HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.37_Arch_Project_Summary_Sheet.pdfArchitecture + Planning 888.456.5849 ktgy.com QUADRANT HOMES 15900 SE EASTGATE WAY SUITE 300 BELLEVUE, WA 98008 RENTON, WA # 2017-0853 SOLERA JULY 12, 2018 SITE PLAN REVIEW A - 3PROJECT SUMMARY Site Lot Area (SF)514,032 SF Lot Area (acres)11.8 Lot Area (SF) minus dedications and public easements 414,030 SF Lot Area (acres) minus dedications and public easements 9.5 Building Height 50', or 60' if ground floor is commercial use Proposed Max. Building Height For Mixed Use Buildings 85' above grade plan with requested CUP Allowable Density 20-80 du/ac Proposed Density 70.81 du/ac Max Lot Coverage 65% Lot coverage 54.75% Uses Block A Mixed Use Block B Mixed Use Townhomes Residential 251,998 SF 189,475 SF 372,404 SF Commercial 9,800 SF 11,698 SF Day Care 11,800 SF Garage / Mech 115,627 SF 110,457 SF Gross Building Area 377,425 SF 323,430 SF 372,404 SF Units Block A Mixed Use 296 UNITS Block B Mixed Use 225 UNITS Townhomes 152 UNITS Total Units 673 UNITS Vehicle Parking - Block A MINIMUM MAXIMUM PROVIDED Resident 296 Guest 33 Total Residential 296 518 329 Commercial 25 @ 2.5/1,000 25 @ 2.5/1,000 49 w/ add. for eat/drink Block A Parking 321 543 378 Vehicle Parking - Block B Resident 229 Guest 0 Total Residential 225 394 229 Commercial 29 @ 2.5/1,000 29 @ 2.5/1,000 30 Required Day Care 25 25 25 Block B Parking 279 448 284 Vehicle Parking - Townhomes Townhome Parking 152 266 244 Vehicle Parking Project Totals Total Average Vehicle Parking 752 1,256 906 Bicyle Parking MINIMUM PROVIDED Bicycle Parking - Block A 148 153 Bicycle Parking - Block B 113 144 Bicycle Parking - Townhomes 76 152 Total Average Bicycle Parking 337 449 170853 Quadrant - Renton Highlands Renton, WA Site Information Assesor Parcel Number 722780-1235, -1405, -1406, -1206, -1785, and -1205 Lot Area (SF)514,000 SF Lot Area (acres)11.8 Lot Area (SF) minus dedications and public easements 422,090 SF Lot Area (acres) minus dedications and public easements 9.7 Existing Zoning CV - Center Village, District D Comprehensive Plan Land Use CMU - Commercial mixed Use Community Planning Area Highlands (Sunset Area) Use - Existing Shopping Center Use - Proposed Mixed-use residential, senior, and commercial DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING Section 4-2-120A Minimum Lot Size 25,000sf Lot Coverage 65%, or 75% if parking provided within building Density 20-80 du/ac Setbacks Front Yard 15' min to 20' max Secondary Front Yard 15' min to 20' max Rear Yard none, except 15' if lot abuts lot zoned residential Side Yard none, except 15' if lot abuts or is adjacent to lot zoned residential Clear Vision Area 20' triangle Max Gross Floor Area none Building Height 50', or 60' if ground floor is commercial use URBAN DESIGN REGULATIONS Section 4-3-100 Natural light and sun exposure shall be considered. Buildings shall be oriented to the street with connections to sidewalk. Front entry shall be oriented to the street or landscaped pedestrian-only courtyard. Residential uses shall be setback 10' from sidewalk or raised above street level. Street-facing facades shall be prominent and include weather protection proportional to the distance above ground. Transition to surrounding used by using upper-level step-backs, building breaks, or roof design to reduce apparent bulk. Service elements shall be located to minimize impacts to pedestrian environment and abutting uses. Service / trash collection areas shall be enclosed on all sides or adjacent to 3' min planter. No surface parking shall be located between building and front or side PL. Parking structures shall accommodate ground floor commercial uses along street frontages at 75% min frontage width. Public-facing façade of oparking structures shall be pedestrian-oriented and setback 6' from sidewalk (10' for arterial). Access to parking shall be from alleys or side streets. 50 sf/unit Minimum common open space and/or recreation area (excludes private o.s.). For projects with over 100 DU, LID facilities may count towards no more than 50% of required open space. All buildings shall include modulations or articulation every 40', at a minimum of 2' deep, 16' high, and 8' wide. Buildings over 160' in length shall provide a variety of modulations. PARKING REGULATIONS Section 4-4-080 Fire Lane width 20' Parking Stall Dimensions-surface/private garage/carport standard 9' x 20' parallel 9' x 23' compact 8'-6" x 16' structure parking - standard 8'-4" x 16' structure parking - compact 7'-6" x 13' maximum compact 50% structured, 30% otherwise vehicle overhang 2' parallel parking aisle width 10', one way, 18' two way 90 degree parking aisle width 24' Parking spaces required detached dwellings 2 spaces per unit attached dwellings 1 space minimum - 1.75 spaces maximum per unit retail 2.5 spaces per 1,000 sf of net floor area restaurant min. and max of 10 per 1,000 SF of dining area day care center min. and max of 1 per employee and 2 drop-off spaces within 100 ft of the main entrace for every 25 clients of the program Bicycle parking required bicycle parking, attached dwellings 0.5 space per unit bicycle parking, other uses 10% of off-street vehicle parking requirement bicycle space dimensions 2' x 6' + 5' aisle SOLERA - ZONING SUMMARY SOLERA - PROJECT SUMMARY