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Human Services Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Renton City Hall
Council Conference Room, 7t" Floor
September 16, 2014, 3:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Shannon Matson called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.
ATTENDANCE: Shannon Matson, Chair; Linda Smith,Vice-Chair; Leslie Anderson; Chad Buechler; Dorothy
Capers, Amy Koehl, Brool< Dodd. Excused: Elyn Blandon; Ryan Mclrvin. Unexcused: Len Aron
City of Renton Staff: Karen Bergsvik; Dianne Utecht; Katie McClincy;Jennifer Jorgenson.
Shannon asked for a motion to approve the May 20, 2014, minutes as presented. Linda moved for
approval; Leslie seconded. Motion carried.
Karen reviewed the proposal for funding small agencies, and the criteria that was developed. It is to
help small organizations providing essential services to develop the capacity to service more Renton
residents. Small organizations are defined as less than FTE, $200,000 annual expenditure budget or less
in 2014, and easily accessible to Renton Residents. Essential are those services in the areas of housing,
youth, and food,where no other organizations based in Greater Renton are offering the same of similar
services that the City of Renton Human Services is funding, or the program is meeting a unique unmet
need. This proposal was reviewed with Mayor Law,Jay Covington, and Terry Higashiyama. They were
supportive of it, and it is included in the budget at this time. It is for$4,000 per program or$24,000 per
year; $48,000 for the two year budget.
The purpose of the funding was discussed—whether it is to help agencies deliver an essential service—
or develop the capacity to be competitive in the funding process. It is both. The proposal of requiring
the six agencies to have an organizational assessment done and to submit an action plan was supported
by the members. Members also discussed the idea of being mentors to the programs.
Shannon called for a vote. Leslie moved to accept the funding recommendations as presented. Chad
seconded the motion; unanimous approval from all members.
Karen encouraged members to read the plan. It explains the 13 needs, which came from reviewing
demographic data, doing focus groups, and interviewing stakeholders throughout the community.
Karen offered ways that the committee members can be more involved in the plans. One of the things
that the plan really highlighted was the high needs in the Sunset Area. The City is applying for a Choice
Neighborhood Grant. The Renton Housing Authority is partnering with King County Housing Authority.
The three components of the application are people, housing, and services. Neighborhood House is the
lead for the people section. Members can learn more about this grant effort and the planning behind
Members will be reviewing the draft Housing and Human Services Policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee Minutes
September 16,2014
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Karen explained that an outreach team is being put together to go into the community to explain the
Community Needs Assessment.
Shannon asked Karen to put together a list of what Committee members can do.
Dianne presented the second quarter results and explained that, although Hero House had not met
their goals, they are doing everything they can with their outreach efforts. The Human Services
Manager has the authority to approve the payment, and it was approved for this quarter. There was
discussion about the measures, and the overall feeling was that fewer Renton residents are using more
services than initially planned.
Dianne handed out the survey with its results. Overall, it was a very positive outcome.
6. 2014 AND 2015 CDBG FUNDS
Starting in 2014, it is proposed that the City's Economic Development Division will use $78,000 in
unallocated funds and, beginning in 2015,will use all CDBG funds for powntown Capital Improvement
efforts. A public hearing is scheduled for October 6`n
The Mayor will present a proclamation declaring September 27 as the Mayor's Day of Concern for the
Hungry. The City will participate in supporting the efforts to collect food donations at various stores
throughout the city from 9 a.m.to 6 p.m. on that day. The food will be shared between the Salvation
Army Renton Rotary Food Bank and the Emergency Feeding Program.
Committee members expressed gratitude to Dianne for all of her support and efforts during the recent
budget cycle and funding efforts.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Shannon Matson, Chair
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: OCTOBER 21, 2014, 7th Floor, Renton City Hal)
H:\Human Services\Main folder\Advisory Committee\Agenda-Handouts-Minutes\Minutes\2014 Minutes\Sept 2014 Nlinutes.docx