HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/2014 - Minutes THE 914th MEETING
MONDAY,July 14th 2014 AT 9:00AM
The Board of Commissioners of the Renton Housing Authority met for the monthly board
meeting on Monday July 14th 2014.The meeting was held at the A.J.Ladner Administration
Building,2900 NE 10th St.Renton,Washington.Chairperson Marsh called the meeting to order
at 9:00 am.
1. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Thomas Tasa,Gerry Marsh,Sally Eastey.Merna Wheeler
and Maxine Anderson had an excused absence.Also present:Mark Dropper via
teleconference,Executive Director,Owen Mayfield,Director of Finance and Accounting,
and Kaelene Nohis,Executive Associate.Chairperson Marsh Declares a quorum present.
MOTION by Commissioner Eastey and a second by Commissioner Tasa to approve the
minutes of the 913th board meeting on June 9th 2014.
Ayes:All Nays:None Motion Carried
(Speakers must sign up prior to the Board Meeting).Each speaker is allowed five minutes.The initial audience
comment period is limited to one-half hour.A second audience comment period later in the agenda allows five
(5)minutes for each person,for a total comment period limited to the time constraints of the board.
Renee Meyer,Wendy Choy,and Paul Zeibert are the audit team this year.
Audits to be completed:financial statement/accountability audit as well as a single audit.
(In compliance with federal laws and regulations).The accountability audit is a 2 year
audit.2012 and 2013 Single Audit:FY 2013.The audit will include an analysis of rent
collection,procurement and public works,payroll and disbursements,financial
After the audit,the team will present the results for the Board of Commissioners. The
"single audit"will focus on the HOME investment program(Glenwood Townhomes)as
well as Public and Indian Housing(LIPH).Reports will be finalized in September and
submitted by September 30th..HUD requires the auditors also certify the REAC
submission which is due by the end of September.
The results of the audit will be presented to the Board after the audit is complete.
5.1. Local Government Investment Pool—June 2014
Same as last month. 100k investment bond will show up next month.State pool is
relatively the same as last time.
5.2. Checks Issued Report—June 2014
MOTION by Commissioner Tasa and a second by Commissioner Eastgy to approve the
Consent Agenda.
Ayes:All Nays:None Motion Carried
6.1.Financial Statements as of May 2014.
RHA operated at a surplus of$350k through May vs a budget of$358k.The LIPH
properties operated at a surplus of$11 k.The Senior properties operated at a surplus of
$60k The Market-Rate properties operated at a surplus of$292k.The S8 program
operated at a deficit of$12k.
The mission of the Renton Housing Authority is to provide decent,quality,affordable housing in a safe
environment to people with low incomes who make Renton their home. Through partnerships with our
clients, service providers and other groups, we will responsibly increase and enhance our housing
programs while providing opportunities for those we serve to become self-sufficient.
Net Assets totaled$32.3M at the end of May with$7M classified as"unrestricted".RHA
held$7.4M is cash and liquid investments at the end of May.
MOTION by Commissioner Tasa and a second by Commissioner Eastey to approve the
Financials as presented.
Ayes:All Nays:None Motion Carried
6.2. Refinance Term Sheet on Rolling Hills
Banner Bank has offered a traditional installment loan secured by the Rolling Hills
Townhomes.The terms are as follows:
$1.9M loan at 4%interest amortized over a 25 year period for a 10 year teitu.The
monthly payment will be-$10k.The proceeds of the loan will be used to pay down the
JPMorgan/Chase line of credit which now carries the debt on the Rolling Hills
6.3. Section 8 Utilization Update—June 2014
Utilization is at 87%program size is growing due to the allocation of the other vouchers.
87%is due to vouchers allocated in MAY,JUNE,then JULY.For a full 100 added to
phase one.There are 44 families right now out searching for housing for relocation out
of sunset terrace. In the next weeks and months,those vouchers will be wrapped up.So
the unit tally of residents leased in our jurisdiction will go up.We have 41 project based
vouchers.There is a lot of work happening behind the scenes.Out utilization is matched
with our level of use on the cash side.This metric shows us the solvency of the section 8
6.4.Resolution#2466-2014:Seeking the approval from the Board of Commissioners to
obtain permanent financing from Banner Bank on the Rolling Hills Townhomes.Banner
Bank has offered a 4%loan up to$1,950,000.The term of the loan is for 10 years with a
25 year amortization.The proceeds of the loan will be used to repay the
JPMorgan/Chase line of credit where debt from the purchase of the property now
resides.The loan will be collateralized by the Rolling Hills property.
MOTION by Commissioner Eastey and a second by Commissioner Tasa compelling the
Executive Director to obtain permanent financing from Banner Bank on the Rolling
Hills Townhomes.Banner Bank has offered a 4%loan up to$1,950,000.The term of the
loan is for 10 years with a 25 year amortization.The proceeds of the loan will be used to
repay the JPMorgan/Chase line of credit where debt from the purchase of the property
now resides.The loan will be collateralized by the Rolling Hills property.
Ayes:All Nays:None Motion Carried
THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority
of the City of Renton.WA the Executive Director shall execute documents under the
signature of Mark Gropper,on behalf of RHA to obtain permanent financing from
Banner Bank on the Rolling Hills Townhomes.Banner Bank has offered a 4%loan up to
$1,950,000.The term of the loan is for 10 years with a 25 year amortization.The
proceeds of the loan will be used to repay the JPMorgan/Chase line of credit where debt
from the purchase of the property now resides.The loan will be collateralized by the
Rolling Hills property.
DATE: t rust , 1 __-
Ge d arsh,Chairperson
Mark . GoH r,S tary
7.1. Sunset Terrace Update:Envelope Study(Exhibit)and Choice Neighborhood Grant
efforts[SHA passing,KCHA(Dan Watson and Daniel Landes) interested
The mission of the Renton Housing Authority is to provide decent,quality,affordable housing in a safe
environment to people with low incomes who make Renton their home. Through partnerships with our
clients, service providers and other groups, we will responsibly Increase and enhance our housing
programs while providing opportunities for those we serve to become self-sufficient.
Nue 'tore
Sunset terrace:Transfer of density between buildings.Allows for RHA building 5 to
increase its height,to enjoy some transfer of density,the remaining density transfer can
be moved onto Edmonds site.This is accounted for in density in planed action EIS.
Planned action had a set of 3 different alternatives,we chose the second,which was not
the highest density,(not highest possible density)we believed that was that largest that
would be allowed by stake holders.Density removed from park area of sunset terrace
and unto the replacement housing.Concern about going high enough to building 5,
which might trigger commercial Davis bacon.However,if modular,factory wages do
not have to follow same constraints.
SHA passed on being lead applicant for the CNI grant.Dan Landes and Dan Watson at
KCHA are very interested in being a lead or co applicant.
7.2.KAT update.A bit of a pause on the finishing of the building envelope.Might not open
until mid-September instead of august.Housing Washington Tour possibly still
7.3.Resolution#2465-2014:Sought by staff to authorize the Executive Director to execute
an Agreement to enter into a Housing Assistance Payment(AHAP)contract and the
associated Housing Assistance Payment(HAP)contract on the Kirkland Avenue
Townhomes effectively project-basing sixteen Housing Choice Voucher(PBV HCV)
increments and two additional Veterans Administration Section 8 Housing(VASH)
vouchers,underwriting the low-income tenant rents in all eighteen KAT units effective
August 1,2014,or as soon as temporary certificate of occupancy is awarded by the City
of Renton.
MOTION by Commissioner Eastey and a second by Commissioner Tasa enter into a
Housing Assistance Payment(AHAP)contract and the associated Housing Assistance
Payment(HAP)contract on the Kirkland Avenue Townhomes effectively project-basing
sixteen Housing Choice Voucher(PBV HCV)Mete,cents and two additional Veterans
Administration Section 8 Housing(VASH)vouchers,underwriting the low-income
tenant rents in all eighteen KAT units effective August 1,2014,or as soon as temporary
certificate of occupancy is awarded by the City of Renton.
Ayes:All Nays:None Motion Carried
THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority
of the City of Renton.WA to Enter into a Housing Assistance Payment(AI-TAP)
contract and the associated Housing Assistance Payment(HAP)contract on the Kirkland
Avenue Townhomes effectively project-basing sixteen Housing Choice Voucher(PBV
HCV)increments and two additional Veterans Administration Section 8 Housing
(VASH)vouchers,underwriting the low-income tenant rents in all eighteen KAT units
effective August 1,2014,or as soon as temporary certificate of occupancy is awarded by
the City of Renton.
DATE: ugus 2014
a Mars ,Chairperson
Mark '-.Gro JP, :y;?(Alejle
8.1.Term Status Reappointment of Vice Chairperson Maxine Anderson,the expectation of
subsequent accession to chair 2014/2015.
8.2.Annual Meeting of the Board of Commissioners Monday September 8,2014 at 5:00pm:
following a recess of the traditional 9:00AM morning meeting,at a venue to be
determined.Venue and special guest preferences discussion.
Bill from Catholic Community Services was asked.Each year an inspirational guest to
join.Vince's right next door.Kaelene will call Vince's about Monday September 8th at
5:00pm.Board and some select staff 25 people.
The mission of the Renton Housing Authority is to provide decent,quality,affordable housing in a safe
environment to people with low incomes who make Renton their home. Through partnerships with our
clients, service providers and other groups, we will responsibly increase and enhance our housing
programs while providing opportunities for those we serve to become self-sufficient.
9.1.June 10,Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy,monthly meeting facilitated by
City of Renton
9.2.June 10,Master Site Plan-Sunset Redevelopment Area Concept Presentation,Burke
Assoc.and CH2MHi11,City Council Chambers
9.3.June 11,King County,Housing Finance Program on the RHA Development Pipeline,
Funding Pre-application Meeting w/Schemata,SRI,and City
9.4.June 11,KAT:Pavilion Construction,Vice President,Brian Gerritz on May'14 Pay
Application apprenticeship labor prerequisite and debated change order for
compensation by RHA due to construction delays caused by permit issuance and L&I
modular construction approval.(Meeting resulted in RHA insisting the Pavilion deliver
viable apprentice plan and provides documentation of state-caused construction approval
9.5.June 12,Housing Development Consortium(HDC),Audit Committee,review and
sanction completion of 2013 audit by Loveridge Hunt&Co.
9.6.June 18,Renton Community Foundation,Finance Committee monthly meeting
9.7.June 19,Salvation Army,King County Advisory Board,monthly meeting at Divisional
Headquarters,Seattle WA
9.8.June 19,HDC,Practical Development Solutions Affinity Group and interested
development consultants,KAT modular project tour and question-and-answer workshop
9.9.June 24,Master Site Plan-Sunset Redevelopment Area work group to wit land use
dedications,lot line adjustments,infrastructure,park,storm water,and real estate
transaction principles
9.10.June 25—July 4,Mark on camping vacation(Redwoods,Yosemite,Tahoe,Lassen
9.11.July 8,Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy,monthly meeting facilitated by
City of Renton
9.12.July 8,Renton Community Foundation,meeting with City to review Custer Parks fund
and Senior Center fund uses and objectives
9.13.July 9,Housing Development Consortium monthly meeting,WSHFC training room
(1000 2nd Avenue,28th Floor)
10.1.Resident Newsletter
10.2.Governor's 2014 Smart Communities Award
11.1.Thursday August 14th,All Staff Picnic 12:00-5:OOp.
11.2.Tuesday August 19'h,webinar training to Housing Authorities on Open Public Meetings
11.3.CRT barbeque July 23'12014. 12:30p
11.4.Renton Regional Non-profit Board will hold its annual meeting the 2nd Monday of
August at 11:00AM.
13.ADJOURN 10:44AM
The mission of the Renton Housing Authority is to provide decent,quality,affordable housing in a safe
environment to people with low incomes who make Renton their home. Through partnerships with our
clients, service providers and other groups, we will responsibly increase and enhance our horning
programs while providing opportunities for those we serve to become self-sufficient.