HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/2018 -Minutes V v[[/1�� I 0 Parks,Trails and Community Facilities Initiatirre Community Advisory Committee Meeting Summary for January 24,2018 Attending: Ad�isory Cammittee Members: AI Dieckman � Jeannie Seil ,J Angelina B�nedetki � Jeffrey Kelly �f Bob Reeder (CAC Vice Chair} ,f Melody Kroeger Brendan Armstrong � Mij Charbonneau � Brian Kaelin � Mitch Shepherd � Colin Walker � Rocale Timmons � Dana Rochex � Rolly Polintan ' Devin Malkin � Ted Radriguez ,J Dr. Linda Smith � Tim Searin� (CAC Chair) � City Staff and Othersl: Ed Prince � Leslie Betlach �J Caral Ann Witschi Steve Brawn � 1ay Ca�ington 5tefanie Coleman Kelly Beymer � Cailin Hunsaker � Jan Hawn � Karen Reed � Dana Appel Maryjane Van Cleave � Misty Baker � Mayar Law � Meeting Commenced: 4:03pm 1. Welcome and Introductions: Karen Reed greeted and explained initial logistics of ineeting format. 5he introduced City Council President Prince who thanked t�e group's participation and shared haw there'S been lots of discussion regarding this issue and looks forward to the cflmmittee's final proposal. Mayor Law was introduced who thanked the group's participatian and provided same history to the local econamy's effect on city funding,staffing and priorities and the challenges and opportunities moving forward. He stated his hope is that the cflmmittee members are comfortable to ask questions and come to a proposal to present to cauncil, 2. Comrnunity Advisory Committee Mission 5tatemen#: Karen Reed reviewed the agenda and missian statement 3. Community Advisary Commft#ee Work Plan: Karen Reed reviewed the committee work plar� and sci�edule of ineeting dates 4. Review and Aapro�al of Meeting Guidelines: Members are encouraged to attend the meetings, but to contact her if they are not able t� at#end. Outloolc meeting invitations will be emailed out to the members for each of the 9 meetings. Meeting#8 will be the�nal compilation of proposal ideas and camments, and Meeting#9 will be the committee vote (60%of the quorum 1 in attendance). 1une 4�h the committee's report will be presented to City Council. "Red Herring" cards were distributed and explained. Meeting ager�das and materials will be emailed to �ammittee members 4 days in advance of each meeting. Meeting summaries, agendas, and materials wili be posted on the city website an the �arks,Trails and Comtnunity Facilities initia#i�e Community Ad�isory Committee (www.rentonwa.�ovftac) Meetina Guidelines anproved. 5� Presentation� Renton Parks,�rails and Community Faci�ities-- O�erview o#Services, Funding, Challenges: Kelly Beymer and Jan Hawn presented PowerPaint presentation (attached) Su estions abservations uestron.� rom Ponel: Comment: All ser�ices s4�ould be considered discretionary funding. Le�els of services should be discretionary regardless of the department. Could reduce number of discretionary s�rrrices (or participation in 5ervicesJ and use of facilities to adjust to funding a�ailability. Q:A:As a comparisan, w�at is and was the service acreage ratio in other cities (park acreage per papulation)? B: Were urban parks, like Burne#t Linear, considered in this scenario? If successful in acquiring funding, does this make the city less competiti�e for getting grants? A; A: S#aff will get#he comparison numbers. B: Yes, urban parks were considered in the ratio calculations. C: Qualifying for funs�ing is mastly pro�ect specific, but there a�e possi�le matching fund5 grants that wouldn't be affected if additiana�funding was acquired. Q:Where did the 29% increase in population came from? A: Primarily from the aenson/Cascade annexat�on. Q: fVew de�elopers are add�ng green spaces {courtyar�ds, housing�Iayground, etc�, are these ir�cluded in the acr�age ratio�? A: No, these are �ri�ate p�operty amenities, and they pay park mitigation fees. Q: it appears parks projects are#atling behind ot�er priorities and new projects, +�r�ill adding new projects#hrough the initiative process add to the problem? A: Prajects that will be re�iewed are for renovating a�d maintaining existing projects, or major/regular maintenance as identified in current plans.And, yes, deferred maintenance needs to be addres5ed. Q: What's#he papulation demographics of repre5ented in the fatest population�rpwth? A:5taff will get this informatian. Q: What`s the expected life of the plan� z A: It's a fi year plan, with a 20 year look ahQad. Q: The 5 of the identified 73 projects were funded primarily from outside grants and ather funding, is that expected moving forward with the next p�ojects? A: 5ome#imes we have to get additional funding, which includes matching fund grant5. Comment: So we ha�e to prioritize �rojects to fit within the $70 million dallar funding limit. Q: If there is a project on the Carca Theater building, is that a return on capital investment? A: No, it's not se�f-sustaining. The only self-sustaining amenity is the Maplewood Golf Course. Q: What's the logic in con�ening this commit#ee prior ta the completion of the update of the 2011 Parks, Recreation and Natura) Areas Plan? A: It's just a timing issue.There's no major cF�ange being made ta#he 201Z plan and list of projects. This committee wil! loak at the criteria of the 2011 prioritization and Pro�ide input to possibEe reprioritizing. Q: Will this committee's report and possible levy be an the November ballot? A: Once the re�ommendation goes to council, it will be at the council's discretian if and when it will mo�e forward to a 6alfot. Q: Regarding the 201.1 plan public sur�ey, w�at were the other priorities that were identified� A:Trails,fielcfs and spart courts. Staff will pro�ide a summary of the survey results and the praject priority list from the �011 plan. 6. Committee Member Roundtable—introductions, your connectian with parEcs issues, hopes for this effort: Committee members provided a brief intraduction to their interests and reasons for participating on #his commi#tee 7. Introduction: Draft Community Ad�isory Commit#ee Charter: Karen Reed reviewed the committee charter, which will be asked for approval at Meeting#3. 8. Next Meeting Agenda: Meeting#� will be a deeper dive inta the City's Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan,Trails and Bicycle Master Plan and Renton Downtown Civic Core Vision and Action Plan. Meeting#3 we'll be taking a deeper dive on tf�e Finance element. 9. The meeting was adjaurned at 6:DOpm. Meeting Summary Approved. Qate: 3