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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/14/1998 - Minutes Ci�y of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Ac�ivity Center
April �4, 199$--4:30 p.m.
In Aftendar�ce:
Members Staff Others
Michael O'Don�n Patricia Benson Lee Newton
Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach
Robert Logue AI Dieckman
Joan Moffatf Sandy Pilat
Ron Regis Jerry Rerecich
Marge Richter
Tim Searing
Michael O'Donin, Chair, cafled the meeting to orderat4_30 P.M�
Marge Ricl�ter made a motion seconded by Cynthia Bums to approv�e the March
minutes as writ�e�_ Motion carried, minutes approved_
Leslie Betlach re►riewed a le�er from Fem Zrebell who wr+ote to express haw much
she enjoyed the senior tr�p to Peor�a for spring #raining and the wond�rful job the
staff did.
The foEbwing canser�t items were reviewed:
Lee Newton requested to plant a tree in memory of his wife at Gene Coulon
Memorial Beach Park_ Mr_ IVewton was present at the meeting to answer
questions_ Staff indicated ihey were wiping to work wifh Mr_ Newton in
selecfiion of a tree and bcation a�d recammended approvai of request
Marge Richter made a mo�ion seconded by Ron Regis to approv� Mr_
Newton's �quest All were in fav�or, request approrred.
C�ty ofReriton Yar3r Board�utes
Pa�e 2 of4
Rer�o� Ch�istian School is �equesting use af L�herty Park f�etd #1 and the
she�ter fortheir annual field day activ�ties on June 5th. TheywoWd uti�ize tfie
paric facillties from approximafe�y 8:00 a.m. ur�ti! 2:30 �.m_ �or around 245
peopie, StafF recommends approval of this request after cornpletion of the
required resenration fomns. .loan Moi�att made a motion seconded by
Gyrrthia Bums to approv�e th�s req�est Request approv�ed.
PACCAR is requesting park board approval to hold �eir �amparry picnic at
#he south shelter on Saturday, Se�tember 19. They wiit have appro�amateiy
2a0-250 guests be��wceen 1�t:QD a.m, ar�d 3�OD p_m_ T�ey will nm a shut�e
van beiw�eer�the park and �ir place of business to limit parking congesfion
at ifi� park_ Tf�ey are u�iGzir�g a caterer and will also hav�e a designa#ed
representativ�e present #o ensure park regutatior�s are faeowed ar�d cleanup
is compl�te at the end of the day. Staff recommends approval contingen�on
prior approval of tt� location of caterers barbecues, certificate of insurance
to be provided, and tt�e covrdination of sched�ied activi�es to ensure the
general public is not restricted firom use of ar�y common grassy area. Staff
cannot recommend approval of the ice cream truck. Cyr�thia Bums made a
motion secanded by Jaan MofFatt to approve tt�e requesf cantingent on
compGance with the staff fecornme�da�ons.
The S#. Bemard Club of Puget Sa�nd requested to hold ih�ir summer
specialty show at Teasdale Park on June 1�, 1998. This is a group that has
used our facilfies for many years with no problems arxl staff recommends
approva[ of this request pend�ng receipt af a certificate of insurance,
paymer� of picnic shelter fee and bati�roorn key deposit. TFie group has
been made aware af[ dogs are to be on a leash and #hey are responsible to
clean up after their pets_ Ron Regis rnade a motion seconded by Marge
Richter to approv�e the request to hofd their specia[�y show as requested_
Motion carried, �equest approv�+d.
The Spatari family requested to hokl a wedding at the Ser�or Cerrter ground5
prior to the�r reception i�rat is bootced on Saturday, May 23, 1998. Shawn
Qay wi�l coordinate the ceremony to ensure compliance w+th park c�ke� and
regufatians and recommends approval of th�s r+equest Gyr�thia B�ms made
a motion to approve the weddir�g cenemorry outside the Senior Center, Ran
Regis secande� the motion, a�[members were in farror_ Mo�on camed_
The Design Committee of the former downtown Renton Associatinn is
sponsonng a ciiy wide spnng clean up campaign starting Fr'sday, May 8�
through Saturday, May 9� on or abo�t 2:DD P_M_ They are requesting to use
Tonkin Pa�k as the headquarters. The Whis�e Stop Tav�em has givoen
permi�.sion to use their durnpstet ar�d sani car�s. Sta�F recommends
G�ty of R�raton Park Boazd Miuutes
Apn`l I4,1998
P�ge 3 af 4
approval of this request. Gyrrthia 6ums made a motion seconded by .lo�n
Moffatt to approvoe the request_ Request approv�ed_
Brian Waerie arxi LoN Do[�glas requested use of Riverview Park for their
wedding ceremony and rehearsa! din�er. They plan to ho�d a picn[c lur�ch
arrd prac�ce for the w�edding from 5_OD p.m. ur�til dusk on Friday, July 3�1�.
The uvedding wid take place the ev�erong of A�gust � witt� a recep�ion at
anotheT locatior� immediatefy foAowing the ceremorry. The couple has been
made awa�e of park n�les and regulations and has agreed ta abide by those
rules. Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Cynthia Bums to conc�
with staffi recommendatian and approv�the req�est Request approv�ed_
Shirley Browning r+equested to place a tree or shfub a�ti plaque in rnemory o�
Ray Browning along the trail. Staff recommends approval af the memorial
and wil[work w�th Ms_ Browning to coard[nate her purchases. Marge Richter
made a motion �econded by Cynthia Bums to approve placemert of a
memorial for Mr_ Brovming. Motian carrfed, request approvoed.
The Highlands Commu�ityAssociatron founderand Presiderrt, Heidi Carson,
is requesting to hald the group's morrthy mee�ings at the Highfands
Neighborhood Cerrter and waiv�e fh� normal usage fee. These meetings will
be held the fourth Thursday of each manth. Staff recommends approval of
this request f�ar�wo rnonths, including waiving the fees forthe rnonths ofApril
and May_ Arry further usage afier May must he coordinated with B�nnie
Rerecich, Recreation Supet►risor. This usage is s�[b�ect to availability and
prevailing �es wip be char�ged. There was discussion regarding policies
regarding tee waiv�er_ Staff e�lained if we apprav�e a room reservation on
an on-going basis, s[xh as this reques�, w�e may f�av�e sc�dule cor�'icts
when trying to scf�edule our �rograms and act�vi#ies. Gy�thia Bums made a
mafion t,o approvse this r�equest for a iwo morrth#ime �eriai ony, inc�udEng the
fee wairPer. The motion was seconded by Nlarge Richter. Mo�on carried.
Jerry Rerecich summarized the First "Youth Da}�' and the evwents arKf speakers that
participated i� this ever�t He a�so discussed the upcaming hydrapfan� races an�
the �tr�al arrangemer�ts beir�g p�t in place. He requested approval frorn the board to
close the boat �uncf� to the pub�ic on Saturday and S�nday. He wou�d make su€�e
not�ces were posted at the site and in the newspaper and altemabe launch si#e�
Csted to m�nimize arry inconvwenience t� the pubGc. Ron Regis made a motion ta
cbse the Ia[mch as req�sted and Joan MofFatt secanded the request_ Request
Page 4 of 4
Leslie Betlach updated friose in attendance an t�e trail car�struc#ian_ She explained
despite #�e cvns#�ction tf�e trail r�rau[d be accessib�e until June �5. She a�so
re�erenced t� bid resuft� from the gradirx�lpaving project for t�e balf�e�d
construction enclased in the Board's packets for review.
Commer�ts were made about the sfow service and cangestion at hrar's and Kidd
Vaney re�t�aurant5. Sfaffwill revisitthese isst�es with hra�s_
Robert Lague asked about the cument vacancies in the department of Recreafion
Director and fiping #he administra�ar slot u�t�en Sam Ctrasfa�n raetires_ He atso
requested an organiza�ior�al �hart_ � was decided to address these issues at the
May meeting-
A mo#ion was made to adjourr��e meeting and seconded by Rabert Lvgue_ Motian
camed meetir�g adjau�d at 5_3� p_m_
Renfion Senior Activi�y Cer�er
MAY 7 2, �!998-4:30 p.rn.