HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Letter_Chandler_w_enclosures_20180905_v1.pdf September 5, 2018 Phyllis Chandler 8207 S 132nd St Seattle, WA 98178 Subject: EARLINGTON TOWNHOMES SCHEDULE AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS C17004096 Dear Ms. Chandler: Thank you for your continued interest in this project. Please find enclosed baseline construction schedule and latest set of construction traffic control plans for Earlington Townhomes. Please provide the City or Renton with any comments or concerns to the construction traffic control plans within ten (10) calendar days of mailing. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Senior Planner Enclosures Earlington Townhomes Baseline Schedule, dated September 4, 2018 Traffic Control Plan, approved date June 21, 2018 Traffic Control Plan, approved date July, 16, 2018 Traffic Control Plan, approved date August 8, 2018 cc: David Avenell / Applicant FormResetFormCITYOFRENTONTRAFFICCONTROLPLANPROJECTNAME:Ej:Toea,.øsLSCONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY:?l%4I&bWLULL(...CONTACTNAME:1),;(ADDRESS:l!1’4SW.‘¶4S;k.laoi..lls..i11A‘oOSPERMIT#LI100LB?%PHONE#:PHONEt:-7100CELL#:E-MAILADDRESS:cvjFAX#:PROJECTLOCATION:,4ç4sWORKTIME:_________________(o/(/1—?/(o/tPermitHolderagreestoallthefollowing:N/E/S/WOF:APPROVEDBY:APPROVALDATE:0(/-t1,8•ComplywithalltrafficregulationsoftheCityofRentonandtheStateofWashington.•PrepareatrafficcontrolplanandobtainCityapprovalofthatplan.Thatplanshallbeimplementedforallstreetandlaneclosures,andtheplanshallbeperformedincompliancewiththeManualonUniformTrafficControlDevices.•Notifyemergencyservices(253-852-2121)twenty-four(24)hoursbeforeanystreetorlaneclosures.-Anylaneorstreetclosuresnotinconformancewiththeapprovedtrafficcontrolplanand/orwithoutnotificationofemergencyservicesmayresultinreceivingacitationforviolationofR.C.W.47.36.200through47.36.220,9A.36.050RecklessEndangerment,andotherapplicableStateandCitycodes.•IndemnifyandholdharmlesstheCityofRentonfromanyandallclaims,actions,andjudgments,includingallcostsofdefenseandattorney’sfeesincurredindefendingagainstsame,arisingfromandrelatedtoimplementationoftheapprovedtrafficcontrolplansincludingclaimsarisingfromtowingofprivatevehiclesandtheactsofthePermitHolder’sagentsandemployees.•TheCityofRentonshallbeentitled,initsreasonablediscretion,tosettleclaimspriortosuitorjudgment,andinsucheventshallindemnifyandholdharmlesstheCityforanysuchclaimspaid,includingtheCity’sreasonableattorney’sfeesandlitigationcostsincurredresultingfromsuchclaim.•IntheeventanyclaimorsuitisbroughtagainstCitywithinthescopeofthisAgreement,PermitHolderwillpayforlegalcounselchosenbytheCitytodefendagainstsame.•FlaggerandsignplacementaresubjecttorevisionbytheCityInspectoronsite,ifneededtoaddresstrafficorpedestriansafetyortravel.•Bymysignatureherein,Iacknowledgealltheaboverequirements.PRINTNAME:SIGNATURE:A\ttUDATE:N)iXOFFICECOPYT-U.’lCONTRACTOR0EV.SERVICE,INSPECTIONP.MILLER0EV.SERVICE,PLANREVIEWB.BANNWARTHPOUCECHARLESKARLEWICZFIREFIREMARSHALLFS#13 NOTES:•WorkZoneTrafficControlshallbeinaccordancewiththeManualonUniformTrafficControlDevices(MUTCD)andshownbysketchorreferencetoWSDOT.•TheplanmustbesubmittedtotheCity’sPW/TransportationDivisionforreviewand/orapprovalatleastthreeworkingdayspriortowork.•ApprovedTemporaryTrafficControlPlanmustbeattheworksiteduringworkhours.•ContractororentitymustcallRentonSchoolDistrict(425-204-4455)oranypublic/privateagencytobeaffectedbyatemporarylaneorroadclosure.•Completeassistanceandaccommodationshallbeprovidedtoallkindsofpedestriantrafficwhensidewalkorwalkwayisimpeded.•Totalroadclosurelastingmorethan24hoursissubjecttotheapprovalbytheCityCouncil.•Anyvehicle,equipment,barricade,orportabletow-awaysignusedwithintheworkareamustdisplayacompanylogooranylegallyacceptablesignshowingthecompanyname,address,andtelephonenumberataconspicuousplaceonthevehicleorequipment.InthecaseofTemporaryNoParkingZones,allthefollowingapplyinadditiontoprevious:•ContractormustcompleteformtoshowlimitsofTemporaryNoParkingZoneidentifyingbarricadelocationsforvacateparkingorcurblaneusage.•ContractormustpostnoticeofdatesandtimeofTemporaryNoParkingZonewithatleasttwosignsperblock72hoursinadvanceofeffectivedateandtime.•ThecoversheetofthisTrafficControlPlanformmustbeattachedtoeachTemporaryNoParkingSignontheprojectsite.•Temporarytrafficcontroldevicesmustberemovedimmediatelywhenworkisdoneornoconstructionactivitiesaregoingon.Ifdeemedabandoned,CitycrewswillremoveandstorethemattheCity’smaintenanceshop(3555NE2’Street).SKETCH--NORTH--‘SPeLV(,a.Ck1.L4O#1.1+sjcG’oNz.aSwp7S-ArTt‘tc.°‘cN2 JR HAYES Co R P0 RATION Description:Lane Shift Job Contact:206423.6619 i CRANNEUZING 3EVES SPACiNG (FEET MPH TAPER 50/70 40 80 35/45 30 60 25/30 20 40 Job Notes *All signs and spacing shall conform to MUTCD *NOT TO SCALE *Notify all local emergency services of closure times and dates *Sign spacing may be reduced to fit roadway conditions *Alert Metro Impact 5 days in advance of any Bus stop changes 206-477-1140 *No Parking must be placed 72 hours in advance of work *No Parking signs spaced out at 40’ N W20-1 W20-5 W4-AP W20-1 P# TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN R3-2W201W20-7b W20-7a fgger with slow paddle up at all times,may stop Renton Ave traffic to relieve S 130th St Location:132nd Lane &Renton Ave Renton Job Hours:8:30 AM .3:30 PM Legend 28”cone 4 Arrow %Arrowboard (Chevron) RS-031 Bus Stop *Sign W20-1 W20-5 W20-7a • Work Area R3-2 MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH (L)IN FEET Date:4/13/2018 Author:Adam Taylor LANE WIDTH POSTED SPEED (MPH) (FEET)25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 10 105 150 205 265 450 500 550 --- 11 115 165 25 95 95 50 05 60 -- 12 125 180 245 320 540 600 660 720 780 840 Comments: TCS#008801 PHONE #(425)658-3655 _________ FAX #(425)658-3658 CELL#(206)492-9364 E-MAIL adarwffltta#lccontrolservrcesnet SUGGESTEDADVANCE WARNING 564 PLACEMENT OADTYPE DISTANCE BEPAEEN SIGNS I SPEED A B C DF—— AWI&I 25/30 2OcV 20Y 201Y X 35/40 350’350’350 X RURAL 45/5(3 500’500’500 500’ 60/65 8OCE 80CY 801Y [800’ j 55(70 1500’1500’i50O’[’ W20-1 -2 W2D-5,/ \W20-1 D 0) C D n0 Location:Renton Ave S &S 132nd St Renton Description:One Lane Two Way Taper W20-7b ZcacIZe’o. W20-1 W20-7b W20-7a Job Notes *All signs and spacing shall conform to MUTCD *NOT TO SCALE *Notify all local emergency services of closure times and dates *Sign spacing may be reduced to fit roadway conditions *Alert Metro Impact 5 days in advance of any Bus stop changes 206477-1 140 *No Parking must be placed 72 hours in advance of work *No Parking signs spaced out at 40’ Legend 28”cone RS-031 Bus Stop 4R Sign • -t’W20-7a W20-7b t>WorkArea JR HAYES Job Hours:Barn -4pm CORPORATION Job Contact:206-423-6619 *tb cW TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN P# N SUGGESTED/1Y/ANCE4RNINGSG1 PIfiCEMENI P.QADIYPE DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS SPEED A B C D n1tCLiF1 25/30 200’200’200’X 35/40 350’350’350’X RURAL 45160 500 500 500’500’ 60/65 800’800’800’800’ A’55110 1500’1500’1500’1500’ Downstream Taper 50-1O0’ ChannellzatiOfl Device Spacing 20’ D 0) 0 0 3 r,,HLtUtII1---4CITYOFRENTONTRAFFICCONTROLPLANitvof.1PermitHolderagreestoallthefollowing:CELL#:,23-377-t’71•ComplywithalltrafficregulationsoftheCityofRentonandtheStateofWashington.•PrepareatrafficcontrolplanandobtainCityapprovalofthatplan.Thatplanshallbeimplementedforallstreetandlaneclosures,andtheplanshallbeperformed,incompliancewiththeManualonUniformTrafficControlDevices.•Notifyemergencyservices(253-852-2121)twenty-four(24)hoursbeforeanystreetorlaneclosures.•Anylaneorstreetclosuresnotinconformancewiththeapprovedtrafficcontrolplanand/orwithoutnotificationofemergencyservicesmayresultinreceivingacitationforviolationofR.C.W.47.36.200through47.36.220,9A.36.050RecklessEndangerment,andotherapplicableStateandCitycodes.•IndemnifyandholdharmlesstheCityofRentonfromanyandallclaims,actions,andjudgments,includingallcostsofdefenseandattorney’sfeesincurredindefendingagainstsame,arisingfromandrelatedtoimplementationoftheapprovedtrafficcontrolplansincludingclaimsarisingfromtowingofprivatevehiclesandtheactsofthePermitHolder’sagentsandemployees.•TheCityofRentonshallbeentitled,initsreasonablediscretion,tosettleclaimspriortosuitorjudgment,andinsucheventshallindemnifyandholdharmlesstheCityforanysuchclaimspaid,includingtheCity’sreasonableattorney’sfeesandlitigationcostsincurredresultingfromsuchclaim.•IntheeventanyclaimorsuitisbroughtagainstCitywithinthescopeofthisAgreement,PermitHolderwillpayforlegalcounselchosenbytheCitytodefendagainstsame.•FlaggerandsignplacementaresubjecttorevisionbytheCityInspectoronsite,ifneededtoaddresstrafficorpedestriansafetyortravel.•Bymysignatureherein,Iacknowledgealltheaboverequirements.PRINTNAME:C=SIGNATURE:DATE:PROJECTNAME:r.±Sttbii-CONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY:CONTACTNAME:______________________________ADDRESS:t]ALLi9c3PERMIT#PHONE#:/-3-E-MAILADDRESS:-tPROJECTLOCATlON:PHONE#:?/1(,cWORKTIME:WORKDATE:-‘kt--c7/tb—3(3’________FAX#:N/E/S/WOF:APPROVEDBY:APPROVALDATE:01/jcot(OFFICECOPYT-\-i,L$CONTRACTOR0EV.SERVICE,INSPECTIONP.MILLER0EV.SERVICE,PLANREVIEWB.BANNWARTHPOLICECHARLESKARLEWICZFIREFIREMARSHALlFS#13 NOTES:•WorkZoneTrafficControlshallbeinaccordancewiththeManualonUniformTrafficControlDevicesfMUTCD)andshownbysketchorreferencetoWSDOT.•TheplanmustbesubmittedtotheCity’sPW/TransportationDivisionforreviewand/orapprovalatleastthreeworkingdayspriortowork.•ApprovedTemporaryTrafficControlPlanmustbeattheworksiteduringworkhours.•ContractororentitymustcallRentonSchoolDistrict(425-204-4455)oranypublic/privateagencytobeaffectedbyatemporarylaneorroadclosure.•Completeassistanceandaccommodationshallbeprovidedtoallkindsofpedestriantrafficwhensidewalkorwalkwayisimpeded.•Totalroadclosurelastingmorethan24hoursissubjecttotheapprovalbytheCityCouncil.•Anyvehicle,equipment,barricade,orportabletow-awaysignusedwithintheworkareamustdisplayacompanylogooranylegallyacceptablesignshowingthecompanyname,address,andtelephonenumberataconspicuousplaceonthevehicleorequipment.InthecaseofTemporaryNoParkingZones,allthefollowingapplyinadditiontoprevious:•ContractormustcompleteformtoshowlimitsofTemporaryNoParkingZoneidentifyingbarricadelocationsforvacateparkingorcurblaneusage.•ContractormustpostnoticeofdatesandtimeofTemporaryNoParkingZonewithatleasttwosignsperblock72hoursinadvanceofeffectivedateandtime.•ThecoversheetofthisTrafficControlPlanformmustbeattachedtoeachTemporaryNoParkingSignontheprojectsite.•Temporarytrafficcontroldevicesmustberemovedimmediatelywhenworkisdoneornoconstructionactivitiesaregoingon.Ifdeemedabandoned,CitycrewswillremoveandstorethemattheCity’smaintenanceshop(3555NE2Street).SKETCH--NORTH-fr7T4cHEOp.wPZ_1ZLOfwPt’4 W20-2 gertodirectdriVewaytraffiC” S 132nt FIELD LOCATE 1 MILE IN ADVANCE OF LANE CLOSURE SIGNING SUGGESTED 0VANCE WARMNG S GN PLACEMENT “DTYPE 0’SIANCEBEWt’EEN SIGtS SPEED A B C 0 .4 o’*l 25/30 200’200 200’X 35/40 350’350’350’X RURAL 45/60 500 500’500’500’ -i k.”hd 60/65 800 800’800’800’ 55/70 1500’1500 1500 1500 AIPH TAPER TANGENT 50/70 40 80 35/45 30 60 25/30 20 40 Job Notes *All signs and spacing shall conform to MUTCD *NOT TO SCALE *Notify all local emergency services of closure times and dates *Sign spacing may be reduced to fit roadway conditions *Alert Metro Impact 5 days in advance of any Bus stop changes 206477-11 40 *No Parking must be placed 72 hours in advance of work *No Parkinca sictns snarpd out at 4O 28”cone t No Left Turn Road Closed RS-031 Bus Stop 4 Sign Type 3 BarnCade W20-1 W20-2 4 W20-3 Location:Renton Ave S &S 132nd St Renton m HAYES COIl P0 RATION Description:One Lane Two Way Taper Job Hours:8:30am -4pm Job contact:206-423-6619 S 132nd Full Closure TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN W20-1 R3-2 Arrow I Date:4/12!20’8 Author:Adam Iaor -Comments: TCS #008801 PHONE 8 (425)658-3655_JI FAX 0(425)658-3658 ______ CELL/f (206)492-9364 -- Ia et,iCeS nt S 132rn JR HAYES CO R P0 R AltO N Location:Renton Ave S &S 132nd St Renton Description:One Lane Two Way Taper Job Hours:8:30am -4pm Job Contact:206-423-6619 J_ _c_ S 132nd Full Closure W20-3 W20-2 PCMS 1 2 Sl32ndAve 8AM-4PM To be Closed Work Date from Use Detour 1.5SEC 1.5SEC FIELD LOCATE 1 MILE IN ADVANCE OF LANE CLOSURE SIGNING ROWDPE DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS SPEED A B C 0 Li06t 25/30 200 200 200 X °)35/40 350 350 350’X RURAL 45/60 500 500 500’500’ RUWJ1S 60/65 800’800’800 800’ 55/70 1500’1500,1500’1500’ Job Notes *All signs and spacing shall conform to MUTCD *NOTTO SCALE *Notify all ‘ocal emergency services of closure times W20-2 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Date:6127/2018 Author:Adam Ta4or —Comments: TCS#008801EZPHONE#(425)658-3655 —FAX 8(425)658-3668 CELL#(206)492.9364 E-MAIL:adam trafficcontOlSefVlces nd and dates *No Parking signs spaced out at 40 *Sign spacing may be reduced to fit roadway conditions *Alert Metro Impact 5 days in advance of any Bus stop changes 206-477-1140 *No Parking must be placed 72 hours in advance of work D 0 C’ 0 3 tion.com ‘JLZ::iTRAFFICCONTROLPLANPROJECTNAME:_______________________________________PERMIT____________CONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY:__________________________________PHONE#:/5-3c7.CONTACTNAME:PHONE#:2o-%23-tCi’jADDRESS:___________E-MAILADDRESS:Dc€FAX#:PROJECTLOCATION:ç-ç-wcS.Sta--WORKTIME:-3O-3O_çN/E/S/WOF:APPROVEDBY:WORKDATE:-APPROVALDATE:Q/e/iePermitHolderagreestoallthefollowing:•ComplywithalltrafficregulationsoftheCityofRentonandtheStateofWashington.•PrepareatrafficcontrolplanandobtainCityapprovalofthatplan.Thatplanshallbeimplementedforallstreetandlaneclosures,andtheplanshallbeperformedincompliancewiththeManualonUniformTrafficControlDevices.•Notifyemergencyservices(253-852-2121)twenty-four(24)hoursbeforeanystreetorlaneclosures.•Anylaneorstreetclosuresnotinconformancewiththeapprovedtrafficcontrolplanand/orwithoutnotificationofemergencyservicesmayresultinreceivingacitationforviolationofR.C.W.47.36.200through47.36.220,9A.36.050RecklessEndangerment,andotherapplicableStateandCitycodes.•IndemnifyandholdharmlesstheCityofRentonfromanyandallclaims,actions,andjudgments,includingallcostsofdefenseandattorney’sfeesincurredindefendingagainstsame,arisingfromandrelatedtoimplementationoftheapprovedtrafficcontrolplansincludingclaimsarisingfromtowingofprivatevehiclesandtheactsofthePermitHolder’sagentsandemployees.•TheCityofRentonshallbeentitled,initsreasonablediscretion,tosettleclaimspriortosuitorjudgment,andinsucheventshallindemnifyandholdharmlesstheCityforanysuchclaimspaid,includingtheCity’sreasonableattorney’sfeesandlitigationcostsincurredresultingfromsuchclaim.•IntheeventanyclaimorsuitisbroughtagainstCitywithinthescopeofthisAgreement,PermitHolderwillpayforlegalcounselchosenbytheCitytodefendagainstsame.•FlaggerandsignplacementaresubjecttorevisionbytheCityInspectoronsite,ifneededtoaddresstrafficorpedestriansafetyortravel.•Bymysignatureherein,Iacknowledgealltheaboverequirements.DATE:8 /t/ i&_________________SIGNATURE:_____f-{jL\J4U6iftL)Irgo38CELL#:337;’-I7OFFICECOPYTCONTRACTORDEV.SERVICE,INSPECTIONP.MILLERDEV.SERVICE,PLANREVIEWB.BANNWARTHPOLICECHARLESKARLEWICZFIREFIREMARSHALLFS#13I NOTES:•WorkZoneTrafficControlshallbeinaccordancewiththeManualonUniformTrafficControlDevices(MUTCD)andshownbysketchorreferencetoWSDOT.•TheplanmustbesubmittedtotheCity’sPW/TransportationDivisionforreviewand/orapprovalatleastthreeworkingdayspriortowork.•ApprovedTemporaryTrafficControlPlanmustbeattheworksiteduringworkhours.•ContractororentitymustcallRentonSchoolDistrict(425-204-4455)oranypublic/privateagencytobeaffectedbyatemporarylaneorroadclosure.•Completeassistanceandaccommodationshallbeprovidedtoallkindsofpedestriantrafficwhensidewalkorwalkwayisimpeded.•Totalroadclosurelastingmorethan24hoursissubjecttotheapprovalbytheCityCouncil.•Anyvehicle,equipment,barricade,orportabletow-awaysignusedwithintheworkareamustdisplayacompanylogooranylegallyacceptablesignshowingthecompanyname,address,andtelephonenumberataconspicuousplaceonthevehicleorequipment.InthecaseofTemporaryNoParkingZones,allthefollowingapplyinadditiontoprevious:•ContractormustcompleteformtoshowlimitsofTemporaryNoParkingZoneidentifyingbarricadelocationsforvacateparkingorcurblaneusage.•ContractormustpostnoticeofdatesandtimeofTemporaryNoParkingZonewithatleasttwosignsperblock72hoursinadvanceofeffectivedateandtime.•ThecoversheetofthisTrafficControlPlanformmustbeattachedtoeachTemporaryNoParkingSignontheprojectsite.•Temporarytrafficcontroldevicesmustberemovedimmediatelywhenworkisdoneornoconstructionactivitiesaregoingon.Ifdeemedabandoned,CitycrewswillremoveandstorethemattheCity’smaintenanceshop(3555NE2Street).SKETCH--NORTH-5e SUGGESTEDADVANCE WARNtIG S/G PlACEMENT RONITYPE DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS SPEED q4flRA)25/30 200’200’200’X ‘45I 35/40 350’350’350’X RURAL 45/60 500 500’500 500’ 8M361 60/65 800 800’800’800 EWITG 55/70 1500’1500 1500’1500’ Dat.:4)1212018 Author:Adam Taylor Comments:I TCS8008801 PHONE #(425)658-3855 _FAX 1(425)658-3658 CELL#(206)492-9364 nirotsarvlces net CHANNEL2INGV1CESSGNG El MPH TAPER TANGENT 50/70 40 80 35/45 30 60 25/30 20 40 Job Notes *All signs and spacing shall conform to MUTCD *NOT TO SCALE *Notify all local emergency services of closure times and dates *Sign spacing may be reduced to fit roadway conditions *Alert Metro Impact 5 days in advance of any Bus stop changes 206477.1140 *No Parking must be placed 72 hours in advance of work *No Parking signs spaced out at 40’ Legend 28”cone %Arrowboatd (Chevron) RS-031 Bus Stop 4 Sign Wi 4 W20-1 W20-7a W4-2 W5-5 or1c Area Location:Renton Ave S &S 1 32nd St Renton R HAYES CORPORATION Description:One Lane Two Way Taper Job Hours:8:30am -3:30 PM Job Contact:2064234619 w5-5 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Phase I N ROAD WORE W20-1 PCMS12RentonAveClosedfrom830.3301.5SEC1.5SECFIELDLOCATE1MILEINADVANCEOFlANECLOSURESIGNINGFollowDetourANmtuLim3U5VCMPHTAPERTANGENT)50170408035/453060]25/302049JQllIRURAL1MJ185-.-35/4045/6060/6555170<350350’500’500’800’800’350’500’800’1500’x500’800’1500[Dm14/1212018AuthorAdamTaylor——Comments:TCS#008801PHONE#(425)658-3655IFAX#(425)658-3658CELL#(206)492-9364E-MAIL:adamtrafficconIrolsetvices.netLocation:RentonAveS&S132ndStDescription:ROADCLOSUREJobHours:8:30am.3:30PMJobContact:2064234619W20-W20-7b•JRHAYESCORP0RATIONW20-7aTRAFFICCONTROLPLAN[iaggertostoptraffictorelieveRentonAveNtrafficifneededPhase2NSROADWORKW20-1MINIMUMTAPERLENGThfL)INFEETROADTYPESUGGESTEDADVANCEWARMNGSIGNPUCEMENTDISTANCESEWVEENSIGNSLANEWiDTH(FEET)101112SPEED25/30ABPOSTEDSPEED(MPH)2530354045505560657010515020526550500550--115165259595500560--1251802453205400060208040C200’D200200xLegendj\,28”cone4Arrowboard(Chevron)RS-031BusStopSignW20-1cW20-2W20-3W20-7a€W20-7bWorkAreaJobNotes*AllsignsandspacingshallconformtoMUTCD*NOTTOSCALEANotifyalllocalemergencyservicesofclosuretimesanddates*Signspacingmaybereducedtofitroadwayconditions*AlertMetroimpact5daysinadvanceofanyBusstopchanges206-477-1140*NoParkingmustbeplaced72hoursinadvanceofwork*NoParkingsignsspacedoutat40 Renton Ave Sewer Work N Detour Plan Close up view JR HAYES Phase 2 CORPORATION Location:Renton Ave S &S 132nd St Renton /101—Description:Offlceri Detour W20-7b €1’W20-7a I W20-7a W20-7b W204 SUGGESIEDAD’IINCEWARNING SIGN ftACEMENT ROAD TIRE DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS SPEED A B C 0 eI4I!fl 25130 200 200 200 X 35140 350 350 350 X RURAL 45(60 500’500 500’500 8Wt(mrs 60l65 800 800’800’800’ 55170 1500’1500’1500’1500 Job Notes *All signs and spacing shall conform to MUTCD *NOT TO SCALE *Notify all local emergency services of closure times and dates *Sign spacing may be reduced to fit roadway condltiOflS *Alert Metro Impact 5 days in advance of any Bus stop changes 206-477-1140 *No Parking must be placed 72 hours In advance of wo *No Parking signs spaced out at 40’ 0) 0 0 C W20-1 W20-7b W20-7a Job Hours:8:30am -4pm Job Contact:206-423-6619 ROAD WORA W20-1 W204b W20-7a z to Direct Intersection W20-7a Date:6l27I2018AUthOC Mam Taylor Comminb TCS#O088Ol PHONE #(425)658-3655 ____________ FAX #(425)658-3658 CELL#(206)492-9364 E-MAI OflITOlSeVICe5.flRt W20-1 oou,01T1 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Actual Start 0 18009 Earlington - Baseline Schedule 9-4-2018 202 days Tue 12/12/17 Fri 10/19/18 Tue 12/12/17 1 Project Startup 104 days Tue 12/12/17 Wed 5/16/18 Tue 12/12/17 2 Bid Date 1 day Tue 12/12/17 Tue 12/12/17 Tue 12/12/17 3 Award and Contract 1 day Wed 5/16/18 Wed 5/16/18 Wed 5/16/18 4 Submittals and Compliance 5 days Mon 4/2/18 Fri 4/6/18 Mon 4/2/18 5 City of Renton Preconstruction Conference 1 day Mon 4/2/18 Mon 4/2/18 Mon 4/2/18 6 Project Startup 5 days Mon 4/9/18 Fri 4/13/18 Mon 4/9/18 7 Initial Site & Equipment Mobilization 2 days Mon 4/9/18 Tue 4/10/18 Mon 4/9/18 8 Initial TESC Measures 5 days Mon 4/9/18 Fri 4/13/18 Mon 4/9/18 9 Site Safety & Security 2 days Wed 4/11/18 Thu 4/12/18 Wed 4/11/18 10 Demolition & TESC 27 days Mon 4/9/18 Tue 5/15/18 Mon 4/9/18 11 Building Demolition 10 days Mon 4/16/18 Fri 4/27/18 Mon 4/16/18 12 Clearing & Grubbing 25 days Mon 4/9/18 Fri 5/11/18 Mon 4/9/18 13 Surface Removals 0 days Mon 4/16/18 Mon 4/16/18 Mon 4/16/18 14 Temp Sediment Ponds 2 days Mon 5/14/18 Tue 5/15/18 Mon 5/14/18 15 Earthwork 35 days Wed 5/9/18 Wed 6/27/18 Wed 5/9/18 16 Strip to Stockpile Vault 1 day Wed 5/9/18 Mon 5/14/18 Wed 5/9/18 17 Strip to Stockpile Site 5 days Mon 5/21/18 Fri 5/25/18 Mon 5/21/18 18 Cut to Fill 18 days Mon 6/4/18 Wed 6/27/18 Mon 6/4/18 19 Lot Grading Cut to Stockpile 14 days Wed 5/30/18 Wed 6/27/18 Wed 5/30/18 20 SG Road, Alleys, Sidewalk Cut to Stockpile 13 days Tue 6/5/18 Wed 6/27/18 Tue 6/5/18 21 Export Surplus Material 18 days Mon 5/14/18 Fri 6/22/18 Mon 5/14/18 22 Retaining Walls 9 days Mon 8/6/18 Thu 8/16/18 NA 23 Ex/Prep for Walls 2 days Mon 8/6/18 Tue 8/7/18 NA 24 Construct Pile Lag Retaining Wall 7 days Wed 8/8/18 Thu 8/16/18 NA 25 Utilities 100 days Mon 5/14/18 Thu 10/18/18 Mon 5/14/18 26 Stormwater Detention Vault 68 days Mon 5/14/18 Tue 9/4/18 Mon 5/14/18 27 Permit to ARH for NTP 1 day Thu 5/17/18 Thu 5/17/18 Thu 5/17/18 28 Hollow Core Procurement 0 days Thu 7/19/18 Thu 7/19/18 Thu 7/19/18 29 Structural Vault Excavation & Prep 14 days Mon 5/14/18 Fri 6/1/18 Mon 5/14/18 30 Construct Vault 25 days Mon 6/11/18 Wed 7/18/18 Mon 6/11/18 31 Vault Cure Time 3 days Wed 7/18/18 Mon 7/23/18 Wed 7/18/18 32 Backfill Vault Walls 0 days Sat 8/18/18 Sat 8/18/18 Sat 8/18/18 33 Set & Grout Hollow Core Lid 0 days Thu 7/19/18 Thu 7/19/18 Thu 7/19/18 34 Cap Vault Earthwork 2 days Mon 8/20/18 Tue 9/4/18 NA 35 Clean Vault 2 days Thu 7/19/18 Fri 7/20/18 NA 36 Sanitary Sewer System 34 days Tue 6/26/18 Wed 8/15/18 Tue 6/26/18 37 Connect To Existing Sewer 1 day Tue 6/26/18 Thu 6/28/18 Tue 6/26/18 38 Install Pipe& MH's 28 days Wed 6/27/18 Mon 8/13/18 Wed 6/27/18 39 Install Laterals 4.23 days Tue 7/10/18 Tue 8/14/18 Tue 7/10/18 40 Flush/Test/TV 1 day Wed 8/15/18 Wed 8/15/18 NA 18009 Earlington - Baseline Schedule 9-4-2018 Project Startup Award and Contract Submittals and Compliance City of Renton Preconstruction Conference Initial Site & Equipment Mobilization Initial TESC Measures Site Safety & Security Demolition & TESC Building Demolition Clearing & Grubbing Surface Removals Temp Sediment Ponds Strip to Stockpile Vault Strip to Stockpile Site Cut to Fill Lot Grading Cut to Stockpile SG Road, Alleys, Sidewalk Cut to Stockpile Export Surplus Material Retaining Walls Ex/Prep for Walls Construct Pile Lag Retaining Wall Utilities Stormwater Detention Vault Permit to ARH for NTP Hollow Core Procurement Structural Vault Excavation & Prep Construct Vault Vault Cure Time Backfill Vault Walls Set & Grout Hollow Core Lid Cap Vault Earthwork Clean Vault Sanitary Sewer System Connect To Existing Sewer Install Pipe& MH's Install Laterals Flush/Test/TV 28 2 7 12 17 22 27 2 7 12 17 22 27 1 6 11 16 21 26 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 9 14 19 24 29 4 9 14 19 24 29 3 8 13 18 23 28 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Critical Critical Split Progress Manual Progress Slack Page 1 Project: 18009 Earlington - Base Date: Wed 9/5/18 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Actual Start 41 Storm Drainage 14 days Tue 7/31/18 Fri 8/17/18 Tue 7/31/18 42 Install Storm Pipe& Structures 13 days Tue 7/31/18 Thu 8/16/18 Tue 7/31/18 43 Connect to Vault 2 days Tue 8/14/18 Wed 8/15/18 Tue 8/14/18 44 Flush/Test 1 day Fri 8/17/18 Fri 8/17/18 NA 45 Water 11 days Tue 9/4/18 Tue 9/18/18 Tue 9/4/18 46 Install Water Main & Valves 10 days Tue 9/4/18 Mon 9/17/18 Tue 9/4/18 47 Install Water Services 6 days Fri 9/7/18 Fri 9/14/18 NA 48 Install Hydrants 4 days Tue 9/4/18 Fri 9/7/18 NA 49 Boxes & Setters 6 days Mon 9/10/18 Mon 9/17/18 NA 50 Connect to Existing 1 day Tue 9/18/18 Tue 9/18/18 NA 51 Surface Improvements 23 days Tue 9/18/18 Thu 10/18/18 NA 52 Sugrade Roadway 5 days Tue 9/18/18 Mon 9/24/18 NA 53 Aggregte for Roadway/Curbs 4 days Tue 9/25/18 Fri 9/28/18 NA 54 Prep/Place Curb 5 days Mon 10/1/18 Fri 10/5/18 NA 55 Prep/Place Sidewalk 5 days Mon 10/8/18 Fri 10/12/18 NA 56 Fine Grade for Paving 3 days Mon 10/8/18 Wed 10/10/18 NA 57 Pave - Base Lift 2 days Thu 10/11/18 Fri 10/12/18 NA 58 Jack& Raise Utilities 4 days Mon 10/15/18 Thu 10/18/18 NA 59 Union Strike Shutdown 9 days Tue 8/21/18 Mon 9/3/18 Tue 8/21/18 60 Offsite Improvements 38 days Tue 7/24/18 Thu 9/27/18 Tue 7/24/18 61 Storm Drainage 14 days Mon 9/10/18 Thu 9/27/18 NA 62 Install Storm Pipe and Structures 12 days Mon 9/10/18 Tue 9/25/18 NA 63 Test& Flush 1 day Wed 9/26/18 Wed 9/26/18 NA 64 Roadway Patch 2 days Wed 9/26/18 Thu 9/27/18 NA 65 Sewer 7 days Mon 8/20/18 Tue 9/11/18 NA 66 Install Sanitary Pipe and Structures 5 days Mon 8/20/18 Fri 9/7/18 NA 67 Roadway Patch 2 days Mon 9/10/18 Tue 9/11/18 NA 68 Testing 1 day Mon 9/10/18 Mon 9/10/18 NA 69 Water 9 days Tue 7/24/18 Fri 8/3/18 Tue 7/24/18 70 Install Pipe, Fittings, and Connect 7 days Tue 7/24/18 Fri 8/3/18 Tue 7/24/18 71 Roadway Patch 0 days Fri 8/3/18 Fri 8/3/18 Fri 8/3/18 72 Surface Improvements 14 days Mon 9/10/18 Thu 9/27/18 NA 73 Prep/Place Curb & Sidewalks 5 days Mon 9/10/18 Fri 9/14/18 NA 74 Sawcut/Trim Edge 2 days Mon 9/17/18 Tue 9/18/18 NA 75 Shoulder Roadway Paving 3 days Wed 9/19/18 Fri 9/21/18 NA 76 Jack& Raise Utilities 4 days Mon 9/24/18 Thu 9/27/18 NA 77 Project Closeout 5 days Fri 10/12/18 Fri 10/19/18 NA 78 Substantial Completion 0 days Fri 10/12/18 Fri 10/12/18 NA 79 Punchlist, Cleanup, and Demobe 5 days Mon 10/15/18 Fri 10/19/18 NA 80 Final Completion 0 days Fri 10/19/18 Fri 10/19/18 NA Storm Drainage Install Storm Pipe& Structures Connect to Vault Flush/Test Water Install Water Services Install Hydrants Boxes & Setters Connect to Existing Surface Improvements Sugrade Roadway Aggregte for Roadway/Curbs Prep/Place Curb Prep/Place Sidewalk Fine Grade for Paving Pave - Base Lift Jack& Raise Utilities Offsite Improvements Storm Drainage Install Storm Pipe and Structures Test& Flush Roadway Patch Sewer Install Sanitary Pipe and Structures Roadway Patch Testing Water Install Pipe, Fittings, and Connect Roadway Patch Surface Improvements Prep/Place Curb & Sidewalks Sawcut/Trim Edge Shoulder Roadway Paving Jack& Raise Utilities Project Closeout Substantial Completion Punchlist, Cleanup, and Demobe Final Completion 28 2 7 12 17 22 27 2 7 12 17 22 27 1 6 11 16 21 26 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 9 14 19 24 29 4 9 14 19 24 29 3 8 13 18 23 28 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Critical Critical Split Progress Manual Progress Slack Page 2 Project: 18009 Earlington - Base Date: Wed 9/5/18