HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/1999 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minu�es
Renton Senior Activity Cente�
July 13, 1999--4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff Others
Tim Searing, Chair Sylvia Ailen Gary Bagnell
Cynthia Burns Leslie Betlach
Robert Logue A� Dieckman
Michae! Q'Donin Sandy Pilat
Ron Regis Jerry Rerecich
Marge Richter Jim 5hepherd
Tim Searir�g
Joan Moffatt
The City of Renton �fu1y 13, 1999, Park Board meeting was ca[led to order by Tim Searing, Chair, at 4:35
Michael O'Donin made a motion seconded by Cynthia Bums to approve the June minutes as written. AI[
were in favor, motion carried.
Marge Richter cammented on how well the 4'" of July picnic went and what a success the car show was.
Also the concerts in the park ha�e been w�ll attended.
Jim Shepherd announced the upcoming Ron Regis Park dedication on July 2�S'. He also announced
the teen musical gala on Friday.
Mr. S�ephercI reviewed a request from PACCAR to hold their annual picnic at Coulon Park on Sa#urday,
September 11, 1999, from 8:00 a.m. until sunset. Marge Richter made a motion to appro�e their
request contingent on coordination with #he parks maintenance staff on placement of their awning.
Cynthia Bums seconded the motion, all were in favor. Motion carried, request approved.
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance requ�sted staff cooperation and participation in Pollution Prevention for
Boa#ers Project. They will provide brochures to our staff for distribution at the boat launci�. Cynthia
Burns made a motian seconded by Ron Regis to appro�e thE request. Motion carried, request
approved as written.
King County Park Programs office requested a wai�er of fees for the Ri�erview Park on behalf of the
Cedar River Salmon Joumey for t�eir safmon viewing dates These are volunteers trained in the human
and natural history of the Cedar Riv�r. Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin to
apArove t�eir reques#. Requ�st auproved.
Ci�y o!"Rcnton Par�:$oa�d Minutcs
July I3, 1999
Pagc 2 of 2
Mr. Alan Withers requested to plant a tree or other long-li�ed planting and plaque at Cedar Ri�er Park in
honor of the 1999 Renton/Nishiwaki Japan St�dent Exchange Program. They requested #o do an
"hanorary" planting at their ceremony held on August 2p"'. Mr. Withers also requested to ha�e the
plaque in English and Japanese. AI Dieckman, Park Maintenance Manager� suggested the normal
4"X6" plaque may not be able to accommodate English and Japanese inscriptions and suggested the
size of the plaque recommended in the policy be wai�ed. Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by
Marge Rich#er to approvE the req�est. Motion carried, request approved.
,�im 5hepherd, Administrator Community Services, discussed t�e upcoming interviews to hire a
consultant far the Comprehensi�e Park and Recreatian Comprehensi�e Plan. He in�ited any of the park
board members to participate on the selection committee. Cyn#hia Bums and Marge Richter
volunteer�d to serve on the panel on July 29'h.
Marge Richter would be the next person in line to sen►e as chairperson for the �oard for the next
calendar year. She, howe�er, dec3ined because of numerous other commitments. Ron Regis agre�d to
fill the duties as chair of the park board for the next 12 months. Mr. Regis will replace Tim Searing as
Chair effective the August 1999 meeting.
Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, made a�ailabie the EIS for The Southport De�elopment Planned Action
Draft Document for any mEmber of the board wishing to re�iew it.
Mr. Shepherd updated the board on the current sta�us of the Renton Sailing's Club use of the float. He
indicated that staff would continue working with the sailing club to resolve the related issues.
Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Manager, d�scussed the success of the inter-generational dance. The
seniors and the middle scnool age studen#s all were w�lling participants an� enjoyed themselves.
Michael �'Donin made a motion seconded by Cynthia Bums to adjoum t�e meeting. Mo#ion carried
me �i��:med at 5:25 p.m.
Signa u e
AUGUST 10, 1999-4:30 P.M.