HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/2018 - Minutes `Park�, Trails and Community Faci�ities Initiative Community Ad�isary Committee Meeting 5ummary for Meeting t�3-February 2�.,2018 Attending: Advisory Committee Members: AI Dieckman � Jeannie 5eil ,� Angelina Benedetti � Jeffrey Kelly � Boh fieeder (CAC Vice ChairJ � Melody Kroeger � Brendan Armstrong Mij Charhonneau � Brian Kaelin � Mitch Shepherd � Colin Walker Rocale Timmons ,� Dana Rochex � Rolly Polintan Der►in Malkin Ted Rodriguez pr. Linda 5mith Tim 5earing (CAC Chair) City Staff and Others: Ed Prince Leslie Betlach ,f Carol Ann Witschi � Ste�e Brown ,f Jay Covington ,� Stefanie Coleman ,f Kelly Beymer � Cailin Hunsaker �J Jan Hawn � Karen Reed ,� Dana Appel Maryjane Van Clea�e Misty Baker ,( Mayor Law Meeting Commenced: 4:03pm 1. Welcome eob Reeder wefcomed everyone. Agenda was re�iewed, notecards are a�ailable at the back or can be handed out so members can write down questions (include name, wilf be kept canfidential); questions will be addressed via the Questions Tracking sheets, and discussed at next meeting if committee wants to.Today's meeting will pro�ide a look at the funding issues and options, and a deeper di�e inta Trails and Communi#y Facilities.This is another"learning" agenda with information that can be used to set criteria in a future meeting. 2. It was moved and secanded to accept and approve the Meeting z Summary. 3. The ques#ions that have been accumulated are cflmpiled on the Questions Tracking sheet, with most of the questions address. This document is in �onight's handout packet. Cantinue to use the 3x5 cards ta record any questians that come to mind, or that are not verbalized during t�e questiar� and answer sectian later. 4. Funding Issues and Options Presentatian—Jan Hawn (see presentation handout for details.y Responses to questions durin�the aresentation—Jan Hawn, Kelly Beymer,Jay Covington Q: What was the city budget before the recession? A: Approximately$104 million, and it's about $96 million now. Q: What was the Parks Division percentage of the full city budget befare the recession? (it's 5%a now] A:S#aff will get that infarma#ion. Community Serrrices lost 10-12 full time employee5. -�- Camment: Slide 6 would be enhanced if there were columns shawing the popula�ion, park acreage, cost per capital for eacfi year. Q: What's the actuals for 2017 Capital Expenditure�7 A:Approximately$5.7 million. Q: How aften has Renton went out for bonds/le�ees? A: It's very rare. We've had two: 2D11 Library Bond ($18 million) and 1979 Senior Center{$2,6 million). Ta create the Renton Regional Fire Autharity benefit charge. There was no bonding for the constructian of Fire Station 15. Tf�e City has retained property tax. Q: If this goes on the ballot, and doesn't pass, can the council take action to pass the initiative with just theif v�te? A: Not likely,that wauld be acting in opposition to how the peopie voted. Q:Are there any other bonds/le�ees going out about the same time this would he go�ng to the people? A:Sound Cities Association keeps track of this, and the city isn't awa�e of ar�y specifically at this time, The Renton School District has one caming up in �019 and King County may ha�e a couple, but none are in the works yet. Most levees run 6 years. The Renton Regional Fire Authority (RFFA) may not go out for a levee tifl 2022, Q: Is there a marke#ing plan far this initiati�e if it goes on the ballot? A: No marketing.The city can pro�ide information brochures, but it will mostly be non-city initiated promotian. Q: Can the recommendatian we torward to the council include a date frame? A;The council will consider your input. Camment: lt would be nice/helpful to ha�e a deeper di�e into property�alue increase, ar financial �mpact of parks on property vaiues. #�aren summarized the funding aptions and options: • Ident�fying the city's needs (parks,trail5, facilities) • Identifying funding option • Telling the story to increase awarene5s and getting�oters aut to�ote Concern about the deferred mainter�ance and the impact of the growing population. Staff Response:As population increases, and#he park acreage remains the same,there is greater use and wear on the existing facilities which increases the cost to maintain aging asse�s. 5, Dee er Dive Trails and Communit Facilities—Kelly Beymer/Leslie BetEach ReSponses ta auestions during the presentation—Jan Hawn, Kelly Beymer,Jay Covington Q: Are bike lanes considered trails? A: Most are transportation lanes, a few are included inside parks. -2- Q: On slide 32, are capitalized maintenance expen5es included in the maintenance costs slide? A:This s�aws regular maintenance casts. Q: !s there any cansideration to increase rent/user fees at th� Rowfng Center if the building is impro�ed? A: City could talk to them when impro�ements are campleted. Q: Can we charge entry fees in#a parks? A: No, we do charge "launch fees" which daes not guarantee parking. We cannat charge entry fees due to Federal Grant restrictions. Q: Does tF�e city receive rent from I�ars/Kidd Valley? A:Yes, per lease agreements. Karen summariz�d the themes of the questions and concerns: • Finances • Prajects • Population • Competition for Funding fi. Roundtable Comm�nts: a. Yes it costs money, but there's increased value; w� need to make the case to the public of the 'value' they're getting for the maney they're paying; need to present to#hem that 10a°� af#he money they're paying is going toward impro�ing th� yuality of life in Renton. b. Maybe show improvement with 5maller projects befare launching into large projects. c. Concern that if there's multiple levees, and witF� the RRFA benefit charge, we need ta be careful to characterize the rate accurately, and to consider the impact on commercial business. d. Q: What is the c�st of def��red rnaintenance costs of parks,trails and cammunity facilities?A: Staff will compile this inf�rmation. It will be included in the Meeting#4 presentation. e. Cancern for the sticker shock seniors are experigncing on the new property tax, as yaunger famiiie5 are using the parks, and seniar5, mayhe not as much. f. Q: Da we have to consider far funding the downtown Civic Core projects?Wilf#here be additianal ��quests far funding the Ci�ic Core projects?A:At the recent Council Retreat,the cauncil asked for the Civic Care Plan Committee to prioritize the `quick win' project5. There could be additional asks, but the 'quick wins' might not cost as much.So council may forward to the city the projects they'd like to see done. _�_ g. Cancern: Regular maintenance that is not being covered by the annual �udget. 5taff Response: Staff facuses on safety items w�ich may lead to cii�erting stafF to temporary prajects, thus r�ot a�tending to daily duties. h. Observations: It'S how to serr�e the re5idents and make sure the busine5se5 are happy and what to do about dawntown. i, Q: Is there an option to raise sales tax ta go toward parks, traals, etc?A: No 7. Next Meetin�A�enda= Meeting#4 will cover geograpF�ic equity in access to parks assets, public and stakehalder�iews, and cammittee di5c�ssion on the criteria for the recommendation. Meeting is scheduled far Wednesday, Marc� 7, 4:OOpm, 7th Flaor Conferencing Center. The rr�eeting was adjourned at 6:OOpm. � Meeting Summary Appro�ed: � Date: -�-