HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/2013 - Minutes Notes from the June 18 2013 Human Services Advisary Committee Renton Area Youth Services(RAYS): Have staff in about 20 schools. Gaps in dental and medical care. Huge service gap far young peaple 18—24. As we head into health care reform—have partnership with Nauos and Healthpoint. One in four adults ' needs mental health. RAYS is beginning to see some adults as an effect af Medicaid expansion. Electronic medical records is a huge project for RRYS.The license fee for the saftware is$30,000 to ' $40,OQ0. Staff needs laptops and scanners. Report on tv,ro outcomes to the City, but in reality have 15 outcomes far the Spark THIS pragram. Change that Rich sees coming: briefer interventions and some emphasis an medicatians. The counselors have more challenges in helping dients meet their basic needs. Kids are hungry. Have ' other needs. RAYs set up an emergency fund that helps pay for utilities. Forty percent of their clients are Nispanic. City can provide greater visibility ta what the Humans Services Advisary Committee and the agencies ', that we fund have to offer. For funding, we need to figure out who is effective. ' There is a need to grow in the total amaunt of human services funding. Cvmmunities in Schools of Renton(CISRJ: ' Family Liaisons:The family liaisons are at eight elementary schools and at the three middle schools. They help provide wrap-around services to the students and their families, and help stabilize them. They are also the homeless family liaisons. ' CISR is the#1 drop-aut preventian program in the country. $11.60 is returned on every$1 invested. Drop-outs need more services. If you get a diploma, you help by paying taxes and contributing. ' (.iaisons go where the biggest needs are. Besides providing case management and specific services to the families,they do several school-wide services a year. These school-wide services indude school ' supplies or coats or college awareness. Rotary provides the coats, businesses donate school supplies, ' and CISR goes to World Vision monthly to get supplies. In-kind donations are$13�,OU0 50$170,000 per year. Each family liaison works at two schools. ' !irlentor Program: It is school based. They have 150-190 mentors. Gaps are time and money. Liaisons are half-time. Want full-time staff and want to be in every elementary school. Gap: Parent engagement in leadership. Gap: Help recruiting mentors. Liaisans broker other resources,which often run out of funds—like utility assistance, housing, and food. , How City can help: Can use more funding; Help apen daors to businesses; Recruit employees to be mentors. Readiness to Learn grant is held up at the State legislature. � ;,, ..___- � � -< Shannon Matsan, Vice-Chair