HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/2004 - Minutes City of Renton � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1455 South Grady Way St'' Floor—Room 511 August 10, 2004--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Qthers Michael O'Donin, Chair Syl�ia Allen Rosyln Burns Cynthia Bums Lesli� B�#lach AI Dieckman Ralph Evans Kelly Beymer Jim Zimmerman Marge Richter Dennis Cufp Ron Regis T�rry Flatley Troy Wigestrand Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich ABSENT Tim Searin CALL TO ORDER Michael O'Donin, Chair, called the August meeting to order at �:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to approve tF�e JuEy minutes as written. All were in favor, motior� carried, minutes appro�ed. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jim Zimmerman brough# up concerns regarding the parking challenges at Gene Coulon Memorial Beac� Park. He suggested perhaps chargir�g a user fee to cut down on crowds. Dennis C�Ip indicated staff is always looking at potential solutions and investigating c�oices to bring back to the board. Ralph E�ans felt there should not be a charge to residents. Staff explainad since grants were used ta fund the development of the park, certain guidelines must be adhered to, including one outlining if a fe� is charged, that everyone is charged for use or no one, you cannot just charge non-residents. Staff has considered if a fee were initiated factars such as enforcement, seasonal use and the impact on our concessionaires would have to be evaluated. Michael O'Donin inquired about the sockeye fishing, 5eafair events and how things wen# at the park during that time. Jerry indicated the fishermen were �ery pa#ient and our staff at the boat launch did an excellent job. CORRESPONDENCE Dennis reviewEd a letter from the Wagner family e�rtending t�eir gratitude and thanks ta John Slaney for assisting them with their memorial tree. Another letter reviewed extended City of R�nton Fark Boa«1 Minutes August 14,2004 F.�ge 2 of 4 thanks to the golf course staff for their hefp and cooperation during the Ladies Go�f Association annual guest day. CONSENT Dennis re�iewed the folfowing items on the consent agenda: ❖ King County-Water and Land Resources requested use of Riverview Park picnic she�ter to host a salmon education program on October 16, 23, 24, 30, 3� and No�ember�t�'. Staff recommended approval citing this program as a benefit to those interested in the journey of the salmon from birth to death. No fee is associated with t�e shelter during t�is time period. ❖ Cindy Haba-Korn representing the Kennydale Neighbor�ood Association requested to use the Kennydale Lions Park on September iSt from 3-9 p.m. far their�Old Fashioned Neighborhood Picnic." They requested to Y�a�e a band play amplified music fram 5:30 until 7;30 p.m. Approval is recommended as this is a city-sponsored e�ent, noise regutations wilf be followed, hours are considerate of neighbors and neighbors are part�cipating in picnic. ❖ RSD Transportation Department, Debra Holmes, is hosting an annual in-service lunch for 90 school bus drivers, mechanics and support staff at Coulon Park on A�gust 26�'. They �a�e requestec! to wai�e the $fi0 shelter fee. Staff does not recommend appro�al of this request. ❖ Dennis Duffy, Boeing, has reserved �Y�e north shelter at Gene Coulon Park for September 8t" from 1 until 5:00 p,m. for fi5 g�ests. They ha�e requested to ha�e the food catered; the food would be brought in, not cooked on premises. Staff recommends appro�al of this request. ❖ The Nishiwaki coordinators requested the use of a picnic shel#er, ballfield and restroom facilities for a farewell picnic on Wednesday, August 25'h, from 4 untif 8;00 p.m. for the exchange students and wai�er of usage fees. Staff recommends appr��al of t�e use o�Teasdale Park ar�d field fe�s of $48 and ti�e picnic shel#er fee of$25. ❖ Frank Hidaka reques#ed to plant a tree along the Cedar River Trail in memory of Teresa Hidaka. Staff recommends approvai of this request, ❖ �ason Meadows previously requested (and was gi�en appro�al) to have his wedding ceremony outside �he Renton Community Center (the reception is being held in our banquet room). He was unaware amplified music was not allowed. The wedding party is now requesting ta use an electric keyboard, electric guitar and acous#ic guitar, micraphone and power during the ceremony from 3 until 4:Q0 p.m. Staff recommends approval of this requ�st. Cily of Rcnton Park Board Minutes August 10,20U4 Pagc 3 of 4 ❖ Aileen Chambers requested to plant a memorial tree in memory of Patricia Ann Walradt (Chambers) along the Cedar River Traif. 5taff recommends approval and wil� na#ify the applicant when a spot becomes available. ❖ Roger Newton, Electric RC Unlimiteds, requeste� to hold their radio controlled model hydroplane races on September 5, 2004, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:OQp.m. at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Staff recommends approva� of#he event, contingent on coordination with parks maintenance staff on the scaffolding, however, does not recommend appro�al of us� of a PA system. Raiph E�ans made a motioro to appro�e #he consent agenda with staff recommendations. Ron Regis seconded #hE motion, a�l present were in fa�or, motion carried, cons�nt items approved with noted guidelines. OLD BUSINESS Drinking fountain at Ron Regis Park Terry Flatley reviewed th� options a�ailable to provide water to #he park. Additional funds are needed to make this happen. In the interim one possibility being in�estigated is to install a �ending machine. NEW BUSINESS Parks Element of Comp Plan Leslie Betlach summarize� the parks element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. August �1 th staff will present this to the Pla�ning CommissEon. Cynthia Bums made a motion to endorse and adopt the draft Parks Element of t�e City's Comprehensi�e Plan. Marge Richter seconded the motion, al1 were in favor, motion carried. Councii Referral—Request for designated area for p�t strolling and use of lake for dogs (at Caulon Par�C). There was considerable discussian, including participation €rom the audience, r�garding the suggestion to allow pets at Gene Coulon Park. Leslie Betlach explained while some pe# owners clean u� after#heir pets, many do not. Our maintenance staff does not ha�e time to clean this up an� mows right over th� debris, leaving unsanitary grassy areas for children to play ir�. ONy two parks in the entire system do not allow dogs, a�d that is Coulon and Kennydale (because of the swimming beaches}. It was agreed there are numerous, altemate locations to walk one's pets. Th� suggestion to limit only designated areas of Coulon for pe#s would be extremely difficult to monitor and enforce. Gene Coulon Park is one of our busiest parks, having the largest crowds in the summer, to add a mix of dogs could create con#licts and �ase risks to children also. Ralph E�ans asked that the person submitting the request be ad�ised of the altemate sites available to walk dogs, including the trail. The Board was no# in fa�or of changing the park n.��es and regula#ions to accommodate dogs at Coulon or Kennydale Park. City of Renton Park Board Minutes Aa�gust 10, 2004 Page 4��f�4 OTHER Ralph E�ans h�rought samples of mutt mitts saying they#ore easily and split down the side. T�rry F�atley exp�ained we received a bad batch ar�d we're retuming them and ordering new. AUDIENCE COMMENT ADJDURNMENT Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Ralph Evans to ad�ourn the meeting. All preser�t were in fa�or, motion carried, the August 10th meeting was adjourned a# 5:45 p.m. . Signat re NEXT REGULAR MEETING S EPTEMB ER 14, 2��4-4:3 4 p.m.