HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/2018 - Minutes Renton l.ibrary Advisory Board � Meeting Minutes � '� ' Renton City Hall, 7th Floor ' "� Council Conference Room ' - ; February 21, 2018^'S:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kim Unti called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. In Attendance Members: Laurie Beden,Jaime Greene, Lynne King, Kim Unti City Staff: Maryjane Van Cleave, Margie Beitner KCLS Staff: Amy Eggler Excused: Erica Richey II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Laurie Beden made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Lynne King secanded. All were in favar, motion carried, agenda approved. 111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jaime Greene made a motion to approve the November 2017 minutes and the December 2Q17 minutes as written, Lynne King seconded. All were in favor, motion carried, and minutes for bath November and December approved. IV. aRAL COMMUIVICATIONSIPUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. CITY REPORT 1 Marvlane Van Cleave IVlaryjane Van Cleave noted that Carrie Nass was out of town and not available to attend the meeting. Carrie Nass is the city contact for the ribbon cuttingjcommunity celebration being planned for the Highlands Library. The celebration will be held on Saturday,June 16, 2018. There are boaths and activities planned throughout the day and the event will last most of the day. The City and KCLS are currently in the planning process. Maryjane asked the RLAB members if the board wants ta meet with Fred Gurney (KCLS) or if they would prefer to receive updates and let them know how they can assist with the event. Kim Unti responded that the board would prefer to be appraised of what is planned and then let the board know how they can support or provide assistance on the day of the event. Maryjane advised that city staff are looking at the logistics and what aur staff can da to support the event. However, Community Services employees have also been pulled in to assist with another event being held on the same date. It is uncertain at this time how much support the City can provide to the Highlands Celebration. Rtlaryjane also reported that the Community Services staff are in the middle of transitioning into our busy season. Staff is very busy preparing for the summer programs. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2018\2Q18 FEB\2018 02 Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes February 21,2018 Page 2 of 4 VI. KCLS REPORTIAmv E��ler Amy Eggler emailed the KCLS monthly report to Library Advisary Board members and city staff. Her report addressed safety and security in recent months and the challenges within the different library lacations. Amy also mentioned several upcoming events and programs including: Library Legislative Day (March 1);Author Event in Renton —evening with Jamie Ford (March 8); Chess at Renton Highlands;AARP Tax Help at Renton Highlands;Tech based programs—building a webpage and another on coding with Python. Rmy Eggler provided additional information about Police presence in the Renton Highlands Library. The Highlands Library staff continue to see a spike in activities that are unwelcomed such as adults "hot boxing" or smoking marijuana in their cars (sometimes with juveniles); there are also graups of teens coming into the building and causing disruptians. Having regular staff out on the floor with the Police there seems to bring the intensity down. Police are normally there from 3:OQ p.m.to 9:00 p.m. KCLS is optimistic that having the Police presence will help make the connection in the Community and help to alleviate some of the safety concerns. Maryjane Van Cleave noted that the City's Recreation staff serve a lot of kids at the Renton Community Center (RCC). These are drop-in and they can come and go as they please. The City continues to work and coordinate with the School District to try and help eliminate some of these issues. The School District is looking to have an after-school program district wide for the Elementary level. City staff continues to address how to work with Junior High students and older students who do not want to be there or stay at recreational programs. �ynne King asked what age group the Library is having trouble with. Amy indicated it was the 12-13 years old children for the most part. Some are getting roped in with the drug runners. Maryjane Van Cleave suggested that RCC and the Library could get together and discuss reciprocating information and work with the schools to find possible solutions. Amy also indicated that Police come in during peak times (3:00—7:00 p.m.). This helps to facilitate or start the communication. Maryjane commented that the Police come in and play with the kids and this helps that families recognize them. So then if there are any confrontatians,the Police are already known and trusted by the family. A discussion follawed on other programs offered through church groups and other facilitatars and how they manage the issue of children of older ages leaving the premises. These programs are limited by funding and staff, and can sometimes be upwards of 100 in attendance. Some program coordinators required students to sign-in and out and they are required ta stay for entire session or program. Amy also mentioned that she worked with AT Youth Program in Burien with a "sign-in"format and the kids got to know Police and helped with the Program. They do see success in this area when Police get to know families and their children and stay connected. Lynne King noted that the�added stress is not a good way to go to work far the KGLS staff— she asked how KCLS is dealing with this. Laurie Beden asked if KCLS provides support far their H:\Boards and Commissions�library Board\2018\2018 FEB\2018 02 Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes February 21,2018 Page 3 of 4 staff. Amy Eggler stated that KCLS offers lots of training to their staff such as, "A Cycle for Crisis" and the Employee Assistance Program. In addition KC�S is constantly working to improve the Library experience and working with the Police is one of the ways they provide support. VII. Q�D BUSINESS Approve 2018 Goals—There was one change suggested to the "draft" 2018 Gaals. (ZJ Under Community Outreach &Advocacy,for the fourth bulleted item "Free Cibrary"— remove the word "Support"and add the words, "Establish and Maintain with the City of Renton". The 2Q18 Goals will be revised to include the above changes. Lynne King made a motion to approve the 2018 Goals as amended. Laurie Beden seconded. All were in favar, motion carried, 2018 Goals approved. "Free library" (Mobile) Library at Renton Community Center(RCC): Kim Unti asked about the "Free Library" and where the project was at this point or if anything had been decided. Laurie Beden asked if it was acceptable to have one. Maryjane Van Cleave indicated that she could "pilot"the project. That RCC was on-board with having a mobile type unit to place in the �obby near the front desk area. There was discussion about haw to handle books, types of books, and if the books were free for the taking. Maryjane said that she had talked ta RCC staff and they were just looking for direction. RLAB can work on establishing parameters, collect donated books and set up the mobile unit. There was also discussion between board members that they do not want this unit to become a "catch all". Someone should monitor books and keep in same sort of order. Laurie Beden asked if they can re-donate books received from KCLS (Friends of Library). It should be acceptable to use baoks provided by Friends and Renton library Board as it is promoting KCLS. laime Greene mentioned it was previously discussed that there is a unit used by Henry Moses Aquatic Center that might be a possibility. Maryjane said this unit would be samething that Recreation staff would collect and store with summer equipment and it wauld be used during the summer months. R�AB members thought it might be a better option to purchase another unit or possibly refurbish a library cart to be used for the "Free Library". Having a smaller mobile unit would encourage a limit on the number of books (help with over filling issues) and allow RCC staff to move the library when not in use or for special events that may be happening at the facility. The RLAB members discussed options for obtaining or purchasing a cart. Kim offered a cart that she had on hand that might need some additianal work to facilitate the smaller books on shelves. �ynne offered the possibility of her husband's craftsmanship to help build something that would work. Members to check on their resources and figure out a best option. Update an Planning for Highlands LibraryjPark Celebration—The celebration will be held on Saturday, June 16, 2018 and run until at (east 2:30 p.m. (or most of the day). The RLRB board members have volunteered their support for"day of event" activities. They would like to hear from Fred Gurney regarding details once finalized and be notified of how they could H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 FEB\201802 Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes February 21,2018 Page 4 of 4 assist. Laurie Beden did mentianed that she will most likely be out of tawn on June 16 due to vacatian. VII1. NEW BUSINESS 2018 RLAB Timeline: Kim Unti presented a draft 2018 RLAB Timeline. Board members reviewed and agreed to a few updates. Jaime nated that she had sent an email regarding attending a School Board Meeting in June and has not heard back yet. The Timeline is a working document and may change throughout the year. There is no need for approval by RLAB members. IX. BOARD UPDATES AND PROGRESS Amy Eggler advised that the Library�egislative aay is March 1, 2018. Library staff go as a group to meet with local legislators and meet with other folks around the state involved in libraries. Kim Unti mentioned that she attended the Council meeting regarding the use of the 200 Mill Building. There are two different plans being reviewed; some suggestions will impact �ibrary parking and some will augment it. The idea is to build the new buildings first then move the occupants from old City Hall over to the new building. Once that is complete they would demolish the existing building. X. ADJOURNMENT Lynne King made a motion to adjourn the February meeting. Laurie Beden seconded. All were in favor, motion carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. �� Signature Next Meetin�s: �.. March 21, 2018 Renton City Hall Counci) Conference Room 7th Floor April 18, 2018 Renton City Hall � Council Conference Room 7th Flaor H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 FEB\2018 02 Minutes.docx