HomeMy WebLinkAboutS.Singh_Otak Proposal_Signed_8.22.18.pdfScope of Work
ThiI d CL tI Review—Critical Areas Reports for the S. Singh Short Plat
Scope of Worl<
®tal< Project hlo. 32847E
Submitted August 2 I , 20 18
This Scope of Work provides details for evaluating two critical areas reports and associated
environmental data for a parcel located in the City of Renton and conducting a critical areas
reconnaissance for the subject parcel, located at located at 1003 Renton Ave S LOT (APN
0007200196. The evaluation of the critical areas reports, additional information associated with
the subject parcel, and critical areas reconnaissance will be conducted due to proposed division of
the existing subject parcel for development into a six -lot hillside subdivision. The critical areas
reconnaissance will
include verification of existing environmental conditions, verification of
existing vegetation conditions on the subject parcel, stream characterization and typing, and
identification/verification of fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas associated with the
subject parcel.
This is anot-to-exceed cost estimate and the client will be billed as hours and expenses are accrued.
This cost estimate will not be exceeded without the prior permission of the client. Below is a
summary of costs by task and a detailed description of each task:
Tasl< I—Background Research and Critical Areas ®ata Review
Task 2�Site Visits and Field Lata Collection
Task 3�Prepare Environmental Review Memo
Task Project Management and Coordination
)irect Expenses
It a c Tonal Fee
Task I—Background Research
This task involves collection of data and information relevant to assessing critical areas and
baseline habitat conditions on and near the subject property, as well as reviewing documentation
TGird-Party Review—Critical Areas Reports for tGe S Sin
gh Short
Plat Project
City of Rerrtort 1
Scope of Work
submitted to the City and associated with the subject parcel. Task 1 may involve collection of
landscape scale information, including habitat types, vegetative communities, presence and
character of critical areas using various databases (City of Renton, National Wetland Inventory,
King County, WDFW, etc.), habitat connectivity and complexity, and other landscape -scale
attributes as necessary.
Task 2—Site Visits and Field Data Collection
A site visit will be conducted to verify and field truth information and data collected during Task
1, as well as providing for collection of data for critical areas and habitat features that are on and
near the subject property. Otak wetland and stream scientists will conduct a site visit to evaluate
vegetation, wetlands, and stream habitat on and near the subject parcel. Any on-site streams will
be qualitatively characterized for geomorphology and fish use, in order to confirm the existing
stream type for the system. Wetland characteristics will be noted to verify wetland ratings and
associated buffers. Qualitative information on vegetative community spatial and taxonomic
complexity and diversity, tree sizes, vegetative cover, invasive plant species, aquatic resources
(wetlands, streams, etc.) and their proximity to other habitat areas, and special habitat features
such as snags, nesting areas, etc. will be collected. Data on the potential presence or absence of
designated species of local importance or habitat for species of local importance will be collected.
• Wetlands will not be delineated as part of this scope.
• Ordinary high water marks will not be delineated as part of this scope.
• It is assumed that wetland boundaries and stream ordinary high water marks will be flagged by
the applicant/applicant consultants or have existing flagging remaining from previous work, in
order to verify the locations of these critical areas.
• Information on potentially geologically hazardous areas and frequently flooded areas will not
be prepared as part of this scope.
• A topographic and boundary survey is not included in this scope.
Task 3— Prepare Third -Party Review Memo
Information and analyses from Tasks 1 and 2 will be incorporated into the preparation of a Third -
Party Review Memo (Memo). The Memo will include qualitative information characterizing
wetland, stream, and fish and wildlife conservation areas in the subject property vicinity, should
such qualitative information be required. Significant habitat features, characterization of fish and
wildlife habitat conservation areas, and general habitat community composition and disturbance
regime will also be included in the Memo. The Memo will evaluate and confirm the information
contained in the critical areas report for stream and wetland habitat. The Memo will provide an
Third -Party Review—Critical Arens Reports for the S Singh
Plat Project
City of Re�rto�r
Scope of Work
assessment of the proposed impacts in the context of the City of Renton Municipal COde(RMC) 4-
3-050 for critical areas and the project's compliance with the relevant sections of the SMC.
• Third -Party Review Memo
Tasl< 4— Project Management and Coordination
This task includes general project management, status reporting, invoice(s), and coordination with
the City and the client. This task will also include coordinating production of all documentation
produced under this scope.
Schedule and Budget
Otak proposes to complete the above Scope of Work on a time and materials basis for a budget
not to exceed $4,500 for all addendum tasks. Project schedule will be discussed with the client
upon or just prior to execution of a contract for the work, but the deliverable is anticipated to be
completed within two (2) weeks of notice to proceed from the City of Renton.
The project team will not exceed this budget without prior approval from the client. If conditions
are found that are different from those expected, Otak will notify the client immediately and
discuss any impacts to the scope of work and budget.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Otak, Inc.
Kevin O'Brien, Ph.D.
Senior Ecologist and Wildlife Biologist
Otak, Inc.
'�F D�Y1�16iz-S 1-k t�P lS
(425) 739-7975
Kevin. obrien@otak. com
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Thirc!-Party Review—Critics/ Areas Reports for the S Sirrgh Short
Plat Project
City of Reirton 3