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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/2006 - Minutes City of Ren�on
Park Board Minutes
City HaII
1455 South Grady Way
7th F`�oor Conferencing Center
June 14, 2006--4:3� p.m.
In Attendance:
M�mhers Staff Others
Michael O'Donin, Chair Leslie Betlach AI Dieckman
Cynthia Bums Kelly Beymer Craig Lewis
Ron Regis Terry Flatley Da�td McNeal
Tim Searing Terry Higashiyama Bob Elliot
Troy Wigestrand Sandy Pilat
Jerry Rerecich
Michael O'Donin called the June 13, 2006, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
A new agenda format was introducad. Terry Higashiyama, Community Services
Administrator, stated she would give everyone a� o�enriew of each item as we
go #hrough the meeting. There were no additions or changes to the agenda,
however, Troy Wigestrand asked for ciarification relating to item #4, limiting #he
amount of time the public can camment, Terry expfa�ned that was standard at
most public me�tings an� similar to what is used at the Counci� meetings.
Ron Regis made a motion, seconded by Tim 5earing, to approve th� May
minutes as written. All were in favor, motion carried, minutes approved.
Terry explained this to�ic would consist af items Board members submit for
discussion or would serve as an opportuni#y for t�em to share comments with the
group on City events or programs ti�ey have attended in the past month.
City of Renton
Park Board Min�tes
June 14, 2006
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This topic would relay information to the Board on issues being discussed or
presented to Council. On June �9, 2006, the Tri Park presentation is scheduled.
Two consent items were presented. The New Beginn�ng Christian Fell�wship
requested use of Liberty Park for 300 guests on August 12, 2006, for a picnic that
would utilize inffatable bouncers, a dunk #ank, and use of tY�e fields. Staff
recommended appro�al, an insurance certificate had already been submitted,
fees are paid, and tl�e paperwork is complete. The second item was the Parentai
Support group requesting to hold a memorial walk a# Gene Coulon Memorial
Beach Park on Octaber 8, 200fi. Troy Wigestrand made a motion to approve the
consent agenda as presented, Ron Regis second�d the motian. All were in
favor, motion carried, consent agenda appra�ed. Troy requested a brief
summary of the consent items be listed oro the agenda.
Tri Park Presentation
Da�e McNeal and Craig Lewis reviewed the briefing (previously presented to t�e
City Council) and information gathering at the community works�ops. Cynthia
Burns noted we always build great facilities and have concepts but always fail
short on parking (like the Golf Course and Coulon Park). Staff explained we are
Iooking at shuttles, o�erflow parking and pranning for sufficient parking, but we
can't build parking to accommodate one peak day of use. There was concem
about eliminating the ballfields and not having enough fie�ds for the �eagues. Mr.
Mc McNeal Explained no tields would be remo�ed until the replacement ones
were ready.
Park Board vacancies
5taff is anxious to fill the two vacancies on the 6oard; however, currently there
are only two applications on file. Terry encouraged the members to pass on
applications to anyone in the community they know who m�y have an interest. A
list was circulated #a update phone numbers, emai� addresses, etc., to enab[e
staff to contact the members as needed. Michae! requested a copy of the list
when updated with phone numbers and email addresses for staff as we�l.
Terry announced the da#�s for the Boards and Commissions Trair�ing planned for
September 22 and 23, 200fi, Nine boardslcammissions from Communi#y
Services would be included. The Friday session would include dinner and a
gu�st speaker. We will look at our goals for 2007 and how proposed
annexations wifl affect us.
City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
June 14,2aas
Pag�3 of�
Terry also invited erreryone to the "Kick Off Summer Picnic" at the community
center on June 19, 2006, to ceEebrate th� upcoming numeraus e�ents and
programs. Additionally, she announced t�e promation of Jerry Rerecich to
Recreation Director. Also, the City hired a new Museum Supervisor, Liz Stewart.
This position wifl no longer report to the library but direct�y to the Administrator.
Terry also announced 5anja, wY�o o�ersees the Sister City Program(s), River
Days, and other special events, had mo�ed to our Department. Additionally, we
would be s�rving as staff liaison to the Diversity Committee.
Terry asked the Board to think about future agenda items they would like to
discuss. These could fnclude meeting lacations, tours, and a re�iew of policies
including the memarial policy and fee wai�ers. We also will ha�s a repar# from
the Coulan Interdepartmental Task Force and a member of the Transportation
Department will update us on projects affecting Coulon Park.
Terry also asked if we needed to meet in July. Staff is very busy and the meeting
would be in-between July 4�'' and Ri�er Days. Tim SEaring thought it was
important to meet and t�e majori#y was in agreement. Therefore, the July
meeting will be held as scheduled.
Cynthia Burns mentioned it was difficult for h�r ta get to the meetings at 4:30
p.m. due to travel time and hours of her new job. 5he wondered if chang�r�g the
start time, e�en a half hour later would be possible.
Cynthia Burns made a motion, seconded �y Tim Searing to adjourn the meEting.
All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
J U LY 11 , 20�6 4:3� p.m.
City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
June 14, 2006
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