HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/2005 - Minutes C�ty of Renton �9 .JL Park Board Minutes Cixy Hall 1055 Sou�h Grady Way Sth Floor November 8, 2005--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Sylvia Alle� Tarron Aquino Cynthia 6urns �eslie Betlach Bob Elliot Ralph E�ans Kelly Beymer Marge Ric�ter Dennis Culp Ron REgis Terry Flatley Tim Searing 5andy Pilat Jerry Rerecich ABSENT Tro Wi estrand CAL,L TO �RDER The November 8, 2005, meeting was called to order by Chair, Michael O'Donin, at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF M[NUTES Ralph Evans made a motion, seconded by Tim 5earing to appro�e the October minutes as submitted. All werE in favor, motior� carried, minutes appraved. AUDIENCE COMMENT Leslie Betlach m#roduced Bob Elliot, Chair of the Non-motorized Transportation Committee. CORRE5PONDENCE Dennis Cul� re�iewed an e-maiC thank you from Hec#or Gonzalez for assistance wi#h the amateur boxing e�ent Tournament of Champions hel� at the Renton Community Center. CONSENT The VFW Post requ�sted to have a small program at the Veterans Memoria� Par�c or� November 12, 2005, which would include placing flowers at the Memorial Eagle and remembering those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ralph Evans made a motion seconded by Cynt�ia Burns to apprave th� consent agenda with staff recommendations. Mo#ion carried, request approved. OLD BUSINESS Leslie Betiach re�iewed the city policy on facility and park naming and the series of publ�c meetings that i�ad beer� F�e1d to in�ofv� the public in the development of the Heather powns si#e. Staff was rrery impressed and glad to see th� extent of the in�olvement and interest level of th� citizens attend�ng these publ�c meetings. Their mput on the park design and amenities were welcome and helpful. Leslie further�xplained that during the series of ineetings the guidelines far r�ame sefection of a new/existing park or facilFty and applications to submit a name were made a�ailable. At tY�e meetings 13 applications were submitted suggesting the following names: Barfield, Heather powns, Heritage and Union (or�ariations.) It was determined the name Heather powns stemmed from a known plat of land and development in the area, although, not the actual park site, ti�is area has been referred to for some time as Heather Dawns by neighbors and City staff. The city policy states parks can be named for individua�s that ha�e made a significant contribution or donatian to the city. The City did pay fair market val�e for the parcel purchased from the Barfield family; Michael O'Donin stated a similar request was made to name a park after a family that homesteaded a parcel of �and the City was de�eloping ir�to a park (Piaua). The City decided to not name the park based solely on the family ties to the area therefore avoiding setting precedence. To char�ge policy now would not be consistent. Cynthia Bums, Board member, commented she felt �t is important to recognize specifically the Barfield name in order to ref�ect the black history of the area. Ron Regis mentione� there were two formef park board members who were long standing residents and involved 'sn the commu�ity and par�c pragrams, Esther and Nate Wea#hers. The park could be named after#hem to recognize their in�ol�ement with the parks. There was a lengthy discussion re�iewing all of the s�,bmittals. The staff suggested, and the Board agreed, to defer the recommendation of a name to Council for a future meeting. The staff would send out a letter to seek furtfier inp�t from the community and neighbors who expressed interest i� the park previously and inform t�em of what choices had been submitted and request#heir preference. Additionally �eslse Betlach, Parks Director, said she would approach the Arts Commiss�on to explore options of incorporating some of tne history of the area into the artwork designated for the park. Regardless af any pending decisions on the name of the park, the Ci#y has committed to having a memorial bench and plaque for Clyde Barfield on site at the new park. OTHER There was discussion regarding t�e re�ised ordinance pertaining to the Board. Ralph Evans suggested ha�ing roll call each meeting since there are new guidelines regarding attendance. After a discussion it was decided #hat roll call was not necessary since tF�e mont�ly minutes lists who was in attendance or absent. The importance of calling in if yau are unable to attend as a courtesy to your fellow members and staff was noted. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans wished Sylvia Allen the best in her move to Eng�and at�d the Board #hanked her for the good job she had done o�er the years. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Cynthia Burns to adjaurr� the November meeting, Ran Regis seconded the motion. All were iR favor, motian carried, meeting adjoumed at 5:30 p.m. Signarure NEXT REGULAR MEETfNG DECEMBER 13, 2�Q5-�-4:30 P.M . CITY HALL 5T" FLODR--RODM 511