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HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/2003 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
City Hall
1055 South Grady Way
Fifth Floor—Room 511
May 13, 2403--4:34 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members 5taff Others
Ralph Evans, Chair Sylvia Allen AI Dieckman
Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach
Marge Rich#er Kelly Beymer
Ron Regis Dennis Cuip
Tim Searing Terry Flatley
Troy Wiges#rand Abdul Gafour
Jon Jainga
Alex Pietsch
Absent Sa�dy Pilat
MicY�ael O'Donin Tom Pu#hoff
Bonnie Rerecich
Jerry Rerecich
Stac Yama uchi
RaIpY� E�ans, Chair, calied the May meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, introduced Der�nis Culp, newly appoin#ed
Administrator, to the Board members and ga�e an overview of his background
and experience.
Stacy Yamaguchi was introduced to the Board mem�ers (Teen Advisory Board
Representative). Jim's retirement party was announced, and #he pool
groundbreaking. Jerry noted that Liberty Pat�c nad a new vendor and requested
anyone attending the July 4t" festivities at Gene Coulon RSVP to him to secure
parking passes.
Ron Regis made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to approve the April
minutes as read. AII were in fa�or, motion carried. Minutes appro�ed.
5tacy was introduced as our new teen representati�e from the Renton Youth
Counci�, serving on the boar� in an ad�isory capacity. Courtney Brown, an intern
from Central University, was also introduced. Sylvia announced two awards
received at the WRPA conference. Susie Bressan won the Spotlight Media
Award for a one-time marke#ing piece (Renton Riches) and Tom Puthoff won the
�utstanding Teen Services Professional award.
Two items of correspondence were reviewed. The first being a lette� of thanlcs
from Charlotte Cormier, Fish Hatchery Specialist, thanking us for our assistance
and cooperation in releasing sockeye fry at Cedar River Trails Park and the
second a letter asking why bikes are not allowed in the Skatepark. Sylvia Allen,
Recreation Director, will respond to the inquiry about the Skate Park.
Mr. Culp re�iewed the letters of consent including:
• Ri�er Days Request
• WafMar� picnic at Gene Coulan Park on Friday, August 8th
• Use of Riverview Park for Cub Scout p�cnic on June Sth
• Use of Maplewood Golf Course €or h'rgh sc�oal matches ar�d pr�ctices
• Donation of a bench at Coulon Park
• Waiver of fees for Piazza for City Jubilee
Cynthia Burns made a motion, seconded by Marge Richter to accept the consent
agenda with restric#ions noted by staff. All present were in fa�or, motion
carried, consent agenda appro�ed.
Leslie Betlach presented a draft program far the Veterans Park Dedication and
flyers for the e�ent on May 2fit'' at 4:00 p.m. Jon Jainga, Project Coordinator,
acknowledged Marge Richter's contributions. Jon reported on the final
preparation of the park for the ceremony and outlined the program. Marge
thanked Leslie for Y�er in�olvement.
Abdoul Gafour gave an update on th� Liberty Park construction includ�ng pictures
and handauts of the new park benches, new basketball courts and pla�ting
islands and estimated timeline for completion.
L�sli� and Kelly addressed concerns regarding the extent of fees waived for the
numerous golf programs supported at Maplewood. They will report back at the
end of the year with sugges�ions.
Sylvia Allen, Recreation Director, announced the teen musical this year wi�l be
Troy Wiges#rand asked if there was any interest in rota#ing meeting locations, as
done in pre�ious years. The discussion did not indicate this in#erest was shared.
Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to adjourn the
meeting. AI! were in favor, motion carried, the May meeting was adjourned at
5:22 p.m.
. �
JUNE 10,2003 4:30 P.M.