HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_Concurrence_Memo_Solera_181105.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SR_Concurrence_Memo_Solera_181105 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMO APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA18-000490 SOLERA, SA-M, CU-H, MOD APPLICANTS: Corey Watson, Quadrant Homes, 15900 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 300, Bellevue, WA 98008 Mark Gropper, Renton Housing Authority, 2900 NE 10th St, Renton, WA 98056 PROJECT NAME: PR18000333 Solera Master Plan DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Master Site Plan Review, Preliminary Plat Approval, Conditional Use Permit, Street Modification Approval, and Concurrence with the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS for a proposed mixed use development that would provide approximately 672 multi-family residential units and 39,000 square feet of commercial space located on a 10.8 acres site at 2902 NE Sunset Blvd. The subject property would contain two mixed-use buildings along the NE Sunset Blvd frontage with six stories above grade and up to 85 feet in maximum height. The two mixed-use buildings would contain approximately 521 multi-family units with ground floor commercial space. The subject property would also contain approximately 151 fee -simple townhomes under the unit lot subdivision provisions. Net residential density on the subject property would result in approximately 70 dwelling units per acre. The site would contain a total of 906 parking spaces located within the mixed use buildings, townhome units, and a six-space surface lot. The existing Greater Hi-Lands Shopping Center would be demolished with the exception of the US Bank building. New public street connections would be constructed providing access through the site with private alleys for vehicle access to residences. Street frontage improvements would be constructed along the site’s periphery. Proposed drainage improvements include the use of green roofs for the mixed use buildings and bio-retention planters throughout the development. The applicant proposes to remove the site’s 31 trees (13 significant trees) and replace with new trees within planter strips, street frontage, and pedestrian oriented areas. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2902 NE Sunset Blvd., Renton, WA 98056 APNs 722780-1205, -1206, -1235, - 1405, -1406, -1785 LEAD AGENCY/RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: City of Renton, Environmental Review Committee Upon determination by the City’s Environmental Review Committee that the proposal meets the criteria outlined in the Planned Action Ordinance (Ordinance #5813) and qualifies as a planned action, the proposal shall not require a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) threshold determination, preparation of an EIS, or be subject to further environmental review pursuant to SEPA. The City’s Environmental Review Committee designates the proposal as a “planned action”, pursuant to RCW 43.21C.030, as it meets all of the following conditions:  The proposal is located within the Sunset Planned Action Area.  The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action EIS and Planned Action Qualifications.  The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of the Planned Action Qualifications. SR_Concurrence_Memo_Solera_181105  The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations.  The proposal’s significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS.  The proposal’s impacts would be mitigated by measures identified in Attachment B of Ordinance #5813 to be applied as conditions of permit approval, and other applicable City regulations, together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required.  The proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and regulations, and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these constitute adequate mitigation.  The proposal is not an essential public facility as defined by RCW.36.70A.200(1). SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Date Public Works Department Renton Regional Fire Authority Kelly Beymer, Administrator Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Community Services Department Department Of Community & Economic Development CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: PR18-000333 Solera Mixed Use Project Number: LUA18-000490 Date of Meeting November 6, 2018 Staff Contact Matt Herrera Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant Corey Watson, Quadrant Homes, 15900 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 300, Bellevue, WA 98008 Mark Gropper, Renton Housing Authority, 2900 NE 10th St, Renton, WA 98056 Project Location 2902 NE Sunset Blvd The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Memo Exhibit 2: Planned Action Concurrence Review Exhibit 3: Site Plan Exhibit 4: Conceptual Landscape Plan Rendering Exhibit 5: Preliminary Plat (Unit Lot Subdivision) Exhibit 6: Renderings (Birdseye) Exhibit 7: Renderings (Street view) Exhibit 8: Elevations (Block A) Exhibit 9: Elevations (Block B) Exhibit 10: Elevations (Townhomes) Exhibit 11: Solar Study Exhibit 12: Phasing Plan Exhibit 13: Arborist Report prepared Creative Landscape Solutions dated March 3, 2018 Exhibit 14: Tree Retention Plan Exhibit 15: Drainage Report prepared by KPFF dated October 2018 Exhibit 16: Drainage Plan Exhibit 17: Utility Plan Exhibit 18: Grading Plan Exhibit 19: Road Plan Exhibit 20: Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Transpo Group dated October 20185 Exhibit 21: Transportation Concurrency Memo Exhibit 22: Geotechnical Report prepared Earth Solutions NW, dated January 29, 2018 Exhibit 23: King County Metro Comment letter Exhibit 24: Advisory Notes 1 Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Proposal .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Solora Proposal and Sunset Area Planned Action .......................................................................................... 2 Solara Planned Action Concurrence Review .................................................................................................... 4 Piha Site and Assumptions ................................................................................................................................... 4 Planned Action Concurrence Review .................................................................................................... 5 Ordinance 5813 Section II.D: Planned Action Qualifications ........................................................................ 5 (1) Land Use ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 (2) Development Thresholds ............................................................................................................................ 5 (3) Transportation - Trip Ranges and Thresholds ........................................................................................ 6 (4) Changed Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 7 Ordinance 5813 Section II.E: Planned Action Review Criteria ..................................................................... 7 Ordinance 5813 Attachment A: Planned Action Area ................................................................................... 9 Ordinance 5813 Attachment B: Planned Action EIS Mitigation Measures.................................................. 9 Earth .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Air Quality ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Water Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Plants and Animals .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Energy ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Noise ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Environmental Health ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Land Use ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Socioeconomics ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Housing ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Environmental Justice ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Aesthetics .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Historic/Cultural .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Transportation ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Parks and Recreation ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Public Services ................................................................................................................................................. 29 Utilities .............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Ordinance 5813 Attachment C: Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan ............................................................. 35 Height and Conditional Use Permit Criteria ......................................................................................... 35 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 AND THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M. 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 AND THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M. Architecture + Planning 888.456.5849 ktgy.com QUADRANT HOMES 15900 SE EASTGATE WAY SUITE 300 BELLEVUE, WA 98008 RENTON, WA # 2017-0853 SOLERA JULY 12, 2018 SITE PLAN REVIEW A - 5MASSING MODEL VIEWS Architecture + Planning 888.456.5849 ktgy.com QUADRANT HOMES 15900 SE EASTGATE WAY SUITE 300 BELLEVUE, WA 98008 RENTON, WA # 2017-0853 SOLERA JULY 12, 2018 SITE PLAN REVIEW A - 6MASSING MODEL VIEWS