HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/2018 - Minutes Renton Library Advisory Board � Meeting Minutes � '� Renton City Hall, 7th Flaor '"� Counci) Conference Room ' , March 21, 2018�5:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kim Unti called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. In Attendance Members: Laurie Beden,Jaime Greene, �ynne King, Erica Richey, Kim Unti City Staff: Maryjane Van Cleave, Margie Beitner KCLS Staff: Fred Gurney,Jennifer Fairchild Excused: Amy Eggler II. APPROVAI.OF AGENDA Lynne King made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jaime Greene seconded. All were in favor, motion carried, agenda approved. I11. APPROVA�OF MINUTES laime Greene made a motion to approve the February 2018 minutes as written, Erica Richey seconded. All were in favor, mation carried, minutes approved. IV. ORAL CC?MMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. CITY REPORT/ Maryjane Van Cleave Maryjane Van Cleave did not have anything to report at this time. She did mention that the Community Services management team has been busy working with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) regarding consideration of a Bond or Levy for this voting cycle. The team is currently working on the heavy task af providing information on all CIP projects for last six years. Lynne King pointed out that the gas station on Sunset hill was finally torn dawn. It appears the area has been sold and will be developed. Maryjane offered to check with the Community and Economic Develapment Department to find out what is planned for this location. She will email information to the RIAB members. Kim Unti alsa mentioned that she had copies of the Renton River Days flyer/report that was given to the RRD board members if anyone was interested. VI. KCLS REPORTJAmv E1��ler Fred Gurney introduced lennifer Fairchild, Adult �ibrarian to the RLAB board members and City staff. As Amy Eggler was unable to attend the March meeting, Fred presented some H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 MARCH\2018 03 Minutes.docx City of Renton library Board Minutes March 21,201$ Page 2 af 4 updates for KCLS; copies of the Washington Festivals & Events 2018 Calendar Magazine, and also discussed KCLS Annual Service Goals and Programs. Fred Gurney noted that the Renton Highlands Security Situation has been improving. Off duty police officers have been caming into the Library in the afternoons. KCLS did notice spikes in incidents at Highlands and other locations. (Skyway—roudy teens; Renton—violent eruptions; Highlands—teen behavior.) The home frant has been calmer-the KCLS Teen Librarian is there now and roving thraugh the library on a regular basis. This presence helps eliminate some of the misconduct—the librarians are able to see what's going an and the patrons see thar you are watching. It also helps to start conversations and deter from unwanted behaviar. There has been a group of teens being non-compliant with �ibrary protocol. KCLS found out it was the same group of teens that were banned from the Community Center nearby because of disturbance and non-compliant issues. Off duty police officers have been coming into the Library in the afternoons. Officer Jesse Blanca is really good with the kids; engaging in conversatian and connecting with the teens. A question was asked about how long they hope to have this program in place. Fred said that Amy Eggler would like ta see this continue through the end of the school year. Incidents have slowed down and things have gotten better since this program has been in place. Fred Gurney noted that planning for the Renton Highlands Celebration (to be held June 16, 2Q18) is coming along. Becca Martin is warking with staffto organize details. Entertainment is lined up with music and �atino dances. There will also be crafting; local agencies with tables; food trucks; and speakers from both the Library and City of Renton. KCLS is working on getting publicity on the event out to the public—KLCS will be sending post cards out. Maryjane Van Cleave indicated that Carrie Nass was the contact for the City and it would be a good idea for Fred to cannect with Carrie Nass to coordinate. Erica Richey asked what the time frame for the event is. Fred stated the time will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Since there are other events and activities going on the same day in Renton, KCLS feels it will work out in everyone's favor that the event is only a "half day". Fred Gurney provided a brief overview on KCLS Annual Service Goals and Pragrams. He mentioned that each region goes through this pracess of goal setting and the rational far goals; and how each goal fits the strategic focus and values of KCLS. Fred provided a copy of the 2018 Service Goal Worksheet used to establish KCLS goals. Fred Gurney also talked about several programs offered to KC�S patrons which are in addition to their normal services and programs offered on a regular basis. Some of the programs mentioned included: (1) Community Building—Real Talk—people come together to talk about real issues (attendance will determine if they continue this program as no one showed up for the last scheduled program); (2�Adult Story Time (Peter Kohl)— Reads short stories (last year used a piano to accompany this program); and (3)Stream tearning for Pre-Schaol H:\Boards and Commissions\I.ibrary Board\2018\2018 MARCH\2018 03 Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes March 21, 2018 Page 3 of 4 (Ages 3-5)—Resources for parents and teachers to introduce science, technology, reading, engineering, art and math to young children. Jennifer Fairchild, Adult Librarian forthe Renton KCLS Library provided some input and information (flyers) regarding adult programs being offered with topics such as Meet the Author—featuring Chefs and Aging; Bird Bananza-Rainier Audubon Saciety volunteered to do a series; and "When Everyone's Talking About It"- Get Dutside,featuring authors and photagraphers. She mentioned in Skyway they started a Community Coffee Hour. They would have liked to have the program every week, however this is hard due to financial expense and finding a facility. They might try once a manth starting in the fall. Fred Gurney reiterated the June 16, 2018, Highlands Celebration is in the planning stages. He mentioned that the RLAB members could team up with the Friends ar RLAB cauld have their own table at the event if they choose. Fred asked the members ta think about it and get back to him if they would like to participate. lynne King noted that she should be able to attend. Jaime Greene said she may have a basketball tournament that weekend. Kim Unti and Erica Richey indicated that they have other commitments for this date as well. And Laurie Beden is scheduled to be aut of town during this time period. Lynne King stated that if the Friends have a raffle ta let them know. RLAB would be interested in possibly donating an item to the cause. VII. OLD BUSINESS "Free Library" (Mobile� Library at Renton Community Center (RCCj: �ynne King noted that RLAB (she) purchased a cart for the Free Library on Amazon. There was discussian on making a sign for the cart and possibly putting wheels on it. Maryjane asked them to determine verbiage for the sign and then forward to us for ordering or creating. All board members can bring in books or book donations can be brought to monthly meetings. Check with City staff prior to setting up the cart at RCC. Maryjane Van Cleave thanked the board members for purchasing the cart. This Free �ibrary will be a welcomed addition at the RCC. VIII. NEW BUSINE55 Volunteer Appreciation Event—Wednesday, April 18, 2018. RLAB members voted to cancel the April 18, 2018, RLAB meeting in order to attend the volunteer banquet which is scheduled for the same evening this year. There will be no meeting on April 18. The next regular meeting will be held on May 16, 2018. IX. BOARD UPDATES AND PRtJGRESS Kim Unti talked about the next steps for setting up the "Free Library" at RCC. She will email dates she is available to hetp. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 MARCH\2�18 03 Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes March 21,2018 Page 4 of 4 The 2018 R�AB Timeline was also discussed. An invite for the Friends of Rentan Libraries to attend the May meeting is listed on the RLAB Timeline. Kim Unti asked Fred Gurney if he knows what the Friends would be interested in learning about. Fred stated that it would be goad to describe the board's relationship with the City and the RLAB Mission. It would help the Friends as partners to know ways that you can partner (or ideas} and how the two groups could work together at the Celebration. Laurie Beden also asked if Community and Economic Development might be interested in providing an update to the RLAB in May. Fred Gurney mentioned that the Summer Reading Kick-Off event is coming up in June. He will follow up with the date. Lynne King mentioned that she received a letter from the City regarding the requirement to attend "Open Meetings Act Training". The letter was addressed or went out to all baards and commissions. Kelly Beymer is looking for a possibility of caming to City Hall for the training as a group. (Letter dated March 12 was sent from City Clerk`s office.J X. ADJOURNMENT Lynne King made a motion to adjourn the March meeting. Laurie Beden seconded. All were in favor, motion rried,the meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Signature Next Meetin�s: ;� Apri) 18, 2018 — NO MEETING/Cancelled Renton City Hal) Council Conference Room 7t'' Floor May 16, 2018 � Renton City Hall Council Conference Room 7th Floor H:\Boards and Commissions�li6rary Board\2018\2018 MARCH\2018 03 Minutes.docx