HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/2017 - Minutes ` City of Renton - Board of Park Commissioners
31� Meeting Minutes
' October 10, 2017—City Hall, Conference Room 726
1. CALL TO ORDER/In Attendance:
Members: Marlene Winter, Cynthia Burns,AI Dieckman, Larry Reymann,Tim Searing,Shun Takano, and Troy
City Staff: Kelly Beymer, Leslie Betlach,Cailin Hunsaker, Vicki Grover, and Roberta Graver
Chair Marlene Winter called the meeting to order at 4:37pm. Roll call was taken.All board commissioners were
present except for Avni Mungra,who told Marlene that she wouldn't be there. Larry Reymann motioned to
excuse Avni Mungra; Cynthia Burns seconded, all were in favor, motion carried.
Cynthia Burns motioned to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Larry Reymann; all were in favor,
motion carried,the agenda was approved.
Tim Searing motioned to approve the September 12, 2017 minutes as written; Shun Takano seconded, all were
in favor, motion carried,the minutes were approved. Roberta mentioned that the June 13,2017 minutes were
missing the Trails and Bike Master Plan presentation, so distributed the amended minutes for review and
approval.There was no discussion. Cynthia Burns motioned to approve the June 13, 2017 minutes as amended,
Larry Reymann seconded; all were in favor, motion carried,the minutes were approved.
a. Benson Hill—Community P/an Advisory Boord(BHCPABJ — No meeting till December.This item will be
removed from the November agenda
b.Student Report—none.
c. Other—
i. Marlene stated she had spoken with Avni and learned that she will not be able to continue as the youth
member due to a demanding school schedule. Upon receiving official notice from Avni, Kelly will notify the
Executive Office to make notice of the open position. Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 9 governs the Parks
Commission and states that the youth member must be a Renton resident,and "shall be under the age of 21".
The board suggested giving her a thank you card and inviting her to the December Holiday meeting.
ii.Troy brought up that he and AI will revisit drafting commission bylaws for the board to review in an
upcoming meeting.
iii. Larry said he hiked the May Creek area recently and saw 9 female and 1 male sockeye,which is the most
he's seen in the past five years. He also recently saw 5 Chinook and 5 carcasses in and along the Cedar River,
which, he says, is a better return than in the past since river fishing has been closed. He also said that he's seen
Pinks in the river. He added that there will also be Naturalists on the Cedar River(at three locations) each
weekend in October.
a. Trails and Bicycle Master P/an—Leslie Betlach and Vicki Grover shared an update on the plan progress using a
City of Renton-Park Board Minutes
October 10,2017
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PowerPoint Presentation.This master plan update will reflect new policy language that will be consistent with
the Citywide Comprehensive Plan and the Parks, Recreation,and Natural Areas Plan that was adopted in 2011.
This plan update is a joint effort between Transportation and Parks Planning and Natural Resources divisions.
The presentation described the public process,the multiple ways information is being collected and a brief
summary of the comments made to date,from both the online questionnaire and map, open house meetings,
King County and the Technical Advisory Committee.
Board comments and presenter responses:
* If the survey was asking about equestrian needs,where in the city would we have city equestrian
facilities? Leslie indicated that there aren't equestrian facilities presently and the last plan didn't address it.
Since the last plan adoption,the City received questions as to why equestrian use was not identified. This plan
update includes equestrian use as a part of this public process.She said that there were no comments made
regarding equestrian use in the on-line questionnaire.
* Regarding the Bicycle Pie Chart(slide 14),and the large percentage saying that they bicycle in Renton,
one might wonder if this is due to the organized bicycle groups in the area which might have a stronger
showing than 'unorganized'walkers not represented in this chart.The survey broke out questions separately
for bicyclists and walkers;slide 14 is only showing the bicyclists responses to the question.As far as the survey
responders,there is no way to discern if they are a part of an organized bicycle club or not.The survey didn't ask
questions for that detail.
* Is there a vision for the most feasible way to connect the Eastside Rail Corridor to the lake to Sound
Trail and Cedar River Trail? Leslie said,yes and there are 5-year and 20-year solutions being developed.The rail
bed is the preferred location for a trail, but BNSF is hesitant to allow a dual use facility.
* (Per Slide 16"Where Do You Walk"), Is this representing walking and running? Leslie said, just
* (Per Slide 16"Where Do You Walk"), Is`side of street'walking mean `walking on sidewalks'? Leslie
responded,Yes,there were a lot of responses on the lack of sidewalks.
* Linking Honey Creek Trait and May Creek would be helpful. Leslie indicated that the public feedback
supports this connection.
* (Per Slide 17 "Which Trails Do You Walk or Run?")The percentage of the responses don't add up, its
sum is more than 100%. Leslie responded that the survey was not a statistically valid survey, and that
responders could select multiple answers to this survey question.And while the populations grows, we may not
be able to meet the demands(as outlined in the Local Distribution and Access Criteria in the Washington State
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan).
* Did we(the city)participate in the'Bike to Work Day'event and is there a count for Renton?Vicki
responded that the city didn't officially participate,and we didn't get any numbers for overall Renton
participation.We're hopeful to participate next year.
* (Per Slide 28"Facility Types—Neighborhood Greenway") Is there a plan to get rid of single bike lanes
[in the city]?Vicki said this slide refers to Neighborhood Greenways which are residential streets which provide
a 'lower stress'option of bicycling around;there's lower vehicle volumes and speeds, safe and convenient
crossings,and sign/payment markings.
* Board members would like to see concept plans on Slide 30 in more detail as to the'up to five'
identified intersections that could facilitate trail connections. (Roberta will forward that out to the board
* (Per Slide 32—"DRAFT Prioritization Criteria") Is there money to do these projects? Depending upon the
trail type (transportation or recreation-oriented)the City has the ability to apply for grants to offset construction
* Can I get a copy of these maps to look at them closer? Leslie noted that the maps are 24 inches by 36
inches and are on display at each of the public open houses. In addition all the materials are posted on line for
public viewing.
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October 10,2017
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* Is this a 10-year plan? Leslie said that it's a 6-year plan that looks out 20 years. This plan is being
updated at about the 8-year mark. Updating it is extensive and that it's hard to fit into the regular schedule.
* Board member responded that they are excited to see these trails connected and have the
opportunity to get out and about on them.
Kelly reported out that questions have come forward regarding the safety at Coulon (crash and grab vehicle
break-ins). She said that 40-50 security cameras are being installed from the north parking lot to the south
parking lot;they will all be live cameras (no 'dummy'cameras). Kelly suggested that this topic could be added to
the November meeting agenda. Cailin said that this isn't in response to an increase in crime, but the on-going
criminal activities.She says they are working on new signage addressing this issue.
Kelly shared with the board the Custer Family response to her email regarding the Boards alternative facility-
naming recommendation.Since the family didn't identify a room in one of the buildings Kelly identified,the
board discussed offering them a room in the Renton Community Center as that building was their initial choice
for renaming.What with amending the original Custer Family facility renaming request,the board discussed and
a suggestion was made that for future reference, it would be beneficial to identify the criteria with which they
came to this decision. Larry Reymann made the motion that in respect of the Custer Family's request to rename
RCC, city staff will identify three rooms within the Renton Community Center and email them to the board for
review in preparation to vote on a selection at the November meeting.Tim Searing seconded the motion. It was
discussed that the rooms to be identified be highly visible by the facility guests.The vote was taken, all were in
favor.The motion passed.
A question was raised about the timing of the stop light at Coulon Park's entrance. Kelly said that the timing has
been tweaked, and that Transportation is still evaluating the timing and flow.
Larry Reymann motioned to adjourn,Tim Searing seconded; all were in favor, motion carried, meeting
adjourned at 5:35 pm.
Minutes submitted by: AU,�r'_' \ �� I� I �
Roberta Graver,Administrative Assistant
Minutes approved by:
Marlene Winter, Board Chair
The Next Parks Commission meeting will be November 14,2014 at City Hall, Conference Room 726.
The 2017 Boards and Commissions Holiday Event is December 5, at the Renton Museum at 5:00 pm.
City of Renton-Park Board Minutes
October 10, 2017
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