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Park Board Minutes
Renton Senior Activity Center
April I 1, 2000--4:30 p.m.
!n Attendance:
Members 5taff Others
Robert Logue, Chair Pro Tem Sylvia Allen Wyman Dabson
Joan Moffatt Leslie Betlach �loyd Eidridge
Michael O'Donin Sandy Pilat Nancy Remak
Marge Richter Jerry Rerecich Ben Remak
Tim Searing Jim Shepherd
Ron Regis
C ntt�ia Burns
Robert Logue, Chair Pro Tem, called the April 2000 meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
Michael O`Donnell made a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to appro�e the February meeting minutes.
AI! were in fa�or, motion carried, minutes approved.
Mr. Dobson asked if t�ere would be audience comment at the end of the meeting, if so, he wo�ld
reserve his comments until then. Mr. Logue acknowledged Mr. Dobson would hav� an opportunity to
make comments IatEr in tha meeting.
Mr. Shepherd announced that Patricia Benson, Community Center Supervisor, is lea�ing the city. A
cake and co�fee will be held on April 20th fram 2:00-4:00 p.m. to wish her weli.
The Renton Sailing Club pro�ided dates ot their two regattas to be held at Gene Coulon Park on April 15t
and 15'h. They plan on having one regatta each month throughout the season.
C�uck Dickey requested to plant a tree and purchase a plaque in memory af his wEfe, Gloria Strlich
Dickey. He and his wife walked the #rai! daily. There curren#iy is a waiting list but staff recommends
approval of this request and will contact Mr. Dick�y and inform him of his options. Joan Moffatt made a
motion seconded by Marge Richter. A11 present were in fa�or of appro�ing this reauest, motion carried.
City of Rcn�an Park Board Minutes
April 11, 2000
i'age 2 of 3
Rich Carpenterr Administrator, Renton Christian Schools req�aested use of Liberty Park on Thursday and
Friday June � and 2 for the school annual field day ac#i�ities. They also requested wai�er of fees. Staff
recommends approval of this reques#, howe�er, must request the infield be vacated by 2:00 p.m. for
maintenance for other scheduied acti�Eties. Joan Moffatt made a motion to appro�e the request with the
restric#ions noted by staff. Michael �'Donin seconded by motion, all were in favor, motion carried.
F�oyd Eldridge, Police Commander, F�as requested to hold the DARE sponsored "Tenth Annual Retum
to Renton Car Show" at the Renton Community Center on the grassy area north of the building. Staff
has asked the foflowing guidelines bE complied with:
All legal requirements must be met as set forth by the C�ty of Renton Risk Management
Department �including vendors)
The road that circles the center mus# not be blocked
All show cars must be parke� on the grass of Cedar Ri�er Park. Tf�e Renton Communkty center
parking lot shatl be for patrons and car show viewers.
The show must conclude by 4:00 p.m.
Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Tim Searing #o approve t�is request with �he res�r��tions
noted. Motion carried, request appro�ed.
PACCAR made a request to reser�e t�e south shel�er at Coulon Park on Saturday, August 12 from 8:00
am. un#il 3:00 pm. for approximately 250 employees and families for their annual company picnic. They
have coordinated tneir ac#i�i#ies with Patricia Benson and agreed to comply with a�l park r�les and
regulations, They ha�e complet�d a contract and made full paymen#. A motion was made to Tim
5earing and seconded by Marge Richter to appro�e #h'rs requestP Motion carried{ request approv�d,
The Renton Sailing Club requested two parking spaces reserved on the loop adjacent to the canoe dock
on Wednesdays through Fridays fram 4:00 p.m� untfl 8:00 p,m. May through September to launch �ail
baats used by students. Marge R�chter made a request seconded by Michael O'Donin to appro�e this
request. Motion carried, request approved,
Leslie Bet�ach, Parks Director, reviewed the request made by Martin Patricelii to locate a suitable site for
a bocci ball court at Earlington Park. No modificatior� of the existing grounds or expense to the ci#y
would be required. Our staff will begin a top dressing program when t�e weather allows. The court
would be available#o the general public, self adminis#rated ar�d used on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Mr. Shepherd recapped the discussion and correspondence regarding the naming of t�e downtown
park. He explained a recommendation needed to be made to the counc+l who would ultimately dec�d�d
the name. He explained three names were submitted. Dobson, Henry Moses and Piazza. It was t#�e
staff recommendation that Piazza be selected,
City of Clenlon Park Board Minutcs
April I I, 2000
Pagc 3 of 3
Wyman Dobson introduced himself as the senior memb�r of t�e Dobson family and explained the site o�
the Piazza Park was the site of his family's homestead. He was very proud of his daughter's interest
and pursuing the naming of this park and the documentation and research she did in submitting the
application for naming of the downtown park s�te. Although his daugh#er, Diane, was not present s�e
had started circulating a p�tition to name the park "Dobson" and Mr. Dobson submitted a copy of that
petition. Mr. Dobson suggested if it was not feasible to name ti�� park after the Dobson's perhaps a
portion, for instance the northeast corner where the family homestead was located, be designated to
honar the Dobson family name.
Mr. Logue asked Mr. 5hep�erd if he preferred ta ha�e a motion made for a recommendation for the park
name at this meeting or a# a Ia#er date. Mr. Shepherd requested to wait until the May meeting when all
board memb�rs may be present to participate in the �ote. The naming of the park will be on the consent
agEnda for the May meeting. Sandy will send out rEminders encouraging all board members to attend if
Joan Moffatt made a mation seconded by Michael O'Donin to adjoum the April meeting. Motion
carried, meeting adjoumed at 5:12 p.m.
Signat e
TUESDAY-MAY 9, 2000 C� 4:30 p.m.