HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2006 - Minutes City of Renton � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Sth Floor February 23, 2006--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael 0'Donin, Cnair Leslie Betlach Lynda Barfield Gallow Cynthia Burns Kelly Beymer L.eon Glover Ralph Evans Terry Flatley Beverly Barfield Lucas Tim Searing Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich Absent Marge Richter Ron Regis Tro Wi Estrand ANNOUNCEMENTS While waiting for a quorum to be ir� attendance, Chair, Michael O'Donin, asked if there were any announcements or discussion before addressing the action items. Leslie Betiach, Parks Director, invited e�eryone to attend #he Open House ta be heid on Tuesday, February 28, 2006, from 7:00 until 9:00 �.m. in the City Council Cf�ambers to discuss the Tri-Parks Master Plan. She explained the major impac# these changes would have, including new access points. TE�e upcoming series of ineetings will discuss wY�at we will see in the future and gi�e the public an opportunity to give in�ut. Leslie announced #hat Dennis Culp has submitted his notice to retire effecti�e April 19'" and Terry Higashiyama has been appointe� as new Commu�ity Services Administrator. Cynthia Bums noted it will be good to have Terry back. CALL TO QRDER Tim Searing arrived giving the necessary quorum to call t�e me�ting to order and proceed with the consent agenda. Michael Q'Donin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. APPR�VAL OF MINUTES Ralph E�ans made a motion to accept tne minutes as presented, ali were in favor, motion carried, the January minutes were approved. Ci[y af Rentor� Park Soard Mir�ut�s February 23,2006 Pagc 2 of 3 C�NSENT Leslie Betlach noted t�ere was quite a lengthy consent agenda and asked if the Board would �ike each I�tter reviewed, or we could pull any items they had questions on, or adopt the consent agenda in one motion. RaIpY� Evans said he had reviewed alf the letters prior to the meeting as wel! as tY�e staff comments and did not have any concerns, Cynthia Burns asked about the fees associatEd with use of the Piazza and why $i 0 per hour was being charged. Jerry Rerecich, Acting Recreation Director, explained there was not a shelter at that park; it was mereiy a 30 X 30 space they were requesting to use. The fe� was equivalent to #hat used for ballfield rentals, etc. Cynthia Burns made a motior� to accept the consent agenda with recommenda- tions noted, Ralph E�ans seconded the motion. All were in fa�or, motion carried, �onsent agenda approved. AUDEENCE COMMENT Michael O'Donin invited t�e guests in the audience to speak. Lynda Barfield Gallow introduced herself noting she was present to �iscuss the namir�g of the new park on Union A�enue. The land previously belanged to her family a�d then was sold to ti�e City. Lynda's father, Clyde, or'rginally owned that property and her family supported naming the park "Clyde Barfield Park" or"Barfield Heritage Park." She did not approve of naming the park after her sister-in-law, Be� Barfield. She commented that the family was not aware of the recommendation until they read it in the newspaper. Be� Barfield never lived on the property and did not have ties to the area, like Clyde did. Cynthia Burns asked if that was the consensus of the majority o# the Barfield family. Be�erly Barfield Lucas stated she was the oldest chif� of Clyde and for 55 years her Dad was t�e property owner of that land. She also indica#ed she was purchasing a bench in �er father's memory and would like to have a dedication separate fram that of the park. She additionally would like to plant a Japanese cherry tree at the site ti�at her family would care for. She inquired if the City would pro�ide insurance for the bench in case of damage. Leslie explained the current policy states the Ci#y wi�l maintair� memorials andlor plaques at a level that is wi#hin the reasonable scope of current opera#ions. However, the Department is not responsible for replacement of a mEmorial or plaque ti�at has been s#olen, �andatized, or damaged. Be�erly indica#ed she would purchase insurance; howe�er, the location of the bench would ha�e to change. The insurance company was concerned about it being located under a tree and potentia[ damage from sap, e#c. Leslie Bet�ach, Parks Director, explained the timeline for#h� park wi#h it going out to bid in March, with construction anticipated to be completed in September or October. The signage at t�e park during the construction would not reflect a name. The Board previously submitted a recammendation of "Bev Barfield Park" to the Administration for a name. T�e current park/facility naming po�icy stipu- la#es a six-month waiting p�riod once a name is submitted. All pertinent inforrna- City of Rentan Park Baard Minutes �'ebruary 23,2006 Pagc 3 of 3 tion had been forwarded to A�ministration and #hey will wait at least another four months prior to submitti�g a recommendation to Council. Beverly Barfi�ld Lucas stated she strongly objected to the name of "Bev Barfield Park". Her father li�ed on that parcel of land for 55 years, cared for 13 foster children in addition to his own. Their family was one of the first black families in Renton #o purchase property, that area was the only place blacks could buy land and the name of the park should reflect t�at. She commented she would be at every Park Board meeting untii the park was named. Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, noted that Ms. Barfield Lucas was welcome at all the meetings; however, the recommendation from the Board had beer� forwarded to Administration so the Park Board's role in the process was compfeted. Ms. Lucas and Gailow asked what recourse they had now. Sandy indicated they could call the Council Liaison and list t�emsel�es as inter�sted parties so they are notified when the matter is sc�eduled to go to Council. Members of the Board sugg�sted e-mailing or writing the Mayor's office or Council. Ms. Barfield- Lucas requested the minutes reflect tt�at she had called the Mayor last week and the Mayor had not returned F�er call (NOTE: At the requesf of the Mayor, Dennis Culp, Communify Services Adminisfrafor, did refurn fhe referenced call and falk with Ms. Barfreld on this subject) They asked if it would h�lp to gather signatures on petitions as they strongly object to naming the park "Bev Barfield Park." Cynthia Burns thanked them far providing the information to the Board and perhaps if this topic cames back to the Board for further consideration they can use that information in their recommendatian. Leslie indicated the park naming was h�ghly unl�kely to be revisited by the Board. Leslie thanked Beverly and Lynda for coming. �THER The entrance to the Communi#y Cen#er has been relocated due to construction. ADJ�URNMENT Ralph Evans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. All were in fa�or, the February, 2006, meeting was adjoumed at 5:32 p.m. � NEXT REGULAR MEET�NG MARCH 14, 2006 4:34 P.M. 7T" FLO�R-C�NFERENCING CENTER