HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-399106I- z W w O z O U w �M Ii w z 0 z ¢ J z U w w I- I ¢ I O I I � X O J w m z J U 3 w V z w LC) U o J N o ¢ N L' U N Q F- w � C Q C o � +T w 3 J a o J I- 0 m J Q I w 0 I N O 00 I- z LLJ 75 CD J Q W CY N (n W U U Q Of O Z U W a / N O 00 i CD CD CD 00 Lai / Z W H JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS USE STAPLES, WIRE RINGS, OR _I IIVAI FNT Tn ATTACH FARRIC Tn Pr T5L u '>_5T SPACING MAY BE INCREASED TO V IF WARE BACW NG IS USED 2'R2' BY 14 G. WIRE OR EQUIVALENT. IF STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC USED FILTER FABRIC MINIMUM 4"xr TRENCH IIACKFILL TRENCH WITH NATIVE SOIL. 2'W WOOD POSTS, STEEL FENCE / POSTS. RESAR. OR EQUIVALENT 1 MOTES 1, CONDITION OF USE .1. SILT FENCE MAY BE USED DOWNSLOPE OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. .2. SILT FENCE IS NOT INTENDED TO TREAT CONCENTRATED FLOWS, NOR IS INTENDED TO TREAT SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF OVERLAND FLOW. ANY CONCENTRATED FLOW MOST BE CONVEYED THROUGH THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 2. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS t, THE GEOTEXTILE USED MOST MET THE STANDARD LISTED BELLOW- A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S FABRIC SPECIFICATIONS MOST BE AVAILABLE ON SITE. 10051EYC 5121 (010 0 tSMM) FOR PIT FILM AOS (ASTM 04751) 110, SO100SIEVE SRE Q30015MM FOR OTHER FABRI CS WATERPERMITTIVITY ASTM0491) 1002SEC-AMNIMUM 1801B5. M N. FOR EXTRA STRENGH FABRIC GRAB TENSIIESTRENCHTIASTMD4632) 3000IS M N. FORSTANDARDSTFENGHTFARRIC GRAB 7ENSILE ELONGATION tASTM D4632 30%MAX_ ULTRAVI0LAT3 RESISTANCE ASTM D4355 70%MIN 2.2. STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC REQUIRES WIRE BACKING TO INCREASE THE STRENGTH OF THE FENCE. WIRE BACKING OR CLOSER POST SPACING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC IF FIELD PERFORMANCE WARRANTS A STRONGER FENCE. 2.3. WHERE THE FENCE IS INSTALLED, THE SLOPE SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2H:1V 2.4. IF A TYPICAL SILT FENCE IS USED, THE STANDARD 4X4 TRENCH MAY NOT BE REDUCED AS LONG AS THE BOTTOM S INCHES OF THE SILT FENCE IS WELL BURIED AND SECURE IN A TRENCH THAT STABILIZES THE F ENCE AND DOES NOT ALLOW WATER TO BYPASS OR UNDERMINE THE SILT FENCE 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3.1. ANY DAMAGE SHALL BE REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. 3.2. IF CONCENTRATED FLOES ARE EVIDENT UPHILL OD THE FENCE, THEY MUST BE INTERCEPTED AND CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 3.3. IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE FENCE FOR SIGNS OF THE FENCE CLOGGING AND ACTING AS A BARRIER TO FLOW AND THEN CAUSING CHANNELIZATION OF FLOWS PARALLEL TO THE FENCE IF THIS OCCURS, REPLACE THE FENCE OR REMOVED THE TRAP SEDIMENT. 3.4. SEDIMENT MOST BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT IS 6 INCHES HIGH. 3.5. IF THE FILTER FABRIC (GEOTEXTILE) HAS DETERIORATED DUE TO ULTRAVIOLET BREAKDOWN, IT SHALL BE REPLACED. !�&11* PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HA(42 n U <T/HO ENGXt � SILT FENCE 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAX CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES STD. PLAN - 21COO MARC'II 200B �1 SAD �F W A Sys �-A � o z 246 � 61 � ��Fss�ISTE��G��� AL M TESC CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND DETAILS CD 0 LO FOR CD 0 MEDI INE - VALLEY UW MEDICAL CCENTER TALBOT ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMRPOVEMENTS Erosion Control Notes SECTIOND,5 ESC IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED TO THE EDGE OF Ib0-W PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO AVOID DAMAGING OF THE ROADWAY IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE ENTRANCE BE CROWNED SO THAT RUNOFF DRAINS OFF THE PAD INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF THERE IS A ROADSIDE DITCH PRESENT. AS PER CITY ROAD STANDARDS 4'-8 ' OUARRY SPALLS GEOTEXTILE PROVIDE FULL WIDTH OF NOTES �[\ INGRESSEGRESS AREA 1, CONDITION OF USE 1.1. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE STABILIZED WHEREVER TRAFFIC WILL BE LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION SITE AND TRAVELING ON PAVED ROADS OR OTHER PAVED AREAS WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF THE SITE. GRAB TENSILE STREBNGTH ASTM D4751) I00 PSI MIN. GRAB TENSILE ELONGATION ASTM D46321 -MAX MULLEN BURST STRENGTH IASTM D37W80AI 140OPSIMIft AOS JASTIV D47511 120-45 JU.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 2. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. HOG FUEL (WOOD BASED MULCH) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR OR COMBINED WITH QUARRY SPALLS IN ARES THAT WILL BOT BE USED FOR PERMANENT ROADS. HOG FUEL IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ENTRANCE STABILIZATION IN URBAN AREAS. THE INSPECTOR MAY AT ANY TIME REQUIRE THE USE OF QUARRY SPALLS IF THE HOG FUEL IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT OR IF THE HOG FUEL IS BEING CARRIED ONTO PAVEMENT. 22 FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO RESTRICT TRAFFIC TO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2.3. WHENEVER POSSIBLE, THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON A FIRM, COMPACTED SUBGRADE. THIS CAN SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PAD AND REDUCE THE NEED FOR MAINTENANCE. 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3.1. QUARRY SPALLS SHALL BE ADDED IF THE PAD IS NO LONGER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. 32. IF THE ENTRANCE IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT, THEN ALTERNATIVE MEASURES TO KEEP THE STREETS FREE OF SEDIMENT SHALL BE USED. THIS MAY INCLUDE STREET SWEEPING, AN INCREASE IN THE DIMENSIONS OF THE ENTRANCE, OR THE INSTALLATION OF THE WHEEL WASH. IF WASHING IS USED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA COVERED WITH CRUSHED ROCK, AND WASHED WATER SHALL DRAIN TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND, 3.3. ANY SEDIMENT THAT IS TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY SWEEPING. THE SEDIMENT COLLECTED BY SWEEPING SHALL BE REMOVED OR STABILIZED ON SITE. THE PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE CLEANED BY WASHING DOWN THE STREET. EXCEPT WHEN SWEEPING IS INEFFECTIVE AND THERE IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC SAFETY. IF IT NECESSARY TO WASH THE STREETS, A SMALL SUMP MUST BE CONDUCTED. THE SEDIMENT WOULD THEN BE WASHED INTO THE SUMP WHERE IT CAN BE CONTROLLED AND DISCHARGED APPROPRIATELY, 3A. ANY QUARRY SPALLS THAT ARE LOOSENED FROM THE PAD AND END UP ON THE ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 3.5. IF VEHICLES ARE ENTERING OR EXITING THE SITES AT POINTS OTHER THAN THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S), FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC. ,Ivy� PUBLIC WORKS STABILIZED STD. PLAN - 215.10 �R DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE A MARCH 2O08 5' MAX. n DRAINAGE GRATE TRIM 5 GRATE FRAME F 4' a � D - SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS a OVERFLOW BYPASS BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE FILTERED WATER G 6 6 4 SECTION VIEW DRAINAGE GRATE - RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (7YP.) o BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE OVERFLOW BYPASS (TYP,1 ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES 1, Size the Below Inlet Grate Device (BIGD) for the storm water structure It will service. 2. The BIGD Shall have a bull -In high -flow relief system (overflow bypass). 3. The retrieval system must allow removal of the BIGD without splling the collected material. 4. Perform maintenance In accordance With Standard Specification 8.01.3(15). 4r '�\ STD. PLAN - 216.30 PUPI.IC WORKS CATCH BASIN FILTER i' � `) DEPARI NIEN'r MARCH 2O08 �"PF_iV'tvi 1 REVISED PER ASBUILT DRAWINGS NO. I REVISION L These notes shall appear for all projects - site improvements, surface water utility, wastewater utility, water utility, and transportation plans'. 2. Before any construction or development activity occurs, a pre -construction meeting must be held with the City of Renton, public works design engineer. 3. The Boundaries of the clearing limits and areas of vegetation preservation as prescribed on the plan(s) shall be clearly flagged by survey tape or fencing In the field prior to construction in accordance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual and observed during construction. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the clearing limits shall be permitted. The clearing limits shall be maintained by the applicant/ESC supervisor for the duration of construction. 4. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures, such as constructed wheel wash systems or wash pads, may be required to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean and track out to road right of way does not occur for the duration of the project. 5, All required sedimentationjerosion control facilities must be constructed and in operation prior to land clearin and/or construction to prevent transportation cf P P 1 P 9 P sediment to surface water, drainage systems and adjacent properties. All erosion and sediment facilities shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until such time that clearing and/or construction is complete and potential for on -site erosion has passed. The implementation, maintenance, replacement and additions to erosion/sedimentation control systems shall be the responsibility of the permitee. 5. The erosion and sedimentation control systems depicted on this drawing are intended to be minimum requirements to meet anticipated site conditions, As construction progresses and unexpected or seasonal conditions dictate, the permitee shall anticipate that more erosion and sedimentation control facilities will be necessary to ensure complete siltation control on the proposed site. During the course of construction, it shall be the obligation and responsibility of the permitee to address any new conditions that may be created by the activities and to provide additional facilities, over and above minimum requirements, as may be needed, to protect adjacent properties and water quality of the receiving drainage system. 7. Approval of this plan is for erosion/sedimentation control only. It does not constitute an approval of storm drainage design, size nor location of pipes, restrictors, channels, or retention facilities. 8. Any areas of exposed soils, including roadway embankments, that will not be disturbed for two days during the wet season (October I"' trough March 301h) or seven days during the dry season (April 1" tough September 30) shall be immediately stabilized with the approved ESC cover methods (e.g., seeding, mulching, plastic covering, etc.). 9. Wet season seasonal erosion and sediment control requirements apply to all construction sites clearing between October 1 and March 30 inclusive, unless otherwise approved by the City through an adjustment process. 10. Cover measures will be applied in conformance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual. 11. Any area needing ESC measures, not requiring immediate attention, shall be addressed within seven (7) days, 12. The ESC facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained a minimum of once a month or within 24 hours fallowing a storm event. 13. At no time shall more than one (1) foot of sediment be allowed to accumulate within a catch basin. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be Cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment -laden water into the downstream system. 14. During the time period of October 1"through March 300'', all project distributed soil areas greater, that are to be left un-worked for more than 12 hours, shall be covered by mulch, sodding or plastic covering. 15. Any permanent retention/detention facility used as a temporary settling basin shall be modified with the necessary erosion control measures and shall provide adequate storage capacity. If the permanent facility is to function ultimately as an infiltration system, the temporary facility must be rough graded so that the bottom and sides are at least three feet above the final grade of the permanent facility. 16. Prior to the beginning of the wet season (Oct. 1), all disturbed areas shall be reviewed to identify which ones can be seeded in preparation for the winter rains. Disturbed areas shall be seeded within one week of the beginning of the wet season. A sketch map of those areas to be seeded and those areas to remain uncovered shall be submitted to the City of Renton for review. 17. All ESC measures must be removed after construction activity is complete. ZTW BY SURVEYED: SCALE: DESIGNED: ZTW DRAWN: ZTW 16 20 ZTW CHECKED: AS DATE APPR APPROVED: AS ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY D.5.2 WET SEASON REQUIREMENTS Any site with exposed soils during the wet season (Oc(ober 1 to April 30) slial I be subject to the special provisions below. In additIion to the ESC cover measures (sec: Section D.3.2, p..D-10), these provisions include covering any newly seeded areas with mulch and identifying and seeding as rltxich disturbed area as possibIc prior to Septembcr 23 in order to provide grass cover for the wet season. A 11wet season ESC plan" must b-c submitted and approved by the County before work procceds or continues. Wet Season Special Provisions All of the following provisions for wet season construction are detailed in the referenced sections. These requirements are listed here for the convemetice of the desiVier and the tevie-wer. 1. The allowed time that a disturbed area tray remain unworked without comer measures 1S redUc:ed to two consecutive working drys, rather than seven (Section D.3,2)_ 2. Stockpiles and steep cut and fill crapes are to be protected if unworked for more th. an 12 hours (Section D.3.2). 3. Cover materials suffiicient to cover all d1,siurbed areas shall be stockpiled tm site (Section D.3-2). 4, All areas that are (o be unworked dui-ing the wet season shad be seeded within one week 0r the beginning of the wet sea on (Section D.3.2.5). ti, M a I e h is required to protect all seeded areas (Section D-3,2_I ). 6, Fiffy linear feet of silt fence (arid the necessary stakes) per acre of disturlbalicc must be stockpiled on site (Section D.3.3.1 j. 7. Construction road and parking lot stabilization are regkiired for all sites unless the site is underlain by coarse -grained soil (Section D.3.4.2). 8. Sediment retention is required unless no offsite discharge is anticipated for the specified design flow (Slectimi D.3.5). 9. Surface water controls are requlrect unless no offsite dischargc is anticipated for the specified design llo'~w (Section D.3.0). 10, Phasing and more conservative BMPs must be evaluated for construction activity near surface waters ( Section D-5 -3). 11. Any runoff generated by dewatering may be required to discharge to the sanitary sewer (with appropriate discharge authorization), portable sand filter systems, or holding tanks. 12. The frequency ofmaintenance re~4 e'w increases from moTithly to weekly (Section D.5.4). EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL RECOMMENDED OONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING 2. POST SIGN WITH NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF ESC SUPERVISOR (MAY BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE REQUIRED NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION SIGN). 3. FLAG OR FENCE CLEARING LIMITS. 4. INSTALL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION. 5. GRADE AND INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S). 6. INSTALL PERIMETER PROTECTION (SILT FENCE, BRUSH BARRIER, ETC.). 7. INSTALL BAKER TANK AND FILTRATION SYSTEM. SHOWN ON MOB PLANS 8. GRADE AND STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ROADS. 9. CONSTRUCT SURFACE WATER CONTROLS (INTERCEPTOR DIKES, PIPE SLOPE DRAINS, ETC.) SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH CLEARING AND GRADING FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. SHOWN ON MOB PLANS 10. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPENDIX D OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL AND MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 11. RELOCATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES OR INSTALL NEW MEASURES SO THAT AS SITE CONDITIONS CHANGE THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IS ALWAYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARDS. 12. COVER ALL AREAS THAT WILL; BE UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS DURING THE DRY SEASON OR TWO DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON WITH STRAW, WOOD FIBER MULCH, COMPOST, PLASTIC SHEETING OR EQUIVALENT. 13. STABILIZE ALL AREAS THAT REACH FINAL GRADE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. 14. SEED OR SOD ANY AREAS TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS. 15. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED AND BMPS REMOVED IF APPROPRIATE. CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. R-399106 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS TESC CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND DETAILS UW MEDICINE -VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER TALBOT ROAD INTERSECTION UPGRADES 400 SOUTH 43RD STREET RENTON, WA 98055 DATE: 09/27/19 FIELDBOOK: PAGE W 00 M CD CD CD I Q0 J CNJ CD L J CD CD CD I C6 IZ