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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/1998 - Minutes City of Renton Park Board Minutes Renton Senior Activity Center October 13, 1998--4:30 p.m. :�� in Attendance: Members Staff Others Tim Searing, Chair Sylvia Allen Kristen Hero Cynthia Burns AI Dieckman Robert Logue Gtenn Kost Joan Moffatt Dan Persson Michael O'Donin 5andy Pilat Marge Richter Bonnie Rerecich Jerry Rerecich Absent Ron Re is CALL TO ORDER Tim Searing, Chair, called the October i3, 1998, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MiNUTES Joan Moffatt made a mo#ion seconded by Robert Logue to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried, minutes approved. ANNOUNCEMENTS Patricia Benson announced the upcoming King County Performance Dance Network on October 23, 1998, at Carco Theatre at 7:Op p.m, Bonnie Rerecich explained ti�e bags with candy and a calendar enclosed listing the various programs offered far the month by t3�e recreation staff. This is part of an in- �ouse marketing program to intorm a�l employees of the numerous programs available to them. CORRESPONDENCE Letters were reviewed from: A. Liz Hammill who wrote relaying her positive experience for the ti�ird year using the shelter at Coulon Park. The shelter, tables and grounds have always been spotless whenever she has used the park. She appreciates the lo�ely site. B. Captain 5c�ubert wrote to thank the department and staff for their contributions to the success of the Drug Demand Education Task Force and the Drug Education for Youth Program F�eld at Gene Cou�on Memoria� Park. Two of our staff, Richard Doss and Jerry R�recich, were instrumental in the success of this event. C�ty of Renton Park Boarcl Mir�utcs Ocioher 13, t998 Pagc 2 o f 4 C. Pragna Shaw, Director of Public Relatior�s SGCS, wrote to thank the recreation staff for their caoperation in making their festival possibie at the community center. D. Mary Lou Johnson wrote a �etter to Mayor Tanner commenting on how impressed she is with the care given t�a the main#enance of the trail and the surrounding park areas. She is a frequent walker on the Cedar Ri�er Trail from the community center to the golf course. CONSENT Tt�e foflawing items were reviewed; A. E�elyn O'Kert requested to plant a tree with plaq�ae in memory of Alan O'Kert. 5he did not ha�e a specific locatian in mind, B. M. Lynn Thrasher requested to plant a tree and plaque in memory of Roy and Wan�a Thrasher at Coulon Park. C. Michael Stussy requested to plant a tree along the walking path at Coulon Park in memory of his wife, Marie. There was discussion regarding the previous review of the memorial policy. A motion was made to appro�e the requests, however, at this time there were no trees in need of replacement at Coulon Park, Ti�e option will be gi�en to the applicants to work with the maintenance department and select another site or be put on a waiting list. Staff will notify the person when a spot becomes available should they elect to be put on tt�e wasting list. Marge Rich#er made a moti�n seconded by Cynthia Burns to appro�e the requests and place the applicants on a waiting list as outlined by staff. A11 members were in fa�or, motion carried. D. The Renton Sailing Club is holding a small boat regatta on Lake Wasf�ington on Saturday, �ctober 17, i 998, and requested to use the picnic area south of ��ar's from 8:30 am-10: 30 am and wai�er of launch fees. Staff recommends approval of this request; there is not a launch fee during the fall. Cynthia B�ms made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to approve the req�ested as stated. All were i� fa�or, motion carried. E. The P�azza Renton organization requested permission to hold a tree lighting celebratian {Winterfest) at Tonfcin Park on 5aturday, December 5, 1998 from 3 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. They expect approximatefy 200-250 people in a three-f�our time span. The paric staff will coordinate their (ights, sound system and power requirements. Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Cynthia Bums to approve this request. Motion carried, request approrred. Marge Richter added an additional �erbal request, no# pre�iously submitted in writing. The same group, Piazza Renton, w�nted to hold a "Best Pumpkin" City of Rentan Park Board Minutes October 13, 1998 Pagc 3 of 4 contest €or kids on Halloween from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Staff was unaware of this request prior to the meeting so was unable to give a recommendation. However, they discussed the absence of restroom facilities and lighting and suggested the contest is held prior to dark. Marge agreed to change #he time from 7:00-5:00 p.m. Staff afso requested the group be responsible for set-up, take down and aware of the irrigation system in place, so nothing would be stuck into ti�e ground. Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to natify the group of t�e restrictions and conditions set�orth by staff and if the group agreed approve th� request. All were in fa�or wi#h modifications recommended by staff, mo#ion carried. Don Persson, Rotary Club Auction Chairperson, requested use and fee waiver of the community center on Saturday, March 27, 1999, for the annual Rotary auction, CAPER. This request was not submitted prior to the meeting but staff had spoke with Mr. Persson and verified ti�� date was available. In view of the many contributions the Ro#ary has dona#ed to our programs, Robert Logue made a motion to waive the fees and grant exclusive use of the communtty center for the day to the Rotary. Joan Motfatt seconded the motion, all present were in �a�or, mo#ion carried. OLD BUSINESS Hiqhlands Neighborhood Center An update was gi�en on the Highlands Neighborhood Center. In August t�e Council met to discuss the future of the building. Should we rebuild, if we rebuild shalf we dupficate what was there or should we expand? The staff made a recommendation in the hopes of sol�ing problems t�at existed with the previous building yet confining the changes to a modest level. 5ome of the problems identified were: ✓ The eigh#-foot cei#ing height frequently causing damage to t�e ceiling tiles w�en pfaying pool and creating a "closed-in" feeling. ✓ Inadequate storage has always been a problem ✓ The exercise room had a lack of light and poor access. ✓ Small sizes of the program rooms restricted their use. ✓ The office did not provide adequate sitelines #a the building to adequately super�ise ✓ There was no lobby area or sufficient space for basketball fans to watch the games. ✓ There is a fow ceiling ir� ti�e gymnasium limiting the program to youth basketball only. Three alternative solutions were proposed for consideration. Gfenn Kost, CIP Manager, explained our insurance carrier indicated they will cover t�e reconstruction to "like kind and quality" minus the deductible of $100,000.00. Any additional costs will be the responsibility ot the City. Staff recommended option #3 (as described in attachment), that would cost an estsmated $233,000.00 in added costs to the City. The additionaf space will allow additional program capacity and increased re�enue. The Council City of Rentan Park Board Minutes QcEobcr 13, 199$ P�ge 4 of 4 recommended a public meeting be held to discuss the proposed plans prior to final a�proval. A letter was rerriewed written by Les�ie Betlach, Parks Direc�or, to Luanna Martin in response to �er correspondence outlining conc�ms about the memorials placed at Coulan Park. NEW BUSINESS The Plaza and Gateway parcels were recommended to be off�cially designated as city parks, which wil! enable them to be administered ur�der existing city park rules and regulations. Maintenance ar�d use af the faciliti�s wi{I be coordinated through the parks and recrea�ion department, with the appro�al and o�ersight of the parlc board. OTHER Glenn Kost updated the Board on th� Ron Regis Park. 1t is approximately 85% complete. Final completion is anticipated by the end of October. The crews are finalizing tt�e pa�ing, planting, lighting, seeding and fence work at this time. Glenn informed everyon� he had yard signs endorsing the poo� if anyone was interested. ADJOURNMENT Robert Logue made a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to adjourn the meeting. All were in fa�or, t e September meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. A Signatur NEXT REGULAR MEETING N4VEMBER 10, 1998--4:3� P.M. CITY 4F RENTON SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER