HomeMy WebLinkAboutOld Title ReportFIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE NO. 61 1 138054TX Amendment 1 Fidelity National Title Company of Washington 35001881h St. SW. Suite 300 Lynnwood, WA 98037 Main Phone: U25\771-3031 Liability $1,000.00 $425.00 $41.65 SCHEDULE A Effective Date: August9,2016 at 12:00 AM 1. Assured: King County Treasury 2. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered bv this Guarantee is: Fee Simole 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the date hereof is vested in: Heirs of John P. Gruble, deceased 4. The land referred to in this Guarantee situated in the County of King, State of Washington, and is described as follows: For APN/Parcel lD(s): 214370-1845-06 Lots 9, 10 and 1 1 , Block 13, EARLINGTON, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 14 of Plats, Page7,lying Norlh of State Road No.2, as conveyed by deed recorded under Recording No. 2565554, records of King County, Washingtonl Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Abbreviated Legal END OF SCHEDULE A Litigation/Trustee's Sale/Contract F wA-FT-FTt\4A-01 530.61 0051 -SpS-2701 5-1-1 6-61 1.1 38054TX Printed: 09.01.16 @ 1 LITIGATION/TRUSTEE'S SALE/GONTRAGT FORFEITURE lssued By: Attest: Guarantee Number: 611138054TX Amendment 1 WUW^ Fidelitv National Title'' Insurance Company FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES King County Treasury SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANGE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, guarantees the Assured against loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurance which the Company hereby gives that, according to the public records, on the Date of Guarantee stated in Schedule A, the title to the herein described estate or interest was vested in the vestee named, subject to the matters shown as Exceptions in Schedule B, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. This Guarantee shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by an authorized signatory of the Company. Fidelity National Title lnsurance Company Bv: Fidelity National Title Gompany of Washington 3500 188th St. SW, Suite 300 Lynnwood, WA 98037 Countersigned By: -4--'*-,/ ;., lr ] '7 -\-/ Authorized Officer or Aqent Secretary Litigation/Trustee's Sale/Contract Forfeiture Guarantee Page 1 Printed: 09 01.16 @ 11 :53 AN4 wA-FT-FTMA-01 530.61 0051-SpS-2701 5-1-1 6-61 1 1 38054TX FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE NO. 61 1 138054TX Amendment 1 SCHEDULE B THE TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: 1. Any rights, interests, or claims of parties in possession of the Land not shown by the public records. 2. Generaland specialtaxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year:2013 Tax Account No.: 2143701845 Levy Code: 2100 Assessed Value-Land: $500.00 Assessed Value-lmprovements: $0.00 General and Soecial Taxes: 3. General and specialtaxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Year: Tax Account No.: Levy Code: Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-l mprovements : General and Special Taxes: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Year: Tax Account No.: Levy Code: Assessed Value-Land: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: $13.94 $o.oo $13.94 2015 2143701845 2100 $500.00 $17.21 $o.oo $17.21 2014 2143701845 2100 $500.00 $o.oo $13.94 $o.oo $13.94 Generaland specialtaxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Assessed Value-lmprovements: $0.00 General and Special Taxes: Litigation/Trustee's Sale/Contract Forfeiture Guarantee Page 3 Printed: 09.01 16 @ 11:53 AM WA-FT-FTMA-O1 530.6'1 0051-SpS-2701 5-1-1 6-61 1 1 38054TX GUARANTEE NO. 61 1 138054TX AmendmentFIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B (continued) 5. Generaland specialtaxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second halfdelinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penaltiesj: 1 Assessed Value-lmprovements: 90.00 General and Special Taxes: Year: Tax Account No.: Levy Code: Assessed Value-Land: Billed: Paid: Unpaid: Tax Payer's Address: Edward J. Gruble 4327 SW Trenton St. Seattle, WA 98135 2016 2143701845 2100 $500.00 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 o Foreclosure Costs, resulting from tax foreclosure proceedings. The search did not disclose any open mortgages or deeds of trust of record, therefore the Company reserves theright to require further evidence to confirm that the property is unencumbered, and further reserves the right tomake additional requirements or add additional items or exceptions upon receipt of the requested evidenLe. Any interest of the person shown below appearing as assessed owner of said Land on the county secured tax rolls. Name: Edward J. Gruble Following Matters affecting Edward J. Gruble: A: Community Property Agreement: Executed by:Edward J. Gruble and Laureen B. Gruble Recording Date: March 31, 198'lRecordingNo.: 81033'10482 The Company nte that Laureen B. Gruble died on April 7, 2005 in King County. 8 9. Litigation/Trustee's Sale/Contract Forfeiture Guarantee printed: 09.01.16 @ 1 1:S3 AN4wA-FT-FTMA-o1 530.61 0051-Sps-2701 5_.1_1 6_61 1 1 38054TX FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE NO. 61 1 138054TX Amendment 1 SCHEDULE B (continued) B.: Pending probate proceedings in the estate of Name of decedent: Date of death: County: Court: Case No.: Edward J. Gruble May 27,2013 King Superior 1 5-4-04601-0 10 Personal Representative(s): Frances M. Newman-Gustav Attorney for the Estate: Wendy Lynne Rocke The personal representative(s) has been granted non-intervention powers to sell, convey or mortgage the Land. C. Possible lien against the estate of Edward J. Gruble, deceased, in favor of the State of Washington, Department of Social and Health Services, for recovery of costs of medical care provided, if any. Right of any party interested to sue or petition to have set aside, modified, or contest a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure or forfeiture, or any deed pursuant thereto, through which title to the land described herein is derived, and any liens, encumbrances and/or ownership interests which may exist as a result of any acts or omissions of the foreclosing parties, or as a result of such suit or petition. Note A: FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per Amended RCW 65.04.045. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document: Portion of Lots 9, 10 and '1 '1 , Block 13, EARLINGTON, in King County, Washington Tax Account No.: 214370-1845-06 Note B: This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating the herein described Land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the Company does not insure dimensions, distances or acreage shown thereon. END OF SCHEDULE B Litigation/Trustee's Sale/Contract Forfeiture Guarantee Printed: 09.01.16 @ 11:53 AM Page 5 WA-FT-FTMA-o1 530.61 0051-SpS-2701 5-1-1 6-61 1 1 38054TX r9lr\N n\+ LO ?962 ocT t9 toc)A >. trUt{k F xt{o U v) RECORDEO Ygh-,.-...--.,.rnue-_--,.-_"., BEllUEST 0F ,4[1 l0 99 RDtiiihl A. ,,,0,t:,ir AUJlToit tilt.l0 ccuNIY MSti, * - NTPUTY FoiM L!8 Stctutory Wetrunly Deed T'HII GRANToR , ADAM GRUBLE, a rvidower, lor and In consideration of Love and af f ect:i,On in hand prid, convcys antl warrnnts to JOHN P. GRUBLII, an unmarried rnan, son of Grantor, th,e following dcscribed real cstate, situated in the County ot King , State oll{ashinuton: Lots 19, 20, 2L, 22, 23, ar'd.24 of Block 3, Richland Addi_tion roDes Mo:'.nes. The south hal"f of the north half of tract 17, Vashon Gardens,aceording-L9_.pIat thereof recol'rled in Volume-12 of p1ats, pale 18,recof,ds of l(lng County. That-portion of LoLs 9, _1Q, and 11, Block 13, Earli.ngton, accordingto plaE thereof recorded in Vol-ume lJr of plats. Dage 7. lyinn nortEof State Road.ilo. 2, as conveyed by deed iecorded dcto6er-15;1929,under Auditorr s fil-6 No, 2565554, lecords of King County. aoHUz iEv)rcF l,i l-!xjtd(tt gl$l-l t Ifcq*,F I,t.I itJItnl!liQtf;tirJI td a.l iqflF,4 iu5KN!cc i. p.l l;I'FIH€NOCr "l i-l II' Dated this LTth day of Octof er , L962. J/u4,:!:fu//Q".^", ^(J STATE OF WASHINGTON, II ss. County of KING 'On this d8y personally appeared before me ADAM GRUBLE to me known to be the individual desribed in and who execttted the wiLhin flnd foregoing iostrumcnt, trild acknorvlcdgeC that he signed the same as his uses and purposts (hcroin lnentioned. GIVEN under my band and offrcial seal tbis fied and voluntary act and deed, for r,he t962. oGT tg 1962, l-.r'--f -...i-+-lr\:^ r' - - -"r -4\Y;ulv E. , r L-i'i/{i Requested By: C) DANIEL J FVAN9 co!ERNoR 9AFY ?LLEb ,/c/jAFFREE riF..roP l! LlJ I c)|.\ FJor{rnt'- @ YI oo : c.- r{ t:oI RECOR0Eii CLARENCE A, EORLEY -- ""Yi=t " - j'"srsraNr DrREctoA -,.._-hc,eUESi t:,t STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPAR.TMENT OF REVENdpTS oCI !! Ntt s j-tINHERITANCE TAX DIVISION GIFT TAXI5 AND EscHEA.rs OLYMPIA 98504 KII'I6 COUNTY T;,Tfi,i1ri,4t$: Iu Ehe MaiEer of, lhe EsEaEe of JOHN P, GRUBLE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No Probate CERTIFICATE OF PAY}{I]NT OF INHE8,ITANCE TAX Deceased In accordance lrlch the affl-davlr flled nith thls Dlvlsion pursuant to RCI,I 83.24.010, the p.oierty not probated. tn the above esEate, as descrlbed in Ehe schedules attached. hereEo, ts subJect to inheritance Eax payable co this Srare in the apount of 931.27 uhich sald uounE has been patd ln full. Thls certlfica!e constitutes consenc !o cransfer all assecs descrl.be<I hereln. Ehis , 6th day of 0ctober , 19lg_. DH;ff Altach. FORIi REV s0 0024 (9-?4){*f- l 111 Doc: WAKING:PREC 19751014 00304 Page 1 of 3 Requested By: fidna3692, IEM NO. lJArlltl J EVATIS o6vrrdor |{lif ELLCN xccrfPREt, Dr|hi STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENI OF REVENUE INHERITANCE TAX DIVISION GIFI IAXES Atlo !rc8EAI9 orYMPta 98504 NO PP.OBATE ESTATE OF.rroilN P,. .GRUFI,F INVENTORY OF ASSETS REAL PROPERTY (a) Real property located in King Coun.uy, ltash-ington, legally describecl as follows: Lots 19, 20,,2\, 22, 23 and 24 of Block 2,P.ichland Addition to Des Moines, Tho South half of the },lorth half of Tract17, Vashon cardens, according to platthereof recorded in Vofume ti ot itats,page 18, records of Kidg County. Assessed Values: [,and $2,500BuiJ_c1ing $2,500 Appraised Value: (b) Real property ]ocated in King County, I{ash-itrgton, legally described as follows: CLAN€NCE A OORLEYrc!t5r^Nr orilrcio^ DATE Ol. DEATH: 6/16/75 couNTY OF. Krlrc $5, 000. 0o $5,100.00 \fO .s u) r-.- Assessed Values: Appraisecl Value3 LandBuilding 100.00 TI{VENTORY Page I nr tqcE!4( -;nt3 - DESCRIPI'ION OF ASSETS(dcscrlplions l{UST bc !ypewrittcn.l Doc: WAKING:PREC 19751014 00304 Page 2 of 3 oAlJlEl J €vANs 4OVtrrpi Ulll ELT EN XcCAIPREZ, Dtffii CLARENCE A OOFLEY ^5ctnraxr qrrrdTor .<t,-f cr)O:<r 5No nF SIATE OF WASHINGION DEPARTMENI OF REVENUE INHERITANCE TAX DIVISION GIN YAXES ANO ESC}IEAI5 OIYMPIA 98504 DATE Ol.- DEATIIT 6/L6/7s pROFATE XSTATE OF, J9HN E: cRqqLE CoUNTy OF Krn*G INVENTORY OF ASSETS IEM NO.DESCRIP'I'ION OF ASSETS(descriptlons IvIUST bc lypewriilen)FAIN MARTi.ETVALUE 2. 3. A 6. STOCKS Bor.r5s-- NOTES OR I"IORTGAGES REAL ESTATE CO};I'RACTS .IANGIBLE PERSONi\L PROPDRTY (a) 1966 Datsun 520 PickupVehicle L.D. +L52000792G BzuJK ACCOUNTS NONE NONE I\'Oi.]E ITOND 1. uf.Dtl LTFE TNSUITAI{CE ON D8CEDEI1T ' S LIFE s00.00 NOI'IE 1 0A I A Aetna Life Insuranee CompanyGroup Life Insurance Policv No. GL Z07Eeneficiary - Ed!.rard ,t. crirble Face ArnounL Paid - $26,437.5O (See Porm 712 attached) i0. i_L. 12. 13. 14. ],IFII INSUFANCE ON SURVIVTI]G SPOUSE FEGT-EFrIs PROPERTY TRAbiSFERRED OUT-OF'-STETE PP.OPERTY OTI.IER PROPERTY I.IOT LISTED ABOVE (a) Boeing Financial Securj.ty Check(Disability Benefit) (b) Aetna Insurance Co. (Disability Denefit) I.?ONE NONE NONE NOI.IE NONII 87 .41, L4C . Z5 ?OTAL ESTIi'IATED Vr]'I,UE IIqVENTORY OF ASSDTE D^d6 t SEPARAI'E DESCRIP'I'ION OF ASSETS(descriptlons IvIUST bc lypewriilen) Doc: WAKING:PREC 19751014 00304 fidna3692, Printed: 9/'1120'16 10:29 AN/ J *leii' lh f t' yry i!-r:,r [L *;f"J' ,'ffi}$gg,t"& -llH* i, hh " itffft"oil LERI{('.iif NDV{ARD J. GRTIBLA 1s*4-o4SSt*0snA I" Edward J. ftnrble, a \il'ashing;on residenf, daslars this tc be my Will eud revoke any wiils and ecdicils previouslyllade byme. ARTTCLNI IPENTIFTCATIO}I Otr" BE}MFTCSARIES I arn single. I have ilc childreno livirg or decea€ed. AT$IflLEII PI$TRIBUTION 1. Ppxsot*TAr Pnoppnrrz Lrsr: At my death, I may have prepared a list or sther writing, handwdtten and./or signed by me aud setting forth the pet$ons to rnfiorn I lvish eertain items of tangible persorral properly to pass. I intend that said list confoffnto RCtif 11""12.26A, and that the properfy Jisted thereonpass in accsrdance with said list" This provision shell have no effect if the list or other writing is .uot lacated within sixty (60) clays of the appoinnaent of the Parsonal Reprosentative ofnry estate. 2. Rasmus: I give the residue of my estate as followe: A. 59Vqtu Frauces Gustav; B. IA%B PatriciaSvam; C. 10%to Joan Dodd; D, ^F/Mto LatueenManige.r; 8N E. IA%DaJePeck; and F'. 10 # sTu tt6'fl/4v@* Wur or Hnwnno J" Gxuels - 1 Should any of these bEnefioiaries lhil to survivs me, his or her sl.rare slrall be *ddsd proportionalely to tJre shares ofttrose benefici.uieg r,vho do sufr,nive tne. AKNELE III }trRSONAI, ITAPRESNNTATT}M ANP ADPflNISTRATION ;[". *lppolxtt{ENT ar PDRsoNAL RurnpspNr,4.rn E: I appoint Frances Gustav as Persoral Representativo of my estate. If Frances Gustav is unabls or umvilling to act, Richard Gustav shall act as Personsl Representative^ ?. l{owrNrnRvxl.qTlCIN PolvERSi Fotqp Not RsQt?IRBp: fuIy Personal Representative shall act as such withaut bond and lvitirout sourt interv'*ntion, except as may be reqtlired irnder Washfirgton Jaw in the case of uonintervention Wills, and, with nna'estrictecl discretion, shaltr heve fiill and rurestrictsd noninten'ention porvers (i) fo administer, se]l, convey, tr:arrsfer, tease or bnclurlber, r,vittrout notice or confirmation, any asssts of ffry cstate, aud (ii) to perlbnrr arry other act. These Fowsr$ nray be exsroisect ipespective of r,r4rether they ar,e necessaly te pay debts ol fbr routine administration of m1t sslate. hr addition, my Personal Representative, during the adrninistration of my estate. sheill have all management and distributive powsrs and discretions ptovided by law to tt"$$tees in corurection with frust propedl'. I authorize lny Personal Representative {o appoi:rt an anoillary executel or agent if it shordd become adlisable in the judg:rent of my Personal Representative, ARTICLE TV MISCETLANEOUS 1. Issun: All references to issue shal1 inelude ou-ly legitinrate clsscendants 6nd adopted person$. 2" GuxnmR: Lhiess some other meaning ancl intent is apparent Ji'on: the context, the p]ural shall include the singular and vioe vetsa, aud mascuiin% feminine and neuter words shall be used interchalrgeably' 3. Srsrnreu"rroN "a Cusronr,ttt: If auy bereliciary is a minor w:l:en this 'WilJ direots the distribulion of propertp. to him or het, then the Personal Repleseiflative or trustea, as tire case ma_v beo :nay designate a custodian to receive the property for the minor beneficiary, to be held prusuant to the Washingtan Ur:ifonn Transftrs to Minors -Act, or statute tbereto. Tire Personal Representative ot tt'ustee is autharized to de for hsrselfas sucli custodiax. 4. Rmuclil:rg,NT op fi'loucraRffis; A fiduciary may resign ard be replaeed, or may be removecl and repiaced n'ithcut cause, at any time wi*torrt cotmproscedj.ugs, upon Wu; orEpwARD I. Gsueue - 2 .!t fhe unanimotrs vnilten agreeurrent of the prinrary banefieiaries sr thsir reproseutatives" The roplacemeot fidrrciary may bo a bank or tr$$t oompflny, sr one or illsre indivi&als; The aFrgointr:aent of a bank or ffust company as e fiduoiary ehall be deemed to ineltrde any succe$sor organiration" $. Trr:cs,s: Hstate, inheritance, succession or generation*skipping transfer taxes imposed by HIy jurisdictioti, in*luding related interest or penalties f'Tmres'), shaJ,l be apportioned as provided in RCW Tttle 83, Bxcopt thaf no Taxes ehail be apportionnd to gifts of tanglble personal property (whether ox &ot de*cribed on the Fersoil&l Froperty List), or to specific pecunjary cash giffs. As provided in RCW Title 83, I intend fhat nc Taxes shsrJl be ailocafed to the recipient of *ny Crft of prope$y under this Will or otherrvise ti:at qualifies forthe federal estate tax charjtable deductin:r. 6. Exppnsrs oF AnilflNlsrnAfiol{: Expenses of adminisfration stlali be paid ftom the residue of my e$tate, exoept nf, expetmes of adrnir:istralion shall be nllocated ts the rocipient cf any residr.rary gift tha!.qualifies furthe estate tarq chadtablo deductio*. t1a i Dated /ifV,:,.L Z3-, 2005. Wr"r"oEEpwA"RD J. Gnupm * 3 $TATBOF \IIASITN{GTON ) . J ss; c0rrNTY oF KING ) The undersigned, on oattl state: The foregoing instrurnent was slgned on the *bove date in ow prcoonce by Hdward.L Crruble, who appeared to ba of sound*dnd" of legal agg and uot underdwssr- IIe deslffed thE instrumerxt to be his Will and, at his request and in kis preswce, we hereby attested it by subseribing our names below as witne$.ees. We are makiag this atridavit at his request. Each of us is ofleggt age and * competentwifiress. Subscribed and sxvor& to before ms on f"nAXH AB . ?005, by rhe above-named witnesses, U Public, Stale of W6ST$tst F47s6\ Wti;. orEnrv,qnc.tr. GRuer"x - 4 FILEE KbIG OOUI.ITY, WA^SHINGTON : fiuqu7 20tF -.." " SIJFEBIOR COUFr CLERK IN TI{E SI]PERTOR COTIRT FOR TI{E STATE OF \MASIIINGTON COI.INry OF KING INRE TT{E ESTATE OF EDWARDJ. GRTIBLE NO; i5-4-0460i-0 SEA LETTERS TESTAMENTARY (LTRTS)DECEASED The last will of the above named decedent was duly exhibited, proven and filed on AUGUST 5,2015 . Jt appears in and by said wilt tbat: FRANCES M. NEWI\4AN-GUSTAV is named Executor(s) au<l by order of this court is authorized to execute said will according to law. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Couril August7,20l5. , Deputy Clerk srATE OF WASHINGTON ) Comty ofKing ) , I, BARBARA MINE& Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of 'Washington, for the County of King do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original insfrument as the same appears on file and of record in my ofEce, and tbat the same is'a true and perfect transcript of said original and of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONy WI{EREOF, I have herermto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Superior Court at my offlce at Seattle on this date BARBARA MINE& Superior Court Clerk By: -... ,DepufyClerk - NOT OFFICIAL WTIIIOIIT SEAL . R. PARKER RCW 11.28.140; I1.28.280 L:\forms\ceshicrs\dowtrtofl! cashiers\Letters Testamentary SCOIvIIS code: LTRTS reviseil: 03/01 II rlL 4 4F 5 o 1 B I l0 1l t2 1aIJ t4 15 16 11 18 19 ') fl 21 z2 NA 2s ffir!N ' :-g{JS,0s"&01r - $trHfit0B GouftT,Cr.EnK t$f,pffir SUPERJGR COURT OT WASHINGTON IN AND FOR KINC COUN?Y In the Matier of the Estate af EDWARD J" GRIIBIE, l .fS*4-04#ft1*0$HAJ lrrs.j) CIB.DERADMITTTNSWILL T0) FR0BATE, CCIIJRT'S CERTIPICATE, ORDEROF SOLVENCY, AND ORDER GRANTTNG NONJNTERVENTION POWERS PETERSON RUSSELL K}LLY PLLC | 0900 NE 4th Stueet, Suite 1850 Bellcvue, Washington 98004-834 I t'elephonc (425) 462-4740 FAX (425) 4s 1-0714 A Petition playing that e cerfain docunrenf purporting to be ttre La$t Will *nd Testament of the Deeedent be admitted to probate and the per$on appo'inted thereifl be cor:finxed as Personal Representative having corne on fur hearing" and. cvidenoe having beeu received, tlre Court finds that; 1. The Decedent <lied a resideff of King Couuty, Washingtoq on May 27,20t3, leaving property in this state subjsst to probate. 2. Said Last w*ill arrd Testanront was exesiited on lvlay 23, 2AAS (*'lYill'o), at r,vhieh time tho Decedent was of legai age nnct *ound mind, and rryas declared to be Decedont's Will before two or msre competent witossses who attestsd tho dooument ia Decedent's presence md at Decedeirt's request. 3" The person named in the WilI as Perso{rsl Representative is lcgally quatified to act as the Personal Representative of the sstate. 4. '[he assets of the sstete exoeed its liabitities and" the estate is ftilty solvoat. ORDEI{ ADMTTTII{G WILI. TO ?ROBATE, COUR.T'S CERTIF]CATE . . . SOL\'E}iCY, & , ., NONIII.{TER.VENTION POWERS - 1 $?S I03 ft0lljl?e6.002 t 4 2t+ 6 oo v 10 t1 1a l3 1A l{ t6 td to lu nt 22 1A ./,) 5. The Decedent's Will provides that the Pesqnal Ropresentative, skali not be requtred to Fost any bcnd and shail be entitled ta act without the futervention of any ccrut. The named Personal Retrxesentative thr:s should be granted unresficted nonintervention p0wars in administering the estate. Notice of tho hearing on the Petition is not required. because the undereigned Fersonal Representative i* named as surh in th+ Decedent's Will. NOW, II{EREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, APJTIDGHD, AND DECRSHD that said docrunent is hereby admitted to probate as the W.ill ofthe Desedentl that fte estate fs tutly solven! that FRAi''ICES M. NEWMAN-GUSTAV is confirmod as Pereonal Repre*eutativq to nerve witlout bond, upou fi.ling an aath and that fiIrthsr admini*uation af the estate shall be in accordance rnith tho laws of this state radthout eny fruther intervention cf any ccud; and that no advance notice of hearing for nsnintervention powers is required under Chapter i 1,68 RCW or undcrRCW 11.28.240; snd it is FURTHER ORDFRSD, ADJTIDGED, A,ND DHCREED thatthe Affidavit of Aftesting Wiuesses in support of the doeuurerrt offered as the 1Vill of the above-named Decedent wes fiJed on this date and accepted as proof of the liVill parsuant to authority of RC\V 1 I "20.0?0: and it is FURTHHR OR.DARBD, A.DJIIDGED, AND DECRESD That FRANCES M, NEWIv{AN-CUSTAV, as Personal Ropresentative of,the estatg is hereby anthorized, without further order of this court, to transftr and register and" to sonvey axdlor distribute auy and ali stocks qnd bonds standing in the name of Decodent, and from and after tlre date of this Order, the Pemonal Represerrtative shall have the powsr to tra:rsfer any and all cf the real end personal propefiy of, the above*named Decedent without fi:r.ther order of this court. This Orderis entered pursuant to RCtrV Chapter 11.68" ORDERADMTTTIIVG WILL TO PROBATE COUK*I'S CERTIFICATE . . . SOLVENCY. & . . - }{ONINTERVBNT]ON POWERS - ? Ppr.gnson- RussELL KELI,Y yLLc 10900 NE 4th .StrEct. Suire I850 Bellevue, \trrashiogton 99004-8341 Telephonc {4!5') 46247AS FAX (42jj 45 t*0?14103 frDl?j22e6,0C2 1 1 5 AT 6 B I 10 1lll 1r) 'tAlq LJ IO t7 18 19 7{J 21 ntl&a 25 D0NE IN OPEN corrRr 3l-kft5 .-" Presented by: PETERSox KELLY orn.c 60 Attorneys for Petitioner ORDER ADMITTb{G WILL TO PROBATE" COURT'S CERTIFICATE. . " SOLVENCY, & . " . NONINTERVENTION POWERS - 3 i073 t03 *ft)]$)2e6,00? PI}T9RSON RUS$ELL KELLY F{,Lc t 0900 NIi 4'r Street, Suite I 850 Bellevue, Washinglon 9$004-814 1 T'elrphore (425j 462-4700 .PA.\ {4l5l 451-0?14 Ftdelity Na$onnil Titt*. Xm.rur*nne flmnmpau.y THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATUML BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE IAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE CON4PANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. REFERENCE SHOULD BE N4ADE TO AN ACCURATE SURVEY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, SoUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTTON 13, TOWNSHTP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST PARCEL N U M BERS = 21437 0-1845-06 m'uK, *ry tri 7"' j *., '?Suo ,5* 'J. ;,; iJ;[q{?S< { idn' ', -\;q/ cai '"".Nt3-:5*i{E 44.IJ2i:) xt43'l l:n : iit 1_ ?31 "- J?, -"-*F {\ iE ' 40[] ti f)r 3500 l88th St SW #30O, Lynnwood, WA 98037,Tel: @25) 77L-3O3I, Fax: (425) 77I-79IO