HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/2006 - Minutes City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners .�s. .. . ; . �'�'�'n r � - Mee�ing Minu�es November 14, 2406 4:30 p.m. —City Hall--7'h Floor Conferencing Center I. CALL TO QRDER Michael D'Don�n, past Chair, called to ord�r the regular meeting of the Ci#y of Renton Park Board at 4:30 p.m. on November 14, 2006, in the 7tn floor Conferencing Center of City Hal�. In Attendance The following persons were present: Staff: Dianne Utec�t, Leslie Betlach, Dennis Conte, Terry Flatley, Terry Higashiyama, Liz Fast, Pet�r Renner and Sandy Pilat. Park Board m�mbers: L.arry Reymann, AI Dieckman, Michael O'Donin, and Cynthia Bums. Absent Board members: Tim Searing, Troy Wigestrand and Ron Regis. Guests: Brad Ray, Miche[le Lane. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Terry Higashiyama requested to add one it�m to the agenda, a pre�iew of the City's new marketing �id�o. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, requested to add to item #fi a review af the parking policy and a motion to approve. III. APPROVAL QF MINUTES Cynthia Bums made a motion seconded by Larry Reymann to approve the September minutes as written. A!I were in fa�or, motion carried, minutes approved. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONIPU6LIC COMMENTS Brad Ray asked to address the board regarding park rules and regulatio�s not allowing metal detecting in city parks. Mr. Ray is a member of a metal detecting club and explained the too�s he uses. He brought materials from other area parks that allow metal detecting and require participants to register prior to digging. Mr. Ray explained how he and oti�ers ha�e assist�d the police in searching for evidence. Terry Higashiyama expfained a sub-committee was currently m�eting to review the ordinance City of Renton Park Board Minutes November 14, 200fi Page 2 of 4 and curren# park rules and regula#ions so this information was timely. She thanked him for coming and addressing the board and sharing the information. Terry Flatley, Parics Maintenance Manager, introduced Michelfe, a sophomore at Kentridge High School. Michelle was on a school assignment to�ob shadow someone working in the environmental field sa she was working with Terry this afternaon. V. V�DEO The City's new marketing �ideo was shown. Everyor�e agreed it is a great marke#ing tool. VI. B�ARD COMMUNICATIQN Micha�� O'Donin had concerns about the homeless people that frequent Liberty Park, what exactfy are the City's rights and wnat are their legal rights? Terry Higashiyama said she would came �ack wi#h a report at the December meeting with that information from the of 2-1-1 and how that will pro�ide information about resaurces that are available and t�e count tF�at would be #aking place to count the homeless in the area. VII. CONSENT ITEMS Stra#egic Plan Liz Fast, Recreation, introduced Dennis Conte, Peter Renner and Dianne Utecht; all of whom were part of the Community Serriices team working on the Strateg�c Plan. She bri�fly outlined the three sections and their focus. Terry encouraged any board member that has questions on the plar� or how we are going to use it, to call her for an appointment, Terry Higashiyama #hanked the #eam for their hard work. Cynthia Burns made a motion to accept the Strategic Plan as pres�nted, AI Dieckman seconded the motion, a�l were in fa�or motion carried, plan approved. Coulon Parking Plan Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, reviewed the change in the pre�iously appro�ed Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Par(c Parking Plan. The onfy change was section regarding the overflow parking locatiort. Larry Reymann made a motion, seconded by Cynthia Burns to appro�e the change, all present were in fa�or, motion carried, Caulon parking plan was approved. VlII. DISCUSSIDN/ACTION ITEMS Maintenance Facili#y Pe#er Renner, Facility Director, explained the need for a central new shop for the parks maintenance and facilities crews. Finding adEquate space and �and City of Renton Park 6oard Minutes November 14, 2006 Page 3 of 4 has been a difficult task. The City has been holding discussions wi#h the cour�ty for the last year and a half over property that would be suitable. We are struggling to stay within our budget. Due to money constraints #his wi�l probably be a phased project. The current maintenance shop located a# Cedar River Park will be torn down this summer when the Map1e Valley Highway widening project begins. Our next step is to looking in�o renting another space for the Cedar Rirrer Park crew until a permanent spot can be found. Ri�erRock Les�ie Betlach, Parks Director, explained Cyndi Peterson wanted to sell the current lease on the RiverRock. She had found a potential buyer, the Barajas family. S#aff was in touch wi#h ti�e City Attorney and Finance Administrator to oversee this request and ensure the transfer of the lease was within t�e guidelines of the existing cor�tract and would pravide the same level of service to our customers. The new owners will take over the existing leas� with an option to renew at the end of three years. They are not pfanning any changes to the menu. Staff is confiden# it would be a smooth transition and will forward the proposal to Council. IX. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Terry Higashiyama, Administrator, reviewed the results of the Boards and Commission training held in September. She also noted AI Dieckman, Bonnie Rer�cich, and herself began reviewing the ordinance gorrerning the park rules and regulations and will report back with recommendations for changes and updates. X. OLD BUSINESS Leslie Bet�ach re�iewed the Committee Report and Press Release regarding the Springbrook Trai�. Jerry Rerecich reviewed the scheduie for tY�e Accreditation team visit. A welcome sociaE wi(I be he�d at the Renton Senior Acti�ity Center on December 5tn, in�itatians will be sent to the Board members. XI. NEW BUSINESS Future agenda items for December: Mike Bailey, Finance Administrator, Budget Aqua#ics Update New Park—Dedication, signage and naming XII. �THER COMMUNICATiON Terry asked if there were any qu�stions on the Status Report and correspondence mailed ir� the packets. She also noted the numerous holiday Ciry of Renton ParCc Board Minutes Navember 14, 2006 Page 4 of 4 ev�nts taking place. XIII. ADJQURNMENT Larry Reymann made a motian seconded by AI Dieckmen to adjoum the meeting. A!I were in fa�or; the No�ember 2006 meeting was a�journed at 5:47 p.m. Signature