HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 24 Sep 2018 - Agenda - Pdf AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:00 PM - Monday, September 24, 2018 Conferencing Center / Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. Airport Master Plan (in Conferencing Center) a) Presentation 2. Quasi-judicial Appeals (in Conferencing Center) 3. Community Development Block Grant Funding Allocations (in Chambers) a) AB - 2212 Community & Economic Development Department recommends setting a public hearing date on October 1, 2018 in order to accept public comment and consider proposed funding allocations and use of 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for human services and economic development activities. AGENDA ITEM #1. a)   ▪  AGENDA ITEM #1. a)  ▪ ▪ ▪  ▪ ▪  AGENDA ITEM #1. a)   AGENDA ITEM #1. a)      AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a)   AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a)        AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a)    ▪ ▪ ▪AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AB - 2212 City Council Regular Meeting - 10 Sep 2018 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Committee of the Whole DEPARTMENT: Community & Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: Cliff Long, Economic Development Director EXT.: 6591 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The City will receive an estimated $697,888 in CDBG funds to support human services and public improvement activities. SUMMARY OF ACTION: CDBG funds can provide a source of funding to provide public facilities and improvements in the City’s Civic Core in 2019. The Program’s selected projects will improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians in areas where improvements are made, as well as bring sidewalks and associated infrastructure up to current City standards, while also serving as an economic development catalyst within the designated areas. Furthermore, the improvements will benefit the area’s residents, including low- and moderate-income persons. Allocation of other CDBG funds to satisfy contractual set asides per the Joint Agreement will ensure that important human service programs provided by King County to Renton residents will continue. The switching of projects and programs approved by Council for the City’s 2016 and 2018 CDBG funding cycles will ensure timely commitment and expenditure of those important funds per HUD regulations. By scheduling a public hearing for October 1, 2018, the Council will provide an opportunity for public comment on the allocation of the City’s 2019 CDBG funding for human services and public improvement/facilities, and modification to the 2018 contingency plan which includes unallocated 2016 funds. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper and map STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a public hearing date on October 1, 2018, for public comment on the City's proposed allocation and use of 2019 CDBG funds for human services and economic development activities. AGENDA ITEM #3. a) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 10, 2018 TO: Ed Prince, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Cliff Long, Economic Development Director Jessie Kotarski, Economic Development Specialist SUBJECT: 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds ISSUE: Should the City of Renton hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for public comment on its use of 2019 CDBG funds for human services and public improvement/facilities, the cancellation of the 2018 project and reallocation of funds, and modification to the 2016 and 2018 CDBG Action Plans. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a public hearing date on October 1, 2018 for public comment on the City's proposed allocation and use of 2019 CDBG funds for human services and public improvement/facilities, 2018 project cancellation and reallocation of funds, and modification to the 2016 and 2018 CDBG Action Plans. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: 2019 Funding The City of Renton is required to hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for public comment on its proposed allocation and use of 2019 CDBG funds. Staff recommends that Council set October 1, 2018 as the public hearing date. Upon approval of the date, the City Clerk will publish a public notice announcing the hearing date. Representatives of the Community & Economic Development (CED) and Community Services departments will brief Council’s Committee of the Whole on the proposed allocation and use of the 2019 funds on October 1 (prior to the public hearing). Over the past several years, Council has approved using these valuable federal dollars for City- managed human services and economic development activities, along with King AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Ed Prince, Council President Page 2 of 4 Date of Memo County- operated human services activities that are typically funded through this source. In 2019, the City is estimated to receive $697,888 in CDBG funds. From that amount, the City must first provide contractual set-asides per the City’s joint agreement for CDBG funding with King County (“Joint Agreement”), some of which fund important human service programs that provide valuable assistance to Renton residents. The set-asides and corresponding amounts consist of:  King County Administration: $69,789  County Capital Administration: $13,958  Housing Stability Program: (provides rent and mortgage assistance to prevent individuals or families from eviction) $34,894  King County Housing Repair Program: (provides interest-free loans and emergency grant services to low- and moderate-income homeowners to repair their homes) $174,472 The net amount available for the City's use after set-asides is estimated to be $404,775. Of the remaining $404,775, the City proposes to allocate $69,789 for Planning and Administration (or the maximum amount allowed), leaving a discretionary balance of $334,986. For this discretionary balance of 2019 CDBG funding as well as the reprogrammed 2016 and 2018 funds, CED has created a Public Facilities and Improvements Program for Downtown/South Renton (the “Downtown Streetscape Improvements”). With a goal to improve the overall pedestrian experience downtown, the project will encompass a variety of elements, such as replacing deteriorated or substandard sidewalks, widening sidewalks, and/or filling in missing sidewalk gaps, landscaping, lighting, essential streetscape furnishings. A better pedestrian experience will promote a better quality of life for Downtown residents by improving connections within downtown, creating more walkable and bikeable corridors, creating places that people want to visit and linger, and providing a cohesive framework for the city as it evolves. This multi-phased project to be funded through CDBG must be an eligible activity under the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations (“HUD regulations”), meet a national objective in accordance with HUD regulations, and comply with the Joint Agreement. In this case, the Downtown Streetscape Improvements has been designed to target the HUD CDBG national objective of “Low - and Moderate-Income Area Benefit.” The area benefit objective requires that at least AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Ed Prince, Council President Page 3 of 4 Date of Memo 51% of the residents residing in a primarily residential area are low- and moderate- income persons. Utilizing census data per HUD regulations, staff has determined that the Downtown/South Renton area meets this requirement. CDBG funds may be used for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or installation of public improvements or facilities, including sidewalks, streets and parks amongst others. In addition to the direct benefits improved public areas will provide residents of the Downtown Streetscape Improvements areas, CED believes that providing these improvements and facilities will serve as an economic development catalyst to continue existing and encourage additional private development projects within the City’s Civic Core revitalization area. The Downtown Streetscape Improvements will augment improvements already planned by the City through Downtown’s one-way conversion projects at Wells, Williams and Main avenues. Intersection improvements and sidewalk replacement are planned along S 3rd Street between Burnett and Main; Wells Avenue S between S 2nd and 5th streets; Williams Avenue S between S 3rd and 5th streets; and Main Avenue S between S 2nd and 3rd streets. The Downtown Streetscape Improvements can assist with improvements that will bring the public realm of the blocks in between the intersections up to current standards that include level and accessible sidewalk surfaces, better pedestrian-level lighting, additional trees and landscaping, and essential street furniture. 2019 Contingency Plan As funding numbers are estimates only at this time, HUD requires a contingency plan be adopted. Should the City’s 2019 CDBG allocation increase, after funding planning and administration to the maximum allowable amount, the increased amount from the actual allocation or any recaptured funds will go to the Downtown Streetscape Improvements. Any decreases in the allocation will decrease the amount provided to the Downtown Streetscape Improvements. In the event the Downto wn Streetscape Improvements has funds that are not under contract by December 31, 2019, and/or the City has program income for 2019, staff recommends those funds be used for the City’s Healthy Housing Program. For approximately every $15,000 in funding, Healthy Housing proposes to replace the roof and add/improve ventilation to minimize moisture/mold issues for one household. Healthy Housing clients will be selected from current Housing Repair clients. Funds will first be targeted to the Housing Repair clients residing in the Sunset area. If there are not enough households identified for Healthy Housing services in that area after appropriate outreach is completed, then Housing Repair clients citywide will be eligible for Healthy Housing services. 2016 Action Plan modification: AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Ed Prince, Council President Page 4 of 4 Date of Memo The 2016 funds were originally allocated to continue the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Façade Improvement Loan Program. The balance remaining for 2016 is $392,475.77. $72,000 will remain in the Façade Improvement Loan Program to complete identified projects. Moving the remainder of the funds to the Downtown Streetscape Improvement program to fund the projects that are ready to move forward will assist Renton to meet the timely expenditure requirements. Downtown Streetscape Improvements; specifically the purchase of essential street furniture, as defined in the Downtown Streetscape Standards adopted by Council in August of 2017, to supplement and build on the intersection projects planned for the conversion projects at Wells, Williams and Main avenues S and S 2nd St. The 2018 and 2019 funds will support the next phases of the streetscape improvement project including the installation of the items purchased with the previous years’ funds. 2018 Action Plan Modification -Cancellation of 2018 project and reallocation of funds 2018 funds were originally slated to fund the C18352 Renton Burnett Sidewalk Improvements. That project is not yet ready to move forward. Staff proposed that it be cancelled and the funds added to the 2016 funds to be used for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements. CONCLUSION: CDBG funds can provide a source of funding to provide public facilities and improvements in the City’s Civic Core in 2019. The Program’s selected projects will improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians in areas where improvements are made, as well as bring sidewalks and associated infrastructure up to current City standards, while also serving as an economic development catalyst within the designated areas. Furthermore, the improvements will benefit the area’s residents, including low- and moderate-income persons. Allocation of other CDBG funds to satisfy contractual set - asides per the Joint Agreement will ensure that important human service programs provided by King County to Renton residents will continue. The switching of projects and programs approved by Council for the City’s 2016 and 2018 CDBG funding cycles will ensure timely commitment and expenditure of those important funds per HUD regulations. By scheduling a public hearing for October 1, 2018, the Council will provide an opportunity for public comment on the allocation of the City’s 2019 CDBG funding for human services and public improvement/facilities, and modification to the 2018 contingency plan which includes unallocated 2016 funds. AGENDA ITEM #3. a) S 7th St Williams Ave SBenson Rd SWells Ave NTaylor Ave NWWells Ave SLogan Ave SWilliams Ave NSW 7th StHardie Ave SWN 3rd StRainier Ave NS 3rd St S 2nd St Houser W a y SRainierAveSRenton A v e S Renton A v e E xt S Grady Way Logan Ave NAirport Way Park Ave NHouser Way NUV167 UV515 UV900 UV167 ¥405 ² 253.02 BG 1 Low and Moderate Income (LMI) Populations Facade Improvement Service Area Block Group Boundaries LMI Population as Percent of Total Population 51% - 60% 60% - 70% 70% - 80%¯ Source: City of Renton, 2018; LMISD WA State Data Set (HUD), 2018 0 500 1,000 Feet 253.01 BG 3 253.02 BG 3 253.02 BG 2 S Tobin St Shattuck Ave SAGENDA ITEM #3. a)