HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/2004 - Minutes City of Renton �S rIL Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Sth Floor�Room 511 March 10, 2004--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Cynthia Burns, Chair Sylvia Allen Roslyn Burns Ralph Evans Leslie Betlach Michael Campbell Michael O'Danin Dennis Culp Rick Carter Marge Richter Terry Flatley Margaret Feaster Ron Regis Sonja Mejlaender Troy Wigestrand Sandy Pilat Jerry RerecicF� Absent Tim Searin CALL TO ORDER Cyn#hia Burns, Chair, called the March meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ralph Evans made a motion ta approve the February minutes as presented. Michael O'Donin seconded #he motion, all present were in favor, motion carried, February minutes approved. ANNOUNCEMENTS Leslie BetlacY� introduced Marjorie Feaster, a member of the Non-motorized Transportation Committee. Syl�ia Allen announced the jab fair being held at the Renton Community Center for seasonaf positions the department would be offering. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Culp acknowledged a letter received from Beverly Barfield Lucas regarding a potentia[ memorial for Clyde Barfield and indicated this was under review by administration. City of Renton �'ark Board Minuccs March 9,2004 Pagc 2 of 3 CONSENT Dennis Culp re�iewed consent items A, �, C, D, and E. Item F (Boatstock) was pulled for fur�her discussion. Ralph E�ans inquired on what the frequency would be of the food drive by tY�e Martial Arts organ�zation (at the spring festival). Jerry Rerecich responded the food drive would only be held during the Spring Festival. Ralph Evans made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to approve consent items A, B, C, D and E with staff r�commendations. Mo#ion carried: item F. Clearchannel representative, Rick Carter; and Michael Campbe�l of Northwes# Marine Trade Associatior� (NMTA), re�Fewed their successful e�ent last year in conjunction with the annual Renton Ri�er Days, Approxima#ely ten �endors participated and gave free boat rides to the public. The understanding was no on�site sales. Mr. CampbEll explained to be able to make the event happen again this year and ensure the dealers participation, he as coordinator, must be able to offer them a little more leeway in sales then they t�ad last year. Last year they gave free boat rides but since #he vendors pay to participate, Mr. Campbell felt they need�d more incenti�e to participate. Cynthia Burns, Chair, remarked she felt we cou�d be setting a precedence and opening a can of worms. There was also concem about the actual number of boats we couid handle at our boat launch and imposing a limit on the number of vendors that could participate. Staff F�ad additional concerns regarding use of `pubfic land far private profit.' Alternates to completing the ac#ual sale on site were �iscussed, perhaps away from the park or on the water. Ron Regis made a motion to allow ��e Boatshow at Coulon Park with the staff recomm�ndations subject to lega� re�iEw. Addit�onafly staff will also investiga#e the possibility of sales on site with the City Attomey, and the exten# the d�aters could market the boats and report back to the Board. Mic�ael O'Donin seconded by motion. A!I were in fa�or, motion carr�ed. NEW BUSINESS Syl�ia Allen anr�ounced that sockeye seasor� might open the 4t" of July for an indeterminate length of time. Ci[y af Renton Park Bonrd Minu�es March 9,2004 Page 3 of 3 ADJOURNMENT Ralph Evans made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to adjoum the meeting. All were in fa�or, motion carried, mee#ing adjourned. The March meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Signat e j NEXT REGULAR MEETING � APRIL 13, 2004 CITY HALL-FIFTH FLQQR ROOM 511 @ 4:30 P.M.