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� ' , � , , CERTIFIC�TE
. �q�n � �+ �+ �,� ;�.,,�;,� ?�c • ° I, the undersigned, �Qxi n� E. /�o�or" �lerk of the
--- ����� ��� ���+��D �� ����+�JI �7i� City of Rentort� Washington� certify that this is-a �rue
' � , ��, and cottect copy of �1^�i nu n c.P_ Na. .395�
�-�- vf T!!��ITY�LFRK �-N�
REs:yt:���U�16�iPAl BLDG. Subscribed and Sealed this_1_. day of 19�ct
�i�:il A�E.�fl: '
RENZaPI'WA 98055 city ciE�k
OSECTION I : There is hereby created a special assessment district
Nfor roadway improvements to Sunset Boulevard North, an area which is more
� particutarly described as follows;
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto which is attached hereto and made
a part hereof as if fully set forth herein.
A map of the benefited area is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a
part hereof as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION II : Persons developing properties accessing onto Sunset
Boulevard North, or persons redeveloping property accessing onto Sunset
Boulevard North, shall pay a fee for the privilege of accessing onto Sunset
[3oulevard North in addition to the payment of any utility connection permit
fees and in addition to the general facility and trunk connection charge, the
following additional fees: �
: � � �.
Based on the contract costs for installation of curb and gutter ,� � �,�
($5. 95/lineal foot) , sidewalk ($14.00/square yard) , storm drainage � �' �
($7.37/lineal foot) , street lighting ($15. 16/lineal foot) , and r -n �-�+
undergrounding ($15.47/lineal foot) .
For properties on Sunset Boulevard North within the limits defined F,,,
on the Exhibits. t.�
SECTION III : Monies paid by means of this �pecial assessment district �. `�
,;� x
shall be paid into the City's Forward Thrust Street Fund.
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SECTION IV : This special assessment district shall exist for a period � '-'�
of ten (10) years following passage of this Ordinance. `�
SECTION V: This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage,
approval and thirty days after publication.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21st day of October, 1985.
Marily�� . tersen, Deputy City Clerk
APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of October, 1985.
� ��u�.�Ct�ccJ � ,5"R.�,rL�p[,�
N Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor
Approved as to form:
Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney
Date of Publication: October 25, 1985
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OFa I NAPL� i�. 3� .
1. Sect(o� 17, Township ?3 North, Range 5 East. 0.00 L.F. 50.00
A port lon of the Na-thwest quarter.
Begtnning at the Int�ersectfon of CourYty
Road and Railnoad Awe.;
TY�e N 81 02 40 E, 85.18 fe�t;
Therioe N 49 50 40 E, 372.81 fee�t� to ttie
West�ly marg(n of State Highway Nnber 2
and the True Beglnning;
Thence N 61 18 00 W 133.75 feefi more or
less tn a point 36 fee�t East frcm the
cent� Iine of the railroad track;
Thenoe Southwest�-ly and parallel and 36
feert distanoe to said oertterline Northerly
rte�In of State Highway No. 2;
� Tf�noe Easterly and Northerly along sald
� h(gh�ray to the True 8eg inn 1 rg.
�O Less State Nighway.
�j Section 17, To�wnship Z3 North, Rarx�e 5 East 100.00 L.F. E1373.40
O A portion of the Northeast quarta of the
� Wor-thwest quarter. Beginning at the
maiur�t at the inter-secfilon of Canty F�ad
and Rallroad Ave.;
Tt� N 81 02 40 E, 85.18 fee�t;
Ther� N 49 50 40 E, 372.81 feet to the
Westerly mergin of State Highway Nur�et� 2
to the True Beginntng;
T}�ioe a long sa Id West�-i y narg(n N 22 42
00 E 100 feet;
Tt�ence N 67 18 00 W 133.75 fee�t;
Thence Soutfiw�terly parallel and a
d t stanoe of 36 feet trcm the oerrt�er I ine of
Right of Way Tradc 100 feet;
TF�enoe S 6/ 18 00 E 133.75 feet to the True Beginning;
Less State High►ray.
3. Section 17, Townshlp 23 North, Rarx,�e 5 East. 100.00 L.F. E2934.40
Beginning a�t the centeriine of Pacific Coast
Rlght of Way at a polnt wh(ch bears N 81 02
40 E 85.18 feet fran the Intersectirn of
�onson V�ay N. and Raiiroad Ave., Renton;
Therioe N 49 50 40 E 372.81 feefi to �the
Wlest�I y marg i n of State H Ighway Nu�er 2;
The�oe along said highMray northerly 100 feet;
ll�oe True 8eg Inn ing;
Therae Northerly 100 feet;
Thenoe N 67 18 00 W 133.75 feefi;
Thence Southwesterly paraltel to oenierl(ne
�ilway Right of Way and 36 feet therefran 100 feefi;
The�c.�e S 67 18 00 E to tt�e True Beg 1 nn i ng.
` ' ORDINANCE N0. 3950
4. Seciion 17, Township 23 Nor-th, Rarge 5 East. 50.00 L.F. a1467.20
Beginning afi the (ntersection of County fbad
and Rallroad A�e.;
T�ienoe N 81 02 40 E 85.18 feefi to the
oenterline of Pacific Coest F�ailway Right
of Way;
1T�er�ce N 49 50 40 E 372.81 fce�t to the
Mlest�x I y rter�g i n of State H igh►ray N�rt�er 2;
Thenoe N 22 42 00 E along satd V�esterly
margin �00 feefi t� the True Begfnning;
Therioe ooni inuing 50 fee�t;
Therioe N 67 18 00 W 133.75 feet more a-
less to a polnt 36 fee�t East of and
measured at Right Mgles to the oent�-line
of said l�llway Right of Way;
ll�ence Sarthwesf�I y para I le I to sa(d R fght
of Y�Fay 50 feet;
Therioe S 67 18 00 E 133.75 fee�t mo�e or
less t�o the True Beginning.
5. Section 17, Township ?3 North, F�ge 5 F.ast. 100.00 L.F. 52934.40
8eg(nn tng at tt�e int�-xsect lon of the
Nor-ther I y marg in of �-onsc� MFay North with
the Wester I y trerg In of State H ighway Nurber-
,� Thenoe N 22 A4 31 E along the highway 441.93
Ofee�t to the True Beglnning;
M Therioe continuing N 22 44 31 E 100 fee�t
N Tl�enoe N 67 15 29 W to the
� Easterly rte�gin of Pac(fic Coest Rlght of Mfay;
� Thenc�e Sa�theriy along said Right of Way to
� a point N 67 15 29 W frcm the True 8eginning;
Tl�erae S 67 15 29 E to the True Beg inn i ng.
6. Sectlon 17, Townshtp 23 North, �Cje 5 East. 137.98 L.F. �2153.H7
E�eginn(ng at the intersection of the
Norther I y marg i n of Bronson I�ay North w 1 th
tt�e Wiest�r-I y rtarg in of Siat�e H(ghway Nnber 2;
The��ce N 22 44 31 E alorg the highwey
541.93 feet to the True Beginning;
The�c� oontinuing N 22 44 31 E 137.98 feet;
Thenoe N 67 15 29 W tn tfie Eas�ter 1 y marg in
of Pacif(c Coast Right of N�ay;
Thenc�e Sarther i y a lag sa id R(ght of Nfay to
a polnt N 67 15 29 w frcm the True Beginning;
ll�ioe S 6I 15 29 E to the True Beg inn lrg;
7. Sectlon 17, Township 73 North, I�xge 5 East. 100.00 L.F. �1561.00
Beg(nning at the intersection of the
Northeriy margin of �onscn Mtay North wlth
the Mlester I y rrerg(n of Stat�e Highway Mirber 2;
Thence N 22 44 31 E along the highhay
679.91 fe�t to the True Beg(nning;
Therx.�e cc�t(nu ing N 22 44 31 E 100 feert;
Tt�ence N 67 15 29 W to the Easter I y rtar�g 1 n
of the Paciftc Coast Rtght of htay;
Thenoe Saitherly along said �ight of way to
a point N 67 15 Z9 W fran the True Beginning;
Thenoe S 61 15 29 E to the Ttve Beginning.
Less State HigM,ray.
8. Sectic�n 17, Township 13 North, Rar�ge 5 East. 2?5.00 L.F. 55170.50
A por-Fic� of the Na-thwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter;
Beginning at the Iniersectlon of the
Easterly mengin of Paciflc Coast �(Iroad
Right of Way wtth the Pbrtherly rtergin of
Third Ave. N.;
TT�enoe Nortfieaster-I y a tag sa i d Ra 1 I roed
Right of Mfay 2� feet;
T��enoe S 67 15 29 E 104.58 fee�t to the
Wieste�-I y 11 ne of State H igh�y;
11��oe Southwesterly along sald highway to
the Na-ther I y I Ine of sa id Th 1 rd A�ne. N.;
Thenoe Northwesi�ly along sa(d Ave. 115
feet to the Beglnning.
Less State Hlghwey.
9. Section 17, Tc�wnshlp 73 Nor-th, Range 5 East. 75.00 L.F. EZ153.55
A pa-tlon of the Na-thwest quarter of the
Nor-tt�east quar-ter.
E�eg(nning at the intersectlon of the Easterly
� rtarg In of Paci f lc Coast f�i Iroad Right of Mfay
Q� w Ith the Norther I y marg in of Th i rd Av�e. N.;
OTher� Northeasterly along said Railroad Rlght
� of Way 215 fe�t to the True Point of Beginning;
� The�x:�e oontlnuing Northeasterly 75 feet;
o T1�ioe S 61 15 29 E 96.18 feet to the Mlester I y
(ine of the State Highway;
� Thenc.�e Souifivresi�I y a long sa 1 d h Ighway 75.46 feet;
Tt�enoe N 67 15 29 W 104.58 fee�t to the True
Potnt of Beginning.
10. Sect lon 17, Torrnsh i p ?3 North, Rarx�e 5 Fast 100.61 L.F. 5�3693.09
Beginning at the intersectlon of the
Na-ther I y marg in of 8rc�scn Y�ay Na-th wtth
the Mksterly rterg(n of State H(ghway Nurber
Tt►enoe N 22 44 31 E along the highway
1179.91 feet to tt�e True Beginning;
Therioe cc�t lnu ing N 71 44 31 E 100 feet;
T►�enoe N 6/ 15 29 W to the Easter I y rter�g t n
of Pacific Coast Right of Way;
TT�oe sarther I y a Ic�ng sa i d r f ght of way to
a point N 67 15 29 W frcm the True
Thence S 67 15 29 E iv the True Begfnn(ng.
Less Stat�e Highway.
, ' ORDINANCE N0. �3950 �
• 11. Sectlon 17, Township Z3 North, Rarge 5 East. 100.51 L.F. �3689.36
A portion of the Na-thwest quarter of the
Nxtheast quart� as follows;
Beg(nntng on the Mlesterly Ifne of State
Roe�d Nurber 2, 1315.17 feefi Norttieaster I y
as measured aong the West line of sald noad
frcm the lntersection With the centerline
of Ftrst A�e. Norfh produced N 81 02 40 E
284.57 feet frcm the intersectian with the
oe�terline or Rallnoad A�e.;
TFienoe NortheasiEr-i y a long the west I 1 ne of
said road 100 feet;
The��ce N 67 15 29 W to the East�erly Itne of
Paclfic caast Railroad Rtght of Way.
The��ce Southwest�ly along said Rtght ot
Nlay Line 100 feet tr►xe or less to a polnt
beginning N 67 15 29 W of Beginning;
Ther�ce S 67 15 29 E t�o Beg i nn i ng. .
Less State HigMray.
12. Sectioti 17, To�wnship 23 Nor-th, i�ange 5 East. 170.00 L.F. E6240.26
Beg(nning at the intersectic� of the SarFh
ma�g(n of Fourth Ave. North wlth the
� N�ester I y rrorg in of Stahe H ighway Nurber 2;
Q. Tt�oe S 9 40 59 W along the highway 47.65
O f��
t,,� Ther�oe alorx� a curve to the rtght having a
� radius ot 722.64 feet at a dtstar�ce of
t.n 164.70 feet;
� Thence S 22 44 31 W 87.65 teet;
�p Thenoe N 67 15 29 W to the Faast�er I y mar�g ln
of Pactfic Coest Right of hfay;
Thenoe Nx-therly along said Rlght of I�ay fio
a point S 89 37 58 W from the Beg(nntng.;
Therioe N 89 37 58 E t� the Beg inn(rg.;
Less SoutM�est�er-I y 100 fe� ther�f.
Less State High�ray.
13. Section 17, Tc�wnship 23 Nor�th, F�x.je 5 East. 90.00 L.F. E4696.00
A pa-tion of the Northwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter.
8egt�ning at the int�ersection of F�atlroad
Ave. and Bronsc� V�ay;
Therioe N 70 33 40 E 408 feet;
Thenoe N 22 �4 40 E 784.69 feet t� the True
Pbint of Eeginning;
Tt�nce cait inu ing N 22 44 40 113 fegt�;
Tl�ence S 67 15 20 E to the �I y rre�f n
of Prtrtary Si�a�he H(ghway �er 1;
Therioe Surthe�-I y a lorg sa id marg in iv a
polnt S 67 15 20 E of the True Point of
1h�ioe N 61 15 aD W to the True Fbint of
Beg i nn i rg.
Less State Roeds.
' � . � ORDINANCE N0. 3950
• 14. Section 17, Ta�nst�ip 73 North, Range 5 East. 130.00L.F. �12,000.78
A portion of ttie Na-thwest quart�er of the
Northeast quarter.
Beginning at tt�e iniersectlon of f�aliroed
A�e. and &�onson Y�ay;
Ther►oe N 70 33 40 E 408 feert iv a polnt c�
the Swtheasterly Iine ot Stahe Highway
Nurber 2;
Thence N 22 44 40 E, 897.69 fee�t to the
True Fbint of Begtnn(ng;
Ther�ce S 67 15 20 E 300 feet;
Thenoe N 22 44 40 E 212 feet; .
Therae N 67 15 20 W 300 feet;
The��oe S 22 44 40 W 212 to the True Pb(nt
of Beginning.
Less Starhe Highway
15. Section 17, Tarnship 23 North, Rarx�e 5 East. 80.00 L.F. 34174.16
A portion of the Na-thw�st quart�er of the
Norfiheast quari�.
Beginnirg at the InlErsection of the
oe�ter I i ne of Ra i I road A4e and 4-onson Y�ay
Na-th. in Car Worics Addition;
� Thenoe N 70 34 40 E 408 feet to a potnt on
� the Easterly ilne of Sunset Highway;
� Thenoe N 71 44 40 E 1109.69 fegt tn the
M True Pbint of Beginning;
`� Thenoe oontlnuing N 22 44 40 E 80 feet;
p Thenoe S 61 15 20 E to the Westerly line of
� Pr ima�-y Stahe H f ghway Nurber 1;
Therae Soutt�er-I y a long sa I d Wester I y I 1 ne
to a point S 67 15 20 E of the True Point
of Beginning;
T1�ence N 67 15 20 W to the Tr-ue Pbint of
16. Section 17, ToNnship ?3 North, F?arge 5 East. 2G0.42 L.F. �13574.96
A pa-tion of the N�-thwest quart�er of the
Northeast quari�r.
Beginning N 70 33 40 E 408 feet from the
iMersection of F�allnoad Ave and Bnonson
I�ay North;
TT►enoe northly along the Easterly Ilne of
the State Fbad 1109.69 feet to the True
Potnt of Beginntng;
TF�enoe S 61 15 20 E to the Weste�-I y I i ne of
State Highway Nurber 1;
Tt�enoe Na1t�I y a long sa i d h ighvray to a
point S 80 15 20 E frcm a point on the
Easi�er I y I i ne of Stat�e Fbad Nurber 2, wh ich
is 100 fe�t Sarther I y of the Nor-th i lne of
the s�bdivision;
Thenoe N 80 15 20 W to Stahe Roed Nnber 2;
TF�oe Sarther i y e long sa Id road to the
True Pbint of Beginning.
Less Southwester i y 80 feert�.
� . ,
' . � ORDINANCE N0. •3950
, 17. Sect ic�n 17, Townsh ip 73 North, Range 5 East. 50.00 L.F. S2G08.78
A pa�-F icn ot the t�-tt�east quarfer
descrlbed as follows:
Beglnning at the IMer-sectlon of Rai lroad
A�ne and B�onson V�ay Nor-th in the plat of
the (�r hbrks Additlon;
Thaae N 70 33 40 E 408 f+e�t to a point on
the Fashe�-ly margin of the highwey;
Thence N 22 44 40 E along the eas-�rly
rter�gin of sald highway 1302.69 feefi ta a
polnt of curwe;
Tf�ence on cur�e tv the leff a radius of
603.69 feert� 136.57 feet to a point of
The�x..� N 9 44 40 E 10.45 feet to the True
Ralnt of Beginning;
Therioe S 80 15 20 E 120 feet; '
Thenoe N 9 44 40 E 59.Z0 fee�t;
Thence N 84 38 23 W 1�.35 feet to the
Easter I y mer�g in of h ighway;
Therioe S 9 44 40 W along said Easterly
rtergln 50 feet to the Tr-ue Pbint of
Less Stat�e Highwey.
18. Section 17, Tamship 23 North, F�arge 5 East. 50.00 L.F. t2608.78
A por-tion of the Northeast quarter
described as foliows:
Beg inn ing at the tntersect ion of f�a i I road
Ave. and Q-onsc� �Fay Nortfi in the p lat of
�,7p the Car hbrics Additian;
� Tf�nce N 70 33 40 E 408 fee�t� to a potnt on
0 the Easterly rrergin of Suns�t Highway;
� Thence N 22 44 40 E along Easteriy rtargin
� of the highway 1302.69 feet to a po(nt of
� curva�ture;
.,D Tt�oe o� a curve to the left a radlus of
� 603.69 feet 136.97 feet to a po(nt of
Ther�ce N 9 44 40 E 60.45 feet to the True
Poirrt of Beg inn ing;
TT�ence S 84 38 ?3 E 1�35 feet;
Tt�enoe N 9 44 40 E 59.Z0 feet to the t�xth
Iine of the Section;
Thence N 88 58 40 W alorg said section line
121.40 fe�t fio the Easteriy rtargtn of the
Thenoe S 9 44 40 W alo�g said margin 50
feet to the Polnt of Beginning.
Less State HigMray.
, ,
' � ORDINANCE N0. 3950
' 19. Section 8, Townsh(p 73 North, Range 5 East. 115.00 L.F. �fi000.32
E3eginntng at a point 470.09 f� West of
the Sartheast corner of the Southwest
quarter of the Sarthe�t quart�r;
Thenoe N 11 03 40 W 168.29 feet;
Tt�noe N 60 05 40 W to the Easter-1 y mar�g(n
of StatE Roed Nurber 2;
Therx�e Sarther-I y a lo�g sa Id mang In tv the
Sarth line of the subdtvision;
Tf�enoe East 319 fee�t more or I�ss t�o ttie
Beg Inn ir►g.
Less Primary Sta�t�e Htghway Nkrrber 1.
Less the Northeast�ly 140 feet.
20. Section 8, Township 73 North, Rarge 5 East. 115.00 L.F. S80ff1.54
The Nortt�easterly 140 feefi of the following:
Beginning 470.09 feet West of the Soutfieast
corner of the Sa�thwest quarter of the
Southeast quarter;
Tt�r�oe N 11 03 40 W 168.29 feet;
Thenoe N 60 05 40 W to the Easterly marg(n
of St�at�e Fbad Nurber 2;
Tt�enoe Southerly along sald margin in the
South line of the sibdivision;
Tfienoe East 319 feet more or less to the
Less Pr(mary State Highvsy Nurber 1.
21. Sectlon 8, Tc�wnsh(p 23 North, I�tx�e 5 East. 133.78 L.F. 56980.31
A portirn of the Sarthwest quarter of the
Sartheast quart� descrlbed as follows:
Beg Inn ing at it�e Sartheast corn�;
ap lY�nce N 89 26 41 W 470.09 fee�t�;
� Thenoe N 11 03 40 W 168.29 feet to the
0 Point of Beglnn(ng;
M Ther� N 66 05 40 W 227.58 feet more or
N less tn the Sartheasterly mangin of State
� Highway M�fier 2;
.D Tt�e Nor-theasier I y a long sa i d
°� Southeaster ly rr�a�in 117.60 feefi;
Thenoe S 48 57 50 E 180 feet;
Therice S 11 03 40 E 74.22 fee�t mor�e a� less
to the True P+o Int of Beg inn 1 ng.
Less State Highway toge�tt� witfi Lort 15
Blodc 1 Windsa- Hllls Addittan Correctlon
Plat. -
Less State Highway.
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