HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project_Narrative_Sam's_Club_UST_Removal_Project_180713_v1.pdfPROJECT NARRATIVE: SAM'S CLUB UST REMOVAL PROJECT Sam's Club UST Removal Project 901 South Grady Way Renton, WA SAM'S CLUB UST REMOVAL: Russell Morgan NRC Project Manager Phone: 503.849.0753 Email:.rmorgan@nrcc.com This project narrative is provided as a general description of the site and the proposed means and methods for the removal of three (3) 20,000 -gallon underground storage tanks (USTs). This narrative is not an all-encompassing description of every "step by step" detail of the project but is a general description of the major tasks and their execution required to remove the USTs, remove/demolish the fuel canopy and kiosk building. Some of the activities described will be performed concurrently with other work tasks. The Sam's Club UST removal project site is located in the southwest section of the parking lot of the Sam's Club located at 901 South Grady Way, Renton, WA. The facility was previously operated as a retail fueling station selling gasoline to the public (Sam's Club Members). The fueling facility and store have been closed for business. The underground storage tanks were "pumped down" to approximately one (1) inch of residual product remaining in the bottom of the tanks. The tanks have remained "out of service" with the decommissioning and subsequent removal of the USTs as the primary focus of this project. The project will also include the dismantling/demolition of the rain canopy that "covers' the pump islands (^'40'x80") and the demolition of the attendant kiosk building (15'x30'). The project will begin with the 811 Utility notification and the execution of an independent utility locate priorto any intrusive work. NRC will mobilize its crew and equipment to begin setup activities forthe project. The major equipment to be utilized on the project are an excavator, hydraulic breaker attachment for the excavator, vacuum truck, and manlift along with other miscellaneous tools and equipment. The general work site will be enclosed by the installation of temporary construction fencing (chain link fence panels) and contain a portable toilet with sink for the duration of the project. Catch basin stormwater liner will be installed in the stormwater runoff catch basin located in the parking lot and any others in the general vicinity of the work site. Sorbent booms will be placed "on the asphalt" down gradient of the work zone ('70') held in place periodically by sand bags. GENERAL INSPECTION: NRC will perform a general inspection of the site to verify utilities shutoff/disconnects, the status and condition of the USTs, fuel dispensers, fuel island canopy, kiosk and the site in general to identify any anomalies or potential hazards not previously identified or considered. The fuel dispensers will be drained of any residual fuel, "unbolted" and removed from the site for recycling. Residual fuel and/or fuel mixtures (rinsate) collected during the project will be containerized in properly labeled drums, totes, and/or vacuum truck depending on the quantity, means of recovery, etc. All fluids collected will be recycled or disposed of at a licensed offsite facility. Currently offsite disposal is planned at the Marine Vacuum Services Inc facility at 1516 Graham Street, Seattle, WA. Notify Renton Regional Fire Authority that NRC is onsite and the general schedule of activities with emphasis on days for UST removal. KIOSK BUILDING: The kiosk building will have external heat pump and power disconnected and secured (LOTO) with internal apertures removed, any "pipes" remotely turned off & secured or capped, and a final inspection of the building interior and exterior prior to demolition. The excavator will be utilized to dismantle/demolish the building segregating waste from recyclable materials. Materials will be placed in roll off bins or placed on plastic liners and covered pending offsite recycle or disposal. The building will be demolished down to grade (i.e. no pad removal). FUEL CANOPY: The fuel canopy will have part of the outer metal flashing ("outer skin") removed by a crew working from a manlift using hand tools. Tools will include but not be limited to wrenches, bars, hammers, drills, saws, and torch set. Saws, torches or other "hot" methods will only be performed after standard Hot Work protocols have been established and a Hot Work permit issued. The "skin removal" will expose the internal support structure of the canopy for inspection and refinement of a final dismantling/demolition plan. It is anticipated that the crew in the manlift will systematically sever various components of the canopy structure while the excavator "holds" and/or removes individual pieces of the canopy. The crew will start on one end of the canopy and proceed dismantling to the opposite end. UST DECOMMISSIONING: Pursuant to Department of Ecology protocols, NRC will decommission the USTs utilizing a decommissioning supervisor with oversight from Sam's Club site assessor assigned to the project. Currently it is anticipated that NRC's decommissioning supervisor will be Russell Morgan and the site assessor will be Terracon Consultants, Inc's Project Manager, Lucas Swart, L.G. NRC will begin decommissioning of the tanks, after the previously described inspection of the tanks and site, by first removing the concrete pad over top of the tanks. The perimeter of the concrete pad will be saw cut, if appropriate, prior to demolishing the concrete pad. Water used to cool the saw blade during saw cutting will be collected to the extent possible utilizing a wet vacuum and "drumming" the liquid slurry for offsite disposal. The concrete pad will be "broken up" using the hydraulic breaker on the excavator. The material will be broken into sizes acceptable to the recycling facility usually < 3' in any one dimension. Excessive protrusions of rebar will be severed using a chop saw or cutting torch. Properly sized concrete debris will be loaded in truck and trailers and hauled to a local recycler (Renton Recyclers) for final processing and recycling. With the concrete pad demolished and removed, NRC will carefully drain and remove. any attached piping, vents, etc. When possible, product will be drained back into the tank. The pea gravel tank bedding covering the top of the tank will then be carefully removed with the excavator & manually as required. The pea gravel will be stockpiled on a bermed plastic liner pending sampling and analysis by Terracon Consultants for potential reuse as backfill. With the top of the tanks exposed NRC will pressure wash (triple rinse) each tank collecting the rinsate from each tank with a vacuum truck. After triple rinsing of one tank is complete NRC will proceed to the next tank. Rinaste collected from the tanks in the vacuum truck will be disposed of offsite at Marine Vacuum Services. NRC will inspect the tanks to verify that additional pressure washing is not required prior to starting the next step. With tanks triple rinsed, inspected and the excavator "rigged" to the tank lifting eyes, NRC will have Marine Sound Testings marine chemist inert and inspect one ofthe tanks. It is assumed that the Renton Regional Fire Authority will have a representative onsite overseeing the operation of tank removal. With the tank inerted, inspected and approved by the fire authority and marine chemist, the excavator will remove the tank from the "hole", place and block it on a piece of plastic sheeting. The exterior of the tank will be cleaned of any "mud" using flat shovels while the marine chemist continues to monitor the tank. With the fire authority and marine chemist concurrence, a hole will be cut into the tank using a saw. The fiberglass tank will then be sized for disposal using the saw. The second and third tanks will be removed utilizing the same process. With all three (3) UST removed from the excavation the site assessor will perform their sampling duties to verify that the excavation is "clean" pursuant to Ecology's site assessment protocols. When approval to backfill the excavation is received, NRC will begin by backfilling the "hole" with the stockpiled tank bedding if it has been approved as "clean". If the material is not approved for reuse, the bedding material will be loaded in truck and trailer and hauled offsite to Waste Management for disposal. Additional general backfill material will be required and will be purchased and imported from a local sand and gravel quarry (Lloyds, Miles, Iron Mountain, etc.). The material will be placed by the excavator in roughly one (1) foot lifts and compacted with the excavator bucket to within five (5) foot below grade surface (BGS). From five (5) feet BGS to approximately one (1) foot BGS the lifts will be compacted with a compactor. Approximately six (6) inches of subbase rock will be placed and compacted with four (4) inches of asphalt for the final cover. DEMOBILIZATION: With all open areas backfilled and asphalted, NRC will begin demobilization from the site. Temporary fencing, portable toilet, absorbent boom, catch basin liners, etc. will be removed from the site and returned or disposed of offsite. The work area will be inspected for any final checklist items and the crew demobilized from the project. Site Assessor will submit the final report to the City of Renton and Ecology.