HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/1999 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Activity Center
October I2, 1999--4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff Others
Ron Regis, Chair Sylvia Allen Gary BagnelE
Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach Lisa Lacy
Robert Logue Randy Leifer Zac� Bressan
Michael �'Donin Sandy Pilat James Strasbaugh
Marge Ricf�ter JErry Rerecich JoAnn Lee
Tim Searing Jim Shepherd
Joan Moffatt
Ron Regis, Chair, called the October 12, 1999, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Robert Logue made a mot�on seconded by Marge Richter to appro�e the
September minutes as written. All were in fa�or, motion carri�d, minu#es
Gary Bagnel, Renton Sailing Club, was present to submit a letter thanking the
Park Board for their support and outlining their attenda�ce figures for lessons,
etc, for the year.
Hassle Free Holiday Bazaar--No�ember 19t�' and 20t" C� RCC
A card was submitted by tt�e North Renton Neighborhood Committee thanking
the parks personnel for their assistance with their neighborhoad picnic.
Joann LE�, Renton Rotary 2000 Chairperson, was present to request a fee
wai�er for the community center on March 25, 2000, for the annual Renton
City af Rcnton
Park Baard Minutes
Octabcr 12, 1999
Page 2 0l'4
Rotary CAPER auction. Waiver of the usage fees maximizes the profits that can
be invested back into the Renton community. Robert Logue made a motion
s�conded by Marge Richter to approve the waiver of fees, All present were in
favor, mo#ion carried.
Randy Leifer, Golf Course Manager, was present to review the proposed
increase of golt lessons at Maplewood. He compared other rates from
neighboring cities. Randy explained there had not been a fee increase in I�sson
rates for 7 years. Robert Logue made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to
approve #he request as submitted. Motion carried, fees approved.
Hazen High School, Milce Snow, r�quested a wai�er of fees for the special
populations group at the driving range d�ring non-peak season. This woufd be
on Tuesday and Thursday with adult supervision. Robert Logue made a motion
seconded by Cynthia Bums to appro�e the fee wai�er contingent on submittaf on
a letter outlining the details of this request. Motion carried, #ee waiver approved
when a letter is submitted.
Randy also re�iewed the request to hold the Washington Junior Golf Tournament
at Maplewood and wai�er of fees for this weekday e�ent. He explained this
would be a 3-year rotation to host the event rather than the 4-year tumaround
previously appro�ed, howe�er, he felt it was promoting the game of golf as well
as our faciiity and benefit�d all in�olved. Michae! O Don€n made a motion
seconded by Cyn#hia Burns to approve this request. All present were in favor,
motion carried.
Cedar River Trail Park
Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, explained t�e fry traps presen3 �n the ri�er and the
study going on to monitor t+�e salmon. Also the Cedar River Trail Park was being
hydroseeded through Friday and was approximately 85°lo complete. Leslie did
not anticipate the park opening until next year. She commented that AI
Dieckmen, Parks Maintenance Manager, had done a tremendous job overseeing
#his project.
As of this date, it did not �ook fike the city wauld receive lAC grant funding for
de�elopment of additional s�ftbali fields. We are investigating the possibility of
Boeing assisting with this expense in exchange for use by their teams.
Randy Leifer distributed some information regarding tee time booking online. He
explained they were in the �ery early initial stages of in�estigating utilizing this
type of system.
City af Renlon
Park Board Minu�cs
Octobcr 12, 1999
Page 3 af 4
Randy alsa discussed t�e McCarty property negotiations. He explained two
appraisals had been done estimating the worth of the 113 acre to be
approximately $40D,000.00. This offer had beEn submitted and the owners had
until October 15, 1999 to respond. No response had been received to date.
Randy also gave a brief overview o� se�eral projects for the year 2000 at the golf
course including:
✓ #13 Tee reconstruction
✓ Power line remo�al holes #10, 12 and �8
✓ Master Planning old clubhouse area
✓ E�erior painting new clubhouse and range
✓ Parking lot seal coating and striping
✓ I rrigation automation holes #�3-�7
Randy alsa discussed the need for a new maintenance buiiding. Their current
facility does not even have running water.
It was noted by several of the Board members that any comments they heard
about the golf course facility were good ones.
There were three Beilevue Community College students present who were
observing the meeting for a class requirement. They did not have any questions
or comments.
Rob�rt Logue made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Cynthia Burns
seconded the mo#ion, ail were in favor, motion carried. The October meeting
was adjou ed.
NOVEIUIBER 9, 1999--4:30- P.M.