HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandouts - Renton Community Center INA 6._(er4'ci "fix- Julia Medzegian ,,ffr#lr5f4'" From: Julie Koreen <juliekoreen6@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday,January 07, 2018 12:12 PM To: Don Persson Subject: Renton Community Center Fitness Center Don, I have been a patron of the Renton Community Center Fitness Center for the past 11 years. I enjoy working out and the array of equipment that is provided. The past few years the treadmills have been an issue. Many times one or more of them is out of order for a period of time. Currently one is out of order and has been for months and another one is in need of a part so the incline currently is not working. With only four treadmills having one or two down for an extended time causes an issue and can mean waiting for up to an hour to use them or to not use the treadmill at all. Also one of the treadmills is very old and seems to be used by me and others as a last resort. Is there a possibility of getting new upgraded treadmills? Thanks for your time. Julie Koreen Renton resident and Renton Community Fitness center patron 1 Julia Medzegian From: Jeannie Seil <jkseil@comcast.net> Sent: Saturday,January 06, 2018 4:41 PM To: Don Persson Subject: Renton Community Center Dear Councilman Persson, I was wondering if the Community Center's Fitness Center will be upgraded soon?? It seems like some of the equipment is out of order frequently and it takes quite a long time for repairs to be made, specifically the treadmills. Some of the other pieces of equipment that have the foam covered handles are torn and partially coming off which makes the handles uncomfortable while using them. My husband and I really enjoy going to the fitness center but I strongly feel like it needs upgraded and some items need replaced. The fans are nice and it is good also to listen to the music and take a glimpse of the TV's while working out also. It seems quite popular and many people use the facility. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, Jeannine Seil Julia Medzegian From: Charles Seil <cdseil@hotmail.com> Sent: Friday,January 05, 2018 6:11 PM To: Don Persson Subject: Renton Community Center Treadmills Councilmember Persson, As you know I had open heart surgery in May of 2017, and in July I started cardiac rehab at Valley Medical Center. I wrapped up the rehab in first of November and wanted to keep up my routine so my wife and I started going to the Renton Community Center to continue my workouts. I want to say this is a great facility and the cost for seniors on fixed income is a wonderful thing. Most fixed income seniors would have trouble affording one of the mega gyms so using the Renton CC is a great way to keep the community healthier. My only concern is that of the 4 treadmills in the facility only 2 are in full working order. I know parts have been on order since December but I'm concerned that the age of the treadmills and usage of the treadmills is going to continue to take a toll on the equipment. Only having 2 means that there is usually a 30 to 45 minute wait depending on the day, time and amount of people using the facilities. Since most workout routines are around 60 minutes it might mean not being able to use the treadmills at all. I hope that there might be a way to upgrade the equipment so we can all continue to get a good workout in. Thank you for your time. Charles Seil Renton Resident 1 January3,201$CITYOFRN1uFCFk/JuanandEsperanzaArroyosJAN5?018$54DaytonAveNEDEVELOPMENTRenton,WA9056SERVICESDearChipVincent,BothmywifeandIdecidedtorepairandreplaceourcarportthatwasbecomingverydangerousandunsafe.Thepre-existingonewasfallingapartandcouldpotentiallycauseharmbeingthatpiecesofthefiberglassceilingwereloose.Duringwindydaysandheavyrainfallpieceswerefoundonthegroundandwebecameconcernedforthesafetyofothers,ourselvesandourvisitors.Wefearedthatatsomepointpiecesofthematerialweregoingtodamagetheneighbor’svehicleorthemselves.DuringavisitofmybrotherinlawfromArizona,heofferedtohelpusreplacethepre-existingcarporttoamorefirmandsteadystructure.Wewereverymotivatedtodosobecausewerecognizedthatthismatterneededattention.Weliketomakeapositivecontributiontoourneighborhoodandwecareaboutmaintainingacleanenvironment.Whatwedidnotrealizeatthetimeisthatweneededapermittoremoveandreplacelikeforlike.Duetothecarportbeinginplaceasfromwhenwepurchasedthehomeroughlymorethan20yearsagowedidnotseethisasa“new”constructionbutyetareplacementandrenovationofwhathadbeeninplace.Atleastfourofourneighborsareawareofoursituationandaresaddenedbythepossibilityofusneedingtoremoveourstructure,theyallhaveagreedinwritingthatthishavegivenagoodimpacttotheneighborhoodandthisstructureissaferthanthepreviousone.Ourintentionsforthisdecisionwasnottoviolateanycodebuttomakethissaferandhazardousfree.MonaDavishasbeenveryhelpfulintheguidanceprocessofwhichwemuchappreciateandouronlyoptioncurrentlyistoapplyforavariance.Wefaceafinancialhardshipinpayingthepermitfeeof$1,300,plus3%technologyfeewithoutreliancethatitwillbegranted.Wehavespentapproximatelyover$2,000onthecarport.Wealsopaidadesignertohelpusbringthecarportintocomplianceanddraftupplansthatcan’tworkwithoutthevarianceapproval.Ontopofallthiswereceivedacodeviolationfineof$100.00on11/20fornotunderstandinghowtoproceedtocorrecttheviolation.Thishasbecomeaverystressfulmatterandhasbeguntoaffectourhealthmostlybecauseourintentionswerenottoviolateanycodeandorrulebuttomakethissaferanditwouldbeunfortunatetohavetotearitdownandnotbeabletohaveacarportthatwouldfitourcar.WereachouttoyouforguidanceregardingourcarportandthankeveryonewhoishelpinglookforapositivesolutionBestRegards,JuanandEsperanzaArroyos—O5C(Er+