HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1999 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Act�vity Center
November 9, 1999--�4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff Otf�ers
Robert Logue, Chair Pro Tem Sylvia Allen Martin Patricelli
Joan Moffatt Leslie Betlach
Micha�l Q'Donin Sandy Pilat
Marge Richter Jerry Rerecich
Tim 5earing Jim 5hepherd
Cynthia Burns
Ron Re is
Robert Logue, C�air Pro Tem, called the November meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Mr. R�gis was absent due to illness.
Michael O'Donin made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to approve the
October minu#es as written. Motion carried, minutes appro�ed.
Martin Patricelli was pres�nt with a propasai to build a bocci ball cour# at
Earlington Park. He felt it wauld not cY�ange the aesthetics of the park and
recommended the court be on the west side of the park. He determined tY�e cost
would be minimal, materials and utilitizing city staff for labor costs, would be
approximateiy $5QQ-750.�0. He added the court could be multi-use. Currently
Mr. Patricelli and others play in Tacoma since the Senior Activity Center is not
available to their age group. Mr. O'Donin inquired if they were interested in a sod
or cinder court. Michael also asKed how many people were interested. Mr.
Patrice[li answered t�ey preferred a sod caurt and had a �ery large group of
followers. Mr. Logue commented he feft it was a good idea and all ti�at would be
required is a flat, level surface. A motion was made and seconded to in�estigate
the proposa�. Questions were raised regarding extra maintenance that could be
req�ired, i.e. extra mowing, who would schedule the courts, etc. The mo#ion
carried to defer the re�ues# until staff was able to review the request and make a
recommendation. Staff will r�#urn to the Board at a later date with additional
An announcement was made for the annuat Hass�e Free Halio�ay Bazaar to b�
held at the Communi#y Center on No�ember 19t'' & 20th. Sylvia Allen,
Recrea#ion �irector, announced there would be over 100 vendors participating
this year. Other upcaming e�en#s incfude Tingstad-Rumbei on November 28"'
ar�d C�am Lights December 1Qt" through January 2"d.
Volunteers for Piazza Renton requested to hold their 6�' annual tree lighting
ceremony in Tonkin Park on December 4, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. They requested
wai�er of aIl fees, pro�ision of tables, chairs and two canopies and a sound
system. The department's so�nd system is una�ailatrfe on the requested day
and they are unable to provide chairs, tables and canopies. However, staff
recommends appro�al of this event and will assist in setting up the tree, pro�ide
the electrical woric, decorate the #ree and wai�e fees. Joan Moffatt made a
motion to concur with staff recommendation and appro�e ti�is event and support
as o�tlined above. Michael Q'Donin seconded the motion, all were in fa�or,
motion carried.
Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin to adjoum the
No��mber meeting. Ali were in fa�or, motion carried. The November 1999
meeting was adjoumed at 4:55 p.m.
DECEMBER 12, 1999�4:30 P.M.