HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/2004 - Minutes City of Renton �� Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Room 511 — Sth Floor October 12, 2004 — 4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair L.eslie Betlacn Clifton Anderson Ra�ph Evans Kelly Beymer Pete Maas Marge Richter Sandy Pilat Troy Wigestrand Jerry Rerecich Ahsent Cynthia Bums Ron Regis Tim Searing CALL TO �RDER Chair Michael O'Donin called the October 12, 2004 meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL QF MINUTES Marge Rich#er made a motion seconded by Ralph Evans#o approve the September 2004 mi�utes as submitted. All present were in favor, motion carried, minutes approved. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pe#e Maas, mem6er of the Non-Motorized Transportation Committee, introduced �imself. Ciifton Anderson was present to answer any questions regarding his letter submitted for the consent agenda. ANNOUNCEMENTS Leslie Betlach announced Marge Richter was selected as one of the finalists for the Citizen of the Year award. She noted a few of the committees and contributions Marge has made over the years, City of Renton A�rk Baard Minutes October 12, 20Q4 Page2af3 CORRESPONbENCE Dianna Postelwaite� Piazza Renton Secretary, submitted a letter autlining her concems regarding dogs and other pets alIowed at tY�e Piazza when they are selling food (Farmers Market). The ar�imals are on a leash as park rules and regulations d�ctate; however, the owners ha�e allowed their pets to swish their tai�s around the produce and sniff food products during the Market. Leslie explained that this issue would require furti�er in�estigation and coordina#ion prior to finding a Fesolution. Syl�ia Allen had been in touch with the Health Department to discuss their regulations. Ralp� Evar�s made a motion seconded by Troy Wigestrand to table the discussion on this item until staff had time to do some additional research. CONSENT L.eslie re�iewed a letter from Cfifton Anderson, U.S. Army Signal Corps' AC5- 505th Reunion Committee, requesting special consideration for parking pri�ileges at Ger�e Coulon Memorial Beach Park for a reunion on th� second Wednesday of July 2005 {July 13). Due to the age and disabil�ties of their participants, they are requesting permission to sec�re the parking area closest ta the north shelter. Staff explair�ed shelter reservations are not taken for 2005 u��il the first working day of January 2005, therefore the reservation cannot be confirmed until that t�me, Staff is willing to secure 23 to 24 stalls in the north parking lot for the group's use from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., realizing that this e�an# is mid-week and early enough in the day to not significan#ly impact other patrons. Rafph Evans made a motion to concur with staff recommendation and approve reservatior� of parking contingent on the group secur'tng the proposed resen+ation on/after January 1, 2005. Marge Richter seconded the motion, all present were in favor, motian carried, request appro�ed. The Senior Center ba�quet facility rental policy dictat�s #he center is to be rented out only for wedding or senior activiti�s. Staff proposed, due ta i�igh demand for rental space, to add additional rental opportunfties during non-business hours; however, recreational programming wi11 have first priority. Ra�pf� Evans made a motion seconded by Troy Wigestrand to expand the current policy effecti�e immediate[y. AI! present were in fa�or, motion carr�ed, policy re�ised. OTHER Marge Richter asked why the boat launch permi#s do not expire at the same time fishing licenses do (in March), Leslie explair�ed the City's fiscal year �s January throug�i December. City of Renton Park Board Minutes October 12, 2004 Page 3 of 3 Troy Wigestrand inquired about the Day of Caring held on September 17 and what �roject was accomp�ished. Leslie was not familiar with t�e �rojec# and wault� request a report to be given next month. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Troy Wigestrand to adjoum the meeting. Ralph Evans seconded the motion. All were in fa�or. Michael O'Donin adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. , Signatur NEXT REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 2Q44 CITY HALL RQ4M 5� 1 - 4:30 P.M.