HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/2000 - Minutes City of Renton � Park Board Minutes Renton Senior Activity Center September 12, 20�0--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Marge Richter, Chair Syl�ia All�n Cynthia Burns Lesfi� Betlach Joan Moffatt Glenn Kost Michael O'Donin Sandy P�lat Ron Regis Bonnie Rerecich Tim Searing Jerry Rerecich Jim Shepherd CALL TO ORDER Th� meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by C�air, Marge Richter. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Michael O'Donnell to approve the minutes as written. Ron Regis seconded the mation. Motion carried, minutes appro�ed. CONSENT I�ar'slKidd Vall�y requested to install �ending machines at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. They belie�e �ending machines will pre�ent patrons from waiting in long lines to only p�rchase beverages. There was concem voiced regarding vanda�ism, increased Iitter, presence of glass bottles, etc. Jerry Rerecich assurEd the Board that glass bottles would not be aflowed. T�m Searing made a motion to allow vending machines to be installed on a trial basis. If there are problems deemed by#he Park Board, permissian will be rescinded. A stipulation was made that only cans or plastic can be used. Michael O'Don�n seconded the motion, all were in fa�or, Motion carried. Jacquelin Hignard is ha�ing her wedding reception at the Renton Senior Activity Center on July 14, 200�. She requested to hold the ceremony outside on the grassy area. Ron Regis made a motion second�d by Joan Moffatt to approve this r�quest contingent on complianc� with guidelines se# by Shawn Daly, Senior Center Coordinator. AIE were in favor, motion carried. Cindy Potter, King County Park System, requested waiver of the shelter fees at Riverview Park for four salmon viewing dates. Thirty-two volunteers will meet t�e public on October 14, 21, 28 and November 4t'' from 1� a.m. until 3 p.m. to presen# a program. Cynthia Bums made a motion seconded by Tim Searfng to wai�e the shelter fees. All were in favor, motion carried. Cidy af Rentan f'ark Board Minu�cs Se�tcm�icr 12,2000 Page 2 af 2 OLD BUSINESS Mr. Shepherd anno�nced thE appointment by Council of Troy Wigestrand to the Park Board. M�. Wigestrand will ass�me the term �acated by Robert l�ogue. Leslie Betlach announced the new parks supervisor selected was Ron Hemphill. Glenn Kost, CIP Manager, updated the members on t�e Sicate Park. He remarked he felt the park design would attract new skateboard users as well as �eterans. The park was going out for bid this week. He did have some concems regarding the bidding climate but anticipates the park to be a 4-month project and campletion estimated early spring. No bicycles will be allowed and the estimated capacity wiil be 20-30 skaters at any on� time. An ivar's representatirre had attended a pre�ious park board meeting to discuss amending the hours of operation for their restaurant. Closing the restauran# facility 'Iz hour prior to the park closing t�me would allow the restaurant emp�oyees to clean up the area, close down op�ra#ions and be out of the park approximately the same time as the staff. Joan Maffatt made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to amend #he c6osing time from June until September to close a# 9;30 p.m. All present were in fa�or, motion carried. Sylvia Allen gave an end-of-year report on the attendance and ��rious activities of the recreation department during the summer months. ADJOURNMENT Cynthia Burns made a mot�on secanded by Joan Moffatt to adjourn the meeting, All wer in favor, motion carried. The September meeting was adjourned at 5:40 . ��g ur� N�XT REGULAR MEETING �CT46 E R 17, 2000-4:30 P.M. RENTON SENIQR ACTIVITY CENTER