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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/2006 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
City Hai1
�055 South Grady Way
5`" Floor-Room 51 I
January 10, 2006--4:30 p.m.
In Aftendance:
Members Staff �thers
Ralph Evans, Chair Pro Tem Leslie Betlach Terron Aquino
Cynthia Burns Kelfy Beymer
Marge Richter Dennis Culp
Ron Regis Terry Flatley
Tim Searing San�y Pilat
Jerry Rerecich
Michael O'Donin
Tro Wi estrand
Ralph Evans called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. He noted the following
memb�rs were absent and excused: Cynthia Bums, Michael O'Donin and Troy
Ron Regis made a motion to approve the December 2005 minutes as written. All
present were in favor, motion carried, minutes ap�roved.
Dennis Culp announced the upcoming "Presc�ool Information Night" to be held
on Wednesday, February i st at the Ren#on Community Center. Over 15 local
preschools will pro�ide information regarding their programs, hours, tuitian, and
registration for the 2006-2007 school year. Pre�ious years there have been orrer
2Q0 paren#s ir� attendance.
Dennis r��iewed the following items submitted for cons�deration:
A. Ray ar�d Bonnie Ebeling reques#ed to donate a dauble-sided
refurbished wooden bench with plaque in the Magnolia tree area at
Gene Coulon Park in memory of Vic and Deane Ste�ens. Staff
recommends appro�af of this request.
B. Pete 5chille, Classic Thunder, requested to hold � model hydroplane
event i�,side the waterwalk at Gene Coulon Memarial Beach Park on
May 7t", June 4"', July gtr' and August �3t", Staff recommends
appro�al contingent on compliance with park rules and regulations.
C. Da�ie Stickland, staff liaison for the American Cancer Society,
requested to hold training for participants in t�e 2Q06 Relay for Life
eve�t on March 4, 2006, at the Highlands Community Center. They
would like the fee wai�ed for three hours of time to lower their
o�rernead costs. The fee wo�ld be $45.00 for a three-hour rental,
Staff does not recommend appraval.
D. Roger Pau�sen, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, requested u�e of the
r�orth shelter at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Par�c for an Easter
Sunrise Service on Sunday, Apri! 16, 2oas, starting at 6:30 a.m. They
are req�esting an exemption to tne "No alcoholic beverages" policy in
order to ser�e wine at Communion during the service. They also
requested fee wai�er for the shelter. Staff recommends appro�al of
senring wine for the Communion portion of the serv:ice and sheIter fees
are not collected until May.
Tim Searing made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to appro�e the consent
agenda. All were in fa�or, conse�t agenda approved.
Dennis Culp updated the members on the recruitmen# #or the �acant Recreation
Director �osition. Between 18-20 appl�cations were received and se�en of those
were interviewed. One candidate was from Chicago and anather from Arizona.
Next week �he list would be reduced and secand interviews �eld for#he top
candidates. Ron Regis noted he felt i# was a tribute to recognize and hire from
{NQTE : Cynthia Bums arrived at 4:45 p.m.j
Leslie Betlach nated we had awarded the contract for Bumett Linear Park play
area and work will start when it dries out some. Nothing was new since last
montk�'s report on the Sam Chastain Trai1.
The recommendation from Park Board to name#he new park "Bev Barfie�d Park"
has been submitted to administration �or further consideration. There is a six�
montF� waiting periad once a name is submitted according to �i�e pofcy. There is
not an urgency to name the park since constructiot� probably won't begin unti!
Aprif of 2006. The start date will be dependent on the weather. The Council will
ha�e the final say in naming the park.
Terron Aquino remarked she was glad she got to learn abo�t t�e naming process
and honored tha# her research turned up the name Be� Barfield. She ne�er
imagined sending a letter to the School Superintendent would g�# her in�olved in
the process and prompt her to write a letter endorsing naming t�e park after Bev
Barfield. Cynthia Burns thanked Ms. Aquino for her time and invol�emen# in this
Tim Searing made a motion, s�canded by Cynthia Bums to adjoum the meeting.
All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Sig �re
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2006�4:30 P.M.