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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/1998 - Minutes �9
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City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Rention Senior Activity Center
November 14, 1998--4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff Others
Tim Searing, Chair Syl�ia Ailen
Cynthia Burns Patricia Benson
Robert Logue Leslie Betlach
Joan Moffatt AI Dieckman
Michael �'Donin Sandy Pilat
Marge Richter Bonnie Rerecich
Tim Searing Jerry Rerecich
Absent Jim Shepherd
Ron Re is
CY�air, Tim Searing called the No�ember meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded by Cynthia Burns to appro�e the October
minutes as written. All were in favor t�e motion was approved.
The No�ember 2"d_19tn food drive at the community center was announced along
with the upcaming Hassle Free Bazaar on November 20 and 2151.
A letter from AI Lapointe requested to work with the department again this year to
coordinate a boat festi�al similar to last years. The festiva� would be held April
23-25�h, �999. Rob�rt Logue made a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to
appro�e Mr. Lapointe's request. Staff will keep the board informed about plans
as they are made. Motion carried, request approved.
Western Bank requested to use the parking lot at RCC on Wednesday, February
�7, 1999. This would be a pick up location for a ski trip they are hosting. Staff
did not feel this would ad�ersely impact #he community center parking. Joan
Moffatt made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin to appro�e this request.
Motion carried, reques# approved.
Delores Halstead requested to donate a bench with memorial plaque in honor of
Patricia A. Ralphael. She raquested to p�ace the bench as cfose as possible to
the interfac� sculp#ure. Staff recommended appro�al but would have to request
placement in another Focation, possibly th� south end of the park. Robert Logue
Cr�y of Rcnton Park Boaed Minu�es
Novcmb�r 14, 1998
Puge 2 af 2
made a mot�on to appro�e Ms. Halstead's request con#i�gent on compliance with
stafi� recommendation #o reconsider the #ocation of the bench. The motion was
�econded by Cyn#hia Burns. Motion carried, request approved as amended.
Leslie Betlach announced the upcoming spaghetti dinr�er to benefit the Veterans
Memorial. She also announced Cal Jor�an and Associates had voEunteered to
donate their services for design of the parklmemorial. A temporary sign has
been put in place with appropr�ate phone numbers to call wEth dona#ions.
Leslie also mentioned the new interior colors at the golf course and the furnit���
and prints Jack had purcf�ased. The Iobby area is the city's responsibility but
Jack was willing to contribute to the remodel.
Mr. Shepherd mentioned at the pre�ious night's co�ncil meeting the subject of
#he new regional park and the naming of it had been brought back to tF�e table for
discussion. Et was decided to be referred to the Community Services Committee
again for further r�;view. Mr. Shepherd will keep the Board advised on fu�ther
Mr. ShephErd also informed the 6oard on the status of the �ote on the bond
issue of the pool. All ballats were no# counted at this time, fiowe�er, it was
apparent it did nat pass by the required margin.
Marge Richter reported on the Halloween pumpkin contest and shared pictures
from the event. SF�e thanked Pat Newbury for the 60 happy meals i�e donated,
Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to adjoum the mee�ing.
�I! were in favor, mo#ion carcied the November meeting was adjaumed at 5;05
ignatur�, Chair
DECEMBER 8, 1998 � 4:30 P.M.