HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/10/2008 - Minutes Cif y of I�en ton Board of Park Commissioners ��ti� 1 �, • i ♦ •�'nc � Meeting MinU�es June �0, 2008 4:30 p.m.—City Hall —7'h ffoor Conferencing Center 1. CALL TO ORDER Tim Searing, CF�air, called the June 2008 meeting to order at 4:3D p.m. In Attendance Members: Tim Searing, AI Dieckman, Cynthia Burns, Larry Reymann, Mike O'Donin, Ron Regis Staff: Lesfie Betlach, Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Jerry Rerecich, Kelly Beymer, Guest: Mayor Law II. APPR�VAL OF AGENDA Cynthia Bums madE a motion seconde� by Larry Reymanr� to approve the June 2008 agenda. AII were in favor, motion carried. III. APPROVAL QF MINUTES Mike O'Dor�in made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the May minutes as written. AI[ were in fa�or, motion carried, the May 2008 minutes were approved. IV. CfTY COUNCIL CQMMUNICATION Mayor Law stopped by tY�e meeting and thanked the Board members for the job they do. The Board handles vital important issues that affec# the quality o� life of the citizens of Renton. Mayor Law ga�� the members an opportunity to ask any questions they may ha�e. There was discussion regarding presenration of the safmon and May Creek, the recreation programs, including the Senior Activity Center. Mayor Law expressed that he felt our parks are the best in the county. Tim Searing comment�d that compared to others jurisdictions he felt our parks in Renton are superior. AII had posi#i�e and also hear positi�e camments from others on the Maplewood Golf Cours�. The board members had questions for the Mayor regarding #he Stoneway property, future de�elopment, and office/shop locations for t�e growing staff. The Mayor indicated prudent decisions would be taken into account to accommodate the City of Renton Park Board Minutes June �Q, 2008 Page 2 af 3 growth of our city, and wo�tld not be lim�ted to only adding extra fi��e and police but to pro�ide other services as we:l1. V. C�NSENT Two letters were reviewed for consideration by the k��►ard. The first was a fee waiver for use of our parks far se�en neighborhood picnics held throughout the summer at �arious parks in conjunction with our neighborhood picnic program. The second letter w�s from #he Renton School District to wai�e #ees for the use of their golf course program. Estimated cost is $15,460. Discussion followed with staff and board members looking at ways #o offse# ti�e iost revenue and how high school #eams are handled a# oth�r cities. ft was discussed in pre�ious yea�s and suggested the team work a certain numbe�of hours for the pri�ilege of using the golf course. Lesiie Betlach, Parks Director, explained there is r�ot sufficient staff ta oversee the students and they were reluctant to make a commitment. Kelly noted that the schools do not buy their m�rchandise a# Ma�lewood or hold tF�eir fundraisers at our course. The consensus was to approve this request for this year but next year we would invite the coaches t� a preliminary mee#ing and bring back a proposal. Cynthia Bums made a motion to accept the two consent items as staff recommended. Larry Reymann seconded #he motion, aU were in fa�or, motion carried consent agenda appro�ed. VI. DISCUSSIQNIACTI�N ITEMS Election of Chair Tim Searing, Chair, opened the nominations for Chairperson for 2008-2009 nating he had enjoyed serving the past year and would be happy to remain on and opened the topic up for discussion. Larry Reymann made a motion to nomi�ate Tim to serrre and Michael O"Donin seconded the motion. All were in favor to ha�e Tim Searing serving as Chair through June of 2009.. C1P Presentation Leslie Betlach and Peter Renner were a�aifable to discuss and answer quest�ons regarding the 2008 Capital Impro�ement Program. This included de�elopment and major maintenance. The parks, recreation, open space and trails pkan is upda#ed e�ery six years. We are also looking at athfetic fie�d expansion at Ron Regis Park, which will include converting exis#ir�g soccer fiefds to synthetic turf and construction of a second field, restroom facilities, sewer and potable water in addition to improved parking. We will be adding additional kiosks, similar to the one a# Heritage Park, to oth�r sites; upgrading our light sy��em; conducting structural reviews and repairs at Cedar River Trai! trestle and Cedar River boatho�se, waterwalk and float. We will da irrigation Ciry of Renton Park Baard Minutes June 10, 2008 Page 3 0#3 renovation and conservation at Teasdale Park and parking lot and dri�e repairs at Liberty Park and t�e main library, tennis court repairs at Ron Regis and Teasdale Park. On-going tree mai�tenance, as well as Burnett Park Phase II Improvements, completion of tF�e Trai�s and Bicycle Master Plan and Mapl�waod Golf Course Capital fmpro�ements and numerous facilities projects were reviewed. Vll. OLD BUSINESS A positian listing of new positions and promotions to t�e Community Services Department was presented. VlII. NEW BUSINESS Future agenda items will include a presentation on the web site, bicycle/trail plan presen#ation and the 20�8-2009 budget. Terry noted she wauld like to see a couple of the park board members presen# at each of our events, �ike the poof opening, teen musicai, adopt a park, a�d participate in the community services booth at River Days. StafF will prepare a list and send to the members. The next park board meeting wil! be July 15, 2008, at City Hall. There will a tour in lieu of the regular meeting in August. IX. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the June meeting at 6:i 6 p.m., all were in favor, motion carried meeting adjourned. � � Signafure NEXT REGULAR MEETING City Hall-7th Floor Sep�ember 9, 2008 C� 4:30 P.M. Tour on August 12th of Springbrook Trai! and Annexation Areas