HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/2013 - Minutes � i of�\:.l� a� u n ervic�s vis ry C� ittee IVleeting Minutes Renton City Nall Council Conference Raam, 7th Floor March 19, 2013, 3:OQ p.m. 1. CAL�TO ORDER ' Chair Linda Smith called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. A quorum was present. In Attendance Members: Linda Smith, Cha.ir; Shannon Matson,Vice-Chair; Brook �indquist;Amy Bresslour; Darothy ' Capers; Ryan Mclrvin;Zenovia Radcliff; Leslie Anderson; Len Aran. ' City af Renton Staff: Karen Bergsvik; Dianne Utecht; Katie McClincy;Jennifer Jorgensan ' Absent Excused: Monica Mendoza; Elyn Blandon Visitors ' Jennifer DeYoung, Health Reform Policy Analyst, Public Health and Ashica DeMira, ' Program ManagerjExecutive Assistant for Alliance of People with disAbilities 2. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES �inda asked for a motion to approve the February 19, 2013, minutes. ,4my moved for approval of the ' minutes as presented; Shannan seconded; motion carried. ' 3. HEALTH CARE REFORM AND ITS IMPACTS ON KING COUNTY Jennifer DeYoung gave a presentatian on the process, progress,timelines, and possible impacts of the impending Health Care Reform act that will take effect in January af 2014. Some of the highlights are as ' follow: a. Mast individuals will be required to have health care caverage; b. Medicaid coverage will be expanded; c. A Health Benefit Exchange for individuals and small businesses will be established. d. The first open enrollment slot has been established as the timeframe between October 1, 2013, and March 31, 2014. Meetings have been taking place ta establish the framework for the Exchange and for the impact an King County. Three handouts were distributed;there are over 12,400 people in Rentan that are uninsured. 4. OVERVIEW OF FUNDING PROCESS ' Dianne gave an overview of the process that was used in the allocation of 2013J2014 human service funds. The recommended allocations were forwarded to the City Council, and adopted as part of the two-year budget cycle. Dianne continued with a timeline for the last funding cycle. February: The Committee determined their basic operating rules and parameters for scoring. ' April and May:The applications were reviewed. June: The deliberations began; soft funding targets were established and a determination about ' funding capacity building off the top was made. ' City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee Minutes March 19, 2013 Page 2 The applications were scored using the agreed-upon Rating Tool. September: Funding Recommendations were presented to the City Council. November: Public Hearings were held during the budget process at the Council meetings. December: Council made the final funding decisions as part of the two-year budget cycle. January of the following year: Final reports are received from previously funded agencies for the recently completed funding cycle and are reviewed by staff. New contracts are negotiated and approved. The two-year funding cycle enters its first reporting quarter. Dianne reviewed the financial/budget page and explained that staff had done this rating in the past. The common funding application is a collaborative effort between 18 cities in King County. The application can be tweaked for the next funding cycle, but can't have major changes. The regional collaboration is a continuing work in progress and it is subject to refinement each time the process comes up. In 2013,the cities will have a common reporting form for the first time. The Rating Tool and Needs Assessment were briefly explained. The members decided to read and rate the application for the next meeting; staff will email this information to the committee members. 5. PROPOSED AGENCY VISIT AND TOUR SCHEDULE Karen relayed that 22 agencies responded to her survey. Nineteen of them would like to participate in a site visit by the Committee; three would like to make a presentation during a Committee meeting; and one was willing to either host a site visit or make a presentation at a Committee meeting. Karen will work with Linda and Shannon on a plan for agency visits, and will bring it back to the committee for discussion in April. 5. BRIEFINGS Karen gave a presentation on the Severe Weather Shelter and One Night Count. The severe weather shelter was activated for 13 nights in January, and this stretched the partners and volunteers for time, money, and commitments. The One Night Count of the Homeless took place in late January. Renton had ten teams and over 50 volunteers who participated in the effort this year. Eighty-three people were counted in Renton this year, which is slightly higher than previous years. 7. TOUR OF CITY HALL Time constraints prevented the tour from happening after the meeting. The tour will be part of the agenda for April. Linda thanked everyone for attending and sharing in today's meeting. She then called for a motion to adjourn. The motion and second came from the table and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � ...__ ,1� ,_� � - � ,� 1 ' �` _„ , .,; , �^��� ! Linda-Smith, Chair NEXT REGULAR MEETING April 16, 2013 3:00 p.m. Council Conference Room 7t" Floor Renton City Hall H:\Human Services\Main folder\Advisory Committee\Agenda-Handouts-Minutes\Minutes\2013 Minutes\March 2013 Minutes.doc