HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_ERC_Decision_Revised_DNSM_ForestTerrace_181015.pdf DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVISED ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA18-000124, ERC, PP, MOD APPLICANT: Ivana Halvorsen, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. / ihalvorsen@barghausen.com / 18215 72nd Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 PROJECT NAME: Forest Terrace Preliminary Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Revision: Applicant applied for reconsideration of several mitigation measures, resulting in an edit to mitigation measure #6, the addition of mitigation measure #7, and the renumbering of the original mitigation measure #7 from #7 to #8. Project applicant has requested an ERC reconsideration of DNS-M mitigation measure #6 that would require restoration of Union Ave NE to current City standards from curb to curb along the property's frontage. The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval, Environmental Review (SEPA), Critical Areas Variance, and two (2) modifications to subdivide a 596,570 square foot (13.70 acre) site located at 2611 Union Ave NE (subject property) into 25 single -family residential lots, four (4) open space tracts, and one (1) drainage tract. The subject property is located in the Residential-4 (R-4) zoning classification and Residential Low Density Comprehensive Plan land use designation. Proposed lot sizes would range from 9,038 to 19,584 square feet with an overall density of approximately 2.14 dwellings per net acre. One (1) existing single- family residence on the subject property would be removed. Access to the site would be via a new public residential access street extending from Union Ave NE through the subject property with stubs for future connectivity along the north and western property limits. The applicant would also construct frontage improvements on Union Ave NE along the subject property and the frontage of 2623 Union Ave NE. Stormwater would be conveyed via a system of catch basins and storm pipes throughout the development with flow control provided via two (2) detention tanks and one (1) detention vault located on the northwest portion of the property. A proposed stormfilter would provide water quality treatment. New eight (8) inch sewer and eight (8) inch water mains would be constructed within the subdivision's new public street and connect to the existing sewer and water facilities located in Union Ave NE. The applicant has requested a critical areas variance to remove an existing protected slope on the eastern portion of the subject property to construct a section of the new internal public street with the remaining slope proposed to be replaced with a terraced retaining wall. The applicant has requested a modification to the residential retaining wall height limitation of six (6) feet with proposed rockeries up to 10-feet in height in the southwestern portion of the of the subject property. A second modification is requested for frontage improvements along Union Ave NE for a modified minor arterial standard. A Lot Line Adjustment (LUA18-000125) is also under review for the subject property and the abutting 2623 Union Ave NE that would alter the abutting lot’s property lines to accommodate the proposed subdivision’s new public street alignment and frontage improvements on Union Ave NE. The City’s Critical Areas map identifies potential regulated slopes on the property between 25-40 percent with isolated areas greater than 40-percent. The applicant has proposed to retain 119 of the subject property’s 847 viable trees. The applicant has submitted an arborist report, geotechnical report, transportation impact analysis, and drainage report with the preliminary plat application. PROJECT LOCATION: 2611 and 2623 Union Ave NE / APNs 042305-9142 and 042305-9114 LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Renton Regional Fire Authority Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Community Services Department Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Department Of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their aut hority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 9, 2018. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: October 19, 2018 DATE OF DECISION: October 15, 2018 2, DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 10/15/2018 | 3:34 PM PDT10/15/2018 | 3:06 PM PDT 10/15/2018 | 3:37 PM PDT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ERC Memorandum M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 15, 2018 TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: Matt Herrera, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Forest Terrace Subdivision Request for Reconsideration of DNS-M LUA18-000124 On October 4, 2018, the Forest Terrace Subdivision applicant filed a Request for Reconsideration (Exhibit 22) of the Environmental Review Committee DNS-M issued on September 21, 2018. Specifically the applicant requested a reconsideration of Mitigation Measure #6 which states “The applicant shall restore the Union Ave NE roadbed (curb to curb) along the subject property’s frontage to current City standards prior to final plat recording.” Staff recommended the mitigation measure (Exhibit 1) due to the Advisory Notes to Applicant (Exhibit 21) that would require the applicant to extend the sewer main to the center of the intersection of Union Ave NE and NE 27th Pl and then extend northward along the east side of Union Ave NE to the existing lift station. This would result in the applicant trenching for utilities on both sides Union Ave NE causing center sections of the roadbed to be substandard with regard to gravel sub base and paving depth. These gaps within the roadbed would then be susceptible to failure due to the high volume of dump truck trips to accommodate the large amounts of imported fill needed for this plat’s construction. The applicant has indicated in the ERC reconsideration request that an alternative to extending the sewer along the east side of Union Ave NE is possible and is currently being designed . Following consultation with the department’s Development Engineering team, staff recommends the committee amend DNS-M Mitigation Measure #6 to only require full roadbed restoration if the applicant constructs utilities on the east side of Union Ave NE. The amended mitigation measure would read: 6. If any utilities are constructed east and parallel of the centerline within Union Ave NE along the subject property’s frontage, Tthe applicant shall restore the Union Ave NE roadbed (curb to curb) along the subject property’s frontage to current City Standards prior to final plat recording. While the applicant may be able to keep utility installation along the west side of Union Ave NE, there remains concern that two (2) parallel trenches for new stormwater lines along the west side of Union Ave NE coupled with the existing sewer main located west of the street’s centerline (Figure 1) will result in gaps of substandard gravel sub base and paving depth sections that would be susceptible to failure due to the above referenced volume of dump truck trips. DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 ERC Memo on Reconsideration Page 2 of 2 October 15, 2018 ERC Memorandum Figure 1 Utilities west of Union Ave NE centerline Therefore staff recommends as a new mitigation measure to the amended DNS-M that would require the applicant to restore any gaps of substandard paving depth west of the Union Ave NE centerline along the subject property’s frontage. The new mitigation measure #7 would read: 7. If utilities are only constructed west and parallel of the centerline within Union Ave NE along the subject property’s frontage, the applicant shall restore the ga ps, if found to not meet City standards, between the trench restorations west and parallel of the centerline to current City standards prior to final plat recording. DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: Forest Terrace Subdivision Project Number: LUA18-000124 Date of Meeting October 15, 2018 Staff Contact Matt Herrera, Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant Ivana Halvorsen Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18201 72nd Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 Project Location 2611 and 2623 Union Ave NE The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibits 1-21 As shown in the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 22: ERC Reconsideration Request DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 CITY OF RENTON I ;";+FO OCT 0 4 2018 ti-tt) RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Request for Reconsideration of DNS-M Mitigation Measure 6 Forest Terrace Preliminary Plat, LAU 18-000124, ERC, PP, MOD, Dear ERC Committee members: Pursuant to RMC 4-8-100.I, Pulte Homes, as the applicant for the Forest Terrace Preliminary Plat, requests reconsideration of DNS-M Mitigation Measure 6. It is based on an error of fact and law. MDNS Condition 6 requires: The applicant shall restore the Union Ave NE roadbed (curb to curb) along the subject property's frontage to current City Standards prior to final plat recording. This ERC Report explains the reasoning for this condition as follows: Construction of the street improvements [frontage improvements on Union Avenue using modified minor arterial standards] will require trenching along both sides of Union Ave NE along the site's entire street frontage to accommodate utility installation. The applicant would be required by code to construct those trenched areas to meet the current City standards, leaving the center of the roadway substandard. The volume of dump truck trips to accommodate the large amounts of imported fill will cause degradation to the entire roadbed along the property's frontage; therefore staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant restore the Union Ave NE roadbed (curb to curb) along the subject property's frontage to current City Standards prior to final plat recording. ERC Report, page 9. The ERC Report is based on the erroneous assumption that we will be installing sewer on the east side Union Ave NE. However, that is not possible as there is simply not enough room left on the east side to install a new sewer main while achieving proper clearances from the other utilities. Thus, the Forest Terrace Plat will not be constructing sewer along the east side of Union Ave NE and will not require trenching along both sides of Union Ave NE. We understand that the City prefers that new sewer mains be installed within the right-of-way and be placed either perpendicular to or parallel with the roadway. We learned of that preference on October 2 and are investigating alternatives that satisfy it. See the enclosed sewer and water plan and profile which locates the new sewer main within the right-of-way and has only a short diagonal stretch from Union Avenue NE to the plat road, NE 271h Pl. The concern about the impact of the number of trucks using the haul route is adequately addressed by DNS-M Condition 7 which requires that Pulte Homes video the approved haul route prior to the EXHIBIT 22 DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 beginning of construction and following completion of plat infrastructure to identify the existing condition and post -construction condition, respectively. Pulte is required to repair the roadway to a condition equal to or better than the pre -construction condition. SEPA mitigation measures must be related to a specific, adverse environmental impact clearly identified in an environmental document on the proposal. WAC 197-11-660(1)(b), adopted by reference by RMC 4-9-070.M. We have submitted no plans showing, nor do we propose to trench on the east side Union Ave NE. Responsibility for implementing mitigation measures may be imposed upon an applicant only to the extent attributable to the identified adverse impacts of its proposal. WAC 197-11-660(1)(d), adopted by reference by RMC 4-9-070.M. Pulte will construct the required half street improvements for the western half of Union Ave NE following completion of the import of fill material and will repair the eastern half street to a condition equal to or better than the pre -construction condition. There is no basis for requiring restoration of the Union Ave NE roadbed curb to curb. Therefore, we ask that the ERC remove Mitigation Condition 6, Sincerely, Kyle Lublin Pulte Group Manager, Land Planning and Entitlement Enclosure Cc: Alison Moss DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D70994-8EC1-4420-A80D-6D24C6F66874 mom: File:P:\18000s\I8396\engineering\18396-sw5.dwg Date/Time:10/4/2018 10:37 AM Scale: TSKODA Xre(: - - - - FOREST TERRACE PLAT AAANNNNNNN' 0 2 0 z T O mnrvmi> 1--4 H H D O H Cm a m C 0 Co bt x9 noWmZ> na H 0 4 m x a 03 o e 381.1 0 n 378.9 aq m xy 376.8 a o C r 374.7 o D m m A rn w m Ile 372.5 370.3 r ' m a J- r w 368.1 365.9 3 g di a U 363.6 Y, r IF r 36 0 361.6 N FOREST TERRACE F B.C.E. JOB NO. 18396 N O A SPAMA y Egli 7 3 y_9 NC yvyy Av v yy pQpQpP 21P y Q GHq(Jts i 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH mPf& KENT WA 98032 425)251-6222 o 0 _ 425)251-8782 FAX s GtP/* C CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, ENG%*k SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES mpg C0 cm G m D D z 00 o D O -n nm I m 02y zo y Z7< ? 5/Oz 2 o Nco n ? 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