HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx28_Staff Powerpoint_Forest_Terrace_181113.pdfForest Terrace Preliminary Plat 2611 Union Ave NE File LUA18-000124,ECF,PP,VA,MOD Public Hearing Matt Herrera, Senior Planner November 13, 2018 Project Proposal •Proposed 25-lot single- family residential subdivision. •Four (4) tracts. •Two new full width residential access streets. •Stormwater detention vault and tanks. •New sewer and water mains. Project Location •Northeastern portion of City. •Highlands Community Planning Area •City Limits on north and west boundary •Unincorporated King County North and East •City of Newcastle north of SE 95th Way Project Location •13.7 acre site •Union Ave NE and NE 27th Pl •Existing SFR home to be removed •Abutting Sierra Heights Elementary •Transmission line and Olympic Pipeline Easement Zoning and Land Use Designations •Residential-4 (R-4) Zoning •Residential Low Density (RLD) Land Use Designation •R-4 and R-6 zoning in general vicinity •R-4 zoning allows SFR dwellings at a maximum of 4 du/ac. Limited Open Space (LOS)R-4 LOS R-6 Site Critical Areas •Sensitive Slopes throughout site •High Erosion Hazard Area •Isolated Protected Slope greater than 40% with vertical rise of 15-feet or more. 15% -25% 25%-40% High Erosion Hazard Protected Slope Property Characteristics •Two existing SFR homes. •LLA with Perkins property •Frontage along Union Ave NE (minor arterial) •No frontage improvements along site. •Topographic relief of 100-feet descending south to north. •1,024 trees total trees w/ 847 qualified as significant. Union Ave NE looking south Union Ave NE looking north Grading •Series of rockeries along southern portion of property. •Retaining walls along the northern portion of property. •Requested modification to exceed 6-foot retaining height limit (highlighted). •10-foot walls obscured from public view. Recommend approval of mod. •Clearing/grading limited to May –Sept. •Geotech to certify all rockeries and retaining walls. •Onsite observation by geotech during construction. Streets and Utilities •Road A and Road B full width (53-ft) Residential Access streets. •Stubbed for future connections west and north. •Cul-de-sac for emergency turnaround. •Emergency secondary access. •Road A would align with NE 27th Pl. •Frontage improvements along Union Ave NE. •Requested Modification for Modified Minor Arterial. •Recommend approval as modified section would resemble roadway north of site. •New 8-inch water main within Road A connecting to existing main in Union Ave NE. •New 8-inch sewer main within Road A connecting to existing main in Union Ave NE and downstream lift station. Stormwater Detention Tank StormFilter Detention Vault Dispersion Trench •Applicant would provide flow control and water quality for site. •Stormwater would be picked up in a series of catch basins and conveyed to tank or vault in NE corner of property. •Water quality via StormFilter before discharge into existing system in Union Ave NE. •Stormwater would continue downstream to May Creek north of SE 95th Way. •Upstream contributory from school routed to dispersion trench on Lot 10. •Geotech to review and approve due to retaining wall and close proximity to neighboring property. Tree Retention •1,024 total trees •138 trees located in future ROW •39 dangerous trees •=847 Significant Trees that require a minimum 30-percent retention or 254 trees. •Proposed retention of 119 trees or 14 percent. •Trees retained in Tracts B and E. •Requested replacement planting for remaining 135 trees would require 1,620 caliper inches of new tree planting. Tree Replacement and Landscaping •Majority of replacement trees located in 2:1 terraced slopes within Tract E. •Recommended condition to increase rockeries from 3.5’ to 6’ to decrease slope. •Recommended condition for 3rd party review of proposed replacement planting. •Any remaining caliper inches satisfied via fee-in-lieu •Street trees in planter strips along both sides of Roads A and B and Union Ave NE frontage. •10’ wide street frontage landscaping (trees, shrubs, groundcover) on each lot. •Minimum tree density of 2 trees per 5,000sf on each lot. •Landscaping screen around detention vault, terraced walls, and 10’ walls on lots 12 and 13. Critical Areas Variance Protected Slope •Isolated Protected Slope located near intersection of Union Ave NE and NE 27th Pl. •Approximately 66% and 20’ in height. •Removing slope and replacing w/ two tiered rockery on Perkins property would allow alignment with existing intersection and new street. •Removal w/ rockery replacement can be done safely per geotech and City third party review. •Slope is isolated and removal would not destabilize hillside. •Recommended condition that applicant and Perkins property identify private party maintenance responsibilities for rockery. Public Notice •Applicant hosted neighborhood meeting on Dec. 5, 2017. •Two (2) comment letters received from neighboring property owner (Diaz). •Written responses and meeting with staff. •One (1) comment letter (Donnelly) submitted to HEX regarding tree replacement, drainage, clearing, and construction standards. Environmental Review •DNS-M issued on Sept. 17 w/ seven mitigation measures. •Applicant requested reconsideration of one measure related to reconstructing the full roadbed of Union Ave NE. •ERC issued revised DNS-M w/ eight mitigation measures. No appeals submitted. •Clearing & Grading limited from May to Sept. •Comply with all geotech reports and geotech shall review and certify all construction drawings, on- site observation, and review and certify all rockeries/retaining walls. •Union Ave NE restoration based on utility trenching. •Restoration of the haul route. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Forest Terrace Preliminary Plat, Critical Areas Variance, and two modifications subject to 22 conditions of approval listed in the staff report