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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/2006 - Minutes City of Renton � Park Board Minutes C�ty Ha�1 1055 South Grady Way 7th F1oor Conferencing Cen�er August S, 2006--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Qthers Tim Searing, Chair Leslie Betlach AI Dieckman Cynthia Bums Kelly Beymer Larry Reymann Ron Regis Terry Flatley Mar�y Wine Michael O'Donin Terry Higashiyama Troy Wigestran� Sandy Pilat Bonnie Rerecich Jerry Rerecich CALL TO ORDER Tim Searing, Chair, called tne Augus# 8, 200fi, meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. APPROVAL QF MINUTES Ron Regis made a motion, seconded by Michaei O'Donin to appro�e the Ju[y minutes as written. All were in fa�or, the July minutes were approved. CONSENT Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager, revi�wed the Lindbergh H�gh School request to have #he fees for their galf programs wai�ed. Estimated fes waiver is $3,865.00. Staff recommends approval contingent on coordination with Kelly and the Golf Professional, Mike Toll. Troy Wigestrand made a motion to a�pro�e the fee wai�er, al! prese�t were in fa�or, motion carrie�. Jerry Rerecich re�iewed a request from the Seattle Aquarium to utilize the shelter at Ri��tview Park for their Cedar Ri�er Salmon Joumey Program and waiver of fees. Jerry indicated that fees ar� not charged in Octaber but we will reserve the shelter exclusi�ely for their use in support of this program. Ron Regis made a mo#ion seconded by Troy Wigestrand to appro�e this request. All were in favor, motion carried, reques# approveoE. City of Renton Park Bo�rd Minutcs August 8,2006 P:�ge 2 o f 4 The Ukrainiar� Christian Center requested to have a public address system a# a baptrsm at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. 5taff does not recommend approval of a PA system. Michael O'Donin made a mo#ian to approve the baptism but to inform thE group ampiified devices are not allowed in the park. Troy Wigestrand seconded the motion, all were in fa�or, motion carried. DISCUSSIONIACTION iTEMS Marty Wine, Assistant Chief Administrati�e Officer, introduced herselfi and pro�ided handouts rela#ing to Renton's patential annexation areas. She indicated she woufd be happy to come back at any time to answer questions or further discuss issues or concems the Park Board members may ha�e regarding annexation. Regianal planning policies encourage communities within the urban growth boundary to either annex or incorporate if they are �ot already part of a city. Potential annexatian areas include West Hill, East R�nton Plateau (approximately 8,�00 people), and Soos Creek. Certain areas, if annexed, may include the transfer of parks to the City. If sa we will need money and staff to have the ability to bring these up to our current le�el of parks, to include irrigation and ensure they are safe, Larry Reymann mentioned a �o#unteer effort he supervised with students that retrieved over 500 tires that had been dumped to open space areas. Marty indica#ed she would be happy#o re#urn and give a profile of park lands discussed. Terry Higas�iyama suggested the group could go on a tour of th�s� sites. Marty thanked everyone for inviting her to the meeting. l.eslie Betlac�, Parks Director, gave an o�erview af the Springbrook Trail and Sam Chastain Trai� Projects. The Springbrook Trail is located afong Springbrook Creek from approximately SW 43ro St. north to the Black Ri�er Riparian Forest. The trail t'�at is currently constructed is pa�ed and has missing "links." The City currently has an opportuni#y to construct a portion of a iink through a wetland area as part of a larger project. Our goal is to have a continuous#rail system linking to the Interurban Trail. The staff is contac#ing businesses along t�e trail to de#ermine who uses and would benefit from #his trail project. The Sam Chastain Memorial Trail when completed will connect 52 miles of trails from Maple Valley to Be[le�ue and beyond to the Burke Gilman Trail around the north end of Laice Washington. This project will be funded mainly through grants. Senator Patty Murray has earmarrced 1,2 million dollars for the $5 million dollar project. Bonnie Rerec�ch, Resvurce and Funding Manager, recapped the recently published article in City Source that highlighted volunteer opportuni�ies in the City. She emphasized the important role �olunte�rs play in the community and City of Rentan Park Board Minutes August 8, 20Q6 Page 3 of 4 ga�e examples of numerous programs Eike youth athletics and Special Olympics that benefit from t�ose that donate t�eir time and efforts to coach and assist in superrrising these programs. Currentiy Bonnie will be matching groups that �olunteer with specific projects. Starbucks employees ha�e adopted two parks. Two Windemere groups have volunteered a�so to do specific prajects. Bonnie �xplained she would like to obtain `Tools on Wheels" a mobile cart with tools needed to mulch and complete �olunteer projects. Michael O'Donin inquired if the Neighborhood Block Watches include the neighborhood parks. He indicated park users should be encouraged to watch aut o�er the parks and report any vandalism or undesirable activities. OLD BUSINESS Michael O'Donin read a letter to his feilow park board members indicating he had participated in the process of inten►iewing se�eral candidates to fill the two vacancies currently on the Board. �t was staff and his r�commendation ta the Board to send forward the names of AI Dieckman and l.arry Reymann #o the Mayor for Council consideration. Micha�l asked the candidates to #ell a little about themsel�es. A� stated he worked for the Parks Di�ision for 32 years and grew up in Renton and has been a coach for baseball, basketball and a member of Maplewood Men's Club. Larry is currently re#ired from Columbia Records and is a Cedar River Naturalist, Park Ambassador with King County, and works part- time at Eastside Catholic and Highline Community Collage. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, repor�ed revenu� is looking goad so far for the poal. The boat launch has had 3,000 launches since #he last of July. We have received emails and phone calls from visitors saying how wel� organized the staff at the boat �a�nch is, and compfimented them on their�fficiency. Terry indicated she would be bringing a report back to the Board in the future from the Coulon Task Force that began in April. This is an interdepartmental team working together to address issues and concems of the community regarding Coulon Park. She also would Iike #o bring fort� a tentati�e list of da#es and sites to tour and poten#ial locations for the Park Board meetings. Cynthia Bums inquired if we get additional money to help with the burden of additional staffing f�ours required due to the sockeye season. Jerry explained no we just have to absorb it in our budget. City of iZcnlon Park Board Minutes August 8,2006 Pagc 4 af� It was reported tha# River Days attendance numbers were down #his year bel�e�ed to be due to tF�e hot weath�r. Notice was also gi�en of the upcoming Landing Dedication. �THER Les�ie announced the last public meeting of the Tri Park Master Plan would be nex# Wednesday, August �6, 2006, at the Renton Community Center. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and seconded to adjoum the meet�ng, a11 were in favor, the August 8, 2006, me�ting was adjourned at 6t01 p.m. Srgnafure NEXT REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 4:3� P.M. 7TH FLOQR C4NFERENCING CENTER