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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/1998 - Minutes U��Y �'� t � ♦ ��NTD'� City of Renton Park Board Minutes Renton Senior Activity Center March 10, 1998--4:3Q p.m. fn Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael Q'Donin, Chair Leslie 6etlach Robert I�ogue A1 Dieckman Marge Richter Sandy Pilat Ron Regis Jerry Rerecich Jim Shepherd Absent Joan Moffatt Tim Searing CALL TO ORDER Chair, Michael �'Donin, called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marge Richter madE a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the February 1998 minutes as written. Motion carried, minutes appro�ed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Se�eral anno�ncements were made regarding upcoming e�en#s including th� Benefits of Parks and Recreation Workshop, an invitatian to the Renton Treasures sponsored by the Museum, the Kids Concert Series, Renton You#h Day and the egghunt. CONSENT The Board re�iewed the following requests: 1. King County Conservation Distric# Board Supervisor scheduIed the Renton Community Center for March 24, 1998, to hold a public election. This election would select one board supervisor for a three-year term. They requested waiver of the fee to reduce their o�erall cost. 2. Renton First United Methodist Church has requested to hold their annual Easter 5unrise Service on April 12, 1998, at Gene Coulon Memorial 6each Park at the north shelter. Their usage will be from 6:00 a.m. �nti� approximately 8:D0 a.m. and they have requested wa�ier ofi the fee. Cynthia Bums made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to concur with staff recommer�dation and ap�rove the reques#s. Mo#ion carried, requests approved. City of Rcnlon Park Board Minu�es March 10, 1998 Page 2 af 2 OL� BUSINESS J�m Shepherd, Facilities Director, updated the Board on the progress taking place on the new city hall. Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, discussed the Cedar River Tcail Boeing Metro Project and the effect on #he #rail. There is signage o� the trail indicating the trai! is under construction. The contract includes requirements to u�date the public on the status of the construction. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Manager, disc�ssed the hydroplane races scheduled to take place at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Glenn Kost, C�P Project Manager discussed #he passibility af a bond issue to finance a new swimming pool. OTHER Mr. Regis inq�ired abo�t the new sign {Welcome to Ren#on) on Grady Way and wanaered if the department had explored the idea of a skateboard park. Leslie expfained that there had not been enough inte�est shown by residents to acti�ely pursue researching a new park. Ms. Betlach indicated if t�ere was sufficient interest that would be documented wh�n we update the current comprehensi�e plan and considered at that time. The new corrosion cor�trol �ac�lity in Cedar River Park will start construction next week. Glenn I�ost updated the Board on the Mazda building and lot remo�al, wi�ich would comple#e the first phase of the Piazza proje�t. ADJOURNMENT Robert Lague made a motion to adjoum the March meeting at 5:50 Motion carried meeting adjourned. Next Regufar Mee#ing April 14, 1998-4:3� p.m. Senior Acti�ity Center S�gnature Ch if