HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/2015 - Minutes Renton Library Ad�isory Board ��� �yor� .._ � ��� ������� �.��• Meeting Minutes Ren#on City Hall, 7th Floar Counci! Conference Roo March 25 � 5:3Q p.m. p`� � I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Erica Rithey called the meeting to orde�at 5:35 p.m. In Attendance Members: Laurie Bed�n, Lynne King, Erica Richey, Catherine Ploue-Smith City Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Peter Renner, Mark San#o's Johnsan, Diane Wagner KCIS 5taff: John Sheller II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA I.aurie Beden made a motian ta approve the agenda as submitted, Catherine Ploue-Smith seconded. Ali were in favor, motion carried, agenda appro�ed. 111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Laurie Beden made a motion ta approve the Fehruary 2015 minutes with one spelling correction, Lynne King seconded. All were in favor, motion carried, amended minu#es approved. IV. ORAL.COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None. VI. ACTIDN / BRIEFING Mark Santos Johnson, �ter�ton Community Development Manager, was on hand to show the Choice Neighborhvod fnitiative fmplementation/Grant Application presentation. Mark mentianed there is a potential to secure up to 30 million dollars for the Sunset Area 1'ransformation Plan aut of the total of 155 million dollars of available funds. The prafile of the Sunset area is 269 acres near the City Center with 2,784 residents and 559 businesses. There is good access to highways and transit, and it is close to major errtployment, shopping and en#�rtainment. The housing projects were originally built as temporary housir�g during the war-time 1940's. The Sunset Area Community Needs include over 25�af h�useholds ii�� in poverty, and 75% of the stucients at Highlands ElemEntary qualify for free ar reduced lunci�,while the violent crime rate is two times higher than the city as a whole. There is a significant elde�ly population here. This re�itatization has 6een a work in progress for 15 years. En the last three City of Renton l.ibrary Board Minutes March 25,2Q15 Page 2 of 3 years,the Gity, Renton Housing Autho�ity ar�d the Rentor� School Distrr`ct k�a�e invested 39 milli.on do�lars in the Sunset area, T�e City has committed additionaJ funds o�$30 million for additional impra�ements. Recently completely project�inc��de#he Meadow Crest Early Learning C�nter,the Inclusi�e Playground, Glennwood Tov�vnhomes and Kirkland Avenue Tawnhomes, utility upgrades, and the Highl�nds-to-Landing pedestrian connectian. The transformation plan will start wi�th the redevelopment visia�n including a new three acre neighbarhoad park, surrounded by affordable mixed incame housing units and the new Renton Highlands Library. The Plan will address targeted needs�ncluding new affardable and mixed-income housing, enhanced education programs, expanded health and human service, crime prevention strategies and impraved access to jobs. The grant application was submitted in Feb�uary 2p7.5. Mark outlined the budget requests, breakdowns and serv;ces propos�d. HUD announces the awards in September. VI1. CITY REPORT/Terry Hi�ashivama. Pe#er Renner Peter Renner discus5ed tF�e prog�ess on the Liberty Park Library. He said the Library construction is progressing�ery well and still slightly ahead af schedule. The glass and framework for almost all the storefront is in, Peter mentianed the electrical feed issues and lead-time and said#here will most likely be temporary wiring to the computer desks until final occupancy due to schedulFng. The big cattonwood trees are out and tk�e parks reps no� to coordinate the landscaping, Peter mentioned that the Art Commission is considering mo�ing the stilt walker near the front door. �he Highlands library walls are being formed and concrete pauring will take place on Fr�day earky in the morning. Peter talked about the post tension slabsP and t�e delicacy of electrical �emp#ates for lining up of computers and desks. He said the library will take an many fast changes over t�e next couple weeks due to the progress of cancrete and �teel wark. He ment�oned the pre5sure to stay on 5chedule and doing so with no safety issues and sa far, things are going�ery goad. VII1. KCLS REPORT/JOHN SHELLER John Sheller congratula#ed Laurfe Beden on her acceptance to the KCLS Art O�ersight Committee. He also mentioned the KCLS staff was honored for t�eir po�itive interaction in the community and were recagnized for acts of kindnes5. John mentioned they started woricing on the re-opening of the Highlands Library fln the operational s�de hut need to solidify the construction schedule. He alsa mentianed that the Highlands Library added Sunday Hours! r � H:�\Boards and Commissiona�Li6rery Bo,�rd�2015 Minutes�Marth 2015 City of Renton Library Board Minutes March 25, z015 Page 3 af 3 lohn briefly c�iscussed the KCLS Intellectual Freedom Policy and recommended the group look at adding something to their 2�15 C�ntinued goals. With tha#, a motion was made by �ynne King and secanded by Catherine to consider adding the follawing to the 2015 Continued Goals "Review and Discuss iCCLS Intellectual Freedom Policy". Motion granted. VIIl. OLD BUSINESS The Board talked about#he recent interviews for the Baard Opening and was pleased to announce that Kim Un#i will be joining the group. IX. NEW BUSINE55 None. X. INFORMATION None. XI. ADJOURNMENT A matian was made by Laurie Beden and se�onded by Catherine Ploue-5mith to adjou�n the March meeting. All were in favor, motion carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:5Q p.m. �/1�_ Signature April Meeting Wednesday,April 1.5,2015 Rer�ton City Mall,7`h Flonr Cauncit Car�ferenc�Room May Meeting Wednesday, May20,2015 Renton City Hall,7`"Floar Council Conference Room --„. � . 0 :_;. �.� _�, Fl:��Baards and Commisslons�Library 8oard\2015 MlnuteslMarch 2015 ��µ"� -