HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/1999 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Activity Center
February 9, 1999--4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff Q#hers
Tim Searing, Chair Syl�ia Allen Sandy Chastain
Michael O'Donin Leslie Betlach Sonja Mejandler
Ron Regis Sandy Pilat Michael Hamilton
Marge Richter Jerry Rerecich Ray Johnson
Jim Shep�erd
Cynthia Bums
Bob Logue
Joan Moffatt
Tim Searing, Chair, calEed th� February meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Ron Regis made a motion seconded by MargE Richter to approve tt�e minutes as
written. All present were in fa�or, motion carried minutes approved.
Dennis Culp, recently appointed Facilities Director, was introduced and briefly
detailed his background fior those present.
A request was submitted by Ken Saunderson and Michael Hamilton on staging
the Renton Ri�er Days Concert at Gene Coulon Memarial Beach Park on Ju�y
30, 1999. 4ther e�ents for July 28th and 29t'' are afso being planned. Sylvia
Allen explained tha# a concert being held would requir� the beach to be closed
down for safety reasons (because of th� noise fac#or). The lifeguard staff would
be unable to communicate with each other or hear possible calls for help over the
ampfified music. ft was the consensus that the public may b� open #o the beac�
being closed one night but not 3 days in a row. Mr. Saunderson explained tt�at
hol�ing the concer# at Renton Stadium would not be cast effective due to
associated expenses of required flooring and associated labor. Cedar River Park
had also been considered as a site, but there were conflicts with other scheduled
City af Ren�an
Park Board Minulcs
Fcbruary 9, 1999
Pa�c 2 al'3
activities and a concem regarding lack of available parking. Gene Coulon Park
se�med to be the preferred location. The hope was to sponsar a signature event
that wauld attract sponsors, including corporate and media, and have the best
value. The best�al�e would be realized by expanding the number of days of the
event. It would cost them approximately the same amount to s#age t�is event for
3 days as it would 1 day, thus hosting a concert for 3 days would greatly increase
�heir p�ofi#s by increased re�enue in ticket sales for 3 days instead of i.
There was further discussion o�er the impact of the event on the beach, staff and
public, It was decided therE was se�era� hurdles to o�ercome and t�e graup
would come back to a future park board mee#ing when plans were more finalized
and some of the staff's concems were addressed. There were the issues of
closure of the beach and boat launch for more than one day, parking issues,
coordination with the fire and police departments etc.. It was decided to approve
the concert for the 30th of July as discussed but to table further discussion for the
other two re�quested days untii more details were available.
Stephanie Rudell requested to plant a tree with plaque at Liberty Park in honor of
Kristine Rudell Strang. Staff appraved this request contingent on coordination
with staff on type of materials purchased and exact locat'son.
Mr. Ray Johnson, Chairman CRAFT, requested reduction of waiver of fees for
Carco T�eatre for twa rehearsals and two performances of a talent production
showcasing local talent. Staff recommends reducing #he charge for the actual
�erformance from $55.00 to $35.00, whic� is the standard non-profit rate.
However, due to expenses incurred for staff for the rehearsals, daes not
r�commend wai�er of the fees for those nights. Ron Regis made a motion to
concur with staff r�commendation. Marge Richter seconded this motion; all
members were in favor. Motion carried.
The National Rifle Association requested to use the communi#y center for an
auction on �fune 18, 1999. The group has the required insurance, special event
permit and has assured us no firearms will be excHanged. The board members
expressed some concems o�er the handlin� of firearms at the cEnter and opted
to table f�rther discussion of this request until additionaf information wo�ld be
presented at the r��xt meeting.
Civic Funding Services requested usage of Liberty Park to host a donkey softball
game on Sunday, July 4�''. The game wauld benefit the Jaycees and #he VFW.
This e�ent would coincide with the 4t'' of Ju�y cefebra#ion. Profits would be
donated #o the memorial fund for the Veteran Park. Marge Richter made a
City aF Renton
Park Boarcf Minu�es
February 9, 1999
Page 3 of 3
motion to concur with staff recommendation and appro�al this request as
presented. All were in favor, mo#ion carried, request approved.
A letter was received from the StuartlTaylor fam�ly to use the north she�ter at
Coulan Beach Park for their family reunion picnic on July 3, �999. They are
expecting o�er 200 to attend. Staff has informed the group of park rules and
r�gulatians a�d encouraged car-pooling to lessen the impact on park�ng. Marge
Rich#er made a motion seconded by Mic�ael O'Donin to appro�� this event.
Motion carried, request appro�ed.
Sylvia Allen, Recreat�on Director, presented a policy for consideration governing
the fees and rentals for the new "Plaza Park." Reservation and acti�ities are
proposed to be coordi�ated through the recreatio� department and the fees are
in-line with the fees now used far other parks. All were in favor ot the policy as
written, policy appro�ed.
Leslie Bet�ach, Park Director, discussed new signage at Black River Riparian
Ron R�gis made a motion seconded by Michael �'Danin to adjourn the meeting.
Ali were in fa�or, meeting adjoumEd at 5:30 p.m.
TUESDAY--MARCH 9, 1999-4:30 p.m.