HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/11/2005 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
City Hall
1055 Sou�h Grady Way
5th Floor
�ctober I 1, 2005--4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Members Staff �thers
Michael O'Danin, Chair Sylvia Allen
Ralph Evans LesliE Bet�ach
Marge Richter Kelly Beymer
Tim Searing Dennis Culp
Troy Wigestrand Sandy Pilat
Jerry Rerecich
Cynthia B�rns
Ron Re is
Michael O'Donin called the October meeting to order at 4:36 p.m.
Michael aslced if there were any qu�stions or comments on the submitted
minutes. Ralph Evans made a motion seconde� by Marge Rict�ter to appra�e
the minutes. All were in favor, mation carried, minu#es appro�ed.
Bonr�ie Rerecich, form�r recreation supervisor, has moved into the administrative
offices to work on special assignments including securing sponsorships for
programs, grants, coordinating volunteer recruiting, etc. Alrea�y she �as
received a $500 donation for pizza and drinks after basketball programs.
5yl�ia Allen, Recreation Dfrector, announced she is lea�ing the City and moving
to England. Her husband has accepted a position as Military Historian for the
Europea� theater of operations.
City of Rcnton
Park Baard Minutes
Oclobcr I 1,2Q05
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Dennis reviewed three items includi�g:
An e-mail sent thanking Lisa at the community center/poo# for h�r personal
care assisting a family at the water park.
An e-maii sent thanking V. Qrd�na for ha►►ing his singers a�d dancers
from Grease perform at the Retum to Renton Car Show.
A note from Roxanna Johnson who sent thanks to Shirley Anderson tor
her response and assistance with the Hassle FrEe Bazaar.
Dennis reviewed the following items submitted for consideration:
Pam Kelly requested to donate a memorial {a bench if possible) at
K�nnydale Beach Park in memory of Sean Reid. Staff recommends
approval and will work with Ms. Kelly on setection o# a memorial and site.
Tafbot Hill Elementary School's Micro Society requested to use the
community center banquet room ar�d have the fee wai�ed an April 29,
2006, for a fund-raising auction. Staff does not recommer�d appro�al of
the wai�er of fees; the Saturday even�ng banquet room fee is $850.0�.
Deanna Isadore, concessionaire at Liberty Park, requested to close the
concession at Liberty Park during the off-season and Y�a�e the f�es
wai�ed. Those rates are approximately $75 per month. Since the
opening of Big Foo# Java, the competition has limited their income to $20-
$30, which she #eels is a waste of the utilities. Staff recommends appro�al
of this request.
There was discussion regarding Talbot Hill's request to use the banquet room at
the community center and have ti�e fee wai�ed, Jerry r�oted that they had
res�rr�ed the banquet roam last year and recei�ed a fee wai�er and canceled one
week prior, because "they didn°t ha�e their act tog�ther." This caused a
significant revenue loss and the room was empty for that evening. Alt�ough we
have a reciprocal agreement with the school district, since we use their gym
space for after school programs, we don't be�ieve this PTA group falls within
those boundaries to receive fee waivers. Troy Wigestrand made a motion to
approve the consent agenda wi�h staff recommendations. Ralph E�ans
s�canded the motion, ali were in favor, motion carried, consen# agenda
Dennis Culp also reviewed the revised ordinance gaveming boards and their
sco�e of authority. He re�iewed tne changes� �ncEuding one regarding absences,
City of 12enton
Park Board Minu�es
October I I, 2045
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There was discussion autlining the im�ortance of attending to ensure tnere is a
quor�am and ali pending business is taken care af and also to call in if you are
unable to attend.
Mic�aef O'Donin asked for a re-cap of the pool's second seasan. Sylvia said the
pool met and exceeded expecta#ions due to the warm weather and there were
fewer concems this year.
Jerry Rerecich announced the Azteca Boxing event was �ery successful and now
a�ring on Comcast.
Tim Searing made a motion seconded by Troy Wigestran� to adjourn the
meeting. All wEre in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m.
NOVEMBER 8, 20Q5-4:30 P.M.
CITY HALL - R4�M 511