HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_ERC_Agency_Letter_180622.pdf
cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region
Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Larry Fisher, WDFW
Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Duwamish Tribal Office
Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program US Army Corp. of Engineers
Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Washington State Department of Ecology
June 22, 2018
Washington State
Department of Ecology
Environmental Review Section
PO Box 47703
Olympia, WA 98504-7703
Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed
by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on June 18, 2018:
SEPA DETERMINATION: Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M)
PROJECT NAME: PR18-000208 Boeing Mitigation Hangar
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on
July 6, 2018, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady
Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information
regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510.
Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have
questions, please call me at (425) 430-7219.
For the Environmental Review Committee,
Alex Morganroth
Associate Planner
Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator
Public Works Department
Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator
Renton Regional Fire Authority
Kelly Beymer, Administrator
Community Services Department
Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator
Department of Community &
Economic Development
APPLICANT: Mark Clement, PO Box 3707, MC 96-01, Seattle, WA 98124
PROJECT NAME: Boeing Mitigation Hangar
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of
a 58,474 square foot hangar at the Boeing plant site. The subject property (APN 0723059001) is to the east of the Ce dar
River along the southern shore of Lake Washington. The site, home to the Boeing 737 plant and associated support
buildings, is located in the Urban Center (UC) zone and has a Commercial Mixed Use designation on the Comprehensive
Land Use Map. The proposed hangar would be used as an extension of the final assembly building (4-81-82). The hangar
would have space for two un-fueled 737 aircrafts to undergo troubleshooting of problems that may arise during final
inspections. The proposed location of the hangar is near the northwest corner of the assembly building approximately 215
feet from the Lake Washington Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and is outside of the Shoreline Jurisdiction of Lake
Washington, Reach I, designated as Shoreline High Intensity. A High Seismic Hazard is mapped on the project site. No
change in access to the site is proposed, but internal roads and parking may be affected. The applicant has not proposed
any impervious surface increase, tree removal, or vegetation removal as a part of the project. The applicant submitted a
Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report, and Parking/Traffic Analysis with the application.
PROJECT LOCATION: 737 Logan Ave N, Renton, WA 98054
LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton
Environmental Review Committee
Department of Community & Economic Development
The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse
impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).
Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of
Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified
during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not
act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days.
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 22, 2018. Appeals
must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way,
Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from
the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510.
DATE OF DECISION: June 18, 2018
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4576C8FD-5022-4B7E-8EBD-9B0DB50F2CBE
6/18/2018 | 4:52 PM PDT
6/18/2018 | 3:09 PM PDT
6/18/2018 | 3:23 PM PDT
6/18/2018 | 3:13 PM PDT
APPLICANT: Mark Clement, PO Box 3707, MC 96-01, Seattle, WA 98124
PROJECT NAME: Boeing Mitigation Hangar
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for the
construction of a 58,474 square foot hangar at the Boeing plant site. The subject property (APN
0723059001) is to the east of the Cedar River along the southern shore of Lake Washington. The site,
home to the Boeing 737 plant and associated support buildings, is located in the Urban Center (UC) zone
and has a Commercial Mixed Use designation on the Comprehensive Land Use Map . The proposed
hangar would be used as an extension of the final assembly building (4-81-82). The hangar would have
space for two un-fueled 737 aircrafts to undergo troubleshooting of problems that may arise during final
inspections. The proposed location of the hangar is near the northwest corner of the assembly building
approximately 215 feet from the Lake Washington Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and is outside of
the Shoreline Jurisdiction of Lake Washington, Reach I, designated as Shoreline High Intensity. A High
Seismic Hazard is mapped on the project site. No change in access to the site is pro posed, but internal
roads and parking may be affected. The applicant has not proposed any impervious surface increase,
tree removal, or vegetation removal as a part of the project. The applicant submitted a Drainage Report,
Geotechnical Report, and Parking/Traffic Analysis with the application.
PROJECT LOCATION: 737 Logan Ave N, Renton, WA 98054
LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton
Department of Community & Economic Development
Planning Division
1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by
S&EE, dated April 23, 2018, or an updated report submitted at a later date.
2. The applicant shall submit documentation to the Current Planning Project Manager showing no
net increase in artificial light levels at the OHWM as a result of the project. The documentation
shall be submitted prior to Civil Construction Permit application submittal.
The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative
land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the
appeal process for the land use actions.
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The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use
action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for
the land use action.
(Contact: Alex Morganroth, 425-430-7219, amorganroth@rentonwa.gov)
1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless
otherwise approved by the Development Services Division.
2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be
restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through
Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight
o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays.
3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an
appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where
no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch,
sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design
Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed bet ween the dates of November 1st and
March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to
final inspection and approval of the permit.
4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is
being cleared.
5. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or
fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the
area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained.
6. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible
for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and
/or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit.
Development Engineering:
(Contact: Ann Fowler, 425-430-7382 , afowler@rentonwa.gov)
1. See Attached Development Engineering Memo dated May 22, 2018
Fire Authority:
(Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024, cthomas@rentonrfa.org)
1. The required fire flow does not change with this new addition. Existing private fire hydrant looped
water main system provides adequate fire flow and shall be relocated as necessary to accommodate
footprint of proposed building. Fire protection water mains are not allowed by code to be run
underneath a building. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150-feet of the structure and all
other additional hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. Maximum hydrant spacing is
300 feet on center around the building. One hydrant shall be within 50-feet of the fire department
sprinkler connection. A looped water main is required to be installed around the building.
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2. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans
and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler
riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system.
3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 -feet of all points on the building.
Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 -feet inside and 45-
feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a
30-ton vehicle and 75-psi point loading.
4. Applicant shall provide a completed Hazardous Material Inventory Statement prior to building permit
issuance. Use of City of Renton form or approved equivalent is required.
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DATE: May 22, 2018
TO: Alex Morganroth, Planner
FROM: Ann Fowler, Civil Plan Reviewer
SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for Boeing New 4-87
Mitigation Hangar
737 Logan Ave N
LUA 18-000293
I have reviewed the application for the Boeing New 4-87 Mitigation Hangar at 737 Logan Ave N (APN(‘s) 0723059001) and
have the following comments:
The project site is located at the northern extent of the existing Boeing Reproduction Plant, directly adjacent to the
northwest corner of Building 4-81 and just south of Apron R. Aircraft staging stalls are located on the western end of the
project. A two-way vehicular drive aisle and pedestrian path separates the area uses and includes a dedicated fire access
lane. There is an existing employee parking area located at the southern end of the project site. Stormwater r unoff from
the existing site is collected in a series of private catch basins and conveyance pipes and routed through a combined
oil/water separator and water quality vault prior to discharge into the existing outfalls within Lake Washington. The
existing vault is located within the proposed building footprint.
1. The applicant has not proposed the addition, removal or replacement of any public water utility lines or
appurtenances. However, there are numerous utilities owned by Boeing, including water lines for domestic and
fire protection within the proposed redevelopment area. The Civil plans should clearly identify the impacted
private water lines and hydrants and their proposed relocations.
2. Relocation of the fire line will require separate fire permits.
1. The applicant has not proposed the addition, removal or replacement of any public sewer utility lines or
appurtenances. Civil plans and permit will be required if the project results in the installation of a new, replaced,
or relocated wastewater main. If floor drains are required by the building department, drains are required to be
connected to the sanitary sewer system. Flows shall be directed through the floor drains that are installed in
accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code to an interior or exterior oil/water separator.
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1. A geotechnical report, dated April 23, 2018, completed by Soil & Environmental Engineers, Inc. (S&EE) for the site
has been provided. The submitted report describes the site is a Low Erosion Hazard area. Erosion control
measures will need to be in place prior to starting grading activities on the site. Geotechnical recommendations
presented need to be address within the project plans.
2. A Preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report (TIR), dated April 26, 2018, was submitted by
BergerABAM with the Land Use Application. Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within
the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard area matching Existing Site Conditions and is within the Lake Washington
and Cedar River Drainage Basin. The development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2017
Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). All nine core requirements and the six special requirements
have been discussed in the Technical Information Report.
3. Direct Discharge Exception - The project site is located within the Lake Washington and Cedar River drainage basin
and the flowpath from the project site discharge point is less than a half mile to the 100-year floodplain of Lake
Washington and qualifies for the direct discharge exemption in accordance with Section of the 2017
RSWDM and must adhere to all requirements thereof.
4. The project is classified as a redevelopment project in accordance with the definition of redevelopment project
provided in the RSWDM. As a redevelopment project, the project is exempt from Core Requirement #8 – Water
Quality as it meets the exemption criteria outlined in Section 1.2.8 of the RSWDM - #3 Cost Exemption for Parcel
Redevelopment Projects. However, the applicant has elected to provide enhanced water quality treatment prior
to discharge in order to provide a benefit to Lake Washington and its aquatic habitat. Project water quality
treatment will consist of conveyance to oil/water separator vaults, which will direct surface water to several Linear
Modular Wetland systems prior to discharge to the outfalls in Lake Washington.
5. The proposed oil/water separator and water quality systems shall be designed in accordance with the RSWDM
that is current at the time of civil construction permit application. Separate structural plans will be required to be
submitted for review and approval under a separate building permit for the detention and/or water quality vault.
Special inspection from the building department is required.
6. All conveyance systems and outfalls impacted and/or created by the redevelopment project shall be analyzed in
accordance with the RSWDM.
7. Appropriate on-site BMPs will be required to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. The final
drainage plan and drainage report, addressing the implementation of on-site BMPs must be submitted with the
civil construction permit application. The applicant will need to re-evaluate the feasibility of utilizing basic
dispersion for the target impervious surface areas that may be able to disperse into any added or existing
landscaping areas.
8. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology will be required if grading and clearing of
the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site.
9. Surface water system development fee is $0.687 per square foot of new impervious surface, but not less than
$1,718.00. This is payable prior to issuance of the construction permit.
10. The applicant shall provide a resolution to the ponding of water on top of the pavement to the west of the project
site as a maintenance activity prior to or as part of the civil construction permit approval for the Boeing Mitigation
Hangar Project.
1. The proposed redevelopment does not front any public right-of-way.
2. On-site improvements include restriping of the parking lot area to provide accessible parking stalls and restriping
of the existing pavement surfaces to redirect traffic flow, including a designated fire lane. All fire lanes shall be
designed and constructed per Renton Fire Authority standards with all required signage installed.
3. If removal and/or grading of the parking lot or drive aisles is required or proposed, the replaced impervious
surfaces may trigger water quality mitigation and will need to be reviewed and addressed as part of the final
drainage report.
1. Maximum exposed retaining wall height is outlined in RMC 4-4-040 – Fences, Hedges and Retaining Walls.
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2. Adequate separation between utilities as well as other features shall be provided in accordance with code
a. 7-ft minimum horizontal and 1-ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with
the exception of water lines which require 10-ft horizontal and 1.5-ft vertical.
b. The stormwater line should be minimum 5 feet away from any other structure or wall or building.
c. Trench of any utility should not be in the zone of influence of the retaining wall or of the building.
3. All civil construction permits for utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility
plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. Please
visit the Development Engineering Forms page for the most up-to-date plan submittal requirements:
4. A landscaping plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate sheets.
5. Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2017 only and will be assessed based on the
fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit
www.rentonwa.gov for the current development fee schedule.
* An additional 5% technology fee will be added to each fee marked with an asterisk (*).
6. A demo permit is required for the demolition of the existing vault. The demo permit shall be acquired through the
building department.
Planning Division
1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2
June 22, 2018
PROJECT LOCATION: 737 Logan Ave N, Renton, WA 98054
Applicant documents are available online through the City of Renton
Document Center website. See also https://bit.ly/2KJLEjJ
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction
of a 58,474 square foot hangar at the Boeing plant site. The subject property (APN 0723059001) is to the east of the
Cedar River along the southern shore of Lake Washington. The site, home to the Boeing 737 plant and associated support
buildings, is located in the Urban Center (UC) zone and has a Commercial Mixed Use designation on the Comprehensive
Land Use Map. The proposed hangar would be used as an extension of the final assembly building (4-81-82). The hangar
would have space for two un-fueled 737 aircrafts to undergo troubleshooting of problems that may arise during final
inspections. The proposed location of the hangar is near the northwest corner of the assembly building approximately
215 feet from the Lake Washington Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and is outside of the Shoreline Jurisdiction of
Lake Washington, Reach I, designated as Shoreline High Intensity. A High Seismic Hazard is mapped on the project site.
No change in access to the site is proposed, but internal roads and parking may be affected. The applicant has not
proposed any impervious surface increase, tree removal, or vegetation removal as a part of the project. The applicant
submitted a Drainage Report, Geotechnical Report, and Parking/Traffic Analysis with the application.
Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on July 6, 2018, together
with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to
the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained
from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510.
PUBLIC HEARING: If the Environmental Determination is appealed, a public hearing will be set
and all parties notified.
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Planning Division
1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057
Phone: 425-430-7200 | www.rentonwa.gov
PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether
the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to
determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address
the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to
further analyze the proposal.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic
information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the
best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant
for some questions. You may use “not applicable” or "does not apply" only when you can explain
why it does not apply and not when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate
by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often
avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision-making process.
The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a
period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help
describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this
checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably
related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEAD AGENCIES: Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the
existing environment, all interrelated aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts.
The checklist is considered the first but not necessarily the only source of information needed to
make an adequate threshold determination. Once a threshold determination is made, the lead
agency is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting
USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: [help] For nonproject proposals (such as
ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B
Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project," "applicant,"
and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic
area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B -
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Environmental Elements –that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal.
1. Name of proposed project, if applicable:
Boeing Apron R Mitigation hangar 4-87
2. Name of applicant:
Mark Clement, the Boeing Company, Permit and land use
3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person:
PO. BOX 3707 MC 96-01 Seattle WA 98124 206 617 2944
4. Date checklist prepared:
April 2018
5. Agency requesting checklist:
City of Renton
6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable):
Sept 2018 to June 2019
7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or
connected with this proposal? If yes, explain.
Phase 2 ADA parking and material laydown
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8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will
be prepared, directly related to this proposal.
Geotech report, Drainage report
9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other
proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. ]
10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known.
Yes, City of Renton Substantial shoreline permit, City of Renton construction permits
Washington state Department of Ecology Construction permit
11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of
the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to
describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this
page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on
project description.)
The Boeing Company is looking to construct a hangar structure measuring approximately
338’x173’ in plan on Apron R as an extension to their existing final assembly building 4-
81/82; This new hangar will house two 737 aircrafts for the purpose of performing
manufacturing activities currently performed in the final assembly building 4-81/82.
The new hangar will consist of high bay and low bay buildings. High bay will be located on
the northern portion of the building and will house two 737 MAX (Unfueled aircraft). The
low bay which is located on the south will house airplane equipment service and storage
area on the first floor and work area function on the second floor. There will be a 10’
separation between the existing building 04-81 and the new hangar structure.
Existing utilities within the footprint of the prop osed hangar will be relocated and re-
established, with existing lines abandoned in place. The project will require a
comprehensive re-evaluation and revision of the existing storm water conveyance system
including installation of new combined bypass, oil/water separator and new modular
wetland water quality treatment vault. The project will install a new electrical unit
substation dedicated to this building. Mechanical system includes new air handling system
located at roof of the hangar.
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12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise
location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township,
and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or
boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic
map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you
are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications
related to this checklist.
737 Logan Avenue North Renton WA 98055, See site map, See vicinity map and legal
description attached to this application.
a. General description of the site
(Check or circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____________
b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)?
c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat,
muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any
agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in
removing any of these soils.
Sandy silt loam
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d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so,
Yes liquefaction zone
e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area
of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill.
Total area grading on the project site will be approximately 130,522 sf (2.996 acrs)
Types of fill and excavation will include:
Utility trench and stormwater vault excavation, bedding and backfill
o 1,100 cubic yards cut
o 695 cubic yards fill
Structural fill at demolished storm vaults
o 1,711 cubic yards fill
Preload soils installation and Removal
o 18,806 cubic yards cut/fill
General Site Grading
o 295 cubic yards cut
o 1,175 cubic yards fill
Excavation and Backfill for Building Pile Cap, Grade Beam and Pile Foundations
o 5,750 cubic yards cut
o 1,150 cubic yards fill
Total earthwork quantities for the project are estimated to be _ approximately 26,000 cubic
yards of cut and 23,500_cubic yards of fill.
Clean native fill
f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe.
No erosion is expected as a result of this project. During construction Best Management Practices
will be used to ensure compliance with Construction Stormwater General Permit and eliminate
erosion issues.
g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project
construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)?
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54-percent of the site will be covered by asphalt and/or concrete pavement
and 46-percent of the site will be covered by building.
h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth,
if any:
Risks will be mitigated using mitigated best management practices a temporary erosion
and sediment control plan
2. AIR
a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction,
operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and
give approximate quantities if known.
Dust and smoke from construction equip. during normal construction
activities. Negligible emissions from normal operations are expected from this
building when complete
b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so,
generally describe.
None known
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any:
Mitigation measures to reduce emissions include ensuring that machines and equipment
during construction are well maintained
a. Surface Water:
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1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including
year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe
type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into.
Cedar River which flows into Lake Washington
2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the
described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.
3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed
from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be
affected. Indicate the source of fill material.
4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general
description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site
6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so,
describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge.
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b. Ground Water:
1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If
so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities
withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general
description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or
other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the
following chemicals; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the
number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the
number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve.
c. Water runoff (including stormwater):
1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection
and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow?
Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe.
A closed conveyance system collects run-off asphalt and/or concrete
paved surfaces within the project site. An 80,000-gallon existing combined oil/water
separator and wet vault system constructed in the 1990s is located centrally within the
project site. This vault was designed to provide water quality and bypass flows above
the required design flow via a diversion vault. This system will be demolished and
abandoned as a part of the Mitigation Hangar project and will be replaced with a
combined oil/water separator and bypass vault and a manifold modular wetland vault
system that will provide oil control and enhanced water quality trea tment to this area.
See Technical Information Report for additional information. Runoff from the project site
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generally flows to the north and discharges to Lake Washington via a closed conveyance
system via existing outfalls.
2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally
3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of
the site? If so, describe.
This project will reroute existing storm conveyance pipes within the respective existing
basins. The project will also make modifications to the size of tributary drainage basins.
These changes will be made to redirect stormwater runoff to proposed water quality
treatment facilities before discharging and address capacity issues at existing conveyance
systems. Runoff from the project site discharges at the southern shore of Lake Washington
at Outfalls 004 and 004A. These discharge points will not be altered by the proposed project.
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage
pattern impacts, if any:
Stormwater improvements proposed within the limits of this project will
include new collection and conveyance piping south of the building extension, a new
oil control facility, a new water quality treatment facility, and the demolition and
abandonment of an existing combined oil/water separator and wet vault.
a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site:
__x__deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other
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__x__evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other
____crop or grain
____orchards, vineyards or other permanent crops.
____wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other
____water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other
____other types of vegetation
b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered?
c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site.
None known
d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or
enhance vegetation on the site, if any:
e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site.
Himalayan Blackberry, Milfoil
a. List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or
are known to be on or near the site.
Examples include:
Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: seagulls
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Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other:
Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other
b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site.
Puget Sound steelhead and Chinook salmon, Coastal /Puget Sound Bull trout.
c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain
Yes, Pacific Flyway, Puget Sound Chinook & Coho salmon, Puget Sound Steelhead
trout, Sockeye salmon, Coastal Cutthroat trout, non -anadroumous Rainbow trout
d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any:
e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site.
Smallmouth bass and largemouth bass are present in Lake Washington
a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet
the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating,
manufacturing, etc.
Electric, steam
b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties?
If so, generally describe.
c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal?
List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any:
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Energy efficient lighting, Steam for building heating
a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk
of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this
proposal? If so, describe.
1) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses.
Low levels of hydrocarbons from petroleum in aircraft/vehicle
transportation corridor may be present. Very low levels of
trichloroethylene degradation products are within the footprint
of this project from past activities. (The project will be
managed under the WDOE Construction Stormwater General Permit and
will implement the appropriate best management practices to
contain and collect any contaminated materials and dispose of
them as required. Any contaminated water will be collected and
discharged to the sanitary sewer system by obtaining a King
County Discharge Authorization Permit to discharge contaminated
2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project
development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas
transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity.
3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced
during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the
operating life of the project.
Standard construction materials and chemicals will be used during construction. They
will be stored in covered or contained areas.
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4) Describe special emergency services that might be required.
None anticipated
5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any:
Best management practices
b. Noise
1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example:
traffic, equipment, operation, other)?
Renton airport adjacent to project
2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a
short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)?
Indicate what hours noise would come from the site.
Temporary noise from Construction equipment.
Pile driving will not constructed during evening hours
3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any:
To reduce noise from construction during, the contractor will implement the use of
alternate backup alarms, dump truck bed liners and dump gate closers
a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect
current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe.
The site is fully developed as an aircraft manufacturing and final assembly facility.
No impact to the uses of adjacent property.
b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so,
describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will
be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not
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been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted
to nonfarm or non-forest use?
1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land
normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of
pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how:
c. Describe any structures on the site.
The Renton Plant is a large airplane manufacturing and final assembly facility, consisting
of many buildings and ancillary uses. . The City of Renton boathouse is adjacent to the
d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what?
e. What is the current zoning classification of the site?
Urban Center north 2
f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site?
g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site?
Shoreline High-Intensity Overlay District
h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so,
DNR shoreline habitat
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i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project?
Aprrox. 25
j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace?
k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any:
l. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land
uses and plans, if any:
No change of use
m. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts to agricultural and forest lands of long-
term commercial significance, if any: NA
a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle,
or low-income housing.
b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high,
middle, or low-income housing.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any:
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a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is
the principal exterior building material(s) proposed?
No proposed structures
b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any:
a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly
Exterior building lighting. After dusk. No glare will be produced.
b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views?
c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any:
Fully cutoff lights, to reduce light throw
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a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?
City of Renton Cedar River Park. Renton rowing center
b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation
opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any:
a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45
years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers ? If
so, specifically describe.
No buildings listed
b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or
occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material
evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any
professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. ]
None known
c. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic
resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the
department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic
maps, GIS data, etc.
Boeing historical archivist on staff.
Outside consultations with professional archaeologists as needed.
Boeing provides professional archaeological produced training video to all contractors
before starting excavation.
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d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and
disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be
Should any unknown archaeological resources be encountered during project activities,
ground-disturbing activities will be halted in the area of the find in accordance with RCW
27.53.060 (Archaeological Sites and Resources) and RCW 27.44.020 (Indian Graves and
Records). A professional archaeologist will be called in to assess the significance of the find, and
the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Olympia will be notified so that a
course of action can be implemented.
a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and
describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any.
The site has access to North 6th street and Logan Ave. North
b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally
describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop?
Yes Metro 150 yards
c. How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project
proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate?
Existing Private Parking will be relocate and reduced as part of the project -see traffic
d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian,
bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe
(indicate whether public or private).
Private vehicle transportation corridor will be relocated
e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air
transportation? If so, generally describe.
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City of Renton municipal airport is adjacent to project
f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or
proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the
volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non-passenger vehicles). What data or
transportation models were used to make these estimates?
No change in vehicular trips
g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and
forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe.
h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any:
a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire
protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally
None anticipated
b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any.
No Impacts
a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: [
Natural gas,
Refuse service,
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Sanitary sewer,
Septic system,
Other Steam
b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service,
and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might
be needed. Electrical PSE, Water domestic, fire
The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the
lead agency is relying on them to make its decision.
Proponent Signature:
Name of Signee (printed):
Position and Agency/Organization:
Date Submitted:
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