minimum of one off- shall be planted prior to occupancy of any street loading space and one additional load- portion of the site. ing space for each seventy thousand (70,000) square feet of gross floor area over six thou- c. All areas of a site not covered by sand (6,000) square feet. buildings, structures, or paved surfaces shall be landscaped. Required landscape areas shall c. The minimum area for each off-street not be used for off-street parking and loading. loading space, excluding area for maneuvering, Areas of a site set aside for future develop- shall be two hundred fifty (250) square feet. Nee ment may be hydroseeded. d. At no time shall any part of a vehicle d. Flexible Landscaping Areas: With site be allowed to extend into a public right of plan approval, the perimeter landscaping way while the vehicle is being loaded or strips required by Section 4-31-25C6a above unloaded. All loading and unloading may be reduced in width up to fifty percent maneuvers shall be conducted on private (50%) if the equivalent square footage of property. landscaping is provided elsewhere within the site. Site plan approval shall be based on a e. Off-street loading spaces shall not finding that the alternative landscaping interfere with the use of required off-street arrangement provides buffering and site parking areas. amenities equal to or better than that which would be achieved by strict application of the 10. Environmental Performance Standards: Code. The relocated landscaping shall not be The following minimum standards shall be located within the rear setback of the site. met by all activities within the M-P Zone. For all activities which may produce objectionable 7. Outside Storage: 4-31-25 4-31-27 C10) or otherwise prohibited conditions, the pro- 13. Excavation, Grade and Fill: See Chapter perty owner or lessee shall furnish design 10, Title IV of the City Code. (Ord. 3936, specifications or other scientific evidence of 9-16-85) compliance with these standards. a. Noise: See Title VIII, Chapter 7, 4-31-26: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Noise Level Regulations. A. Powers and Duties: The Board of Adjustment b. Smoke: shall have the authority to hear applications for variances pursuant to Section 4-31-19G. (1) Visible grey smoke (or dust, dirt, fly ash or airborne solids) shall not be B. Board of Adjustment shall Announce Findings emitted from any source at a density or and Decisions: Not more than thirty (30) days opacity greater than twenty percent after the termination of the proceedings of the (20%) for more than three (3) minutes in public hearing on any variance, the Board of any hour, as per regulation 1 of the Adjustment shall announce its findings and Puget Sound Air Pollution Control decision. If a variance is granted, the record Agency. shall show such conditions and limitations in writing as the Board of Adjustment may (2) The provisions applicable to visible impose. grey smoke shall also apply to visible smoke of a different color but with an C. Notice of Decision of Board of Adjustment: equivalent apparent opacity. Following the rendering of a decision on a variance application, a copy of the written c. Odorous Gases and Matter: No emis- order by the Board of Adjustment shall be sions of odorous gases and other odorous mailed to the applicant at the address shown matter shall be permitted in quantities which on the application and filed with the Board of are unreasonably offensive beyond the exterior Adjustment and to any other person who property lines of the lot or site. requests a copy thereof. d. Toxic Gases and Matter: No emissions D. Effective Date of Decision; Appeal to Court: of toxic gases or matter shall be permitted in The action of the Board of Adjustment shall quantities damaging to health, animals, be final and conclusive, unless within ten (10) vegetation, or property or which cause any days from the date of the action the original excessive soiling beyond exterior property applicant or an adverse party applies to King lines of the lot or site. County Superior Court for a writ of review. (Ord. 3463, 8-11-80) e. Vibration: No vibration shall be permitted to exceed 0.003 of one inch (1") E. Record of Decision: Whenever a variance is "0.1.6o displacement or 0.03 (g) peak acceleration, approved by the Board of Adjustment, the whichever is greater, as measured at any Building Department shall forthwith make an point outside the property lines of the lot or appropriate record and shall inform the site. This shall apply in the frequency range administrative department having jurisdiction of zero to five thousand (0 - 5,000) cycles per over the matter. (Ord. 3463, 8-11-80; amd. second. Shock absorbers or similar mounting Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) shall be allowed to permit compliance with this specification. 4-31-27: MINING, EXCAVATION AND GRAD- f. Glare and Heat: No glare and heat ING: from any source shall be permitted to be unreasonably objectionable beyond the exterior A. Special Permit Required: The Hearing property lines of a lot or site. Examiner may grant a special permit, after a public hearing thereon in any zone, to al o 11. Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the the` 81 Hing, •u: ..' '�.• •r de..siting City Code. o' •' ne = s or materials, including but no li•• pe • eum, co: , san., gravel, roc , 12. Bulk Storage: See Section 4-31-29 of the - City Code. 4-31-27 4-31-29 A) clay, peat and topsoil. A special permit shall properties and environment, the City Council be required on each site of such operation. finds that special review of bulk storage facilities is required to insure the intent of these regulations: and the City Council B. Standards: To grant a special permit, the expressly finds that in the Green River Hearing Examiner shall make a determination Valley, City of Renton and surrounding areas that the proposed activity would not be there has been a loss in air quality and that unreasonably detrimental to the surrounding a potential exists for a continuing area. The Hearing Examiner shall use the deterioration in this air quality due in part to standards established in that certain `Mining, the unique meteorological and topographic Excavation and Grading Ordinance, being characteristics such as the channeling and Ordinance No. 2820, which said ordinance is holding of air masses by inversions and the hereby incorporated, by reference, as if fully surrounding hills. This degradation in air set forth. (Ord. 2821, 1-14-74; amd. Ord. 3101, quality adversely affects the liveability and 1-17-77, eft 1-1-77) desirability of the City and is injurious to the health and well-being of its citizens. Those uses classified as a recognized higher risk 4-31-28: OPEN SPACE, AGRICULTURAL. have higher standards applied to them includ- AND TIMBER LANDS; CURRENT ing, but not limited to, landscaping, traffic USE ASSESSMENT: There is hereby fixed and and access and hazardous materials. These established an application fee in the sum of thirty regulations are to supplement and be in dollars ($30.00) for processing any application by addition to existing ordinances and code 10* any owner in pursuance of chapter 84.34 RCW, provisions. (Open Space, Agricultural and Timber Lands - Current Use Assessment) which fee is payable to B. Special Permit and Administration: (Ord. the City of Renton upon filing of the application by 2962, 9-8-75; amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-75) any such owner and said fee shall be delivered by the King County Assessor to the City of Renton 1. Bulk storage facilities may be allowed only upon referral of any such application to the by special permit as specified in Section legislative body of the City. Such fee shall be 4-31-19B. The fee for the special permit for I. I deposited in the general fund of the City of bulk storage facilities is specified in the fee Renton. schedule set out in Section 5-1-1 of this Code. (Ord. 3653, 8-23-82) If any such application is not approved by the City of Renton, said application fee shall be refunded by 2. The Hearing Examiner is designated as the the City Treasurer unto the applicant-owner. official agency of the City for the conduct of public hearings; and the Building Department The City further adopts, by reference herein, the is responsible for the general administration Open Space Taxation Act Rules as promulgated by and coordination. The Building Department the Department of Revenue, State of Washington, shall establish administrative procedures, Nisite on the date of October 23, 1970, or as same may which shall include, but are not limited to: be amended from time to time. (Ord. 2844, 4-1-74) Preparation of application forms, determining completeness and acceptance of application, and establishment of interdepartmental review 4-31-29: BULK STORAGE FACILITIES: routing procedures. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75, amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-75, amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, A. Intent: The intent of the regulation of bulk efl'. 1-1-77; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) storage facilities is to allow such facilities in a location and manner so they are compatible 3. The responsibility of producing information with adjacent properties and beneficial to the and data to establish that the proposed bulk City and in accordance with the State storage facility complies with the standards Environmental Policy Act. It is further the set forth in this Section shall be on the intent to insure that the safety, health, applicant. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75. amd. Ord. 2967, welfare, aesthetics and morals of the 9-22-75) community are maintained at a high level. Due to the unique characteristics and 4. The Building Department shall be respon- problems inherent in making bulk storage sible for determining whether an application facilities compatible with surrounding 4-31-29 4-31-29 B4) is a bulk storage facility as defined herein. eight feet (8') high. An optional security fence Such decision may be appealed to the City shall have at least a twenty foot (20') setback. Council within ten (10) calendar days after All areas between the property lines and the such determination upon proper written notice screen shall be landscaped except for ingress filed with the City Council. (Ord. 2962, and egress areas and except when a second 9-8-75; amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-75, Ord. 3592, bulk storage facility has a contiguous side or 12-14-81) rear property line with an existing bulk storage facility constructed to the standards C. Height: The maximum height of all storage specified in Section 4-31-29. The landscape containers and stock piles of bulk materials plan shall be prepared by a licensed and/or products shall be forty feet (40') or landscape architect and approved by the that of the structure height of the underlying Building Department. zone if more restrictive. The storage of bulk materials in containers above manufacturing (See following page for beginning plants shall not be considered as bulk storage, of Landscaped Figures but shall be classified as part of the 4-31-29E1a through e) supporting structure. No roof shall extend beyond five percent (5%) slopes drawn from 2. Other Bulk Storage: Those bulk storage forty foot (40') high vertical surfaces uses not included in Section 4-31-29E1 above contiguous to the base of the structure. Only shall have a screen including gates and shall accessory items such as, but not limited to: be at least eighty percent (80%) opaque Now Antennas, ladders, light fixtures, railings, surrounding the property area. Said screen vent pipes and safety or health related items shall be at least twenty five percent (25%) as shall be excluded from the determination of high as the bulk storage containers or stock structure height. piles provided said screen is at least eight feet (8') high. The screen and optional D. Setbacks: All structures and bulk storage, security fence shall be setback at least twenty except security fences, opaque screens and feet (20') from all property lines except that signs shall be located at least sixty feet (60') for those bulk storage facilities whose total from all public right of ways, wildlife habitat, ownership is less than two and one-half (21) public areas, parks and waterways which contiguous acres in area, the Hearing include, but are not limited to rivers, lakes, Examiner may reduce this setback up to fifty streams and drainage channels. In all other percent (50%) for good cause and upon proper instances the setbacks shall be at least written application. All areas between the twenty feet (20') from the property line. property lines and the screen shall be landscaped except for ingress and egress areas E. Landscaping and Screening. The intent of and except when a second bulk storage landscaping and screening is to minimize the facility has a contiguous side or rear property visual impact of bulk storage as viewed from line that abuts an existing bulk storage Nue adjacent or nearby properties or facilities and facility constructed to the standards specified to enhance the image of the industrial areas in Section 4-31-29 provided there is at least a and the City. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75; amd. Ord. twenty foot (20') landscaped strip. The 2967, 9-22-75) landscape plan is to be approved by the Building Department. A landscaped berm may 1. Recognized Higher Risk Storage: Those be used by itself or in combination with a bulk storage uses which are considered as screen provided the required height is met. having a recognized higher risk shall have a The slopes of said berm shall be at least two barrier as specified in Section 4-31-290, feet (2') horizontal to one foot (1') vertical. Hazardous Materials, with a screen that is at There shall be a flat area on top of the berm least eighty percent (80%) opaque on top of with a minimum width of two feet (2'). A the barrier and setback at least twenty feet retaining wall may be substituted for the (20') from the property line. The barrier shall internal side of the berm provided the have a maximum height of four feet (4') when retaining wall is approved by a licensed measured as in Section 4-31-2903. The com- engineer. (Ord. 3653, 8-23-82) bined height of the four foot (4') (maximum) barrier and screen shall be at least twenty 3. Landscaping Maintenance: The mainten- five percent (25%) of the height of the bulk ance of landscaping shall be assured prior to storage provided such combination is at least the issuance of a building permit by requiring J vl xi ,eicii4i ...._.4,._. Ti f .., 41 ". . ifi ... gfIL itr-1 � N Z r-1 W i k `r' 43 6 ,-- a Z a i iii N O f '� ................................. .............. .. . ........................... .......................................... ...................................... ......................... ............... . .. . ................................ v 6 all )--- ... ..4 , 4111111111— Ili ag t ,.. z 5 I NOW ••.4. ktr ... ...t . :at of- • .1 k - $ w 1 l X w 1 11 rt ! 11016-143. t4I671t 4 Ca •Pm. LW rX4 C° lialler Ci LL./ C6 < L.) VI C3 M < d..I 1 ... 1113 41 4 9 Zts ._ ab_ II ri ` • _ t. - 4.1 cr a. .immows ca Z Q 1 a IP- Z U J Ibu4 Z I z F_g-13 z w x 3 x w 00 O w d o Q v N a Z Q J 1Z^ 111.111:4F°." 3 yr u r NOW ',i +w w 4 2 F YOL Q ).. Q b I v M 4 W r 1 go cc FTyti W O d �.J O .` r----- It ?` . ' : : 2 � ~J`r` 0 0 : : fp...i.v. irsi .4 4 lg/ , 7 51 $t" I -..-- i VI Yw i t-gN, O Y hg - H�Z �� u tkp I it, ,..., - crN Q aLiu o ' V1o p Z V. W V. i co , 4a co CO ~ 3 Gr f ce W o O W d Q U N O Q J ii Q- N. °W W : .. .. a . . ... .. .. . .i 4 , ti 4-31-29 4-31-29 E3) one of the following options: (a) the posting of 2. That the application of more strict stand- a performance bond for one hundred fifty per- ards will not be materially detrimental to the cent (150%) of the estimated cost of main- subject facility and will maintain the full tenance of landscaping for a three (3) year rights, privileges and environment of neigh- period, (b) the depositing with the City Clerk boring properties. of a certified or cashier's check for one hun- dred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost 3. That the application of such modifications of maintenance of landscaping for a three (3) shall be supported by documented evidence of year period, (c) filing with the City Clerk a a clear and compelling nature to justify such copy of a service contract for maintenance of stricter standards. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75; amd. landscaping for a three (3) year period, or (d) Ord, 2967, 9-22-75) such other written commitments that will assure satisfactory maintenance of landscaping In the case of hardships affecting the subject for a three (3) year period. Any of the four (4) property, variances to these bulk standards options above are to be approved as to legal may be granted by the Hearing Examiner form prior to acceptance by the City. Land- subject to the conditions of Section 4-31-26C. seeping is to be maintained in a healthy, neat (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75; amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-75; manner and shall be subject to periodic amd. Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, eff. 1-1-77) inspection by the City. H. Surface Drainage: The intent of this standard F. Signs: The only identification signs permitted is to protect property from damage and loss shall be one sign per street frontage that due to flooding, erosion and deposition caused shall be four feet (4') in height or less, with a by the adverse alteration of natural drainage maximum of two (2) faces and no more than flow patterns and rates, and to promote thirty (30) square feet per face. Such signs development practices which enhance the may be illuminated by external lights. Exit quality, benefits and enjoyment of the natural and entrance signs four (4) square feet in water courses. area or less may be placed at street entrances. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75; amd. Ord. 2967, 1. Surface drainage shall be approved by the 9-22-75) Public Works Department and shall comply with the design specifications set forth in the G. Locational Criteria: The Hearing Examiner latest editions or revisions of Standard shall review the impact of the proposed use to Specifications for Municipal Public Works determine whether it is compatible with the Construction by the Washington State proposed site and general area. The Hearing Chapter American Public Works Association, Examiner may require any applicable bulk and Highway Hydraulics Manual by the standard to be up to fifty percent (50%) more Washington State Highway Commission, strict than specified to alleviate a potential Department of Highways. problem, providing it shall be shown: (Ord. ' rrr 2962, 9-8-75; amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-75; amd. I. Toxic Substances: The intent of this standard Ord. 3101, 1-17-77, eff. 1-1-77) is to extend to the general public basic precautions used in industry dealing with the 1. That because of special circumstances exposure of workers to toxic materials. As a applicable to subject property, including size, requisite to protecting the public health and topography, location or surroundings and welfare, and especially as that public includes special characteristics applicable to subject the very young and other sensitive members, facilities including height, surface drainage, the environment should be kept free of toxic substances, traffic and access, sound, unnecessary concentrations of these toxic liquid waste, light and glare, odorants, flam- substances by using the best practicable mable and explosive materials and gaseous control and process technology in all phases of wastes, the strict application of the zoning manufacture and handling and by a sincere code and bulk storage regulations is found to commitment to good housekeeping practices. deprive neighboring properties of rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the 1. The ambient air quality standards specified vicinity and under identical zone classifi- in Regulation 1 of the Puget Sound Air Pol- cation. lution Control Agency (PSAPCA) shall apply 490 4-31-29 4-31-29 Il) to all air contaminants specifically listed hundred feet (300') when not on opposite therein. sides of the lot. 2. Those toxic substances not specifically 3. A definitive traffic flow pattern shall be listed in regulation 1 of the PSAPCA, but provided on the property for all traffic, both released into the ambient air shall be in truck and automobile, such that all traffic accordance with the fractional quantities set shall cross lot lines travelling in a forward forth in Sections 4-31-29A3, and 4-31-29A5 direction. Curbcuts shall be kept to a mini- and for those toxic substances listed in the mum on both number and width consistent most current publication entitled Threshold with the property traffic flow pattern. Limit Values, of the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists (ACGIH). 4. Necessary transportation between different parts of the same building or complex of 3. The concentration of a single toxic buildings when located on one continuous lot substance measured in an air sample shall shall be by private access routes, confined to not exceed one-fiftieth ('/„) of the threshold the property so as to not cause unnecessary limit value or ceiling "C" limit value at the congestion or hazards on public streets. Such lot lines or one one-hundredth ('/,00) of the on-site access routes shall be located at a threshold limit value or ceiling "C" limit value distance of at least ten feet (10'), or on the at the lot-district line. The concentrations of property side of any required planting strip, two (2) or more substances shall be con- from all pedestrian sidewalks or edge of sidered as in the publication of ACGIH. public right-of-way. IS 4. Those carcinogenic substances listed in 5. Provisions shall be made for the separation threshold limit values having no listed of parking of private automobiles from any threshold limit value shall not be detectable space or area used for maneuvering, parking by the most sensitive method in air samples or loading or any truck, vehicle or trailer taken at the lot or lot-district lines. either while attached to or unattached from any mover. 5. The samples shall be taken by a qualified person as per the publication of the ACGIH 6. Any fire or emergency access, including but and the concentrations of toxic substances not limited to Section 4-31-29J2 shall conform shall be measured in a certified laboratory or with the recommendations of the Renton Fire facility at the request of the administrative Department and together with a traffic flow official. pattern, when required, shall be clearly defined on a site plan. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75, J. Traffic and Access Control: The intent of this amd. Ord. 2967, 9-22-75) standard is to promote the safety of travel on public streets in industrial areas where dense 7. Overpasses extending over a public right of and variable traffic flows cause additional way shall be limited to pedestrian foot traffic hazards to persons and property and to except that conduits for the transmission of vie provide for uninterruptable access to all information may be included if concealed properties and neighbors of a potential major within the primary structure of the overpass. fire, emergency or hazard. The design, lighting and landscaping of such structures shall clearly exhibit a high level of 1. All lots used by an industry of recognized aesthetic design and furthermore shall be higher risk shall be served on at least two (2) reviewed and approved by the Building sides by accesses dimensional equal to an Department. (Ord. 2962, 9-8-75, amd. Ord. industrial access street. Such accesses shall be 2967, 9-22-75; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) continuously open to City departments for clearing or repair at the owner's expense. 8. All on-site surfaces used for daily traffic within the lot or as a part of the traffic flow 2. When on-site emergency access is required pattern required in Section 4-31-29J3 shall be for fire or other emergency equipment, a paved and maintained in a good condition through route shall be provided and with an asphalt surfacing, or its equivalent if maintained in a free and open condition at all approved by the administrative official, to times, with an exit from the lot different from prevent the generation of dust or the tracking the entrance and separated by at least three of mud onto public rights of way. Storage 490 4-31-29 4-31-29 J8) areas not intended for maneuvering space L. Liquid Waste: The intent of this standard is shall be paved with a surface satisfactory to to preserve and enhance the quality of the the Hearing Examiner to meet the require- environment and protect the public health ments of this Chapter and minimize dust and and welfare by preventing the disposal of control storm water drainage. (Ord. 3653, liquid industrial wastes by unacceptable 8-23-82) methods and in unapproved areas. K. Sound: The intent of this standard is to 1. The discharge of all waterless liquid waste establish maximum sound levels for industrial shall be subject to the conditions of Section sources as received in other properties of the 4-31-29L3 and/or disposed of by a liquid waste same or different environmental use desig- disposal company. nation. This is accomplished by implementing the sound level requirements of the Washing- 2. The discharge of any water containing ton Administrative Code as it applies to liquid, gas or solid wastes in solution and/or industrial sources of sound and all sound as a mixture into any part of the natural receptors. water system shall comply with the standards and compatibility requirements of the Wash- 1. The regulation of industrial sounds as set ington State Department of Ecology or any forth in chapter 173.60 of the Washington successor department or agency thereof. The Administrative Code (WAC), Maximum Envi- administrative official shall be supplied with a ronmental Noise Levels, is hereby true copy of any and all discharge permits 'fir incorporated by reference. issued to the facility by the State of Wash- ington Department of Ecology. 2. The Classifications for Use Districts (Zoning Codes) of the City of Renton shall be 3. All wastes discharged into a sewerage assigned the Environmental Designation for system shall comply with the applicable Noise Abatement (EONA) Codes as follows: regulations of the City of Renton and the municipality of metropolitan Seattle sewerage EDNA Class A; S-1, G, GS-1, G-9600, system governing the control and disposal of G-8400 SR-1, G-7200, industrial waste. G-6000, R-1, R-2, SR-2, R-3, R-4, T, P-1 4. All liquid wastes undisposable by treat- ment, after treatment, or by sewerage system EDNA Class B; B-P, B-1 shall be disposed of on a scheduled basis clearly related in both rate and magnitude EDNA Class C; L-1, M-P, H-1 with the industrial process or source gener- ating the waste. 3. The sound level of an industrial (EDNA Class C) sound source when measured in the 5. Upon the request of the administrative prescribed manner and location shall not official the industry shall provide substantial exceed those values given in Schedule proof of having disposed of liquid waste, fall- 4-31-29K1. All maximum sound level values ing in the categories of Section 4-31-29L4 for impulsive sounds shall be reduced five (5) equal to or greater than eighty percent (80%) decibels when measured with a A-weighted in either volume or weight of the amount network. generated during the previous six (6) months of operation. Should the generation of such (See following page for Schedule liquid waste be on a sporadic basis then the 4-31-29K1) industry shall provide the administrative official with written evidence of substantial 4. The hours of lower sound levels shall be compliance with this subsection. extended in EDNA Class A environments for all hours of the weekend, from midnight 6. The release of odorants or gaseous wastes Friday to midnight Sunday, and the following from liquid wastes awaiting disposal shall be holidays, as officially observed by the City of prevented by using adequate means of storage Renton: New Year's Day, Independence Day, and all other reasonable means necessary. Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Schedule 4-31-29K1 PERMITTED SOUND LEVELS IN RECEIVING EDNA CLASSES FROM EDNA CLASS C (INDUSTRIAL) SOURCE EDNA CLASS MAXIMUM DURATION IN APPLICABLE OF RECEPTOR SOUND LEVEL1 ANY ONE-HOUR HOURS3 (dB(A) ) PERIOD (min) A 60 Continually lam - 10pm 11101 A 65 15 A 70 5 1152 A 75 11 lam - 10pm A 50 Continually 10pm - 7am . A 55 15 A 60 5 / 152 A 65 11 10pm - 7am 8 65 Continually All 8 70 15 B 75 5 1152 8 80 11 All C 70 Continually All C 75 15 I *41000- C 80 5 1152 C 85 11 All 1 . Source: Chapter 173-60, Washington Administrative Code "Maximum Environmental Noise Levels". 2. Total not to exceed 15 minutes in any one hour. 3. The lower noise levels in EDNA Class A apply on all hours of the weekends and holidays . 4-31-29 4-31-29 L) 7. Any treatment of liquid waste solely for compounds are above adopted values which the purpose of disposal shall be permitted have been accepted for the health and when the generation of any solid or gaseous well-being of the general public. wastes is adequately handled in compliance with these standards and all other rules and 1. The concentration of specific compounds regulations of State and regional agencies. listed in Schedule 4-31-29N1 shall not exceed Such treatment shall employ the best prac- the odor threshold values in two (2) ticable control currently available to industry. consecutive air samples. Three (3) air samples Liquid waste shall include surface run-off are to be taken over a two (2) hour period, waters as per Section 4-31-29H when conta- one sample each at the beginning and end of minated with chemicals, oils or other toxic the test period and one sample near the time substances. midway through the sample period. The administrative official may establish the time M. Light and Glare: The intent of this standard of the sample period. is to afford the public the safety of adequate lighting while avoiding unnecessary glare and (See following page for Schedule exposure to excessive outdoor illumination 4-31-29N1) which may create a hazard or unreasonably interfere with the relaxation and enjoyment of 2. The location for taking the three (3) public open spaces, right-of-ways, and normal samples shall remain fixed during the test residential activities and pursuits. period and shall be at a point outside lot lines, at ground level or habitable elevations Now 1. Illumination levels shall be measured with and a safe and reasonable place consistent a photoelectric photometer (light-meter) with the location of the reported violation. having a spectral response similar to that of the human eye, following the standard 3. Monitoring shall be undertaken only upon spectral luminous efficiency curve adopted by receipt of a complaint made by a person who the International Commission of Illumination. resides, owns property, or is employed in the area affected by the complained of odors, 2. The illumination from all sources located unless the area is designated as a public use on a lot shall have the maximum value of area whereupon all complaints will be eleven (11) lumens per square meter outside accepted. of lot lines and six (6) lumens per square meter outside the district line. In all cases of 4. When more than one concentration is listed conflict the district line value shall apply. for a substance in these standards, the more stringent shall apply. 3. The intrinsic brightness of any source visible beyond the district lines shall have a 5. The samples shall be taken by a qualified maximum value of fifty (50) candles per person and the concentrations of odorants square centimeter. shall be measured in a certified laboratory or ___ facility at the request of the administrative 4. Intermittent, rotating or flashing lights of official. an intrinsic brightness greater than two (2) candles per square centimeter and with a 6. Nothing in this standard shall be construed frequency greater than once in any five (5) to impair any cause of action or legal remedy second time period shall not be visible beyond therefor of any person, or the public for district lines unless for the sole purpose of injury or damages arising from the emission alarm or giving warning. of any odorant in such place, manner or concentration as to constitute air pollution or N. Odorants: The intent of this standard is to a common law nuisance. prevent the occurrence of certain offensive odors in the environment by limiting the O. Hazardous Materials: The intent of this concentration of chemical compounds which standard is to provide adequate separation are known to produce strong olfactory between highly flammable or explosive responses. This standard does not attempt to materials used in industries of a recognized determine the intrinsic or subjective good or higher risk and the neighboring properties bad qualities of an odor, but only that the and public areas, total containment of all concentration of specific constituent highly flammable, toxic and polluting liquid Avow Schedule 4-31-29N1 ODORANT CONCENTRATIONS FOR SPECIFIC CHEMICALS IN CLEAN AMBIENT AIR ODOR THRESHOL01 No. POLLUTANT (ppm) (mg/m3) 1 Acetone 320 770 2 Acrolein 15 35 3 Allyl disulphide 0.0001 0.00006 4 Allyl mercaptan 0.00005 0.00015 ' 5 Ammonia 0.037 0.026 6 Amyl alcohol 10 35 7 Apiole 0.0063 0.057 8 Benzene 60 180 9 i-Butanol 40 120 10 n-Butanol 11 33 11 i-Butylacetate 4 17 12 n-Butylacetate 7 35 13 n-Butylformate 17 70 14 butyric acid 0.00028 0.000001 ' 15 Camphor 16 100 16 Carbon disulphide 7.7 23 17 Carbontetrachloride 200 1260 18 Chlorine 0.01 0.029 ) 19 Diacetyl 0.025 0.088 20 1 ,2-Dichloroethane 110 450 21 Diethylketone 9 33 - 22 Dimethylamine 6 11 23 Dimethyl sulphide 0.02 0.051 24 Dioxane 170 620 25 Ethanol 50 93 . 26 Ethylacetate 50 180 . 27 Ethyleneglycol 25 90 28 Ethyl mercaptan 0.000016 0.00004 110 29 Ethyl selenide 0.000062 0.00035 30 Ethyl selenomercaptan 0.0000018 0.000008 31 Ethyl sulphide 0.00025 0.00092 32 Heptane 220 930 33 Hydrogen selenide 3 10 34 Hydrogen sulphide 0.0011 0.0015 35 Iodoform 0.00037 0.0061 36 Ionone 0.000000059 0.00000046 37 Methanol 5900 7800 38 Methylacetate 200 550 . 39 Methylenechloride 150 550 40 Methylethylketone 25 80 41 Methylformate 2000 5000 42 Methyleneglycol 60 190 43 Methyl -i-butylketone 8 32 44 Methyl mercaptan 0.0011 0.0022 45 Methylpropylketone 8 27 46 Octane 150 710 47 Ozone 0. 1 0.2 48 Phenol 3 12 49 i-Propanol 40 90 50 n-Propanol 30 80 Schedule 4-31-29N1 (cont.) ODORANT CONCENTRATIONS FOR SPECIFIC CHEMICALS IN CLEAN AMBIENT AIR ODOR THRESHOLD1 No. POLLUTANT (ppm) (m9/m3) 51 i-Propylacetate 30 140 52 n-Propylacetate 20 70 53 Propyl mercaptan 0.000075 0.00023 54 Pyridine 0.012 0.04 55 Skatole 0.000000075 0.0000004 56 Sulphur dioxide 30 79 57 Tetrachloroethylene 50 320 58 Tetrahydrofuran 30 90 59 Toluene 40 140 60 1 ,1 , 1-Trichloroethane 400 2100 61 Trichloroethylene 80 440 62 Trimethylamine 4 96 63 Valeric acid 0.00062 0.0026 64 Vanillin 0.000000032 ; 0.0000002 65 Xylene 20 i 900 1 ppm is parts per million at 20° C and 760 Torr mg/m3 is milligrams per cubic meter Amis. 4-31-29 4-31-29 0) materials, limits for the stored quantity of grade level at the internal toe to the top. The highly flammable and explosive materials as a slope of the sides and width of the top shall function of property area, and all other rea= be according to accepted engineering design sonable safety measures deemed necessary for for holding ponds. The design of the barrier the protection of people, property, and the shall minimize the likelihood of damage by environment from the threat and destruction major earthquakes whose epicenters are of fire and/or explosion, and to prevent located in the Pacific Northwest. All ingress encumbering adjoining properties with bur- into and egress from the inner aide of the dens which are related to the hazards of barrier shall be over the barrier top. The highly flammable and explosive materials. roadway shall be constructed so as to not weaken the barrier or decrease its resistance 1. An industry shall not impose economic to earthquake damage. When the barrier and burdens such as, but not limited to higher landscaped berm are one and the same insurance rates and/or operational limitations structure no vertical cuts or retaining walls upon neighboring facilities due to its location shall be allowed in the common structure. and hazardous nature. All necessary modifications shall be made to both such 4. On-site fire suppression systems shall be characteristics and the site plan so as to not fully automatic with manual overrides from at impact neighboring facilities. least two (2) locations outside the barrier. The fire suppression system shall be connected to 2. An industry or facility storing for its own central dispatch of the City of Renton by use or redistribution any highly flammable means of a remote station protecting signaling "w toxic or polluting liquid of a capacity equal to system, in accordance with the specifications or greater than the lesser of that quantity of the National Fire Code, Volume 7, of the sufficient to result in a flow across lot lines National Fire Protection Association. or a quantity of fifteen (15) cubic inches per square foot of total lot area shall construct a 5. The manufacture and/or storage of permanent continuous barrier surrounding all explosives or blasting agents shall comply buildings, structures and facilities which could with the quantities and locations set forth in contribute to the flow. The storage in liquid --Schedule 4-31-2901 as per type of explosive, e form of those materials which are normally in quantity to be manufactured and/or stored a gas phase at ambient temperature and and the distances from the lot lines. The atmospheric pressures shall be contained quantities are the maximum amount that within a barrier unless determined by the shall be allowed for any one company, facility administrative official that dispersion of the or site. The stated distances are the minimum resulting gas or aerosol would be less that shall be allowed. hazardous. The capacity of the space within the barrier shall be one hundred percent (See following page for Schedule (100%) of the maximum possible volume of 4-31-2901) stored liquid and the top of the barrier shall IWO be at least one foot (1') above this liquid 6. The manufacture and/or storage of level. The barrier shall be designed and explosives, blasting agents and similar such constructed in such a manner that there is no substances shall comply with all other visible leakage on or below any portion of the conditions and regulations set forth in Title 7, exterior surface of the barrier which is below Chapter 6, Explosives of the Revised and the level of the confined liquid after a forty Complied Ordinances of the City of Renton eight (48) hour period. A report on a test of a and in the Washington State Explosives Act, typical barrier section constructed to full scale chapter 70.74 of the Washington shall be prepared by a licensed engineer and Administration Code. submitted as proof of the design. 7. The best practicable control shall be used 3. The barrier shall be of earthen material for the prevention of fires and explosions, for with two (2) sloping sides extending to grade the detection of fires and other related level without any vertical cuts or retaining hazards, and for the protection of life and walls. The top of the barrier shall be flat. The property from fires, explosions and their barrier shall have a maximum vertical height related effects. of four feet (4') when measured between the 4-31-29 4-31-29 QUANTITY AND DISTANCE FOR EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL MANUFACTURE AND STORAGE EXPLOSIVE _ QUANTITY _ DISTANCE FROM LOT LINES MATERIAL4 POUNDS POUNDS OVER NOT OVER FEET r Explosive-Class P 0 5 280 Blasting 0 5 280 Agents 5 10 360 10 Z0 440 20 30 500 Explosive 0 5 210 Class B and C 5 10 270 10 20 330 20 30 380 30 40 420 40 50 450 1 Definition and classification as per "Washington State Explosive Act" , WAC 70. 74 , as amended by Chapter 72 , Laws of 1970. .gree. 4-31-29 4-31-29 0) 8. The dyke required by the Uniform Fire 2. Compliance with Section 4-31-29P1 does Code (with a minimum holding capacity of not relieve the owner or operator of the one hundred percent [100%] of the single facility of the responsibility of meeting the largest tank) and the barrier required by the requirements of regulation 1 of the Puget bulk storage regulations (with a holding Sound Air Pollution Control Agency. capacity of one hundred percent [100%] of the total capacity of all tanks plus one foot [1']) 3. It shall be the responsibility of the shall be separated by at least one hundred developer of the facility to ascertain the feet (100') for the safety of firefighting information required in Section 4-31-29P1 and personnel. Such separation shall be measured to report such finding to the administrative from the external toe of the dyke to the official. internal toe of the barrier or from the setback line when the internal toe of the barrier is 4. The emission of specific substances into the closer to the property line than the required air shall be limited to the total annual and setback. spatial density, relative to land use for each facility as set forth in Schedule 4-31-29P1. 9. The requirements for a barrier, landscaping and opaque screen and/or berm are encourag- 5. A facility shall be capable of achieving a ed to be combined into a single configuration condition of near-zero discharge during an similar to that shown in Figure 4-31-29E1b. alert or higher stage of operational and The required opaque screen may be satisfied technical means to reach the lowest physically by a properly designed security fence. possible quantity of emissions during the VOIO entire alert period. It shall be the 10. All exposed ground surfaces within responsibility of the administrative official to structures intended for the containment of enforce a reduction in the process weight to spills shall be impervious to those stored comply with this restriction. and/or handled liquids which may result in the contamination of the underlying soil. The 6. All ground surfaces not included in ground surface within the barrier shall be developmental coverage, left in an undisturbed _ impervious unless all potential points of spill condition of natural flora, or required have intermediate containment structures. landscaping which may contribute to the Contaminating liquids shall also include solid amount of airborne particulate matter shall chemicals when readily soluble in water and be suitably covered by hydroseeding or the transportable into the subsoil by dissolution equivalent with grasses or other vegetation to in surface water. The impervious area in the prevent the generation of dust. case of such contaminated surface water shall be determined by intercept points in an 7. All new facilities or expansion of existing approved drainage system. facilities, unless exempted by the limitations in Schedule 4-31-29P1, shall provide an initial P. Gaseous and Particulate Emissions: The report covering the emission of those specific intent of this standard is to limit the substances listed in Schedule 4-31-29P1. The unnecessary generation of all air report shall cover the first three (3) months of contaminants, to decrease the annual operation and shall be filed with the emissions from stationary sources and all administrative official within thirty (30) days related transfer operations on the site by after the end of the reporting period. The controlling land use intensity and requiring report shall enumerate all sources by type or the use of the best practicable control of the category contributing ten percent (10%) or emission of airborne contaminants to achieve more of the total emission for each specific and maintain a healthful environment of substance. The total of all sources clean air. contributing less than ten percent (10%) individually may be grouped as one entry and 1. Process methods and procedures currently if so shall specify the number of sources available in industry which are known to included. The report shall contain such cause fewer in number and lesser quantities information or analyses as will disclose the of air contaminants, shall be used in all reported values of the emissions which are or cases. In addition the best practicable control may be discharged by such source. The report shall be used for the control and removal of shall be certified by a licensed engineer. air contaminants. 4-31-29 4-31-30 P) 8. Each emission greater than twenty percent density of facilities as specified in Section (20%) of the annual weight per facility or 4-31-29P11. For the purpose of this standard spatial density, computed on an annual basis, existing bulk storage facilities shall include as reported in Section 4-31-29P7 shall be those facilities for which substantial construc- reported thereafter on a quarterly basis until tion, other than site preparation, is in weight of the specificthe pro- such time as the total grecs and as determined by administra- emission drops below and remains below the tive official. twenty percent (20%) specified above. Such reports shall be due and filed with the 13. All existing facilities qualifying under administrative official within thirty (30) days Section 4-31-29P12 shall comply with the after the end of the reporting quarter. The emission standards set forth in Schedule beginning and ending dates of each quarter 4-31-291'1 within three (3) years of the shall be established by the administrative effective date of this Ordinance. A one time official. extension of up to two (2) years may be granted by the administrative official upon 9. Each facility subject to this standard shall the showing of good cause why compliance be responsible for notifying the administrative cannot be achieved within the specified time official of all new initial emissions of a period. substance listed in Schedule 4-31-291'1 and all increases in emissions of that specific 14. Emission control shall be required of substance for existing sources, above the those specific substances for which a report is twenty percent (20%) level specified in Section required as per Section 4-31-29P8. Sources 'sow 4-31-29P8. Such notification will be in a and/or points of emissions within the lot lines report as per Section 4-31-29P7. shall be suitably controlled to result in a reduction or recovery of emissions with an 10. In addition to such reports as required in overall efficiency for the facility of ninety Section 4-31-29P7, 4-31-29P8 and 4-31-29P9, percent (90%) or greater when compared to the administrative official may designate and the uncontrolled facility and when the employ a licensed engineer of his choice to equipment and technology are readily make an independent study and report as to available. Sources and points of emission shall the type and quantity of emissions which are include the carrier vehicle and transfer or may be discharged from the source. The mechanism when actively engaged in loading administrative official shall be authorized to or unloading operations. Control shall include, enter and inspect the facility upon a showing but is not limited to vapor recovery systems of need and upon the owner's permission or for volatile liquids and hoods or fully enclosed upon court order. buildings with exhaust fans and filters or their equivalent for transfer operations 11. The site of bulk storage facilities emitting generating airborne particulates. Such any of those substances listed in Schedule emission control shall be required even 4-31-29P1 shall comply with the following though the emissions of the bulk storage limitation on location. No new facility or facility are below the maximum permitted expansion of an existing facility shall be levels. (Ord. 1962, 9-8-75; amd. Ord. 2967, permitted within five thousand feet (5,000') of 9-22-75) an existing bulk storage facility if their combined emission for any of the listed (See following page for Schedule substances exceeds two (2) times the 4-31-29P1) permitted annual emission of the substance for a single facility. The emissions of applicable existing facilities shall be reduced 4-31-30: ADULT MOTION PICTURE STU- as per Section 4-31-29P12. DIOS, PEEP SHOWS, PANORAMS AND PLACES OF ADULT ENTER- 12. All existing bulk storage facilities on the TAINMENT: effective date of this Ordinance and emitting more than the maximum permitted emission A. Adult motion picture theaters, peep shows, of any listed substance shall be assumed as panorams and places of adult entertainment having the maximum permitted emission for are prohibited: the purpose of calculating the locational 490 AMWAY Schedule 4-31-29P1 TOTAL ANNUAL EMISSION AND SPATIAL DENSITY OF SPECIFIC SUBSTANCES MAXIMUM MEASURED WEIGHT PER SPATIAL SUBSTANCE AS FACILITY DENSITY1 LIMITATIONS (Tons/Year) (Units/Acre) Hydrocarbons Carbon 100.0 9.00 Tons None Watervapor Sulfur Oxides Nitrogen Dioxide The annual emission per facility and Carbon Monoxide spatial density shall be equivalent to the allowable emissions and ambient Photochemical air concentrations established in Oxidants Regulation I of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency. Suspended Particulates 1.1110 Arsenic 1 . Fractions of an acre shall be alloted an equivalent portion of the emission and rounded out to the nearest significant figure as shown in the table. 490 4-31-30 4-31-31 • A) 1. Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any flood hazards which increase flood heights residential zone (SR-1, SR-2, R-1, S-1, R-2, and velocities, and when inadequately R-3, R-4 or T) or any single-family or anchored, damage uses in other areas. Uses multiple-family residential use. that are inadequately floodproofed, elevated, or otherwise protected from flood damage also 2. One thousand feet (1,000') of any public or contribute to the flood loss. private school. B. Statement of Purpose: It is the purpose of 3. One thousand feet (1,000') of any church or this Ordinance to promote the public health, other religious facility or institution. safety, and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood con- 4. One thousand feet (1,000') of any public ditions in specific areas by provisions park or P-1 zone. designed: B. The distances provided in this Section shall 1. To protect human life and health; be measured by following a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings, from 2. To minimize expenditure of public money the nearest point of the property parcel upon and costly flood control projects; which the proposed use is to be located, to the nearest point of the parcel of property or 3. To minimize the need for rescue and relief the land use district boundary line from efforts associated with flooding and generally New which the proposed land use is to be undertaken at the expense of the general pub- separated. lic; C. Violation of the use provisions of this Section 4. To minimize prolonged business interrup- is declared to be a public nuisance per se, tions; which shall be abated by City Attorney by way of civil abatement procedures only, and 5. To minimize damage to public facilities and not by criminal prosecution. utilities such as water and gas mains, elec- tric, telephone and sewer lines, streets, and D. Nothing in this Section is intended to author- bridges located in areas of special flood ize, legalize or permit the establishment, hazard; operation or maintenance of any business, building or use which violates any City 6. To help maintain a stable tax base by pro- ordinance or statute of the State of Washing- viding for the sound use and development of ton regarding public nuisances, sexual con- areas of special flood hazard so as to min- duct, lewdness or obscene or harmful matter imize future flood blight areas; or the exhibition or public display thereof. (Ord. 4261, 2-26-90) 7. To ensure that potential buyers are notified *rr► that property is in an area of special flood hazard; and, 4-31-31: FLOOD HAZARDS: 8. To ensure that those who occupy the areas A. Findings of Fact: The City Council of the City of special flood hazard assume responsibility of Renton finds that: for their actions. 1. The flood hazard areas of the City of C. Methods of Reducing Flood Losses: In order to Renton are subject to periodic inundation accomplish its purposes, this Ordinance which results in loss of life and property, includes methods and provisions for: health, and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extra- 1. Restricting or prohibiting uses which are ordinary public expenditures for flood protec- dangerous to health, safety, and property due tion and relief, and impairment of the tax to water or erosion hazards, or which result base, all of which adversely affect the public in damaging increases in erosion or in flood health, safety, and general welfare. heights or velocities; 2. These flood losses are caused by the cumu- lative effect of obstructions in areas of special 490 4-31-31 4-31-31 C) 2. Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, paving, excavation or drilling operations including facilities which serve such uses, be located within the area of special flood protected against flood damage at the time of hazard. initial construction; FLOOD or FLOODING: A general and 3. Controlling the alteration of natural flood temporary condition of partial or complete plains, stream channels, and natural inundation of normally dry land areas from: protective barriers, which help accommodate or channel flood waters; 1. The overflow of inland or tidal waters and/or 4. Controlling filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood 2. The unusual and rapid accumulation of damage; and runoff of surface waters from any source. 5. Preventing or regulating the construction of FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM): flood barriers which will unnaturally divert The official map on which the Federal flood waters or may increase flood hazards in Insurance Administration has delineated both other areas. the areas of special flood hazard and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. D. Definitions: Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this Ordinance shall FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY: The official be interpreted so as to give them the report provided by the Federal Insurance vie meaning they have in common usage and to Administration that includes flood profiles, the give this Ordinance its most reasonable flood boundary-floodway map, and the water application. surface elevation of the base flood. APPEAL: A request for a review of any action FLOODWAY: The channel of a river or other pursuant to this Ordinance, or of the inter- watercourse and the adjacent land areas that pretation of any provision of this Ordinance must be reserved in order to discharge the by any City official. The provisions of Chapter base flood without cumulatively increasing the - .,1 8, Title IV shall apply. water surface elevation more than one foot (1'). AREA OF SHALLOW FLOODING: A desig- nated AO or AH Zone on the Flood Insurance LOWEST FLOOR: The lowest floor of the Rate Map (FIRM). The base flood depths lowest enclosed area (including basement). An range from one to three (3') feet; a clearly unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable defined channel does not exist; the path of solely for parking of vehicles, building access flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate; or storage, in an area other than a basement and, velocity flow may be evident. AO is area, is not considered a building's lowest characterized as sheet flow and All indicates floor, provided that such enclosure is not built mosilf ponding. so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable nonelevation design AREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD: The requirements of this Ordinance found at land in the flood plain within a community subsection G2a(2). subject to one percent (1%) or greater chance of flooding in any given year. Designation on MANUFACTURED HOME: A structure, trans- maps always includes the letters A or V. portable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed BASE FLOOD: The flood having a one for use with or without a permanent founds- percent (1%) chance of being equalled or tion when connected to the required utilities. exceeded in any given year. Also referred to For flood plain management purposes the as the "100-year flood". Designation on maps term "manufactured home" also includes park always includes the letters A or V. trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles placed on a site for greater than one DEVELOPMENT: Any man-made .change to hundred eighty (180) consecutive days. For improved or unimproved real estate, including insurance purposes the term "manufactured but not limited to buildings or other struc- tures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, 490 4-31-31 4-31-31 D) home" does not include park trailers, travel commences, whether or not that alteration trailers, and other similar vehicles. affects the external dimensions of the structure. MANUFACTURED HOME PARK or SUB- DIVISION: A parcel (or contiguous parcels) of The term does not, however, include either 1) land divided into two (2) or more manu- any project for improvement of a structure to factured home lots for rent or sale. comply with existing State or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which NEW CONSTRUCTION: Structures for which are solely necessary to assure safe living the "start of construction" commenced on or conditions, or 2) any alteration of a structure after the effective date of this Ordinance. listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic Places. START OF CONSTRUCTION: Includes sub- stantial improvement, and means the date the VARIANCE: A grant of relief from the building permit was issued, provided the requirements of this Ordinance which permits actual start of construction, repair, construction in a manner that would reconstruction, placement or other otherwise be prohibited by this Ordinance. improvement was within one hundred eighty (180) days of the permit date. The actual E. General Provisions: start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a 1. Lands to Which this Ordinance Applies: site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, This Ordinance shall apply to all areas of the installation of piles, the construction of special flood hazards within the jurisdiction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of the City. excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. 2. Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Permanent construction does not include land Flood Hazard: The areas of special flood preparation, such as clearing, grading and hazard identified by the Federal Insurance filling; nor does it include the installation of Administration in a scientific and engineering streets and/or walkways; nor does it include report entitled the Flood Insurance Study for excavation for a basement, footings, piers, or the City of Renton, dated May 5, 1981, with foundation or the erection of temporary forms; accompanying flood insurance maps is hereby nor does it include the installation on the adopted by reference and declared to be a property of accessory buildings, such as part of this Ordinance. The flood insurance garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling study is on file at the Building and Zoning units or not part of the main structure. Department, 200 Mill Ave. So., Renton, Washington 98055. STRUCTURE: A walled and roofed building including a gas or liquid storage tank that is 3. Penalties for Noncompliance: No structure Nisoi principally above ground. or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted, or altered without full SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: Any repair, compliance with the terms of this Ordinance reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, and other applicable regulations. Violation of the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty the provisions of this Ordinance by failure to percent (50%) of the market value of the comply with any of its requirements structure either: (including violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with 1. Before the improvement or repair is conditions) shall constitute a misdemeanor. started, or Any person who violates this Ordinance or fails to comply with any of its requirements 2. If the structure has been damaged and is shall upon conviction thereof be fined not being restored, before the damage occurred. more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or For the purposes of this definition "substan- be imprisoned for not more than one hundred tial improvement" is considered to occur when eighty (180) days, or both, for each violation, the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, and in addition shall pay all costs and or other structural part of the building 4-31-31 4-31-31 E3) expenses involved in the case. Nothing herein development including fill and other activities, contained shall prevent the City of Renton also as set forth in the "Definitions". from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. b. Application for Development 'Permit: Application for a development permit shall be 4. Abrogation and Greater Restrictions: This made on forms furnished by the Building and Ordinance is not intended to repeal, abrogate, Zoning Department and may include, but not or impair any existing easements, covenants, be limited to: plans in duplicate drawn to or deed restrictions. However, where this scale showing the nature, location, Ordinance and another ordinance, easement, dimensions, andelevations of the area in covenant, or deed restriction conflict or question; existing or proposed structures, fill, overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent storage of materials, drainage facilities, and restrictions shall prevail. the location of the foregoing. Specifically, the following information is required: 5. Interpretation: In the interpretation and application of this Ordinance, all provisions (1) Elevation in relation to mean sea shall be: level of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; a. Considered as minimum requirements; (2) Elevation in relation to mean sea b. Liberally construed in favor of the level to which any structure has been governing body; and floodproofed; Nste c. Deemed neither to limit nor repeal (3) Certification by a registered any other powers granted under State professional engineer or architect that statutes. the floodproofng methods for any nonresidential structure meet the 6. Warning and Disclaimer of Liability: The floodprooflng criteria in subsection G2b; degree of flood protection required by this and Ordinance is considered reasonable for regu- _ latory purposes and is based on scientific and (4) Description of the extent to which a engineering considerations. Larger floods can watercourse will be altered or relocated and will occur on rare occasions. Flood as a result of proposed development. heights may be increased by manmade or natural causes. This Ordinance does not imply 2. Designation of the Local Administrator: that land outside the areas of special flood The Director of the Building and Zoning hazards or uses permitted within such areas Department ("Building Official") is hereby will be free from flooding or flood damages. appointed to administer and implement this This Ordinance shall not create liability on Ordinance by granting or denying the part of the City, any officer or employee development permit applications in accordance thereof, or the Federal Insurance with its provisions. vie Administration, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this Ordinance or any 3, Duties and Responsibilities of the Building administrative decision lawfully made Official: The duties of the Building Official hereunder. shall include, but not be limited to: F. Administration: a. Permit Review: 1. Establishment of Development Permit: (1) Review all development permits to determine that the permit requirements a. Development Permit Required: A of this Ordinance have been satisfied; development permit shall be obtained before construction or development begins within any (2) Review all development permits to area of special flood hazard established in determine that all necessary permits subsection E2 above. The permit shall be for have been obtained from those Federal, all structures including manufactured homes, State or local governmental agencies as set forth in the "Definitions", and for all from which prior approval is required; 4-31-31 4-31-31 F3a) (3) Review all development permits to said watercourse so that the flood determine if the proposed development is carrying capacity is not diminished. located in the floodway. If located in the floodway, to assure that the encroach- e. Interpretation of FIRM Boundaries: ment provisions of subsection G3a are Make interpretations where needed, as to met. exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazard (for example, where b. Use of Other Base Flood Data: When there appears to be a conflict between a map- base flood elevation data has not been ped boundary and actual field conditions). The provided in accordance with subsection person contesting the location of the boundary E2, Basis for Establishing the Areas of shall be given a reasonable opportunity to ap- Special Flood Hazard, the Building Official peal the interpretation as provided in sub- shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize section F4. any base flood elevation and floodway data available from a Federal, State or other 4. Appeals; Variance Procedure: source, in order to administer subsections G2, Specific Standards, and G3, Floodways. a. Variances: c. Information to be Obtained and (1) The Board of Adjustment or the Maintained: Hearing Examiner, whichever is afforded jurisdiction under the provisions of (1) Where base flood elevation data is Section 4-31-19F of the City Code, as provided through the flood insurance amended, shall hear and decide appeals study or required as in subsection F3b, and requests for variances from the obtain and record the actual elevation requirements of this Ordinance. (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basement) of all (2) In passing upon such an application new or substantially improved for a variance, the Hearing Examiner or structures, and whether or not the Board of Adjustment, as the case may structure contains a basement. be, shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, (2) For all new or substantially improved standards specified in other sections of floodproofed structures: this Ordinance; and: (a) Verify and record the actual (A) The danger that materials may elevation (in relation to mean sea level), be swept onto other lands to the injury and of others. __ (b) Maintain the floodproofing (B) The danger to life and property certifications required in subsection due to flooding or erosion damage; F1b3. (C) The susceptibility of the (3) Maintain for public inspection all proposed facility and its contents to flood records pertaining to the provisions of damage and the effect of such damage this Ordinance. on the individual owner; d. Alteration of Watercourses: (D) The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the (1) Notify adjacent communities and the community; State of Washington Department of Ecology prior to any alteration or (E) The necessity to the facility of relocation of a watercourse, and submit a waterfront location, where applicable; evidence of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administration. (F) The availability of alternative locations for the proposed use which are (2) Require that maintenance is provided not subject to flooding or erosion within the altered or relocated portion of damage; 490 4-31-31 4-31-31 F4a2) (G) The compatibility of the proposed the State Inventory of Historic Places, use with existing and anticipated without regard to the procedures set development; forth in this Section. (H) The relationship of the proposed use (3) Variances shall not be issued within to the comprehensive plan and flood a designated floodway if any increase in plain management program for that flood levels during the base flood area; discharge would result. (I) The safety of access to the property (4) Variances shall only be issued upon in times of flood for ordinary and a determination that the variance is the emergency vehicles; minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. (J) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment (5) Variances shall only be issued upon: transport of the flood waters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, (A) A showing of good- and sufficient expected at the site; and, cause; (K) The costs of providing governmental (B) A determination that failure to grant services during and after flood the variance would result in exceptional conditions, including maintenance and hardship to the applicant; "'SO repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water (C) A determination that the granting of systems, and streets and bridges. a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public (3) Upon consideration of the factors of safety, extraordinary public expense, subsection F4a(1) above, and the pur- create nuisances, cause fraud on or poses of this Ordinance, the Hearing victimization of the public or conflict Examiner or Board of Adjustment, as with existing local laws or ordinances. '" Ni the case may be, may attach such con- ,# ditions to the granting of variances as it (6) Variances as interpreted in the deems necessary to further the purposes national flood insurance program are of this Ordinance. based on the general zoning law principle that they pertain to a physical b. Conditions for Variances: piece of property; they are not personal in nature and do not pertain to the (1) Generally, the only condition under structure, its inhabitants, economic or which a variance from the elevation financial circumstances. They primarily standard may be issued is for new address small lots in densely populated construction and substantial improve- residential neighborhoods. As such, ments to be erected on a lot of one-half variances from the flood elevations (14) acre or less in size contiguous to should be quite rare. and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the base (7) Variances may be issued for flood level, providing items (A) through nonresidential buildings in very limited (K) in subsection F4a(2) have been fully circumstances to allow a lesser degree of considered. As the lot size increases the floodproofing than watertight or technical justification required for dry-floodproofing, where it can be issuing the variance increases. determined that such action will have low damage potential, complies with all (2) Variances may be issued for the other variance criteria except subsection reconstruction, rehabilitation, or F4b1, and otherwise complies with restoration of structures listed in the subsections Gla and Glb of the General National Register of Historic Places or Standards. 490 4-31-31 4-31-31 F4b) (8) Any applicant to whom a variance is (1) All new construction and substantial granted shall be given written notice improvements shall be constructed with that the structure will be permitted to materials and utility equipment resistant be built with a lowest floor elevation to flood damage. below the base flood elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will be (2) All new construction and substantial commensurate with the increased risk improvements shall be constructed using resulting from the reduced lowest floor methods and practices that minimize elevation. flood damage. c. Appeals: Pursuant to Chapter 8, Title (3) Electrical, heating, ventilation, IV, of the City Code, the Hearing Examiner plumbing, and air-conditioning shall hear and decide appeals when it is equipment and other service facilities alleged there is an error in any requirement, shall be designed and/or otherwise decision, or determination made by the elevated or located so as to prevent Building Official in the enforcement or water from entering or accumulating administration of this Ordinance. within the components during conditions of flooding. d. Writ of Review: Those aggrieved by any decision of either the Hearing Examiner c. Utilities: Nrsare or Board of Adjustment pursuant to this sub- section E4, or any taxpayer, may, within (1) All new and replacement water twenty (20) calendar days from the day of the supply systems shall be designed to decision, obtain a writ of certiorari from the minimize or eliminate infiltration of King County Superior Court for the purpose flood waters into the system; of review of the action taken. (2) New and replacement sanitary e. Records: The Building Official shall sewage systems shall be designed to maintain the records of all appeal actions and minimize or eliminate infiltration of report any variances to the Federal Insurance flood waters into the systems and Administration upon request. discharge from the systems into flood waters; and G. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction: (3) On-site waste disposal systems shall 1. General Standards: In all areas of special be located to avoid impairment to them flood hazards, the following standards are or contamination from them during required: flooding. low_ a. Anchoring: d. Subdivision Proposals: (1) All new construction and substantial (1) All subdivision proposals shall be improvements shall be anchored to consistent with the need to minimize prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral flood damage; movement of the structure. (2) All subdivision proposals shall have (2) All manufactured homes must public utilities and facilities such as likewise be anchored to prevent flotation, sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems collapse or lateral movement, and shall located and constructed to minimize be installed using methods and practices flood damage; that minimize flood damage. Anchoring methods may include, but are not (3) All subdivision proposals shall have limited to, use of over-the-top or frame adequate drainage provided to reduce ties to ground anchors (Reference exposure to flood damage; and FEMA's Manufactured Home Installation in Flood Hazard Areas guidebook for (4) Where base flood elevation data has additional techniques). not been provided or is not available b. Construction Materials and Methods: sommossimssmossossassassissor 4-31-31 4-31-31 G1d4) from another authoritative source, it (C) Openings may be equipped with shall be generated for subdivision screens, louvers, or other coverings or proposals and other proposed develop- devices provided that they permit the ments which contain at least fifty (50) automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. lots or five (5) acres (whichever is less). b. Nonresidential Construction: New e. Review of Building Permits: Where construction and substantial improvement of elevation data is not available either through any commercial, industrial or other the flood insurance study or from another nonresidential structure shall either have the authoritative source (subsection F3b), lowest floor, including basement, elevated to applications for building permits shall be the level of the base flood elevation; or, reviewed to assure that proposed construction together with attendant utility and sanitary will be reasonably safe from flooding. The test facilities, shall: of reasonableness is a local judgment and includes use of historical data, high water (1) Be floodproofed so that below the marks, photographs of past flooding, etc., base flood level the structure is where available. Failure to elevate at least watertight with walls substantially two feet (2') above grade in these zones may impermeable to the passage of water, re:;ult in higher insurance rates. (2) Have structural components capable 2. Specific Standards. In all areas of special of resisting hydrostatic and hydro- Vitt flood hazards where base flood elevation data dynamic loads and effects of buoyancy; has been provided as set forth in subsection E2, Basis for Establishing the Areas of (3) Be certified by a registered Special Flood Hazard, or subsection F3b, Use professional engineer or architect that of Other Base Flood Data, the following the design and methods of construction provisions are required: are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting a. Residential Construction: provisions of this subsection based on their development and/or review of the i (1) New construction and substantial structural design, specifications and i improvement of any residential structure plans. Such certifications shall be shall have the lowest floor, including provided to the Building Official. basement, elevated to or above base flood elevation. (4) Nonresidential structures that are elevated, not floodproofed, must meet the (2) Fully enclosed areas below the lowest same standards for space below the floor that are subject to flooding are lowest floor as described in subsection prohibited, or shall be designed to G2a(2). automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for (5) Applicants floodproofing NO, the entry and exit of floodwaters. nonresidential buildings shall be notified Designs for meeting this requirement that flood insurance premiums will be must either be certified by a registered based on rates that are one foot (1') professional engineer or architect or below the floodproofed level (e.g., a must meet or exceed the following building constructed to the base flood minimum criteria: level will be rated as one foot [17 below that level). (Ord. 4071, 6-1-87) (A) A minimum of two (2) openings having a total net area of not less than c. Manufactured Homes: All manufac- one square inch for every square foot of tured homes to be placed or substantially enclosed area subject to flooding shall be improved within Zones A1-30, AH, and AE provided. shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the (B) The bottom of all openings manufactured home is at or above the base shall be no higher than one foot (1') flood elevation and be securely anchored to an above grade. adequately anchored foundation system in 4-31-31 4-31-33 G2c) accordance with the provisions of subsection 4-31-32: OUTSIDE STORAGE FACILITIES: Gla(2). This paragraph applies to Outside storage lots shall be effectively manufactured homes to be placed or screened by a combination of landscaping and fenc- substantially improved in an expansion to an ing. existing manufactured home park or subdivision. This paragraph does not apply to A. A minimum of ten feet (10') landscaped strip manufactured homes to be placed or is required between the property lines along substantially improved in an existing public rights of way and the fence. The manufactured home park or subdivision except landscaping shall be of size and variety so as where the repair, reconstruction, or to provide an eighty percent (80%) opaque improvement of the streets, utilities and pads screen. equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the value of the streets, utilities and pads before B. The entire perimeter must be fenced by a the repair, reconstruction, or improvement has minimum of an eight foot (8') high sight commenced. (Ord. 4236, 8-28-89) obscuring fence. Gates may be left unscreened for security purposes. 3. Floodways: Located within areas of special flood hazard established in subsection (E)2 C. Storage areas may be surfaced with crushed are areas designated as floodways. Since the rock or similar material to the approval of the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due Public Works Department to minimize dust, to the velocity of flood waters which carry control surface drainage and provide suitable 'or" debris, potential projectiles, and erosion access. (Ord. 3653, 8-23-82) potential, the following provisions apply: a. Prohibit encroachments, including fill, 4-31-33: SITE PLAN REVIEW: new construction, substantial improvements, and other development unless certification by A. Purpose and Intent: The purpose of site plan a registered professional engineer or architect approval shall be to assure that the site plan is provided demonstrating that encroachments of proposed uses is compatible with existing shall not result in any increase in flood levels and potential uses and complies with plans, during the occurrence of the base flood policies and regulations of the City of Renton. discharge. (Ord. 4071, 6-1-87) Site plan elements subject to this Section include, but are not limited to, site layout, b. Construction or reconstruction of building orientation, pedestrian and vehicular residential structures is prohibited within access, signage, landscaping, natural features designated floodways, except for (i) repairs, of the site, screening and buffering, parking reconstruction, or improvements to a structure and loading arrangements, and illumination. which do not increase the ground floor area; Site planning is the horizontal and vertical and (ii) repairs, reconstruction or arrangement of these elements so as to be Noe improvements to a structure, the cost of compatible with the physical characteristics of which does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of a site and with the surrounding area. Site the market value of the structure either, (a) plan review does not include design review, before the repair, reconstruction, or repair is which addresses the aesthetic considerations started, or (b) if the structure has been of architectural style, exterior treatment and damaged, and is being restored, before the colors. Site plan review should occur at an damage occurred. Work done on structures to early stage in the development of a project, comply with existing health, sanitary, or when the scale, intensity and layout of a safety codes or to structures identified as project are known, but before final building historic places shall not be included in the plans are completed. The intent of site plan fifty percent (50%). approval shall be: c. If subsection G3a is satisfied, all new 1. To protect neighboring owners and uses by construction and substantial improvements assuring that reasonable provisions have been shall comply with all applicable flood hazard made for such matters as sound and sight reduction provisions of this Ordinance. (Ord. 4236, 8-28-89) 490 4-31-33 4-31-33 Al) buffers, light and air, and those other aspects development shall be exempt from the of site plans which may have substantial requirements of site plan review: (Ord. 3981, f' effects on neighboring land uses; 4-7-86) 2. To promote the orderliness of community a. Interior remodel of existing buildings growth, protect and enhance property values or structures, provided: and minimize discordant and undesirable impacts of development both on and off-site; (1) The alterations conform with any prior approved site plan; and 3. To promote coordination of public or quasi- public elements, such as walkways, driveways, (2) The alterations do not modify the paths, and landscaping within segments of existing site layout. larger developments and between individual developments; In addition, facade modifications such as the location of entrances/exits; the location of 4. To ensure convenience and safety of windows; changes in signage; or aesthetic vehicular and pedestrian movement within the alterations shall be exempt. (Ord. 4008, site and in relation to adjacent areas; 7-14-86) 5. To protect the desirable aspects of the b. Planned unit developments (PUD's). natural landscape and environmental features of the City by minimizing the undesirable c. Conditional use permits. '' ie impacts of proposed developments on the physical environment; d. Off-premises signs (billboards). 6. To minimize conflicts that might otherwise e. All development categorically exempt be created by a mix of uses within allowed from review under the State Environment zones; Policy Act (RCW 43.21C and WAC 197-11) and under the City of Renton Environmental 7. To provide for quality, multiple family or Ordinance (Title IV, Chapter 6). -'4 clustered housing while minimizing the impacts of high density, heavy traffic f. Minor new construction, repair, generation, and intense demands on City remodeling and maintenance activities that utilities and recreational facilities; would otherwise be exempt from SPA if they were not located within the shoreline master 8. To promote the creation of "campus-like" program jurisdiction. and "park-like" settings in appropriate zones; 3. For development proposed on only a 9. To provide a mechanism to more effectively portion of a particular site, an applicant may meet the purposes and intent of the State choose to submit a site plan application for Environmental Policy Act; either the entire site or the portion of the site. In the latter case, the application shall 10. To supplement other land use regulations state clearly the area of the site and the by addressing site plan elements not proposed development, including phases, for adequately covered elsewhere in the City which site plan approval is being requested. Code and to avoid violation of the purpose In every case, the site plan application and and intent of those codes. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-86) review shall cover at least that portion of the site which is directly related to or may be B. Applicability: impacted by the actual proposed development, as determined by the Environmental Review 1. For all development in the Manufacturing Committee. Park (M-P), Office Park (0-P), Public Use (P- 1), and Business (B-1) Zones and the R-1-5, C. Site Plan Review Procedures: R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residential Zones, all development with the Valley Planning Area, 1. All site plan applications shall be reviewed and for all hazardous waste treatment and in the manner described below and in storage facilities. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) accordance with the purposes and criteria of 2. In all zones, the following types of 490 a 4-31-33 4-31-33 Cl) this Section. The Building and Zoning final comments of the respective departments Department may develop additional review with regard to the proposed site plan. Lack of procedures to supplement those required in comment from a department shall be this subsection. considered a recommendation for approval of the proposed site plan. However, all 2. Applicants are encouraged to consult early departments reserve the right to make later and informally with representatives of the comments of a code compliance nature during Building and Zoning Department and other building permit review. This includes such affected departments. This consultation should requirements as exact dimensions, include a general explanation of the specifications or any other requirement requirements and criteria of site plan review, specifically detailed in the City Code. as well as the types of concerns that might be anticipated for the proposed use at the 6. After the departmental comment period, proposed site. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-86) the Building and Zoning Department shall notify the applicant of any negative comments 3. Upon receipt of a completed application in or conditions recommended by the the form specified in subsection 4-31-33G departments. When significant issues are below, the Building and Zoning Department raised, this notification should also normally shall route the application for review and involve a meeting between the applicant and comment to various City departments and appropriate City representatives. The NO' other jurisdictions or agencies with an applicant shall have the opportunity to interest in the application. This routing respond to the notification either by should be combined with circulation of submitting a revised site plan application, by environmental information under the Renton submitting additional information, or by ordinance (Title N, Chapter 6) and SEPA. stating in writing why the recommendations (Ord. 4008, 7-14-86) are considered unreasonable or not acceptable. 4. Whenever a completed site plan application 7. Whenever a revised site plan or new is received, the Building and Zoning information is received from an applicant, the Department shall be responsible for providing Building and Zoning Department may public notice of the pending site plan recirculate the application to concerned application. This public notice shall be in the departments. Consulted departments shall form of three (3) signs placed on or near the respond in writing within ten (10) days with subject property and clearly visible from the any additional comments. In general, the largest public street serving the property and City's environmental determination of a public notice mailed to all adjacent property significance or non-significance pursuant to owners at the applicant's expense. The Title N, Chapter 6 will not be issued until applicant shall be responsible for providing after final departmental comments on the site completed mailing labels and postage. plan or revised site plan are received. ("Adjacent" shall mean all contiguous properties, with the assumption that railroads 8. Upon receipt of final departmental and public rights of way, except limited access comments and after the close of the public roads, do not exist.) The notices shall state comment period, the Environmental Review the nature and location of the proposed Committee shall determine the necessity for a development, the public approvals that are public hearing on the site plan application. A required, and the opportunities for public public hearing before the Hearing Examiner comment. A fourteen (14) day public comment shall be required if: period shall be provided prior to any final action by the City on a site plan application, a. The Environmental Review Committee whether or not a public hearing is required. determines that based on departmental com- ments or public input there are significant 5. Comments from the reviewing departments unresolved concerns that are raised by the shall be made in writing within fourteen (14) proposal; or days. Unless a proposed site plan is sub- sequently modified, the recommendations of b. The applicant has requested a public the reviewing departments shall constitute the hearing, or 490 4-31-33 4-31-33 C8) c. The proposed project is larger than site, but are not intended to be inflexible any one of the following: standards or to discourage creativity and c innovation. The site plan review criteria - One hundred (100) multiple family include, but are not limited to, the following: residential units ,s 1. General Criteria: - One hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of gross floor area in the M-P Zone or other a. Conformance with the comprehensive zones in the Valley Planning Area; plan, its elements and policies; - Twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet of b. Conformance with existing land use gross floor area in the B-1, 0-P, or P-1 Zones regulations; outside the Valley Planning Area; c. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding - Four (4) stories or sixty feet (60') in height; properties and uses; - Three hundred (300) parking stalls; or d. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; - Ten (10) acres in size. e. Conservation of area-wide property 9. Whenever a public hearing is required, the values; ' 11100. Building and Zoning Department shall coordinate with the Hearing Examiner in f. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and setting a hearing date for the site plan pedestrian circulation; application. After conducting at least one public hearing on the site plan application, g. Provision of adequate light and air; the Hearing Examiner shall render a written decision pursuant to the provisions of Title h. Mitigation of noise, odors and other IV, Chapter 8. The time limits of Title IV, harmful or unhealthy conditions; Chapter 8 shall apply. In all cases, the public hearing for site plan review should be i. Availability of public services and conducted concurrently with any other facilities to accommodate the proposed use; required hearing, such as rezone or and subdivision, if the details of the development are sufficiently defined to permit adequate j. Prevention of neighborhood deterior- review. ation and blight. 10. When the Environmental Review 2. Mitigation of Impacts to Surrounding Pro- Committee determines that a public hearing perties and Uses: 'VIII' is not required, the proposed site plan shall be deemed approved, subject to any a. Mitigation of undesirable impacts of environmental mitigating measures that may proposed structures and site layouts that be a part of the City's declaration of could impair the use or enjoyment or significance or nonsignificance. potential use of surrounding uses and structures and of the community; D. Site Plan Review Criteria: The Hearing Examiner and City staff shall review and act b. Mitigation of undesirable impacts upon site plans based upon comprehensive when an overscale structure, in terms of size, planning considerations and the following bulk, height, and intensity, or site layout is criteria. These criteria are objectives of good permitted that violates the spirit and/or site plans to be aimed for in development intent of the zoning code and impairs the use, within the City of Renton. However, strict enjoyment or potential use of surrounding compliance with any one or more particular properties; criterion may not be necessary or reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame of c. Provision of a desirable transition and reference for the applicant in developing a linkage between uses and to the street, 490 4-31-33 4-31-33 D2c) utility, walkway, and trail systems in the and to pedestrian and vehicle needs; surrounding area by the arrangement of landscaping, fencing and/or other buffering b. Consideration of placement and scale techniques, in order to prevent conflicts and of proposed structures in relation to the to promote coordinated and planned benefit openness and natural characteristics of a site from, and access to, such elements; in order to avoid over concentration or the impression of oversized structures; d. Consideration of placement and scale of proposed structures in relation to the c. Preservation of the desirable natural natural characteristics of a site in order to landscape through retention of existing avoid over-concentration of structures on a vegetation and limited soil removal, insofar as particular portion of a site such that they the natural characteristics will enhance the create a perception of greater height or bulk proposed development; than intended under the spirit of the zoning code; d. Use of existing topography to reduce undue cutting, filling and retaining walls in e. Effective location, design and order to prevent erosion and unnecessary screening of parking and service areas in storm water runoff, and to preserve stable order to promote efficient function of such natural slopes and desirable natural facilities, to provide integrated facilities vegetation; . between uses when beneficial, to promote Newcampus-like or "park-like" layouts in e. Limitation of paved or impervious appropriate zones, and to prevent unnecessary surfaces, where feasible, to reduce runoff and repetition and conflict between uses and increase natural infiltration; service areas or facilities; f. Design and protection of planting f. Mitigation of the unnecessary and areas so that they are not susceptible to avoidable impacts of new construction on damage from vehicles or pedestrian views from existing buildings and future movements; developable sites, recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual g. Consideration of building form and accessibility to attractive natural features and placement and landscaping to enhance year- of promoting "campus-like" or "park-like" round conditions of sun and shade both settings in appropriate zones; on-site and on adjacent properties and to promote energy conservation. g. Provision of effective screening from public streets and residential uses for all 4. Circulation and Access: permitted outdoor storage areas (except auto and truck sales), for surface mounted utility a. Provision of adequate and safe Now equipment, for rooftop equipment, and for all vehicular access to and from all properties; refuse and garbage containers, in order to promote a "campus-like" or "park-like" setting b. Arrangement of the circulation where appropriate and to preserve the effect pattern so that all ingress and egress and intent of screening or buffering otherwise movements may occur at as few points as required by the zoning code; possible along the public street, the points being capable of channelization for turning h. Consideration of placement and movements; design of exterior lighting in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent c. Consolidation of access points with properties and streets. adjacent properties, when feasible; 3. Mitigation of Impacts of a Proposed Site d. Coordination of access points on a Plan to the Site: superblock basis so that vehicle conflicts and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts are minimized; a. Building placement and spacing to provide for privacy and noise reduction; e. Orientation of access points to side orientation to views and vistas and to site streets or frontage streets rather than directly amenities, to sunlight and prevailing winds, onto arterial streets, when feasible; 490 4-31-33 4-31-33 D4) f. Promotion of the safety and efficiency that will be stored, handled, transported, of the internal circulation system, including treated, used or produced, and the potential the location, design and dimensions of for these activities or substances to degrade .. vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, the groundwater quality. parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways; 7. Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities: g. Separation of loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas; a. Above-ground hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall be h. Provisions for transit and carpool constructed with containment controls which facilities and access where appropriate; and will prevent the escape of hazardous wastes in the event of an accidental release from the i. Provision for safe and attractive facility. Such controls shall conform with all pedestrian connections between parking areas, adopted Federal, State and local design and buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent construction standards. properties. b. Underground hazardous waste treat- 5. Signage: ment and storage facilities shall comply with Chapter 2 of Title VII, the Underground Stor- a. Employment of signs primarily for the age Tank Ordinance. purpose of identification; c. Hazardous waste treatment and b. Management of sign elements, such storage facilities shall comply with article 80 as size, location and arrangement so that of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by signs complement the visual character of the ordinance by the City of Renton. surrounding area and appear in proportion to the building and site to which they pertain; d. A hazardous waste spill contingency plan for immediate implementation in the c. Limitation of the number of signs to event of a release of hazardous wastes at the -� avoid visual clutter and distraction; facility shall be reviewed and approved by the Renton Fire Department prior to issuance of d. Moderation of surface brightness or any permits. lighting intensity except for that necessary for sign visibility; and e. The location of all on-site and off-site facilities must comply with the state siting e. Provision of an identification system criteria as adopted in accordance with RCW to allow for quick location of buildings and 70.105.210. (Ord. 4186, 11-14-88) addresses. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-86) E. Authority for Approval and Modification: vie 6. Aquifer Protection Area (APA): Prior to the issuance of any permit in an Aquifer 1. The Hearing Examiner shall approve a site Protection Area, a finding must be made that plan if the applicant demonstrates that the the proposal will not impact the quantity or proposed site plan is consistent with the quality of water in the aquifer on a short- general purposes of this Section and with the term basis, long-term basis, or cumulatively in review criteria. conjunction with other existing or proposed uses. 2. The Hearing Examiner shall have the power to place reasonable conditions on or a. The required finding shall be made by modify a site plan in order to satisfy the the Hearing Examiner for all proposals which general purposes of this Section and to are subject to approval by the Hearing achieve consistency with the review criteria. Examiner pursuant to Section 4-8-10. All However, strict compliance with any one or other findings shall be made by the Water more particular criterion may not be Utility Engineer. necessary or reasonable. Such conditions or modifications may include, but are not limited b. The required finding shall be based to, screening, buffering, building location and on the activities to be conducted, substances orientation, paving, landscaping, vegetation 490 4-31-33 4-31-33 E2) removal, grading and contouring. The Hearing minimum extent necessary to protect the Examiner shall also have the power to fix the public interest and welfare as expressed in location and configuration of driveways, walk- the purposes of this Section. (Ord. 3981, ways, parking and loading areas, emergency 4-7-86) access, curbs, planting areas, and signs. When only a portion of a site is proposed for deve- F. Major Adjustments: Major adjustments to an lopment, such power to condition, modify or approved site plan require an amended appli- fix shall be exercised only for that area which cation pursuant to subsections 4-31-33C is directly related to or may be impacted by through G. The review and approval shall the actual proposed development. rest with the approval body which approved the original site plan. Major adjustments 3. To the extent necessary to meet the site involve a substantial change in the basic site review criteria and to the extent necessary to design plan, intensity, density, use and the compensate for the impacts attributable to the like generally involving more than a ten per- proposed development, the Hearing Examiner cent (10%) change in area or scale. may impose additional requirements, including: G. Contents of Application: Each application for site plan review shall include an original plus a. Preparation of a landscape plan by a six (6) copies of required forms together with licensed landscape architect; seven (7) copies of all plans and supplemental information. b. Preparation of a grading, drainage and erosion control plan; 1. A completed site plan application form. Information on the application shall include c. Preparation of a vegetation preser- the title, location, and legal description of the vation plan; proposed development, together with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of d. Improvements to identified or planned the recorded owners of the land and the public rights of way, including paving, curbs, applicant, and when applicable, the name, gutters, sidewalks, lighting, turn lanes, address, telephone number and seal of any signalization, bikeways or pedestrian paths; architect, planner, designer or engineer and responsible for the preparation of the plan and any authorized representative of the e. Provision of or improvements to public applicant. facilities and utilities. 2. A completed environmental checklist when 4. In all cases, if an applicant can required. demonstrate that a site plan can be made consistent with the review criteria and 3. A written description addressing the scope general purposes by alternative modifications of the project, the nature and size of each to the site plan, the Hearing Examiner shall use, and a timetable for development, accept the alternative modifications as including phases. conditions of approval and approve the site plan. If a public hearing on the site plan 4. A vicinity map, drawn at a scale of one application has already been closed, the inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200'), modifications proposed by the applicant shall showing site boundaries and existing roads be administered according to subsection and accesses within the boundary of the site. 4-31-33F below. 5. A fully dimensioned site plan of the entire 5. If the Hearing Examiner finds that the site site or applicable portion thereof drawn at a plan application cannot be made consistent scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') with the general purposes and review criteria (or other scale required by the Building and of this Section by requiring reasonable Zoning Department) showing: conditions, then the site plan shall be denied. a. Subject property (all property lines 6. The authority to condition or deny site dimensioned) and abutting streets existing plan applications should be exercised to the and proposed); 4-31-33 4-31-33 G5) b. Location of the subject site with evergreen), shrubs and ground cover, and regards to the nearest street intersections, major existing trees. This information may be including intersections opposite the subject combined with the site plan. property; 9. Any other information deemed pertinent by c. Location of existing driveways the Building and Zoning Department; adjacent to the subject property or on the provided, that the Department may also waive opposite side of the street facing the subject any of the above requirements when it is property; obvious from the scope or nature of the proposal that the information is not d. All existing public improvements significant or helpful to an informed decision. including, but not necessarily limited to: curb, gutter, and sidewalk; median islands; street 10. A fee as specified by ordinance. (Ord. trees; street lights; fire hydrants; utility poles, 4008, 7-4-86) etc., including those adjacent to the subject site; H. Building Permits: No building permit shall be issued for any use requiring site plan e. Location of existing and proposed approval pursuant to this Section until the fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, Environmental Review Committee has easements, refuse areas, and on-site utility determined that a public hearing is not structures; required or the Hearing Examiner has approved or approved with conditions the site Noe f. Location and size of proposed plan application. All building permits issued structures, storage areas, buffer areas, yards, shall be in compliance with the approved site open spaces, and landscaped areas; plan. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-86) g. Proposed use of structures and gross I. Time Limits: The final approval of a site plan floor area; shall expire within two (2) years of the date of approval. A single two (2) year extension _ h. A circulation plan illustrating all may be granted for good cause by the ^) access points for the site, and the size and approval body which approved the original location of all driveways, streets and roads, site plan. The approval body may, however, and the location, size and design of parking determine at its discretion that a public and loading areas; hearing may be required for such extension. (Ord. 4008, 7-14-86) i. Generalized grading plan, if the proposed grade differential on-site will exceed J. Phasing. The Hearing Examiner may grant twenty four inches (24") from top of curb or site plan approval for large projects planned adjacent properties; to be developed or redeveloped in phases over a period of years exceeding the normal time ,, iftsie j. Generalized utilities plan, drainage limits of subsection I above. Such approval and stormwater runoff provisions; and shall include clearly defined phases and specific time limits for each phase. If the time k. Topographic features and contours limits of a particular phase are not satisfied, (existing and proposed), at intervals not then site plan approval for that phase and greater than five feet (5'), and existing subsequent phases shall expire. The Hearing streams, lakes, marshes, and other natural Examiner shall also determine if such a features. phased project will be eligible for any extensions of the time limits. As long as the 6. Copies of generalized architectural development of a phased project conforms to elevations of all proposed buildings and the approved phasing plan, the zoning structures. regulations in effect at the time of the original approval shall continue to apply. 7. A graphic depicting proposed building However, all construction shall conform to the signs, if known. Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code regulations in force at the time of 8. A landscaping plan indicating the proposed building permit application. location and density of trees (deciduous or 4-31-33 4-31-34 K. Appeals: The final decision by the a. Scale: 1" = 10' for sites less than one Environmental Review Committee on whether acre; 1" = 20' for sites over one acre. a site plan application requires a public hearing may be appealed within fourteen (14) b. Location and size of area. days to the Hearing Examiner pursuant to Section 4-8-11B. The final decision by the c. Buildings (structures) - new and exist- Hearing Examiner on a site plan application ing. requiring a public hearing may be appealed to the City Council within fourteen (14) days d. Property lines. pursuant to Section 4-8-16. (Ord. 3981, 4-7-86) e. Parking, circulation, walks. 4-31-34: LANDSCAPING: f. Setback lines. A. Purpose and Intent: Landscaping require- g. Legal description (attached to plan). merits are established to provide minimum landscaped standards necessary to maintain h. Topography - existing and proposed and protect property values and enhance the contours. image and appearance of the City. These requirements apply to all uses except single i. Identify abutting streets, alleys and " ++'• family and two family residential uses. other rights of way. B. Site/Landscaping Plan Review: Site plans and j. North arrow. landscaping plans shall be required with applications for building permits. The plan 2. Landscaping Plan: Landscaping plans must must be approved for issuance of a building include: permit. All approved landscaping shall be completed on site before the issuance of an a. Scale: 1" = 20' unless greater detail is occupancy permit. required, then 1" = 10'. C. Deferred Landscape Improvements: A deve- b. Location and size of planting areas. loper may wish to defer specific on-site and The width of a landscaping area when curbed, off-site landscaping improvements for more shall be measured from inside to inside of the than ninety (90) days after obtaining a curbs. certificate of occupancy due to seasonal planting difficulties or plant shortages or to c. Location, size, spacing and names of the fact that the project is impacted by a proposed and existing plants, trees and/or pending public works project. In such a case, other vegetation, decorative rocks or similar a written application shall be made to the landscaping improvements. Board of Public Works no later than fifteen (15) days prior to occupancy and procedures of d. Planting details - soil mix, planting Section 4-14-4L shall apply. Upon such depth and width, staking and bark mulch application, the Board of Public Works may depth. (Ord. 3718, 3-28-83) defer landscaping for up to one year unless the project is impacted by a pending public 3. Underground Sprinkling System Plan: works project, in which case the Board shall Underground sprinkling systems shall be determine an appropriate period of time for installed and maintained in all landscaped deferral of landscaping improvements. A areas. The sprinkler system shall provide full performance bond as provided in Section water coverage of the planted areas as 4-31-4L must be provided in favor of the City specified on the plan. Underground sprinkling at the time the deferral is approved. system plans must include: D. Site/Landscape/Sprinkler System Plan Re- a. Scale: 1" = 20'. quirements: b. Location and size of sprinklers. (Ord. 1. Site Plan: Site plans must include: 3988, 4-28-86) 4-31-34 E. Amended Landscaping Plan: The approved b. Stripping of vegetative et ;ere landscaping requirements may be modified harmful erosion and run-off will occur .:hall upon request to the Building and Zoning be avoided. Department. The plans may be approved, denied or returned to the applicant with c. Areas of fragile natural environments suggestions for changes that would make should be protected from development and them acceptable. encroachment. F. Landscape Requirements - Specific: d. If practicable, unique features within the site should be preserved and incorporated 1. Existing Plant Material: Existing trees and into the site development design (such as other vegetation on the site of a proposed springs, streams, marshes, significant development may be used where practical if vegetation, rock out-croppings and significant the quality is equal to or better than ravines). available nursery stock. G. Maintenance: 2. Green River Valley: Any development in the Green River Valley shall provide a 1. Landscaping required by this Section shall minimum of two percent (2%) of the total site be maintained by the owner and/or occupant for landscaping suitable for wildlife habitat. and shall be subject to periodic inspection by This landscaping is in addition to any other the Building and Zoning Department. landscaping requirements by this Section or Plantings are to be maintained in a healthy, any other ordinance. growing condition and those dead or dying shall be replaced within six (6) months. 3. Shorelines Master Program: Any Property owners shall keep the planting areas development within the protected shorelines reasonably free of weeds and litter. area shall be required to meet the standards and requirements of the City of Renton 2. The Building Director or his designated Shorelines Master Plan. representative, is authorized to notify the owner or his agent that any installed • 4. Slopes: landscaping as required by the Building and Zoning Department, is not being adequately a. General: The faces of cut and fill maintained and the specific nature of the slopes shall be developed and maintained to failure to maintain. The Building and Zoning control against erosion. This control may Department shall send the property owner or consist of effective planting. The protection for his agent two (2) written notices, each with a the slopes shall be installed within thirty (30) fifteen (15) day response period. The notices days of grading completion and prior to a shall specify the date by which said request for final project approval. Where maintenance must be accomplished and shall slopes are not subject to erosion due to the be addressed to the property owner or agent's erosion-resistant character of the materials last known address. such protection may be omitted with the permission of the Public Works Department, H. Violation: Violation of this Section shall be a provided that this protection is not required misdemeanor punishable as provided in this by the rehabilitation plan. Code. Each and every day or portion thereof during which violation of any of the b. Other Devices: Where necessary, provisions of this Section is committed, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other devices continued or permitted, shall constitute a or methods shall be employed to control separate offense. (Ord. 3718, 3-28-83) erosion and sediment, provide safety and control the rate of water run-off. 4-31-35: GREENBELT REGULATIONS: 5. General Requirements: A. Purpose and Intent: Greenbelt areas are a. Existing desirable vegetation should characterized by severe topographic, ground be preserved where applicable. water, slope instability, soil or other physical 4-31-35 4-31-35 A) limitations that make the areas unsuitable for technical persons, shall govern the treatment intensive development. Provisions for public of an individual building site or parcel of land enjoyment of greenbelt areas are encouraged; requiring compliance with these regulations. however, greenbelt designations do not imply public ownership or the right of public access. C. Vegetation Removal: There shall be no The purpose of these regulations is to removal of vegetation within a greenbelt until supplement the policies contained in the a permit is issued pursuant to Section comprehensive plan regarding greenbelts by 4-31-35D below except for normal the control of development, by minimizing maintenance with written approval by the damage due to landslide, subsidence or Building and Zoning Department for such erosion, by protecting wetlands and activities as trimming of vegetation or fish-bearing waters, and providing physical removal of dangerous or diseased plant relief between expanses of similar land uses. f materials. Implementation of these regulations will D. Development Standards: Whenever a proposed protect the public against avoidable losses due development requires a building permit, to maintenance and replacement of public grading permit, shoreline . substantial facilities, property damage, subsidy cost of development permit, conditional use permit, public mitigation of avoidable impacts, and variance, rezone, planned unit development, costs for public emergency rescue and relief subdivision or short subdivision, and one or operations. These regulations supplement but more of the greenbelt criteria as defined in ..+' .,w. do not replace the underlying zoning Section 4-31-35B above is present on the site regulations for specific properties. These of the proposed development, studies by regulations will provide responsible City qualified professionals may be required. The officials with information to condition or deny City shall send written notification to the public or private projects to protect potentially applicant whenever such studies are required. haze rdous areas and to avoid the necessity of The City may approve, approve with preparing environmental impact statements in conditions, or deny any such proposal to carry cases where there will not be significant out the purposes of this Section. adverse environmental effects, thus expediting governmental approval processes. Whenever a proposed development involves only one single family dwelling, which is not B. General Provisions: Greenbelt regulations part of a larger development proposal, the apply to areas that are first designated as City shall not require special studies or greenbelt on the City's comprehensive land reports by the applicant. useap wand also identified as containing one or more/of the following physical criteria: J1. Steep Slope Areas: These regulations apply '-'/"., Pi- ,' to land form features of a site between 1. Steep Slope Areas: Areas with slopes that significant and identifiable changes in slope. exceed twenty five percent (25%). a. Definitions (see Exhibit "A" for an 2. Physical Hazards: Areas identifiable as a illustration of these definitions): severe landslide hazard or areas where other severe hazards are anticipated including (1) Slope shall be defined as the average erosion, seismic, flood, and icoal mine slope of the lot or portion thereof in subsidence: percent between significant changes in slope, determined by observation on 3. (Utility Easements and Rights of Way: simple slopes, or more precisely by the Major eelecl icity, water and gas transmission formula: line easements and rights of way. S = 100 I L 4. Other Criteria: Wetland, stream corridors, A and flood control wo (2) Where "I" is the contour interval in The actual presence or ab ence of the criteria feet but not greater than ten feet (10'); illustrated above in gr••=nbelt areas, as "L" is the combined length of the determined by qualified .rofessional and 490 19$4: 4-31-35 1 4-31-35 01 • D1a2) contour lines in scale feet; and "A" is with great caution : i d development should be the net area between significant changes based on <aound e :•neering and technical in slope of the lot in square feet. knowledge. The Ki I• -• ' :itive Areas Map Folio dated arch, 1981 is hereby (3) A significant change in slope shall be adopted by refe - . . ,assist in the defined as a bench or plateau at least determination of and evaluation of physical fifteen feet (15') in width. hazard ureas as prescribed by this Section. b Development is prohibited on slopes a. As a general rule, development should than forty percent (40%). not increase the risk of hazard either on or off-site. Where detailed technical information c. In greenbelt eaeas with between is provided illustrating that development can twenty five percent (25%) and forty percent be safely .accsommodated, devalopment that is (40%) slope the maximum residential density compatible with the degree of hazard and shall be: with surrounding uses may be allowed. Provided, any such development retains at (1) One unit per acre, and for each one least seventy five percent (75%) of the site in percent (1%) of slope in excess of twenty open space or is landscaped compatibly with five percent (25%), an additional nine the physical hazards. hundred (900) square feet in lot area per dwelling unit shall be required. b. The City may require site specific studies, completed by a qualified soils (2) When the current Uitil,:g designation engineer or engineering geologist or oth- w"'ompap„t exceeds one dwelling unit per acre the qualified professionals, which shall inr' .e allowable development density- in the ."'-'4, -,.,--, vecific recommendations for mitigating steep slope area shall be reduced to measures which should be required as a one-fourth (1/4), and for each one percent condition of al y .approval for such (1%) of slope in excess of twenty five development. The recomtnendatione may percent (25%), the remaining allowable include, but are not limited to, construction dwelling unit density shall be reduced techniques, design,, drainage, or density , by an additional five percent (5%). specifications, or seasonal constraints on development. U ftbn review of these studies, d. The xeaximum nonresidential the development permit shall be conditioned buildable area shall be reduced to oe e-fourth to mitigate adverse environmental 'impacts (V4), and for each one percent (1%) of slope in and to assure that the development can be oxeess of twenty five percent (25%), the re- safely accommodated on the site 'and is mai,..ing buildable area shall be reduced by an consistent with the purposes of this 'Section. add hemi five percent (5%). The City may waive the requirement for special studies where sufficient information is e, 4,7.reenbelt areas between twenty five otherwise available to approve, approve wit1.17 percent (25%) and forty percent (40%) slope conditions, or deny the development permit. kms, shall be c t'-zect to special r4view i assure stable bun,( .,i, o.-.ditions, safe end cony:,,nient ( ~3. Utility Easements and Rights of Way: A access and 7,:mirLamm disruption c the natural limited . number of low intensitar uses physical featx.ve4 of the land. T. City may consistent with the existing zoning arid utility require the apFli';ant to furnish a report by a use may be pe-reitted within utility licensed engiryr to evalue.te the site. greenbelts such that the proposed Fy,iever, the Cay aea,y waive the r_• ?,.!_a hent development uieeta tele intent of providing a Io.,. ' ecial stedie s :+'x,eye sufficient d,finitive ;geographic relief between adjoining it,rarrtq .'on is oth4ir.,riee sV>ilable to approve, existing or anticipated land use. Allowable approve with coneiib iii., -a- deny ;-she uses include: development permit. a. Afly structtres or activity directly 2. Physical Hazards: Gem/belts established associated with, the supply or service of upon these criteria should Le developed only utilities, 1 4-31-37 4-31-37 ZONING ANIMAL CATEGORY G-1 R-1 R-2 R-3 R.4 P-1 OP B-i tri PSP T Household Pets PPPPPPPPPPPP Small Farm Animals P* P* P* 1 1 1 Large Farm Animals P* P* P* (Goat, Sheep) 2 2 2 Large Farm Animals P* P* P* (Horse, Cow) 3 3 3 Hobby Kennel L LL L L L L* L* L* L* L* L Kennel CU P P } Commercial Stables CU SYMBOLS: P - Permitted P* - Permitted with an acreage limit L* - License/Building and Zoning Department, provided use associated with a sing'€. family residence L - License/Building and Zoning Department CU - Conditional Use/Hearing Examiner Explanations: 1. A maximum of twenty (20) small farm animals may be permitted outright on one nacre. For keeping more than twenty (20) animals on lots less than one acre, a conditional w:a permit shall be required. 2. There shall be a minimum of one-fourth ('/4) acre per animal for goat or sheep or similar sized animals. A maximum of four (4) may be permitted outright on one acre. For keeping more than four (4) animals on lots less than one acre, a conditional use permit shall be required. M ' 3. Acreage limitation for the following animals: a. Horses: There shall be a minimum of one-half('4) acre per horse. A maximum of two (2) horses may be permitted outright on one acre. On lots with less than one acre and at least one-third ('4) acre, a conditional use permit shall be required. b. Cows: There shall be a minimum of one acre per cow. A maximum of one cow may be permitted outright on one acre. On lots with less than one acre and at least one-third ('i,) acre, a conditional use permit shall be required. 4. On property of one acre, it is permitted to keep two (2) horses or one cow or four (4) goats and twenty (20) small farm animals. However, only one of these large farm animal categories may be grouped together with the small farm animals. (Ord. 3927, 7-15-85) if y 4-31-37 441-37 C2a) (5) Conditions of Outdoor Facilities: the applicant must meet the require- Outdoor facilities will be constructed to ments of this Section or any provisions provide shelter from the weather and of the animal control authority. associated elements while providing sufficient space for animal movement D. Enforcement: and exercise. Adequate drainage must be provided to prevent water buildup end 1. Enforcement Responsibility: Responsibility subsequent damage and to facilitate for enforcement of the provisions of this Sec- waste removal. Adequate fences or tion shall be as follows: retaining walls must be constructed to contain animals and prevent intrusion a. Animal Control Officer: All those by others. matters related to care, maintenance, and individual licensing. b. Review Process: The Hearing Examiner, in reviewing kennels, may require b. Building and Zoning Department: All additional setbacks, fencing, screening, or soundproofing requirements as he deems those matters concerning land use and zoning. necessary to insure the con+patibility of the kennel with the surrounding neighborhood. Any doubt regarding responsibility will be Factors to be considered in determining such administratively determined. compatibility are: 2. Fines: li (1) Statements regarding approval/ disapproval of surrounding neighbors a. Violation of land use permits granted relative to maintenance of a kennel at are subject to fines established in this Code. the address applied for. b. All other violations of police regula (2) Past history of animal control coo- tions shall be administered in accordance with plaints relating to the dogs and cats of Title VI, Chapter 6, Police Regulations of the the a»plicsint at the address for which City of Renton. 14.., i. �rt:a1 ig gppliedi for.. E. Location of Animals in Zoning Districts: (3) Facility specifications/dimensions in which the dogs and cats are to be main- (See following page for Table 4-31-37E) tamed. I. (4) Characteristics of animals to be kept: size, type. (5) The zoning classification of the : premises on which the kennel is main- tained. (6) Compliance with the requirements of this Section. c. Conditional Use Permits - Waiting Period Following Revocation or Refusal to Renew: (1) For a period of one year after the date of revocation, or refusal to renew, conditional use permits shall not be issued for kennels to applicants who t $ have previously had such permits € revoked or renewal refused. In addition, i