HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Updaten I i SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN 1999 UPDATE The following agencies participated in the development of this document: Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water and Sewer District King County Water District No. 125 Skyway Water and Sewer District City of Renton City of Seattle City of Tukwila King County State of Washington Department of Health Prepared By: Penhallegon Associates Oonsufting Engineers, Inc. 750Sixth Street South Kiridand, Washington 98033 (425)827-2014 Contact: Susan E. Boyd, Associate SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS n 1 1 PART I-INTRODUCTION A. GENERAL 1 B. AUTHORITY AND FUNDING 1 C. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY 1 1 Original Planning Area 2 3. Original Participants 2 4. Intent of Original Plan ..3 5. Original Plan Recommendations 3 D. CURRENT PLANNING EFFORT 3 1. Current Planning Area 4 2. Current Plan Participants 4 3. Intent of Plan Update 4 SECTION 2 - BASIC PLANNING DATA A. GENERAL ^ B. PHYSICAL FEATURES 6 C. LAND USE 6 D. PARTICIPANTS 7 1. City of Seattle 7 2. CityofRenton 7 3. City of Tukwila 7 4. Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge Water and Sewer District 8 5. King County Water District No. 125 8 6. Skyway Water and Sewer District 9 D DEMAND PROJECTIONS ..9 E. WATER CONSERVATION 12 F. WATER REUSE .13 SECTION in - EXISTING FACILITIES A. GENERAL 14 B. WATER SUPPLY 14 C. STORAGE 14 D. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION 14 SECTION IV - SERVICE AREAS A. GENERAL 15 Service Area Agreement • 16 SECTION V - MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS A. GENERAL 20 SECTION VI - ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. GENERAL . 21 B. WATER CONSERVATION 21 C. WATER REUSE 21 D. FUTURE MERGERS, CONSOLIDATIONS, AND TRANSFERS .... 21 E. FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OPTIONS 21 F. PLAN UPDATE 22 r' SECTION VII - FINANCING AND IMPLEMENTATION A. GENERAL . . .; 23 APPENDICES Legal Description Approving Documentation PARTI INTRODUCTION A. GENERAL This report compiles and summarizes the activities of the Skyway Water Utility Coordinating Committee (WUCC) In updating the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan of 1988. This update has been prepared In accordance with State regulations and supersedes the IJ previous plan In Its entirety. J B. AUTHORITY AND FUNDING This document has been developed by Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., I I under the authority and direction of the Skyway Water Utility Coordinating Committee and In accordance with the Public Water System Coordination Act (RCW 70.114). I ), Funding for this project has been provided by a grant from the State of Washington under pi Its Referendum 38 funding program, as administered by the State of Washington Department of Health. C. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY j^j , The Public Water System Coordination Act of 1977 (RCW 70.116) established procedures for adjacent water utilities and local government agencies to coordinate the planning and i development of water facilities. These procedures are Intended as guidelines for providing future water service In the most efficient manner with the objective of coordinating water |j system development by geographical areas and Integrating water system development with future land use plans. n n nI The procedures outlined In the Coordination Act allow either the State Department of ^ Health (DOH) or a County to declare an area as a'Crltlcal Water Supply Service Area, based on a "preliminary assessment" which Identifies problems associated with water quality, I unreliable service, or lack of coordinated planning. Pursuant to this provision, the King County Council passed Motion 6407 on December 16, 1985, thereby adopting their "Preliminary Assessment of Water Supply and Fire Protection" Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 1 L.J and declaring the Skyway area as one of four Critical Water Supply Service Areas (CWSSA) in King County. This action initiated the coordinated water system planning process. In accordance with the requirements of the Coordination Act, a Water Utility Coordinating n Committee (WUCC) consisting of all water purveyors within the CWSSA, as well as i - representatives from King County and the State Department of Health, was formed. The n WUCC was charged with the task of developing a Coordinated Water System Plan for the ' - area and a consultant was selected to assist in the planning process. The Skyway CWSP was completed and adopted by the Skyway WUCC. Some of the key elements and results J of that planning process are summarized below. n < > 1. Original Planning Area PI The planning area for the 1988 CWSP (and this update) were designated by King U County's "Preliminary Assessment of Water Supply and Fire Protection" and is P indicated on the attached Figure 1. The area includes approximately 6.5 square _j miles of area which is primarily urban residential in nature. G 2. Originai Plan Participants ^ The below listed agencies participated in the development of the 1988 CWSP (j through rnembership in the WUCC and/or as approving agencies. A summary of the „ current WUCC members is presented later in this section, j State Department of Health King County J City of Renton City of Seattle [J City of Tukwila Creston Water Association (now Tukwila) [ King County Water District 14 (now Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water 8i Sewer) King County Water District 25 (now Tukwila) J King County Water District 57 (now Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water & Sewer) King County Water District 125 Q Lakeridge Water District (now Bryn-Mawr-Lakeridge Water & Sewer) Skyway Water 8i Sewer District Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 2 n 3. Intent of Original Plan The goals and intent of the Skyway WUCC in developing the original plan were as (1 follows: I n □ Identify existing water systems within the study area and summarize i deficiencies in those systems. i , ■ □ Establish coordinated minimum design standards for future improvements. i n □ Establish logical service area boundaries for all purveyors within the CWSSA. L) I ] □ Project future land use, population and water demands. 1 1I 'Ij □ Develop and consider alternatives for meeting future water system needs. 4. Original Plan Recommendations U The 1988 CWSP identified a number of recommendations related to the future p development of water systems within the CWSSA. These recommendations were L J generally related to developing logical service areas for each participating purveyor P , and identifying the necessary facilities to meet the Minimum Design Standards IJ established by the Plan and correct area-wide deficiencies in the existing systems. iJ The original WUCC considered a variety of regional alternatives to meeting these goals and objectives. Primary considerations in developing these alternatives were j that service areas were confusing and overlapping. The planning process resulted in the recognition that several of the smaller utilities were no longer viable. A great 1 deal of effort was put into identifying ways to regionalize water service in the Skyway area by consideration of a variety of system mergers. The various j recommendations included in the original CWSP are identified and updated in the appropriate sections of this document. ij D. CURRENT PLANNING EFFORT I Significant changes have occurred since the development of the 1998 CWSP. These changes range from Implementation of statewide regulations such as the Growth n ■Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 3 Management Act, to identification of regional issues reiated to the water supply availability, and changes in the perception of how certain areas of the CWSSA can best be served. The current planning effort has been initiated in order to update the original CWSP and address changes in both regulations and philosophy which have occurred over the past ten years. A summary of the key issues considered in this update are as follows: 1. Current Planning Area The planning area for this CWSP Update remain as they were designated by King County for the original plan. A complete legal description is provided in Appendix A and a map of the area is provided in Secti6n4. 2. Current Plan Participants The following agencies have participated in the development of this Coordinated Water System Plan Update: State Department of Health King County Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water & Sewer District King County Water District No. 125 Skyway Water & Sewer District City of Renton City of Seattle City of Tukwila Previous members of the WUCC have been eliminated, either through mergers between districts as in the case of King County Water District No. 14, Lakeridge Water District and King County Water District No. 57 which have since combined to form Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water & Sewer District, or by acquisitions and takeover as in the cases of Creston Water Association and King County Water District No. 25, which were both assumed by the City of Tukwila. Specific information regarding these changes in service areas is contained in Section II. 3. Intent of Plan Update The intent of this Plan update is not as broad as it was for the 1988 CWSP because Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 4 since that document was produced, each purveyor within the G/VSSA has developed. updated Water System Plans which address many of the Issues which were previously covered In the CWSP. This allows for a much more abbreviated CWSP which concentrates on the area-wide Issues within the CWSSA rather than the Individual system data and analysis. The general Intent of the Plan Update Is Identified as follows: □ Prepare a plan update which addresses the current conditions, and Intended service areas of the participating purveyors. □ Update general planning assumptions which may have changed since the 1988 Plan and the adoption of the Growth Management Act and related planning activities. □ Verify and update demand projections for the G/VSSA and coordinate with the projections of all participating purveyors. □ Identify goals for future water conservation efforts and/or water reuse possibilities. □ Develop revised recommendations for provision of future water service with the CWSSA; Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 5 SECTION II BASIC PLANNING DATA A. GENERAL This Section of the Plan Is Intended to give a brief overview of the water utilities operating within the Skyway G/VSSA, Identify land use In the area and summarize the current and projected population of the G/VSSA. Also presented Is a summary of the projected water demands within the G/VSSA and an overview of current and projected water conservation efforts. B. PHYSICAL FEATURES The Skyway CWSSA Is generally located along the perimeters of, and In the unincorporated area between, the cities of Renton, Seattle and Tukwila. The area Includes all or part of the of Section 1 - 3,10 -15 and 23, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and Sections 6, 7, and 18, Township 4 East, W.M. The G/VSSA Is generally bounded on the northeast by Lake Washington and on the southwest by the Duwamlsh River. Interstate Highway 5 Is near the western boundary of the area while the Renton Airport and Rainier Avenue South are along the eastern boundary. A complete legal description of the G/VSSA Is provided In the Appendices. Topography of the area ranges from lowlands at the shores of Lake Washington and the Duwamlsh River, to a nearly 500 feet In the center of the area. C. LAND USE The Skyway G/VSSA Is entirely within the established Urban Growth Area (UGA) for King County. Land Use and zoning within the area Is under the jurisdiction of the cities of Renton, Seattle and Tukwila, and King County. Land use remains very similar to what It was when the original Plan was developed - primarily single family residential, with multi- family and commercial uses along major thoroughfares. Implementation of the Growth Management Act, however, may have resulted In higher densities projected for the area than were previously anticipated. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 6 D. PARTICIPANTS The following is a brief description of the purveyors which currently operate within the CWSSA and, as appropriate includes a summary of actions since the 1988 CWSP which have resulted in their existing service areas. 1. City of Seattle Although only the southeastern corner of the City of Seattle is included in the CWSSA, the City provides water service, either directly or by wholesale distribution to other participating purveyors, to the majority of the area. Changes in Seattle's direct service area which have occurred since the previous plan include transfer of connections to the City of Tukwila in the Ryan Hill area in the western portion of the CWSSA and transfer of specific connections to Skyway Water and Sewer District and Renton. Approximately 3,500 connections within the CWSSA are directly served by the City of Seattle. Most of these connections are single family residential. 2. City of Renton Only the West Hill and Earlington areas of Renton are included in the study area (generally, that portion of the City which is west of Rainier Avenue South and north of Sunset Boulevard). No significant changes in Renton's service area have occurred since the previous CWSP, although they have negotiated with Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge Water & Sewer District for clarification of boundaries between those two agencies. Rentoh currently serves approximately 750 connections within the CWSSA. These connections include single family residential development as well as multi-family and commercial connections in the eastern portion of the study area, along Rainier Avenue South. 3. City of Tukwila At the time of the original CWSP, the City of Tukwila served only 11 connections within the CWSSA. Since that time, the City has relinquished the service to these connections in the vicinity of Monster Road to Skyway Water and Sewer District but assumed responsibility for the majority of the western portion of the Study area. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 7 I 'I I n This has been accomplished by assumption of King County Water District No. 25,. which served the Allentown, Foster Point and Ryan Hiil areas, and the Creston Water Association which served the Ryan Hiii area. With these assumptions, Tukwila has accomplished significant water system improvements. These water system improvements have provided for the transfer of several individual service connections with the City of Seattle. The City of Tukwila currently serves approximately 395 connections within the CWSSA, the majority of which are single family residential, with the exception of several commercial and business park type connections in the western portion of the study area. 4. Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge Water & Sewer District Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge Water and Sewer District has come into existence since the 1988 Skyway CWSP was developed and is the result of the merger of Lakeridge Water District and King County Water District No. 14, and the subsequent assumption on King County Water District No. 57. No significant changes in the service areas of these previous District's have occurred as part of, or subsequent to, the merger. The District has, however, worked closely with Renton to clarify the future service areas responsibilities between the two purveyors. Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge is currently contemplating merging with Skyway Water and Sewer District. Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge currently serves approximately 1,800 connections in the northeastern portion of the CWSSA. The majority of these connections are consistent with single family residential uses and include homes, schools and neighborhood businesses. 4. King County Water District No. 125 Only the northeasternmost portion of King County Water District No. 125 is included in the Skyway CWSSA and the District serves both the unincorporated King County area southwest of Beacon Avenue and within the City of Tukwila in the area just Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 8 I . ' east of Interstate Highway 5. No significant changes have occurred in Water. District No. 125's service area since the original O/VSP was developed. The District serves approximately 500 connections in the area which range from various density residential developments to the rendering works plant located adjacent to the Duwamish River in the southeastern portion of the CWSSA. 5. Skyway Water and Sewer District Skyway Water and Sewer District serves the higher elevations in central portion of the G/VSSA The only significant change in Skyway Water and Sewer District's service area which has occurred since the original CWSP is the assumption of facilities and customers from Tukwiia in the Monster Road area. The District has worked closely with neighboring utilities to establish logical future service area boundaries and is currently contemplating merging with Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge Water and Sewer District. Skyway Water & Sewer District's entire service area is A within the CWSSA and includes nearly 1,400 connections, the majority of which are single family residential. The District also serves a significant multi-family population and various commercial customers. D. DEMAND PROJECTIONS , Water Demand projections are an important element of annual and comprehensive planning efforts of individual water purveyors and are mandated by State Department of Health requirements. The water demand projections Outlined in this Plan are not intended to replace or supercede the demand projections put forth by individual purveyors. Instead, they are intended to outline the general trends of historical water use and future water supply requirements for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area (CWSSA). In identifying historicai water use, water use has been estimated for the years 1985 and 1997. These estimates were derived from data put forth in the previous CWSP and historical data obtained form the City of Seattle and participating purveyors. Please note that irregular planning boundaries necessitates estimating the number of connections and water consumption for those purveyors who also service outside of the study area for this Plan (Water District No. 125, Renton, Seattle and Tukwiia). Estimates were generally made Skyway Coordinated Water Systenr Plan Pages n using demand projections by pressure zone contained in individual water system planning documents and/or water demand projections by census tract which have been developed and provided by Seattle Public Utilities. No consideration has been made for exchanges in service area detailed in the Service Area Agreement outlined iater in this Plan. The King County Ordinance approving the original CWSP established specific conservation goals for the CWSSA ( 6.5% reduction in water use by 1995 and an 8% reduction by the year 2000). No attempt has been made to perform an in depth analysis of the relative success of conservation programs for specific customer ciasses, the information presented in Table 1 provides a general comparison of total water use, by purveyor and provides an estimate of average water use per connection at identified intervals. As indicated, water demands per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) have been reduced significantly since the originai CWSP was developed. The average use per ERU was estimated at 268 gallons/ERU/day during the 1985 reporting period and is currently (1998) estimated at 190 gailons/ERU/day. This represents a reduction in water use of nearly 30%. Although this analysis is limited by the fact that only two specific years are considered, it is clear that the purveyors within the CWSSA have well exceeded the target conservation goals. Additional information regarding future conservation goals and responsibilities are provided in later in this section. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 10 D C TABLE 1 SKYWAY CWSSA WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 1985 1997 2000 2005 2010 Conn.ERU's Avg Day Demand (MGD) Annual Demand MG ERU's Avg Day Demand (MGD) Annual Demand (MG) Avg Day Demand (MGD) Annual Demand MG 2000- 2005 % Growth Avg Day Demand (MGD) Annual Demand MG 2005- 2010 % Growth Avg Day Demand (MGD) /\nnual Demand MG BMLR WD 14 817 878 0.212 77.380 1283 WD 57 69 69 0.019 6.935 1485 Lakeridge 890 739 0.200 73.000 Total 1776 1686 0.431 157.315 1800 0.378 137.970 0.389 141.806 2.260 0.397 145.010 3.100 0.410 149.491 Average Day Demand/ERU {gall)256 210 Skyway 1375 1436 0.388 106.462 1687 0.292 106.526 0.300 109.487 3.800 0.303 110.563 3.800 0.314 114.753 Average Day Demand/ERU (gall)270 173 WD 125 301 728 0.196 71.540 967 0.194 70.944 0.211 76.953 8.500 0.229 83.471 8.500 0.248 90.541 Avg Day Demand/ERU (gall)270 201 Renton 750 750 0.517 188.705 750 0.148 54.020 0.154 56.280 9.600 0.169 61.690 9.600 0.185 67.530 Avg Day Demand/ERU (gall)270 198 Seattle 3255 3255 0.878 320.470 3743 0.655 239.100 0.675 246.273 5.000 0.708 258.587 5.000 0.744 271.516 Average Day Demand/ERU (gall)270 175 Tukwiia Wd25 505 480 0.130 47.450 Creston 15 15 0.003 1.095 Tukwiia 11 11 0.003 1.095 Total 531 506 0.136 46.640 475 0.086 31.381 0.093 34.039 8.500 0.101 36.922 8.500 0.110 40.049 Average Day Demand/ERU (gall)269 181 Total 7988 8361 2.546 891.132 —1,753 639.941 1.821 664.837 1.908 696.243 2.011 733.881 Estimated Avg Day Demand/ERU (gall)268 190 f 1 n E. WATER CONSERVATION Public Water Systems are required to develop water conservation plans as part of Water System Plans prepared in accordance with WAC 247-290-100. The Water Conservation Planning Handbook for Public Water Systems" published by the State Departments of Health and Ecology, outlines the general requirements for water conservation as well as data collection and analysis of conservation trends. In addition to these State requirements, all purveyors purchasing water supply from the City of Seattle are participants in the regional conservation efforts of Seattle. As Indicated previously In Table 1, average water use per ERU has been reduced significantly within the CWSSA since the original Plan was developed. The estimated overall demand within the area has been reduced from 268 gallons/ERU/day to 190 gallons/ERU/day, which represents a decrease of approximately 30%. Although this Plan does not include specific conservation goals. It Is assumed that the purveyors included in the Skyway area will continue to work toward their own conservation goals and/or other appropriate regional water conservation goals. For consistency and cost effectiveness, members of the Skyway Water Utility Coordinating committee may wish to work together toward area-wide water conservation efforts. This could be achieved in a number of ways ranging from simply keeping each other informed of individual programs and materials, to development of conservation materials and programs which could be Implemented throughout the planning area. Coordination of data gathering and conservation program monitoring could also prove very valuable to the member purveyors. Data gathering and monitoring requirements are outlined in the previously mentioned " Water Conservation Planning Handbook for Public WaterSystems" Review of the required baseline and monitoring information for the entire planning area may assist individual utilities In verifying water use trends, and/or determination of the cost effectiveness of conservation program aiternatives. Participating purveyors should work together, as appropriate and necessary, to assist each other in this regard. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 12 F. WATER REUSE Water reuse is recognized as a potential conservation measure and mechanism for reducing regional water demands on existing sources of supply. The value of coordinated water, wastewater, and reclaimed water planning is also recognized, supported and encouraged. It is understood thbt King County is exploring the development of reclaimed water use alternatives and will be a wholesale source for reclaimed water. This Plan supports regional efforts to assess the feasibility of using reclaimed for various non-potable water uses, in accordance with the State Department of Ecology's 1998 "Design Criteria for the Design of Sewage Works" as well as all other applicable rules and regulations governing the distribution and use of such water. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 13 SECTION III EXISTING FACILITIES A. GENERAL The following In a general summary of how water service Is provided within the G/VSSA. Specific details on the individual systems serving the area can be obtained from the agencies providing service, B. WATER SUPPLY Water Supply to the area is currently provided by one of three sources. The majority of the area is served by water which is obtained from the City of Seattle's regional water supply system and transmitted to the area by the Cedar River Pipelines which run directly through the CWSSA. Other sources of water are groundwater wells which are owned and operated by Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water and Sewer District and the City of Renton's Independent sources. The Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge and Renton sources combine to serve the easternmost portion of the CWSSA. C. STORAGE Storage is provided by the individual providers serving the area and is detailed in individual Comprehensive Plans.^ D. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION The City of Seattle's Cedar River Pipelines are the primary transmission mains from the Cedar River Basin to the City of Seattle distribution system. These mains bisect the CWSSA and follow Beacon Avenue South through the area. Bryn Mawr - Lakeridge, Skyway. King County Water District No. 125 and Tukwila all purchase water directly from these facilities. Transmission and distribution of water within and between the various participating purveyors is outlined in the individual purveyor comprehensive plans. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 14 SECTION IV SERVICE AREAS GENERAL A primary goal of this Plan Update is to establish service areas for the entire CWSSA. The Service Area Agreement put forth on the following pages outlines the projected service areas for each of the participating purveyors. This agreement supersedes recommendations of the 1988 Pian and generally establishes service areas for the future. Areas indicated on the map as currently being served by Seattle but to be transferred to other purveyors in the future are those areas which are not contiguous to the remainder of Seattle's service area, but have been served by the City for some time. Although transfer of the exiting connections in these areas may not occur for some time, new development in the area should be served by the indicated future purveyor whenever feasible. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 15 r [J AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DON). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70.116 RCW, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utility. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eliminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shall be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. -1- I ! i : I I The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Public Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHEREAS, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, ''Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retail water service areas, together with the cooperation of utilities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following, provisions: SECTION 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlap Areas. It is understood that utilities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utilities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utility by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utilities whose boundaries are affected. SECTION 4. Service Area Boundary Lines. Uniess separate agreements exist with. adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center lines of public streets, roads and highways shaii not be used to define any part of a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shaii be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utiiities. Existing services on boundary streets shaii remain as connected unless transfer of service is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shaii prohibit the piacement of water mains in the same street by adjacent utilities where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is in the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Heaith. This agreement by reference includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the day of , 1999. Water Utiiity Signature of Representative Title Receipt Acknowledged: King County Utilities Technical Review Committee -3- SECTION V MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS A. GENERAL The minimum design standards put forth in the 1988 Skyway CWSP are no longer in effect and have been superseded by the minimum requirements of the State Department of Health, and/or the minimum criteria established in each purveyors planning and design documents, whichever is more stringent. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 20 L_J SECTION VI ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. GENERAL It is recommended that the purveyors within the area continue to identify ways in which service to the area can be improved through mutual operation, maintenance and/or capita! improvement projects. B. WATER CONSERVATION State requirements mandate public water systems to develop, implement and monitor water conservation programs. Insofar as practical, such programs should be coordinated with other purveyors in the Skyway area to promote a uniform conservation message in an economical manner. Utilities should also assist each other in area-wide demand data collection and conservation program monitoring. C. WATER REUSE This Plan recognizes the potential value of using reclaimed wastewater to augment existing sources of supply and supports regional efforts toward assessing the feasibility of using reclaimed water for non-potable water uses. D. FUTURE MERGERS, CONSOLlbATlONS AND TRANSFERS OF SERVICE Future mergers, consolidations, and transfers of service should be evaluated and accomplished by the affected purveyors, in accordance with all applicable regulations and as required by the specific needs of individual purveyors. Coordination with other purveyors within the planning area is not required but may be requested on an advisory basis by the affected utilities. C. FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OPTIONS Currently, the Skyway CWSSA is supplied by a combination of water sources, including the regional supply obtained from the City of Seattle and the individual water sources owned and maintained by the Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water and Sewer District, and the City of Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 21 n I ! I ! Renton. Although the physical sources of supply to the G/VSSA are not anticipated to change, governance of the regional water supply system which supplies the majority of the G/VSSA may. Future water supply to the area is to be addressed and determined by the individual purveyors within the planning area, as specifically addressed in their approved Water System Plans and Amendments thereto. D. PLAN UPDATE Update of this Plan is not anticipated as the future service areas of all participating purveyors have been conceptually identified. If changes to the service areas outlined herein are necessary, they are to be accomplished as specified in the Service Area Agreement and in accordance with State and County requirements. Service area changes do not require amendment of the Coordinated Water System Plan, but the Plan participants may wish to notify other participants of service area changes. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 22 SECTION VII FINANCING AND IMPLEMENTATION A. GENERAL No financing issues were identified in this planning process. Implementation of this plan is left up to the discretion of the individual purveyors within the CWSSA. I I i i n i ! Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan Page 23 —TTT- ST-" ! , j , hfK 4'*^ t t ? ^ f ^ i. -I H ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ip •¥ # .„ ■,,'- ■'^^' f f.' i^-, , V ' ^ ' I* ' I '1 .-'• )/ 'r * * ' -•C '''XHi yf,> '' T '£')»"■''. ;*v'^ » '/J^vc ^ ^ \ ^>'-*• V >J'"^ - ^ ^,>VNf, \ ^ 'fi-" * y > V^ • 1 - >-JjI ' •■ . y^ tt* • v j ' ^ \ J ^ --^ >" ■^''i ^ ■• '"^'V ' < 1,,,) .',*»•? '- ■* » - 1 'f. «** " ^ t' + I .» ' , k5 , ■• « > ^ J Si fVr^ ' ^g«/ C •>-;<; >2 J • v.ui_l^ •% , '»:- :'¥ !»•>-o . f ■-A - ? ' <' -►■V i. c\{ " ».^( ■*■ V I ^ «- V^ i-v - , f ", 'v j' ', * ' ": y ■"> «• '* '^-t, ' ''>1, "" f T \ •* X"- ^ty- . ' f ^ '^4 'J' i ^ ?■t ' V ,, .f *" \ ^ «■ ■• -> > v -'•*' 1 APPENDIX A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ^ ' ^ i-f-' ' - I'' ^ '4, H; pv 1 < ■*i, "" H 5. ■>'*'■ ^ >. rHi"" i -i <2^ >h < Vu , ^ ' i' n e ■^iH - '- -■^ *irx ' -! < ri V ^ • W-. ^"■ w.> r' ^ ^ ^ ^ ? T n I** <i ^•»- A. '*■'- < * ' !*■ i' V ^ '- ^ ■. it y t' 1 I- , ^"V "N 'f V, ^1 ' 1^' ^5^ \ 'p ♦' t Ajl i>^ I r-\ 1>4^- F >i'r / ''i i ''"- "#■ *" S'W'^&;0i';--, /<.i- ♦ » \ •^w ft "V.f A/k-^ \ f * '•->. ., '■<pw- _ .k : sV'* '^' ' p ' jS f T ^ * 4 ^ V /t n « '^).<< K' ti * V ^ i - ^ 4. f f 1 f- ^ ' ^' ■*" -, A" /^p' ^ ^ \ ^ ^ .k" <^^ - ^ r - S c J- ^f :u^ 4:\\ "-i "■ ^4 ^ p*, ' . "■ ''r-A^)rX-^ tp*..' ^ k\ ^.H->v "•i ^ * ^P^p. , ■^«' " -p ^ ."-,*. ^--p It ?. ^ r''/t -"Vt '■ V-,-, '/IS'(., ;v%' >'%f:# j, -' 4 t .x' '.t^* ^ fi. *p-ppP' ^ >il' k■» ■»«^ t <t ' >f-i Vi * .» p' * . -c •%< ^r ■ ;■ •> i i, ' 'A/:' »" tf.Wj 4 I ' ! tp"5 Al , ' -^4' ' iJM Y*' ^ \ - i ' W ^1 ■. TH; « *-1 {ii> f *'^^ I <' \ >'''''%\ ' ''^'?: ^ ^ ^ u ^ -» S^4,^.. -i" 4 '•■ .if C•»o. . k „ i *■* y , r* f -}< ^ SP • •-- , ' T^i % '>V ^ -* -* ' < rif ' PC "\». 5 y -A ~ Nj.' -V ^ 1 •>•» s , •-^'P' "-jf , -l i-f? y \ ^•".r'^A'*"'- ' f'._•' , 1 ,,P , - k- k , V J-> "• ,1 . k ,'•»■ . i * '^y '• '^ ^ ,4.yv; .''-^c; A;, ■; ;;'; -.■>•'•■?;'■ * •> y ^'■■. Pi'-''''•. N;? ^ K '■' ^ t/- - ^ ^ ^ V "i i-^4 'f-r j. '^1 f "" p- '.'i .'• ^ ^ 4 ^ k ' p ^ k -y *, »;/ *'£('" ' A - r ,, "•"4- -r, t-Af^ ,">ut- ^.' ^'?l' .'■'<: 5 'k M' -f pf . k . .r* -5 - ^ '' 1-4" ' " « - k.<, ' *"151: : r-y\1\ i ter' V * i^'"" ^ ' i. ' H ' ^ (» > j» / ytt r 'J' 4- V'/k. ' 'T'V> p, ^ , p 4. i i . ..'-P' X , ^ y J f AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER PLAN BOUNDARY APRIL, 1988 BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CURRENT CITY OF RENTON'S WESTERN BOUNDARY AND LAKE WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE PRESENT RENTON CITY LIMITS LINE TO RAINIER AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF RAINIER AVENUE TO THE INTERSECTION WITH SUNSET BOULEVARD WEST (SR900); THENCE FOLLOWING THE SOUTH SIDE OF SUNSET BOULEVARD WEST WESTERLY (FOR APPROXIMATELY 4,300 FSET+) TO THE PRESENT RENTON CITY LIMITS LINE; THENCE FOLLOWING THE PRESENT RENTON CITY LIMITS LINE WEST TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE FOLLOWING THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RAILROAD IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH 68TH AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION ACROSS THE DUWAMISH llVER TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST BANK OF THE DUWAMISH RIVER AND THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH 143RD STREET; THENCE FOLLOWING THE WEST AND SOUTH RIVER BANK OF THE DUWAMISH RIVER IN A NORTHWESTERLY DIRECTION TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH 56TH AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG 56TH AVENUE SOUTH TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF INTERURBAN AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF INTERURBAN AVENUE SOUTH APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET+ TO SOUTH 137TH STREET WHICH IS THE PRESENT TUKWILA CITY LIMITS; THENCE FOLLOWING THE PRESENT TUKWILA CITY LIMITS LINE FOR THE NEXT EIGHT (8) COURSES; THENCE WEST ALONG SOUTH 137TH STREET TO 51ST AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE SOUTH ALONG 51ST AVENUE SOUTH TO SOUTH 139TH STREET; THENCE EAST ALONG SOUTH 139TH STREET TO 53RD AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE NORTH ALONG 63RD AVENUE SOUTH APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET+; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE PRESENT TUKWILA CITY LIMITS APPROXIMATELY 250+ FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE TUKWILA CITY LIMITS LINE APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET+ TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH SOUTH 139TH STREET; THENCE WEST ALONG SOUTH 139TH STREET TO 53RD AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE SOUTH ALONG 53RD AVENUE SOUTH TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 1-5 AND THE NORTH END OF MACADAM ROAD; THENCE WEST ACROSS 1-5 TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 1-5; THENCE NORTH FOLLOWING THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF 1-5 TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HIGHWAY 599; THENCE NORTH AND WEST FOLLOWING THE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HIGHWAY 599 TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH EAST MARGINAL WAY SOUTH; THENCE FOLLOWING THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EAST MARGINAL WAY SOUTH TO SOUTH 112TH STREET; THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH 112TH STREET (IF EXTENDED) TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 1-5; THENCE NORTHWEST ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 1-5 TO SOUTH 107TH STREET (IF EXTENDED); THENCE EASTERLY APPROXIMATELY 1,600 FEET+ ALONG THE EXTENSION OF SOUTH 107TH STREET TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF SEATTLE CITY LIMITS; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE PRESENT SEATTLE CITY LIMITS TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF SEATTLE 316/450 PRESSURE ZONE BOUNDARY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY FOLLOWING THE CURRENT CITY OF SEATTLE 316/450 PRESSURE ZONE BOUNDARY THROUGH A LOOP AROUND BEACON AVENUE SOUTH, WEST IN THE VICINITY OF SOUTH NORFOLK STREET, NORTH IN THE AREA OF 59TH AVENUE SOUTH TO WATERS AVENUE SOUTH WHERE THE PRESSURE ZONE LINE TURNS SOUTHEAST AND FOLLOWS WATERS AVENUE SOUTH TO IT'S INTERSECTION WITH SOUTH RYAN STREET; THENCE EASTERLY FOLLOWING THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH RYAN STREET (IF EXTENDED) TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY SHORE OF LAKE WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE MEAN LOW WATER LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (ALL COMPASS DIRECTIONS ARE GENERAL) ESTABLISHED BY KING COUNTY ORDINANCE 8532 JUNE 20, 1988 ^—< n *y -v- ■"w-'^s_ • « "1.; ttTT^ %•* ' "S" ' p " ^ .. " r ^ . V • : ^;" '-Xvy « / ' ' '* ^''^1. '' "" • "l ,»e V " '"JiJ"' / ';t „ ^ e,% ^ '\^i f - X i S i- ^ '■f r ^ t 4-^ '»>WJf-? >^- i■H'- ' ' "« I.j/" - V -, ,v« -v ' ^ 34 p -•.- ?ss- Vt' *" < uV4^ ^ \ / ^ - 'g. APPENDIX B APPROVING DOCUMENTATION ' '■,A' '>,-, f ,W'•-J P -St >'<* .*..•''1^ . ■<'':; ■,^ , - , Vpi 'v / -a. »■**.!' ^ /V , ^ , i43|'gifeS» 4'2-' ,~M| , V "" -4' ■<^4^ ^ 2/ ,p''v V -fe^ ' ^r,f^ jr T'' ^" , ^ i " '"V c- ^ •._ H^ ^ f ^ 'r - ? fJ "■ ^ » w\,« ^ ->4 -.: ^ '•" |!^^-'..'^ir.;'-»t/iV''''-"'•"•■.V <«- , -p." or ^i Jfi'-''^^ "'Pp 4- . < ' t'' V, ' rv •» t'V • x> •pj *j •■ ti^r/ ^ r **■<_.. <•■' X" * '' ' , ^ *p' -r'„ %-j;^ fiji ■■ » > . ^ ' ' ,:«» r> 7 v" ji'^- <^ -?■ ,77^"""'."<= " ' ^ '"1-^7- , p ?.»* - .'f : «,V ' X >"*, V. f " j . ■< - p ^ ^ -3, 7 ,'; ■ - -i-iC'* f, p p '•.•* >s;-'i\ p i 1 * ■ ^• / »' -p- s f' ■"■^ *i^, ^ ^ ..' -p " ; ^', 'p ' p pp ^ '.' ' > r p '.p i-, ,- '"'A'" ,7 t ii -v4 r - ■' ' ' . ' 7, 4' H- .fi- :i<Ji- p ' - s p I p ,. ( 7» ^ p . ^ '-■,>■ pp.^p '' - .4 if.- - ^ »': -Sf'Steex ; I mmy ■ ■ /-*' ?7|7 t f' P-W P p, r. Xii ■ V>' , K,K?SS., '|;7t: • / '. p. r % '''"^ * vV >'« iiifisi .,, p. i ^®ISi#,S N 'p'^V' ^ -r% ^4 '^•» "' ,/7^ r 4/< V .V ^ ^ r < , ^ -1 ^ - * ^ ' f' 1 V - ' 3-4'777---7.'-f.\'j74''.".'J •71> *__ ,< »V r ./>~x .3^ ..'■S'^^.7'?? v.7--^;^--3' 3;;;.;'7r7,;'7:';;-;■•' •V'7i'3»4/7^''7 r7M, ■■-'-i'.r,;.vr'."4'r'-;:--.;^;^'4v'37:j7tf7,tV' ;5;t '' a !?I » J 4 ^ ^ x. --llfl■.. /.■v,r-.-,M - V '*«> e ^< >v ."•i5"'3 7<''Vp'oS<!* ^ i 'ASAKA-r.ff )r -i »*v Xi ,x. 7A7J, ■ ^ **r i f i. ^ V , J k i « -* r, . s> ' P ( 1. ' V i *■ < ^ r' ^i^i, ^ i ^ t, „» ^ ^ ^ ''f \ }■ ^ ^ ^ <i ^ * f V,.-.. ■> Vfi .-J'...'', \ ^ . V .4 *. yt* *> ^S. V ■'^ "tv j. v> I ' BRYN MAWR-LAKERIDGE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 99-02-342 A RESOLUTION authorizing the president of the Board of Commissioners to execute the agreement identifying the boundaries of the water service areas in accordance with the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan WHEREAS Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water and Sewer District is a water utility subject to the provisions of the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan. WHEREAS, the utility members subject to the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan have entered into an agreement identifying the retail water service areas pursuant to WAC 246-293, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water and Sewer District that the "Agreement for Establishing Water Utility Service Area Boundaries As Identified In The Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan" is hereby approved and the President of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the Agreement. PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF BRYN MAWR- LAKERIDGE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, at its regular meeting held June 2,1999. ark. President, and sioner Don Henry, Commissioner Attest: ^^t, Secretary and lissioner n Li o! ' Li r"i 1 I , ! ' L_i r~": AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70,116 RCW, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utility. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eliminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shall be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. -1- Lj i i I n ; I i I i j The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Pubiic Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHEREAS, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, "Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retaii water service areas, together with the cooperation of utiiities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following provisions: SECnON 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlap Areas. It is understood that utiiities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utiiities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utility by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utiiities whose boundaries are affected. -2- SECTION 4. Service Area Boundary Lines. Unless separate agreements exist with adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center lines of public streets, roads and highways shall not be used to define any part of a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shall be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utilities. Existing services on boundary streets shall remain as connected unless transfer of service is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the placement of water mains in the same street by adjacent utilities where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is in the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Health. This agreement by reference includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the of ^, 1999. M fi MA'vO/' " LAlOZif Water Utility 3iqny:ure of ISign^iure of Representative Title Receipt Acknowledged: King County Utilities Technical Review Committee -3- AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DON). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70.116 RON, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utility. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eliminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shall be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. -1- L^J 0 1 i i i . ) I Lj The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Public Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHEREAS, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, "Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retail water service areas, together with the cooperation of utilities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following provisions: SECnON 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlap Areas. It is understood that utilities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utilities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utility by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utilities whose boundaries are affected. -2- LJ LJ SECTION 4. Sen/icaArea BoundafvUnes. Unless separate agreements exist with adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center fines of public streets, roads and highways shall not be used to define any part of a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shall be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utilities, Esisb'ng services on boundary streets shall remain as connected unless transfer of service Is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing In this agreement shall prohibit the placement of water mains in the same street by adjacent udlib'es where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is in the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with tiie Wng County'Utillties Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Health. This agreement by reference Includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the . day of , 1999. Water Utility Signature of Reprefentative Title Receipt Acknowledged: 00 King County Utilities Technical Review Committee SKYWAY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 99-07-267 A RESOLUTION authorizing the president of the Board of Commissioners to execute the agreement identifying the boundaries of |he water service areas in accordance with the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan. Whereas, Skyway Water and Sewer District is a water utility subject to the provisions of the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan. Whereas, the utility members subject to the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan have entered into an agreement identifying the retail water service areas pursuant to WAC 246-293, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Skyway Water and Sewer District that the Agreement for Establishing Water Utility Service Area Boundaries As Identified In The Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan is hereby approved and the President of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the Agreement. PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SKYWAY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, at its regular meeting held May 24,1999. Albert Blanchard, Presidgnt. and Commissioner Don Sorenson, Commissioner ATTESTr — , DavmNelson, Secretary and Commissioner Resolution No. 99-07-267 AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DON). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70.116 RCW, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utility. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eliminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shall be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. -1- n Li Lj The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Pubiic Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHEREAS, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, "Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retail water service areas, together with the cooperation of utilities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following provisions: SECTION 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlao Areas. It is understood that utilities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utilities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utiiity by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utilities whose boundaries are affected. -2- LJ SECTION 4. Service Area Boundary Lines. Unless separate agreements exist with adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center lines of public streets> roads and highways shall not be used to define any part of a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shall be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utilities. Existing services on boundary streets shall remain as connected unless transfer of service is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the placement of water mains in the same street by adjacent utiiities where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is in the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Health. This agreement by reference includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ^ undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the . day of 'y^^AA/ , 1999. Water Utility Signature of Representative Title Receipt Acknowledged: King County Utilities Technical Review Committee -3- n L_J ! ; I ! CAG-99-083 AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70.116 RCW, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utility. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eliminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shall be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. -1- The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Public Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHEREAS, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, "Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retail water service areas, together with the cooperation of utilities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following provisions: SECnON 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlap Areas. It is understood that utilities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utilities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utility by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utilities whose boundaries are affected. -2- SECTION 4. Service Area Boundary Lines. Uniess separate agreements exist with adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center lines of public streets, roads and highways shall not be used to define any partof a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shall be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utilities. Existing services on boundary streets shall remain as connected unless transfer of service is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the placement of water mains in the same street by adjacent utilities where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is in the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Health. This agreement by reference includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the day of , 1999. A^^^VED AS TO LEGAL FORM: Lawrence J. City Attorney ren Date CITY OF REOTON L ' Jesse Tanner, Mayor Date TTEST Marily](y J I^^etersen City Clerk Date Receipt Acknowledged: King County Utilities Technical Review Committee -3- AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially Identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70.116 RCW, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area Including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utility. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eliminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shall be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. -1- The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Public Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHEREAS, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, "Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retail water service areas, together with the cooperation of utilities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following provisions: SECTION 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlap Areas. It is understood that utilities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utilities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utility by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utilities whose boundaries are affected. SECTION 4. Service Area Boundary Lines. Unless separate agreements exist with adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center lines of public streets, roads and highways shall not be used to define any part of a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shall be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utilities. Existing services on boundary streets shall remain as connected unless transfer of service is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the placement of water mains in the same street by adjacent utilifes where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is In the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Health. This agreement by reference includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the day of _ lOhM./yihn/ . 1999. Signature Qf l^Dre§enta,tive Water Utility Title Receipt Acknowledged: King County Utilities Technical Review Committee -3- AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES AS IDENTIFIED IN THE AMENDED SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN This agreement for water utility service area boundaries identifies the external boundaries of the service area for which the designated water purveyors will assume direct service responsibility. The responsibilities associated with this agreement are essentially identified in the Amended Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP), and as defined by the adopted rules and regulations of the Washington State Department of Health (DOM). This agreement does not give any new authorities or responsibilities to the water purveyors or to the County or State regulatory agencies, but rather acknowledges the geographical area for these designated service responsibilities. The terms within this agreement shall be as defined in the implementing regulations of Chapter 70.116 RCW, except as identified below: 1. SKYWAY OVERALL WATER SERVICE AREA MAP shall mean the map referenced in the agreement as Attachment A which represents the overall water service areas for the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area including agreed upon changes to existing water service areas, except as may be amended in accordance with the CWSP procedures and with the concurrence of affected purveyors. 2. WATER SERVICE AREA shall mean the designated geographical area in which a water utility shall supply water, as identified in Attachment A. It is recognized that within a given utility's service area, service may currently be provided by another utiiity. It is, however, the goal of this agreement to eiiminate service area overlaps and establish a reference for future water service requests. 3. LEAD AGENCY for administering the Skyway Critical Water Supply Service Area agreements and service area maps shail be King County, unless otherwise established by an amendment to the CWSP. TjivL of 3 -1- Ul\ t%r%ifis .'i Crtna "y ij n- lj R. i 1 ) ' The authority for this agreement is granted by Chapter 70.116, the RCW Public Water System Coordination Act of 1977, or as amended. WHER^S, such an agreement is required in accordance with WAC 246-293, "Service Area Agreements - Requirements", and WHEREAS, the designation of retail water service areas, together with the cooperation of utilities, will help assure that time, effort, and money are best used by avoiding duplication of service, and WHEREAS, definite future changes to existing service area boundaries, as well as definite future service areas for those areas of Skyway not presently served, will facilitate efficient planning for, and provision of, water system improvements to accommodate future development; Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned utility having entered into this agreement by signature of its authorized representative, concurs with and will abide by the following provisions: SECTION 1. Service Area Boundaries. The undersigned utility acknowledges that the Skyway Water Service Area Map, included as Attachment A to this agreement, identifies the utility's water service area within the boundaries shown. SECTION 2. Overlao Areas. It is understood that utilities will initially continue providing service within the service area boundaries of adjacent water utilities, as defined in Section 1 of this agreement, and which shall be known as overlap areas. The undersigned utility-agrees that any retail water service line extending outside of the service area boundary, as set forth in Section 1, shall be phased out and service transferred to the designated adjacent utility by mutual agreement. SECTION 3. Service Within Overlap Areas. Provisions and details of each utility with regards to interim service within any overlap area shall be established in separate agreements among adjacent utilities whose boundaries are affected. -2- j i ( j i I i ; ) i SECTION 4. Service Area Boundary Lines. Unless separate agreements exist with adjacent utilities, the undersigned agrees that, whenever possible or practical, the center lines of public streets, roads and highways shall not be used to define any part of a service area boundary. Depth of service on boundary streets shall be limited to one platted lot or as otherwise agreed upon by the utilities. Existing services on boundary streets shall remain as connected unless transfer of service is agreed to by both parties, as per Section 2 of this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the placement of water mains in the same street by adjacent utilities where geographic or economic constraints require such placement for the hydraulic benefit of both utilities. SECTION 5. Boundary Adjustments. If, at some time in the future, it is in the best interest of the undersigned to make adjustments to the service areas agreed to herein, such modifications must be by written concurrence of the affected utilities. These written modifications must be noted and filed with the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the State Department of Health. This agreement by reference includes the following attachment: ATTACHMENT A Water Service Area Map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned party has executed this agreement as of the ' day di ^JAMJJC— 1^99. CITY OF TUKWILA Rants, Mayor Date ATTEST: By: IMwhi // RhIjA.. Afj. City Clerk A/X ftin&y Receipt Acknowledged King County Utilities Technical Review Committee -3- KING COUNTY Signature Report July 6, 2000 1200 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Ordinance 13884 Proposed No. 2000-0236.2 Sponsors Irons 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AN ORDINANCE relating to the Washington State Public Water System Coordination Act (RCW 70.116) and determining that the 1999 Update to the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan is consistent with King County land use plans, shoreline master programs, and development policies. STATEMENT OF FACTS: 1. The Skyway coordinated water system plan (CWSP) was ratified by the King County council effective March 22,1990, by Ordinance 9332. 2. Under chapter 70.116 RCW, any affected agency may request an update of a CWSP. 3. Under chapter 70.116 RCW, the city of Renton requested in 1998 that the Skyway CWSP be updated in order to clarify boundary issues. u 11 <£. D ;18 t Lj 19 20 1 21 1 1 22 ; 23 U 24 1 n (25 26 27 1 1 28 rA 29 j ( 30 1 1 1 J 31 i 1 I : 32 33 I ! Lj 34 / \ i i 1 1 35 36 1 : 37 i i j i 38 39 1 1 U 40 Ordinance 13884 4. A water utility coordinating committee (WUCC) established by the county for the purpose of developing the original CWSP was reconvened in 1998 and has prepared a 1999 plan update. Members of the current WUCC consist of representatives from the cities of Seattle, Ren ton, and Tukwila, the Bryn-Mawr Lakeridge water and sewer district. King County water district 125, the Washington state Department of Health and King County. 5. The 1999 update to the CWSP addresses five issues; a. service area boundaries; b. forecasts of water demand; c. future water conservation; d. support of water reuse; and e. consistency with the Growth Management Act and King County Comprehensive Plan. 6. Under RCW 70.116.050(7) the county must hold a public hearing and determine the consistency of the update with Edng County land use plans, shoreline master programs, and development policies, as stipulated in RCW 70.116.050(4)(a). 7. Under K.C.C. chapter 13.24, the King County utilities technical review committee (UTRC) reviewed the update on Febmary 9,2000 and recommended council approval. The UTRC determined that the update is consistent with King County land use plans, shoreline master programs, and development policies. Ordinance 13884 41 42 43 44 45 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: SECTION 1. The 1999 update to the Skyway coordinated water system plan, Attachment A to this ordinance, is hereby deemed consistent with King County land use plans, shoreline master programs, and development policies. Ordinance 13884 was introduced on 4/24/00 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 7/5/00, by the following vote: Yes: 12 - Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Miller, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Nickels, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Vance and Mr. Irons No: 0 Excused: 1 - Ms. Fimia i I ATTEST: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council APPROVED this J day of KING COUNTY COUNCILrOUNTY,ai«ajNGTON, ^ Pete von Reichbauer, Chair Ron Sims, County Executive n Attachments A. Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan 1999 Update