HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/1998 - Minutes � i PARK BOARQ M I N U TES J U LY 14, 1998�:30 P.M. RENTON SENIaR ACTiVITY CENTER In attendance Members Staff MicFtaei O'Donin, Chair SyIvia Allen G�r�thia Bums Leslie Betiach RoberE Logue Patricia Benson Jaan Moffatt Sa�dy Pilat Marge Richter Jim Shephercl Tirr� Searing AI Dieckman Ron Regis OfEcer Richie GALL TO ORDER Michae� O'Donin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:30 p_m_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Joan MofFatt made a motion seconded by Robert Logue to approve the June minutes as wntten. All were in fav�r, mot[an carried. ANNOUNCEN[ENTS Jim Shepherd announced his appointment as Community Senrices Administrator and introduced Syhria Allen, Recreation Director. Patricia Benson inf�armed the Boar�d of the upcoming opening of the teen musical and e�ended an irnitation for Friday's perf�m�ance_ CONSENT A request was made by Eag�e Hardware to hold a picnic at Teasda{e Park for approximately 200 peaple. They hav�e coordinated al!the details of this ever�t with our staff. A mofion was made and seconded by Joan Moffatt to approv9e this evo�nt Motion carried, request approv�ed. Ed and Pedie Jo[�nston requested ta p�ace a memorial tree and plaque �n honorof their mo#hers at Gene Coubn Memorial Beach Park_ StafF will coardinate the purchase and bcation of the memorial_ A motion was made by Marge Richter to C�of Resttaa Faz��d Ibieetmg 3uly 1�,k99'8 Page 2 of3 approvwe t�Es memorial request Cynthia Bums seco�ded the motion, alE wefe in favar, motion carried_ Martin Patricelii reqt�ested use of Earlir�ton Park on Sunday,Aug�st 16, �998, be�:en the haurs of�I U:dO a_m, and 6_DD p_m for a ne[ghbortiood picnic. Staff e�la�ned t�ey co�td not reserve the entire par[c for Mr_ Patricelli's exclusive use and preclude the use by the general public, howev�er,efTorts would be made to assist Mr_ Paficell� in coord"[nating his evr�r�t_ A motion was made and secon�ed by Joan Mof�att to de�y exclusive use of Earlington Park but to work with this neighborh�ad grou� in coordinati� theEr etirae�t i�accordance with parK n�es and regulations. The ARC annual swim is scheduled for Juy�5, �t998, and the group has requested fio nav+e the logboom open to al�ow passage far swimmers and canoes irrto the paddle por�d_ T�is is the 1�['�year for this event and the group has afways complied with sfafPs requests and stafF recommends approval. Joan Mo1�att made a motion setonded by C�rrthia Bu�to approti►oe this request Motion car�[ed, request approved. OLD BUSINESS JEm Shepherd rerninded�e Board members that the Commumty Services Cornmittee�u1d be meeting an July2'l, 4998, at 3:30 p.m. on the si�'rfloorto reviewthe nami� of the new sports park. AEso a poot presenfation woufd be done at tt�e City Cou�cil meeting on J�[!y 2�3+�� � Leslie Be�ach garr� a trail update arui discussed the golf co�[rse_ She wiq re#um in September to discuss raising the golf course fees. Tl�ey ariticipate raisEng the fees for 18 holes, cart rental� and b[�ckets of balts_ Currentiy the biggest�ssue at the galf co�rse is the parkirMg prob�ems_ The problem of geese at Gene Coulor� �lemorial Beach ParK was discussed and �re contro[ measures currer�y in place. Gler�n Kos#reparted on the progress of the sports park and the vandalisrn that accurred tt�re_ �THER Jim Shepherd informed the members it was time to ro#ate ti�e r�esponsibiGty of Ctrair for the Board. i�was determined it was Tim Searing's ft.�rr�to assume #� roCe. Effective the August, 9998, meeting Mr_ Searing wilf assume those du�ties. City of Renton Pa�B�o�rd Meef�g h�ly 14,1998 Fage 3 of 3 Location of iuture mee�ngs was discussed and the possibilify of rebcating and holding ttie meetings at fhe r�ew ciiy hall bui�ding was suggested_ The Board canc�rred they prefemed the convenience of the senior center and wauld Iike to cor�finue holdir�g the meeti�gs there_ lt was noted that occasionaily they w�oWd Gke to haki a meeting at an aftemate sife_ Mr_ Sea�r�g suggested a future meeting be he�d at the sports park, possibly September_ ADJQURNMENT Robert Logue made a motion to adjo�n the July meeting at 5'34 p.m_ Joan N1of�att seconded the motion, meetir�g adjoumed. Sigr�ature of Chair N�C1' RE�U� MEET�NC� �entan ��r�io� Activity Center �ugus� � � , 1�98�--4;� p.m.