HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2004 - Minutes City of Renton � Pa�k Board Minutes City Ha1� 1�55 South Grady VVay Sth Floor February 10, 2004--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Cynthia Burns, Chair Syl�ia Allen Laurie Huisingh (and family} Ralph E�ans Leslie Be#lach Jeffrey Huisingh Micha�l O'Donin Kelly Beymer Diane Postelwait Marge Richter Julie Brewer H. Postelwait Ron Regis Dennis Culp Mike Powers Tim Searing Te�ry Flatley Jim Zimmerman Troy Wigestrand Kathy Keolker-Wheefer Sandy Pilat Jer Rerecich CALE. TO ORDER Th� February meeting was called to order by Chair, Cynthia Bums. Mr. Cu1p acknowledged the attendance of Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wi�eeler explaining the Mayor was visiting all the various boards and associations to become bett�r acquainted wi#h them. Cyn#hia #hanked the Mayor for her interest and taking the time to attend the mEeting. The members introduced tE�emsel�es, telling how many years of serrrice they ha�e pro�ided and why they initially applied to serve on the board. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler thanked everyone for his or her involvement. 5he invited anyone who cared to share a creative idea or had concems to �isit her office, where she will maintain an open-door policy. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Michael O'Donin made a motion seconde� by Marge Richter to approve the January minutes. AI! were i� fa�or, motion carrEed. The January 2004 minu#es were appro�ed as written. C��y oF Rcnton Park Boarcl Minutcs �cbruary 10,200� Pagc 2 r,l'3 CORRESPONDENCE Julie Brewer was presen# to share the plans for the upcoming Fourth of Juiy celebtation at Gene Coulon Park and answer any questions the Board had regarding the e�ent. CONSENT Mr. Culp, acknowledging thE lengthy consent agenda, asked if the Boar�# had questions regarding any of the items they had recEi�ed in their packets and if t�ey would like to pull any specific item €or further discussion. Additionalfy, a few people with itEms on the consent agenda were present to answer any questions the Board may ha�e on their proposed, requested e�ent. Consent items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I was re�iewed by Mr. Culp with no questions. Consent item J was a request ta hold a fundraiser a# Coulon Park for the Rett Syndrome Research Fou�dation. Jeff and l.aurie Huisingh, coordinators and par�icipants in the event, were presen# to give further information. Staff had recommended appro�al contingent on submittal of ir�surance, no amplified devices ta be used, and coordination with our parks s�peNisor and payment of f�es, Diana Postlewait, Piazza Renton, (consent item K} submitted her requests for 2004 and thanked the staff for their support. Item L regarding signage at Coulon Park was pulled for further discussion. Phatos of the proposed signage were presented and discussed. Three of the signs proposed were not actuafly on paric property and would require Ivar's to submit a permit and seek approval from De�elopment Serrrices. Signs D, E and F were remo�ed from the request. S#aff had recommended signs A and B be approved and sign C denie�. The Board members discussed the thr�e proposals. Items M and N were re�iewed with no discussion. Consent item Q, Wizards of the Coast requested to use the south shelter for their annual picnic. Also in their reques# they had requested to use an amplified de�ice for their CEO to address the employees. After further discussion the Board agreed, due to the c�ose proximity of the shelter to the beach, and �he necessity for the lifeguards to �ear and be heard by those utilizing the beach area, #hey would deny the request for an amplified de�ice to be used for fear of comprom�s�ng the safety of those swimming. Ron Regis made a motion to accept the consent agenda, with the exception of item L, with staff recommendations. A�ditionally, consent item O, should have �he use of amplified de►rices denied. Marge Richter seconde�#� the motian. All were in fa�or, motion carried. City of Renton Park Board Minutcs Fcbruary 10,2004 Page 3 of 3 Consent Item L, signage at Coulon Park was discussed further. The signs that are not on park property will be submittEd for consid�ration #o Development Services #hrough ti�e City's permit process. The Board members inquired �f their recommendations would have any influence on the Development Ser�ices Deparfinent re�iewing the application. Michael O'Donin made a motion to accept the proposed signs A and B {as shown on the handouts) and deny sign C. Tim Searing seconded the motion. Ralph E�ans �oted no to the proposed si�ns A and B, all others were in favor. Motion carried, signs A and B were approved, sign C denied, and remainder to be submitted to De�elopment Services. OLD BUSINESS Les�ie Betlach reviewed the current status of t�e waitlist a# Gene Coulon Memorial B�ach Park for memorEal trees, reminding the Board members of the moratorium currently in effect. After the waitlist is exhausted the Board may revisit the policy to determine if they want to continue to accept applications for that location or discontinue. �THER Mr. E�ans inquired on th� status of the Sam Chastain Memorial Trail. Leslie Betlach explained t�e project was on hold and that negotiations had braken down with property owner(s). ADJOURNMENT Tim Searing made a motion, seconded by Michael Q'Donin to adjoum the meeting. All were in fa�or, motion carried, meeting adjoumed at 5:40 p.m. i I�V� Signature NEXT REGULAR MEET�NG MARCH 9, 2Q04-4:30 P.M. CITY HALL-FIFTH FLOOR-ROOM 511