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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/2006 - Minutes City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
City Hall
1055 South Grady Way
7th F1oor Conferencing Center
July 11, 2006--4:30 p.m.
In Attendance:
Me�nbers Staff Others
Mic�ael Q'Donin, Chair Bette Anderson Tarron Aquino
Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach AI Dieckman
Ron Regis Kelly Beymer Michael O'Halloran
Tim Searing Terry Higashiyama
Sandy Pilat
Absent Peter Renner
Tray Wigestrand Jerry Rerecich
Liz Stewart
Michael O'Donin, Chair, called the July 11, 2a06, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Terry Higashiyama, Community Senrices Administrator, requested to add one
item to the agenda undet new business. An application and plaque mock up had
been submitted to name the fountain at Piazza Park after Marge RicF�ter.
Cynthia Bums made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the June
minutes as submitted. All were in fa�or, motion carried, minutes approved.
Michae� O'Donin mentioned he was a# th� Henry Moses Aqua#ic Center and
noticed numerous �ehicles using the park as a short cut, cutting through the park
to get to Maple Valley Highway. Terry referred the concem to P�te� Hahn,
De�u#y P/B/PW Administrator-Transportation, and will report back at the August
Cynthia Bums remarked she watched the fireworks from her home on tY�e Fourth
of July and they were beautiful.
City of Renton
Park Board Minutes
July 11 y 2006
Page 2 of�k
Peter Renner, Facilities Director, and Michael O'Hailoran, Municipal Arts
Commission Chair, presented �he artwork proposed for t�e Henry Moses Aquatic
Center. Doug Kyes spent many haurs doing research on the Duwamish tribe
and came up with several drawings depicting their life, which will be etched on a
s�ainless steef muraL Michael �'Halloran stated this has been an ongoing
project since the pool oper�ed; the first project was �ecorative fencing. Peter
indicated the un�eiling would probably be in September.
Artwor�c for the 'new park' was also discussed. It was hoped we could
incorporate into the artwork the diversified heritage o#the area. Part of the
construction contract includes a circu�ar seat wall, 20 feet in diameter and 72 feet
in circumf�rence, with a recessed ring. One idea was to ha�e the translation of
`home' in 50 languages around the ring of the planter.
Michael O'Halloran also asked if e�eryane was aware the dolphin (previously at
the Renton Sears store) had been re�ocated to the Henry Moses Aquatic Center.
A feature articl� r�garding the 'dolph€n' was published in the quarterly Museum
Terry reviewed the req�es�from Hazen High School golf team for a fee waiver of
approximately $3,8fi5 at t�e Maplewood GoIf Course. Ron Regis made a motion
seconded by Cynth�a Bums to appro�e the fee wai�er. All wEre in favor, motion
carried, request approved.
Pe#er Hahn� Deputy P/BIPW Administrator-Transportat�on, gave an update on
upcc�ming roadway impro�ement projects suppo�ting The Landing project. The
construction will commEnce in July and be subs#antially completed by September
2007. Construction truck traffic will be required to use existing designated truck
routes to access #he site. These include Logan A�enue North, Park Avenue
North and N fi'h Street between Logan and Park. The first phase detour routing
will close Park Ave N. from N 6�" Street to Garden Avenue N., route traffic around
t�e site using N 6th Street to the east an� Garden Avenue to the north,
terminating #�e detour at the existing intersection of Garden Avenue with Park
Drive and Lake Washington Blvd, Traffic will be aUowed to tra�e� north and sou#h
from Lake Washington Blvd thraugh the intersec#ion. Phas� II detour wi�l be
approximately four to six montF�s. The Phase ! detour routing will remain, and
traffic would be allowed to use the new N 8t" Street and the new Logan A�enue N
City of Renton
Park Baard Minutes
July 11, 2006
Page 3 of 4
to flow around the site. Throug� traffic from Garden to Lake Washington Bl�d.
will be restricted if necessary.
Terry remEnded everyone of the upcoming September 22 and 23, 2006, training
for Board and Commission members. An agenda wil! be sent out prior#o the
training. She informed everyone tf�e state legislators would be visiting us a#
Gene Coulon Memarial Beach Park on July 27, 2D06. The Mayor is assisting
staff in soliciting assistance from the state level to complete this trai! link. Liz
Stewart, Museum Supervisor, and B�tte Anderson, Library Director, introduced
The National Recreation Park Association Congress and Exposition will be in
Seattle this year October 10-14, 2006. Terry expEained several of the staff
members are in�ol�ed. She encouraged the board members to review the
classes/institutes offered and let Sandy know next meeting if they are interest�d
in att�nding, we wiil register them.
Terry noted three applications had been received so far#or the park board
�acancies and interviews would be scheduled for late July.
Leslie Betfach, Parks Director, noted t�e second a�en house #or#he Tri Park
Master Plan was held on June 28t" and not as well attended as the previous one.
The consultant will naw work on preparing the preliminary master plan for a
Council presentation. [n 5eptember, we will return to the Board far a final review
of the Master Plan.
Sandy includEd in the packets current contact information, including email
addresses, for the board members and staff.
Traditionally, the Board members have rotated the posi#ion ofi Chair, taking tums
each year. Terry explained the Ordinance outlined someane be nominated ar�d a
vote be taken. Cynthia Burns nominat�d Tim Searing. Tim accepted the
nomination. A vote was #aken; all were in favor of Tim serving as Cha�r for the
next year. Terry Higashiyama thanked Michael O'Don�n for serving as Chair for
Information was reviewed regarding the 5tarbucks gtant.
City of Ren�an
Park Bo�rd Minutes
July 11, 2006
Page 4 of 4
An ap�lication was submitted to put a p�aque and name the fountain at the
Piazza in memory of Marge Richter. Cynthia Burns made a motion endorsing
this request. All the board members were in �greement this would be a fitting
and appropriate tribute to Marge, Ron Regis seconded the motion, a�l wer� in
favor, motion carried.
The Ju�y 4th holiday was a huge success. There was on�y one incident all day.
Next martth we will re�iew the naming of the "new park" and get an update on
�'im Searing made a mo#ion seconded by Ron Regis to adjourn tF�e meeting. All
were in fa�or, motion carried meeting adjoumed at 5:46 p.m.